xt7r222r834b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r834b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 01, 1979 1979 1979-02-01 2020 true xt7r222r834b section xt7r222r834b r
Thursday. February I. 1979 an independent student newspaper .exmg on" en no 3
9-: _ .. - M .;; . , . H Sets goals for 7.983
We ' ' for increased hiring
‘ 'W = ‘ ' of bla ks
, _ { c , women
" for...“3.3;; . jet By JACK WAINWRIGHT make Up four percent and women
' w . .. , V . . 51qu “m... fourty-eight percent of the total
4’ ' ' community college system faculty V
,. {'K has released figures indicatingit The “Witt?“ goal “”5 tt’t the
g" A .- plans totriplethe number ofblackson addition of .12 blacks and only 10
1' ’ " ' ‘ ' the central campus faculty and raise females b) Wit}. It. these 80815 are
' ’e s: ”9‘ by almost 50 percent in the next il\C Pt‘tCCtlt 0t the t'tlmmttntt.‘ COWS?
.. f a rut" " . years. teaching «an. on. halt the stair
- WV ’3‘” ’ t ' I” Ii The figures are part of a minority thtltd be female .
:57 y V V employment statistic report for the the tt‘tat t nt‘tt‘tt.‘ faculty
N’ . V » . l‘niversity. lhe report also contains a central campus. Medical Center and
‘ ~V CL. 2 5 . . fite-y ear minority employment plan. community colleges “0“ has only
a; . Currently. less than one percent of 33 bind“ and 493 women among its
, “ _ V " 2);}; - ’ tie the faculty of the colleges on the 3.0-1.1 members. lhis means the
4:. :33... 3:?“ | exington campus. excluding the teaching staff is l." percent black and
a . affix“) V ,. «as... Medical (enter. is black and only 24 perceiinermale ByV1983.undethhe
. . it: W --fi W . t, . . twclye percent is female. 1 he live-,\ ear plan. htdtk‘ “t‘Utd makeup 5 percent
4:45??? ' ..’f " plan calls for 25 additional black and women 2h percent 0t the teaching
V. ’f‘ . 7‘ .. ~ I- ‘1'" m faculty members. which would make Witt “)3 “£19k“ 30d 5‘3 women.
"t“ i V, ., the l'nisersity's teaching can 3 lhere is one black in lTK‘s executive
.3135?- .g -. . V ., . . percent black. the addluun 01 5x branch, .lohn Smith. vice president for
a ,a‘t‘eg women would make the mean l" minority affairs. The fits-tear plan
V ire/aw : : mm m the mun remaie. can i W. in h
’ ‘ ‘ ’ " ' the report noted. howeter.thatthe there are t‘ttt.‘ tttttt‘ PtNttOttS tn the '
_ potentialexrstsfor hiring slightly more branch the president and the eight
than the target number ot'women and ”99 PtCStdt‘ntSr
.' blacks. In addition. no goals were
At the Medical Center. there areS established for the staffs of the
h ‘2 ll\l)\( \\tt'ttttl Kernel staff blacks and l03 women m a faculty ot president and vice presidents. The
What the ey I 455V Ihc tug—year plan CiliiS forvthe staffs ili't.’ now i0 percent black and
addition of 13 blacks. making the lnClUdC n” women, lhere d“? It
Things aren't always what they seem to be. supposed to be. \iarc Barlow. sophomore new e\hihits at the Rasdall (iallery in the Student faculty four percent black, L'nder the PO‘tttOtt‘ 0“ tht‘ Staffs
‘ Sometimes it takes a while to decide what they 're accounting major. always makes an effort to visit (enter. plan. a relatnely small number of lhere are also small percentages of
women. 18. would be added to the blacks 1“ the administrati\e.
' staff. managerial. and professional
The percentage of blacks and employment categories. Blacks make ‘
o a -—~—-———-~»--v~—-—-————-"—‘"W"—“"‘“"""‘“""‘““""“‘"“‘“‘"‘-‘-_"_' women on the community college UP 3 percent 0t the administrators. 3
faculties is much higher than on the percent 0t the managers and 0711) t
“It l~()R\ll.R GRAND DR \(l()\ and the world lexington campus and the five-year percent of the professional and
\L‘Cft’tttlt litt lit: Kit Kitlt. him in KL'lltthb\ tt‘tt‘ittlttt‘ti goals aural“) higher Black lnSIFUCIOl’S Continued on page 8 ,
it] the Hi Htll'itfll (‘nuiitt rm: iii (thisuow \\cducsd.i\. '
charged with constitute. to cori‘ftiit murder and ”WE ‘l()”\ H BABE \\ l'\")“0\i\l'
”1mm“, “mummm PARF“ H l to \lcsicot :l\ \C‘ik‘ldd}. the final dii\ - I I
\iit'll‘hl] \tlaiiis. who said Sic resigned its the Kliiri “1 h“ “Wk-1mg“pilgm‘mm‘ H? mm H U K pOI Ice contl n U I ng
leader his! ’71‘lllil.\\tl\ilL'iti in ilt‘ll til SW5 tilill bond H“: Pope. WHNHH“, "H“ “mdkmt‘, i‘” "‘3“ l” 1h“.
