xt7r222r892g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r892g/data/mets.xml Methodist Episcopal Church 1878 books BV415 .A3 1878 English Phillips & Hunt Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection John Lair Music Collection Methodist Episcopal Church -- Hymns Hymns, English -- Texts Rituals (Liturgical books) Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1878 text viii, 792 pages, 17 cm. Call Number: BV415 .A3 1878 Donor: John Lair Music Collection Hymnal of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1878 1878 1878 2022 true xt7r222r892g section xt7r222r892g  

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Copyright 1878, by


New York.

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rproval, and the Bishops
commend it to the Church

ployed in the revisal, ex

/' ._.



THE General Conference of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church, on the thirtieth day of May, 1876,
adopted the following report :~

The Committee on th

e Revision of the Hymn Book have
carefully considered th

e various papers referred to them,
and respectfully report to the General Conference that they
are unanimously of the opinion that a thorough revision of
the Hymn Book now in use is imperativcly demanded. ch
therefore recommend—

1. That the Board of Bishops be requested to appoint, as
soon as practicable, a Committee of fifteen, to whom shall
be committed the work of revision.

2. That this Committee be
venience of location for divisi
ing purposes.

3. That w

selected with reference to con-
on into three sections for work-

hen the work of prep
completed by the several sections, t
be duly notified, and the work of each section shall be re-
vised; and that no hymn now in use shall be excluded with-
out a vote of two thirds of the Cox '

and that no hymn no
without a v

aratory revision shall be
he whole Committee shall

t now in the collection shall be admitted

ote of two thirds of the Committee in its favor.
4. That when the Committee have completed their work,
all submit their report to the Bishops for their ap-
approving, they are authorized to
5. That after the Committee aforesaid
pleted their revision of the Hymn Book, and their work has
been approved by the Bi: ‘ a ' ' ' .
shall have power t ' le Hymn and Tune Book

for the use of the Church.

6. No compensation

shall have com-

shall be paid to the Committee em-
cept for actual expenses incurred.




In accordance with the foregoing resolution,
the Bishops appointed the following persons as


Central Section.

Eastern Section.

Western Section.


To the Committee appointed to revise the Hymn Boo/c:

DEAR BRETIIREN—The Bishops, at their late meeting in
Cleveland, Ohio, very thoroughly examined the result of the
labors of the Committee appointed under authority of the
last General Conference, to revise the Hymn Book of the
Methodist Episcopal Church.

1. They went through the entire list of the hymns in the
book now in use which the Committee has excluded.

2. They thoughtfully considered every revision made in
the text of the hymns which the Committee has retained.

3. They read through carefully, and in many cases repeat
edly, every new hymn which the Committee has introduced
into the Revised Hymn Book.

After the Committee had made a few changes which the
Bishops suggested, the following resolution was unanimously
adopted, namely :—

Resolved, That we have thoroughly examined, with great
satisfaction, the work of the Committee appointed to revise
the Hymn Book. We tender to the members of that Com-
mittee our thanks; and believe the gratitude of the Church
is due these brethren for the labor they have expended, and
the wisdom, taste, and good judgment they have shown in
preparing this most excellent book.

By order, and on behalf, of the Board of Bishops,

NEW YORK, June 15, 1877. .






UNDER the direction of the General Confer-
ence of 1876 this revised edition of our ex-
cellent Hymn Book has been prepared. The
action of the General Conference, the names
of the Committee selected by the Bishops, and
the judgment of the Bishops as expressed to
the Committee, are herewith presented. You
will note the great care which has marked
every part of the work, whether in rejecting
any of the hymns formerly used, or in chang-
ing their phraseology, or in the selection of
those which are new. Though perfection is
not claimed, yet we believe the present Hymn
Book will be considered a great improvement
on the preceding one.

‘Ve most cordially commend it to you as
one of the choicest selections of evangelical
hymns ever published; and we trust that it will
increase the interest of public worship, give a
higher inspiration to social and family services,
and aid in private meditation and devotion. As
it is published by the authority of the Church,




and to meet the wants of the Church, and as

the profits Will be devoted to religious pur-

poses, We do the more earnestly commend it to
your liberal patronage.

We exhort you, dear brethren, to “ sing with
the spirit ” and “ with the understanding also,”
“making melody in your heart to the Lord.”

