xt7r222r7z4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r7z4m/data/mets.xml Sullivann County, Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Tennessee State Planning Commission, Sponsor; Sullivan County Quarterly Court, Co-sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration, Service Division; xv, 220 leaves: illustrations, charts, plans, 28 cm; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256/3/no.82 books English Nashville, Tennessee: The Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, Number 82 Sullivan County (Blountville) text Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee, Number 82 Sullivan County (Blountville) 1942 1942 2015 true xt7r222r7z4m section xt7r222r7z4m   I A I     . ‘         > A   -
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't The Historical Records Survey Program %
EQ Sargent B. Child, National Director V
  Madison Bratton, State Supervisor A
Y? 4
  Research and Records Programs i
3** Harvey E, Becknell, Director  
·€> Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor  
l T, Marshall Jones, State Supervisor »
T; Service Division  
gg Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner  
Q Blanche M, Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor  
  Betty Hunt Luck, State Director "’;4
wi Q
i` ,
  Howard O. Hunter, Commissioner  
{ Roy Schroder, Regional Director ?
· { S. Tate Pease, State Administrator I

 y .
g The Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee is one of a
Q nu ber of guides to historical materials prepared throughout the United
States by workers on the Historical Records Survey Program of the Work
Projects Administration. The publication herewith presented, an inven-
tory of the archives of Sullivan County, is number 82 of the Tennessee
r The Historical Records Survey Program was undertaken in the winter
of 1955-56 for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy un»
employed historians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers,
In carrying out this objective, the project was organized to campile
V inventories of historical materials, particularly the unpublished govern-
ment documents and records which are basic in the administration of local
government, and which provide invaluable data for students of political,
economic, and social history, up to the present time, the Survey Program
Q has issued approximately 1,600 publications throughout the country. The
i archival guide herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of
5 day-to-day administration by the officials of the county, and also the
needs of lawyers, businessmen and other citizens who require facts frdm
the public records for the proper conduct of their affairs, The volume
is so designed that it can be used by the historian in his research in
y unprinted sources in the same way he uses the library card catalog for
printed sources, ~
The inxentories produced by the Historical Records Survey Program
C attempt to do more than give merely a list of records--they attempt
, further to sketch in the historical background of the county or other
JZ u it of government, and to describe precisely and in detail the organiza-
¥ tion and functions of the government agencies whose records they list.
; The county, town, and other local inventories for the entire cou ty will,
Vt when completed, constitute an encyclopedia of local government as well
li as a bibliography of local archives,
1% The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
{ Survey Program, even in a single county, would not be possible without
the support of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and
Y many other groups in the community. Their cooperation is gratefully
S acknowledged.
4 The Survey Program was organized by Luther H. Evans who served as
Director until March l, 1940, when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child,
who had been National Field Supervisor since the inauguration of the
Survey. The Survey Program operates as a Nation~wide series of locally
sponsored projects in the Division of Community Service Programs, of
V which Mrs. Florence Kerr, Assistant Com issioner, is in charge,

if The Federal Historical Records Survey was inaugurated in Tennessee
early in 1956; it expired, pursuant to an act of Congress, on August 51,
1959, By the provisions of the Emergency Relief Act of 1959, it became
necessary for the project to become locally sponsored. The present proj-
ect, the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, succeeded the Federal
Survey on September 1, 1939, It is sponsored by the Tennessee State Plann-
ing Com ission and cosponsored by the counties and municipalities of the
State, and several libraries, The Tennessee Survey is engaged not only in
¤ surveying county archives, but also municipal archives, church archives,
manuscript depositories and collections, and imprints, and preparing
transcriptions of selected early county court minutes. A list of the
Tennessee Survey*s publications follows the indexes to this Inventory,
` Approximately 1,600 publications have been issued by the Survey program
throughout the nation,
q While the new order in no way brought about a change in the standards
· of the Federal Survey, it was partially responsible for certain revisions
., of editorial concepts, The Tennessee Survey, for example, instituted a
series of special publications to make available certain materials accu u-
,‘ lated in the State Office editorial procedures which may be of general
·.‘ interest, One of this series, A Su marf of Special'Legislation Relatigg
. jggjgy  Government_gf Sullivan canary amines., 19405, was a preliminary
‘. study of the government of Sullivan County, and has been revised in the
office sections of this Inventory.
9· The Tennessee Survey is now engaged in preparing a comprehensive state-
ment of the general law regulating county government in the State, It is
.; expected that this book to be entitled "County Government in Tennessee" will
‘ serve as a handbook on the organization, structure, and evolution of county
= . government in Tennessee, and will make it unnecessary to repeat certain
Q items of general information in the various inventories. The essays in this
. ` M, Inventory are, therefore, limited to special legislation concerning Sullivan
E County or an exposition of the manner in which the general law has been, in
{ effect, altered, and only such considerations of the general law as are
in necessary to state the facts of existence of the offices, the dates of their
* ` creation, their present status, the manner in which filed, and the terms,
The complexities of the school laws, however, have made it necessary for the
1 · J sake of continuity that the discussion of education be more detailed. This
Q treatment has also been followed, but not as fully, with regard to highway
. The arrangement of offices and entries in this Inventory is a result
1 of a process of trial and error and the pattern followed is one settled
A ¤P0n in earlier publications; however, the complex nature of some offices,
; particularly those with divergent functions, precludes an absolutely logical
arrangement, In general, the arrangement of offices consists of grouping
those of a similar nature. For example, the quarterly county court, the
governing body, is followed by the county judge, the chief executive officer;