local H“. hum, h), liiiitti i’JKii‘il‘it' this 11““ VI” 5M) lltltl hittlittt.‘ stltt. .ititiicsst‘ti .t g‘dtltt‘tlllgtil \lllds‘lli\\il.ttit‘ti
\\.irt.irtts stunt-ti tw iittl'lz'l‘i lhsttic! lizdgc ”mm m Id'” ‘m‘l‘fmilidh ll . l t l t I
r. . . . ., . . . " . lie iil's » orii tutti .i L'illt‘t’ l‘ .1 ill
.AN 1‘“ (I ”SH [A (A\[).l[)"uE 1‘” the Liriiihiflthvii‘.“ .jiihii‘jiii ,Ik4:k .thi‘HTI. ii t. \riit-ritati sttitlcrits to iitwelop ".ipfliiit.itt' l‘i integral h U nt for a I leg ed ra p ISt
(reneral Assembly m ”Fin-““n‘ receii‘ \pcu‘” .kl ii“ i k NM] “I,“ H... I in“: “I h M iiittc‘t'l‘l.i'll of the human being. scieiitilic rigor. .i
election has been lined Sb? and court costs lll :1ibbiiltbl'ib'l“‘b‘\‘ “” ‘4“!""“1h“t“‘V“"““'t‘l““ (“mum ”MUM IV. mun ML, And “KM.“ and ol
mm” W“ “3””1” “mm” . iiiivniimiiiKiri. .ltintiiiiiitih' ”4‘ m I” ML" main: .nni tcligiotis critic. -' ' By DEBBIE MCDANIEI. nian.althoughthenctimoftheJan.20
V W‘gtd”WW1-»“d‘t'hflttlt‘ttt‘tthtitt‘tttt‘q-ml‘tl W; (V’Vnmimm Vhrfl‘ “in,“ .Vm: \d ”‘1‘ MM lhe crowd. estimated h\ pnitct‘ .it 250000. broke (opt tditnr incident told police the attacker was
m d J) mph \pi‘k‘d lone Another (“MEL-i timing l’iilriiore toiti those a! the meeting that lint! "tlk oun's ’m” " ‘P‘tm‘mwll‘ ‘h‘mI ‘ Hpmwd' PUI‘md‘ P‘fl‘md' “0t “eattttg the am“ .laCkCt- "Some 0t.
without proof ottiutomobtle insurance. wasdismisscd . V - L“ ‘ “A“ l l\ l “‘1‘de- . . . . . .. . ' ‘ .. ..
when Ht‘ttt’t‘ pmdmcd ‘m mmmmc Pilils‘} \itointq. \‘llllttlll kidpi‘rt'bg'tlliti (,lnsgott l) ,litt- \1.n V (ampUs police are conttnurng their the physicaldescriptionlits. Harrison
Houge “8‘ dmmd hm gamma. h. chuhhmn (‘littoii [)tillsttll “should be taken Crllt‘ iii " \ \'()l(i IDF\rlHH) ‘8 THAI 0t THF investigation into three sexual said. . , .
Pat t—rerbm in .. special clarion to m] the ‘sth Sm“ 0h IRAS Mm' m' i “Wm rmmkd‘ assaults. including one rape. that Campus police are questioning men
District state House seat tion V_‘VV“maVV(VVVIhVu h“”MM“Khouldmmm“HIM” occurred in the campus vicinity last near campus who have a historyVof
”3 h mmd {0 “NW [hc “mm” of m reign. d lm month. t K Police Chief Paul sexual offenses and they are checking
ottotiitt BIH\thREASFDniorcthaiitwice truck's Iclwsmn si-umn said “vdnmdai In a Hafnéf’” ‘a'd yesterday . “SW” “0mg““herein-"were“
m “N m W “M ”MUM 1..-.) whet M m Nisan “Wright .W. . ‘VVte re not going-to, put any time the time of the reported meidenccs.
State tssocniit-ti i’rL‘\\ inurtcmhm mm. Wm. [M lhe voice on the i5.m.nuu\ [3pc ha. been mmcd limit on it. he said. “ellcontinueas "We suspect anybody we‘vthad . .
mum,“ hm...1,3...M.mm.”hmdouhlcmcmmw by three top mice identification experts as that ol long as we have leads to follow.“ problems With in the past." Harrison
THE Hots}; APPROPRIAIIOVS .t‘sl) during January NW Shah ““httmmad R614! t’ahia‘i- according t“ ths‘ Within a two-week period. three said. Officersinvestigatingthe attacks
REVENl E (‘OMleTH-i yesterday amended .4. lhelaicsisurtcy.coitipiletllroniainntlotiilistol l5 ‘ttttttm KNXl lhe ‘titttt’n Wd the ”PC was 0' 4 female UK Students told police they are gorng through their files “and
measure to limit annual piopem tax increases by t'omtiioiily purchased lood and non-food items. meeting between the shah and it group “1 h" adusers were victims of attacks by a 54001-10 relating descriptions (from the
increasmg thi‘ lid from i to 4 percent. and sent the showed that January‘s tiiarketbasket bill was 27 "“ttht“ d1“‘" ”do” h“ Mt 1”“ “*0 “Ck" ago white male. described as being victimslwith the past history ofPCOPie -
legislation to the House floor percent higher at the end ol the mouth than it was at approximately 25 years old with a we picked up.“ he said. Three or four
lhe committee reiected an amendment that would the start medium build and short brown hair, suspects have been questioned.
hit” tmtdt‘ tt tttt‘tt‘tttmt‘utt tt" “its“ to Pt't'tlt‘" 1“ . lanthttV‘ IVHt‘it‘N‘t tilt hard at tht‘ how. ”is”! ttttt‘t th r The assailant was also reported to be Following are brief descriptions of
pdc,e d m an m mm ”m Pmdumj mm [mm H 4 km" [h‘ M “1.le hum“ mum“ “M" things “‘5 wea e carrying a knife and wearing an old. the three assaults:
percent increase in re\enue meat. eggs «int- titilk - . . - w .
