xt7r4x54j62q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54j62q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2007-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 2007 text GLSO News, March 2007 2007 2007-03 2019 true xt7r4x54j62q section xt7r4x54j62q "e ' Gayand Th GLSO NEWS
. e
v Lesblan
Serveces, March 2007
A Publication of the Eexingten Gay and Eeslrizm Services flrganization
Volume 22 Number3
KY Fairness Alliance Tm” “m” Tl“ Fu"
. . Join The Imperial Court of Kentucky on

The. Kentucky Fa'm‘?” Alllance and Tuesday, March 20th for three events in the
the Falrness Campalgn welcomed courseofoneevening.
hundreds ofalllestothe Capltol Rotunda on The evening starts at 7 pm. at The Bar
February 22 for Kentucklans Value Complex with a reception commemorating the
Fairness. More than 100 fair-minded release of our new greeting and post cards
Kentuckians lobbied their legislators in the featuring images from PreVlOUS calendars as
morning, and over 200 joined the afternoon ge'ld as "$91"? 'befOrf‘sede" °l:_ttakes-d P°5t

- - ar 8 are per se an gree lng car 8 are
rally to let leg'§'?t°r§ know that they W'" "0t $15forasetof20.Theywillalso be available at
stand for dlscrlmlnatlon. . _

| . , . the nexteventofthe evenlng.

At the ’3' Y= Chr'St'm 6"90’3 The 11th Annual Falsies Awards at The
announced that KF_A has been selected by Kentucky Theatre. Doors open at 8 pm. with
the natlonal Equallty Federatlon and the the ceremony starting at 9 pm. Join us as we
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund for their honor the best in gender illusion and
statewide Political Action Committee community serVice- Rest assured kings and
Project. Fordetails, see page 8. queens (and perhaps even Dreamgirls) WIll

continue to win awards during this awards

. season. There will be special live

KaraOke nghts entertainment and we will be adding three new

. . members to our Hall of Fame—Cheyenne,

. Tuesday nght IS Karaoke Tunes—days LaToya BaCall, and Karen Kollette. Tlckets are

In the Gllded Cage Showroom "of the Bar $10 at the box office, with all proceeds

Complex, hosted by Bl” Melater Chandler. benefitting the charities of the Imperial Court.

For every dollar you tip. you get one raffle Make sure to get there early as this proves to

ticket and a chance to win a door prize. be a very popular event, and we have had to
Winning tickets are drawn between tumfolksawayinthepast-

performances. The final event of the evening is an After-party

This event is a weekly fund-raiser for l" The Bar C°mp,'ex's Gilded Cage §howr°°m
the GLSO Pride Center. You can help make lfgsE'aifsteerJQStFaISles are over. There '5 no cover
it a success simply by coming out and '
singing a song or supporting those who do. ' ' >
You can bring your own music or sing one Sponsm‘ °f the Month l
of the songs on the CDs we have there. ,
Plans are being made to add Bingo games V‘ ”‘1 ’ V -
to the Tuesday night fun. LCtO 5 “alt

Drop by the Center anytime, visit the '
Pride Library which has books, videos, 1023 IfldllSti} Rd
DVDs, and CDs that can be checked out. - - .

We are located at 389 Waller Ave, contact www.mctorlas-vaultcom
us at 859 253-3233.
www.GLSOPC.org .

