xt7r4x54g85j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54g85j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1932-05-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1932 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  3, 1932 1932 1932-05-03 2013 true xt7r4x54g85j section xt7r4x54g85j THE KENTUCKY KERNEL







Today and Wednesday, May 3
and 4, will be positively the last
days on which senior invitations
will be sold. Samples may be seen
and oi (Iris will be taken, 1 to 4
p. m., on these days In the
ollice. Sales are for cash


!)0i Points Amazed

By Victors in Track


Du Punt Manuul hign school ol
Louisville, dcleiiuing slate scnolastic
track champions, lost its tiue tu
Louisville Male in Uie state meet
Saiuruay held ou Sioll Held under
the auspices ol Hie department 01
Uie unive.sity extension ana truck
coach Hemic A. binveiy. Male pneu
up a total ol UU'a points by scoung
in every event on tlie caid.
Mules total was one ol Die highest ever made in a blate event.
Manual followed with 61 In markers,
ana Holmes high, ol Covington, was
third with 3d tallies, fourteen
schools competed lor the state
crown. Other entrants and ordei ol
Mush a.e. Middleaboro, 13; beted
Academy, luw; Day ton, D; at.
Xavier, u'v; Henry Clay, Lexington, 7's; Shclbyviile, b; University
High, 4; Fulton,
and Barbour
Due to inclement weather of the
past three Uays the boal was in a
soggy condition and no records were
shattered. Cupt. Young of Male was
high point man for the occasion
with 14 points. The team coacnea
by Coach Bob Chambers took nine
lirst places and tied lor anothei.
Manual won three lirst places, Covington, the third place winner, was
unabe to take a lirst in any event,
but scored several seconds and
Young, o Male, as last year, won
the hign jump with a Jump of live
feet, nine inches. McMakln of
Shelbyville repeated his triumph ol
last year, by winning the 44U yaid
dash in the good time of :54.9. The
pole vault was again a tie; just as
tie last
this event was a four-wa- y
Trophies were again donated by
Joseph and Edward Madden in
honor of their father the late John
nationally known
sportsman. A gold emblem, mounted on a mahogany base was presented to Male as emblematic ol
the championship and was accept
ed by Captain S. Young. This Male
star was also presented with a gold
cup for taking high scoring honors
in the classic. Each winner ol
relay race also was given a gold
cup; while the winners in the var
ious events got medals. The awards
resembled awards given to Olympic
Cecil Hillard, University
flash, scored fourth place in both
the 440 and 880 yard runs; while
Lexington high school, the other
(Continued on Page



Several years ago The Kernel
carried this column as a regular
feature. Its Dumose then was to
offer tidbits of humor. The column
thus revived, has for its object service to the campus, plus humor and
observations. For the editor, it is a
time saver; for the contributor, it
offers a convenient outlet for no
tices and announcements.




Committee Releases
May Day Schedule



Bob Ilickey Wins
Only Point as Golf
Team Loses to Ohio

Bob Hickey won the only point
in the golf match Saturday, April
30, In which Kentucky was defeated by Ohio State University, 17 to
1, at the Lexington Country club.
In the twosomes Saturday morn
ing Robert Kepler, runner-u- p
the National Intercollegiate golf
match last year, defeated Willard
Meredith 73 to 82; J. Florio, twice
F. Hardwlck 72 to 82; G. Berry,
Ohio amateur champion, defeated
E. Settle, 82; and Hickey took the
first nine holes from Garver for
the only point, but lost the match
77 to 82.
In the foursomes Saturday after9
noon Kepler and Florio shot
to win from Meredith and Settle
who shot
and Berry and Gar3
to Beat Hickey and
ver shot
Robert Kepler shot 141 on the 36
holes and par is 142. This is exceptionally good when it is considered that it was the first time
he had played the course.
The team met Dayton University
at Dayton yesterday, but results
were unavailable.

82-8- 2;

78-8- 0.

