xt7r4x54jb5p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54jb5p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 01, 1985 1985 1985-04-01 2020 true xt7r4x54jb5p section xt7r4x54jb5p _______—________—————._______.__—————__________—___

“.motntma. m . Wm deontucky.tutn¢tan,mtxky Indepuiduituneomt Mondny.Apru l, ms
Hear'ng dra s k t' ' f ’ th

, By DARRELL CLEM the mrser.” vouch Council members say would adver- salaries and inadequate state funding for higher educa- Under a UK-U of L merger. stronger departments at , . ' ,
Senior Stiff Writer 5er affect faculty morale and research efforts at UK, tion, could also be adversely affected. he said. Simulta- UK could suffer. she said. “Consequently. it appears un- ..

Bosh-om said. neously, a merger could hamper efforts to recnrit qual- likely that merger would help the University of Ken- .

. Faculty and student representatives at UK are not While the “underlying purpose" of a merger would be ified faculty members because “no one can tell a tucky fulfill its statewide mission as a major research . ‘ . '_
convinced that a merger of the state's two major uni- to save money by eliminating program duplication at prospective faculty member, with any certainty, wheth- imtitution.“ I, _ . ' 'I ,
versities would solve problernsinhighereducation. the state’s two doctoral-granting universities. additional er existing programs or departments will be maintained Pival also said faculty and student representation in . _~ 'V , V‘ 5

The Board of Trustees merger committee was told money would be needed to establish a new central ad- . . .orwillbemerged with those at Larisville." University governance “would be jeopardized by a new = . 1 . I .
Friday thlt mersins UK With the University 01 Louis- ministration,hesaid. “This may erode the University‘s greatest strength — president and new trustees. all of whom would probably . ' _ I, '
ville might notsolve such problems as program duplica- "It seems far from obvious that a single board and thequalityofits faculty,"Bostrom said. be far removed — both physically and otherwise _, . V. _ - I _

, 2 tion on the state level. Imtead, additional problems president for the two institutions would provide a much Jean G. Pival, president of the UK chapter of the from facultyandstudents.“ . . ' .' .'

. such as low faculty morale and increased bureaucracy better mechanism for making wise choices about dupli- American Association of University Professors, ques- “Consequently. agreements reached after years of . ; , . . -

. could far outweigh any advantages brought about cation,"Bostrom said. tioned whether a merged central administration would work by faculty. students and administrators might be .. .- . . -.
thrwghamerger,thereprosentatives said. Furthermore, a central administration and combined be more adept than the state’s Council on Higher Edu- sacrificed,“ she said. . , . ‘

. Robert N. Bostrom, chairman of the University Sen- programs and policies at UK and U of L would require cation at dealing with political pressures. Pival shared Bostrom's concern about faculty recruit- . _:

; ate Council, said a UK—U of L merger would be like department chairmen and faculty members to travel “Most important," she said, “is that there is little evi- merit and retention. stating that “some faculty mem~ , . I g '
' “mixing Maker's MarkandFresca." between the two universities, which would have a neg- dance to indicate that merger would improve the aca- bers are leaving the University for better positions at . ‘,"

Bostrom addressed the committee at Friday's open ative impact on communication between administrators demicexcellenceofhigher education inthestate." research institutions whose futureisnot in doubt." .I ' ' ‘.
meeting, which was scheduled to allow the public to andfaculty members,hesaid. UK, with its strong reputation in research, is nearing Referring to statements made at an earlier AAUP j , V
voice 09ml“ on the proposed merger. Despite wide- And a merger could lead to ”a dilution 0‘ resources” the point where it can better assist the state in expand- meeting by independent comultant John D. Millett. an , .
spread faculty opposition to a merger, only four people between the two institutiom and weaken the “much ing an economic base — currently dependent upon coal expert in mergers who said a UK-L‘ of L merger might _ _. 1
spoke beforethecommittee. stronger"research activities at UK,Bostrom said. and agriculture — to attract new industry and business, be the first step toward a statewide university system ' . ' . “ .

The Senate Council “finds no compelling reason for Faculty morale, already low because of substandard Pival said. SccHEARlNGmaseS V ’. ’ . ,
Br't' h -- ' '

' I . ' . . l 2 “ ‘ I I
I IS 893’ .55; e , . Olson Will be named .. -
a hon ' 5. - _, .. .. , . .. .
p y, 2 L, ‘ _ I s s successor, - _
\ V _ a?“ . , .
e - . v
paper says 5% = . « w . ~
. ., . , cable station reports . - _
BQATALIE cnunru. ., .v \ g/ t , r . - .
S Writer 2 2 \ l 1‘ ' e .
if . - . ~ . Search committee refuses to confirm . , .