· Preface
A the courts are placed together, followed by the jury com ission and the law
enforcement offices. Within the offices, related and similar records are
grouped u der appropriate subject headings, The records entries indicate
the title, dates, number, contents, arrangement, indexing, method of recor-
dation, size, location, and condition of the record if it is not in good
` condition,
The original field inventory of the archives of Sullivan County was
made in 1939. The inventory was rechecked in the spring of 1940, The
`4 , archives listed in this book are those available on September l, 1940,
v The field inventory in Sullivan County was made and rechecked by Harry
F. Remsen and Mary N, Feathers under the general supervision of Mary Alice
Burke and Arch Faidley, Jr., assisted by Beatrice O. Kannon. The records
entries were prepared under the supervision of Vylva Holland; the legal
sections, Henry Hight; the historical sketch and the alphabetical index,
Ruth Winton, assisted by Nicholas F, Hobson, Jr., and Ruth Foster; and the
housing and care essay, floor plans, and chart, Charles G. Kimbrough and
Harry Earl Pond. Typing and stencil cutting were done by Helen P, Allen,
Patsy R. Floyd, Lois B. Winters, and Gladys Brane, and mimeographing by
` Sue S. Jones, The draft was reviewed and approved for publication by
Robert Cassell.
— The Tennessee Survey gratefully acknowledges the help and cooperation
of all the officials of Sullivan County under whose administrations the
inventory and recheck were conducted, and without whose assistance this
inventory would never have been made, County Judge T. R. Bandy was exceed-
ingly cooperative and at all times took a direct interest in the program.
p Among the other officials who lent active assistance were County Court
Clerk H. W, Copenhaver, Trustee Worley Fain, Miss Pearl Cross, Register;
Circuit Court Clerk A. N. Hawk, Commissioner Ward Gardner, Clerks and
‘_ Masters S, H. Garst, T. H. Hodge, and H. M. McNeil; Mrs. E. C. Leonard,
I} Deputy Register; Deputy Circuit Court Clerks Walter S, Baumgardner and
· O. C. Doane, and Superintendcnts of Education Roy E. Clarke and Lewis Chase.
Through the quarterly county court, Sullivan County has acted as an official
cosponsor of the Tennessee Survey.
I The Tennessee Survey staff has profited in all phases of its work by
il the constructive advice and criticism of the Washington staff. The Sullivan
X County Inventory was made during the administration of T. Marshall Jones as
I State Supervisor of the Survey before he became State Supervisor of the
Research and Records Programs and while Dan Lacy, former Assistant to the
- Director of the Historical Records Survey Program, served as Regional
The Inventory of the County Archives of Tennessee will, when completed,
‘ L consist of a set of—§S-volumes with a separate number for each county in the
State, The number assigned this Inventory, 82, merely indicates the
alphabetical position of Sullivan among the counties of the State. The
publications of the Historical Records Survey Projects in all states are
< limited in number and consequently are placed in designated centrally

o Preface
A located depositories. Inquiries requesting the location of the nearest
depository should be addressed to the State Supervisors or to the Service
Division, Work Projects Administration, Washington, D. C., for the atten-
tion of the Director of the Historical Records Survey Program,
Madison Bratton, State Supervisor l
The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
, Nashville
March 14, 1942

