xt7r222r859c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r859c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2001-02-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 2001 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 2001 2001 2001-02-23 2020 true xt7r222r859c section xt7r222r859c Inmm


Track and
field elite



Spring Break is creeping
closer and closer.
With the promise of
sun, beaches, drinks
and hordes of single
frisky college
students, here are
some things to do
now to get ready for
Spring Break.

Drink! That's right, I said
drink. If you get
stuck at a foam
party in Jamaica
with the tolerance
you have going right
now, you will be the
one stripping butt
naked and yelling
something real
stupid to someone
like, “This foam
reminds me of when
I fart in my bubble
bath." A pick up line
sure to work. I

to your closest
tanning salon and
sizzle to your heart's
content. Is this
worse than frying to
a “hey, is that
ketchup over your
entire body" in the
sun? You be the
judge. All I have to
say is never pass out
in the sun. That is
not good.

Get sucked! Liposuction
is a quick, easy way
to get rid of those
extra, unwanted
pounds that I am
sure many are
fretting over as you
read. Just don't go

February 23.2001

SEC tourney


Saturday I e


lit: mkyeEn—e'lxiiiii ’

The role of the black journalist

Former vice chancellor to speak: William C.
Parker encourages change in black journalism

By Sterling Rouse


William (‘. Parker. respected
orator and former vice chancellor
of minority affairs at l'K. will
speak at UK on Sunday about the
role and responsibility of the
black journalist

Parker believes that tiiaiiy of

today‘s black journalists have lost


touch with their ability to create
change within their communities.

"it's not that they have forgot
ten [their rolel." he said. "It's just
that nobody taught it to them."

He said that. historically.
great black journalists were
people who used their position to
improve their environment. with»
out losing the objectivity that is
the hallmark ofjournalism.

But Parker was quick to
point otit that his message ex~
tends beyond the realms ot‘jour-
nalism and blackness. and en-
couraged all students to attend.

Born in 192:”), Parker escaped
poverty to earn a bachelor‘s and
master's degree from lllinois
State University. He also received
a doctorate in psychology frotii
(‘olumbia Pacific University. He
has done postgraduate work at
Case-Western Reserve. Princeton.
Rutgers as well as the l'niversity
ofllhana iii Accra.

The president of Parker hi

Bringing college and
community together

Hard at;

Parker Associates, a local human
resource coiisiiltitig firm. Parker
has used his expertise in leader
ship and human behavior to pro
vide services to people around the

Jermaine Reeves. a telecom
munications senior who has
heard Parker speak. Is excited
about his coming to l'K and hopes
to attend.

“He is a very knowledgeable
man." Reeves said. ”yet he is still
down to earth.“

(‘ote Steptcau. a broadcast
journalism senior and treasurer

QLEMISS 75. UK 54,

of the National Association of
lllack Journalists. whn h is spon
\lIl'llljg' lllt‘ i‘\'t'lll. :Ilsii liiiilw for
ward to seeing Parker

"It is an honor." she said. “be
causc he has contributed \(t much
to l'K and to the minority affairs
program "

Be there

William C. Parker will speak at
4 pm. Sunday in the William T. Young

Women drop home
finale against Rebels

Zoned out: Ole Miss defense stifles UK

By Steve Jones

stirr 4mm

l'K coach Bernadette Mattox didn't have to worry about get

ting any seniors play ing time last night against Ole Miss in the
(‘ats‘ final home game of the season. but she did have plenty of
other problems as the Lady Rebels beat the (‘ats 7.3 .31 in
Memorial (‘oliseiim

()n what would haye been l'K's Senior Night most years. lllt'
young. seniorless (‘ats were by a sllllt‘ll by an Ole Miss /one that
limited [TK‘s options

Mattox credited the Lady Rebels' defense for preyenting her
team from doitig what they wanted to do.