 misning man
he? GAY AND On March 31, V\hshing Chair will be playing
L E S B | A N atNatasha's Bistro, 112 Esplanade, in downtown
SERVICES Lexington. Music will be starting at 9 pm; the
"3.; cover charge is $7. Natasha's has great food, so
ORGAN IZATION plan to enjoy dinner or dessert as you listen.
Lexmgton, Kentueky Miriam and Kiya are on the road, dodging
o r o o o snow storms and playing music around the
0‘30 Ntws country. Kiya has been writing some great new
Vol 22 No 3 songs for a new CD that is in the works. Miriam
. ' ' , keeps adding more instruments to her current
PUbIIShed Monthly by' arsenal. It's not unusual to find piano and
GLSO bouzouki in the shows now.
P.O. Box 1172 Lex,, KY 40588 Kiya has also been working on a new
wwwlexingtonglso@yahoo.com songwriting and publishing website,
www.glsopc.org www.kiyaheartwood.com. She will be coming
——'I— out with a CD, with selections from her early
News Editors years, previously found on her two solo records
, Mary Crone & Jackie Cobem and her CDs withStealin' Horses. Look for it by
late spring.
. . There are only a few of some of the earlier
Pr'de Center Office Manager V\fishing Chair titles in stock So, they have
Bill Chandler decided to do a compilation CD of their older
859 253_3233 catalog including Singing with the Red Wolves,
Undisputed Country, Ghost of V\hll Harbut,
—_—— Dishpan Brigade and Crow. They plan to put a
GLSO BOARD couple of new songs on as well to give listeners
T C II' P 'd t ataste ofwhat'sto come.
om 0 ms! resr eh If you would like to suggest your favorite
Sondra Mellott, Secretary songs, they will try to include them. They'll even
Aaron Hutson’ Treasurer entertain your ideas for a title forthe new CD. Go
Jackie Cobern to theirweb site at www.wishingchair,com.
M C VVinshing Chair has again been invited to
. ary "”16 many summer musicfestivals. Afull listwill be on
Lindsay Mattingly their web site. Two lesbian Festivals where you
Terry Mullins will be ableto enjoy their music are: The National
Women's Music Fest (IL) www.wiaonline.org
GLSO Membership July 5 — 8 and The Michigan Womyn's Music
& Newsletter Fest (Ml) www.michfest.com in earlyAugust.
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are M 0” DAY! MA R6” ,9
those of the authors and don't necessarily 7 1)“ AT THE pRIDE CENTER
represent those of the GLSO Board.
Submissions received after the deadline, which Everyone welcome to attend
is the 15th of each month, may be cut or not - -
printed when space is limited. The staff You can PIICk one pr0)ect to work on
reserves the right to edit or reject submissions & you don t have to attend meehngs
and ads' to help. call mary 266-5904
Page 2

 L' 't .N ‘
. ammum I] 811%
l I
; Bluegrass Women's Network FundraISITtg Brunch
) , .
Bluegrass Women 5 Network '5 a On Saturday, March 24, from 11 am
; socral groupforyvemen eta" ages. Debby until 2 pm, Mia's Restaurant will be the
, and Lynn are burldlng a Ilstofwomen who site of a Brunch Fundraiser to benefit
; are interested in receiving emails about Moveable Feast, Lex. Lyons, and the
1 events. They have 59" UP a Yahoo QTOUP t0 Imperial Court The event will hosted and
t make it easier to e-mail announcements. conducted by Mr. Kentucky Leather,
I If you want to be on the list, contact them 2007, Bill Howard and the Lexington
atdebb woman mall.com. Lyons Levi Leather Club. Raffle and door
I prizes will be available as well. Cost of the
I“ My $11095: brunch will be $10-to $12 depending on
, Stories of LGBT Students menu items selected-
: On March 6, from 12:00 — 1:30, In My MOOHShiI’IB Bears Basket Contest
/ 8::ngcvii‘lIlclpellgreesifigdhfinhuEESSSEPCJCSBB’T‘ The Moonshine Bears of Kentucky
p . g g . will hold their annual Best Basket Contest
r students Will share their stories about 8 t d M h 31 t T | .
coming out to themselves and others and a ur ay, arc a ryang es In
a h . . Louisville. We will judge baskets during
ow they experience being LGBT. There .
r . . . the Bear 411 Meet And Greet Nlte
Will be an opportunity to ask questions of between 10 pm and 230 am A$50 cash
. 2:]: (1525:: iiiiafnigréinrgrmiiiasn at prize will be offered for the Best Basket.
1 ' y. ‘ The winner will be announced at 2:30.
5 There is a T-shirt Auction planned and
T-Shirf Sales Support Pride Prom raffle and doorprizeswill be awarded.
1 Students from local high schools and
) teens that attend the GLSO Gay Straight 5/3
Alliance for Youth are planning a Pride
) Prom to be held in June. The teens are
1 selling these t-shirts for $18 to raise
1 money for rent and decorations. The t- . E
I shirt has a regular neckline - not the I'M/eh“: Night: . M)
; neckline pictured here. The message you T V ome 8“ etg or.
3 are seeing is on the back of the shirt. The Thi’ MUSiim NEithfii
Front has the words "Love Thy Neighbor" ily Black Neighbor
in small print. Call Mary Crone to place an Tily Gay Neighbor
order (266-5904).. it Willi 6i i‘b I‘
We have ordered shirts for people T y 11:: j a, Nnihitb r ‘
who have already talked to us and those ey ems ‘ “‘5 ‘ 0'
will be available by Saturday, March 10. Till! Transgenic-r Neighbsr
Come by the Pride Center between 10:30 Thy Christian neighbor
and 12:30. We also have some short Thy Atheist Neighbor
sleeve black shirts In various sizes and a Tily Racist Nei"itbor
few long sleeve shirts to sell. Tit Addicted Newt"?
‘ - 13*: iv.
' Page 3

