xt7r4x54j55x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54j55x/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky  1895-04 Accession number: 2011ua004; other contributors include University of Kentucky; other titles include Cadet, The Cadet Magazine; "Published monthly during the collegiate year by the students of State College, Lexington, Ky." newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: State College Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The State College Cadet University of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Kentucky University--Students--Periodicals. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Students--Periodicals. Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. State University, Lexington. State College, Lexington. The State College Cadet, Vol. 5, No. 8, April 1895 text The State College Cadet, Vol. 5, No. 8, April 1895 1895 1895-04 2015 true xt7r4x54j55x section xt7r4x54j55x I
_ -.ME 1, A; . , “E2- . _ .. _,__== Zoom, {mull-“Wm
-— _-~ ' =2: .. 2 ~ . =Tf=‘ ——..-_~‘ =5 E —-,, »\-t‘-'~—' ‘ . _-;.——-; ’ x ‘ ‘ £25
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J ‘* “mazes
Vol 5 ‘ LEXINGTON, KY., APRIL. 1895. ' No. 8
The World is Growing Better. and get the latest pronunciations in If you Want the best values for your money try the
_ ‘ “Pauree.” after which we would be
“I" picked “ll 0111' Old thumb able to visit all the objectivepoints Rac E.‘ et Store
'worn Bible today, and had not read of the world without being embar- ’
long l)(‘f()l‘(} we ("[1116 to apassafl'e pissed “rith rm] intern-eter B V '
~‘ ‘ L‘ i... t . V .
i-i . .. . .. 3° . . 1 ‘ 50 and 750 NECKWEAR W111
il~.snémx.in>i M 0
camp out, go to sleep, does not ex- l‘xentucky .Uhl‘jel'SItl’r Centre and ——————~———_—-—_— .
press it, and then imagine some (Jeéitral liniverSity.M il'tli lauiels .
H 7 .- . . , :leorge own carrix o ' e i ‘ ‘, M 11 & L
H: (iiilff: 113:]: littzlfiénaiden, pietty being represented by Mr. Shelbou‘rn, M C 1 an auer?
You see her start off well, and Centre by Mr. l\‘le]‘tlroy, btate (lol-
she is constantly going higher and 10g? by Ml" Ray, ‘an‘d Kentucky Th New Cream Bakery
higher till she is way up above“G,” UIIMVCl'Slty h)’ ML hmlth- e -
and instead of preserving this high l‘lie‘ attendance at the ppera COI‘VER VINE AND UPPER STREETS.
note for a few seconds she must house this year was not as laige as \* ,
maintain it for quarter of an hour, 1115’“ year hht Shh (1th good. Th0 F res h B rea d a n d R O I i 8
she holds up well for five minutes order was. better, but still there is . . 1 ‘1 1 1 , ”‘0” mm ' every eve-
when you see color change and you room for improvement, and ii the Best Bread, Rolls and Cakes m tug-11:13.5 g'zelzék‘truu am \ a . )
begin to tremble, bite your lip, hold boys would keep better order while .
your breath, and at last, you have 111 the Opera 1101150, they “fund —_——__'——_—‘
fainted fiiom your great anxiety; have better attendance; especmlly
they turn the hose lose on your the ladies object to such yelling as K t) CIGAR Store
face and you finally recover, only to 1*} customary ““11 college boys. 0‘ en S '
find that you have missed the first course we do not ()lUtX‘t to all the
fifteen hours of the sermon and you denir’nistration the boys wish to ‘ '0 E- MAIN'
have to listen to the other five indulge in on the base ball or foot
hours constantl ' uessiiicr at the ball field, but within a limited F 11 L ' f T b Et
text, and lameniingg over Dthe fact amount of space and an unlimited 11 1116 O O aCCO, C-
thflt you were aroused from your amount of iioice it is simply un- ‘ _
unconscious state Su soon. hfi‘ih'ilhle. —__.___—___'____—————-——-
. _._.-.__ We admit after the deeission has ~ . 7 . ’
The editor will now have to sing been rendered it is hard for the fol- _ .
anew song; fOI‘ it seems that things lowers 0f the "10h” to restrain WAN EE 9i? D. , »
are no longer keeping the “Noiseless themselves, laiid'reven il they do ‘ . ‘. ‘
tenor of their way ,7 butare making inake a lot of noise then, its iioth— - ‘ . .
