xt7r4x54gm1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54gm1q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1987-04-10 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 10, 1987, no. 501 text The Green Bean, April 10, 1987, no. 501 1987 1987-04-10 2014 true xt7r4x54gm1q section xt7r4x54gm1q I
No. 501 April 10. 1987
April 10 Gallery Series: Piano recital-—Mina Miller
April 13 Thomas Jefferson, 1743 — 1826.
AprLl14 "Take Time to Read, Kentucky-—Kentucky's
Contribution to Literature." Lecture by Prof.
wade Hall of Bellarmine College.
April 14 Abraham Lincoln assassinated on this day in 1865.
April 15 Ides of April .... Tax Day
April 17 Thornton Wilder, 1897 — 1975. American playwright 4
April 17 ' Galler Series: Voice recital——Keith MacAdam,
April 18 Clarence Darrow, 1857 — 1938. American attorney
April 22 National Secretary's Day
April 23-24 Library Book Sale, Buell Armory
April 24 Gallery Series: A John Jacob Niles Song
Celebration-—Jackie Roberts, soprano; Nancie
Field, piano. _Exhibit: John Jacob Niles, 1892-
Next Green Bean: Friday, April 24, 1987
Deadline for inclusion: Friday, April 17, 1987
Production Staff: Kerry Kresse, editor/typist; Scott Lutz,
assistant typist; Cecil Madison, printer.
Ina Newsletter of the Umversnty
of Kentucky Lnbrarnes

 FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Friday afternoon. Help is
always needed for cashiers,
You may have noticed the book baggers and table stockers
lecture by Prof. Wade Hall of to work two—hour shifts
Bellarmine College in the throughout the Sale. If you
calendar. This lecture will be can lend your hands to the
held in Room 230 of the Oswald effort, please contact Paula
Building at Lexington Community Pope at 257-3801 and arrange a
College at 7:00pm cui Tuesday work time that suits your
April 14. The event is schedule. we need your grocery
sponsored by the KLA Community bags, too, for bagginig
and Junior College Round Table materials sold at the Sale.
and the Kentucky. Humanities Paula will take the bags off
Couricil. Tdie lectnire, your hands if you will bring
"Kentucky's Contribution to them to the Director's Office.
Literature," will be given as Thanks for your help.
part of the Take Time to Read, (Submitted by Paula Pope)
Kentucky promotion and National
Library Week.
n Another reminder, don't LSO BOOK SALE
forget to join LSO. Please
send your checks to Steve The Library Staff
Savage in PNM. Organization is collecting
Happy reading. —klk paperbacks for the Book Sale.
As in years past, LSO will have
a table at the book sale, and _
NEW STAFF ARRIVALS .... proceeds go to LSO. Please
WELCOME ABOARD!! send your donated paperbacks to
Jessie Adams in the Bindery
Rick Gay ........ Circulation Department, King .North. We
Betsy Daniluk ...... Circulation also need volunteers to work
Joe Phillips ...... Acquisitions the tables. LSO needs your
support. Please join today!
(Submitted by Joyce Welch)
The Library Book Sale is COMPACT DISK
nearing —— April 23 and 24 —e `
and we need your help more than The InfoTrac optical—disk
ever. Since there is no space system in the Reference
to hold the Sale in the Department includes citations
Library, we have had ix; move to the last six to seven months
the Book Sale to the Buell of the wall Street Journal,
Armory. The Armory will be a accessible by Library of
roomy, centrally located and Congress subject headings. For
visible site; but, we face a the next month or so, because
formidable task in transporting we are participating in a test,
our Book Sale materials to the these reference will be
Armory and setting up on complemented by a full»text
Thursday morning, as well as retrieval feature; the actual
` cleaning up by 4:30 pm on article from the WSJ can be