 Voices of Kentuckiana Concert Keith Elston: Family Law
Stomp Your FOOt A Celebration Of Keith Elston has openeda family law
American Composers office in Lexington (see ad page 7) He
Voices of Kentuckiana will present their specializes in family law for OUR families.
annual spring concert, on Friday, April 13th Keith is a former President Of the
and Saturday, April 14th at 8 pm. at the Gt—SO and helped organize the Kentucky
Clifton Center,2117Payne St., in Louisville. Fairness Alliance and the Bluegrass
The concert will include songs that hold Chapter 0t Fairness.
special meaning such as Stephen Foster’s He was hired by the American ClVll
“Camptown Races” and perennial favorite, Liberties Union in 1995 to start a new
“My Old Kentucky Home." Stomp Your Foot ACLU chapter in North and South Dakota.
will also featuretributesto George Gershwin He also worked for the ACLU in New
and Rodgers and Hammerstein, plus Mexico, and was the executive directorfor
selections from West Side Story, Avenue Q, Outright Vermont, an LGBT YOUttl
andthe currenthitmusical Vlficked. advocacy QFOUP based in Burlington.
Tickets for each concert are $15 for Vermont. He graduated from Drake
adults and $10 for students and seniors. For University Law School. Des Moines, Iowa,
tickets or more information, go to in May 2005. He and his partner, Mark, live
www.voicesky.org, or call The ChorusLine, in Shelbyville. See ad on page 7-
jZlctOut Dress and Gender Alliance
. . The Lexington Dress and Gender
The nextActOut play M" be The Pans Letter Alliance (also known as the Diversity in
by Jon Robin Baltz_ to be directed by l-lomer Gender Alliance) meets on the first
Tracy. .Tryouts Will be advertised in an Saturday of each month at a private
upcoming newsletter. The play W'” be location. For information email Cassie at
- - Lex DGA is a peer support group for
[OXIHQI'OH IJIOM leather/law Club anyone that transcends gender norms.
The Lexington LyonswillmeetMarch12 This includes transsexuals, intersexuals,
atthe Pride Center, 389 WallerAve. at7 pm. cross dressers, drag kings, drag queens,
The Lyons are a group of friends who come genderqueers, and 9899's who are unsure
together to celebrate strength, unity, and what thelr gender identity might be. This IS
diversity for those who enjoys the Leather ”0t a therapy group bUt we offer
/Levi Lifestyle. For more info visit
One World Films
see more info on page 15
PRIDE MONTH PLANNING March 11 - Normal, Sunday, 2 &
MONDAY, MARCH ,9 4st0 p.tm., CinaalFLitbrary Theater, GLSO
ecep lon rans person
7 PM AT THE PRIDE 65"an transitions in small town America.
Everyone W91C9m8.t9 we" March 15 - My Brother Nikhel,
We are seeklng Indl‘nduals to Thursday, 5:30 & 7:30 pm. KY Theater.
1 . help organize the raffle A young man with a promising future has
2_ host a movie night to tell his family that he is HlV+.after he
is arrested for having AIDS. (India)
Page 4