Your aneetionate pastors in Christ,

January 12, 1878.






GENERAL HYMNS..................................1—71

MORNING AND EVENING..........................93—117

PROVIDENCE ..... . ....... . .. . . ”1.154480

LIFE AND CIIARACTER............ ...............196-2T'3
Sl'FFERINGS AND DEATII.........................204—224

Rxsummcnox, PRIESTHOUD AND REIGN. . . . . . . . . . .225-261


...... .............262——2S7


\VARNING AND INVITING..................... ....3t‘)5—37‘1



CONSECRATION............................ ......456—475
CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ..... 563—609
. I (110—683

PRAYER, PRAISE, AND (‘OMMI'NION WITII GOD . . . . . . 68-1—76:








GENERAL HYMNS ................................ 7 68—77 9
FELLOWSHIP AND UNITY ......................... 780—807
THE MINISTRY ................................. 808—825

Baptism .................... , ............... 326—832

The Lord’s Supper ......................... 833—855

Erection of Churches. . . . . . . . ; ................ 856—871

Children and Youth ......................... 872—980

Charities and Reforms ....................... 8907907

Missions ................................... 908—944


WATCII NIGHT AND NEW YEAR ................... 945—956
DEATH AND RESURRECTION ...................... 967—1012
JUDGMENT AND RETRIRUTION ................... 1013—1029
HEAVEN ...................................... 1080—1079


THE SEASONS ................................. 1080—1088
NATIONAL OCCASIONS ......................... 1089-1105
MARRIAGE ................... . ................. 1106—1107
MARINERS .................................... 1108-1115
[LAST HYMNS OF C. WESLEY] ................. 1116—1117

. Page;

DOXOLOGIES ..................................... 696—700


015‘ AFTHORS .............. . ................... 701—708
OF SCRIPTURE TEXTS ............................ 709—716
OE SUBJECTS ................................... 717—733

Of Hymns for Social \Vorship .................. 7313
OF FIRST LINES OF STANZAS ..................... 734—752
OE FIRST LINES OF HYMNS.............. ....°753—’776


ORDER OF BAPTISM .............................. 777—784
RECEPTION OF MEMBERS ......................... 784—786
THE LORD’S SUPPER ............................ 786-792







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H Y M N S .

l Exultant praise to the Redeemer. C. M.
FOR a thousand tongues, to sing
My great Redeemer’s praise;
The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace!
2 My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,
To spread through all the earth abroad,
The honors of thy name.

3 Jesus! the name that charms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease;

’Tis music in the sinner‘s ears,
’Tis life, and health, and peace.

4 He breaks the power of canceled sin,
He sets the prisoner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood availed for me.

5 He speaks, and, listening to his voice,
New life the dead receive;

The mournful, broken hearts rejoice;
The humble poor believe.

6 Hear him, ye deaf; his praise, ye dumb,
Your loosened tongues employ;
Ye blind, behold your Saviour come;

And leap, ye lame, for joy.

1 Charles Wesley.




2 W'arsthing the Lamb. 0- M-
OOME, let us join our cheerful songs
J \Vith angels round the throne;
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
But all their joys are one.

2 “Worthy the Lamb that died,” they cry,
“To be exalted thus!”
“Worthy the Lamb!” our hearts reply, . #
“For he was slain for us.” ‘;

3 Jesus is worthy to receive
Honor and power divine;

And blessings more than we can give,
Be, Lord, forever thine.

4 The whole creation join in one,
To bless the sacred name

Of him that sits upon the throne,
And to adore the Lamb.

Isaac Watts.

3 The universal King. 5. M.
OME, sound his praise abroad,
And hymns of glory sing:
Jehovah is the sovereign God,
The universal King.

2 He formed the deeps unknown;
He gave the seas their bound;
The watery worlds are all his own,

And all the solid ground.

3 Come, worship at his throne,
Come, bow before the Lord;
We are his works, and not our own;
He formed us by his word. .,

4 To-day attend his voice,
Nor dare provoke his rod;
Come, like the people of his choice,

And own your gracious God.