TheCentral Kentuclr Concert and I ' I’ . a - - ' ’ 'I
mm 5.5.55 .95... .35.; .5500 5,. . 51.3“ 5 ‘5, I Arizona coach 5 appomtment to jOb , ._
amanwhomaybeafraud. '; q .. ‘ . _

. mm m 3 mm“ Lex' . E a ‘ ' By ANDY DUMS'I‘ORF think I‘m one of three candidates for

ngton Herald-Leader article yester- S rts Editor the 'ob ., ,
day. Col. John Edward Cottell,who , -' , , _ 9° 0.1 ~ 1 V
gave a lecture at the UK Center for ' 2 ’t 7 . ’ ‘I ' m . . 5°" “.955” the need to ”We a ‘

the Arts Feb 10 I” may not have \ _ 1), . . Arizona coach Lute Olson 15 ex- coach well in advance of the Apnl 10 '
beenthespyhecl'aimstobe v’ - .. has“ “ s l ,5 pected to be named to the head nationalsigningdate. ‘

Cottell has spoken all ' over the . ' m ‘1 l coaching position at UK today. suc- Singletary down-played the impor- . .
country about his adventures as a , a. 7 .- V 5 .‘ ceeding Joe B. Hall. the ESPN cable tance of the signing date, however. ' ~ .
member 0‘ British Intelligence a ' , .. _. , Jul. . a network reportedSaturday. Recruiting for this year will proba-

m who punch...“ W der- - , .. - s \ | President Otis A. Singletary. how- bly be hurt anyway. Singletary said
man lines in 1942 by order of . UREET“ . V_ . . . ' kl ever, said “there is no choice at this Friday. and the committee is more
Wmton Churchill survived the infa- \ ffiE . .. . \ ' " a D . point.“ concerned with getting a qualified .
mous concentration camp Buchal- 2 2 3“ 5- , . V ' 1"" i “1 dog: know where that came coach.
. . , ;. = . '= ' , from," said Saturda ', referrin ' , 2
Wt.“ ”d spartbtrme at the Russran .5 - 5P _, ~55» I , “ " r =" ‘ . ,. ' ‘ tothereport regarding Olzon, g Another candidate for the position.
"£583.19 glankhzs earned h‘ .12 ‘ 555;, "f " P- / 1: '2 - ‘ “I’d like to do it (name a coach) 128 R068. Who played and coached
MC 8 “IS e l "n :‘ A. t o" ‘t ,1. by Monday, if we have a candidate_ at Transylvania University, was in- '
'. .8100.000a year on the ectnre 7. . 1 ‘ ’ 5 i ,' ‘;a i but there’s no magic in it. We are terviewed by the committee Thurs~
cm"! “mm to the Herald- . " - ‘ L 2; ‘2 ' still interviewing and we are not day. Rose, however. refused to com-
Leader‘ WM.) investigated the COIO“ ? ’ ‘ ready to mkeanannwncement.“ ment on the matter and referred all
m “"th the 5“"day Tm“ °f 5- 1s" 1 in an earlier interview with the questions to Hagan. He is currently '

Sew... Want... and .ack of Kentucky Kernel, Singletary said the head coach at South Flonda Um-

proof stemmed the research of Cot- ‘ “st "grotlprepared to talk about any versm' . . .
r u. 1 1V] .

tells story. F0? example. Cottell “1 _‘ a?" . Amelgcs director Cliff Hagan, Dickie Parsons. a former Hall as- ' . ‘ ' .

claims ‘Qhavtbe‘mxmed for a V‘ i i=2.“ V V? chairman of the search committee sistant who now works as the Uni-

Russranintelhgence agent m 195? at v .2 2 . I to find a new coach, would neither VETSitY'S director 0‘ deferred giving, ‘ , I ‘

the Berhn Wall. This rs not possrble 2 .fi' 1 confirm nor deny the report. was reportedly in the running for ‘ '

mm the wall was not built untrl .5525“ 5 v, 5; as “I; l “You don’t make an offer until a Hall‘s Old job. Parsons. who played 2 ' . ,
' .. . 55" . coa h is r d to receive." Ha an guard at Kentucky and later '_ _

The British government WI" not ‘5'. 531; ”A :53ch get cold “it; coached the baseball team. met for I '
film an offlcral statement on COt' :- ., I. . ‘ . might begin thinking about how 3‘: hours with the screening com- .=

Cottell also said that he was the ‘ ‘ I’M K'.‘ 3‘ xi. ‘5} I 300d he has it back home; might re- mittee Tuesday. - 2 = 2
inspiration for the two John Le _ l. . ‘ i t. ’ ' gem“: his we and family are Many of the nation‘s college .’ . ' ,

Carrespy novels Tinker. Tailor. Sol- 7;.” 2 3 I j , (.55 . V...” ‘ 3.” f . . coaches have been mentioned as I ‘ . ‘ ’ 1 -
dier. Spy and The Spy Who Came in " I ‘ 2‘ 5 a’fifiwh 5 _ l . new.“ 2:35.30? :eksgvetgae peop e possible candidates for the job Hall . I' _ L
From the Cold. * 5»... 5‘s" . F" mew...ees w y “we“ held for 13 years. Ha“ announced I. ' . '

he Carre was quoted in the Her- II t... ‘ 2" ’ 5m”; is» I. mg commi ‘ his retirement after Kentucky’s loss ' . ’ V
aid-Leader article as saying: “I‘m 32; .“ 2 1;: “3': If” f .1. ‘ The Lexington Herald-Leader re to NCAA finalist St. John‘s in the " ‘V ' ’ '
getting fairly irritated by this man. it? :5.“ ‘ ’ ported Friday that Olson said it West Regional at Denver on March . ' ‘ 4 .
I’ve never heard of him and there’s .5 7": " ~‘ ‘ Air‘s-f, ‘ , would be premature for him to com- 23. , _
noquestion of him being the basis of “ ‘ “i“ alto—553251.555. 5;... ment on his chances of being se - _
characters in my work. He is either , lected as the new UK basketball Others who have withdrawn their . . ,
madorheisafraud.“ Flnal frenzy coach: names from comideration are Gene . ' - ,~