 N r _‘ I ' VA 1 , , ' . I ‘ v I
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8 859455-8055 / www.victorias-vault.com
Page 5

 - . O .
Pride Lenten News
339 Waller Ave. 359 253-3233 Jltlm. - iii. 10 - 3 Sill ill -2

Low Cost Printing at the Pride Center FIX YOUR CREDIT
. A small working group is forming now,
Black and Wh'te @ $36 seating is limited. The group will be led bya
financial expert. Clean up credit, make a
COIOI" @ $'50 financial plan, reduce debt, work toward
ca" 253_3233 home ownership, return to school, open
your own business, or set other important
3 . so . - ‘ . . . goals. Group accountability, knowledge
1 rule Lento: I‘Lthhttes sharing and more. First group will meet on
Q‘ Games Night March, 10, at1 pm at the Pride Center. Pre
6" registration is required. To sign up, send an
Saturday MGYCl’I 24 email to Ev at bestway@insightbb.com.
There will be waiting list for future classes.
7 t0 9 pm Don't wait, start today to make a positive
DISCUSSION GROUP Other financial programs cost
Every Wed. 7 pm Open to all thousands. Pride Center Money Group
Jane: ladyjaneky@yahoo.com costs $10 per meeting, wich will be a tax
. deductible donation tothe GLSO.
[exit-gum Insight
Poflack d/IdD/Lscass/b/I Group ,
Pride Center 7:00 pm D ogGone BadHablts .
In February we will be discussing: Dog PSYChOIOgY and Behavrors
1 . Queer writings: GLBT literature Is your dog driving you crazy?
2. lfyou were granted 3 wishes, what Do you feel that you've lost control?
would they be? Is your dog's behavior frightening?
3. Depression: the GLBT epidemic ,
4. Safer Sex: Whatyou need to know Dongme BadHablts
, _ Call for an apomtment today!
5. The Bible: History meets the present
, 859-221-0987
Saturday Smgles
M avie N ight "1 "Keep the love you find,
Feb. 10 7 pm eggs Kg Get the law: you want!”
All Singles are Welcome it?
If you would like to join the singles email Jessica Bollinger LCSW
list call the Pride Center at 253—3233 and l R l . h. Th .
leave your email address or call Jackie at mago e atlons "3 eraPISt
971 -331 5 for more information. EMDR Trauma Work
ALSO, Join us for Games Couples, Family, Individual
Night March 24,, 7 pm ' imagoconnection.com 552-6533

4.. Office: 859-225-2348
' Cell: 502-220-5555
)w, '
y a . Email: elstonlaw@windstream.net
3a ’ K: ~
3;: ‘~ NEW! Principal Office in Lexington
ive Member, Kentucky Bar Association; Fayette County Bar Association;
Louisville Bar Association: American Bar Association.
3St Section on Family Law 8. Committee on Alternative Families, &
)UP NatIonal Lesblan & Gay Law Association.
_ Scott Ackerman Real Estate Service With
ts , "Esuu's «it?
,, .. KELLER
‘7 ' I: I: A. i. ‘4 “
Mobile: 859 338-8483 E'"'"'s"‘s""
Fax: 859 269-0065 3 , L _ t &
E- 'l: SA k 4224 ol.C m ervrng exrng 0" @
maI C er @a 0 LE All of Central Kentucky m
Call me With all your Real Estate Needs
Page 7

 Kentucky fmme‘" nllmnce statewide Political Action Committee
“0!" “Inca-"‘0' Rally Project. Our selection into this program by
M two prominent national organizations
on Thursday February 22 ' the indicates that they see the value of our work
Kentucky Fairness Alliance hosted a large in Kentucky and they know their assistance
rally in Frankfort to demonstrate support for will strengthen our efforts. Gilgor ended her
statewide fairness and for equal healthcare comments to great cheers from the crowd.
access for all. Nearly 200 supporters of The daywentexceedinglywelland was
GLBT issues convened in the capital to let a massive success. However, the work is
legislators know that they will not stand for not over. Some legislators still do not
d'sehm'hat'Oh' _ support statewide fairness and would readily