 — vii — ·
V Abbreviations
A.A.A. ................... Agricultural Adjustment Administration
Acts .................. Acts of the General Assembly of Tennessee of
ad. .......... . .... ... adjourned
alph. ................. . alphabetical or alphabetically
‘ arr. .................. arranged or arrangement
I _ art. ...... . ........... article _
aver. .................. average
bdl. .................. bundle(s)
bldg. .................. building
bsmt. ............... ... basement
G .................. Code of (See "Bibliography" for full titles
[ of codes and compilations)
` C & M .............. .... clerk and Master
C CBS .................. Baldwin's Code Supplement of (See "Biblio—
graphy" for full titles of codes and
ch., chs. ................ chapter, chapters
A chron. .................. chronological or chronologically
cir. ct. clk. ............ circuit court clerk
CMS .................. Michie's Code Supplement of (See "Biblio—
graphy" for full titles of codes and
co. ct. clk. . ............ county court clerk -
co. j. .................. county judge
Const. .................. Constitution
CS .................. Code Supplement of (See "Bibliographyu for
full titles of codes and compilations)
ed., eds. ................ editor, editors
est. .................. estimate
N gt gl. ............. ..... gt alii (and other)
gpg. .................. gt cetera (and so forth)
l ex. ......... . ........ extra
gg gel. .................. gg relations (by or on the relation, or
_ information (of))
f. b. .... .............. file box(es)
· f. d. .................. file drawer(s)
fm. .................. form
fn. .................. footnote ‘
hdw. .................. handwritten
l§§Q· .................. ibidem (in the same place)
Q-9. .................. gd gg; (that is)
L.A. .................. Local Acts of
L.N.C. . ....... .......... Laws of North Carolina of
log. git. ................ loco citato (in the place cited)
mimeo. .................. mimeograph or mimeographed
n.p. .................. no publisher

 — viii —
E Abbreviations, Symbols, and
’ Explanatory Notes
no. ................... number, numbered, or numbering
nos. ................... numbers
num. ................... numerical or numerically
· gp. git. ...... . ......... opere citato (in the work cited)
p., pp. ............... .. page, pages
P.A. ................... Public Acts of the General Assembly of
. Tennessee of
p. h. ................... pigeon hole(s)
pr. ................... printed
~ Pr.A. ................... Private Acts of the General Assembly of
‘f Tennessee of
` pt. .......... ..... .... part
res. ................... resolution
rm. ................... room
¥ sec., secs. ............. section, sections
ses. ................... session
Y S.R.N.C. .......,........ State Records of North Carolina
strg. ........... . ....... storage
subsec., subsecs. ....... subsection, subsections
. c supt. ................... superintendent
". U. S. Stat. ..... . ....... United States Statutes
E ................... versus (against) A
vol., vols. ............. volume, volumes
Symbols -
& ................... and
x .... .......... . .... by, in dimensions
-— . ......... . ........ placed after a year date means from that year
to present time.
_ _ Explanatory Notes
_ In this book the arrangement of entries, each entry representing a
F record or records series, is by offices and other units of the county
r§organization and by subjects within each of these divisions. The agencies
.‘ kthemselves are arranged in related groups, judicial agencies, for example,
being grouped together. A similar arrangement is followed for the adminis-
trative offices and the so—called public service group, including the
education, health, highway, and agriculture departments. Within each agency
.i gelatgd entries are grouped under subject headings and frequently thereunder
. y su headings. .
The actual record title as it appears on the outside of the volume or
. Container is given in the entry in upper case letters, but if this exact
» title is vague, misleading, or otherwise inadequate, an assigned explanatory

 g Abbreviations, Symbols, and n
V; Explanatory Notes
title is inserted in lower case letters enclosed in parentheses. If a
record has no title and it has thus been necessary to assign one, the
assigned title is in upper case letters and is enclosed in parentheses.
» The current or most recent title of a record is used as the entry title
. t and title variations are indicated.
The years for which a record is available are shown immediately
following the title. The use of a hyphen between two dates indicates the
A inclusive years for which a record is available. A single date followed
- by two hyphens indicates that the record is current and dates from the
‘ year given. Dates are broken to indicate years for which a record was not
made or could not be located. If it was not conclusively established that
a record was actually discontinued at the last date shown in the entry, no
S statement of discontinuance is made, The absence of com ent on missing
g prior or subsequent records means that definite information could not be
E obtained,
When two or more types of containers are considered in a single entry,
the quantity is shown in chronological order insofar as possible,
The labeling of a record is described or shown by figures or letters
_ in parentheses immediately following the number of volumes, file boxes,
or other type of container. If no labeling is indicated it may be assumed
‘ that there is none,
The description of the contents of a record applies only to the
current or most recent record unless change in contents is actually shown
in a record entry.
All indexes to records, unless otherwise stated, are self-contained.
The location of each office and department is set out in the section
entitled "Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records," Since most
y of the records are housed in the courthouse at Blountville, only the name‘
of the office or room, in which a record may be found, is given. However,
if all the records of an office, which are listed under that office, and in
y one place, that place being the office or vault of the officer having
·Q custody of the records, the location reference has been omitted. In all
f other cases the exact location of each record is given.
Except in the section entitled "Housing, Care, and Accessibility of
the Records," in which measurements are given in feet, measurements are
given in inches, unless otherwise indicated, and therefore the mathematical
symbol for inches is omitted.
Unless otherwise indicated, the record is in good condition,