Last Friday the Ohio State golf
team visited Lexington to play the
varsity. Delmure Adams was sent
out to cover the matches by the
Herald. One of the Ohio boys
seeing Adams nearby, handed Del-mIlls got! bag. Through the
morning and afternoon sessions Del-mpacked the slicks about the
course, unci at the end of the afternew
noon play the victorious Ohtoan
paid Adams for caddying. He does-- n meters, instruments used in the
optics laboratory of the Physics de
t know yet that he had a reportpartment, and valued at $18,000,
er as a caddy.
were recently constructed by Carl
Mis., Ida l.eit Turner and Miss Schneider, instrument maker for the
Lauru dill Hoffman will have a I'hvsies department.
The instruments, which measure
joint vocational
meet in-- a! 4 o'clock Thursday, May optical wave lengths accurately t
ft. m the
club room. Miss a small fi act ion of a centimeter and
Tinner's group will be Nellie Mae require careful workmanship in conBowen, M.i'y Louise firvson, Mar- struction were assembled for only
garet Cl'ittlield. JuMine Cook. Helen a traction of their retail value. The
Willi Hi lie Hoover completion oi the.-- e
Virginia Scholta makes possible advanced courses at
Lucile Il'c.-loEthel Smoot, Emma Wright. Helen the university in optics.
Carl Schneider, who is ut present
Wunseh, and Clay Loughridge.
Miss Hoffman's group will be constructing two Fubry-Perhas been at the
Ellis. Audrey Fannin interferometers,
Marjorie Faulkner, Virginia Heinz university since 1926. He received
Eleanor Iluson, Margaret Jeetson his training at the Jena glass man
Kathleen Mills, Nell Montgomery. ufacturing plant at Jena, Germany
Margaret Norman, Miriam Hosen Before coining to the university he
Helen Sullivan, Jean Kabe Balen-ge- r. was connected with the Kucffel-Esse- r
company, manufacturers of
engineering Instruments.
Mrs. Cha'les J. Smith will have
Women students at Harrisonburg
a vocational guidance group at 4
o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Man 3 Teachers' College, Virginia, are answering a quest lonalre designed to
in the sail room of the library. The
following girls are In her group find out what kind of fellow the
Amy Cody, lleula Cook, Carrie Lee average girl likes to have dutes
(Continued on Page 4)

Physics Department
Makes Instruments








than 100 of (he Department Visit Natural Bridge






are required to wear
raps and jowns and avirniiile at
11) a, m. Friday,
.May tj, in trout
of the Civil Engineering and
riiysic building, lliey will march
in a body to attend their Uiconvocation exercises at MemorAll senium



Winners In the livestock Judging
contest held Saturday afternoon on
the experiment station farm have
born announced. Malcolm Lyons,
Frankfort, with a score of 519, and
John W. Clark, Maysvllln, scoring
518, were the winners of highest
scores for upperclassmen and freshmen respectively, and were awarded
silver cups by Block and Bridle
Southern Federation of Col club, which sponsored the contest.
The complete list of winners and
leges Elects William Luther
their scores:
Secret a
Malcolm Lyons.
of Organization
519, first; James Fosenberg,
second; Samuel Tuttle, 513, third.
1933 MEET IN FLORIDA Freshmen. John W. Clark, 518,
first; John H. Clark, 510, second;
ror ine secona consecutive year Charles Mathis, 507, third.
a university student was elected to
Dairy cattle, J. H. Clark. 137.
a major ollice in the Southern first; James Rosenberg" and James
Federation of Colleges and Unlver Downing, 135 (tied), second.
Beef cattle, Malcolm Lyons, 144,
sitics. At the closing session of the
three-da- y
convention held at the first; John H. Clark, 140, second;
university by the student group. Leonard Wood and Fred Hafer, 136
(tied), third.
William Luther was elected secre
Hogs, Samuel Tuttle, 144, first;
of the organization.
Other ollicers selected were William French Smoot and William Kinney,
142 (tied), second.
Herin, University of Florida, sue
Sheep. Thomas Qulsenberry. 134.
ceeding Ben LeKoy of the university
as president, and Ivan Allen, Jr first; John W. Clark, 132, second;
Georgia Tech,
The and Samuel Tuttle, 131, third.
University of Florida was chosen as
the place of the 1933 convention.
Members of tne executive com
mittee for the next year will be
Mark Wilson, North Carolina State,
chairman, Kenneth Goare, Birming
Events of May Day. Friday 6, will
and Ralph Wil
hums. University of Maryland. Af begin with convocation at 10 o'clock
ter the selection of these men the In Memorial hall The annual parade,
meeting adjourned and the dele esque with its original and picturfloats, will form at 1:30 o'gates were taken on a tour of the
Blue Glass. Most of the delegates clock at the Administration building, and will proceed through the
left the city Saturday night.
downtown section of the city. AftA general discussion
of student er
the parade, the crowning of the
problems featured the Saturday
May queen, Miss Ruth Wehle, and
business session. Southern Confer
ence problems were outlined by W. festivities of the court will take
on Stoll
D. Funkhouser,
and the problem place feature of field. morning convoA
of the R. O. T. C. groups in the
universities and colleges was dls cation will be the parade of seniors,
appearing for the first time in their
cussed by Major Meredith.
caps and gowns.
program, arTwelve colleges were represented ranged by SuKy Theopen
with orit the conclave by student dele gan selections by will
Dr. Abner Kelley.
gates Alabama, Florida, Maryland
Washington and Lee, Centre, Louis The speaker will be William Gess.
former university star trackman.
ville, Bumingham-SoutherNorth Special music will be presented by
Carolina State, Tulane, Mississippi
State, Georgia Tech, and Kentucky. the Men's Glee club. At that time
This meeting was the 11th annual there will be a presentation
by President McVey, follow
convention held by the student awards
group, which was first organized at ed by the pledging of Mortar Board,
honorary senior women's organizaTech In 1921, Mens student coun tion.
cils frc,:n he leading universities in
The parade will be the opening
the South send delegates to the
convention. The university student event of the afternoon program, and
council and the local chapter of O. It is expected that many beautiful
D. K. cooperated in conducting the floats will be prepared, SuKy Is continuing its custom of offering cups
local meeting.
In addition to Doctor Funkhouser for the most original fraternity float
most beautiful sorority
and Major Meredith, other speakers and for the crowning
of the queen
from the universtiy Included Pres. float. The
Frank L. McVey, Dean C. R. Mel- - will be followed by folk dances and
cher. Prof. M. E. Potter, and Gor stunts.
An annual gingham dance, spondon Finley, president of the student
council. The meeting was presided sored by 8uKy, will be held at the
Alumni gymnasium Friday night,
over by Ben Leroy.
and at that time pledging to SuKy
will be announced and awarding of
prizes for floats In the parade will
be made.