2 Isaac Watts.


4 Song of 1110568 and [716 Lamb.
A‘VAKE, and sing the song
Of Moses and the Lamb;
\Vake, every heart and every tongue,
To praise the Saviour’s name.
2 Sing of his dying love;
Sing of his rising power;
Sing how he intereedes above
For those whose sins he bore.
3 Sing on your heavenly way,
Ye ransomed sinners, sing;
Sing on, rejoicing every day
In Christ, the eternal King.
4 Soon shall we hear him say,
“Ye blessed children, come!”
Soon will he call us hence away,
To our eternal home.

5 There shall each raptured tongue
His endless praise proclaim;

And sweeter voices tune the song
Of Moses and the Lamb.

William Hammond, alt.

5 Praise and thanksgiving]. 5- NI-
STAND up, and bless the Lord,
Ye people of his ehoiee;
Stand up, and bless the Lord your God,
\Vith heart, and soul, and voice.

2 Though high above all praise,
Above all blessing high,

VVho would not fear his holy name,
And land, and magnify?

3 O for the living flame
From his own altar brought,

To touch our lips, our souls inspire,
And wing to heaven our thought!



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4 God is our strength and song,
And his salvation ours;
Then be his love in Christ proclaimed
“ \Vith all our ransomed powers.
5 Stand up, and bless the Lord;
The Lord your God adore;
Stand up, and bless his glorious name,
Henceforth, for evermbre.
James Montgomery.
6 Inrocatz'on of the Trinity. 6, 4.
ONE, thou almighty King,
Help us thy name to sing,
Help us to praise:
Father all-glorious,
O’er all victorious, _
Come, and reign over us,
Ancient of days!
2 Come, thou incarnate \Vord,
Gird on thy mighty sword,
Our prayer attend;
Come, and thy people bless,
And give thy word success:
Spirit of holiness,
On us descend!
3 Come, holy Comforter,
Thy sacred witness bear
In this glad hour:
Thou who almighty art, w
New rule in every heart,
And ne’er from us depart,
Spirit of power!
4 To thee, great One and Three,
Eternal praises be
Hence, evermore:
Thy sovereign majesty
May we in glory see,
And to eternity
Love and adore!

Charles Wesley.



7 JIet in 111's name. 5- M'
ESUS, we look to thee,
Thy promised presence claim;
Thou in the midst of us shalt be,
Assembled in thy name.

2 Thy name salvation is,
Which here we come to prove;

Th name is life, and health, and peace,
Xnd everlasting love.

3 Not in the name of pride
Or selfishness we meet; -
From nature’s paths we turn aside,
And worldly thoughts forget.

4 We meet the grace to take,
VVhich thou hast freely given;
We meet on earth for thy dear sake,
That we may meet in heaven.
5 Present we know thou art,
But 0 thyself reveal!
New, Lord, let every bounding heart
The mighty comfort feel.
6 0 may thy quiekening voice
The death of sin remove;
And bid our inmost souls rejoice,
In hope of perfect love.
Charles Wesley.

8 General invitation to praise 00d. 1" M'
ROM all that dwell below the skies,
Let the Creator’s praise arise;

Let the Redeemer’s name be sung,

Through every land, by every tongue.

2 Eternal are thy mercies, Lord;

Eternal truth attends thy word:

Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore,
Till suns shall rise and set no more.







3 Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring;
In songs of praise divinely sing;

The great salvation loud proclalm,

And shout for joy the Savmur’s name.


4 In every land begin the song;

To every land the strains belong:

In cheerful sounds all voices raise,
And fill the world with loudest praise.

Isaac Watts.


9 Reverem‘ial adoration. L- M-
EFORE Jehovah’s awful throne,
Ye nations bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone,
He can create, and he destroy.

2 His sovereign power, without our aid,
Made us of clay, and formed us men;
And when like wandering sheep we strayed

He brought us to his fold again.


3 We ’11 crowd thy gates with thankful songs
High as the heavens our voices raise;

And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall fill thy courts with sounding praise.


4 Wide as the world is thy command;
Vast as eternity thy love;
Firm as a rock thy truth shall stand,

When rolling years shall cease to move. ,
Isaac Watts, alt. by J. Wesley.
10 Universal adoration, L- M-

HOLY, holy, holy Lord!

Thou God of hosts, by all adored;
The earth and heavens are full of thee,
Thy light, thy power, thy majesty.