“Mississippi came in with a game plan to take away the mid
dle." Mattox said. “They packed it in with that zone and forced its
to shoot from the outside."

l'K's perimeter players were hesitant to take many of the
shots the Ole Miss defense was allowing. but when they did shoot.
they were ineffective. making only two of to three-point attempts.

"We‘re capable." Mattox said of her team‘s ability to shoot the

ills”)? it:
Architecture senior
Steve Martin works on
the College of Archi-
tecture's current pro-
ject - a wellness cen-
ter for residents in
Frenchbiirg, Ky. Fifty
to 60 students have
contributed to the
project since its
inception in 1998.

the cheap way and
try an at-home
procedure with your
Hoover. This could be
bad for you. Very

Shop! Even though my
swimsuit is from.
like. ‘95, I am sure
many of you do not
want to be the only
one in last year’s
swimsuit. May I
Victoria's Secret for

lllCK routczkj PHOTO EDITOR

the ladies? For the
guys, I really don't
care, just no
those for the
swimmers and
divers. And even if
you are a swimmer

long ball. “But we’re not being confident in what were capable of

UK started the game hot. outscoring the Lady Rebels lit-l in
the first four minutes. The early lead was short-lived. however. as
Ole Miss went on a 1872 run of their own. cultninating on a foul
shot by Lady Rebel junior guard Sherika Wright that put Ole Miss
up 32-15 with 8:25 left in the first half.

Poul trouble plagued the (tits throughout the first halfas Ole

Miss connected on Iii of 17 free throws versus just three attempts
at the line for ['K.

The UK coach again attributed the (‘ats‘ fouling and defen
siye problems to the way Ole Miss had affected the team mentally.

“We didn't move our feet." Mattox said. “'l‘onight they packed
that thing in and offensively when it wasn't clicking. we let it af-
fect Us defensively."

The first half was capped by a half-court prayer by (lle Miss
senior guard Becky Myatt just before the buzzer. Myatt's shot
gave the Lady Rebels a 37-24 lead at the break.

[K was led by the play of freshman center SeSe Helm who
tallied gatne highs in scoring and rebounding with El [mints and
10 boards. respectively .

Helm recorded her first-ever career double-double before foul
ing out with 1:38 left,

Even though Helm had reached that individual milestone for
the first time, she was ultimately disaijiinted with the loss.

“it wasn‘t a ‘W.”' Helm said. "I don't really focus on (loit-
ble-doubles or triple-doubles. 1 focus on the fundamental
things to win."

‘We're building a bridge’: Architecture students get real-life experience
through building a wellness center for residents in a Kentucky town

or diver, leave the
Speedos at home on
Spring Break.

Sell your body! Not that
way. I am not
prostitution. I mean
sell plasma, sperm,
eggs, kidneys (wait,
you will need that
organ on Spring
Break) or just
become a stripper.
Everybody could use
some extra cash and
there are many
outlets for quick
cash. Just don't visit
three different
plasma places on the
same day. This too
could be bad.

Roccanova. who has overseen the project for all eight
semesters of its existence. jumped at the chance to

"A project like this affects everything you do for
the rest of your life." he said.

He said the hzlilflS'tm experience benefits students
in the classroom.

“The reality helps to explain things in the studio
that seem abstract." he said. “Models and drawings be-
cotiie more alive by these extwriences."

Brad Ellis. one of five architecture students work-
ing on the project this semester. said the experience
would be beneficial when he graduates anti begins

See CENTER on 2

By Kristin Gunderson
con—iiiéfiiifiimm "*

“We're building a bridge between the community
and college." said Tony Roccanoya. associate professor
at the (‘ollege of Architecture.

Hut fourth anti fifth year architecture students are
building more than just a bridge. Since the fall of I998.
more than 60 students have mastermindcxi the building
of a wellness center in Wenchburg. Ky.

The Frenchburg community wanted a wellness cen-
ter with exercise equipment. an area for aerobics class-
es and a space that can be used for rrceptions. The (‘ol
lege of Architixrture has given the community just that.