 displayed and printed at the Valuable Partnership." Also
InfoTrac micros. Take a look planned are mini—sessions,
at this enhancement if you have exhibits, and KLA awards.
an opportunity during the trial Registration information. will
period. The price tag is such be mailed out in August. _
that it is improbable that we
will be adding the service t
after the test is completed. KDLA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
(Submlttéd by Brad Grissom) COMMITTEE SUMMER WORKSHOPS
The Summer of 1987 will
LS2000 REMOTE ACCESS feature a day long workshop on
storytelling. If you are
For remote access to interested, contact Linda
LS2000 with a Commodore 64, Stith, Kentucky Department for
Bill Davis has public domain Libraries and Archives, (502)
software called "Higgyterm," 875~7000.
which he has used successfully.
Call Bill at 257-3329 in the
Microfilm Center if you would RARE BOOK SCHOOL 1987 AT i
like a copy of this program. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY :
In July 1987, the Columbia
CLAY LANCASTER EXHIBIT School of Library Service will
AT TRANSY again offer various five-day ;
non-credit courses on rare ,
Architectural Renderings books, special collections, and
and Fantasies jj; the name of preservation. The 25 different
the new Clay Lancaster classes include "Evidence of
retrospective exhibition at the ownership: tools and
Morlan Gallery, Mitchell Fine techniques for investigating
Arts Center at Transylvania the history of an early printed
University. Mr. Lancaster is a book"; "Rare book cataloging";
native of Lexington, and is a Strategies for special
leading authority on American collections"; "History of the
and Oriental architecture. The book in America"; and "Building
exhibit runs through April 13. 20—th century literary
collections". For a copy of
the brochure or an expanded
KLA FALL CONFERENCE PREVIEW course description sheet,
please call Kerry at 257—5954
For those of you organized or write to: Rare Book School,
enough to plan this far ahead, School of Library Service,
KLA has published a preliminary Columbia University, New York,
announcement for the Fall NY 10027.
,conference. It will be held
September 30 — October 2, 1987
agenda are two preconferences, LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORS
"Professional Development and
_ Its Importance in Libraries," The School of Business
and "Libraries and Business: A Administration at Miami of Ohio

 is holding their 15th session Topics covered in this
of their course "Middle session, which is aimed at
management program for library those with five or more years
administrators." The course of library management
runs July 19 - 24 and costs experience, includes:
$555. Fees include all Organizing resources and
instructional materials, a delegating authority;
single room in an air- Managerial decision-making and
conditioned residence hall, and problem-solving; Designing
mostmeals. library strategies;
Designed for those who Introducing and implementing
directly supervise the work of change; Conflict resolution;
several others and is Self-assessment of your
relatively new to library leadership pattern; Maximizing
management, the course will your managerial effectiveness;
address the following topics: and Building an effective
Roles and responsibilities of library team. For a copy of
the library administrator; the brochure, please call Kerry
Effective time management; at 257-5954 or contact: Center
Diagnosing and measuring for Management Development,
performance; Motivation: School of Business
stimulating others to improved Administration , Miami
performance; Interpersonal and University, 103-D Laws Hall,
organization communication; Oxford, OH 45056. (513) 529-
Results-oriented management; 2132.
Effective personal leadership; _
and Managerial challenges
ahead. For a copy of the MANAGING THE LEARNING PROCESS
brochure, please call Kerry at IN LIBRARIES
257-5954 or contact: Center
for Management Development, The ARL Office of
School of Business Management Studies is
Administration, Miami sponsoring a new institute of
University, 103-D Laws Hall, this name in Baltimore on
Oxford, OH 45056. (513) 529- August 18 - 21. The complete
2132. title is: Managing the
Learning Process in Libraries--
Making Training Work. This
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT PROGRAM program has been designed for
FOR LIBRARY ADMINISTRATORS librarians working in the area
of staff training and
The School of Business development, for example
Administration of Miami supervisors involved in
University in Oxford, Ohio is training, personnel officers,
sponsoring their 9th session of library staff involved in
the Advanced Management Program training others on computers,
for Library Administrators from and those involved in
July 19 - 24. Fees include all bibliographic instruction. The
instructional materials, a institute costs $400, with a
sin le room in an air- $60 discount if you register
conditioned residence Hall, and before June 1 . The
most meals. registration fee includes all

