xt7r4x54fv85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r4x54fv85/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1910 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1910 text Annual report. 1910 1910 1910 2011 true xt7r4x54fv85 section xt7r4x54fv85 I I A
I Kentucky Agricultural »
  Experiment Station
l _ FOR THE YEAR 1910.
I 021170 I

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T — Letter oi Transmittal ‘
To His Excellency, V
"` Hon. Aucustrus E. WILLSON, T
Q e Governor of Kentucky.
Sir :—-· t `
 ·,, Under the authority of the Board of Control, and in
  accordance with an act of Congress, approved March 2,
1887, entitled "An Act to establish Agricultural Experi-
ment Stations in connection with the Agricultural Colleges
i established in the several States under the provision of an
act approved July 2, 1862, and under the acts supple-
» mentary thereto," and of the act of the Legislature of the
State of Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, and en-
titled "An Act to accept the provisions of an Act passed
_ by the Congress of the United States, approved March 2,
1887, for the establishment and maintenance of Agricul-
tural Experiment Stations in connection with Agricultural
· Colleges established by the several States and Territories
under an Act of Congress, approved July 2, 18G2," I here-
with submit the Twenty-third Annual Report of the Ken-
- tucky Agricultural Experiment Station.
‘ p ’ Very respectfully,
' M. A. SCOVELL, Director.

 li ` Q
_ His Excellency, Gov. Auousrus E, W1LLsoN, ex-Officio
PRESIDENT HENRY   BARKER, Member ex-Oflicio;
HON. ELLSvvoRTn REGENSTEIN, Superintendent of Public .
Instruction, Member ex-Oflicio. ‘ ‘
JUDGE HENRY S. BARKER, Louisville, Jefferson County.
HON. TIBBIS CARPENTER, Scottsville, Allen County. »»‘
· HON. WILLIAM H. COX, Maysville, Mason County.
DENNY P. SMITH, ESQ., Cadiz, Trigg County. `
HON. CLAUDE B. TERRELL, Bedford, Trimble County. I .
HON. CASSIUS M. CLAY, Paris, Bourbon County.
HYWEL DAVIES, ESQ., Kensee, Whitley County. _
RICHARD C. STOLL, ESQ., Lexington, Fayette County. .
, LOUIS L. VVALKER, ESQ., Lancaster, Garrard County.
RICHARD N. WAT1·IEN,»ESQ.,l Lebanon, Marion County. A
JOHN B. ATKINS, ESQ., Earlington, Hopkins County. . _
THOMAS L. EDELEN, ESQ., Frankfort, Franklin County. `
CHARLES B. Nionons, ESQ., Lexington, Fayette County. —.
HON. JAMES K. PATTERSON, Lexington, Fayette County.
JAMES W. TURNER, ESQ., Paintsville, Johnson County. A

Agncultural Expenment Stat1on
RICHARD C. STOLL, Chairman, Lexington, Ky.
CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Lexington, Ky.
·LOUIS L. WALKER, Lancaster, Ky. l
. JAMES G. WHITE, Acting President of University.
1 MELVILLE A._SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
V M. AJ SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
A. M. Pe-ter, Chief Chemist, Head of Chemical Division. .
H. E. CURTIS, Chief Chemist, Head of Fertilizer Division.
‘ H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist, Head of Division. ’
R. M. ALLEN, Head of Food and Drug Division.
J. D. TURNER, Head of Feed Division. ‘
`_ _ J. O. LaBACH, Chief Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist.
· S. D. AVERITT, Chemist, Chemical Division.
` O. M. SHEDD, Chemist, Chemical Division. .
V MISS LILLIE LISTON, Chief Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
E. C. VAUGHN, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist.
GEORGE ROBERTS, Agronomist, Head of Division of Agronomy.
E. S. GOOD, Head of Animal Husbandry Division.
, J. W. NUT'I‘ER, Assistant in Dairying, Animal Husbandry Division.
' MISS O. L. GINOCHIO, Secretary to the Director. '
H. D. SPEARS,—Chemist, Feed Division.
· MISS ANNA WALLIS, Stenographer.
` J. \V. McFARLIN, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
. B. F. SCHERFFIUS, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
‘ E. KINNEY, Assistant Entomologist and Botanist. A
WILLIAM C. MATTHEWS, Artist, Division of Entomology and Botany.
· T. R. BRYANT, Extension IVork.
L. A. BROWN, Drug Chemist, Food and Drug Division.
` _ .· JOHN I. CLAYBROOKE, Inspector.
W. R. PINNELL, Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
_ C. S. PORTER, Drug Inspector, Food and Drug Division.
" B. D. WILSON, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division.
~ D. J. HEALY, Bacteriologist and Microscopist, Food and Drug Division.
MISS RILLA B. NUTTER, Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
" A. E. EXVAN, Assistant to Agronomist.
VVILLIAM RODES, Assistant Chemist, Fertilizer Division.
` MISS MAY G. GINOCHIO, Clerk, Food and Drug Division.
MISS LILLA J. PHELPS, Stenographer.
H. C. VVOOSLEY, Special Agent, U. S. Department of Agriculture.
V _ Address of the Station,