‘ As it stands. the bill would force local oilicuils to lhere was out- bright spot tor caffeine fiends PARTI.\ (‘l.()l'[)\ AND (‘OID THl'RSl)AY. Glue-9010"“! army jacket and a blue On Jan. 7.a -l-year-old “in“ was
reduce the tax rate or put the qllC\tlt)l‘l to .i \ote it (once pinccs continued their decline. lhe merrige Highs near 20. Mostly clear and very cold lhursday VStOVCkmg cap during the “”1 two raped early before dan' She told ‘
petitioned by a! least [0 percent of \titers in the last price of .i pound of collt'c at the checklist store was night. lows a chilly 5 to lo increasing cloudiness mctdents. PO“ce a man approached her from
presidential election 32 an, .rhmn a :< putt-m rm than A year .igo t-ridtiy Highs In the to“ :0. Harrison believes all the attacks behind on Rose Lane. pulled a knife ’
V may have been committed by the same Continued on p.39 4
P 't d ' t
arsons or as pressure, ecrles tournamen f
By JOHN CLAY the upcoming post»seasontournament three-offiCIal system now used in some distress to the basketball play. 5&5: ' “t
. Assmant Sports Fdimr before answering listeners‘ questions. Sotheastern Conference games and of program. Parsons said he was not “This is a young basketball team ' fig?
‘ “i think at the age of two my blood the conference tournament scheduled worried about the status of the .loe B. and they make the mistakes that a V '9. -- '
Although UK head basketball turned blue." Parsons told his for the end of February, Hall Wildcat Lodge. young team is going to make.“l think . _ '
Coach Joe 3. Hall COUtd "0t make his audience in the law Butlding “Several years ago we had the "They‘re not goingto tear it down." they have improved tremendouslyand ' i
.. “thde appearance at the Student Courtroom. “And it has beenthatway tournament and everyone realized it Parsons asserted. “And they‘re not lately we have had a plus of having a v . W x: .
,5 Bar Association's “CH." fOl'tlm ever since." was a mistake. and now here it is voted going to move us out. team on the floor with a lot of speed ” "5 -, i . 3"” t
. yesterday. it didn‘t really matter all Parsons, in his seycnth yearas Hall‘s in again." Parson said. “The reason for “We didn‘t start building our dorm and quickness.“ ‘ k- ‘ g V:
that much. top assistant. mixed in some comical it is that some coaches felt they would until we studied dorms all around the . While UK. with a 5-5 SEC record. is _ I '

. 1,: A recruiting trip kept Hall from stories about his old coach. Adolph never be able to participate in NCAA country. You would be amazed if you considered a longshot at taking the ‘ l
a; attending. but in his place was Rupp. and talked of the newer play on the basis of games played had seen where the Kansas players conference crown. Parsons was not '

. - i: assistant coach Dick Parsons. elements of basketball at Kentucky. during the regular season," live: out inthe Jayhawk Towers. which willing to say who be thought would s1

. 5: At“! tfanyone knows as much about “If you don‘t think there is pressure Parsons. pointing out that both UK are apartments,“ come out on top. if
{3, Kentucky basketball as Hall PaSt at the University of Kentucky. you President Otis Singletary and Athletic However. Parsons said. if any “Some OfIhOSC SChOOlS haven‘t been " '5:
,’ and present _. tt WOUtd have to be better look the situation over." Director Cliff Hagan voted againstthe changes must be made. UK will be in this situation before." he noted. 1.3;:

' fit Parsons. . . . Parsons said. “last year we grossed proposal.said hcdisagrces with people more than ready to comply, "But i know that Alabama and 33;:
'5}: , The Harlan. KY- native. captain t" Slob million.we received 5250.000 for who say the real reason for the “We'Ve told the NCAA to tell us Vanderbilt and LSU (the teams (tiff,
15:: bF’th basketball and baseball during being a Final Four team (in the tournament is money. what we will have to do and we‘lldo it; leading the SEC) are all going to lose 335 3.
é? “‘5 days 35 a UK student. has been National Collegiate Athletic “lfthatwercthccasc.“hesaid.“why but try to tell us before recruiting some more games. because they have T 1' 4: $3 '

‘ g COSCtttttS here “it“ in baseball 30d Association tournament) and our don‘t they hold it in Rupp Arena season ends.“ to play each other. My mathematics , . 3%
4. now "t basketball) for ten years. profits showed about $700,000 for where there are 23.000 seats.instead of Dorm problems notwithstanding. aren‘t very good. but with that ' 9-..; v
4:1 Yesterday Parsons talked “0‘" the basketball only." Birmingham (Ala.)" Parsons said he has been very situation. i know somebody‘s gonna 92%
é; I basketball program. the ”35°“ and Parsons voiced critiCisms of the Ofanothgr matter that has brought encouraged by the Wildcats‘ recent lose some basketball games.” DICK PARSONS 4::
.a . ;~;
3" 36:34?
a as“?
