xt7r4x54j98w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54j98w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-01-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 25, 1979 1979 1979-01-25 2020 true xt7r4x54j98w section xt7r4x54j98w m
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‘ vol. moo-91 K21 2' "are"! °' “W"!
Thursday. January 25' ”79 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
r —
Woman savs w " W " ‘ ‘ Councrl dela 3
-~ I . 4" . . .
her poverty 4 . v - polio decision
. . ' ‘ m.
I I I i 4 . y
a qualification 1 '
”‘ on withdrawal
n ‘ .r "a
for office . t 1, s.
. . T .. .. i _ By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. necessity of an X grade. and said
By JAY FOSSETT .. ., ' . M T , fl . (opt Idllttr changing the definition of W to mean
Staff Wriicr . .. .fi . ' ' 1; ‘ only “withdrawal“ would simplify the
. _ . '- , .. 43 Q . a ’i . . Ihe I'niyersity‘s withdrawal policy policy.
The screen door hangs on one hinge I= 1 .- . .. I ‘2 I“ . i w . v came under heavy fire yesterday when "The letter X is going to create
and boxes of clothing and supplies are .I. ‘ . v ,w ' 2. " gm” . as x, . meriibers of the Senate (‘ounerl problems for the Iaculty-at-large.
scattered throughout the unheated z. , ”ii/f, ”w a , £ij «'23 :4} ‘C’a-I ‘ Wm. figfi debated. but took no action on a which is already overwhelmed with
living room. Two small children run ' . '/ affléV‘} . 3:2 the} a?“ ...s _ ; ... i ‘ proposal front the Senate Rules grading problems." Michael
screamingthroughthe housechasinga ,i ,, iv , I' ‘. , ,3???" ‘*- ‘3; if; Committee to change the policy. Adelstein. an English professor and a
tiny brown dog. A knock at the door ‘ ’ " ,4 “f: ;:-"‘¢,‘I.,'5‘ 2 g In an effort to simplify the policy. non-voting council member from the
. bringsa short. stocky woman wearing ; . " >‘i;.3 g»; " / 2 ’ the rules committee proposed board of trustees. said.“ltcomplicates
a pink ribbon in her thick. brown hair. . "'t é: i replacing the misunderstood W grade an already complicated grading
This woman. Doris S. Binion. is a , 2 v :4 ”g. " ‘.. with three new symbols; an X. W P system.“
Democratic candidate for governor. f ‘/ . . . and \V I- “I think the faculty can learn what
Upon entering. she immediately : " 3% .. i .- ’9 I ndcr the proposed policy.students the .\' means." Roger Iiichhorn. a
starts apologizrng for the condition of ' V7” ‘93,; ‘* “a. - I - ‘3- withdrawing after the first third of the mechanical engineering professor.
the house. saying she and her family ’3’? :j 9% J”) course btit before midterm would said
had just moved in and had not had . .l i '-I: a.” j, _I, “3p 4 receite a grade of X. which indicates Chemistry professor Bill Wagner
time to unpack. She leads the way ' . ., 1e?“ . 7 *.",I“% only withdrawal Accordingto Senate said jokingly. “It may take I0 years.
downstairs to heated quarters a _I H __ {w 1‘. 5.; ,. 32,5" .533... ' R tiles. the W grade presently assigned but they‘ll learn it."
smallroomfurnished withtwobeds.a ..j' 4" ”why".- . ‘ M, ”’t. ‘ at this porrit indicates withdrawal In other business. the Senate
dresser. a stained rug left by the =;-,.' I; . . _ , Inf: $1136?" . w liile passing an interpre'auon '(‘ouncil'
previous tenants. and a small black " (gig’fi, " $633 i. . have»; ,2? » based on the premise that a student is sent the revised College of
and white television. egg; on m”? , i . j Qwflfizegfi " ,_ passing a course until prov en flunktng Dentistry calendar proposal to the
The room. heated by a single gas "at , V . - " if; ' by the final esarniriation Senate (‘alcndarCommitfeeforstudy;
stove. the only source of heat in the 5 a» 5:“, 1 ~ . ~ . ”,4” I l ruler the proposed policy. after approved an Honors Program
entire house. has the distinct smell of . f =23 W _ ‘ , ' t . if; *231: We; is _ :1' sitk'cgssl iilly petitioning for (iI’A proposal after an editorial
urine. if i it "It: 2", 5' I ‘ iii-W in", “M withdrawal during the last half of the rewording to be made by council
Binion. WhOSC FCSIanCC 35 W9“ . h, T \ ‘ . “‘4 I . . 7 12s;3"*"§:fiffi "t 1"} 4/ ‘ terni. students would reccitc either a (‘hairman .loe Bryant. formed).