We would like to know Just what
is funny about the remark, "We
were In the botanical garden yester

Takes Second Place;
Illnfk and Bridle
Awards Cups

nnium nun




Lyons Wins Contest RIFrEMKN T A KE GcoloRy Students
In Livestock Judging
Take Annual Trip



Events Are Sponsored by
partment of University




Total of


Pledges of Omicron Delta Kappa will mtet at 5 p.m. today at
White halL


Team Makes Hiph Score of
917 Poinls Out of
Possible 1000

Cold Medals Will
Given Team

The university rifle team won second place in the annual Chicago
American R. O. T. C. competition
for the William Randolph Hearst
Trophies, according to an announcement received by the university
military department. Due to the
fact that every university or college
R. O. T. C. unit In the United States
was represented at the match, winning second place Is considered a
remarkable achievement.
Each year a rifle match is sponsored by William Randolph Hearst
for the college and universities of
the country which have compulsory
training. Winning the
Hearst Trophy Is generally regarded as the highest honor which a
college rifle team can win.
By virtue of winning second place
the team will receive a handsome
In addition. Individual
members will be presented gold
medals at the first weekly parade
following their receipt. Lieutenant-ColonOwen R. Meredith indicated yesterday that he probably would
present the trophy and medals at
the regimental parade scheduled for
Monday, May 16.
It is thought that but for an error
in the procedure of shooting, the
university markmanshlp team might
have won first place. Through a
mistake S. C. Perry fired on the
second team instead of on the first
team were S. C. Perry. S. O.
than that of any member of
the first team, the possibility presents Itself that had he fired on
the first squad the university score
might have been sufficient to win
first place.
Scores of the match show that the
first university team amassed a total
of 947 points out of a possible 1.000.
The second team scored 943 points
out of the same number of shots
fired, thus giving the team an average of 1B9.
Members of the first team were
William Eades, O. W. Chinn, W. E.
Florence, Marvin Wachs, and W. B.
Members of the second
team were S C. Perry, S. O. Wallace, J. B. Rogers, I. C Evans, and
H. W. Chapman.

