xt7r4x54jb68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54jb68/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-04-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 24, 1987 1987 1987-04-24 2020 true xt7r4x54jb68 section xt7r4x54jb68  






Fflay. April 24, 1987


Ky. must focus
on education,
candidates say

By (‘..\.I)1‘.\NI~IB()NIFER
Staff Writer

Kentucky voters got a chance to
see three diverse political views on
how the conditions «if the state can
be improved

About so people turned out to see
the forum between lieutenant gover—
nor candidates Brereton Jones,
Alice McDonald and Larry Webster.

The forum was sponsored by the
[K Student Government Association
and the League of Women Voters.

‘.‘.'ebstei‘. who calls himself "a dif
ferent kind of Republican." told the
audience "we have some tremen-
dous problems in this state and all
we're getting is political bull,"

Webster. a lawyer from Pikeville,
said he would improve the state by
eliminating excess areas of govern-
ment. establishing "fair” property

angry over
dorm life

.»\ssociated l’i‘ess

It's not apartheid in South Africa.
American involvement in Nicaragua
or (‘lA recruitment on campus that
has Berea (‘ollege students ready to
protest tonight.

It‘s the college‘s new policy on
dormitory rooin assignments that
has prompted some students to plan
a "campiut" on President John Ste-
phenson‘s iawn beginning at 8 pm.

“We generally don‘t tprOteSti,"
Bob Hodges, secretary of the Asso-
ciation of Bei‘ea (‘ollege Students.
said yesterday in a telephone inter—
view "\t'e've generally tried to
work within the structure of the col-
lege to get things done

“But i think we have a serious
issue here.“ added the senior history
lililJUF from Tazewell. Tenn. “Most
students can't afford to go anywhere
else The adminstration feels they
can do as they please with the stu-
dents. and that bothers me.

' Rerea t‘ollege isn't as perfect as
it appears tobe "

Berea t‘ollege. which has approxi~
mately 1.300 students, is known na~
tionally for its mandatory work-
study program for students. It is lo-
cated about 35 miles south of Lex‘

“.‘prroxiinately 60 currently en‘
rolled students have. by lottery.
been placed on a waiting list pen-
ding the identification of those who
are not coming back," said William
R, ltaiiisay, vice president of Labor
and Student Life, “But all students
who \\ ant rooms next fall will have
some kind of accomodations."

A statement from the Student As-
sociation said: “The college has pre-
assigned rooms to the freshmen be-
fore making room assignments to
upperclassinen. And because the
college enrolls more students than it
has rooms. this results in a large
number of sophomores being trans—
ferred from their rooms to lounges.

"The Student Association feels
that this policy is an example of the
college's lack of concern for stu-
dents The college expects us to
meet requirements. but they don‘t
care if they meet theirs. The Student
.»\ssociatioii feels this is an obviom
example of administrative incompe-
tence "

Hodges said Student Association
officials expect 200 students to par-
ticipate in the campout. He also
noted that Berea trustees will be
having dinner at Stephenson‘s home
at 7p m tonight.

Stephenson and Ramsay planned
to meet with students this afternoon,
according to Ann Ford. the college
news bureau director.

“There has been a change in the
procedure for room selection to try
to relieve the problem of freshmen
overcrowding in the fall term,“
Ramsay said. “Our estimates is that
there will be enough rooms for all
students The problem is we know
from experience there will be a cer-
tain number who won‘t come back.
We know how many won‘t, but we
don‘t know who they are.

"We‘re trying to serve the maxi-
mum number we can," he added.
‘ it means we may temporarily in-
convenience some of the students
currently enrolled.“

taxes and “stressing education in
the schools instead of athletics.“

McDonald, current state superin-
tendent of public instruction, said
the key to improving the state is by
upgrading the level of education.

“It‘s crucial,“ she said. “Every
proposal and piece of legislation in
this state hinges on education."

Jones, a Woodford County busi-
nessman, said “bringing all of our
people together" is the key to im»
proving the state.