When the state offered the college 350.000 to build.

Get excited! It is Spring
Break for goodness
sake. This may be

your last one or your

Computer system causes problems for students

fun. They don't call it a
a break for nothing.
Enjoy it.



The issue: Students attending UK

and LCC are not receiving benefits

-Ron Norton
Rail_editoreihotmail.com ,
By Ferrari Robinson

contaieutmc wmrrn

For the last two years, corporate communica-
tions junior .lon Rasmussen. 25. has attended school
full-time. But he always paid full price for his UK
sports tickets. his good grades didn't get him on the
dean's list and he never had the chance to get PK
health insurance.

Rasmussen‘s problems are familiar to anyone
who attends UK and LC(‘ with 12 or more hours com-
bined between the two. Though LCC is part of UK's
educational system and general education courses
are of equal merit at the two schools. one must be a
full-time student at one of the schools. not both. to
take advantage of some basic full-time benefits.

, ‘ Rasmussen attends both schools to accommo~
5‘7”“? 1‘ 1"- date his schedule. This semester is the first time he
hm‘m'“ . _ _. . , . has been able to take 12 hours at UK. though he still
' v , . - . 4 . . ' , has one class at LCC.

ISSUE 88107 ~ ,. . ,. “I‘m a sports fan. so it drove me insane that i
couldn‘t get discounted tickets." he said.

Other inconsistencies between the school's bene»
fits include UK's inability to access an LCC student‘s

See SYSTEM on 2


Cheer up. It won’t be
that cold.

VOL. 33106


Item I mororoiroe

onlnckide discounted basketbel ticketsendlllheaithlnwence.

{sllius'imli’iilzw m" mm ' mm “W
'NDEPENDEW S'NCE 197‘ icc President Jim Kerley said appropriate measures are being taken
N . . "a to fix inconsistencies between LCC and UK in terms of benefits.

r was 1‘33“"
Call: 257-1915 or write:






z I mommrontriiiiiafiébr | some" timed


dle to get the job done. those who know the be-


The Low-down

Eminem stirs controversy at Grammys
LOS ANGELES Despite the hype over

leaguered submarine commander say. “He‘s the
one that‘s chosen when they want to send a sub
marine to show off on Armed Forces Day in
some major port in California." said his friend
John Peters. a retired Navy submarine captain.
Waddle. 41. now keeps quiet, pending investiga-
tion into his submarine‘s collision with a Japan-
ese fishing and training vessel. Two civilians
were at control positions in Waddle's submarine


Continued from page i


searching for a job.

challenging part has been
maintaining a good pace. He
wants his students to experi-
ment and express themselves in
their work. But at the same
time. he wants to see the project