_ “I haven't asked the committee or Keady 0f Purdue, Bobby Cremim 0f . . '

Charles .Stone, chairman 0‘ the St. John’s center Bill Wennington and Georgetown guard David Wingatc scramble for a loose ball Cliff Hagan how many people are Georgia Tech Hugh Durham 0t . . 4
loam me! 8W by URI “Id in Saturday's game. Chris Mullin (20) and Reggie Williams (34) look on. still involved. nor would I. But, if Georgia and Gene Bartow of Ala- . . ,.
“WSW bythear'ticle. they would offer that. l‘d accept it. I bama-Birmingham. . '

“The whole thing is completely V
amazing," said Stone. who personal- ' ' ‘ . .’ ,
ly chose Cottell to give the lecture . . . . . 2 , .
555.5.5555..m ma Olll' ans en 0 111 OS 1 a l . ~
mended. .

"We am if: 5;“: “"°" 55 - - ° ~

v over ," _
315555.555 m. .555. gig? Out-of-town guests found camping out m every available campus corner - _
ribly interestingstgrny.” .

So m” was tale that it was I! FRAN STEWART '————_ found the 10m, cam an inconve- - 5- ' I '
not uncommon for Cottell to be in- SgniorStaffWi-iter “K t k 1 MM. y Pet's .55 ‘ .
vrtedbacktospeakseveraltimes enuc ypeoPeare . ,. . I .

. andSAlWA MALEMPA’I'I ‘I dart like the Idea, mainly be- '5 ;‘
3.13% 8311:” it I! W“ he StaffWriter really awesome and came i feel like my privacy is in- _ a ’ . ,_ .
“1W"W€‘3‘db¢di8inclm to While Lexingtm hosts the NCAA they talk great. The $232}: smofirzlufimtmhsede 4 ‘1 ‘F v ‘ 2
“Wm“ “ck: 3‘" “m “I?" gnar- Tomi-meg, “in. “a? people are really tendency to abuse their privilese-n .f‘ ‘ - V , " I
to en opportuni s - - . . ' ' 't ’ ‘ .
dam m the fa: Meir-tin friendly, not Irke m fixtwantmputupwrthr a _. " ' I U’ . . l
InflmiflestoSmetalltyI ” “I like to party but i think it‘s . I
INS.“ Friday, about 78 strident: from St. New York. going to be a little too wild for me,“ " ' j, .5 5.

., , . .. ._ . .. John's University arrived on cam- Frank Tantillo, she said. “They can go home and . ~‘,_ , 3...? ,I.

, 7‘-;:2‘ ’. - ;‘ ‘ pus to be guests of University stu- St. John’smior they don't have to stay here for the 5 '7' {is ,I t ”iii; 2 l

“WM” W“ dentsforanominalulinenservice __ aftermthofit.'fheycanjustcorne ‘. . ~ g-Fu 1 ,

“*m‘fi' fee. Indnfly.dowhttheypluae,and ’ , . us:

I - .- , ‘ ' I, . ‘ “Students that didn’t have room- men. staying in Kirwan Tower lob- leave." ‘ * ‘ .

“Kw.“ ‘ , mates could volunteer to take a bies. became “girls aren’t really Students not staying in the resi- W .V ;

“who... 5;: .5; soon for the worse-id." said Pam uncommon." dencehallsfoundlodginginareaho- ‘ i
- ”fizfii ”_V Ervin, hall director for Blending Most students found tlreeccommo- tab, fraternity houses or even the ' ‘ ' . . i '5
I. 11"”. m. She said strident: from St. datiom adequate and at the rut m lotat 3mm. But re- —,\ Av -
‘ 5.- 5% ' Job’s occupied that of the empty price. audios d where they stayed. vhi- ‘Et? . ’ 7 , -
9,. 1.5555 spaces bee-methey werethefint “BelmalawstudentJhepr-ieets meagreedthat Kerinrcky residuits 2
5V fl ‘ ' ‘ eollegecontacted. right: it's free," said Kevin McKen- werehapitablehosts. .

; I55~ 5‘53»: . a: ~ . “We only had a limited lumber of noofvulanova. "It-rum peqile are really awe- \._

m, V . ~s5M.55.5555f.~,55—545«25555 2x spec," sin said, so Mir-m Many camp- mm fund the some am my talk put,“ said ‘ ‘ ' mums/W5. E

“ ‘ -" docidodtoflvomtdureohllm WMmadddontothe f-‘rank‘l‘antino,a8t..lcllt'ooeniu. ‘
to all! one school W at I M “WCMFMVM. “The people are really friendly. not A St. John‘s student shows his disgust when discovering
mmmm- "l m it's Mr" said Noelle “thWYfi-" that visitation was not allowed in a friend’s room.