' . g, -_ , , \ . . ' tom
‘ \

l" \teie Bailing" Ihtimas ( liirk “I"! \"l' 306M" “Ill" lunis Jamie taught Itim Moran
I‘llltll .u t Irt.! liltltttitti’ [if/'4” Ruth \lattingly ml I.l;tttt \pitri‘y Limit Iltn'itttr u/ I‘hl‘lt'u'fll'hl
Debbie \lt‘lhnlel
. (iiry “illis
K2 ”2 (-rt-u Holds l2 lenIy-llt'. in mm. mt Him .
Richard \lt‘l)t)nlld Jeanne “ehnes .liii‘li “ainwright John ( lay I inda ( Imphell
\Ittrtut'ttttv It/t‘lt’l iii, .2.2t.r lint/i t ll" lift/”H M," lields ll‘riiinlllick‘erd ’ I I’lti‘tti \Iunttirtv .:
. . . Marci \ I‘m“. ‘\\I\ it!!! [tutti tint/t ,
l editorials £9 comments .
t___.___._______—————————————————~~-———-——————————~———,——~-— _
.____ W' .-_.» tilt” - '
_ , Wac...DtDtoo GET :m god/s 5H9 hill/ASK“ YA... NWTSHE
U .8. foreign relations Armour. SATURDAY amino YOU I W; 5%“ W6 so no: Sty: .
\ own“ ? Port SETrtylG 3E. APOmotzg‘D W EM
with Iran should be ME OPOV , \ 5H5 COULDWF‘T
‘ 7 llxl MY (Al? g
I I I I I e~/l"\ t/ J '
_ limited and VISlb e A mm; w
/r 0 ' f? A)
Many ltiiittllis .itid scycriil httndrcd cartoon curtcuiurcs of thc // // @l—
shah hityc passed sittcc thc conflict tn lt'iin itttrtictcd worldyytdc I x ...—— ///; __ ~—
iittcniion \lost \mcricittis yycrc probitbly shockcd by thccytctit oi / y/ , /// ‘/
tltc religious and politiciil itits iii th.it country. di\tsiotts thitt iorccd / K/ / 4 l // l
thc oustcr oi ii rulcr miiiiy bcltcycd \yiis sccurcly tit poyyci. “fl—41 ( / El ' ‘
\\tth ihc \tll'ltllls i.icttons tn hurt on .t collision coursc rind tltc - t, 4 (FE / ll ‘ ' ‘1 ,f B .
slum it rcittgcc tittilioniitrc. thc bcst policy for thc l nitcd States is to / ‘ fl \ Li // H / ’
shoyi 'cstiuint iii dtrcct inyolycincni in ltitn. bttt to hope for .i ’ , \l \/ // k ,, J %
\- .. ‘ . \ t y't t \ . . / , . I
ptiicctul solution to tlic sti.ic lllLlL, . y . II", V, X I . . / . 1 A .l / . I . //, '/ // aéfl \ / // ,7 i
ldciilly. lritii yytll suryiyc ‘iyith sonic strong lot iii of icpicscntiitiyc WMWWIM ' I’W\ {WWMIW % / ” /
goycrnmcut. \yhcthcr .id.iptcd irom thc Biikhtiiir tippttrittus. or in D , W l / 7 5
ihc :orm oi ;l ncyy republic itpproycd by the populace in .t l l l
icicrctidutii llut hoyy should \tiicrtcdns ytcyy thc lFiilllt’ln situation. ’
.md what should the l .\ rolc bi“ \ .
it is irritttonul to chitrgc thiit thc l nttcd Stiitcs hits no lcgittmiitc P 9 k
intcrcst in Iran. so long its this country hits cxtcnstyc cconomic tics l , l m I - .
thcrc .ittd dcpcnds on Iriin tor urgcnt dcicnsc purposcs. such its I _ }
iii.iiiit.iuung thc nitclcur tutssi'tc monitoring stiitions thiit kccp \yittch ‘- F
on the Noun 1 mon. a I ca " ‘
('rttictsm oi ~\mcrtciin "support"ior Bitkhttur is also unfounded __
Bdl’yl‘tllill. i'. should be rcmcmbcrcd. wits d long—standing ioc oi the l ' ' ' " ' ' f 3_
shah. \ylio \y.is also called ii I .\' puppct. lhc mild recognition View Of Florida Still h0/dS despite Grit/Clsm Z,“
r\mcr:c.i has giycit Bitkhtiiii‘ is only the respect thiit ts gtycn titty
oiitctul Eotctgn ‘écuilCi BY JOHN ('(yokf; lh.t\c hcu'il .i lot ..: tl'lllt'hll‘. .tbttu! “unilr'l'ljl {mop}.- tin-n. blah. blah. cypostngthcm or both‘llconfcssthatl '- ’
. llui bcc.ii.sc o: the sitil htsioty oi \mcrtcitti iorctgn policy in Iran. | “Quid m“- to address this column this lltmdt ..:x:i.-.~ suit.» iii ll]: him~ Am mung im.g._;,-i,i...id : “... him my own personal myths that I
l S torcign policy should now bc ltmttcd. and should be highly tothc rcmitrks illiiylt' tn Miiry Kiiiliryn st.itctuc:t:s ilizi'c't-u .‘.i in;- \ycic it-ictiitig to thc Lll‘itlt‘slltil'll': itspccts oi cling to. bttt who cares? We all have ".