  - X —
ju Abbreviations, Symbols, and
Q- Explanatory Notes
Title-line cross references are used to show the continuity of a
record which has been kept as a separate series for a period of time and
with other records for other periods; for example, in entry 147: "l789-
l878 in Deed Record, entry l59." They are also used in artificial entries
set up to describe, in one entry, the component parts of a series when the
j record is never kept separately but is found in two or more records of
` other content, such as entry l5l; or to show records under their proper
office which have been kept in files of records listed elsewhere in the
inventory, as, for example, the title-line cross reference in entry 5:
"In Miscelleneous Papers, entry 580.” In both cases, the description of
5 the master entry gives descriptive title and the entry number of the
record from which the cross reference is made, as, for example, in entry
, 159: "Also contains: Trust deeds, l789—l878, entry l47." Dates shown in
if the master entry are only for the part or parts of the record contained
_ Q5 therein, and are shown only when they vary from dates of the master entry.
Separate third-paragraph cross references from entry to entry, and
Sgg also references from subject headings or subheadings are used to show
prior, subsequent, or closely related records which are not parts of the
same series.
An effort has been made to keep terminology uniform. However, the
term "justice of the peace" and "magistrate" are practically synonymous
and in practice and throughout this book these terms are used interchange-
ably. The words "judge" or "clerk" refer to the judge or clerk under which
the record is listed, or the judge or clerk named in the title of the sec- l
, tion; exceptions to this are clearly indicated. If not otherwise indicated,
the word "district" means civil district. As the function of the office of °
~ county judge is virtually identical with that of county chairman, there is
pg no specific indication in the entries of the years each series was main-
§l tained by each officer.
at Because so many justice of the peace records were, due to their loca-
Q tion, virtually inaccessible to the field workers, the survey of these
f records is, of necessity, incomplete. Such information about most of the
I records as appears in this Inventory was obtained by mail through the
P cooperation and assistance of the justices themselves.
The purpose of the chronological index is to furnish the user a guide
to the entries in which all records covering a particular decade or certain
years thereof may be found. The closing date in the final decade corresponds
with the date of the recheck.
The user*s attention is directed particularly to the third paragraph
of the Preface in which a forthcoming key volume on the evolution and
structural development of county government of Tennessee is indicated, and
in which the office and governmental organization essays, appearing in this
Inventory, are dealt with. Only so much information is included in the
essays as to show to what extent local legislation has altered the pattern

 1  { ‘
I - xi -
§f Abbreviations, Symbols, and
g‘ Explanatory Notes
of the general law, i.e., the structure of county government in Tennessee
as contemplated by the Constitution, the Public Acts, and the Official
Codes of 1858 and 1952, and, also, only so much information on the general
I law as is necessary to identify end state the facts of existence of the
V several offices, agencies and departments of the county organization.
l The device (Q lQ§g) immediately following a citation to a legislative
_ act means that the substance of the legislative act is still in force and
· » is reenacted in the Official Code of l952. The numbers appearing immediate-
ly after Q l952, and separated from it ky‘a comma, are the section numbers
` of the Code. A citation to the Code of 1952, placed in parentheses immedi-
— A ately following a citation to the Code of 1858, indicates that the provision
first appeared in the earlier code and is reenacted in the Official Code of
Q l952. Individual citations within a footnote are unrelated if separated by
i a semicolon.
l Ibid. meaning “in the same place" is used to duplicate the lest single
source cited and takes the place of all the preceding citation or as much
of it as is identical in two or more consecutive references.
. The name following a citation to a court case is that of the Attorney-
General and Reporter under whose name a volume of Supreme Court reports
containing the case was published. The number preceding the name is the
‘ volume number; that following, the page number.
Not all of the acts, codes, compilations, and Supreme Court reports ‘
listed in the Bibliography are cited in this Inventory, but all cf them are
used by the legal research unit of the Survey and are listed for the conven-
ience and information of the users of this Inventory. For a complete listrg
Q of the titles of the acts and codes, see Tennessee Historical Records Survey,
, Qhegg List pf Acts gpg Qgdeg pf the State gf Tgngesseg, lZ92—l959 (mimeo.),
Q Nashville, 1940.
.4'§§Q -