In Account with the United States Appropriations.
. Hatch Adams
» Fund. Fund.
Receipts from the Treasurer of the ' ‘
” United States, as per appropria-
tions for iiscal year ended June 30, C (
1910, under acts of Congress ap- o ,
proved March 2, 1887 (Hatch
. Fund), and March 16, 1906
(Adams Fund) ............... $15,000.00 $13,000.00 ,
Expenditures: ·
By Salaries .............. . .... $ 9,045.00 $11,266.00 ~·
Labor .................... 2,657.32
Publications .......... . .... 792.62 `
Postage and stationery ...... 352.85 0
Freight and express ....... 136.14 »
_ Heat, light, Water, andtpower 234.06 `
· Chemical Supplies   ....... 14.58 347.15
Seeds, plants, and sundry sup-
plies ......... . ........ 380.46 71.37
Library ............ . ...... 583.78
. Tools, implements, and ma-
chinery ............... 38.00 W
Furniture and iixtures ..... 201.55
Scientific apparatus ........ 100.00 1,315.48
Traveling expenses ........ 150.76
Contingent expenses ....... 15.00
Buildings and land ........ 297.88
· Total ............ . .... $15,000.00 $13,000.00
We, the zmclersigned, duly appointed Auditors of the `
Corporation, do hereby certify that we have examined the
books and accounts of the Kentucky Agricultural Experi-

 ) Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. vii
ment Station for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1910; that
we found the same well kept and classified as above; that
the receipts for the year from the Treasurer of the United
_ States are shown to have been $15,000_.00 under the act of
Congress of March 2, 1887, and $13,000.00 under the act of
Congress of March 16, 1906, and the corresponding dis-
bursements $15,000.00 and $13,000.00; for all of which
proper vouchers are on file and have been examined by us
‘ and found correct.
And we further certify that the expenditures have
been solely for the purposes set forth in the acts of Con-
gress approved March 2, 1887, and March 16, 1906, and in
accordance with the terms of said acts, respectively.
S ` (Signed) C. B. NICHOLS,
» - R. C. STOLL, (
~‘ (Seal)
A Attest: W. T. Lafferty, Business Agent, Custodian.

 l viii. Twenty-thircl Annual Report of the
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
` FOR THE YEAR 1910. `
The work of the Station is comprised inthe following,
Divisions: ~ Z
Division of Chemistry, A. M. Peter, Head. ·
A Division of Fertilizer Control Work, H.E.Curtis, Head.
Division of Entomology and Botany, H. Garman, Head. `
Division of Food Control Work, R. M. Allen, Head.
Division of Feed Control Work, J. D. Turner, Head.
Division of Animal Husbandry, E. S. Good, Head.
Division of Agronomy, George Roberts, Head. '
Divison of Extension Work, T. R. Bryant, in Charge.
Chemical Division. In the work of the Chemical
Division, 311 samples have been analyzed. Of these, 94
were soils, the others being mineral and potable waters,
phosphate rock, limestone, various fertilizing chemicals, .
tobaccoland many miscellaneous substances. A large num-
I ber of minerals, rocks and ,0res have been examined and
reported upon that are not included in the above enumera- Q
tion. The chemical analyses of soils included 72 samples
from farmers in different parts of the State, 18 for the
Soil Survey in Webster County collected by Mr. Jones, and
4 of soils that are being tested in the greenhouse by means
of pot experiments. ‘ l
. In the Soil Survey work this year, Mr. Jones, working
with the Geologist of the State Survey, has gone over Rock- ‘
castle County, Webster County and the Hartford quadran-
gle in Ohio County. Mr. Jones has continued the work
upon Taylor and Adair Counties. He also made a col-
lection of samples in Madison County from the several