The hey started promptly at 8 am. W'th deny domestic partner benefits. These
'°b,b¥ trainings. 110 people S'ghed _'h for legislators are hearing from constituents in
training and the chance to go talk directly their districts who do not believe in fairness,
w'th legislators. Small groups Of people butthey are not hearing fromthosewho do.
walked the capital building searching for Everyone needs to express his or her
theirdistrictlegislators soastolobbyagainst support for fairness directly to his or her
88152’ HB1_O_’ and HB4_8' all three 0f Wh'eh legislator especially if that legislator is anti-
WOUId prohibit domestic partner benefits. fairness. Itisthe duty ofevery single person
Responses from legislators ranged from to let the legislators know thatGLBT people
very supportive to negative. Whatever the exist in every corner of this state and that
response, the sheer number _ of. people theywill not settle for second-class status.
marching the halls increased Vi5ibility and Obviously, many people have to work
sent a. “we and clear message: and cannot go to the capital on aThursday
Kentuckians Value Fairness. _ , afternoon, but everyone can make a phone

At1pmthedayclimaxedWIththerallyin call to his or her legislator; every single
the rotunda. The rotunda filled wrth person can write a letter to his or her
supporters and members Of the press to legislator. Legislators do read answer
“Steh to Rep. Kathy Ste'h’ Rep. Mary Lou phone calls and do read their mail and do
MarZIan, and Sen. Ernesto Scorsone. A a attention Eve erson has the
series of guest speakers including the Rev. p y ' . W p .

Al Pennybacker kept the crowd roused and power to use me or her VOIce and make
energetic. a difference in Kentucky.

Other rally speakers told the assembly _ For the latest news and ways to get
about their personal experiences with active ordonate to these efforts to get
discrimination. Among them, Jennifer fairness,VI5it
Crossen of Lexington talked about being W
shut out of her partner's health insurance, For information on help finding out who
gndy (free or Elizabethtowhtrecalled berg one's legislator is or how to contact that

enie an ape merit renta ecause o is - _ _ _
sexual orientation, and Rev. Todd Ekloff of legislator, calli 866 205 3239' _
Louisville, a straight ally, shared his For information on the local chapter in
experience of being fired from Kentucky Fayette County, 90th

Farm Bureau after he took a public position W
supporting marriage equality. Any one of these resources can give people

Gilgor closed the rally by announcing the information and the tools to use their
the KentUCky Fairness Alliance's selection voice and make Kentucky 3 fair place for a”
by the national Equality Federation and the of its citizens.

Gay & Lesbian \fictory Fund for their
Page 8

 l The Imperial Court of Kentucky.......................252-3914

i A Charity Organization



5 Scott Ackerman....................................................(mobile) 338-8483

: For all your real estate needs


r SisterSound 8060243

r Diverse music for all women

1 Richardson Vision Center

at 1757 Alexandria Drive Gardenside..............................................278-4201

k Ernesto Scorsone

y Attorney At Law 2545766

: Unitarian Universalist Church

ir Seeking a Diverse Congregation................................................223-1448

er -

0 Kentucky Fairness Alliance

8 Bluegrass Chapter8064114

e .
Windy Knoll Farm

3: Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding......................................299-7410
Quirk Café and Coffe9859 846-4688
Railroad Street in Midway


at Debra Hensley |nsurance.............................................................276-3244
1513 Nicholasville Rd.