as campaign headquarters is at 73l ' I n, JI\1'\.‘I(IIFI()\ heme. 5..“ grade of \\ I’ or W I.depending on Honors students had to maintain a '
West Hi h Street. next to a large . . . . . . . - whether the student was assinr or (iI’Aof“)tocontinueinthe rovram '
Kentuckyglltilitiestransformer.thinks Democratic gubernatorial candidate Doris Binion and two of her children. failing thc course at the tirrrie. E and graduate. lhe proposalstZtefthaf
she WI“ be the “‘3’“ governor or been denied justice. Ihey are not git en figure it out." she says “I‘ll sleep on it qualified \itty. students receite a \V or art I: II it student‘s (iI’A drops Icmporarili.
Kentucky. opportunities and welfare helps to and coitie tip with an answer " Biniori sincerely bctictcs she has a front the instructor if their petitions the director must talk withthcstudent
"If “Hi/Md." WOUld hear what I restrict their prosperity." She also claims to hate invented cnancc againist the big ll‘ittlic\ and big are approved by their deans. and may waive the 10 rule for a
have to 58)." says the 33-3'68P01d Binion says she is running for many things that would “change vdlllPdII.’ll\ of the other gubernatorial instructors and adtiscrs Students limited period if he wishes.
woman. “none ofthe other candidates governor because shethiiiks"thc poor society and stop the suffering of the caiidiidates ch‘t‘lHtlg aii l grade have the I' was informed by Bryant that
‘ would get any totes." hate the right to speak and be heard" innocent and the poor “ “\Ioncy Itas nothing to do with computed into their grade point President ()tis Singlctary has allotted
The Binions previouslyliy‘ed around and because she wants a change in \khen asked to elaborate on her politics."she says “lliet try torrialseit .iterages. under the proposed policy. Toot) to help fund a number of
the corner 0” WCSI Main Street. bl“ welfare policies. intentions. she declines. saying she so politicaris hate to hate .i lot of students who have their petition summer actiyities‘ a film series.
moved because Iht‘ SITUCWTC “'35 Binion. who has spent part of her doesn‘t want to reteal her ideas irronev. but \ttll(.11:ijt‘tt‘.l\..tcc’ssl'.i anprotcd and teccrte a W I’ or \V I- student—faculty picnics.amini-musical
unsafe. The family. “him has no car. adult life on welfare. claims welfare because “the rich take ideas front the campaign witho-it spcndaig ntorict " wouldn‘t hate their (il’l‘t lowered and increased operation of the
had to carry their furniture and authorities awarded two of her four pooraitdusethemtoniakefhentselyes Spendingltcr tiriteandctfort.rather ‘\llt‘l debating the proposal. the ltcrncl. which has been published
belongings on {00‘ across the childrentoher parentsagainst herwill richer " than money. will get her to l taiikfttrt Senate (‘ouncil decided to send it to once a week duringthc summer. \Vith
f Jefferson Street viaduct to their new “My parents wanted the wclfare Biiiion's r-ogrsrmrion papers were she tells her \I\llt.!s the I rtiyersity Senate for dichssion. the new money. the paper is to be
residence. checks I was getting for my children received last luesday in the secretary She adds that her lack of ftiiids riiat Seteral members questioned the published twice per week -
In 1h€ 10W“ “00? room she talks 0i and therefore. working together with of state's office in lrarikfort hinder hcr gettingaroiirid the state altii
her ideas and her life. The light I5 welfare authorities. took them (the \ccordirig to the a spokesman for campaigning for her candidacy ' f ll
tnuted by strips 0f contact paper children) away from me the secretary of state. almost any ~-.\ few weeks before we mot-ed. the SWIft' COId snow a
51??“th across the windows. She “They'Ithe parentstalso had measa ctti/en cart become a candidate for tyhcclsof my husband‘scartellofland
explainsthat she putthe paper onthe hostage and made me sleep in a governor we can‘t afford a new one (cart .\o
windows in order 10 19‘ sufficent light chicken house until I almostdied, I feel I\ll a person needs to do is pay a 85 now. unless | cart find someone to creates h 93d 3 Ch es
in bl“ keep the blinding sunlight OUI- that as governor I can stop this t_t peol fee and file notari/ed papeisstating his drive me around the state. l ttill liaye
Binion. who has had no previous suffering and stand tip for people‘s name as he wants it to appear on the to take it hits in order to cariipaign " . '
political experience. says her platform rights." ballot. hrsaddress and astatemerit that Btit she‘s not discouraged fo r Clty an d State
IS "10 P111 the Poor in office:“ Binion also says she is a "geniusand he is qualified. In addition. two other "I‘wry body l'\c met Is for me." she
“I am the poor. and I know from inventor". registered toters must provide says."l'm what the peopleof tlirssrate
personalexperiencethatthe poor hate "You give me anyproblem and lcan notarized papers stating the person is need right now " (onibined srnrrund \I’ Dispatches lie-ups slowed traffic on all the
city‘s streets. A major accident held
I ' Bliisfert winds blew snow across u three lanes of traffic on MS for
. Offlce for Intern at‘on al Programs! Kentiickygiting schoolchildrenaday oiier three hours. .s
NO to urls t I off yesterday in do/cns ofdistricts and Schools closed in the metropolitan 3'
I l I t F t ff t d t 't testing the capabilities of highway salt area today include: Bourbon. Fayette. '.