. . ’ _ “ ing- more than natural, but this 6) 4 - - ' (. , ,,

. consnlerable 110156 at times. For thing ofyelling before the speaker ‘ (fl/[Zl/OJ/OC /z«Cl// D/fil/e/z
instance, about 12 o’clock on the comes on the stage and then be- , (I I g +
night of 20th inst, when some rest- tween each speech, is not prompted V ' -- ‘ 1 ' .
less spirits—“Fairies” no doubt—— by the WWW (””0140 Spirit but 011- 1933 West Main. Call and see our enameled iinish. Special
proeurred both “socks” full of blast- ly to drown the other colleges. rates t0 students. v - .
in;r powder and rammed them well 1 “v C 11.01)? alleollege students “ 1H ’ ‘

ook at it in this light and give bet- M
, into the two old guns and then tar order next year.
touched them all} just in order, per— ______
haps, to study the theory of sound F0 U S H E E & CO
wave, and give also a practical What’s the use in drinking, -
demonstration of the ellects of same; JUSt because you’re dry? 7‘ ‘ ) , ,
and then again we have fixed it up When your tongue is parehing, (I, D. (TUNNlNGHAM, SOLE IARTMtR. .
that the parties were possibly trying LOOk 110i 011 the Rye. ' ————Wliolesale and retail Dealer in—
to produce silence by two opposing But then, 11' you are thirsty, _
sounds; and then they were possi— And can get no water clear, ".3553: '31: :3 G I a SS B r u S h es 8 n d
hly testing the accuracy or thC You must pass on by the whisky—— ”1".” , .
theory that the waves produce no But mu take.a-httle-Bee13 ”i 1‘55}; A ' M
sound when there are no ears to What’s th: use in swearing ""‘ "‘ ’ ’ rtlsts aterla IS.
fl .. 7 hear and thus they got out in the l ‘tb ‘ ‘q in (b' 1'2”»
" stillness ofnight to make the exper- ' “5 ecaure you “3 IO‘L' H P‘llnter ‘11](1 Decorator.
iment, forgetting that they themr When your mind is troulflSd OUSC ( (,
selves hadears. But our last 0011- V‘ hats the use to smoke. _‘ Levin ton Ky.
clusion is that they wanted to gen- You fancy thht your burden 21 WCSt Short btreet. ‘ g 7
, erate a little noise just in order to On the smoke does roll away, ‘ V Ag##_~___.”/
emphasize the stillness mentioned But its only a delusion, V #—

. in one of the “heavy weights” of the AIM Its one f‘lelhwh you pay. E KUEIINE , . ~ B. FOTSCH
last CADET; and thus we go on and Prof. Anderson told Collyer that ' thnix Hotel. i ' ‘ ‘Un'dcr Fayette Natiomil Bank:
on from one reason to another until he must “use emery cloths with ‘ BARBERS ,

“'0 find ourselves wound in the some discretion, and Collyer went to ‘ .

“WP/h 0f nothingness," 311d finally tlie tool room, where all tools and K U E H N E . A N D FOTSC H
break away by saying “Wt it only material appliances are kept, and _ it

establishes the fact that “men are said to the man in charge, “Give LEXINGTON, KY. t _ , 3
only grown “P boys,” me a little piece of disei'etion?’ WSpecial attention paid to Student; . , -7, """’

 Prices Moderate. F 1t and workmanship guaranteed First Class.
., e 0 e Ell 01' 111 O. .