“We are Kentuckians first and
foremost," Jones said. “What the
state really needs is someone who
will rise above the regionalism and
sectionalism and treat people with

All of the candidates agreed that
the lieutenant governor needs a defi-
nite role, but they disagreed on what
that role should be.


Larry Webster (left), Alice McDonald and Brereton Jones appear at
a forum for lieutenant governor candidates last night.

McDonald said the lieutenant gov-
ernor‘s job should be a “real, de-
fined executive role." but she didn‘t
specify what type of role it should

Webster said he feels the position
should be such that “illuminates the
political area with ideas,“ instead of
being a stepping-stone for future

Jones said he does not object to
legislation that defines the lieuten-
ant governor‘s dutios, but the posi~

tion “can only be as meaningful as
the person (who) is elected."

The candidates also agreed that
the lieutenant governor should con-
tinue to run on a separate ticket
from the governor.

“A little more tension and a little
more dissent (in Frankforti is
healthy." Webster said.

Jones shared Webster‘s views. He
said if the two positions are forced

See EDUCATION, back page


., .v:fg£.cfivm:¢; ”36%; ;

David Daniels. Laura Terrell. James Bailinger
and Linda Bridweli float a concrete canoe in the

. . . without a paddle


fountain outside Patterson Office Tower yester-

MAIK ZEIOF Kernel Sta"




FMhomonlntho bottom of
out: past Georgetown. 15-9,




Election of Botkins
ruled valid by board

Staff Writer

The controversy surrounding three
Student Government Association
elections was decided upon yester-
day by the SGA Elections Board.

The re-election of current Senator
at Large David Botkins. accused of
not reporting all campaign expendi»
tures. was voted on as being valid.

The elections board did find Bot—
kins guilty of a campaign violation
and fined him $10 ~ the amount of
his campaign refund.

“It was established that it would
not affect the outcome oi‘ the elec-
tion." said Elections Board Chair-
man Ken Walker at last night‘s SGA
meeting. “The severity of the viola-
tion was also taken into consider~

Botkins was accused by Phil Pas-
safiume, Ed Durnil and Tim liem»
bree. all unsuccessful candidates for
senator at large, of handing out
business cards as campaign litera—
ture and not reporting the action.

“It‘s an obvious violation." said
Passafiume at yesterday‘s election

board hearing. “The elections board
should punish him to set an exam-

Durnil. the only contestent to wit-
ness Botkins‘ infraction. withdrew
his name from the accusation.

“i ask the elections board to not
find David Botkins guilty and clear
his name." Durnil said. “Through
out our lives we forget little things I
think David forgot this little thing.
We don‘t need to chastize him any
morethan we already hate."

Answering his accusation. Botkins
said the cards were printed about a
year ago.

"When i purchased the car is over
a year ago. I never knew i‘ would
come back to haunt me like this."
he said. “I ran out of campaign lit-
erature one or two days before the
elections and had some wards in
my wallet

Botkins said he estimated the
number of business cards he handed
out to be less than 20 and the cost of
each at about 15c.

Both Passafiume and Durnil said
they were approached by current

\L’L‘ I‘iII( II1)\. i‘.f\'i\ guise

Awards honor work
for student rights

By BRAD (‘( )(lI’ER
Assistant News Editor

Two of the three recipients of the
Robert G. Zumwinkle Student
Rights Award did not win it individ-
ually. They won it as a team.

John Menkhaus. a music and polit-
ical science senior, and co-worker
Cyndi Weaver. a political science ju
nior, were named winners of the
award at last night‘s Student Gov-
ernment Association meeting.

“It is such a joy to get this award.
It's especially a joy to get it with
John Menkhaus.“ said Weaver, who
serves as the SGA arts and sciences

“You get things done when you
work with people and this just goes
to prove that when you work with
people you can work for people.”
she said.

The third winner was Nikki Fulks.
a staff psychologist for University
Testing and Counseling Center.

Over the past year Weaver and
Menkhaus have worked together as
SGA senators.

During that time, they both served
on the University Senate and Senate
Council. where they fought together
against instructors using class atten-
dance as a grading criterion.

While working on the senate and
Senate Council. Weaver and Menk-
haus advocated a “dead week“ for
students prior to finals week.