n er u ure 0 er s u y Oppor unl y and sand crews. Jessamine. Madison. Montgomery. -'
Drivers faced reduced visibility at Scott and Woodford county systems;
By STEVE MASSEY taught me to kind of stretch my ptif into it. What you‘re aiming for isa intoltes the establishment of contacts the height of the storm. and Delta Berea city schools. St. Leo. Lexington
Staff Writer limits...l feel more flexible in what I global perspective to your particular overseas as well as two conferences in «mine. flight 731 bound for €thth Bluegrass Baptists schools.
can do and accomplish.“ problem." he said Chicago and one in New York ttist Icsington. was diverted to (ireater New Covenent. Clays Mill Christian
Three years ago. UK agriculture Foster participated inascholarship It all begins with an orientation before leaving. -\t conferences. (‘mcmmn Airport in northern Academy and Christ the King ’
junior Mark Foster was traveling to program called Intercultural Studies conference in .lune. where the students are questioned about their Kentucky because of inadequate Elementary. -'
England viaairplane.Allthemeetings. for the Future Interl"uttire for participant decides what he or she progressandreceiteaidinestablishing visibility m the wind-driven snow. According to Jim Wessels.director -} .
conferences. and initial research (a short, lnterFuture protidcs an would liketodo. By August.adefinitc contacts as well as intensive language Delta said passengers would be of L‘K's physical plant division. said
. whole semester's worth) were behind opportunity for freshmen or research plan must he completed. mid.“- provided bus transportation to that two trucks were out working on '-
him. His project was on the road. sophomores to create an independent. Him. In Ihs‘ lit“. the student (11ch When the “Udell“ film“) “”1“ 1” lexington. the Medical Center and North is.
“I finally realized that ‘Hey. I'm cross-cultural research project independent courses to help with the their overseas destinations. they are Lexington Metro Police advised Camptts roads and parking lots. :
, gonna do I13 " F051“ said. initiated in the US and carried on! at preliminary ”593““ assigned “’ '"dl‘ldu‘li _Iam'm“ I” 1‘ travelers involved in minor accidents Wessels said no attempts were being 3 '
What Foster did was conduct an one ofseven overseaslocales: Belgium. “About 95 percent of thestudcntsin 1W0 “06k Pt‘rmd. Alter lhs‘ grits‘s‘ not to report them because the police made at snow removal. which was to .
intensive comparison between Ghana. (ireat Britain. Ireland. the the I'S. don‘t really know what period. students are sent otit on their “ch bogged down with reports. begin at 5:00 this morning. '
environmentaleducational techniques Ivory Coast.Jamaica.the Netherlands research isabout." Fostercommented. own. “You 89‘ it coordinator and According to police. reports could be West of Lexington. “Operation Iii
asthey are practiced in England and in or Suriname. "But before you go. they make sure advisor: it‘s tip to you to make of it obtained within ”0 days at Metro Snow" a voluntary program under ~
Kentucky. What he came home with “It‘s not a bunny" program." roster _VOU km“It Whit! _VOU’TC talking “hm” “hm .VOU can." hm" explained. Police headquarters on North Forbes which the city government asks "
was something much more. said. “you work hard. But you get a and what you‘re going ‘0 do" (‘ontinued on page 4 Road and mailed to Frankfort. Continued on my 4
“Itchanged my life.“said Foster.“lt I00 times more back than what you The preliminary research also ' . ‘-. .