w " ~
' No. 11 Cheapside, Lexmgton, Ky. '
_ It is now universally conceded -—-ninety-eight in all. Through the . ,
that there is something wrong with Cosmopolitan sells for but fifteen ‘ 7 d S t ‘
the youth who smokes cigarettes, cents, probably no magazine in the -' an Bren R CO t,
parts his hair in the middle, tal- world 'will present for May so great . Successors to olnT M'll
lows his mustache, spits through anumber or illustrations specially J 1 ' 1 er' _
his teeth and creases his trousers; designed for its pages by famous il- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN
however some of these are allowable; lustrators. The fiction in this num-
but like drink can only be indulged her is by F. Hopkinson Smith, Gus-
by those who know where to draw tav Kobbe, W. Clark Russell, Edgar 4 _
the line. ' W. Nye, and T. C. Crowford. I Wa i e,
The “Society for the consump- When we used to see SO many The boys all smile when they ride a wheel from Vanderen & Scott’s, after- exer-
tion of palatable substances” has jokes and cartoons on “The Country Cismg Wltl‘fitlletFVIIigly'h B??? 5:111ng kind? of Bicycle repalm 7- ~
. had some interesting and entertain— Editor,” we had it fixed up that ,V , 11pm mg 00 s 0 a m S' 8 am see “5' - >
g . . a n u M
lng meeting during the last two they were Just put In for a kmdaaf- ‘ ,,
weeks; but modesty (‘1’) forbids a advertising scheme, for we really M EN '8 , (5 ..' ‘ ‘
detailed report of same, suffice it to thought that an editor had one of ' 531‘ ' - ' 5,”
say that all present had an enjoya- the greatest “cinches” in the world STYLIS H ~ ' ‘ " I 'i '
ble time and were made to feel that and we thought the man who was ‘ - ' ‘
it was good to be there. employed to wind an eight day
, _.__________ clock had quite a laborious task as TAN AND PATENT LEATHERS '
Late Literary News. compared with a. newspaper. man ; RIGHT SHAPES AND PRICES. - ' ‘
but we now see how bad we missed ' » - ' ”
_ . and are ready to say with the phil- $ 6 ' ~ 7
Much. interest w1ll be felt by the osopher, “Improvident are the days BtSl 3.00 S H O . lll T2111 01“ Bldtli ‘
P’lfbllc 1“ the “Elm" 0f Ruayf‘rd of thy youth. - THAT Is MADE. . .
luplmg to Indla. He has Just For while this little sheet only ,
agreed to furnish a regular contrl- comes to the light once a month S BASSETT & SONS.
bum" l0 lhe (:osmopolitanIMaga- and at somewhat irregular periods '
mne for the coming year, beginning we know that it must_ come and be _
his work upon hls return from India. filled with the choicest reading mat- .
India has never been critically con- ter unless we can get a few first Ottna 8 r0
sidered by such a pen as Kipling’s, class ads but we only try to get u ‘
and what he will write for The-Cos- enough of these to pay the [printers PROPI‘IETORS OF
mopohtan Wlll attract the w1dest and the “Devil” never thinking of ‘ '
. a . I
attentlon. both here in England. self. We are perfectly willing to give The ASh land Rfll'er NEWS
Perhaps the most beautiful series our work free, gratis, for nothing, " ‘ a i-
of pictures ever presented of the and pay our express and postage MANFACTUIiERS AND DEALERS IN
, “(ka mountains Will be found in jusf’ to have it said that our College anc Famil Flour Com Meal Mill Feed etc. Paragon Patent. Sterling, '
a (“’IIGCWHI 0f “11110911 original [of which we feel so proud can afford y Choiie rami'ly, Silyer Leaf, Roller Patent, XXX Family. Superfine ' I
paintings. executed by ThOmZIS and will support and encourage a . ' L ' -
. exm ton K .
Moran for the May Cosmopolitan“ college paper. ' 66 Walnut St' g ' y .
To those who have been in the But to come more directly to the —"——'—_—_——‘——_
Rockies, this issue of The Cosmo- subject we will begin to explain .
politan will he a souvenir worthy of some of. the_ disadvantages con- _ ,1 . C
preservation. This number con- “190,th 2’”? $115 Workt) “'9 “"11 if" . LeXl n gto n Pl U I I Ibl n g 0 m pa n), ‘
tains fiftv-two original drawings. by p ”m_ rs 1 you go up any I) ' . .
, ' ' . ‘ sonals you are llable to offend some .
I'homas Moran, OllVOI‘ Herford, one ifyour dearest friends, because . HIGH GRADE PLUMBING
Dan Beard, H. M. Eaton, F. G. Att— it, was some one else’s and not his Hot. Water and Steam Heating.
wood. F. 0. Small, F. Lix, J. H, lawn . name. 1that appeared as a I . a . O
D l 1’, 1 R ‘ E tt She _ erom tnc J0 e game orw iatever w d M II _'_ G M h , .
wéolllbullli (£5111qr01T3i2m off}:- you may be teliing (its never the In I .S, n as d0 “‘80,
0'“ 0'31 (Its x pk H ‘ t 1 truth any way) and we could go on
mous 1'90“" wor's 01' ar-, am to the million point but space l'or- ,. 9/“ .
tort' other interestin illustrations bids. ‘ " $03};le SEWER AND DRAIN TILE. ‘le
.l g

 I I i
hen I. Regular Meals only 2 5 cents
Meals to order at all hours. Oysters, Lamb Fries and Spring Chicken a
Specialty. Seating Capacityof Hall 150.