Lexington Lyons 6193650
Levi and Leather Club

I: Ky. Department for Public Health1 800 420-7431

all HIV/AIDS Branch

. Page 9

 GLSO Newsletter cu|endur To schedule events at the Pride Center, call Bill at 253-3233 ~ __ fl .
Mu rcI| 2 on 1 VlSlt us on the web at: www.webspawner.com/users/glsoqxnet \
l 0 ° l ll ° l ' - ‘ ' - l ‘ ' I ‘ - 1 Thursday Friday sa'lll‘dfly I
More information about many of the events are in this newsletter. You may want to call or
email the groupto confirm the date and time, see the directory on back page. Weekly Adivilier
Pride Center may be abbreviated - PC Call for Place may be abbreviated- Call
8pm — Goy/ Lesbian AA
.. , . . , . , . .. , . , Discussion/SpeokenCo/I for
l_—— -
m" Location] 278-7103
Center Open 10a-3p 7P Lexlngion lnSighi @ Center Open 10a-2p
the Pride Center LexDGA Call for Place Tuesdays:
7:30 p Gay/Lesbian AA 7pm - GSA (Gay Straight Alliance]
(call for place) 948-434 9pm - Kdrdoke Tunesddy @
Tonight Miss Bar The Bar Complex
Complex @ The Bar
224 East Main 255-1551 Wednesdays:
__—___ 7pm - GLSO Discussion Group
10:30 a St. Mychal's presentgd Zn LII/K cgrflflus- 7p GLSO Discussion Center Open 108-3p 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p 8pm ' GGV/ Lesbian AA (CO/l for
tie UU Church . GLBT college & high Group-PC the Pride Center 1p Fix Your Credit -PC Location] 278-7103
SoulForce ( Jamle 230-562'5 school students share thier 3p Gay/Lesbian AA . 7p New” Slngles Support
4p Integrlty @ St. MIChael 3 stories. Call for place 948-3434 GrOUP MOVie Night-PC Fridays:
6p SlsterSound Rehearsal 7p GSA (can forplace 266- 7pm- Lexington Insight
g#r;:9c?;:fg:y 8pm ' GOV/LeSblGn AA
, ,, , , it; 4 ,W ,, ,- L, PO” ’O’LOCm’O"1278'7703
1 (1123383 (Sztmhllcyrchal 3 7p Lexington Lyons-PC 5:665:21?" for place ép‘filbfgcmscussion Center Open 108-3“! 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 103.2p Sulurddys:
SoulForce ( Jamie 230-5625 9 Karaoke Tunes da 3p Gay/Lesbian AA 530' One World Fllms the Pride Center
2p One World Films Normal @PThe Ba, Com my Call for place 948-3434 W B’Olhe’ N’khe’ @ 7130 P Gay/Lem” AA ice” (3 . 0-, so. we...
@ downtown library theater p Ky Theater. ' for place) 948-.434 elite Patrick Se: Dray Sundays:
4 lnte ri @St Michael's Aw°°k'y “mm" 9'000m & lldm - uu Church
6: Sistgrgiiund Rehearsal The Pride Center Worship Services
6:00p Imperial Court Mtg. Newsletter Dead-line 10:30 - MOSS, Si. Mychol The
it}.2..-;.;-:.;:;‘:t1".:i;;'f:1T3::1..;.:».';;i;-:éié::;:,;-:ffi1j; '3': ,' I’ L ' " V' ' . * ; f j _ ' Martyr-
10230 St. h l' 7: Pridellonth annln 7p GSA (call for place 7p GLSO Discussion It _ 7p Lexington Insight @ Center Open 10a-2p _ 6pm ‘ SisterSound Rehearsal @
113 US Chllfgl'? a 5 "gm“. “bong“, g 266-5904) Group-PC . Ce ter Open 103 3p the Pride Center 11a - 2p Brunch @ Mia's Londsdowne Presby. Church.
6p mrmpwm 9r Karaoke runesdav enlists/3.2.34 (7:33: Gav/Lissa,“ 2;, attendee
10:0 3 M hl‘ ca orpace -. _
1 1: U3 Cgumv; la 8 BILL] @ The Bar Complex 7p New Game Night PC "mum:
this; 8?: ”3313212,: A Weekly Benefit for 31st -10p @ Tryangles In 6 m _ The Inn em” Court
6: SistgrSound Rehearsal The Pride Center LOUisvme! MoonShine ,O p -
6:00p Imperial Court Mtg. 1:30p GLSO Board ”9- Bears Best Basket Contest SoulForce 'CC'” Jamle 230'5625
Monlllly Adivilies:
Mondays: Saturday: Sundays:
7:30pm - GLSO Board Mtg. [4th Mon. ] 7pm -LexDGA Ist Sat. 4pm- Integrity [2nd Sun]
7pm - Lexington Lyons (2nd Mon.) 7pm— Singles Support 2nd Sat. 4pm— Gen Y/niegrily [3rd Sun]
GLSO Page to