‘ oda 4. ‘
inflation in I978. as workers' real buying power declined 3.4 i '
y percent on the aterage during the year
state ' . ~
' world § a s
GOV. JULIAN CARROLL AMENDED the call of the w“ a; . .
imittclfgilaa‘fnz 5§::'°"0::’Ibfcl"u“se“f’n ‘p:n;::‘° 13:32:: IRANIAN MILITARY LEADERS moved troops and t. “i g; .1‘;.;:.1:-.I\‘.:. .Ir .
yesterday. p g tanks Into Tehran‘s airport yesterday in awar ol nervesfhat 'II I" . ~~ . 1“"I . I. _ * if . ~. .
Though Carroll has discouraged use of the capital appearedaimed atprctentingtheexrledAyayullahRuhollah . :2.“ 3 if. r i i f ‘5‘“ ii , i" 1
construction fund. an aide said the move was at the request Khomeini. the Shah primary {00' from re.urning m Iran. v». » 7" ii; I- i i ’ T 5' r 3' i ‘.
. Gen. Medhi Rhimi. military governorof Iehran.ordered - t '1' ' st . g «.. ...I.. : ' { ~ 2. . f _
. of the General Assembly and fullf'illed a promise Carroll the airport closed. preventing an Iranian A” BImng 747 >. . ‘i. .. . I-3 . a. A. . 1*: . .43., .31..” o: g.
I made last week while adressrng the Senate. _ , jumbo jet from leaving for Paris to pick up the Moslem ”W "‘-~‘.»....;.-......._. \e $3: i '1 3' i“ " " ‘ »‘ . ‘* - " 3"”- s3
. ‘ Carroll also added “x Other items. mostly dealing w'th leader. Rhimi directed later in the day that the airport be , _ ‘N...._ .I "”“M 2. sh. 1 s “1% ‘
county governments. to the call. reopened. I , . . .. ...t y _ . I“ . . . .2? .. . is.‘
. . No plane appearedto have Ieft.Ihowerer. andtherewas no “ _ . . - .. m; . j ' ~~.; , , -'\s._I-I--II ;I.:s
nat|°n explanation for the reopening of the field 2 “'5 , . .. W w ~» 2 w y.
CkLironNt/ts TAX-Cl'TTING Proposition II] weather . . _ so...“ . ,. . g3.
helped slow inflation in December. but consumer prices still is ,. ” " i ‘3...- ‘ 1W ”is:
rose nine percent during I978. the second biggest leap in 30 BECOMING MOSTLY Sl'NNY today but cold Highs we ' ."(ji'
" years. the government reported yesterday. in the mid 20s Increasing cloudiness tonight Lows in the .' - ~ 9‘ , "*1.” ~. W sf;
- The Labor Department IIIso reported that a typical upper teens. Cloudy and cold tomorrow With a chance of ' i y ' CLIFTON/“NM if?
‘ Amman“st-“rmm”behindmmncemkccpu—pwh snow Highs mm: In“ uh ' WIIHII' was cold. but qulclter than driving on automobile-clogged Euclid Avenue during last night‘s mow. 32%
l 4:?
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' . ,.,., ”see.“ ...- -- - < s - . ~ ‘ ‘ “ ' n “V-

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Stew Dillinger lhiimns ( lurk Mary Ann Buchart “.Im Tunis Jamie Vaught torn Moran ‘
lilim in ( lm/ Itliimii/ Ii/imr Ruth Mottingly .1 M mm” 31mm hm“, “um”, U, ”WWW/m. .
Debbie McDaniel I'
K21 e («en New is Jim: Tm “" “m" l
Rich-rd \Iel)onti|d in"... “times .I-cii Wainwright "“"""“ “u ’ """’ John ( lay Lind- (‘nmpbeii s
tlanueme rim.” imam/iv Mann ("IN MUM» Nell Holds Brim Rickcrd I’hum Hurtuger
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editorials 8: comments 4 v ,. t)
UK (I ' d l
oesn t nee .