_. ,_ . . mmmmmm Sehauie, an advor'tisir' )urloI'. "l “It'sabeamiful maiumd'n

W&$’?WW -St.Joln's,Geu-MWlanova du’t see any reason why my ”humanize-Wanda: hillofhicksandhmbmies,”flcxen- WinnebagointhefttppArenapark-

vawfl.mmsm—mmm1Mommmme momeod,"saidAddieum maidbutlispccqitionofthe mmmmwm

fastens» 1;"5\I~5egb' ‘3.» .. as; in. WV to stay in m tflrt We act achily. l m It colle,a8t..lfit‘um. state W aft- he arrived in hospitality.

”all“? 45WW**W:§ lull Iobbiu. the AW Gym and Madatothoueim. "We m’t m forward to Mfrs-them. "People around here bend ovu-

ééy"~§"a~<" “first? ammo-aw. “I know I'd want to do the some can“ (to Ml,” he said. . backward to bob you ottt," he said.

‘3?“ ”55.55.5555,. " ‘2: "Rae's not as many as we had m if Kentucky was it the Final “hit it'- really Idea. We're glad we Am Rich M. a Junior "the hospitality to «sellout — in

"*Lt‘1fml “ ' 2 W (m h the Dbl-l." “WPfinfl. am.” it S. M'I. w the w “Hum."

.55 3‘” manhunt-Ultimate At least one on“, m. “Alotdpoqlotlnlntuckyh “human-Imus scam”,