\tsjblt; \ny gotcrt .tc'itiins. \llt‘lldsCl '\llllrlL’UC.\\0Ultltl.’imlll_'clllc ’lit‘s lciici which appeared lust lllltlllllli. b=.t otlicvs .iit \‘t‘lll‘l- mi .: liotidii stcininitig ltom Its tolc (is it our indtytduiil gUidtng fictions. but .
l .\ linitcc cycn morc .tnd scryc to intikckthc li.int.in sittiiitton lllc‘lllllv 5”“ “il‘ k'l‘nllllk‘nl‘llls‘ “ll ll“ W‘FWN' l l ”‘4 l‘i'l’l‘l“ "l“ 1 'l'lyl H‘lm‘lllk‘m (WV-Cl lllill W” WWW slll'llhl ml‘l'c l‘"“} than Olhc‘“ f
iyorsc i column oi List wcck yyhcrc l spokc livitttczuly uricixoul by ill\ at . azt'tg. but l-l."llli1\l\‘llk j\.Lmst'tlUllc‘sgdr‘lsl‘t‘v\ki]'.l‘ liiiii brings mt: to thc yycukcst putt 1
(‘ml cm}; “11} continttc m [run a. 1mm «dc uhc B‘tkhtiiir .ibout my iccltngs iibout Horidii. thii! docs not potnct titi' “hut docs pioyidcs .t icttilc gtound for the ill \lN lfH lt‘lls‘f. ll “in hcr attempt
‘ i ‘ ‘ lost. I \yould llly't‘ to thiink \ls lli concctn inc is tii.tt 'nct tll‘c‘t‘llt‘lHl'Itl .tt ninnonnm tinnitus l it'csctibcii iii. l supposc..tusttlyingthc cyangcltcal _
goyctnmcnt .tnd thc Khomctnt supportcrs ciinnot ncgotititc; opcn [m h“. Mm. \nmmc l “m ‘ ‘ sludge {hm mm“ “H m“. ”1.. South . “
“‘lll‘l” mu.‘ “W” hl‘C‘ll‘ “Ul- conirontcd with such .in itrttculittc “'l .idmit thiit t’irc-itnd-brtmstonc .
\lso. lsitomcini‘s tolc iiitcr hc rcturns to ll‘dn could turn out to bc i‘csptinsc‘. cycn llt‘gillnc. l .im lllll'ict’t‘tl cyittigcltsm iibounds there. But ldottbt 'f
thiit or .i {tallslltil'y itgurc. one \yithdccltntngiiiilucncc. A 7x-yciii'- lloyycycr. tbcrc iirc sonic llilpollitlll ' tiiiti it is .my more simplistic. .
.ild tcligious lt‘iltlL‘l with itttlc goycrnmciitttlcspcricnccmity itndtt PU'lll‘ l “l‘llld lll“ l“ l‘llllll "“l ”l IOhn 000 e m‘s‘rti‘llillN ”r hillmllll lllall lllc ‘
dtiiicitlt to comiitn the \iirtous factions who rallicd behind hint to ”lmn‘” l” ”m mm “‘lellhlll‘l Elll‘m'“ 0l WW1“
opposc :hc sh.th lhctr;trc scyi:rcdtilcrcnccswtthtnthcopposttion ll 1‘ ”ml” llmmm m km“ W “MN“ “I or [he nurCl‘Slmc I
conccrmncsuchtopics.iscommttnism rind it but kind oi tinportitncc “Flaw“ m the AU'W/ mull“. phllmophm. ”m halt... gamcmd
f . ( onstdcring thcir numbci. ihcy don t millions for “inllt‘ Dyer .. ltisk you.
”115,101“ Ml” ”M “1mm“ “1” “MC m u ”C“ gmcrnmcnt. scnd mum lctlcrs. “tiltnglltls column ihc tight timc Rcitdcts somcttmcs lhis ts not to bc iciid its .1 rt-tt.iction \ls Irt. docs Vthc c\istcncc of one
\l‘i‘llll‘hllc‘ ll“ 1 ”Md gull“ can ‘l‘l litilc bl” “lllCll lllld ll‘lllll is like shooting m the daily. You lytm“ rcitct in it bt/itrtc tu.itinci '\rc tny oi .iny ol my pic\.otts clittms lsttllscc :ibltorcnt thing tustiiy the cytstencc
about 'mst.ikcs 1! mod: tn both thc distitnt and rcccnt piist: llilllytillitrt‘silyillgsyillit‘llilng.hlliyilll .irticlcs .iny llltilC ttllL'lhi‘iL‘ thitli iltc lllt‘sltilt‘dsgllillt‘tl\\illl\tillllc’lllillltl iiiid proliicriition oi similiirly' ‘-
tntcricrtng \‘sith popultttly clcctcd goycinmcnts. and placing too can ncici ht‘ \lll't‘ thiii it is gctting ,lot- ll ll.ill \\iltli.it lodgc' \lltl‘.\t‘\lt‘tllL‘dsll.llllt‘\\\lltill.t\L‘c‘t\mL‘ lihhtlrlt‘l‘ll things'.‘ I not only disagree ’1 .’