- Gus LLJIGART, Prop.
" Backward, turn backward,
“10 State College Cadet. 0, Time, in your High, STl ; D E N T S I
___—__—_————————-_.b_ n
l 1 h C '11 ‘ Give me some boodle,
I’ bli.h lMontl curiu t e o egl- - ‘ - .1.
‘ lhtegfdar onl;,yin intgrest of‘ every Just enOUgh for tonight. GO TO ~tv
. Department of the State College. I am so weary of doing . .
M, Without “dough.” W atk 1 n S & S In 1th
0 Y TERMS' c 0 give me some “plunkers,” ' ,
Siieméi‘ftg:::::::::::::::::::::::::22. Adozenorso. - 7 sh.- FOR BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS 0r FOOT WEAR. es
T1 M thOC , .. . a.
551:1: ngyhioc Sees, a Ten D0115“ Wllham: They keep the best 3.3, $4 and 35 lines of Substantial Shoes made and
______________. And some silver to boot, g_ ,
, To make the first payment guarantee every pair. Give them a call at l6 E Main St, Lexington.
. EDITORIAL STAFF' On a lovely Spring suit. , "
r WOODS, - ' .
iJV. FAULKNER, l' Edltors' ., p O I am so weary of wearing ‘ ‘
——————————————'— Old clothes, ' ‘ W J H ' &C B
' PAUL MURRILL, My shoes are worn out ' ' Q u I I h gdnl . ro'
, Correspondent Patterson Society. And I’m needing some hose. l . \VhOleMflc mid fetal ea Us m
J. v. pm. Th . Stoves, meare, Pumps, “Grates, Mantles, Hardwate, Etc. .
\ . ‘ . . ‘ - 0‘ , v‘“ . .
~. Correspondent UmO“ 5061“)“ e laced “6 comm,” ' Galvanized Iron and Slate Work a SpeCIalty.
T. R. DEAN, And tne shows wrll come too, J b ‘kid v 1 t t. t t1 G ’ _ t WV t St
Correspondent Y. M. C. A. And without the “Simolaeons”— O W01 one .0“ S 101. no ICC :3 :10 10a GS 8TB 0V8,
' MISS FRANKIE Doucmss. 0, what will I do? , 5 V . ,1 _ {”1ng SPOT? ., U ' » '~ '
., Correspondent Philosophian Society. ”0 I am"so’~‘ti1"ed 7,. , I 26 \NCS’LI‘IRIH Street. ' " '.
_ . _ .q .’ ~ g .V . y m, ”fifwwz. , , - ‘« 1.. ‘ ' I
/ With this issue of the CADET. E. As a College Cadet, W
'.' ,. C. McDowell, our life long friend Asking for credit,‘ . l , - - '"“ ‘ f I
i‘ f- _' and for the past seven months our That I never can get. , 'l" - ’ A n5 ‘ " . i l
’ “l associate editor, retires. In him we S0 backward, turn backward " ‘ i O _ ' I H ' l ’ ~
loosea valuable associate, and the O cruel old time; ’ ._ .:..; l! . . .- . -- . '- ,
many readers of the CADET will no pm just take a quarter." ~ 1 ' t" ' 55 IE. Main St '
. doubt be sorry to hear of his retir- 01. a nickel, 0,. dime. , .I ' "
"1:;le 0“ the other hand W1“ be I ,0 ,e ‘ Fine'VPho‘to‘graphs‘at'Reasonable Prices."
t glad to hear that as he had deter- {121:1 I: (my, 1 " , h ______.____._—————————————-———
mined to retire that he chose such 11 t e “(at)“ ls so Ot’ J: -1- = ‘* ' ' A“ i” i' , . .
l , .. ~ 0 do Father lime , P. . V .F at. I »
, an able successor in the person of JD “ . l ‘1 ” 13,, .1 u “ ' ; -‘- . ,,
,‘ our old friend, J. V. Faulkner, who rop a penny 1“ he b Qi- ,_ w a e i , 5" G é g ‘9 E?
is well versed in the art of quill This is enough &
shoving, and with him on our staff 10 make soda water flow; n H I
will be sure, as usual, to keep the Just give me a copper, 0F I ~ ,—, -— _ , "‘ PRINTING AND BINDING
it)”. ‘ , ()wmg,r to .thefilutnge .111 the : , "C'll ls . f y .. if
______.-.___ prt)prictorship?’ ‘ol' ltho; (hunt’fifi tho . d .81!“ i m .01- .Omsc .' .
Editorial hlushvs for salt'ul this suhscription price ““1 remain til“ ,- ' Tl ansylvunlil 'iPlldntlng-c;company,
()lliw. same. .. _"’" .., i "' 10 EfMain Street, fi ,.,,Lexiiigtou, Kentucky. ,

 , . .