0123 / ' i
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promo es sm 0 g \ q,
After the unnerying re\elations at \\ est Point about the use of \
"honor codes" for catching cheaters. it's some“ hat surprising that a / 0 3
l K college recently elected to adopt a similar. and ill-chosen. code. // / \\\ -
\«ou‘d think the West Point memory would still be fresh. Amid \ l f ’,\\
scandals of harrassment and mass cheating. a mandatory "honor‘s {3 \ v ‘ ”k3 '
code“ “as diiy mg the cadets bonkers. i’lebes were being kicked out i 4:, ' [W
for the tiniest of white lies. and a proyision requiring the reporting ‘ _ it \ t ‘ t y
of any cheating made \ictims of students who were otherwise 3; ' / i
blameless, “‘ If \' '— '
,-\ proiision similar to that is what is most objectionable in the ‘67“ ’ a
proposed code for Dental students. approyed by the l'niyersity 8 g / _ 1' 0‘
Senate this week and routed to President ()tis Siiigletary for s ‘ I / O ‘
approyal. [is en without associated problems. the section is o ‘3!“ / - if
ofteiisiye in itself and should be vetoed, Enforcement of academic 60 /q ‘i \ [‘0 . d
regulations should be done by the l'niyesity. not the students: the - /i) /(' t o _'
lniiersity should respect students who “am to mind their own 0 0 . f "
business a D ‘ l 2:? i M ’ o [ "
Students yy ho see cheaters aren't the problem the cheaters are. 0 0 7 ' / ./ / ,i/ ii
>\n attempt to turn ey ery one in a classroom into a seated proctor . ll F '/ . 2f ‘
yyill lead to unnecessary distractions and feelings of guilt for honest . / , t % s
. people \ i. %
lhe difficulties are easy to imagine. What happens in borderline §y . _ ‘W/f
cases. for instance. yyhen one student \ll.\[7(’(‘l\ another of taking 0’
furtiye looks toyyard the next royt. or of glancing at a pieceofpaper «h a) D 5
stuffed up a slecye‘.‘ if the suspicion isn‘t reported. l'K regulations <3 0
say the first student is guilty, If it is reported. and the charge pros es @ 'U/J
to be unfounded. the "snitch" \yill haye a neu enemy for life tor ’- U '
perhaps acCUsations would be made in secret. denying students the
right to face their accuser).
Putting the burden of enforcement on students is an unfair and
inefficient \yay of eliminating the problem. it‘s similar to "honor mm
systems“ that rely on indiyidually strong morals. What it amounts \\ l
to is a confession ”om administrators that it is too much trouble to SKEEDER 5MLTH DRIVER U: THE YEAR
effectiycly control cheating, u.
But cheating can be controlled. And especially in highly
competitiye schools like Dentistry itself. more effectiye means I I I '
should be Used than relying on the guilt. or good intentions. of R e I I I o u S e X 6 rl e n ce 7
students. I
l’rofessors can make it almost impossible to cheat by giying tests
in large classroms \yhere students are at least two desks apart. and
by remaining in the room as an alert proctor, 'l hese measuresalone C I I I d I t th 8 th I I td
should suffice in most classroom examinations. for out-of—class O u mniSt S O yss ey In 0 e 0” IS a 6 Own
assignments. professors can check that students are doing their on n I
work by holding interyievss to check progress on papers. and by BY JUHN (“OMS blonde bombshell “ho hardly has the granddaughter and sighs a lot. His fact. the further south I \entured. the '
requrring thorough documentation of sources. intelle-ct'to use a wall outlet. Shethinks wife is a bloated religious fanatic. She thicker the eyangelical sludge became,
if cheating occurs. then eyery student has the power and right to i trust that eyeryone-has recoyered that libido is Italian food. Shedoes sits in front of the l\ munching hen the lenith was to come-in my Honda
report it but they should not be obliged to do so by a regulation. fromtheir \zication and isfirmly mired h)a\e a~ few yirtues. all physical. bons. thinking about Jesus and new hotel where the maids not only
, . , . , y _ - _ . in their studies for another scmcstcp lromiscuity and drugs are her ways to torture her \ach husband cleaned the room but opened the
Milglmll} ‘hUUld kl” lh” “honor ““19“ \ariation before the Idea Now that it is colder than the gave of hobbies, She driyes a ‘79 lrans-Am. about his yague impotence. eyen (iideon bible to Psalms and placed lt
"l‘rk‘i‘d‘ anywhere C150 Darth Vader. one thinks back but she really wants a gold metal-flake though she hasn‘t had any desire for conspicuously on the dresser.i_aid ata
“iNtiiliiV it) [hc ht)iidd\\ “hon all \()u ‘VCttC. him Since World “.1” ii. pious angle across Psalm i3: “85 a
had to'do \sas eat. sleep. drink and ~— ,, ~~—--~——»——fi ,,,,, A —_ ,, 4.7..-” ,.,,_,,,_...._._ bordered placard informing methatin
etters glimmer. clai iii and llht‘itills make sure that they were oyer sixteen. . case Of a spiritual need. there was a
statements l'sually. i hate to stay in l exington h c k chaplain on call at the hotel.