 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. ix
· types recognized by the United States Bureau of Soils and
has in progress pot culture experiments upon two of the
A different types from that County. It may be interesting to
mention here that one of these is the Devonian black shale
soil from Berea, which was foundto be so strongly acid
that cloveriwould not grow upon it, but where lime and
phosphate were used in the pot experiments, an excellent V
o growth was obtained. The pot experiments mentioned in
the last report are being continued.
We have given more time than usual this year to the
U- study of methods of analysis and think we have decided
‘ upon a method of determining small quantities of potas-
sium in soil solutions whichiwill give satisfactory results. .
` We have also done a large amount of work upon the deter-
mination of carbonate of lime in soils. This is a very
important determination in connection with the question of
_ soil acidity and we have found it difficult to get concordant
results where only a small quantity of carbonate of lime is
present, hence an accurate method. `
. Work has been done upon methods of analysis of insect- .
icides and of mineral waters, and on account of the fact
that Mr. Shedd is Referee upon Inorganic Plant Constitu-
ents for the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, it
- was necessary for him to give much time to this subject
and more particularly the determination of iron, alumina
and phosphoric acid in plant ash. It was also necessary for
I Dr. Peter, as a member of the Committee of the American
Chemical Society upon the analysis of phosphate rock, to
give much time to that subject.
On account of the important developments of phos-
_ phate in Woodford County, we have been called upon to
A _ analyze quite a number of samples of phosphate rock from
both Woodford and Fayette Counties.
Division of Entomology and Botany. The_ report of
Professor Garman, concerning his work during the year,
is hereby briefly summarized. p
Experiments with forage plants to determine their

 A - x Twenty-third Annual Report of the ·
· value for Kentucky and to secure, by selection and other-
wise, varieties of special value for the State, have been .
continued. Including thirty plots at Hindman, Knott A
County, two hundred and eighty-three forage plots have
been 'occupied with growths of different sortsf About
ninety different lots of soy beans have been grown, repre-
_ senting about eighty varieties. These will be reduced next
year to fifty varieties by throwing . out those not well
adapted to this part of the State, the valuableones rejected
· being distributed to other parts of Kentucky to determine
their adaptability there. e —
In addition to these plots of forage, we have had in
hand several select strains of red clover and one of timothy ,
_ under observation for improvement with reference to their
vigor, productiveness and durability. Several selected
strains of wheat have also been grown and some crosses
made with reference to their improvement. Two varieties
of corn, represented by several strains, have been kept for -
selection and crossing and some material secured for future
work in breeding this plant.
The inspection of nurseries and the fumigation of
stock, when found infected with San Jose scale, have oc-
cupied about the usual time. l
The seed work has occupied the time of one assistant .`
very closely during the fall and early spring months. Seeds- -
men and farmers about the State, and some residing outside
our limits, have sent in numerous samples for analysis, ‘ '
besides which many samples have been examined, under the
seed inspection law, for adulteration. The value of this
work is attested by the growing demand for it, and also
by the readiness with which both houses of our General —
Assembly, at its last session, passed a bill providing for the
better equipment of the work. Though the bill failed to
become a law,-it is believed that there is no inspection '
. work of more direct importance to the agriculture of the
State than this, and we are still of the opinion that the
l very inadequate law now in force should be amended by
another and better one regulating especially the sale of