“I‘ve done really little in the way
of student rights that I haven‘t done
with John.“ said Weaver. who was
recently elected as SGA president

For Menkhaus. who helped coordi-
nate Weaver‘s campaign for the
SGA presidency. the award demon
strates that students can change the

“This award is very special be
cause it confirms the fact that stu—
dents can actually have an effect on
this instituion‘s policies,“ Menkhaus

Neither of Weaver‘s or Menkhaus‘
efforts, however. could have been
accomplished without diligent work,
he said,

”(Weaver and It have been very
effective in our work within the [m-
versity Senate through a lot of re—
search of proposed decisions and the
gauging of student opinion." Mcnk~
haus said.

Fulks, who is coordinator for the
Outreach program within the Coun-


“You get things done
when you work with
people and this just
goes to prove that
when you work with
people you can work

for people."
Cyndi Weaver,
Zumwinkle Award winner

seling and Testing Center. played a
role in helping to integrate the cam

As part of her efforts to protect
student rights. she has served on the
minority affairs advisory commit,

She also worked as a consultant
for the dean of students to the pan
hellenic council. which discussed
how to integrate [K‘s greek organi»

Folks. who told the SGA senate
she usually always has something to
say. said last night she was "at a
loss for words. "

“I am deeply honored," r‘ulks
said. “I feel that there are many
people who deserve this award as
much as I do. "

In other business at SGA's last
meeting of the year. the senate de-
cided the College of Education race.
which ended on April 9 in a tie be-
tween Andrea Suffill and Pat Hart
with 47 votes apiece

SGA's constitution stipulates that
the senate break all election ties

The senate elected Suttill. a sophor
more. with a vote of 15711. said SGA
Elections Board (‘haii‘inan Ken

SGA last night also allocated $1.»
000 to be sent to I'K's (‘ollegc of
Medicine's student government to be
used for its programs throughout

Last semester. SGA passed a Slnllr
lar bill allocating money to Lexmg
ton Community (‘ollege‘s student

SGA'S newlyelected senate \\lii
meet for the first time at T .‘.o next
Tuesday in 206 Student (‘enter

Retired columnist talks about state of education

Contributing Writer

There have been several changes
since John Ed Pearce first regis-
tered at UK 50 years ago.

Pearce. however, wonders "if the
changes have been for the better.“

Last night Pearce. a former re-
porter and columnist for the Louis-
ville Courier-Journal, spoke to about
20 people in the journalism building,
primarily about the condition of
Kentucky‘s educational system.

Pearce, winner of a Pulitzer Prize
and the 1985 Kentucky Distinguished
Journalist Award, expressed con-
cern about the effect of television
and societal problems on education.

As a distinguished state political
cditorialist and historian, Pearce
said Kentucky‘s educational prob
lems are a result of a poor recom-
truction period following the Civil

War. and a lack of state funding for

Specifically. Pearce said educa—
tion has been hurt due to a trend of
governors who wouldn't implement
tax increases that would have pro-
vided the needed funds to improve

Although he stressed that levying
taxes should not be the immediate
goal of state government, there is a
need for more money if educational
improvements are to be made.

The people of Kentucky “have
beeen burdened by poor leaders
promising people not to raise taxec.
but what they fail to realize is that
with no money we will in effect have
poorer schools." he said.

Pearce said that Kentucky‘s edu-
cational problems can also be attrib-
uted to the county school boards,
stating that school board members
“appear to be more concerned with

running a fiscal organization." and
that a majority of the time they are

“The people want the teachers to
be tested. but no one wants to test
the people that are testing the teach-
ers," Pearce said.

Kentucky‘s educational system is
also deficient because of racism that
exists in Kentucky, Pearce said.

Pearce said black youth — as well
as other low-income children —need
to be given better educational op-
pourtunitios as early as pro-school.

Pearce said more money should
be allocated for preschool education
it blacks and poor whites are to be
educationally and culturally sound.

“We can not break the cycle of ig-
norance and poverty until we make
education improvements." he said.
“We've got to do somethim abom
time deprived children — black and



 2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Friday. April 24. 1987

0 01118
Going, going, gone!