I C r

 z-xmvxmmmr, 1“
Information on this calendar of events is collected
Office, 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
. on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
. for the sake of clarity of expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar form must be tilled
_ out and returned to the Student Activities Office.
0 Workshops: Resume Writing -
Workshop; Free: 103A Mathews
Bldg.: 2 PM
' 0 Workshops: Alumni Job Club:
. . , , Free; 103A Mathews Bl .:5:30 PM
a Concerts: UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble:' 0 Other: Basketball Themes 8 How; Free; 0 Other: Basketball Thames 8 How; Free: . Recitals: Recital byngtudents in Brass Da-
Skip Gray. diractor: Center for the Arts; 8 PM; ‘07 Fm. Arts Bldg.: Call7-8148 '07 Fl". Arts Bldg.: Call7-8148 partment: Center for the Arts: 12:30 PM: Call
' Call7-4900 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women's ' Concerts: Ellen Shade, SOPI'OHO: $10: CFA- 74900
. . 0 Movies: Star Trek Ill: The Search For P79“ meeting; I” SC: 5130 PM? C0" 2542946 Concert Hall; 8 PM; Call 7'13" 0 S rts: UK Baseball vs. Austin Pee at
Spock: Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM ° M°Vi°53 5"" 7"." "'1 "1° 5.0““ ‘0' . Concerts: UK Trombone CM": Dale War- home~pS°hivlay Field: 3 PM Y
0 Other: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Conform- 5P°Cki Worsham "1°01”? 713°PM ren, dlrector; Center for 'h' Arts; 8 PM: C°" 7' 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting-equip-
ists' A Bible study; 412 Rose: 7 PM; Call 253- ' SPOVW Entry deadline 10' "‘1",de 6°" 490° ment available; Alumni Gym; 7:30 PM
, 0329 (D); 135 Seaton: 4 PM: Call 7-3928 ° Meetings: National Organization for . M t' . M t' t l t ff' f
. . _ _ , . . . , ll ”‘29“ ea Ings. ee mg a a ac a men or
a Workshops. Job Search Strategies ' Sports. UK Women s Softball vs. Ky. State W°m°fl "109"“9' 109$C,Noon,Ca 1985-86 free ski film' 228 SC' 7.30 PM: Call 7_
, Workshop; Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.: 11 AM at home: Woodland Park field; ‘ PM 0 Movies: North by Northwest: $1.75; 7644 . . . . .
0 Other: ’Basketball Themes 8 How‘; Free: ' w°rk5h°95: Accounting Procedures Worsham Theotre:7:30 PM o ' - ' -
' 107 Fine Arts Bldg.:Call7-8148 Workshop; Free; Rm. 15 Memorial Hall; 10 0 Other: Deadline for American Collegiate trumkzl'flim:::?::l: ngxflltaclafle‘sqovzoolard,
. AM-12; Call 7.1351 Talent Showcase: 2035C: 4:30 PM: Call 7-8867 . pOth . s. nth A l W Wr't r
. 0 Workshops: Interviewing Skills Workshop; ' Film: El SOlVOdOf- Film 0'1 "10 death 01 C nferan?‘ ”:3 M "2:0 n- Emit f I tOhS
_ Free; 103A Mathews Bldg.: 9:30AM Jean Donovan: i18CB; 7 PM: Call 276-1074 A?” 8 meczln-gluo. ow ' an e or e
0 Other: college of Pharmacy Recognition ° MOO-""831 51.9"“! Xl Annual "1991MB: SC . Other: Seventh Women Writers Confer-
Banquet: $6/Stu. SB/Pub.; SC Grand Ballroom; Ballroom. 6.30 PM, Call 7-7453 ence- Coll uium: M145 POT- Noon- Call 7.
6 PM: Call 7-5303 0 Other: Chi Omega Greek Sing-Benefits “95 ea " ' '
0 Recitals: Tuesda Noon Recita' Series- Cen- Community Hospice of Lexington- Memorial
‘ Y ' ' . . ' 0 Other: Reading by MeKeel McBride
_ tor for the Arts; 12:30 PM; Call 7-4900 Collseum, 7 PM _
- . . . . . . . (Women Writers Conference), Center for the
0 Recnals: Senior Rectal: Mlke Tattershall, ' Fllms: A film ln-progress presentation _ _ _ _
' G 't 'C t f th Art ~5PM'C 117 900 (Women Writers Conferanc )' Sea A dit ri- Arts,230$C,1.30PM,Cal|7-3295
1" or, an or °' ° s, ' a '4 :8 PM: C II 7 3295 ° ' Y U o 0 Workshops: Media Workshop by Lucy Mas-
. ’ um, ' a ’ sie Pheniz 8 Veronica Salver; SC Theatre; 3:30
PM; Call 7-3295
0 Other: Presentation by Rita Mae Brown
. (Women Writers Conference): Center for the
Arts: 8 PM: Call 7-3295
. Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timo- . Sports: UK Baseball vs. Florida at home ° Sports: Wildcat Cheerleader Tryouts; Free: ° Other: ’Romans: A letter to Non-Conform-
thy Bird; 107 Fine Arts Bldg.: 12-4z30 PM; Call (DH); Shivley Field; 1 PM Memorial Coliseum; 6:30 PM: Call 7-3726 ists' A Bible study; 412 Rose: 7 PM; Call 253-