 n Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. xi
seeds mixed with those of destructive and troublesome
. pests. I l
' Our Nursery Inspection Law, also, needs revision in the
light of our experience of aboutfourteen years in holding
in check the dissemination of fruit pests by means of it.
It is not an up-to-date law and will never permit us to do _
_ the work we should in controlling the spread of San Jose
scale and other pests.
In the office, laboratory and insectary, the usual corre-A
spondence with reference to plant pests and forage plants,
etc., has been done, together with the study of the life-
histories of insects brought to our attention by farmers and
, - others. Among other things, a large number of samples of
waters have been tested for bacteria and studied with ref-
erence to other organisms. Many of these were sent us by
physicians and boards of health in different parts of the i
State. We believe we have accomplished good in showing
· our people something of what constitutes a good drinking
water. This work is now provided for by appropriation
from the State and should go largely to the State Board of
Health. However, there are some phases of the subject
t t properly the work of the Station, under the law establishing
. it, and it is proposed to continue some of the work as oppor-
. `. tunity permits.
» The study of nodule bacteria with a view to learning the
relations and characters of the different species and forms,
( ' has been prosecuted continuously. V
The work on the corn worm has been continued, as
noted in other reports.
— Division of Fertilizer Control Work. During the year,
555 brands of fertilizer_ were registered by 49 different
firms. Samples representing all these different brands of
' fertilizer have been analyzed in the laboratory and, in addi-
tion, 458 samples, representing nearly all of these brands,
collected by our inspectors during the spring and fall sea-
sons and sent in by farmers, making a total of 1,013 sam-
ples analyzed. ·

 “l ·   '
i Xij_ Twenty-third Annual Report of the
There were issued uring the year, 2,223,464 tags and
1,007,552 stamps of the different denominations, represent-
ing a value of $30,449.57.
Division of Foocl Control Work. Professor Allen re-
' ports: The lines of work in which this Division ·has been
engaged are:
· (a) A summary of the meat survey of the State for
publication and the co-operative work with the State Board
of Health to establish a practical remedy, in the way of
municipal abattoirs and ordinances, for the very unsatis-
_ factory conditions of disease and filth that were found in ·
a majority of the slaughtering houses of the State. The
study of such problems is specifically contemplated and
provided for in section 11 of the Kentucky Food and Drugs
Act. There are, however, a number of Hagrant abuses
found in the slaughtering houses, which we are preparing
to prosecute. The Act provides for the establishment of »
regulations to carry out its provisions with respect to the
unsanitary practices which will be deemed violations
_ thereof, and it provides that such regulations shall be
collaborated in connection with the State Board of Health.
(b) A very general clean-up can be announced as the
result of the work in the bakeries throughout the State,
and there has been an elimination of the ingredients known »
to the bakery supply trade as "dope" and consisting of J
such materials as artificial jellies and jams; artificial colors ~ i
to make products look like they contained the yellow of
V eggs; artificial egg substitutes, containing such materials _
as soap bark. The appeal from the verdict given by Mag-
istrate Berry, in Louisville, against a baker who had been }
warned several times and whose place was finally prose- %
. cuted, because of ivery unsatisfactory conditions, has been I
passed by Judge Gregory of the Criminal Division of the `.
Jefferson Circuit Court and the warrant and the law were 5
sustained on every point raised by the counsel for the de- A ·
fendant. This decision was of particular importance in
that the Court holds that the Legislature intended the Act ,

H Kentizclcy Agricnltiircil Experiment Station. xiii
` not only to prohibit the sale of a product which has become A
diseased or contaminated, but also intended to prohibit the
sale of a product which-has been exposed to the danger of
disease or contamination.
(c) The inspection of the drugs throughout the State
has demonstrated, among other t_hings, the fact that the
druggists are confronted b_y many problems in the prepara- ‘
tion of tinctures, and arrangements are being made for the
holding of a drug school, to assist them in connection with
their problems, beginning the week of July 10, 1911. An-
nouncement of the proposed school has been received with
· enthusiastic approval by the druggists of the State, and a
large attendance is anticipated. Some of the leading drug p
manufacturers of the country will send experts to lecture at
J this school.
In relation with the drug·work, the Division has en-
tered upon a campaign against misrepresentation with
, respect to the curative value in connection with the sale of
patent medicines.
(d) A bacteriological laboratory, in charge of Dr. D.
J. Healy, has been equipped in connection with this Division.
Dr. Healy’s investigations have begun work in a heretofore
neglected and most important part of food control work.
His work is being directed to a study of the contamination
V » of food products and especially to milk. For the past two
_— summers, the Division has given special attention to the
. V milk supply of the State and has been especially successful
in some of its recent prosecutions, not only for the selling
of watered milk, but milk produced in unclean stables and
` in unclean cans. ·
{ Dicrisimz of Feed Control Work. During the year,
i practical-ly every town in the State where commercial feed-
— ing stuffs are likely to be sold, has been visited from time
_' to time by our inspectors. The results of our analyses and
> _ examinations have been reported to the manufacturers and
dealers putting out the feed and to the consumers from
whom the samples were obtained.