1 l



whether Eminent‘s “The Marshall Mathers 1,1)“ F“ “55 when the accident occurred. The Navy relieved “Not only will I have models “The modern world do
would take home albunt of the year honors. the THAN lERo: Waddle as commander of the USS Greeneville af- aitd drawings to show. but I will mands “5 to bring something
rapper lost out to a pair ofaging rockers Steely Ad" Robert ter the Feb. 9 accident that sank the Ehime have photographs of something 1ntoefiect,“Roccanovasatd.
Dun‘ “'ht) up until \Nytdnytsday night had never “my JI'. S Marti. VVhiCh “'85 on 21‘ one-month training laCtually built.H Ellis said. The_m05t dlmcult aspeCt 0f
won a Grammy The dtio snagged tlte album of drug “s. “5 CTUiSt’ With Japanese high SChool students. Fifty to 60 students have the D'I'OJGCt for E1115 hasbeen F
”M, year win for MN.“ Against Nature." their continued to Twenty-six people were rescued. but nine others contributed to the project budding on top of others ideas. ee
first album iii nearly two decades They also won allow defense including four students are missing. throughout the eight semesters. A different 81‘th .Of students b t
best pop albuttt aitd best pop performance by a “WW3” ‘0 Roccanova [310190th that they works on the bufldlnaeach 59‘ u
duo or group for "(‘ousin l)upree." Also taking gather "i' "M“ extends Kashmir cease-fire Will finish the building by this mester. $0 the PI‘OJGCI {5 an 80-
honie three trophies apiece were lrislt rockers [‘2 “MO. PWSOW‘ N ‘W . l l 1.1 l 1., , t ‘ d i . t summer. cumtilation of different ideas. ‘ By Cl
and crossover country singer Faith Hill. Eminent tors SIM. . 1" QP‘I‘H .: . “4‘ lf‘. " ”1‘11“ .(txfn 9‘ .l S “The community has been We have. 10 acceptwhat 8
also won three awards. all iii the rap categories. Downey. unilateral‘cease-tite against 15 amlclseparatlstfs very supportive of us and the there and tie the different comm:
I don’t Outside the ceretnotty. about too people frottt charged with %n.Kashm1r for'a‘ntttget F111;? ”hm/:35. 1:1 (”Aft time it has taken us to build. pieces from each semester tO- 1
women‘s and gavvrights groups demonstrated possession of 0.” to boost pf?“ “. orts. ‘r‘lmc ”“5 er, a but they are ready to have their gethci‘. Ellis said. You have to Thee
know agaittst Entinem. Elton John. one of music's utost cocaine and a Bthart ,\ all“). ee ”ind Thu’bda’ " The fgoverrt building.“ Roccanova said. continue building Whlle keep- tion
What an famous gay celebrities. also weathered criticism tranquillzer, [negtt had decidyeblvt‘oi 9?}in gm; $16??th at df The students are now ing .the 395W“? feeling and rors.
th for joining the rapper onstage. Their perf‘or- faces more than .a met meeting u. "‘5‘ d3' u , f" urauton 0 working on the finer details of SPIN ofthe building that others [ wa:
e (3011- . . ., ~ . ~ ~ - . -. , .. . ,.- . , . , . the extensmn until the end of May ,, was not th b ‘ld' , Th f . f h have created.‘
tnaatt of Stan. Emintm s do My gt lpplng song four years In d '1 Th ‘d' . , p4 ‘1” y t The e. m ing. e ocus o t e _ ]
troversy about a deranged fan. also tested (‘88 censors. At prison if con- announce ”flu“ d ul”:113fl11[1 ‘fl‘ll‘lfln‘en. ‘ l t pI‘OJect this semester ts to en. Despite the many chal» mov
least three curse words cottld be heard during the victed. Downey government ”5‘. E? “I“, c “as“ 1‘19 m a 9 close the main space With w'tn- lenges that they have faced. bOth and
about performance 35 was arrest-l November to coincide w tth the Muslim holy dow's, hang dry wall and work Roccanova and E1115 said it has th
Eminem ' ' month of Rantadatt. This latest extensmn was on the mechanical and electri- beenasatisfymg experience. e l
' ' ' ' ' ' ed on Nov. 25 the th‘rd- cals stems “When we complete our they
18. Imet Scores die In brutal ethnic fighting at a Palm y ~~ nots

and he’s
re a-l-l-y
g ay i f

Grammy Host
Jon Stewart, in
his opening
monologue at the
Wednesday night


JAKARTA. litdoitesia Gangs carried the
severed heads of their victims through a Borneo
island town where more than too people have
died in brutal ethnic violence tltis week. Security
forces on Thursday patrolled Sampit in (‘entral
Kalimantatt provittce the lndonesian part of
Borneo islattd where clashes between indige-
nous Dayaks aitd migrants froin other parts of
the country first erupted Sunday. The violence
highlights the breakdown of law attd order in lit-
donesia as the archipelago emerges from more
than three decades of authoritarian rule and old
ethnic hatreds erupt into bloodshed President
:‘sbdurrahman \Vahid left for a two—week trip
Thursday to the Middle East attd Africa sayiitg
he was not worried about leaving Indonesia
mired lit a political crisis and ethnic violence.