instructional materials and a exercises designed to
study guide. For a copy of the strengthen their observational
brochure, please contact the and diagnostic skills necessary
Office of Management Studies, for measuring library user
Association of Research needs, evaluating operations,
Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire and sound decision—making. The
Avenue, NW, washington, DC. fee is $450 and includes only
20036. (202)232~8656. instructional materials. This
institute will make you work—~
several weeks before the
BASIC MANAGEMENT SKILLS institute, participants will
DwTFHNE receive a workbook on
statistical concepts and
The ARI. •OffiA:e of vocabulary. The advance
Management Studies is offering preparation ensures a common
another institute on Basic basis for understanding of
Management Skills, this time in terms and ideas. Once you
Washington, DC from May 19 — axrrixie in Sy1:ac11se ,
22. This institute will be participants will have the
devoted to advancing the opportunity to use resources of
supervisory and managerial an academic research library,
skills of library staff and the and simulate examination of
overall performance of the operations ·using instruments
library organization. This designed to analyze library
V instiluite has IDQGYI held process and procedures. For a
regularly since 1973. The cost copy cu? the brochure, please
is $325, _and includes contact the Office of
instructional materials. Hotel Management Studies, Association
accommodations are available at of Research Libraries, 1527 New
the nearby Holiday Inn—Central Hampshire Avenue , NW,
for $72 per person per night Washington, DC. 20036.
(single). For a copy of the (202)232—8656.
brochure, please contact the
Office of Management Studies,
Association of Research   y
Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire AQMlNISTRAQlQ§ l
Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. l
20036. (202)232—8656. From April 30 — May 1,
SOLINET is sponsoring a
preservation conference in
LIBRARY ANALYTICAL SKILLS Charleston, South Carolina.
INSTITUTEm` Held previously in Atlanta in
`m—”* October, 1986, this conference g
Tkie AIQL Oi?fi»:e of` will be valuable to archivists `
Management Studies is also and librarians in institutions
offering an institute on that mxzbegmuung to;mmdement
library analytical skills at a preservation program, or who
Syracuse University Libraries are in the early stages of
from June 2 ~ 5. This addressing their preservation
institute will explore problem— needs.
solving and project planning. SOTJXJET menduers will
Participants work through benefit from a reduced

 registration fee of $35, and furniture, and more open space
S 5 0 for nonmembers . that allows for better library
Registration deadline is April organization and access to
16, and the deadline for making materials. Our LS2000 OPACs
hotel reservations (at the are now operational, and we
Radisson Francis Marion Hotel-- anticipate circulating material
$55 per night, single, double, online in Summer 1987.
triple, quadruple) was March
30. (sorry...) For a copy of
the brochure, please contact THE BOOKSHELF
SOLINET at Plaza Level, 400
Colony Square, 1201 Peachtree Guide to ex ert s stems / by
Street, NE, Atlanta, GA. Alex Goodal. Oxford: Learned
30361. (404)892—O943. Information, 1985. Call no.
QA76.9 .E96 G6460 1985.
MEET THE GEORGE W. PIRTLE Practical current awareness
GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY services from libraries 7
(By Mary Spencer) edited by Tom Whitehall.
Gower, 1986. Call no. Z764.4
The Pirtle Geological .P73 1986.
Sciences Library is located on
the first floor of Bowman Hall.
It is staffed by one full-time PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES
librarian, one full-time
library technician and eight Maysville Community College
student assistants. This will have two professional
library has gained the positions (Head Librarian and
reputation of being one of the Assistant Head Librarian)
most outstanding geological available beginning July 1
collections in the southeastern
United States.
Our collection consists of ARIZONA
13,122 monographs, 29,815 bound
journals, 110,900 maps, 12,379 Librarian, Cataloger for
microfiche, as well as several Serials. University of
hundred reels of microfilm, and Arizona. Salary: $18,500
a few cassettes. Included in minimum. Deadline: June 5,
these totals are materials we 1987. ‘
receive as depository items
from the U.S. Geological Media and Fine Arts Cataloger.
Survey. University of Arizona. Salary:
We participate in an $18,500 minimum. Deadline:
exchange program with June 5, 1987.
approximately 200 foreign and
domestic geological agencies. Science Acquisitions Librarian.
The Pirtle Geological University of Arizona. Salary:
. Sciences Library is now $18,500 minimum. Deadline:
completely renovated. We have June 15, 1987.
. a new circulation desk, more
seating for students, a
conference room with new