Xiv Twenty-third Annual Report of the l
During the year, 1,080 different brands offeeding
stuffs were registered, representing 450 firms.
. Twenty-nine violations have been reported for prose- ·
cution during the year. Fifteen convictions have been
secured; nine are still pending, and five have been dis-
` missed at the request of the prosecuting attorney, the viola-
‘ tions, after full investigation, being found to be of ,a minor -
nature and the first offense. V
For the year, 549 inspectors’ samples have been analyzed,
. both chemically and microscopically, and 191 manufactur-
ers’ and dealers' samples for registration purposes. _
Close inspection has been made and the same policy has ·
been carried out as heretofore in aiding both the manu- A
facturer and consumer in the conservation of feeding
materials and their economical use, and in educating the _ `
purchaser, as far as possible, as to the economy and desir-
ability of purchasing only high grade materials. ·
The manufacturers of most every class of goods have — _
united themselves into an organization for the purpose of e
influencing rules and regulations to govern their products, ‘
and this is particularly true and more conspicuous among
the manufacturers of low grade goods; J
A dealers’ organization, headed by the Cincinnati 1
Grain Company of Covington and Cincinnati, is being or-
ganized for the purpose of having the Feed Law of this A
State changed so as to conform with their trade methods.
If this organization is successful in securing such changes »‘
in the law, through the Legislature, the law would be of
little practical benefit to the consumer.
This Division has given considerable atttention to the
· question of a National Uniform Feed Law and Regulations ` ·
and Definitions. A Uniform Law was adopted by the Asso-
- ciation of Feed Control Oflicials at its last meeting and the h
Definitions are now being considered by both the control y t
officials and the trade for the purpose of adopting a uni- 4 A
form list at the next meeting of the Association. Such
uniformity throughout the States will greatly facilitate
` our work. ‘

l Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. xv
e Division of Animal Husbandry. Experiments relative
to the_ economy of the feeding of hogs, grain in different .
. combinations in dry lots and on different pastures, have
been continued;
Bacteriological studies relative to the etiology of in- U
fectious abortion in live stock have been continued during
‘ the year. _ During the past spring months, we have been
V able to isolate the abortus bacillus (Bang) in two diderent
herds of `cows, thus confirming the announcement made in
1885 by Dr. E. Bang, Head of the Royal Veterinary Col-
. lege, Copenhagen, Denmark, as to· the cause of this disease
_ ’ in cattle. .
A serum laboratory, a bleeding house and a number of
1 hog cots have been erected and equipped for the purpose
. of preparing anti-hog cholera serum. 'l`his serum is now
‘ being produced. Up to date, this product has been admin-
‘ istered to hogs on farms in various parts of the State by
` . i members of this Division. Our results have been excellent.
R The appropriation given us by the last legislature is en-
' . tirely too small to meet the demands for the serum. It is
estimated that the State loses annually from three to five
_ e- hundred thousand dollars as a result of this disease.
A Division of Agronomy. The'work of this Division, un-
der Professor Roberts, may be summarized as follows:
Corn breeding for increased yield by the ear-to-row
`4 and breeding plot method. Ears were found to vary from
the rate of 48 bushels to 107'bushels per acre by weight at
harvest time. The highest yielders are crossed in breeding
L block the second year.
Rates and methods of seeding corn. Variations from
- 72 to 103 bushels per acre were observed.
Effect of grading seed on the yield of corn.
'4 Y Effect on yield of planting seed from long and short
ears of corn.
Tests of varieties of wheat for yield and milling qual-
— ities. Some high yielding varieties of good milling quality