Seventh-inning homers lead Cats to come-from-behind win

lit ltil)li.lti\tis
\r'hwll' \tutt \\ riter

‘tieit- are no lights at Shively
i «it: but i K baseball coach Keith
\l.itl:.\iill may have to pay an elec-
' _. liili.itt}\\;i}

{he \tildcats put on a ferocious
pom-r lllspl‘d)‘ yesterday in a 154)
at r: .iguinst Gwrgetown L'niversity

t K iwuntied six Tiger pitchers for
l1:l.\ .ind blasted out a half dozen
llt' Hub
1"» zionuinlerence win raised
'1 E\ - ”\t'l‘dll record to 2am The Ti~
er: \ 2min Georgetown fell to 2011

this is one of the better luttmg
we \e had," Madison said

l',\t‘l“yl)li«l} In the lineup can hit the

. out ill the ball park You can't
; at: .u‘nund anybody Everybodys
.2 llil i'.i'.

; k mineral the most damage
:"t't' :t appeared Georgetown had
t'illll‘tll of the game

l‘ht ’I‘igers flashed some heavy
’AVNN. or their own and jumped on
whim! reliever \‘ince Tyra for five
: ;l'.\ til the top of the seventh

i‘iw tired up Georgetown club
\l‘r‘itlt‘il on the way to a big upset as
':u‘\ 'mk .i Hal lead into the bottom
or the seventh But then the Wildcats
unwed to rumble

he looked pretty good for about

t» ‘l

. .;!i\

1350 Woodiili Center
Lain, Ky.


“I was just trying to find somebody to get an
out. I'm just glad somebody didn’t get killed."

half an inning." Tiger coach Dr.
ME Stringfellow said. “Then they
just ripped "

Ripped is putting it mildly.

in the seventh. L'K sent 15 batters
to the plate against five different
Georgetown pitchers Baseballs
rocketed out of the park as the Wild-
cats drilled five home runs. four of
them consecutively

Whom the (his! settled. UK had
scored lo runs and Dr. Stringfellow
was looking for a medical doctor for
his pitching staff.

"i was Just trying to find some
body to get an out.” Stringfellow
said. “I'm Just glad somebody didn‘t
get killed."

Second baseman Terry Shumpert
started the LR eruption with an in-
nocent walk Then the derby kicked

Mark Blythe took Scott Johnson
deep to center field to cut the
Georgetown lead to 8—5.

Centerfielder Chris Estep then

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M.E. Stringfellow,
Georgetown coach

stepped up and crushed a 02 fast-
ball over the leftcenter field fence.
It was Estep's second solo shot of
the day.

After Estep made his round trip,
Mitch Knox got into the act by
smashing a towering drive to left.
Georgetown outfielder Troy Kuhl
never bothered to turn around as the
ball landed well past the green wall.

Knox who missed the past three
games with a sprained ankle, felt no
pain after his team leading 11th
home run

"My ankles still a little swollen
and black and blue." Knox said. “It
hurt me running. but it didn‘t hurt in

Before Stringfellow could rescue
Johnson, L'K catcher David Ray
smacked the 4th consecutive long
ball of the inning Suddenly. the
game was tied at Clghl.

“I told the guys 'Don‘t try and do
it all yourself. we need bascrun-
ners,"‘ Madison said. "But then

they went up there and hit home
runs. It was a very unusual way to
come back. but [‘11 take it.“

The UK comeback didn't end after
Ray's smash and neither did the
home runs.

Darin Reiman greeted new Tiger
reliever Harry Parker with a line
single up the middle.

Right fielder Bobby Olinick then
gave the Cats a 10—8 lead by crank-
ing a homer just inside the left field
foul pole. Olinick's blast tied the UK
team record for home runs in a sea-
son with 65.

Two new pitchers. three walks.
and three singles later. the Wildcats
had a commanding 13-8 lead. It was
the type of inning hitters dream

“There were fights at the bat rack
to see who was going to get up to bat
next." Estep said. “Everybody
wanted to get up to hit. When a cou-
ple of guys get hits, everybody
wants to get their licks in. "

UK added two more runs in the
eighth on a single by John Marshall.