No. 80 East NI an I] Street.
' 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Gents’ Wear. i
t ' 7) (“vi , -( ; (1 l i” V Fl 77 w "T? “7"“? 1‘! i, '21-; .1: r ‘v . i , .
ii o ll ins em on ere oewra 9, iii elm geniuses, ittAEFS.) TEEEKS; Illl’lf‘fiDo
- .A'SPRING/OUTING; torrential tracks, pass through a 6, 13 i
. ——,— _;' , ' ; ‘tunnel and find ourselves at our A I , X I I A I , I ,’ i
- Perhaps as jolly/a crowd as ever hr“ stopping place—the Natural
left this classic city for a jaunt in Bridge. ' pRESCRIPTION DRUGGI T
the country or mountains or vale; Some one'said ““70 stop here,” S ’ i
was that'which went to Torrent on “hd one hundred and thh'lY‘59le comer mum and zfgiitf’thNléeitgmu Kentucky.
, the morning of Saturday, April 20. people went eagerly t0 me‘ Miller
A special train of three coaches and asked him if that was the place. ———————-——-———-———"
and a baggage ear backed down to When‘ they fOund “ht that it was
the Kentucky Unioi‘rdepot at 7:30 they called the other six. Then all J o B- 1 V {O R I O N & CO.
and 7:45 pulled out with about 150 alighted and took a bee line for the S .
oassengers and their lunch baskets, mountains, 100th as they “'Uht ht . B O O ksel '8 r3, ' tat] O n e rS,
‘4‘”"10‘1 With 11103“; DEMOS, fruits theirmnflntlc landscape. Full line of Books used at A. & M. College always on hand.
1““ (Mkcs sillOl‘O—thhlgs that Silhs' T111080 “hm“,mhs are hOt moun' Tablets Blankbooks and Stationer n
. . . , )
fy the most fastidious palate, be- 193111501 elevation but Of Ch‘hmhdeh' 22 E. Main St. Lexington, Ky.
5.,ch such as repair the muscle ex- dation and in the millions of years
liaustod by arduous mountain 0f the geological ages the 001d Wind ———“_————__—_——
, . , climbing. of the nortli’bringing its freezes, ice ,
Some took seats in the smoker, and sleet, hhfl the warm southern ‘ T O 1 l I 1 I I [ltC 1 1 1 S O I 1,
some sat on the cushioned seats, wmd' hhh Its. beating hhhsf‘he
some sat on the hard steps of the sun rising to his summer solstice to ~
platform, some restlessly walked up scorch the. bare rock that h hhhdhh) ——DEALER IN—
‘ and down the coach and laughed “W loosen Its P31119105 and fhhlhg
and talked with everybody The again to winter solstice that the ice . ‘
joy and fun of the picnic had he- may .eleaye tthe mlc'klfhul 'thCSf" Staple and Fancy GI'OCCI‘ICS and country
, n , , , -, U -‘ _ agenmes 0 na iure w 1101 in nstori— _ ,
huh » “1h escort Tin-15h“, hm eom- cal time do not lll'll' 1 ‘t showimr of i Pl OdHCC.
pai‘iylaughed, professor's laughed, " . p “‘L' ‘. " ‘ h. ,
the girls laughed, the boys laughed, then great work, yet In, the tune . . . i .
“I”. ,LH 1001f”, out into thc bright since the elevation of the land Goods Promptly Delivered and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Corner Main
T“ ’ ‘ h . n , .. .7 . y. .. and Mill Streets. Tele )honc No. 4.