 _ xvi Twenty-thii·d Annual Report of the . _  
have been found. Seed_ of these_ varieties is being multi-
plied for the purpose of distribution in the State. T
Rates of seeding wheat. Results indicate six pecks per
acre to be the best amount.
Tests on time and methods of seeding clover. Also
· experiments on the effect of clipping clover the first season. °
Results showed a good stand whereclipped twice. ‘
_ Experiments on liming and inoculating alfalfa. Re-
sults show that liming and inoculating give_ good results,
while either alone does not give such good results. A
Experiments on rate and methods of seeding soy beans.
- Results show drills 28 inches apart and seeded at rate of {
‘ one bushel per acre to give best results. Methods of har-
vesting and threshing with ordinary farm machinery have
been developed.
Division of Extension Work. The work of the Exten-
tion Division, organized July 1, 1910, has not as yet as- ·
_ sumed as detiniteoutline as would have been possible with
V a regular corps of workers and a dennite amount of money ..
at its disposal. However, work along several lines has been
undertaken with considerable success. .
During the year, fifty-five trips have been made to
various places in the State, either by the Head of the Exten- `
sion Division or those sent at his direction. The principal
definite line of work undertaken has been the establish- _
ment of agriculture in some of the schools of the State and ·
the formation of agricultural clubs, usually associated
either with high schools or common schools. In several of
these schools, the teaching of agriculture has been definitely
undertaken through the influence and assistance of this
Division. Ten boys’ and girls’ agricultural clubs have been _
_ organized and are being successfully put into operation by
this Division, while considerable work has been done in co-
operation with the Commissioner of Agriculture in the A
formation and instruction of similar organizations.
In the Sue Bennett Memorial School at London, Ky., a
definite agricultural department has been organized and

 { (
A `— Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. xvii
. placed under the superintendency of Mr. L. S. Corbett,
Y . whose salary is paid by that school. General supervision of
the farm belonging to the·school has been assumed by this
) Division. _ `
_ - ` In other schools where agriculture has been introduced,
the work has been assigned to some teacher already located _
_ y in the school. _ l _
· , _Research Work. Dr. Peter, Professors Garman and
Good have _continued the research work under the Adams
; Fund along the same lines as last year. Dr. Healy has un-
? , dertaken a study ofmilk fever in cows, under the Adams
‘ Fund, and the Director has undertaken the study of scours
¥ in calves, under the same fund, in connection with the study
of milk fever.
. ` C0-operative Worip.   The rotation experiment, under i I
_ , Professor Garman, in co-operation with the United States
I Department of Agriculture, is being conducted, as is also
. __ the co-operative tobacco work under Mr. Woosléy, Tobacco
_` _ Expert for the Department. The latter work included, as
_ last year, the experiments in breeding, culture and the use
, of fertilizers for tobacco, at the Station farm, at Hopkins-
_ · I ville, and also at Bowling Green and Hardinsburg.
_ In Hardin County, we conducted a demonstration
_ ’ spraying experiment with a view to showing the benefit of
. A such treatment. It proved entirely successful, though the
I season was too damp for the best work.
i The tests of crosses and selections of oats furnished
. by the United States Department of Agriculture have been
continued. This work was begun five years ago with 107
crosses and selections. The poor yielders have been elimi-
‘ nated until now, we have thirty-one left. `We will multiply
» . the best selections and hope to develop some good strains of
  · oats for this region.
We have also continued the tests of varieties of barley
in co-operation with the United States Department of
Experiments in dipping scabby sheep in tobacco dips,