much trust in thc powcr Lmd “mm-c. oi on: man. through. tolls lliilll ihc [in-p sitting two time to mid: .t good itic tot good with your approach. bttt I disagree
such .t tharming out it cntisitlctiiig \wuthcr litc lllilll) sqttttrc tiulcs of with your itsst‘ssmcttt. lhc one “f
l I .mi ..mioicn; now. .i highci mind.- .tt “itdtilt comiiitinittcs“ bcitis th.it out I csscuttul dtiicrcncc bctwccn (‘brtsttttn
calombla no t just drug source \.i,iymn mm”, m pctttucss lhc still ntittntittn thiit lltilltlil cmoys its cyiingcltsm .ind cst is that former is of r
rciison. .is I scc it. illill Southcrn supcriiciiii iind tciicttonitry sliincc, much older origin and more firmly of
stereotypes ML. .0 pummg .\ thiit Ms. Irt apparently .tgrccs with me cntrcnchcd. Fy'iingclism is an 3
Bl ( \RIOS \IORAHZS ttnimprcssiyc “rcport.” lt is true that many of these “mcchitntcs” .itc tust they Lirt‘ so pcisudstyc Ihc South yyhcn \hC spctiks .ibout "tlic ctitss institution. cst is it fad. Mtcr .lim y
done it lot of Colombians liyc tn mccbztnics -\nd muybc tlic .iitcinpt sccms to icycl In its tllil\\l".icl\\. lit-rice tourist cconomy of l'lortdit".ind “the Jones. we iirc forced to look at the
\\ hen l icitd illc .irticlc “('octiinc lackson Heights. bttt it is not trttcthiit thcsc prcsttincd ('olotttbutn dciilcrs "Billy ('ttrici. (icorgc \\iill.ic:. l‘tlllilll ‘ldis'llilm‘l “l lll“ ”l thcsc lillllU‘l ClllllL‘ll ‘lll‘l ll“ amount ”l powcritcan :5.
People." \yh'cb .tppci'ircd tn ’I'lti' Llll oi them are cocaine dealers. lhziyc make to rcmaiti inconspicuous goes .tnd l’ltjsllts and lbtisc obtimiot's Matt's " l \Uppusc that sltc obiccts to wicld. It is. after till, protected by the ...f .
[\t’nlt’il on lulllliii} I”. l wits a little been there and l hilH.‘ sccn scy'cral against the grain oi the “ti you'yc got D-tiitts Cowgirls." tlttly in thc South my personification of tlic statc its a goycrnmcnt hungelism. along with g
confused, .is tn;- mini “(‘tiiumbianc“ restaurants. discos and shops owned it. flaunt it" mcntitltty thin ihctc cotild yiiptduy .tnd tl'ittcritcy inc "blondc bombshell who docs hitycii Jim Jones. is it symptom of ti grave r
wiis uscd scycrui :inics \\ hcn l ltycd tn not only by Colombians. but also by authors seem to prefer cutiiitcd yyith chiirm look .it the My \triucs. till physiciil.” Don't thiink socuil malady. _ .1
('olombut which I did for milsl oi my l’cruyians. Boliytiins. Argentincs. and Furthermore. Mr Sulltyitn and Mr, MENU“ ”l lllt‘ South 1” (lillls‘lh mc. lllillll‘ lllL‘ llil‘s‘l and lClC\1*l‘lll l hill“ ‘0 *3.‘ that all (ll these points :3“ . ‘
111,3. we spcllcd the word a little others ()byioUsly‘ not all M the Percl my to mention that m ihc Mum, itsccnditncc to poiycr .ind you can scc industry for pz‘oiidtngtbutcompclling are secondary to whtit lsccastbc must "i
dtiicrcnt.\ :i memory scrycs me 200.000Colombians mentioned inthc therc ‘drt' quitc ll few Americans illlL‘NCL‘llClllL‘Vilml‘lmlllllt'llllllllllt‘ncc ”ll-”.1“- . 5mm“ problem “lull that being the j.
, 7 . , ,, , .7 __., 7, WWW, g-.." ______.,_ mummy and mm ”m m Wm thc and nonunion til tht- South. \is his cldlm that l was insulting itstoundinglackofhumnrexhibited by v .
owners oithc prlklllcpl-unCsdnd .11th- Still. ldo not rccitll lldHl’itl said it the nursing profession and the most of my critics This is not a :-
' ' paraphcniilia related to the drug word about the supcrtority oi .iny “irtdgtty iitid scyuiil hypocrisy of the rcscncd ior me alone. boweycr. The E;
opinion husmcss_ hmdcc the fact that they other [‘L‘glon oi thc l' .\'. oycr the distitil scs” rcsults irotn a zibility ofpcoplctolaughatthemsely'es
biiyc thc funds to finance thc truiiic South. l'ycry iircii hits its min unique misunderstanding on her part. I was is‘ not impressn'c. Whether this ability ,1
itscli . problems and l wits only spciiking oi rcicrring to ii spcctfic idea. that of the was more kccn inihe past or w‘hetherit :
» - ~ » »-»—~v~ ,. W ~—- 'w'i , ' * - v v “—‘H , ~ 7-7 , (ltyltymhm 1‘ not nycrch a \(llerC of ll‘lt.‘ oncs l llild notcd Ill l ltlrldd zind BllCll (lolldC‘S. ntll women ln gl‘nClal cycr CthlCd at all is a mllOI POlnl~ but i ,
.turrcctly llic article's locus becamca arm]: can work in these places. but drugs It Is .i country yihosc yartcd (icorgzii. lcitn not proyidc cqtiiil timc. lhc tisc of feminism docs not mean there is a sort of socialconstipation 'g. i
m Mam howcycr. when the authors they must work somcwherc. ()n the traditional culture extends from prc- trying to cmcr cyciy' aircii oi the thiit .tll womcii iirc iiboyc rcproiich tndtcattcd by this dirth of humor. 3' _'
siiid. “ih: ( oiumbinnt who ltyc m 01h.“ hand. what about walking on (‘olombiiin times to the present. Most country. iioi do I tntcndto. lcotild not Another confusing phriisc wis "thc lhopcthtityou break you‘ryow' once .1'
ham“ Hugh”- d neighborhood m 42nd Street and through Greenwich oi the people work honestly and hard. possibly multgn tlic b.4tltltitit) pcoplc essayist isthcmtistcrol .. myth .l)ocs more. Ms. in. and. send in another ;;
New York lhcrcrtrciniuctqutieafcw Village wbcrc ..ac|d‘_ grass and ups" struggling for a better and more of thc Sunshtnc Static lhcrczirc miiny that mean it master at crciiting or letter soon. lhank you again .