Georgetown scored its final run in
the ninth on a couple of doubles But
UK reliever David Voit slammed the
door shut on the Tigers for his third
win of the season.

Andy Dumetorf
Sports Editor


Associated Press

Larry Bethea’s troubled life
began when he left pro football.
It ended yesterday when he ap-
parently shot himself in the head
within hours after he was identi-
fied as the gunman in two rob

Drug abuse was blamed for the
problems of the former Dallas
Cowboys defensive lineman, a
first-round NFL draft pick.

“This man, who had so much
going for him. lost everything, in-
cluding his life. I believe that
Larry Bethea would be alive
today if he had been able to stay
away from drugs," Newport
News Police Chief Jay A. Carey
said in a statement read by Sgt.
Lynn Pearson, a police spokeswo-

On Jan. 23, Bethea was given a
four-year suspended prison term
for his guilty plea in December to
stealing his mother’s life savings
of $64,000.


FormerDallas Cowboy
ends troubled career
with apparent suicide

Newport News Circuit Judge J.
Warren Stephens also ordered
Bethea to spend two years on
probation and repay the money.

In the latest incident. police
were called by an unidentified
friend of the former football play-
er while officers were still ques-
tioning witnesses who said Be—
thea robbed two convenience
stores shortly before midnight
Wednes da y .

Bethea, 30, was found in the
friend's backyard with a gunshot
wound to his right temple and a
.38-caliber automatic pistol near
his body. He was taken to Hamp-
ton General Hospital, where he
was pronounced dead at 2:08
am. said Jan Dunning. a hospi-
tal spokeswoman,

The friend told police that Be-
thea had given no warning that
he was going to commit suicide.
He left no suicide note. Pearson

The gun med in the shootings
and the two robberies is believed
to be a weapon that was reported
stolen from a parked vehicle in
the city Wednesday. she said.




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KENTUCKY KENNEL, Friday, April 24, 1987 - 3


hilt Rocco
Al '3 Editor

Assisluiil Ar ls Editor






Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center Tonight and tomorrow.
Cross Country will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. $3 cover ooth nights

The Bar — 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. Top 40 disco music on a
sound system, 4 pm. to 1 am. Tomorrow after hours from 1 to 3:45 am.
Female impersonations tonightandtomorrow at 10and 11 30 $3 cover.

The Bearded Seale —— 500 Euclid Ave Tonight. Repeat Option Wl“ play from 9
n m. to 1 am Tomorrow. Mr. Jones Will play from 9p m to 1 a m

The Bottom Line —— 361 W. Short St. Tonight. Velvet Elvis Will play from 9 pm.
to 1 am. Tomorrow. Two Small Bodies will play from 9 p m to 1 am $3 cover
both nights.

The Brass A Saloon -- 2909 Richmond Road, Tonight and tomorrow, U-Turn
will play rrom 9pm. to 1 am. $3 cover.

Breedings — 509 W. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow. Doug Breeding and the
Bunch will play from 9pm. to 1 am. $3 cover

Bugattl's —— 815 E. Euclid Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells will play
from 9 pm. to 1 am. $5 reserved. $4 general admissmn.

Library -— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow. Thumper and the Plaid
Rabbits will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. Cover not available at press time. $1.50
well drinks and 75 cent 12 oz. draft from 8 to 10 p m No cover both nights
between 8 and 9 pm. 95 cent draft from 10 p m to 1 a m and $1 75 Long
Island Teas all night

Spirits — in the Radisson Tonight and tomorrow City Heat WI“ play from 9
p m. to 1 a m. Nocover

Two Keys Tavern — 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight and tomorrow. Annie and
the Hubcaps will play from 9 pm. to 1 am. $2 cover for men. ladies free,




Ariatocats — Rated G. (North Park: 2:05, 350. 5 30, 7.25 9 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 10:30.)