Wal-hlgh- er

U. K. Chess Players

Receive Challenge

challenger from the chess team
of the University of Cincinnati has
been received by Bart Peak, and a
team to oppose the challengers is
being organized.
The match will
take place here on some Saturday
in the near future.
Those students wishing to try out
for the team may see Leslie Gross
at the men's dormitory or sign the
notice posted In the Journalism department in the basement of McVey hall.

More than 100 students of the
geology department made the annual trip Saturday to Natural
Bridge. Through the courtesy of the
L. fe N. railroad an excursion is run
each year, thereby enabling the
students to travel at reduced rates.
Leaving Lexington at 9 oclock
Saturday morning the party traveled by way of Winchester, arriving
at Natural Bridge at 12:30 o'clock.
Each student was given a chart
prepared by the department in or
tier to aid in the obseivation and
study of rock strata found en route
and at Natural Bridge.
After eating lunch immediately
upon arriving at the resort, the
party climbed to the bridge carved
by Nature and there heard lectures
by the instructors concerning the
probable other forms of rock strata
found at the resort, the party returned to Lexington at 8 o'clock
that evening.
The instructors making the trip
were Dave Young, R. L. Meacham.
Louis Barton, and Richard Hicklin.

Public Health School
Will Be Conducted
A school for public health ollicers
will be conducted during the first

term of the Summer Session at the
university, according to an an-

nouncement made yesterday by Dr.
Jesse Adams, director of the summer school. The school, the only
one of Its kind In Kentucky, will
be under the supervision of Dr. J. S.
Chambers, head of the department
of health at the university, whose
staff will be composed of men and
women who are experts In that

Y. W.


of the university
will inaugurate a series of open-ai- r
vesper services at 6:30 tonight in
the formal garden behind the Art
Center. The Freshman cabinet of
the Y. W. C. A. will take charge
of the program, under the direction
of Mary Louise Durham and Kath-erin- e
Cooke. The half-howill consist of the singing of vesper,
camp, and popular songs. In case
of rain, the services will be held
in the recreation room of Patterson
The Y. W. C.




Mary Taylor
"Beggar in Love" is the title of a
new song, composed and set to
music by Mary Taylor, a sophomore in the College of Arts and
Sciences at the university.
song, which has been accepted by
Kimball and Hall publishers, will
be released In the near future.
The composer lives in Lexington.
and is a member of Phi Beta, honorary music and dramatic organization. She is also a member of
Alpha Gamma Delta social sorori
Since the publishers' acceptance
of "Beggar in Love ", she has submitted several other songs She is
also a wilier of poetry and in 1931
threa of her short poems were pub
lished accompanied by a biograph- ieal sketch in the 1931 Anthology of
World Poetry.

color-schem- e.


Fisk Is Instructor
Of Winning Artists
The works of University of Ken
tucky students exhibited in Cam- lodge, Mass., and receiving the
high praise of critics there were
executed by students of Professor
Fisk. not of Professor Rannells, as
stated in Friday's Kernel. Professor Fisk Is in charge of advanced
lasses in painting and etching. His
students have won scholarshiiw, and
their work hiis been accepted for
exhibition In open competition with
professional artists. Last year they
received the two highest awards in
exhibitions of college student work
ut the College Art association. New


the book
There will

be histories of twen'v-thre- e
social organizations on the
campus, with lists of the members'
and the honorary organizations
to which they belong.
The editor of the publication is
Gilbert Kingsbury, news editor of
the Kernel. Others on the stuff are'
assist ft fit editor;
Nell Dlshman.
Martha Lowry. business manager;
Floy Bowling, advertising manager;
and Nlel Plummer. faculty advisor


fers Gun Wound
Ma.ior Boltos E. Brewer,


who was recently notified of his
transfer from the organized Reserves of the Eighth Corps area
Tulsa, Oklahoma, to the university
is confined to a hospital at Fort Sill
sulfering from an accident in which
he shot himself through the knee
with a 45 automatic pistol. Major
Brewer was expected to arrive ut
the university about July 10.
The accident occurred on tin
morning of April 13 when Major
Brewer was attempting to lower the
hammer on the gun. Although the
bullet went under the patella, caus
ing a slight crack in the top part,
it missed all other bones and ligaments.
The injury is not considered serious. However, it will be necessary
for him to wear a cast for three or
four weeks until the crack in the
patella heals.