2 Loud hallelujahs to thy name,
Angels and seraphim proclaim:
By all the powers and thrones in heaven,

Eternal praise to thee is given.
a -





3 Apostles join the glorious throng,
And swell the loud triumphant song:
Prophets and martyrs hear the sound,
And spread the hallelujah round.

4 Glory to thee, O God most high!
Father, we praise thy majesty!
The Son, the Spirit, we adore!

One Godhead, blest for evermore.

Josiah Gender.

11 Invitation to worship—Psalm 100. 1-“ NI-
LL people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:
Him serve with fear, his praise forth tell,
Come ye before him, and rejoice.
2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed,
\Vithout our aid he did us make;
We are his flock, he doth us feed,
And for his sheep he doth us take.

3 0 enter then his gates with praise,
Approach with joy his courts unto:
Praise, laud, and bless his name always,
For it is seemly so to do.

4 For why? the Lord our God is good,
His mercy is forever sure;

His truth at all times firmly stood,

And shall from age to age endure.
William Kethe.

12 Praise to flu: Swim/,1: L. M.
ESUS, thou everlasting King,
Accept the tribute which we bring;
Accept thy well-deserved renown,
And wear our praises as thy crown.

2 Let every act of worship be

Like our espousals, Lord, to thee;
Like the blest hour, when from above
We first received the pledgeof love.










3 The gladness of that happy day,

0 may it ever, ever stay!

Nor let our faith forsake its hold,
Nor hope decline, nor love grow cold.

4 Let every moment, as it flies,
Increase thy praise, improve our joys,
Till we are raised to sing thy name,
At the great supper 0f the Lamb.

Isaac Watts.


13 The prosperity of the saints. 1" N
RENDER thanks to God above,
The fountain of eternal love,
Whose mercy firm through ages past
Hath stood, and shall forever last.
2 Who can his mighty deeds express,
Not only vast, but numberless? *
What mortal eloquence can raise
His tribute of immortal praise?

3 Extend to me that favor, Lord,
Thou to thy chosen dost afford;
When thou return’st to set them free,
Let thy salvation visit me. —

4 0 may I worthy prove to see

Thy saints in full prosperity,

That I the joyful choir may join,
And count thy people’s triumph mine!

Tate and Brady. I

1-4 W'elcome to the King of glory. L. M.
LIFT up your heads, ye mighty gates!
Behold, the King of glory waits;
The King of kings is drawing near,

The Saviour of the world is here.
2 The Lord is just, a helper tried;
Mercy is ever at his side;
His kingly crown is holiness;
His scepter, pity in distress.






3 O blest the land, the city blest,
\Vherc Christ the ruler is confessed!
0 happy hearts and happy homes
To whom this King of triumph comes!
4 Fling wide the portals of your heart;
Make it a temple, set apart .
From earthly use for heaven’s employ,
Adorned with prayer, and love, and joy.
5 Redeemer, come! I open wide
My heart to thee: here, Lord, abide!
Let me thy inner presence feel,
Thy grace and love in me reveal!
6 So come, my Sovereign! enter in,
Let new and nobler life begin;
Thy Holy Spirit guide 11s on,
Until the glorious crown be won!

Georg Weissel. Tr. by Miss C. Winkworth.

15 Longings for the house of God. H' M'
0RD of the worlds above,
How pleasant and how fair
The dwellings of thy love,
Thine earthly temples, arc!
To thine abode my heart asl’nres,
With warm desires to see my God.
2 0 happy souls that pray
Where God appoints to hear!
0 happy men that pay
Their constant service there!
They praise thee still; and happy they
That love the way to Zion’s hill.
3 They go from strength to strength,
'llhrough this dark vale of tears,
Till each arrives at length,
Till each in heaven appears:
0 glorious seat! thou, God, our King,
Shalt thither bring our willing feet.

Isaac Watts:-








16 The universal King. H- M-
OUNG men and maidens, raise
Your tuneful voices high;
Old men and children, praise
The Lord of earth and sky;
Him Three in One, and One in Three,
Extol to all eternity.
2 The universal King
Let all the world proclaim;
Let every creature sing i"!
His attributes and name; ,."
Him Three in One, and One in Three, ’1
Extol to all eternity.

3 In his great name alone
All excellences meet,
Who sits upon the throne,
And shall forever sit;
Him Three in One, and One in Three,
Extol to all eternity.