7-8148 a Sports: Kentucky Women's Track lnvitatio- 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Concord Trio-Dan- 0329
' 0 Sports: 37th Annual Wheelchair Basketball nal; UK Track iel Mason, violin; Center for the Arts: 8 PM: 0 Other: European Cafe; 245 SC: CalI7-6605
Tourney-S2 adv./SS door; Memorial Coliseum; 0 Sports: Kentucky Men’s Track invitational: C0ll7'4900 0 Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timo-
7PM;Cal|7-1623 UK Track 0 Sports: UK Baseball vs. Florida at home: thy Bird; 107 Fine Arts Bldg.: 12-4z30 PM; Call
0 Movies: A Boy and His Dog; $1.75; 0 Sports: 37th National Wheelchair Basket- Shivley Field: 1:30 PM 7-8148
Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM ball Tourney-S2 adv/S3 door: Memorial Col- ' MOVi“: A Boy and ”13 0°91 ”-757 ' Sports: Wildcat Cheerleader Tryouts: F798:
0 Other: American Collegiate Talent Show- iseum; 11 AM; Call 7-1623 Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM Memorial Coliseum: 6:30 PM; Call7-3726
case: Old SC theatre; 2-5 PM; Call 7-8867 - O Movies: A Boy and His Dog; $1.75; ’ 5130"”! UK Lacrosse VS- Ohio 01 home; 0 Concerts: Symphonic Winds: W. Harry
0 Recitals: Graduate Recital: Roger Ride- Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM C°9°d 50“." ”Old Clarke, conductor: Center for the Arts: 8 PM:
, nour, tuba: Memorial Hall: 8 PM: Call 7-4900 0 Sports: UK Rugby vs. Miami Univ. at home; ' Recitals: 50""0' Recital: JOHWY King, trom- Call 7-4900
0 Concerts: Gallery Series: Basically Bach VI; Rugby Pitch; 1 PM bone: Memorial Hall; 3PM: Call7-4900 0 Movies: A Boy and His Dog: $1.75;
Gallery/King Library; Noon; Coll7-4900 0 Sports: UK Lacrosse vs. lndiana at home; Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM
° Other: Reading by Jodi Braxton (Womens Caged Soccer Field 0 Lectures: Dr. William Devries: 'Medical
Writers Conference): 230 SC: 1:30 PM; Call 7- ' Concerts: UK Percussion Ensemble: Eugene Ethics 8 Informed Consent'; Memorial Hall 7
3295 Cervantes, director: Memorial Hall: 3 PM: Call PM; Call7-3191
0 Other: Reading by Brenda Osbey (Womens 7-4900 0 Greek: Greek Week- Banner Contest: Call
Writers Conlerence); 230 SC; 3:30 PM: Call 7- 0 Other: Reading by Jo Carson (Womens 3‘66”
3295 Writers Conference); 230 SC; 1:30 PM; Call 7- 0 Greek: Greek Week- Exchange Dinner: 5
0 Plays: Premier performance of new play: 3295 PM: CallB-bOBB
’Braids Too Tight to Sing’; Transylvania Univ.; 8
PM; Call 7-3295
' ' as ' '\
4 Movies Arts 8 Concerts 6‘ $1 Intramural and Athletic Events
‘ . 1“) 4/2: Entry deadlinalor intramural Golf (0); :35 Seaton;4PM: Coll 7.3929
3 ' ‘ 4/2: UK Woman's Softball vs. Ky. State at home: Woodland Park field: 4 PM;
4/1: Star Trek Ill: The Search For Spock; Worsham Theatre; 7:30PM 4/1: Concerts: UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble: Skip Gray, director: Center for “"749”
F 4/2: Star Trek III: The Search For Spock: Worsham Theatre: 7:30 PM the Arts: 8 PM: Call 74900 4/4: UK Baseball vs. Austin Peay at home; Shivley Field: 3 PM
US: North by Northwest; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM 4/3: Ellen Shade, Soprano; $10: CPA-Concert Hall; 8 PM; Cal|7~1378 4/5: 37"! National WICMH’ Basketball Tourney-S2 adv/$3 door: Memorial
' . 4/4: North by Northwest; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:!) PM 4/3: UK Trombone Choir: Dale Warren. director; Center for the Arts: 8 PM: Coliseum: 7PM
4/5: A Boy and His Dog: $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:1!) PM Call 7-4900 US: UK Baseball vs. Florida at home: Shivley Field: 1 PM
4/6: A Boy and His Dog: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 7:” PM 4/5: Gallery Series: Basically Bach V1: Gallery/King Library; Noon: Cain-49(1) “63 “0'"ka WW" “PC" Invitational: UK Track
. . . ' 4/7zABoy and His Dog:$1.75: Worsham Theatre:7:2!) PM 4/6: UK Percussion Ensemble: Eugene Cervantes, director: Memorial Hall; 3 ”65 K'M'ka M" Trocklnvitational; UK Track
. , 4/8: ABoy and His Dog: $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:30PM PM: CalI7-49m 4/6: 37th National Wheelchair Basketball Tourney-S2 adv/S3 door: Memorial