 . Q
FLORIDA Coordinator for Automated
Services. University of
Rare Books and Humanities Michigan. Salary: $21,500
Monograph Cataloger. minimum. Deadline: April 30,
University of Florida. Salary: 1987. H
variable. Deadline: 19,500
minimum. Deadline: June 1, Assistant to the Director for
1987. Technical Services. University
of Michigan. Salary: $25,000
ILLINOIS minimum. Deadline: April 30,
NOTIS Documentation Librarian.
· Northwestern University. Head, Reference Services
Salary: $21,500-$30,000. Department. University of
_ Deadline: none given. Michigan. Salary: $29,500
minimum. Deadline: April 30,
Assistant Curator. 1987.
Northwestern University.
Salary: $18,000—$26,000. Economics Reference/Selection
Deadline: June 10, 1987. Librarian. University of
Michigan. Salary: $21, 500
Management Reference Librarian. minimum. Deadline: April 30,
Northwestern University. 1987.
Salary: $18,000-$24,000.
Deadline: May 1,1987. Assistant Librarian,
Cooperative Access Services.
JNDUWA University of Michigan.
" Salary: $19,500 ·minimum.
Assistant or Associate Demhinez ApmU.30,1987.
Librarian for Acquisitions and
Serials Control. Indiana NEW JERSEY
University. Salary: variable.
Deadline: May 1, 1987. Coordinator of Development and
Public Affairs. Rutgers
MASSACHUSETTS University. Salary: $26,566- ’
$35,860. Deadline: none
Associate Head for Monograph given.
cataloging and Authority
Control. Massachusetts Personnel Officer. Rutgers
Institute of Technology. University. Salary: $27,894-
Salary: $28,000-$32,000. $37,661. Deadline: none
Deadline: May 4, 1987. given.
Assistant to the Director. Head, Non-Print and Reserve
University of Michigan. Services. University of New
Salary: $27,000-$40,000. York at Albany. Salary:
Deadline: April 30, 1987. $19,000 minimum. Deadline:
May 29. 1987.

Music Librarian. Duke Preservation Librarian. Brown
University. Salary: $20,000 University. Salary: $24,800-
minimum. Deadline: May 1, $32,000. Deadline: June 30,
1987. 1987.
Archivist/Manuscript Cataloger. TEXAS
Duke University. Salary:
$18,800 minimum. Deadline: User Education Coordinator.
April 30, 1987. Rice University. Salary:
$19,000 minimum. Deadline:
OHIO none given.
Latin American Studies
Librarian. Ohio State
University. Salary: $25,080-
$30,240. Deadline: May 1,
Head, Learning Resource Center.
Ohio State University. Salary:
$24,000~$30,120. Deadline:
May 1, 1987.
Acquisitions Librarian. ‘
University of Oregon. Salary:
I $19,000 minimum. Deadline:
May 1, 1987. I
Systems Librarian. University
of Oregon. Salary: $22,000-
$25,000. Deadline: May 1,
Assistant University Librarian
for Technical Services.
University of Oregon. Salary:
$37,500 minimum. Deadline:
May 1, 1987.
Pearscnnxiel Lik>ra1riar1.
University of Oregon. Salary:
$19,000 minimum. Deadline:
May 1, 1987.