4 Glory to God belongs;
Glory to God be given,
Above the noblest songs
Of all in earth and heaven;
Him Three in One, and One in Three,
Extol to all eternity.

Charles Wesley.

17 The glory of His grace. 0' P_ M'
' ET all on earth their voices raise,
To sing the great Jehovah’s praise,
And bless his holy name:
His glory let the heathen know,
His wonders to the nations show,
His saving grace proclaim.
2 He framed the globe; he built the sky;
He made the shining worlds on high,
And reigns in glory there:





His beams are majesty and light;
His beauties, how divinely bright!
His dwelling-place, how fair!
3 Come the great day, the glorious hour,
\Vhen earth shall feel his saving power,
All nations fear his name:
Then shall the race of men confess
The beauty of his holiness,
His saving grace proclaim.
Isaac Watts.
18 God’s glorious presence. 0' P. M-
HOU God of power, thou God of love,
Whose glory fills the realms above,
\Vhose praise arehangels sing,
And veil their faces while they cry,
“Thrice holy,” to their God most high,
“Thrice holy,” to their King;
2 Thee as our God we too would claim,
And bless the Saviour’s precious name,
Through whom this grace is given:
He bore the curse to sinners due,
He forms their ruined souls anew,
And makes them heirs of heaven.
3 The veil that hides thy glory rend,
And here in saving power descend,
And fix thy blcst abode;
Here to our hearts thyself reveal,
And let each waiting spirit feel
The presence of our God.
John Walker.

19 The praise of Jesus. C. P. M.
ESUS, thou soul of all our joys,
For whom we 110w lift up our voice,
And all our strength exert,
Vouehsafe the grace we humbly claim;
Compose into a thankful frame,
And tune thy people’s heart.




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2 While in the heavenly work we join,
Thy glory be our whole design,
Thy glory, not our own:
Still let us keep this end in View,
And still the pleasing task pursue,
To please our God alone.
3 Thee let us praise, our common Lord,
And sweetly join, with one accord,
Thy goodness to proclaim:
Jesus, thyself in us reveal,
And all our faculties shall feel
Thy harmonizing name.
4 With calmly reverential joy,
0 let us all our lives employ
In setting forth thy love;
And raise in death our triumph higher,
And sing, with all the heavenly choir,

That endless song above.
Charles Wesley.

20 7.

Humble adoration.
EAVENLY Father, sovereign Lord,
Be thy glorious name adored!
Lord, thy mercies never fail;
Hail, celestial Goodness, hail!


2 Though unworthy of thine ear,
Deign our humble songs to hear;
Purer praise we hope to bring
When around thy throne we sing.
3 While on earth ordained to stay,
Guide our footsteps in thy way,
Till we come to dwell with thee,
Till we all thy glory see.

4 Then, with angel-harps again,
We will wake a nobler strain;
There, in joyful songs of praise,
Our triumphant voices raise.

12 Benjamin Williams, alt.





2] Blessings implored. 7'

' 0RD, we come before thee now,
At thy feet we humbly bow;

0 do not our suit disdain;

Shall we seek thee, Lord, in vain?

2 Lord, on thee our souls depend;
In compassion now descend;

Fill our hearts with thy rich grace,
Tune our lips to sing thy praise.

3 In thine own appointed way,
Now we seek thee, here we stay;
Lord, we know not how to go,

Till a blessing thou bestow.

4 Send some message from thy word,
That may joy and peace afford;

Let thy Spirit now impart

Full salvation to each heart.

5 Comfort those who weep and mourn;
Let the time of joy return;

Those that are cast dowu lift up;
Make them strong in faith and'hope.
6 Grant that all may seek and find
Thee, a gracious God and kind:

Heal the sick, the captive free;

Let us all rejoice in thee.
William Hammond.

22 Tribute of praise or parting. 7'

HRISTIANS, brethren, ere we part,

Every voice and every heart
Join, and to our Father raise
One last hymn of grateful praise.
2 Though we here should meet no more,
Yet there is a brighter shore;
There, released from toil and pain,
There we all may meet again.






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3 NOW to thee, thou God of heaven,
Be eternal glory given:
Grateful for thy love divine,

May our hearts be ever thine.
H. Kirke White, alt.