('oiittibiitioiis should be either “hiit‘ others dash down south at it /0 n 00 e That night in Valdosta. lwateheda
n mdlicd oi pt‘tsiil’iitiiy deliiered to the ridiculous es pense totheirsayings and religious Tonight Show and the lead
Ollcy [dimrial Editor. '1” ‘J‘Wrna'i‘m their health t0 get laid and [unncd‘ [he """"' ' """hfi" W”_‘*~"""" "‘ ‘ ' A ._._ " " "_ “FA"'*'- guest was this OhCSC man With more
2:232” l I“ lumgmn' “much bron/e badge of leisure. ii his time. as (‘oncerning her career. she? is l droie to l—lorida and that gaye me chins! than fingers who was bawling
HR. Mum,“ “my, Mlmnm ”um; luck’ would base it. i had‘a chance to considering nursing or maybe lilSt aehanceto get alook utthisgreui kind like a babe. softt1lylcro((jin'ingi gospel '
| and cnmmm wnmhumm Wm VIM/1M .m/mw m /. W Mum“. escape. at no costto myself.tothe only finding some rich man and torturing of ours. l should hm.c flown “16m“ songs. praisrilnghtde‘ dor and as tag i
i mi memnm Wpuhlmmwn MN I“ hm purgatory “here the sun always him With feigned frigidity while she days driye took me out of the angst. for money. e a a iamon ringt e "L
the editorial and opinion pages \hlnt‘s- HOTldii- keeps seyeral young men on the line. and ice of i.CXlngt0n into the town of we 0‘ “1 WP“ and more tax shelters '
it'llcls. opinions and commentar~ ()pmiom- iht‘ iii-‘1 time i “in there. i “its '0 She is religious because she doesn‘t Valdosta. (ia. a town that reeks of than ROd Stewart. ' .
ies iiiiisi be typed and iiiple-spiiceil. .Vlrill/r/hr"If/lnu-Uil-Aq"filtrh‘lr. 3'93” 01d. YOU CUUid Nd} that i had want to cause a problem at home. beer and cordite. the natives have a lam notheologian.butitdidn‘t take
and must include the writer‘s signa~ u. mt ,u, /,,,( been a bit out oi touch with the place. Thankfully. she makes no connection strangely similiar 100k on me“. {act longlto figure out that this man had ’
tuie. address and phone number I K As soon as | arriy‘ed. I {Gait/ed “by 1 between her unflagging sexual desire and you can't help wondering about nothmgto do with religion. With grim ~
st‘lltit‘nh shojuld include their \earand ( ommenlajiei‘: . hadn‘t been there for 12 years. Now I and the Christian dogma of sin as sex. interbreeding. fascmation. I Saw ngrams Where
iili. i ‘s ' i," 4 \' r‘i‘i -. , , . . . - - - .. . , ,
rimimlrd liIny‘ ”Kiloc‘rlcirt‘ymgtli'pxl Aden: ‘1‘[rt/\l/lyl‘l‘lyi/IHIIWJUIII“t l /i is, Mli hm :nderstand “hy Anita “Ham pulled She In“ _“ lth her retired there was one nlght club In town. "1,“: O.f:jhUbloushl-mem tfoiéihrne how to
p‘isltfttl‘i m. “WW, ,1”. ”rm/m “hm, er C0“? ”‘9” and “h." Sht‘ could in.‘ grandparents 1" a hOUSE WhiCh Once lit the door. I had the sensation parla.) “9 teacd TIES of “St ""0 a ._
”k. ANNE/”mu, my mm “WW ”will,” ”MW/mm“1”..lnl‘mlwlul haye done it there. Rather than JtlSt resemblesafour-bedroom garage. the of walking through a dimly lit Robert m'uytilmi ion‘ 0 afr' ortuncl. There -.
dummmmNmmlumhmmm ”whim/uh. “/Wlmm WWW M bitch and ask to go home.llnould like old man isanaccountant from'i)etroit Hall clearance sale. 01 course. the W“ ““5 dl5C°~ 3”“ healing and
number of subitiissions by frequent iii/1w i/uu/itiiulmm Iri ui/dreu u/nu- to pass Em ‘1 {cw ImPrBMOM' “H" a Who has come to Florida to die' He '5 mus“: was disco. imcrsPCYSCd With more .bombas.‘ than I care to dlscuss'
“mg” dud m “in W ‘pcnm tum/”,3WM1, personification. yaguely religious. and at other times. Willie Nelson. 1 considered finding 1 Mi out '" Florida as long as I .
l 568 Florida 8* 'd beautiful. bl‘OnIC. just vague. He looks at his lust a regular bar. but I didn‘t haye a could. dodgingthe retired personsand i
weapon over 32-caliber. stupid girls. it was nice to come home.