4/3: Film: E| Salvodor- Film on the death of Jean Donovan: 118 CB: 7 PM; Call 4/8: Symphonic Winds: W. Harry Clarke, conductor; Center for the Arts; 8 PM; Coliseum: 11 AM
‘ , 276-1074 Call 7-4900 4/6: UK Rugby vs. Miami Univ. at home: Rugby Pitch: 1 PM
4/3: Films: A tilm in~progress presentation (Womens Writers Conference): 4/5: Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timothy Bird; 107 Fine Arts Bldg.: 12- ”53 UKLacrossa Vt Indianaathorne: CagedSoccer Fl.“
. . SeayAuditorium, 8PM; Call7-3295 4:30 PM:Cal|7-8148 4/7: Wilch Cheerleader Tryouts; Free; Memorial Coliseum: 6:2!) PM; Call 7-
‘ ' in; UK Baseball vs. Florida at home; Shivley Field; mo PM
I ' , ‘ ' ' 4/7: UK lacrosse vs. Ohio at home;Caged Soccer Field
. ' 4/B: Wildcat Cheerleader Tryouts; Free: Memorial Coliseum; 6:30 PM; Call 7-
i . 4/4: Recital by students in Brass department: Center for the Arts; 12:30 PM;
. . . . Com-4900
~ . ‘ . Meetings and lectures I.‘ SPGC'Ol Events 4/5; Graduate Recital: Roger Ridenour. tubo: Memorial Hall: am; Call 1.4900
‘ ‘ , m 4/7: Faculty Recital: Concord Trio- Daniel Meson, violin: Center for the Arts: 8
‘ l " . . , . us: Greek Weak- BannarContest: Calla-6616 PM; Cain-491!)
. 4/8: Lectures: Dr. William Devrles: Medical Ethics 8 intormed Conseni’; Me- 4/8: Greek Week- Exchange Dinner:5PM; Call some 4/7; Graduate Recital: Jeftrey King, trombone: Memorial Hall; 3 pM; Call 1.
« ' V . '"°"°'"°"= 7PM: “"74"" _ m: Other: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Conformists' A Bible study: 4:2 Rose: 7 ‘900
., 4/2: Meetings: Emergence Feminist Woman's Press meeting; 111 SC: 5:!) PM: PM; Call 253-0329 4/1; Workshops: Job Search Strategies Workshop: Free: 1m Mathews Bldg.:
Cl!" mm“ m thru 4/3; 'Baskatball "who: I. How': Free; 107 Fine Arts Bldg.: Cain-8140 1‘ AM
“35 "015°"0'0'Wim1i0" iorWomen WWW? ‘09 SC? ”0°": C°" 25“”46 4/2- College of Pharmacy Recognition Banquet-$6 Stu/$3 Pub.; SC Grand “ii. 4/2: Accounting Procedures Workshop: Free; Rm. 15 Memorial Hall: 10 AM-12;
‘ 4/3: Sigma Xi Annual meeting: SC Ballroom: 6:1!) PM: Call 7-7453 ”0;“. 6PM- Call 76” (0117-151
4/4: UK Fencing Club meeting- equipment available: AlumniGym; 7:30 PM . 0' l ' . Ir Shamc : : : ”A; C II 4/2;Manskillsworkshop;Free:103AMathewsBldg:9zmAM
‘ _ 4/4: Meeting to elect officers for 1985-86. lrea ski film: 228 SC; 7:!) PM: Call 1.3"” line ’0' icon Collegiate Talent asa 203 SC ‘ m a 4/4: Resume Writing Workshop; Free; IMAMathewsBldg: 2PM
f ' 7-7644 . - Omega -Benef I Hospic of L "‘9‘”? Memo- 4/4:AlwnniJabClub:Free;1@AMathewsBldg.:5:mPM
. :iballcgll'saum; 7’3".“ Sing Its Common ty . ex 4/4: Media Workshop by Lucy Massia Phenix I‘Veronica Selvar; SC Theatre:
, . 4/4: Seventh Annual Women Writers Conference w/Rita Moe Brown: Center 3:” 'Mi “"7'32’5
fortheArts:BPM7Call7-3295 I
h ‘ 4/4: Seventh Women Writers Conference- Colloquium: M145 POT: Noon; Call
- , 7-3295
4/4: Readi MaKael McBride (Women Writers Conference): no sc; mo h d
; was," Looking A ea
. 4/4: Presentation by Rita Mae Brown (Women Writers Conterence): Center for
' the Arts: B PM: Call 74295 -
3:; American Collegiate Talent Showcase: Old SC theatre: 2-5 PM: Call 7- ”.2 Guest M0" Wendell I *qu R I z 220 SC: . PM; Cdl m
' . _ . _ 4151
22:7ng by Jodi Braxton (Women Writers Conference), nosc. 1.11 PM, g; W01 :1 I I 1’ :Free: I Coi : 6:31 PM; Call
egtwbymo-wmwmwmk 1'0“: ”‘1'“ $2...." “.mmmm, wuss-ammo“
; Carson: (Worm Conference: : 1: PM:
$5,?33"""° ' mm ’2’,“ 3° gzgreekWeek-AIIGreekBerNidn/SlettheMTweKeysTevem:Cali
-1 19
4/0: European Cafe; 2455C: Cell uses
m: m; A Letter to Nan-Conformists' A sou. studyz412 Rosa: 7 PM: Cell "'0- m "WW 5"“ W "i" W" ° 5 "M "Ml": W
m f’o‘tioeleun: 7 PM: («"1me 1”: Fall
4/5: Plays: Premier pertormance of new play: 'Breids Toe Tidtt to Sing’: True- ‘lum" ”W...” m. 'P' . .
ylvmle Univ.; BPM; Call 7-3293 3:: gram-“WM, NeggInField. 4.3M CdlB-m
m; Recitals: Tuesday Neon Radial Series: Center for the Arts: 12:30 PM: Call - H: W'MT'Nfl 1" 9C: “‘1 W: C0" ”“9"
4/2: Senior Recital: Mike Tattershell. gutter: Center for the Arts: 5 PM: (HI 7-
' m
} |
. \ i, i