: April sunshine and laughed as the al.)o\Lt11L:\\thLl thh‘i h‘hh hluwd i ]
sun laughed,‘blue grass laughed, we ”ht 1L higlhhi record and 'we read ——————-—-——-—-—-—-—————-‘
ran by a farmer as he was breaking here thht theso hthc thlth—the .
up his eorn ground and he laughed, 119:0“: “10 “‘lhd: the 511115111110; the T1 3 M C 011 C
we passed by a boy who was cut— hhhdhh)’ ihhl the Shownhlfg hase 1L .L . . 1 ey O.
ting corn stalks, and he raised his Cht these mighty channels (500 hi“ '
, hoe high in the air, waved at us, deep. -———l\ilANUFACTURERS OF—
-. ' , , .. . . I V xll we are oil" for a ramble. A
got sand in his eyes, but he laughed, “ t 7
and we ran “rm-mg at everybody, seoi'e'go this way, a score go that . MILITARY, COLLEGE AND BAND UNIFORMS.
giving college yells, hollowing and way, another score “110th“ “hi": FLAGS an S d H I t
squalling and sereaniingmml ‘b‘awl- ”hd 1h l’hh'b' “'hd bunches and “("71“ - Cinners- wor S- 3 me 89 '
inf: on to Torrent. - , and eoveys tney take ~dillercnt
1f “,0 we're going to select a , spot roads, but all roads lead to the nat- OVCI'COthS fOI' OHICCI'S 21-11(1 Pl‘thltCS.
ingall Kentucky for scenery and 111111 hl'ldl-CU- ' i
. rugged country, and grandeur and \Vith lunch baskets, or with no ' THE M. C. LILLEY CO.
gcni‘n'allitness for a party of city load but self, We tug on and do bong Sc. Find E. Avenue, ~ -~ ~ Columbus, 0
ckciirsi‘i‘inists to take a ramble, it what the harvest hand would call
would be this :region of Powell “sweating,” but it is really perspir-
connty that we Visited. ' “’0' pass ing. Finally 'we are in sight of the
through a beautiful portion of the inari'el of nature—the bridge—a
Bluc (lrass region to reach it, \Vin- great sandstone which was able to USE THE BEST
chcstcr and (llay City are in our resist the veathing agencies until it 1
path, and we pass in sight of l’ilot joined crags forty feet apart and fif-
l\'nob, we run along the valley ty feet high. \Ve pass on and up
track of the Middle Fork and South and as we go a spring, a real moun-
Fork creeks, which like labyrinths tain spring gushing with water cool SHELBY KINKEAD & BRO.
wind their "way to the Kentucky and pure, was just beside our path.
river, and on we go to where these After drinking we were all: soon SOLE AGENTS'
creeks l(.‘:1\'l.‘ the mountains in their seated undcr the bridgc, cxccpting ' 5| N. BROADWAY

l’i'ot‘. Miller, and he had taken a redivided as they lly in theirjourn- Sergeant J. B. Jordan of the fa— l Day each year, and consequently a
- piéi‘i'll where birds without wings ey tl’irough the air, they split the mous company “13,” of which Char- class clay programme has been ar-
never could reaeh,‘an(.l was taking" sunlight into its raiiibowcolors and ley Cowhercl was captain, is in the ranged for the fifth of June. the
our picture. Alter a short stroll smile at us in irridesccnt splendor. City this week “picking the wm- day before commencement. Every .
we again return to enjoy our lunch- After watching a few poles and ners.” precaution has been taken to make
es which had gotten somewhat niix- logs the same thrilling journey, we ——-—-»-—— it as pleasant a programme as pos-
ed, but enjoyed none the less and again return to the train and the In 1891 the college only grad-'sible. The following is the pro- -
. probably more. rest of the story is soon told. uated five students, in ’94 this num- gram:
Again we go, some to this point All are tired, but the inerry her was increased to twenty and Mr. Paul Murrill, President of the
and some to that, and each com- laugh still goes round and none tire this year will add still a larger list; Class.
pany could no doubt tell an inter- l of jollity until we are safe in the if this ratio of increase is kept up ‘ M. R. L. Weaver, Historian.
esting' story, but we can not relate Blue Grass capital. the number of graduates will reach Mr. R, Chas. Stoll, Grumbler.
all here. As we said, if we were going to a hundred Within the present cen- Mr. J. V_ Faulkner Poet.
) ' . 7
l rohably the point that would he select a spot in all Ixentucky for a tury. Miss Mary Atkins, Giftorian. , .
is " :‘is' o- .7: '.' 2 1 (Va. is '. 2 “ 2 'I "2. “ ———'— ,- ' '
in ) t ll1t(l( ting fto lllllS the hicit piano, ‘1 men. ippio‘piiite out, . . . Miss Nellie Reynolds, Essayist. .
“My... , ( ._,. , . .. 2‘ . _. . . , A i. , . . .
trim) itnm mt o a in he ti it once th in tlils would be hrnd to tind Captain Swigart says if the. boys MISS Elizabeth ng’ Prophet.