xt7r222r849t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r849t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-02-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1993 1993 1993-02-15 2020 true xt7r222r849t section xt7r222r849t  




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Wot xcv No 99


Established 1894


University oi Kentucky I




Independent since 1971


Undergrads reflect on condition of black youth


By Erica Patterson
Staff Writer

Although February is time desig-
nated to recognize black history,
some students at UK are reflecting
on the social turmoil that faces
black youth every day.

The AIDS virus is attacking
blacks at an increasingly alarming
rate. Drugs, poverty and crime are
main components of many black
communities. Murder is the leading
cause of death among young urban
black men. Teen pregnancy is caus-
ing rising numbers of young black
women to drop out of school each



integration at
America’s college campuses is con-
sidered too slow.

many of

The condition of young blacks,
said agronomy junior Donald Rob-
inson. is a “state of violence and ar-
rested development."

This condition also is unstable,
said Dawn Crutcher, a junior study-
ing hydrogcology.

Many of the younger generation

Program combines

European travel
with summer study


By Erica Patterson
Staff Writer

It’s not too early to plan for your

The UK College of Business and
Economics now is accepting appli-
cations for its seventh summer
study program in Vienna, Austria,
in July and August.

This program is the only UK
study-abroad program this year that
is offered to the general student
body, said Curt Harvey. professor
of economics.

The program offers fully accred-
ited University courses in finance.
marketing. management, history
and art history, but each class has
“international dimensions which
are far better taught abroad than at
home," Harvey said.

Through the program, students
may earn up to four credit hours,
plus enhance their cultural, histori-
cal and political awareness of Vien-
na anti Europe.

"You get exposed to another cul~
ture, which is vital for the general
education of every student." said
Harvey, who started the program
about eight years ago.

The program will be offered for
two sessions, July (i through Aug.
l. and Aug. 1 through Aug. 20.
Each session includes a two—day
trip to Prague, t‘zcchoshwakia, and
a three-day stay in the Alpine re-

Students also will have time to
do some sightseeing and enjoy a
variety of Vienna's attractions. in»
eluding museums. historic struc-
tures, parks, beaches, woods, and
shopping, entertainment and recrea—
tional districts.

Vienna is a great place to be and
a wonderful place to study because
“you go right on sight," said Jane
Peters, an art history professor who
will teach a class in the program
this summer.

Peters said she has done a lot of
research in Vienna anti is especially
looking forward to her first time
teaching there because “it‘s a much
more enhanced experience for stu-
dent and teacher."

There is more interaction with

Ethics reform


By Mark R. Chellgren
Associated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. —— A disa-
greement over public financing in
gubematorial elections threatens to
scuttle tentative agreements
reached last night by House and
Senate leaders on other items in an
ethics bill.

After two days of bickering, the
two sides got together on pesky is-
sues such as political action com-
mittees, what lobbyists can provide
for legislators. reporting thresholds
for candidates and how to regulate
legislators who have professional
careers in private life.

But it was essentially a political
issue that tore the agreement asun-

Under the public financing law

the students and “you can watch
them develop and grow in what
they‘re leaming,“ she said.

Students from other universities
in the United States and other coun—
tries also will participate ill the pro-

Many students who have never
traveled abroad get exposure to
people from other countries and
have “an opportunity to learn about
their cultures," said Donald Mulli-
neaux, a business and economics

“There are \ery exciting changes
going on in their country that stu-
dents get to learn about." he said.

There also are “good feelings of
friendships and camaraderie," Har-
vcy said. “You make new friends
from other countries, winch is an-
other dimension of a cross~cu|tural

Betsy Milward, a UK graduate
student, said she has written anti re-
ceived cards from people she met
during her summer study in Vienna
in I99].

“I got a lot out of it educational-
ly, and I also had a lot of fun," she
said. “I would recommend it to any.
body who can go."

The summer study prograrii is
open to all undergraduate and grati-
uate students in good standing from
accredited colleges and universities
in the United States and Canada.

The program costs $980, which
includes lodging, daily breakfasts
and some evening meals. Other
meals are at the student's expense,
as are tuition, books and airfare.

The College of Business and Eco-
nomics offers five scholarships for
the program, and minorities also
may apply for scholarships through
the Office of Minority Affairs, Har-
vey said.

Applications, which will be ac‘
cepted on a first-come, first-served
basis, are due by April l5.

For more information. contact

Harvey at 25 7-432 7.

for gubemato-
rial campaigns
passcd last
year. only pri-
mary candidate
slates that raise
$600,000 in
private contri-
butions can re-
ccivc the $1.2
million public
match money.
But a slate that
qualifies would not get the money
unless a competing slate also did.