(”ll‘ml‘ldn‘ Wing tbcre. not are openly offered for sale? lhis lUIfilltng ltic. 'lalcnt is used in more . - ...--. -.- ...- . .._, . — ~ w , -... ~ .w-..m.___.___~,_____.___ ’3
surprisingly. as ethnic neighborhoods certainly is not monopolt/cd by crcuiiye manners than smuggling i
A“. on: a; \mUM-\ mm distinctiye ('olombiiins. ' narcotics. Proof of this can be seen in ‘ l l
tcutiircs But the article would tUst as [i is interesting to see how efficient ll” Museum ”l Modern A” ”l N“ :e An'vmaf"! :
soon thc TL‘ildL‘l iorgct tbiit.iilongwith the agents oi the Drug anorcemcnt York whcrc the work of Bottcro. a F’j‘W‘ ;;‘
spelling Agency are. They know that the famous Colombian painter can be . Vt, \\\’ " if
When someone tiikes “an in-depth Colombian dealers are “incompicu- admiredandmtbc bcstbookstorcson . l'f ‘ 4 :2
look iii a contemporary situation of nus" but at the same time they know l‘lllll Avenue where the “O‘Cl‘ “l l \ rf
interest to thc l'K student body." as that "they (the dealers) wear bullet (iarciti Marque] are considered ‘ "@‘f “5
Associated Press writers Randall proof yests under cheap suits.“ They bCSISCllCTN These are only 1““ . ' J t 55 .
Sulltyart and Miguel Perez claim they are aware of all these details and yet ctamplcs Ol the many EOOd things the . , f y 'i ,' \ll . f,
did in the article in question. they haven‘t been able to overcome a PCllPle (ll Colombia haye l0 offer. l .””)*i‘ t// \ . l
ought to at least learn to spell their siluationthatthe articleimplieSisycry It is not in min thatthe Colombian . \ ...“ ”z/ i/ ’ \l f
subyect‘s name. familiar to them. How is it that they government banned the APalewday's l k (l ‘ 2‘ I ’7 ll l’
Anyway. ll seems l0 me that the don't use all their sophisticated 38" because "ll doesn‘t have a legally I '/ KO \ I/ ll ll i .' ‘
article ts anything but deep, It is technologytoputan endtosomething authorized representative in the l \ \y y ‘ ,Bt ‘ '
. sensationalist. superficial. and which they apparently think is sucha COUNT)!“ and because (ll ulh" l l. y I . i \ \NE ’ i \ ‘
stereotyped. typical of the articles menace to the many. many free transmission Ol strongly biased and 1 . \ l \ T. y‘hw'“?
“‘lllCll appear In magazines and Americans who enjoy the product. inexact "“5" (See El ’«V-lI’NW‘lUR l “s *1 ‘ll! ." r] "A“ R ‘ i l - .
newspapers with the characteristics of Perhaps the beginning ofthe solution January l0- l979~ PP> l and 5l- lht‘ , "‘ l“ ‘X I I ‘ I - O . , ,
“yellowjournalism "ltshowsonlyone would be to change the name of mass media ShOUld be {allhll’l ‘0 mg l U W . ‘\“ w%\ ‘ l. . ‘\ l , ‘ l '
Side of the coin. and I wonder if the another popular American product truth .and tilt intends to give “an in- l 2,; 4, 4 s, . ., [VIZ ,4, _ ‘ ' $214 ' l x - i
students at [K want only a partial Coca-Cola, depth look at a contemporary I / A" R ’ f; \ ,gflqll‘ t) x
View of ad‘contemporary situation."l Thinking of people with seven-digit situation."thenthey must takca much I‘ ' I 7 ‘ ‘ \ aim \ f f 'i 9(3)..." , a» '.