23 Conclud/ng pmyerand thanksgiving. 7'
OW may He who from the dead
Brought the Shepherd of the sheep,
Jesus Christ, our King and Head,
All our souls in safety keep.
2 May he teach us to fulfill
What is pleasing in his sight; -
hIake us perfect in his Will,
And preserve us day and night.
3 To that great Redeemer’s praise,
Who the covenant sealed with blood,
Let our hearts and voices raise
Loud thanksgivings to our God.

John Newton.

24 Saints and angels praising 00d. 7'

SONGS of praise the angels sang,
Heaven with hallelujahs rang,

When Jehovah’s work begun,

When he spake and it was done.

2 Songs of praise awoke the morn,

\Vhen the Prince of peace was born:

Songs of praise arose, when he

Captive led captivity.

3 Saints below, with heart and voice,

Still in songs of praise rejoice;

Learning here, by faith and love,

Songs of praise to sing above.

4 Borne upon their latest breath,

Songs of praise shall conquer death;

Then amid eternal joy,

Songs of praise their powers employ.

14 James Montgomery.





25 Let all the people praise Him. 7'
HANK and praise Jehovah’s name;
For his mercies, firm and sure,
From eternity the same,
To eternity endure.
2 Let the ransomed thus rejoice,
Gathered out of every land,
As the people of his choice,
Plucked from the (lestroyer’s hand.
3 Let the elders praise the Lord,
Him let all the people praise,
When they meet with one accord,
In his courts on holy days.
4 Praise him, ye who know his love;
Praise him from the depths beneath;
Praise him in the heights above;
Praise your Maker; all that breathe.
5 For his truth and mercy stand,
Past, and present, and to be,
Like the years of his right hand,
Like his own eternity.
James Montgomery.

26 7.

Praise and prayer.
LORY be to God on high,

God, Whose glory fills the sky!
Peace on earth to man forgiven,
Man, the Well-beloved of Heaven.

2 Sovereign Father, heavenly King,
Thee we now presume to sing;
Thee with thankful hearts we prove
God of power, and (irOd of love.
3 Christ our Lord and God we own
Christ, the Father’s only Son,
Lamb of God for sinners slain,
Saviour of offending man.





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4 BOW thine ear, in mercy bow,
Hear, the world’s atonement, thou!
Jesus, in thy name we pray,

Take, 0 take our sins away.
Charles Wesley.


2 1 Praise the Lord. 7°
RAISE the Lord, his glories show,
Saints within his courts below,

Angels 1ound his thi one above,

AllD that see and share his love.

2 Earth to heaven, and heaven to earth,
Tell his wondeis, sing his worth;

Age to age, and shale to shore,

Praise him, piaise him, eve1more!

3 P1aise the Lord, his meieies trace;
Praise his p1 ()Videnee and g1 ace

All that he for man hath done; ~
All he sends us th1ough his Son.

4 Strings and voices, hands and hearts,
In the concert bear your parts;
All that breathe, your Leld adore,

Praise him, praise him, evermore!
HenryF. Lyte.

28 The heavenly Guest. 0- M-

OME, let us who in Christ believe,
Our common Saviour praise:

To him with joyful voices give
The glory of his grace.

2 He now stands knocking at the door
Of every sinner’s heart:

The worst need keep him out no more,
Nor force him to depart.

3 Through grace we hearken to thy voice,
Yield to be saved frOm sin;

In sure and certain hope rejoice,
That thou wilt enter in.





4 Come quickly in, thou heavenly Guest
Nor ever hence remove;

But sup with us, and let the feast
Be everlasting love.


Charles Wesley.

29 Blessing on worshipers. 0' M'

NOE more we come before our God;
Once more his blessing ask:

0 may not duty seem a load,
Nor worship prove a task.

2 Father, thy quickening Spirit send
From heaven, in Jesus’ name,

And bid our waiting minds attend,
And put our souls in frame.

3 May we receive the word we hear,
Each in an honest heart;

And keep the precious treasure there,
And never with it part.

4 To seek thee, all our hearts dispose;
To each thy blessings suit;

And let the seed thy servant sows
Produce abundant fruit.

30 Erpectz'ng the blessing. 0' M'
SEE, Jesus, thy disciples see,
The promised blessing give;
Met in thy name, we look to thee,
Expecting to receive.