 Rediscovering Our History: Lorena Hickok

‘ by mary crone O
. w . he
' I . ., ' I intended to write an article about the intimate relationship 3'
. ‘ '_ between Eleanor Roosevelt and reporter Lorena Hickok but after 35
" K researching the life of Hickok, I decided that she deserves an Si

‘2 article that focuses on her life work. The fact that she was
i: intimately involved with Eleanor is a fascinating part of her life but St
should not be the only reason we remember her. She was a M
" ground breaking journalist, one of the first women to work 3'
, .1; successfully for the Associated Press, and she had an impact on H
m the direction of our national policy through her relationships with th
in"... A, v ¢ 9 “ Eleanorand Franklin D. Roosevelt. d|
Lorena Hickok was born March 7, 1893, society editor forthe Milwaukee Sentinel, the :(l

in Wisconsin, to Addison Hickok, a only position thought suitable for most
buttermaker, and Anna V\fiate Hicko , a women. In an unfinished autobiography, H
dressmaker. She had a tumultuous Hickok explained how she overcame the Si
childhood with a violent father that beat her customary sex discrimination at several b,
and her sisters. Addison Hickok also had papers she worked for: “I'd build myself up L.
trouble keeping a job and moved the family solidly with the city editor by volunteering for Si
frequently as he sought work. Lorena's night assignments, getinto trouble with some C,
education was disrupted as she traveled dowager who WOUid demand that i be fired, b'
from school district to school district. She and finally land on the straight reportorial d
was reportedly thrown out of the house by Staff, WhiCh was Where i had wanted to be w
her father at age 14. She worked as a “hired fromthe beginning." a
girl” for a couple of years until her mother's After a several reporting jobs, she was re
cousin took her in and saw that she finished hired by Thomas J. Dillon, the managing 0
high school. editor of the Minneapolis Tribune. He fc

She attended Lawrence College but recognized Hickok's talents, tutored her, and
was ridiculed by her classmates and flunked offered her assignments rarely given to 0
out after one year. She was hired as a women, including politics and sports. "The rr
m b
Get the News at your doorstep and support the GLSO N
Subscriptions help us pag Pride Center expenses. F
Name : Phone: 3
Address: :3
m (
City: State: Zip: u

[ ]$20 -’I year Membership & Newsletter for Individuals or Coup/es c
[ ]l would like the newsletter at this reduced rate 8 [$42 or up] E
[ ]I am enclosing an additional contribution of S a
Please mail to: GISO News PO Box 1 172 Lexington, KY 40588 1172 S
M -