Clinton brother-in-law returns money

W.~\SHII\'G'T‘ON Tlte investigation ittto for-
mer President (‘linton‘s last-minute pardotts is
widening atttid revelations that his wife‘s broth-
er collected ttearly Stooooo for helping secure a
pardon and a prison cottttnutation for two
clients. At the request of the first family. Hugh
Rodham refunded the payments Wednesday. A
congressional investigative committee immedi-
ately demanded documents and answers. (‘linton
and his wife. Sen. Hillary Rodhant Clinton. D-
.\'.Y.. said they were unaware of the arrange-
ments with Rodham and were "deeply dis-
turbed" by what had happened.

Commander faces uncertain future
WASHINGTON When the Navy needed to
strut its stuff. it could count on (‘mdr Scott Wad~

Springs hotel
after police
received an
anonymous tip.

Robbie Williams
suffered bruises
but was other-
wise uninjured
after a man
pushed the pop
star from the
stage during a
Stuttgart con-
cert. He fell
over 5 feet into
the pit below
the stage after
a young man
who police said
was psychologi-
cally disturbed
got onto the
stage and
pushed him
from behind.

Tina killed in car bomb explosion

SAN SEBASTIAN. Spaitt , A car bomb ex-
ploded in this northern coastal city Thursday.
killing two young ittett anti injuring others. au-
thorities said. The blast came at 8 am. about 200
yards front a commuter train stop in San Sebast-
ian. said the interior Ministry iii the Basque re-
gion. The ministry confirmed it was a car bomb,
a frequent method of attack by the Basque sepa-
ratist group ETA. Antbulances rushed victims to
the Aranzazu hospital. which said two men had
died. They were identified as Jose Angel Santos
Larranaga and .losu Leones Azkona. workers for
Electra. an electricity company. Four other men
Were being treated for injuries. One of the in-
jured was identified as igttacio Dubrueil Churru-
ca. a councilor front the Socialist party in near-
by Ordizia. party member Rosa Diez said.
Dubrueil. 40. was only slightly injured. she said.

Earnhardt buried in private service

CHARLOTTE. NC. Dale Earnhardt's fant-
ily bid farewell to the fallen driver itt a private
ceremony one day before the NASCAR commu-
nity planned to say its goodbyes. Earnhardt was
laid to rest Wednesday iit his hometown of Kan-
napolis. with only immediate family members at-
tending the private ceremony. The exact location
of the site was not disclosed at the family‘s re-
quest. The rest of the NASCAR community pays
its final respects to the seven-time Winston Cup
chatttpion at a memorial service Thursday itt
Charlotte. Earnhardt. 49. was killed Sunday on
the last turn of the last lap in the Daytona 1300.

Compiled from wire reports.


While the project has been
a great experience. it hasn‘t
come without difficulties.

Roccanova said the most

part of the project." Ellis said.
“others will savor what we
have done. and I will be able to
say. ‘I did that.”




Continued from page i

grades. This is also true for
LCC transfer students.

“It comes up on their [com-
puter] system that you've tak-
en classes at LCC. but it won‘t
calculate your GPA." Ras-
ntttssen said. "They say LCC is
a separate entity. but i use the
same lD.“

Many frustrations like
these are being remedied, said
LCC president Jim Kerley.

“The problem before was
that we were on a different com-
puting system. so everything
was different." Kerley said.

Kerley said some of the dif-
ficulties faced by students who
attend both schools have been
fixed and ntore changes are on
the horizon.