Blind Date — Rated PG-13. (North Park: 1:25, 325. 5 25. 8. 9 55 and tonight
and tomorrow only at 1 1 :50.)

Campus Man—Rated PG. (Lexington Mall: 1:55. 3 50. 5 45 8, 9:55;

Evil Dead ll — Rated PG-13. (North Park: 1 50. 3 40. 5.30. 7 50 9 40 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:25. Also Showmg at Crossroads 1 50. 3:40.
5:30. 7:45.9130.)

Extreme Prejudice -— Rated R. (North Park: 1:20. 3:25. 5 35. 7 55, 10 and
tonight and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Hoosiers — Rated PG. (South Park: 1:05. 3'15. 525. 7 50
and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Lethal Weapon — Rated R. (North Park: 12:55. 3. 5.05. 7 45. 9'50 and to-
night and tomorrow only at 11:55 Also showmg at South Park 1.30. 3.35.
5:35. 8. 10 and tonight and tomorrow only at midnight i
Making Mr. Right -— Rated PG-13. (Turfland Mail

My Demon Lover -— Rated R. (North Park 1:30 345 5 45 7 55. 9:55 and
tonight and tomorrow only at 11:50. Also at South Park 1 35 3.30. 5.25.
7:50, 9:50 and tonight and tomorrow only at 1 1 '40.)

Platoon — Rated R. (South Park: 1. 3:10. 5 15. 7:30. 9 45 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 11:45. Also showing at North Park. 1 3 15. 5 15. 7 30 and

Police Academy IV - Citizens on Patrol -— Rated PG. (Crossroads 2. 3:55.
5:45. 8. 9:50. Also at North Park: 2. 3:50, 5.40. 8. 9 55 and tonight and
tomorrow only at 11:40.)

Project X -— Rated PG. (North Park: 1:05. 3:20. 5 35. 7 50. 10 and tonight
and tomorrow only at midnight.)

Raising Arizona — Rated PG-13 (Lexington Mall

Secret of My Success — Rated PG-13. (South Park: 1 15. 3:25. 5:30 7:45.
9 55 and tonight and tomorrow only at 11:55 Also showmg at North Park:
12:35. 2:50. 5:10. 7:45. loand tonight and tomorrow only at midnight )

10 and tonight

1.30. 330. 525, 7:40.

1 45. 3 40, 5 35. 750.

The Kentucky Theater — Tin Men. 7:30 tonight. 3:15 tomorrow. 1 30 Sun-
day. Radio Days, 9:45 tonight: 1:30 and 7-30 tomorrow. 5 30 Sunday. Witch
Board. midnight tonight. Casablanca. 5:30 tomorrow: 7 30 Sunday. Black
Widow. Tomorrow 9:30 Sunday 9:30. Life of Brian tomorrow at midnight. 330

Movies on Main —— Some Kind of Wonderful. Rated PG-13. tonight: 7:45.
tomorrow; 1:45. 7:45. Outrageous Fortune. Rated R. tonight: 9 45. tomorrow
and Sunday: 3:45. 5:45, 9:45.

Worsham Theater — The Godfather. 8 tonight and tomorrow

Compiled by Staff Writer Thomas J. Sullivan.

Staff Writer

0 BS-yearold Roy Goad.

painting is a productive

love as well as a daily
staple to which he attributes his
good health.

Art “keeps me going," said
Goad. a resident of Lexington
and member of the Lexington Art
League. “If I didn’t go there (the
Art League) nearly every day,
I'd sit around the house and go
out of my mind." he said.

Goad has been named the
Senior Citizen of the Month by
the Art League and the Urban
County Government. In honor of
his work. the Art League is
sponsoring an exhibit featuring 18
to 20 of his paintings beginning
Tuesday and running through
May 31. A reception will be held
from 1 to 4 pm. on May 13.

As far as Goad can remember,
he started painting about 40
years ago. He got his start by
painting the backs of Readers
Digests in watercolors.

“On the first couple tries I
didn't do any good. but I liked it
so much I said ‘I'll just try that
again‘ and this has kept up for
the past forty years.” Goad said.

rom that point, Goad

started taking workshops.