Page 12

Old Man," as Hickok called Dillon, taught Once in the White House, Hick
her the "newspaper business, how to drink recommended that Eleanor hold press
ship and how to live." She was often referred to conferences With women reporters only.
.fier as "one of the boys."lt was in this job that She also-encouraged Eleanor to do her
san shebecame known as Hick. own writing for the newspapers. The
N33 During her time in Minneapolis, Hickok resulting syndicated daily column, "My
but started an eight year relationship with Ellie Day," published from 1935 to 1962’ dealt
is a Morse. They moved to California together we] subjects far OUt 0f the range of
iork and Hick tried writing fiction forashorttime. conventional first lady's concerns. The
ton Her skill at news reporting did nottransferto column allowed Eleanor to reach millions
ivith this style of writing and she was quickly “Americans With her views on social and
dissatisfied. When her relationship with Ellie political issues, current and historical
th ended, Hickok moved to New York City to events, as well as her private and public
e continue her news career. life. These were the first steps in Eleanor's
gee/t In 1928, the Associated Press hired successful redefinition of the role of the
the Hickok to write feature stories for its wire first lady as a public figure and a
eral service. Quickly making a name for herself newsmakerindependentofherhusband
f up by covering dramatic stories like the n 1933’ HicklefttheASSOCIated Press
”or Lindbergh baby kidnapping, Hickok because she felt shercould no longer be
me surpassed her male colleagues and wonthe objective when covering the Roosevelts.
red coveted right to have her name appear as a Eleanor recommended that Harry
)riai by-line atop her articles. Hickok was Hopkins, head of _F_DR_e Federal
. be described as looking like one of the boys, Emergenty Re"efAdr_"'.”'Stra“°”: me her
wearing men's clothing, smoking cigars, to investigate the Ing conditions Of
Nas and playing poker with the other AP Americans struggling to survwe during the
ring reporters. Today, she is still recognized as Depressron. Forthree years, Hicktraveled
He one of the most successful women to work across the country and prowded detailed
fortheAssociated Press. reports on New Deal policy, living
and Hick became a White House conditions, and politics to FDR, Eleanor,
”:2 correspondentin 1928. In Washington she and Hopkins. An astute observer, Hick
met Eleanor Roosevelt who had recently talked to governors, tenant farmers, labor
" been appointed as Director ofthe Bureau of leaders, children working in the fields,
Women's Activities by The Democratic social workers, homeless transients, and
National Committee. Her husband, former press colleagues and wrote about
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), was theirlives
elected as governor of New York that In 1983' Hickok's reports to Hopkins
November. Hick avoided Eleanor because and Eleanor were brought together With
she knew that stories about a Governor's photographs of Dorothea Lange and
_ wife would be considered "women's news". Walker Evans, in One Third ofa Nation,
She wanted to be considered a "front page" considered to be one ofthe best records of
_ reporter. the Depressmn. David Kennedy,
Several years later, Hick was assigned Professor of History at Stanford University
_ to coverthe soon-to—be first lady during the eeye L.°’e“a Hickok was a singularly
1932 presidential campaign. Hick gifted Witness to the calamity ofthe Great
conducted a series of interviews with Depressron. ...she stared long and hard
Eleanor that introduced her to a wider into the human face ofAmerica's greatest
audience and laid the groundwork for her economicfailure and social catastrophe.”
political activity during her husband's . In 1941' Hickok moved into the
presidency. Whitehouse with the Roosevelts when
. _____—______——————
Page 13

 she took a post in Washington working for Hickok. We have a copy of this book in the
the Democratic National Committee as Pride Library and it will be the basis of an
executive secretaryto the Woman's DIVISIon. article about Hick and Eleanor next month.
During this time she formed an "intense Hickok died in 1968. She is
friendshp" with the Honorable Marion Janet remembered as one of the first and best
Har r on, a Wted States Tax_ Courtjudge ten nationally syndicated woman reporters of
years her Junior. After the Judges death '” the Twentieth Century. She had meaningful
1972' her papers were found to contain love influence on the Roosevelt Presidency and
letters to Lorena, beginning In March 1942. helped formulate policies that supported
. I“ 1945’ poor health forced _H'°k to Americans during the Great Depression.A
resrgn from political life. She moved Into Val- lesbian worth honoring.
Kil, Eleanor's home in Hyde Park. Hick and ,
Eleanor co-authored Women of Courage, a M155 Bar Complex
portrait of women political leaders, and in .
1962 Hickok wrote Reluctant First Lady, a Fr'dflh Mgmh 2 t
biography of Eleanor. Roosevelt. .a e ar E
After Eleanor's death in1962, Hick Pndc Ltbrary v
gathered the letters the two had written to D . . l
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pe "?'33' n, es oy . . information: address, phone number , or F
consrdered too explICIt. A selection of their . . L
. . , email, call the office and leave new Info for
letters can be found In Roger Streltmatters . . . . f
, . Jane wrth Bl” (253-3233) or emall It to
1998 book Empty Without You. The Intimate l . t l h L t k f
Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena exrng ong so@ya oo.com. e us now <
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