“Now we‘re on the same
system... and we‘re working
through those bugs now." KerA
ley said. “UK‘s going to he go-

ing to a new administrative
computing system and we will
be flowing right with that. i
think that's when we‘ll see
some changes.“

Improvements that have al-
ready been made include plus
account acceptance at LCC and
VIP class registration and bill
pay for both schools. Kerley

He said there are frequent
meetings between the two ad-
ministrations that deal with is-
sues like this. Kerley said this
will remain an important topic
with UK‘s new president. Lee

Kerley also said he will
soon look ittto creating a
smooth flow of transcripts from
LCC to UK for transfer stu—
dents. UK anti LCC are sepa-
rately accredited institutions
with different base tuitions and
admissions policies.

“Because the two schools
have separate missions." Ker-
ley said. “it‘s part of the prob-
lem, but it doesn‘t need to be a



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The (umpus (olendor is produred by the Offite of Student Artiviiies. Registered Student 0r . and UK Depts (on submit information for fl!!! online ONE WEE i
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name City Beach, F] d m m
on a. T" “m D° ““5 mm“ ”0"“ 5 b 309'” “W“ 0"“ l°h 'Toe Kwon Do (lob Prottire liourt, Home ll 30pm Alumni Gym loft
. ' ~ : . [EUURES ‘Midwoy (ollege Interrollegiote Horseshow, Midway (ollege Arena
'Dept of Entomology (ollogunn 4pm Ag Soenre in North H
/ 53w
AHEAD/LES ‘Prortire GMAT Exam. 9onr2pm, Stud (tr (enter Theatre
'UK Sympimy Orrltestro/Ul (lion: (omen Bpm Singleiory (h (H
"lite lmportonre of Being Earnest by Osmr Wilde Bpin Gmgnol Theatre Tine ARM MOVIE
Am Bldg "The lmportonre of Being Earnest" by Otter Wilde. 8pm, Guignol Theatre, Fine Arts
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“of l Shirl (‘onlr-sl and “of ,iiwlr'} \borl (‘onirsl 'llomons Bible Study, B'30pm, Baptist Stud. Union (impel

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‘Uli Judo (lob, S-Tpm, Aluntrti Gym loft
'Midwoy (allege intercollegiate Horseshow, Midway (
'iloon Bagel Brundt, Hillel/Jewish Stud. Org, 12:00pm, Arena

Manhattan Bagel on Richmond Rd
‘Phi Sigma Pi Mfg, 7pm, 230 Stud. (tr.
'B‘l? University Worship Servire, 8'] 2pm, Southside (hurrli of

'Men's Bodtoiboll @ Foyetteville, lpm

'UK Ailtido Club, T-3pm, UK Alumni Gym loft
'llerreotion flight, Uplinlt (mom " -

(hurrli liar & Outr .



 Tim Staley
Scene Editor
Phone: 2574915 I [-mail: kernelartOyahoocom





From silverscreen to stage

Feed me Seymour: Play is performed well
but works too hard to live up to predecessor

By Charlie Bradley
contmaurmc wmtm

Recently I saw the Actors
Theatre of Louisville‘s produo
tion of “Little Shop of Hor-
rors.“ and to tell you the truth
I wasn‘t blown away.

If you‘ve seen the mid-80$
movie starring Rick Moranis
and Steve Martin. you've seen
the play. The difference being
the play has the original. and
not so happy. ending.

movie and aren't familiar with
the story. “Little Shop of Hor-
rors" is a musical black come
dy about getting everything you
want at the cost of your soul.
The main character is a no-
body named Seymour who
works at a florist shop on Skid
Row. Seymour's luck changes
when he finds a plant that no
one has ever seen before. As the
plant grows and gets more inter-
esting. Seymour‘s fame grows as
well. until his floral shop is the

Seymour soon discovers
that the plant. named Audrey [I
after a girl that Seymour has a
crush on. can talk and has an
insatiable thirst for human
blood. Seymour is presented
with the problem of finding
food for Audrey II and not hav-
ing to kill anybody. Finding
this impossible. he has to resort
to getting appropriate victims
for his talking plant.