He attributes most of his
progress to the Art League and to
portrait painter William Welch.

“I’ve been to a lot of workshops

and I've had a lot of help from
different people. especially from
the league." Goad said, “but
William Welch has been the most

Until recently, Goad only
painted portraits and landscapes.
but has lately branched into
creating his own paintings. using
scenes from the Bible.

“I have done a lot of portraits


The Lexington Art League is honoring the work of
Roy Goad. 83. during May. which is “National Se-

and I've done some landscapes"
he said. ”But lately I‘ve started
creating pictures by taking some
scenes from the Bible and giving
my interpretation of them in
painting. And a lot of people
think they’re pretty good.
“Right now I‘m able to find
more inspiration then I could 40
years ago. Because when I first
started. I didn‘t paint much of
my own paintings and I was
almost afraid to show them to
anybody.” Goad said.

With this fear behind him.

Painter Goad, 83, improves with age

Goad is displaying four of his
biblical creations at the
exhibition. The scenes include
Paul the apostle's description of
heaven. a woman touching the
hem of Jesus‘s garments. a
meeting in the upper room titled
”Receiving" and a fourth
painting that Goad calls
“Shadows. "

‘ ‘ hadows" is a
conception featuring
the figures of Christ

and a “muscle man" facing each

other. In the background. the two

nior Citizen's Month ‘ His exhibit Litkil‘s Tuesday
and runs through May 31



eA~IiA_ M: .iAMSON . .

figures shadims form the basis
of (loads ihcmc .lt‘\li> .\ \lliilllm
forms a person kneeling ii.
prayer and behind thr- muscular
figure a storm is budding (mud
said the piece raises the question
“which shadow urc ~\iiu in" "

As of yet. (load has not stilrl
any of his paintings. hut hiipiu to
in the future

“For a \\ tiilc illt’l‘t‘. people
didn't say much about in}

paintings." he said "But nrm
I‘ve got some people speaking up
for me It's wry gratifying iii

the "





Scott Chamber Players
bring act to UK tonight

Contributing Writer

It‘s a family affair.

The Scott Chamber Players. con-
sisting of two brothers and their
wives. will perform at 3 pm. Sun-
day in the Center for the Arts' Reci-

Dan Mason. a UK music professor
and member of the Board of the
Chamber Music Society of Central
Kentucky. said the Scotts are good

“This well-established group is
representative of very fine chamber
music of ensembles in the country,"
Mason said. He described the Scotts'
music as “contemporary for classi-
cal instruments.“

Mason. a personal friend of the
Scotts. is pleased with the Chamber
Music Society's selection of per-
formers this Sunday. “These dy-
namic players have exciting

"They have variety.“ Mason
added. They perform not only to—
gether in duos. trios and quartets.
but also solo as well.

The Indiana group is versatile.
said Jean Pival. president of the
Chamber Music Society of Central

“The Scotts have much flexibility

because of the four different instru-
ments in the group — violin. cello,
viola and piano." she said. Beverly
Scott. who plays both the piano and
the viola. is especially versatile. she

The group uses a variety of combi-
nations with its instruments and in-
cludes new compositions in its per-
formances. Its program Sunday will
consist of Beethoven’s String Trio
Serenade plus piano quartets of
Glenn Gass and Brahms.

Lisa. Beverly and Perry were
graduated from Indiana University
while Sylvia was graduated from
Central Missouri State University
with a bachelor‘s degree and from
the University of Michigan with a
master's degree.

One of the two couples Sylvia and
Beverly. lived in Costa Rica for sev-
eral years. where they performed
with the National Symphony and as
chamber musicians throughout Cen-
tral America.

The four musicians live together
in Indianapolis, in a large farm-
house built in the 18605. where they
are members of the Indianapolis
Symphony Orchestra.

“They are friends and young
American musicians who are first-
rate. world-class, " Mason said.







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The Scott Chamber Players is a quartet made 11‘ the Scott

brothers and their wives.

Holroyd to lead last concert
at UK after 26 years at helm

Contributing Writer

Sara Holroyd, director of Choral
Activities. will be conducting her