 · Xvjji Twenty-third Annual Report of the __
A ll
with and without the addition of sulphur, were carried on  
in conjunction with the Bureau of Animal Industry, Wash- 2AA
ington, D. C., and will be concluded in the spring of the
coming year.
A Fai·ine¢·s’ Institutes. Much of the institute work done
by the Station has devolved upon Mr. Bryant of the Exten-
_ sion Division, although Professors Roberts, Garman and A
Good also delivered addresses at a number of the institutes.
State Fair. At the State Fair and at the Blue Grass —
Fair, exhibits of an educational nature were made. These  
‘ represented the Division of Agronomy, covering exhibits of
seed testing, plant breeding, fertilizer tests, etc.; the Di- ‘
vision of Entomology and Botany exhibiting a large variety
of injurious insects and samples of the damage done`by .
them to plants; the Division of Food Control, this being in A `
the nature of giving information regarding the branding of ·
food products and the regulations concerning labeling; the
Division of Bacteriology, dealing principally with contami- A
nation in water and milk. Representatives were constant-
ly on hand to explain to visitors the meaning of the various
exhibits. A A
At the State Fair, there was conducted during the en-
tire week, a Model Dairy, showing the dairymen the _
simplest, cleanest and least expensive methods of handling `
pure milk. The Abuildings for this exhibit were provided by
the Fiscal Court of Jefferson County and the equipment A
largely obtained through donations from various supply
houses. i
Co-operation with t/tc University. By the action of the
joint committee, at its meeting last June, reorganizing the
· Agricultural College, so that it embraces the Experiment A
Station as its Research and Post-graduate Department, a _
closer co-operation has been established than has hereto-
fore been possible. By this arrangement, Professor Gar- ._
man has supervision of the instruction work in entomology.
He has also given some lectures and done other work with ,

   . Kentucky Agricnltnral Experiment Station. XiX
  the classes, as his duties at the Station permitted. Professor
  Roberts devotes half of his time to teaching in the Agricul-
tural College, and it is planned that other members of the
H Station Staff will give lectures from time to time on the
y subjects of their respective lines of work.
The Experiment Station, as the Research Department -
‘ of the Agricultural College, presents to the special student
in post-graduate work, line opportunities. Students who
have finished courses at the University have opportunity to
— work in connection with research work of the Station, and
  in this way come inicontact with research workers, men of
the highest standing in the sciences pertaining to agri-
· culture. A
Station Staff. Professor George Roberts was elected
I _ to take the position of Agronomist vacated by Mr. W. H.
_ Scherffius. He gives half of his time to Experiment Station
work. — V
· Mr. T. R. Bryant resigned his position in the Division
of Animal Husbandry to become Assistant Professor of
Extension Work, and is now in charge of that Division.
A Dr. D. J. Healy has accepted the position of Bacteriolo-
gist and Microscopist of the Food Division, and entered
_ upon his duties May 1s_t of this year.
Two new.me1nbers have been secured for the staff of
. the Division of Animal Husbandry: Dr. F. M. Surface of
the Maine Station and Dr. Robert Graham of the Iowa State
_ P Department of Agriculture. Dr. Surface is to act as Biolo-
. gist of the Station, giving his attention to the etiology of
infectious abortion among mares under the Adams Fund
work; Dr. Graham will give his attention largely to the
· preparation of hog cholera serum and act as Veterinarian
of the Station. Both will assume their duties here shortly
' after the beginning of the new year.
._ Mr. E. Kinney resigned his position as Assistant Ento-
mologist and Botanist to take the position of Assistant
, Agronomist.

xx Twenty-third Annual Report of the {
Publications. The following bulletins and reports have
been issued during the year:
· Bulletin N o. 147 : J
Common Insecticides and Fungicides with Direc-
_ tions for the Treatment of Farm Pests. l
Bulletin No. 148: ‘ , ‘
Seed Testing Apparatus: A Study of the Condi-
` tions under which our Germination Tests are
Made. 4 _ . _.
Bulletin No. 149: 4
Bleached Flour.
. Bulletin No. 150:
Preservation of Drugs. .
Bulletin No. 151:
‘ An Outbreak of the Gad-fly in Kentucky. ·
Bulletin No. 152:
Commercial Fertilizers,.
Twenty-first Annual Report. . · `
Report to the Governor on the Enforcement of the
Food and Drugs Act, 1908 and 1909.
The Director’s Report to the Governor on the enforce-
ment of the Pure Food and Drug Law follows. After this,
are appended the bulletins published during the year and `
the analyses of mineral waters made in the general work of
the Station that are deemed of most interest. Following `
this, the meteorological data will be found. V
M. 'A. SCOVELL, Director.,

9 A OF THE l
F   .9 _ Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
` 4 TO THE l F
Eniercemeni ei the Feed and Drugs Act
' ` , FOR THE YEARS 1908 AND 1909
Fcbruarv 23, 1910.

 Kentucky Agncuitura] Expenmcnt Stahon
CHARLES B. NICHOLS, Chairman, Lexington, Ky