All the while Seymour. at
the cost of his conscience, is get-
ting everything he ever wanted.
including Audrey‘s love.

The music in the play is ac-
tually pretty good. Though they
tend to be a bit campy. the
songs are fun and they really

The acting was also fairly
good. Steve Routman does an
excellent job at playing the
goofy Seymour. He really
makes the audience believe he
is a sweet. innocent guy who
just got in over his head. Au-
drey Klinger makes a great All
drey as well and Michael James
Leslie does a good job as the
voice of Audrey II.

The play was good, it just
seemed to try too hard to be just

like the movie. The best part of

the play is where it breaks
away from the movie. It is not
so much a happy ending. like in
the movie. but a warning.

This makes the play worth
seeing. but it's not something 1

Sta Pollard
Director of Nic_c _(_igfi Sleep (M909 \HII be making a \pcc‘l‘dI
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The Kamcxv


is accepting applications for the
following positions:

Editor in Chief of the 2001-2002
R Kentucky Kernel

°Applir ant must he enrolled fiill- time on the l 'K Le \ington
u.m1pu\_for the \eim \ter prior to and during the term as editor.

°Applirant must be in good academic (minimum 2.0 GPA I. dis-
ciplinar. andfinatuial standing with the l’nii'eriity at the time
ofapplir'ation and during the term as editor.

'Applir'unt must have a minimum ofone year’s publications
experience and heliamiliar with the operation of a daily new»

°Pcr.\on.\' applying/or the position who have not worked at the
Kentuckr Kcmel must provide a re( otmncndation from previ-
ous employer. adviser or both.

Editor in Chief of the 2001 Summer
Kentuck Kernel

°Applirant must he enrolled full-time on the UK Lexington
campus for the semester prior to and
following the term as editor.

‘Applicant must have publications experience and be familiar
with the operation ofa newspaper.

°Applirant must he in good academic (minimum 2.1) GPA I.
disciplinan‘ andfinancial standing with the ( 'nircrsity at the
time ofapplir‘ation and during the term as editor.

-P('rsons applying for the [motion who have not worked at the
Kentucky Kernel must provide a recommendation from previ-
ous employer. adviser or both.


Applications may be picked up in Room 026
Journalism Building and must he returned by 3 pm.
on Friday. March 9. 2001


And the

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iii: re ‘s my card

strikes down

that makes it a crime
for lawyers to solicit
business from
accident or disaster
Victims within 30
days of the event lS
constitutional. the
Kentucky Supreme
Court ruled Thursday.

The Justices said that
while the Kentucky
generally reserves all
matters relating to
lawyers and their
diSCipline to them,
the General Assembly
has the authority to
criminal conduct.

Another part of the law,
which prohibited
solicitation within 30
days of the filing of a
civil lawsmt, criminal
charge or traffic
citation, had earlier
been found

James W. Chambers, a
personal injury
lawyer, said the law
infringed on his
constitutional right of
free speech as well
as the court's
over lawyers.

FDR letters

Signed letters from
Franklin D. Roosevelt
and Richard Nixon
were among dozens
of political keepsakes
found inside a
scrapbook salvaged
from a car wash
trash bin.

The black, leather-bound
book chronicles the
life of Charles
Seward, grandson of
Abraham Lincoln’s
secretary of state.
William Seward A
woman rooting
through the bins
stumbled across the
book and turned it
over to authorities
last week.

Police traced Seward's
daughter and plan to
give it to her. but
neither she nor the
authorities have any
idea how it ended up
in the garbage.

The letters, including
several from Georgia
politicians Gov.
Eugene Talmadge and
Sen. Richard Russell,
date back to the
l9305. One dated
Nov. 1, 1968, is signed
by then‘preSidential
candidate Nixon.

"i want to express my
personal appreCIation
for your efforts on
behalf of my
candidacy for
PreSident of the
United Sta