Agriculture Society
Cives Annual Social

Denton, Crutther, Mills,
and Evans also Elect
ed to Hold Ollice


Members of Si. oilers, student
Uiamutic organization, met at tj. JO
p. m. iu.st ilium m ine hiue theater
room oi Wmie had, ana new aiem-Oe- is
weie luneu nuo uie uiganuu-uu- n
lor the wont that Uiey nad
contributed uurui uie perioiuiauce
ol Liuuu isena.
ine memoeii aiaO
selected the ollicers lot ne;.t year,
aim uic.se. oiuLets will lae ouice
next year.
Wiiisiuu Aidery
was selected
pieaiuent. of uie organization.
a a ineniuer oi fui uena Theia
iiaterniiy, and his wont wnn Jatrol-lehas been uuiaiuuumg uuruig
nia membership wiln me Uiuiiiauc
ciuu, lie la a juiuui in tne Cuiicge
of Commerce, and he is a nauve of

Jerome B. Rcspess, sophomore In
the College of Agriculture, was killed at 6 o'clock Saturday morning
when his automobile crashed Into
a telephone pole on the Bardstown
road. He was returning from a
dance at Bardstown to meet his
father, J. B. Respess, at Churchill
Downs at the time of the accident.
coupe, which
The convertible
Respess was driving, lett the road
at a sharp curve, crashed into a
low culvert abutment about fifty
feet from the point where it left
the pavement,
and was thrown
against a telephone pole and turned
half over.
The crash attracted W. G.
and F. S. Hays, Jr., who
lived near the scene, and who attempted to rescue the boy, but were
unable to cope with the flames which
resulted from an explosion of the
vacuum tank following the crash.
Respess and Frank Phipps, university football star, left Lexington
at 6 o'clock Friday to attend the
Phipps redance at Bardstown.
turned to Lexington, and Respess
started to Louisville to meet his
father. It is presumed that he fell
asleep as he drove along and was
unable to recover sufficiently
negotiate the sharp curve.
The body was returned to Erlan- ger at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
accompanied by Mr. Respess, for
funeral services and burial.
youth, an only child, is survived also
by his mother.
Respess was a star football player
at the Holmes High sehool, Coving
ton. He was a member of the Sig
ma Alpha Epsilon social fraternity,
and ofBlock and Bridle, honorary

Having their annual picnic Friday
night, May 8, members of the
club will meet at the Agriculture
building at 7 p. m. All former members of the Junior Agrlcutural
clubs are invited to meet with them.
The group will go from the Agriculture building to the regular picnic ground on the experiment station farm.
There will be food for all and a
speaker will complete the program.
There also will be election of officers
for the coming year.
The Junior
club was established on the University of Kentucky campus seven years ago. At
present 36 per cent of the agricultural college and 10 per cent of the
student body are former
members. The agricultural college
of the University of Kentucky has
a larger percentage of former
club members than any other college In the central states.
The present officers are Fred
Hater, president; Ollie Price,
and Louise Ewtng, secretary and treasurer. The committee
in charge are Beach Craigmyle.
Kathryn Smoot, and Martha Carlton.
4-- H


4-- H

4-- H


be Issued sometime Thursday.
The book will be sold by members
of the circle and members of Thefa
Sigma Phi, women's Journalism fraternity.
The cover, blue as the May Day
sky that smiles at the answering
blue of Kentucky's colors, will be
printed in aluminum Ink, completing the
on the azure field will be the seal
of Kentucky In shining silver.
Within the covers. th book will
be replete with photographs and
histories of the university, organizations, outstanding personalities, and
features of life on the campus.
On opening the book the render
will find first an outline of the
entire program for the May Day
celebrations. On the opposite page
will be a picture of May Queen
Ruth Wehle On other pages will
be found pictures of her attendants,
other nominees for the honor, and
outstanding In beauty and
campus activities.
One of the outstanding features
of the book will be a history of the
university from its humble begln-nln- g
up to now. written by Mary
Carolyn Terrfll. Elsewhere will be
some of the traditions of the university. A calendar for the university for 1932-3will be included in

Jerome B. Respess, Student
in College of Agriculture
Overturns Auto on
Bardstown Koad


For the first time in the histoi-- of
the May day custom at the unlver
program will be
slty a
Song published.souvenir circle, student pep Accidentally
U. K. Co-ed- 's
organization under whose guidance
"Heggar in Love" Is Title of the May day preparations are Major
made, is publishing the book which
Transferred to U. K., SufSong Composed by