The Senate embraced a proposal
to allow matching funds to any
slate that reached the $600.00 con-
tribution threshold. even if an op-
posing slate did not. Unopposed
slates would not get public funds in
any event.

The House. though, adamantly



do not recognize their African past.
“like my parents look on the ances-
tors,” Crutcher said. and this be-
comes another concern because
“you can't have a future without
having a past."

Students say that knowing about
black history is important to deal
with issues facing blacks in Ameri-

“If a man and woman don't kn0w
their past, they will not understand
nor have an idea of their future,"
Robinson said.

He said he cannot predict the
condition of young blacks in the fu-
ture, but Robinson is “lmking at

See BLACKS, Back Page





By Erica Patterson
Start Writer

Black awareness was one of the
main-ideas of the “Back to Afri-
ca" program held in the Old Stu~
dent Center Theatre Saturthy


The celebration of black culture
and history. attended by about 50
people. included story-telling,
monologues, poetry readings and
skits presented by students from


UK aid Eastern Kentucky Uni-

Members of the House of God
junior choir of Lexington, who
got a standing ovation after their
perfon'nance, and dancers from
Kentucky State University also
were pan of the program.

UK graduate student Derrick
Thomas said the event. sponsored
by Alpha Kappa Alpha social so~
rority, provided “a chance to
team more about my culture" and
called it a “great experience.”

UK, EK U students go ‘Back to Africa’

He said he wished more people
had attended.

Performances dealt with slay.
cry, black literature and religion,
civil rights and discrimination
against black men and women.

“We need to be more aware
and come out of this ‘slave men.
tality.‘ " Thomas said. “The only '
way we‘re going to team is if we
come to things like this."

Ebonique Dishman, a UK tele-

See AFRICA, Back Page









Junior guard Travis Ford dribbles toward Notre Dame’s Ryan Hoover during Saturday‘s game in South Bend. Ind. UK won
81-62. See story and column, Page 4.



Clinton to discuss economic program tonight


By Martin Crutsinger
Associated Press

WASHINGTON —— President
Clinton will give his first televised
address to the nation tonight. pro-
moting an economic program that
top administration officials said
yesterday would ask for sacrifices
from all Americans.

The administration said the presi-
dent‘s plan would propose close to
ISO specific spending cuts to save
money, while a top Democrat in
Congress said that the middle class

bill compromises in jeopardy

opposed the idea.

“The issue in my mind is not to
give public financing to a candidate
who essentially is unopposed,“ said
House Speaker Joe Clarke (D-

The Senate offered several alter-
natives. including a provision that
would require an opposing slate to
raise $100,000 within 30 days of
filing in order fora slate that raised
$600,000 to get public money.

Clarke countered with a require-
mem to raise 8250.000 within 30
days. He said that was the “ultimate
bottom line."

Senate President John “Eek"
Rose (D-Winchcstcr) said that was
unacceptable. Further, Rose said
the earlier agreement on other is-
sues was also at risk.

"I think it was a package offer.”

See ETHICS, Back Page

would be tnost
affected by a

new broad-
based tax on

The White
House con-
firmed that in

its effort to
control the def-
ieit. it was con-
sidering limits
on the payments
received by doctors and hospitals
under Medicare, the giant govern-
ment program that supplies health




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eview, Page 6.

warm terrperatures. Story. Page 5.

between 40 and 45.


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numgmukwu Ridiculouem
UK baseball coach Keith Madison made the most of recent unusufi ,

A mixture of rain and snow likely by this afternoon changing to to
late afternoon; high around 40 An 80 percent chance of rain ton
low in the mid-305. An 80 percent chance of more rain tomorrow;

care for 35 million elderly and dis-
abled Americans.

Officials said that Clinton was
still making final decisions on the
outlines of the huge package. But
based on a variety of comments, the
economic plan was shaping up to be
the largest deficit-cutting package
in history, proposing about $250
billion in spending cuts over five
years and what one Republican said
would be $250 billion in tax in-
creases over that same time period.

White House officials conceded

See CLINTON, Back Page




Too many
US. panels

By Carole Feldman
Associated Press

now and then. a government
needs a little advice. a little
outside help solving simple
vexations or understanding
tangled issues that could af-
fect every American.

Where to turn?

To any one of l,l4l panels
and commissions that exist
simply to offer guidance to
Washington. Like the Nation-
al Board for the Promotion of
Rifle Practice or the Census
Advisory Committee on the
American lndian and Alaska
Native Populations for the
l990 Census.

President Clinton thinks
there are too many —— he says
they‘ve “spread across this
govemment like kudzu" -
and he wants to eliminate at
least one-third of the 7(1) fed-
eral panels not created by

On the very day that he

proposed the cuts, five panels
were meeting around town on

See CUTS, Back Page







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