2 Thee we expect, our faithful Lord,
Who in thy name are joined;

We wait, according to thy word,
Thee in the midst to find.

3 With us thou art assembled here,
But 0 thyself reveal;

Son of the living God, appear!
Let2 us thy presence feel.


Joseph Hart.







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4 Breathe on us, Lord, in this our day,
And these dry bones shall live;

Speak peace into our hearts, and say,
“The Holy Ghost receive.”

Charles Wesley.

31 Infinite grace. 0- M‘
NFINITE excellence is thine,
Thou glorious Prince of grace!

Thy uncreated beauties shine
With never-fading rays.

‘2 Sinners, from earth’s remotest end,
Come bending at thy feet;

To thee their prayers and songs ascend,
In thee their wishes meet.

3 Millions of happy spirits live
On thy exhaustless store;

From thee they all their bliss receive,
And still thou givest more.

4 Thou art their triumph and their joy;
They find their all in thee;
Thy glories Will their tongues employ
Through all eternity.
John Fawcett.

32 The great and efiiactual door. 0- M~
JESUS, thou all-redeeming Lord,
Thy blessing we implore;
Open the door to preach thy word,
The great, effectual door.

2 Gather the outcasts in, and save
From sin and Satan’s power;

And let them now acceptance have,
And know their gracious hour.

3 Lover of souls! thou know’st to prize
What thou hast bought so dear:

Come, then, and in thy people’s eyes
With all thy wounds appear.






4 The hardness of our hearts remove,
Thou who for all hast died;

Show us the tokens of thy love,
Thy feet, thy hands, thy side.

5 Ready thou art the blood to apply,
And prove the record true;

And all thy wounds-to sinners cry,

“I suffered this for you.”
Charles Wesley.

33 God, the only object of worship. 0' M'
O GOD, our strength, to thee our song
With grateful hearts we raise;

To thee, and thee alone, belong
All worship, love, and praise.

2 In trouble’s dark and stormy hour
Thine ear hath heard our prayer;

And graciously thine arm of power
Hath saved us from despair.

3 And thou, 0 ever gracious Lord,
Wilt keep thy promise still,

If, meckly hearkening to thy word,
We seek to do thy will.

4 Led by the light thy grace imparts,
Ne’er may we bow the knee

To idols, which our wayward hearts
Set up instead of thee.

5 So shall thy choicest gifts, 0 Lord,
Thy faithful people bless;
For them shall earth its stores afford,

And heaven its happiness.
Harriet Auber.

34 Vyz'ng with the angels. C. M.
THOUSAND oracles divine
Their common beams unite,
That sinners may with angels join.
To worship God aright.




2 Triumphant host! they never cease
To laud and magnify

‘ The Triune God of holiness,
\Vhose glory fills the sky.

3 By faith the upper choir we meet,
And challenge them to sing

Jehovah on his shining seat,

‘ Our Maker and our King.

4 But God made flesh is wholly ours,
And asks our noblest strain;

The Father of celestial powers,

The Friend of earthborn man!
Charles Wesley.

35 Grace, pardon, and life. L. M.
FATHER of heaven, whose love profound

ransom for our souls hath found,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us thy pardoning love extend.
2 Almighty Son, incarnate Word,
Our Prophet, Priest, Redeemer, Lord,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us thy saving grace extend.
3 Eternal Spirit, by whose breath
The soul is raised from sin and death,
Before thy throne we sinners bend;
To us thy quickening power extend.
4 Jehovah! Father, Spirit, Son,
Mysterious Godhead! Three in One!
Before thy throne we sinners bend;

Grace, pardon, life, to us extend.
John Cooper.

36 L. M.

True worship every—where accepted.
THOU to whom, in ancient time,
The lyre of Hebrew bards was strung,
Whom kings adored in song sublime,
And prophets praised with glowing tongue;



2 Not now on Zion’s height alone
The favored worshiper may dwell,

Nor where, at sultry noon, thy Son
Sat weary by the patriarch’s well.

3 From every place below the skies,
The grateful song, the fervent prayer,
The incense of the heart, may rise
To heaven, and find acceptance there.

4 0 Thou to whom, in ancient time,
The holy prophet’s harp was strung,
To thee at last in every clime,
Shall temples rise and praise be sung.
John Pierpo