Strollers Elect Winston Ar
dery President of Group
for Ensuing Year



Club Members
Will Meet Friday
For Annual Picnic




On the staff will be Dr. A. W.
Freeman., professor of Health Administration at John Hopkins University, and Dr. E. J. Murray, of
Julius Harks Sanltorium. Dr. Freeman was formerly connected with
the Virginia State Department of
Health, and was Commissioner of
Health In Ohio. Others on the staff
will be from the state board of
health, and the university. Courses
will be offered especially for public
health officers, for public heath
nurses, and for teachers of public
health. 300 new summer school
bulletins have Just come off the
press announcing the Public Health
Credits will be given which will agricultural fraternity.
be accepted toward degrees In Public
Health Schools. As there Is no school
in the state, and public health is 4-- II
becoming yearly more Important
this school is expected to draw many
people interested in public health

SuKy's May Day Souvenir Program Completed;
W ill Be Replete with Beauty"as well as Beauties
Publishers Accept

ial halL
apa and gowns may be procured at the campu.i book moie,
.vitVey halL

Medical Technology
Course Is Offered
A full course in medical tech
nology will be offered by the unf
versity department of bacteriology
for the 1932 summer school, according to an announcement Issued
Monday. The summer sessions which
will be terms of five weeks each.
will open June 14.
This course in medical technology, which was first offered at
the university at the beginning of
school year, prepares
men and women tor positions In
.mil surgeons' clinics, and federal.
ite. and municipal
In addition, it prepares the especially adapted student
for elthc
commercial or research laboratory
requiring technical knowl- Ige of medical bacteriology in i's
broadest sense.
I'he slimmer school schedule has
been so arranged that students who
desire to Ix'gm wo:k In the course
in medical technology as well as
students with advanced standing
will find courses to suit their mt'ds
The course gives full credit leading
to a college decree. Information concerning this course and a pamphlet
describing the
requirements leading to a degree mav be
secured by addressing Dr. M Scher- igo. head of the department of

Annual election of ollicers was
held at a social sponsored by the
Agriculture society Friday night in
the judging pavilion.
The newh
elected ollicers who were Introduced
at that tune are Olhe Price, president: halph Broadbent.
and Louise Ewing, secret ary-- 1
Approximately 60 were present for
the social, ami music was fu nished
by Gibson's
was decided that the Agriculture
fhe University of Minnesota has
college would plan a picnic within opened another course. It is a
two weeks, the exact date school of aviation for tHe use of
the next
be announced laUr




fans, ty.

Aiaimiig Hollingsworth, Middles-ooiwas seaxieu buaiuess man-arie- t.
lie is a supnoiiuie in Uie Col-.eol Ai ts anu sciences, is oue of
uio two sopnomuie memueis ut tne
Mens SiuuLiit, Council and is a
meinour oi Uie Pi Kappa Atpua


Otucr oiliceis elected were Ann
ihumas LiuiKun, Kappa Delia, sec- -.
euiry, u. u crulcner, fui oigma


ueua Tau
Aipna iau
ager; and

Josepu tutus,
Luita, and Pnu tvtuee,
Uiucsa, puuucuy man1.

tvojia, stage

ine points


of the participants of
piouucuon weie conaiueied and

voted on. It wa agieeu, oecauas
uf the 1 allure of the point system
lo iunction, to araw up a new list
oi those wuo have points. President

Jacq iiobey appointed
Veager, business manager of the
organization, Hugh Adcock, dnector,
and hiULae.ll as a committee to re
vise tne old system.
Ann Thomaa Uentan was appoint
ed secretary lur the remainder of
the year becauae Dorothy Jones, the
present secretary dues nut Und time
to fulfill her duties. Other ollicers
elected will asaume ollice next fall
The following weie made mem
bers of Strollers:
Ralph Kercheval, Thomas Phipps,
Paul Williams, William Luther, John
Epps, Mary Stewart Blackwell,
Luzazabeth Jones, William Hubble,
Homer Brandenburg, Don McUui'k,
Phil Ardery, James Lyue, William
Conley, Hugh McUuire, Mary Louise
Bradley, Louise Johnson. Elizabeth
Ann Weathcis, Lawrence J. Alexander, Bliss Warren, Lawrence Her-ro- n,
Norris Jolly, Betty Watkins,
Sam Allen, Lois Neal, Maturing Hollingsworth, W. T. Bishop, Thomas
Conroy, Harry Lair, Wilford Graves,
John LeStougeou, Ollie Pace, James
Curtis, Charles Hackett, Gilbert
Kingsbury, Marjorie Weaver, Coleman Smith, Joe Ferguson, Christine
Johnson, Mina Pate, O. B. Colfman,
Donald Crull, I. C. Evans, Dixon
Shouse, James Fahe, W. D. Buach-bauWilliam Massie, Emmett
Whipple, William Gailiard, Herman
Graham, Mary King Montgomery
Tom Hennessey, Phi McGee, Robert
Wise, Mildied Hart, William Shaier.
Edna Mae Kirk, Marjorie Powell,
George Kay, Mary Elizabeth Bryant, Robert Bmford, Luther Vaugh-aGayle Tudor, William Morgan,
Aivin Block, and J. D. Palmer.