As a last resort. I went back to the I came back home to miserable
flea-r HERE "J THE m w MY 0657 ”A Em “A“ “{{r hotelforacathodefix.Theselectionof w'eathier.l'true.. [th‘tl wotuld “:ch
ro rams ran ed from reli ious shows consr er """3'" a sump uous ea
HAND I m“ THE MEANS-row D2 0 me M‘CKOFEEJHi ib linoyies of value onl?’ to those end. I. “3"an put Up With the
Mm ' desperate for some ocular stagnation Just for the sake ofafew
\ 7 . ' v masturbation. For a change. I opted rays. I would rather freeze than rot.
”vi? f Y for the religious. and that was my
Av, ) m } introduction to a spectacle that I did John (‘oolte is In English senior.
/,-. 3 not escape until I returned home. In Hiseolumn appearsevery Wednesday.
3 ,. __..,#___________._—_________________
. A n
V /; é E, V . ”’ Letter to the Editor
f f /////// a ' o 7// to f
// :42?) i a} ////. ; . %//, _- .___ _ .. d t. ( d
writin an re or in an ves. even
. / I I N // \ ‘ / / Thanks fantasiiingl thgt l aid many others
" /// 7 / Thanks for letting (iregg Fields' like me have come to‘look forward to
//A l "7 / a / ’ "' / column (Monday. Jan. 22lgo to print in every edition of the Kentucky
// // K // / // r % unscathed. T he \'l\'id. life-like Kernel.
// 7/ /%/ / /_ / description of a drunk, barfing. ()nc minor point: How can‘shock I
///( // a I i / regurgitating and losmg his cookies “creep suddenly into someonesface?
_ ///z. ‘ ///// / // Cj“ / was espeCIally appreciated on. this Just curious . . .
. , y 1/ 7 ////// // / % snowy Monday morning. this is the John B. Charles
I / //// . // / ' ' ‘1: /A kind of hard-hitting. no-holds-barrcd Philosophy graduate student
7 ' 1
. ' . ‘- ' '.. .-_ . . ~» .g . «o—s-«vwws-omtoh-uw-mmw~~-c _--»' ~~~r~~~~~-~~~~-~w ......i. .
1‘ , .. ‘.' _' ‘ ‘ ' . g . " H. 4‘ ~ ' ' ’ -h....._... -__._.. .__ _.._...._..__..__._.____._a.. '.
‘ i ' “ ' i ' i n v \Mlanlr i
‘ " u " ." DEC? l‘ D Al "i

‘ H”. K N ’ ‘
5pc I ts ' H ( I” klR'Nl-L Ihursdly. January 25. 1979.}
l . . e.
t “ W
l C -
ats lock," for first . . lm, FQQ (J'l'lt‘let Plainr...........-...................... S 35
, (Jl"¢“,t' our -l 4 .......
. l l nInunnu-n-‘nthn-ullItal-onuunnun “- i 00
' I t lg t Hdlr or (ll-rnpd Beet .......... "' :7 00
7 Mll‘lomdto onion and green (rim
7 DeoperSL........$ I'M-ma
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7 7 , ,_ 7 7 7 7 W “it‘d/v  m v a r 7.,,___7m__77_77_7si y
A 23 {00‘ 7“ :4." ~71:$;.¢" ..u-.......-.§ .’ _\,., ,. 'r"‘...u...n-u‘l 15
- . . 7 7 7 fi 7 ................: H q ,7 i....--...............Sl x
buzzer b W i mplir at the Beth Blanton led “M with the 1 7rd) Mm 47777777777777 7 7 77 WW”
3 senior yf cs cmd "Slick“ 17 Points w'hile [)onhotl the nation's top—ranked teitrn. 'r g :1 37,777 Wt ii
i Doell OI’War Onna IOPPCd KCMUCKY Scoring with Old Dominion. \undm in the M , i ,. .1 “i H‘ ‘i’4'/"‘.:"-‘l"l'"'.“'.’ 7;
7 man gave the Lady [9 pomts (‘oliseum til 2 p m 1 H I
Hilltoppers a dramatic 67-66 mm
x Wln OVCT the Lady Kats last '1" ” ...................5 ii H is, m» 4 9r
. . 7 7 ' - - ‘er ..................... , mu... ‘
,7 ntght at Memomr (ohseum Plasma donor specral wrth this ad. , . i . ”" ' ""‘°’