 Arts Editor
._ ~ » anaesthesia has 3“ ”signifies...“ a -
‘Ki D 'd’l / ’ 7"” '
ng avr essens , a - Recrtal Hall offers
B'bl’ h ht] ‘ 5’ ‘@
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1 e S ars a e .:l . \ ree rec [1061' S .
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The life of Kins David is one 0‘ God has rejected him for W‘ ., Staff reports and will be accom riled b rcus- ' ‘
\ pa y pe
the (meet achievements of the Old ence. . 'l . _ {at . sionistDougHamblin. ' .
Testament, and indeed of ancient Nordoes themovte havethecour- l a, 1' "5n . If you thought tubes were only The Tuba Chamber Players are
historiography. The anonymous au- age. Wham. to show Samuel hew- \ . '4 , , . ‘ good for background sounds, the UK under the direction of Skip Gray. , - ‘ .
thor’s powers d evocation rank him mg the captured heathen K1118 A838 1 i) ‘ ’ Tuba Chamber Players have news who has been quoted as saying, ' .
with the evangelists. The new movie in pieces as a sacrifice to the ulrd, J . , ‘ w ‘ for you. “Tubas and euphomums never . . '
“King David" attempts to capture Which IS more than the mere decapl- 1 ”ll" , At 8 tonight, the Players will pre- sounded like this before'" '. ‘ , '
this power, but its notquite two tatlon the movre does show. Maybe \ #3 E sent a program of tuba and euphoni- Th “d 4 . . . - - . .
hours are insufficient forthe job, de- the emotions of the Bible are too l m ‘ >4 1 . , I um music from the baroque, con- cf 1‘: a) Noon Recital tomor- _. p . , ,
spite gripping moments- struts for American tastes. . . ' j ~ ‘0' t- ’- temporary and swing eras. is: ta “'0‘? “‘0 Pem'maVF‘éb f0? - . ; -- . - ‘.
The movie’s best moments come “lone Dal/Id" falls worse In “5 flU~ . . . The concert will be in the Recital f 9?.“ d °§f Sm“. adm‘bs'o" ‘5 . . . ,.
generally before David’s years of handling of the Bathsheba affair. In , . _ , Hall of the Center for the Arts and "39" 53 so” 9m’8‘"“- . v, 2 ' 3
we. at... wooaoaa than. 1.5mm.“ and scandal in l i a n.— . r anions... in 9 At“ Wt" rum s. . a ' = . , =
zation of King Saul is good, creating miles a high pornt of honesty and ‘ ‘ ‘ TIMO'DEA/Kewou h, MUSical selections will include I rs 13an 0511mm“ and ”if - "
a figure akin to bear and the later Spintual depth. The mowe invents ' . p. ’ “When Tubas Waltz“ by Alfred Bar- ff‘m‘ MuslcumF“ dpr‘ise"? 3“" 5 - _ ' ' - ;
Macbeth. [n a scene More the con- th’s cruelty and sexual inatten- producing a coup and near defeat Wm trying to convey hi5 groping ties, "Quartet for Tubas" by Frank Mill]. Ch gme dreltfeglb “.n: the , . ‘ .' - -
frontation with Goliath, when David non to his Wife Bansheba (Alice fortheking. {€189th With God Mostaslmmd- Lynn Payne, “Canzon Cornetto" by R3,) °" 0°" “C y 5“ “3“" ' ' , . .
first harps for him, he portrays the Knee). perhaps to justify Davrd’s _ _ . mg IS his final "Eight, that God Samuel Scheidt, and ”Dam”.- and Trinson. "1 , , . '4 ,
king’s possession by the black spirit arranged murder of Uriah. The The final scene is almost a_carlca- speaks from the heart and not from “Power,"both by John Stevens. e concert “‘1 be 1” ")9 “mm -' . ‘, ; ,
ofdespair convincingly and well. point always was that David had no ture. Davtd .ls Imparting his final books, “despite what the prophets And that's justthefirst set. Halt and ashlwaifs. the N001? RECI- - . : - j . j
The battle between the young other justificationthanhislust. WOW“ 0‘ adVlce ‘0 S°l9m°n When he 88%” It IS difficult to understand After intermission, the Players ‘3'. 58“” "‘exphcab'l’ 1’98"“ at _ t ’ . ~ :
David (played by Ian Sears) and The movie also mishandles the turns to a busy scribe and §8y3- howa devout Jew. Ora "10"“! com will perform a medley of Duke El- 12‘3”” . . .
“um “I” m “m“ we“ "is W mum's mm“ 3"?“ M93} y°“ "3“ M“. ”W ‘ ”l“ by m "mi W“ make lington tunes. Wayne Harrison's The Recital Hall will also be the ‘ , ‘- - ‘ .
near failure followed by success David. First it suggests a hostility say. The scribe is writ")! the 300* suchaslatement. “Beneath the Surface“ and Heinrich site of a free guitar recital by Mike . , : . -, ,
makes plausible what always seems, between the two which has no foun- of Samuel, which Davtd_ had or- KERNEL RATING: 6 Ignaz Franz Biber's “Sonataa7.” Tattersall at 5 pm. tomorrovt De- . ‘
rightly,abit fantastic. dation in the text. And then David‘s dered. It s an Intriguing cnhcal the “King David" is playing at the Lex- tails of Tattersall‘s program was un- ' - ~;- * ‘
The movie begins to decline after emotional reaction is rather weak, ory,but absurdly presented. ington Mall. Rated PG-lJ. The eight-person ensemble includ- available at press time For more - '. , . ‘
David (now Richard Gere) succeeds and the spmtual' tension and resolu- es an electric bass along with its information on any Center for the - ’ . :
Saul, althoughtbereignbeginsrath. honofthesceneislacklng. . Gere's characterization is often ALEXCROUCH tuba and euphonium assortment, Arts shows.ca11257-8157 . ' ‘ ,-
er neatly as David frolics in his un- The movre omits entirely Band}: rather weak actually, particularly of . ‘ _ _ ' ‘ i ,
derwear beforethereturningArkof emotions during the death 0f_hls theKingDavid. Theking may have —_—__— . -. z, . '
theCovenant. first child by; Bathsheba, the frult of been weak in his relationships with ' _.
That is one moment when the his sin whic God denied him; those his children, but he was still a The Kentucky ' '_ - . .
movie successfully conveys the emotions are a furtherinstlmony to strong personality, in fact not often 0' OO . .. ;
strong, violent emotions found in the hisspiritual understanding. evident in the movie. Gere succeeds Kernel, 210 . ill, . . '
Bible. But if it ens in any direction better when David was on the run ' L‘ 41/ - i
in such scenes it errs in reticence. Absalom’s development and rebel- from Saul. in an active instead Of an J 0-H ,r n 8 I, S m ‘1’, 3;" . . “ -
The opening scene, for example. lion is barely sketched — no doubt essentially passive role. Bur/ding, UDI- , if , . - ' ‘ ’
scarcely suggests the pain and gr