"Between Us" Address Set
For Third Hour, May 18;
Will Be Last Assembly of
School Year
The May convocation, the last of
the present school year will be held
at 10 o'clock, Wednesday, May la,
m Memorial hall according to an
mnouncemeni issued yesterday
C. It. Melcher,
who is in
charge of the convocations. This
will be the second address delivered by President McVey this year
and is the last of the Series of "Between Us' talks given by the university head.
The last address delivered by the
president was made at the beginning of the school year when the
convocation is held especially for
the freshmen. Dining the first address the president advises the student just what is expected of him
as a college student. The last address ol the year which is delivered
by the president is in the nature of
a resume ol the years work and
a revelation of some of next year's
The "Between us" talks are more
or less inform. il and are well at
tended by members of the student
body. All types of subieets of In
terest to the members of the university are touched upon by the

Dean Fdwui Freeman of th rvi- lege of EngiiHfrlng uttended a Rotary convention
at Middlesboro
Sunday and Monday. He went to
the c. invention with 10 o'her members and is expected to return



� Best Copy

Fajre Tww

On the Jester rrnlies his memory is not
interest in such work.
other hand, the very fuct that col- very long, hut. he wants to know
lege students are sought out by what rnpv they're sprnkinu of.
ON ri'KiSPAYS AND Fridays
business al all Is a fair Indication
The Jester rises again to surest
that their abilities are worth bidHfmbcr
Nnltoi.ftl (Jo Urn ITpm Association
that (lie only difference between a
ding for.
Ktitmky lntcrroltfB ist Vrs AMOution
However, a.s more conservative cow chewing her cud and a
Islington Board of Commrrcc
employments will not seek the stu- chewinn gum Is that the cow gives
Ofiinai NmspapiT of the Biudeula ol the dent, the student must seek them. milk.


The Kentucky Kernel


Most business houses recognize the
hlmg of an application as the est9tjtcrittiuii $2.(K) ft )vmt.
tablished requisite ol consideration
Ky , Foiuince
before accepting the services
das niftU mailer
anyone. Through an estimate
the application the employer
6 HULN 1' KlL.)iia MAIN IAIN
able to discern whether the qua
LAW Kt.Nct litKhoN
iications of the applicant meet the
U anaging kdtlvr
necessities of his particular busiAdifof
ALU.; hi bALYLKiJ, Aocia'
ness. Although it Is customary for
Attiffant idifor
the Job seeker to disregard the filJohn M. Kane
ing of an application and the listRobert Baxler
Hiits Warrru
ing of his qualifications until his
prospective employer asks that he do
. Sporti itfltut
so, the Kernel suspects that conH rKcri
trary piocedure would be to the
Dclmar Adam
Norbert Cmupbiil
tt men
lavor of the college student. Surely
buuuy Day
a carefully typed, frank statement
Luis Orubb
accompanied by
UiubeUi Hardin
of qualifications,
suitable recommendations, placed in
Society kaitort
of any business executive
Elcauor 6ml Ui the hands
coiily Hardin
at an early date cannot but gain
peciai filers
more thorough and favorable conJacq Roby
VSibsur 11. Cua.se
sideration than an application filed
Joan Carigan
Citorm- M. bpeiKtr
in the harrying time of sum: i Job
Xr Adlluf
hunting that will begin with tae
close of school in June.
Literary tditor
J AM La CUKilb
If you want work this summer let
your prospective employers know
. . . JVeiuj idito