« ...:-..n--.-.... u... , u. r n-u--.-.u.........é rr
7 A Kentucky IUTDOVCI’ gave " ' ' ‘ r' 3 0 hi . : ..t i:
7 Western the Chance to win the One donor Twenty donors .
game with just :04 remaining can earn up to 08" 98m
7 7 7 _ . up to
l K 5 Maria Donholl was 0 U n eers ee 6
guarding Doellman. but .
slipped with a second on the | IKM‘ lg n 088
clock and Doelmann hit the
77 7 . in 14 da 8. in '2 h k '
Give Doellman credit for y 1‘ d8” 0U r5 er Wee 252 9653
_ 7 for group propcts. . .
.7 taking the shot under such -F u rther Inform t ' " ’ ' " _, '~ #7,” —* ~ “*7 ,-_7,
f 7 pressure." said llK Coach a IOn
7 ) . , )“ u' . ‘ L 7. \ ‘ I '
/” [ebbie Ye lhe} destr ed _ Don t Just seethe and rage--
. to win. It we had won. I ‘.)p|asmall|ame ( ontact
\ .' wouldn‘t have been pleased ‘
because it can lull you into a 2043 Oxtord Clrclo 254-8047 LI 3a ()5 5- 7 Wl’lte the Editor!
lalse sense of seeuritv. 5 “-"‘“9 9"" M°"-'F”' 1-
7 ' Cardlnal Valley Shopplng Center 5.17 a a m .3 p m
i _.____________.___' ‘ _' ' ~
258-4646 *Rta
a l
is the number to call tor ’h . es
r PKE’I’W , tr \‘Wl ”i i. s .
information abOUT the best read located ii i iiii» it i n ,, , FERSONALS CLASS‘F'EDS
bulletin board on campus the 7.077,,787 S7,. {47 77779 77 77777 - 7 "+4 my 8? mtg one day 90 739,775 7
Kernel Classrlieds The dead, 7777:) A77 7775 77 77 7'7 7 777 7 {Mt-ti jays § (w K per jay 'me‘. 3375 80 cents 06” 38v I
_ i i . ti 7 , ”:7 l ,-i\ . . « » ~ '
line tor classrlied ads rs noon amarrtx 'P in” D V "P ‘a' ’ '9 “Y5 ‘9 “W5 99' :a,
One day prior to the day 01 m -. 4 ~
pumlCahon I“ ml "1 d h; aw , ' as“ :J
. _ ri’ {111' ’ra "age ‘ ‘” Lti"'s‘,'r?a:"mtra «Qt: oe'
. ___g—_ 1a.
t'thlesit Jon r-' trim .i t.» ~ o
7 for sale 7 7. W... .._. . .. servrces
, it.“ It" f‘riri“ir4:ir_.. " ‘ ‘
-\l1](rll\9ll~l0§l) Ritzsrildtlnthes tirrs \t i ‘XIW “HV‘ “Huh” ‘ M” ‘ i“ i N
7n77777, 377317 [7777777 u 77777777 7777 7 ~ ’r' ~ 7_7_,7 ii\t \ll irrmsisi \ ri . - r .. .i; ~. ‘ __ {\l / 9 5 A
win I‘.HI run “\H- oittrt . 4t” \'l.lls l‘ ‘71" l ‘ 5 “ :~ . 4-1297 , . ,. ‘
"i’i""""’” .- ,. , ,, 7mm”, 77, 7| ,77. iii-Isuiuwirw , ~ , HE E E
, (MM-Rn PRNWrmnronunri: FinnishGAL-‘ipliShi'it-p‘ii ‘7.“_fj7‘,7, ll\l\|l ll) * I\ ' V i ' ll-i ' i \‘4 NIING NEWS
leh l large selei‘liirn lantu lh‘ulltlllng phone 77777.77, 5‘ Wt 477 7777777 “44777777 777 77 777 77 \ ” 7 7 W ‘ " 7.. 77 U 7. 77 i L r i\ \
(enter. \tlulhpdtk 3‘t7|<1< l‘llll 74