. don‘t think so. and | consider n bank accounts living in “modest broader view than does the article f 2.21» ' J. \I. ,f n y ' .- ’r ‘ , . I
completely unfair to write an article apartments“ and “millionaires who discussed here. Otherwisethe students l ‘ . , ’ y " ." if r,; 'e .“ ‘ ' l . l'q‘h‘ ‘ ‘T - .
about a specific situation. like the look like mechanics" is even funnier. °l the UlllVCl'Sll)’ 0f Kentucky Will be l ‘VW ,. WK; yum W - l l _ 't' - a
. trafficmcocaineyand putallthc blame Maybe the Colombian dealers deceived. l . :97 ,4, .2. ,~ ,4 ‘ii‘ ' ‘, \ l ' ‘ ’3
in one place. in this case on the consider the splendor of mm Carlos MoraleslsaSpenish graduate / \.\"/ ‘3???) , ,1” 2 . y y “ y 1-
Colombians. American partners somehow obsolete. student. He Is also a teaching assistant 1 t P ' - ElN ~WHERE THE HELL’S THE GAS ' P7 ‘ i
~ . . Whatamales and amuses me tsthat decadent or in bad taste. so they in ttlie Spanish department end is WW BAKl'lTlhgiKHOMElNl 'SCHW l . ‘
' it took two brains to write this decided to set a new style. Or maybe from Colombia. l__.-~___._,-__.___.~_“_~~—.-— !
, . . l
' i’
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y .. g .. .-,. - . . ~ «- ~ . . l BEST COPY AVl

 P f
‘ . . llll M\l'(l\s klR\l|. Ihundu).lehruur)1.1979—3
. l l
I: I “Hemmer: Sunday. Feb. 4
a II a m. ’xIrrIoiex Crvmmons PIano Room
‘9' ”(names Cmnwartz » speaker
N t I f K t - t V I I BIN” “I” "I Lex'r‘gton Today"
_ or Item Ideas or en ucky wm ers ALLFREEI PIeaseCome
BY HILLARY tIngcrx and now! comments as IIgIIIIIIIs .I\ IIIm LIIllIlIH »\ lust [L'NIIII InIphI III IIIpIIk IIIIIII-II k‘IIII\ II IIIII I, L/i . I III’ ()I I l(f ()f
INDERWOOD lllw. "Ind \IIu pm hull IIIIcctIII I'uIInIng III as peIII'cIuI It\ up IIII some more IIIII~||IIIII I; I- II\ IIII u IIIII-vv I . ~ ( ' - -
- - . “ I I- - ,ontInurn E
that racket \\ IIIIIIuI the \Hllhlllll IlcpI-IIIIIIIy IIn “hat pumuts Bu) II hIIIIk IIII IIImImI, _.“'I H I“ g ducatlon l0! women
lhad antrong Ilesrre III \HIIC ‘IWWV’N '\ 16“ .L'IIUII hlI/IIIIIIs IIIII care In IIII IIIIh \IIuI tune ~IIIIIthIIIy IIIu‘Ic Ill\\.t\\ hcen \L'HNIhlk hIII.I\ Ina: III ~_l . ISII‘H‘ l“ ”M ll“
”11.“de tor sen-ml reasons NM)” sent these scIIttL-Is to then I \cn ll \IIII II.III- IIII IIIllL' IIII Interested Ill I’Iclx up II IIIIII III \ldlllll.‘ IIIIK’L' IIIIII III I-.\ ... W ‘ WWII V AWN“ $7) ‘I (HHS Old dfld Older
One. I am Iucd III Icehngoutot local prIIIIug poodx stores III prIIIIny .IhIIIIt Ihc lc\In_uIIIn II-IIIIIIII-I IIIIII aparIIIIenI III IJIL'III win .I I:I\. n .' I I- N”
Place at IIus great ImIIIuIIIIn purchase sInIIIaI' apparel cIIIIIIIINIIc sl I\ can pltl\|tl'\‘Il Illnlht‘ \\ Inter Ithc llIIIIL' ~.I x: w IIIC I. II _ _~ . an RI '
l -
A 7 ~ --——~ , -—» , , , . H'llIIl‘lC IIII'IIIIIII III llthl‘tIlld» pleasant Bed IIIttx. gnaw”. (Infill-Iv”: ‘r‘l . :‘ ..., O ENTAT'ON RECEPTION
. IIIIIIIUI \‘IIIIHIIHII lll\l\t\|lll1g and rugs uxe hIIuI III-III III the IIII\~ (m
lllI‘lltl\ L'Itl\\-t.llllpll\ best .IIII.IIII.II.'c \I-s Ihwc -. .I m , w ._. Februarv 6,1979
\lL-IIIIIIIL' has long hI-I-n I lL"ll'[I III took I\ I. IIIII .III up“ -~ II .I -.I‘ ,I .1 I“ . . . l'\" I .
mrr’ ~ « ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "“ ‘* " ‘* -" II ._’l~~ \TMfI'II’ (I‘I‘; Ir I'I — V
00 en tary \Hlllt‘l pastime IIII' hl\l\. but the IN llIllL\\ IIIII'II- nhausIcII ltlL"II\ HIII I. .III; L-Ig 1J1, -_-..I A I“ h‘ ll} l “le
he“ [one hax It hccn \lllLL‘ \IIII .III HIIIL'I pthwl’nlllleN III he runny I My... \\ f... r" ~~ -~~«— ,.v-..__.,-,-w______
IIIunII munch on one III IIIIIxe “Inter means nIaIIIInI: \IllllL' III l.IIIl use .I I'_‘!'.‘~'» -. .3 i Plasma donor special With this ad.
,,#_,,V-.,,W,m. - ,, ,, ,. A , eIIIIIII-pIIIII-Iul \I'lllclLW’ \.IIIIIILcs. hlxcIcatnrnyhnlrm “III: IIII'I'II» I". is w ‘I\ i
and ”In. | hate (I