   •~X1i ···
{2 . Page
`     {OI!lllOOIUOOIIltitllliiiilI•|••I||l|I•|II•l¢OI|||IIOIOIICI  
y Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes ...................••. vii
· Introduction _ v
‘   of Su1].j.VB.I`l   ••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••  
{ 2, The Present Governmental Organization of Sullivan County ....... 22
~ { Chart of Sullivan County Government .,,.,..................... 25
* Counties of Tennessee with Years of Creation ..........•..•»•. 26
f 5. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records .....,......Q... 28
Floor Plans of Sullivan County Courthouse ..............•...•.‘ 34
. ‘ Sullivan County Offices and Their Records
4 I. Quarterly County Court ..... I. ........................... . .... ’... 58
» Original Papers; Bonds and Oaths; Dockets; Court Proceedings;
Road Records; Financial Records; Miscellaneous,
A Financial Reports: state and county revenues; fees; delinquent
. taxes; sheriff*s board bills. Orders and Vouchers. ‘Warrants
C 5 Issued. Bond Issues, Highway Records.
{ Automobile Records: license reports; audits; sales reports;
€ identification certificates, Merchant and Privilege Licenses:
j applications; bonds and oaths; licenses issued; distress warrants.
Q Beverage Bonds and Licenses, Corporation Records. Applications
E and Bonds, Reports. Professional Registrations, Vital Statistics:
§ marriages; births and deaths, Tax on Land Transfers. Hunting and
_ Fishing Licenses. Financial Records. Correspondence. Miscellane-
_ ous,
Original Instruments, Records of Reception. General Index. Real
p and Personal Property: warranty deeds; trust deeds and chattel
Q mortgages; liens; releases; miscellaneous. Charters. Judgments.
{ Nhlitary Discharges. Plats. Financial Record, Entry-taker*¤
g Record,

 -, ,.22
  A- xiii -
if Table of Contents
1%., Page
{5 Trial Papers, Bonds, Dockets, Enrollments. Jury
*’; Record, Court Proceedings, Records of`Witnesses.
aj Delinquent Taxes. Licenses, Financial Records: final
- executions; receipts and disbursements; reports,
Q IX. Com on Law Criminal and Chancery Court of Kingsport ........ 90
` Xe         lll!|IOIOl|•Q|OO|••|Ol••lI||••lI•OlIII|  
' 1 Trial Papers, Dockets, Court Proceedings. Jury Service,
f 'Records of Witnesses, Financial Records, Naturalization
c4 . Records, ·
f Trial Papers. Dockets, Court Proceedings, Record of
Witnesses, Jury Service, Delinquent Taxes, Financial
{ Records,
M XIV. Chancery Court ........ ...... .. .......... . ....... ... .... ..., 104
Original Instruments, Bonds, Dockets, Enrollments,
Court Proceedings, Delinquent Taxes. Financial Records:
final executions; receipts and disbursements; reports,
if   XV; Chancery Court of   •g•q|;••|•§••••••••••••••••••l•II|  
Q Original Instruments. Bonds, Dockets, Enrollments.
{ Court Proceedings, Record of Witnesses, Delinquent
I; Taxes: original papers; bills filed; receipts and dis»
V bursements; reports. Financial Records; final executions;
I receipts and disbursements; reports, Insurance.
U XVI. Chancery Court of Kingsport ••••••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••  
Original Instruments. Bonds, Dockets, Court Proceedings,
f Financial Records, Miscellaneous,
Original Instruments, Dockets, Enrollments. Court
p Proceedings, Inheritances; wills; bonds and letters;
_ inventories and claims; settlements; state tax, Insolvent
A Estates, Insanity Proceedings, Financial Records. Miscel-
‘ E laneous,

  ,’‘= bxlvu
ig~ Table of Contents
nig Page
i Trial Papers; civil and criminal cases; civil cases;
· criminal cases. Trial Dockets: civil and criminal
1 cases; civil cases; criminal cases.
  HC   ¤•O•O••|••O•O•¢•OtO!I|O|•|O|•|tI|OII•|IIO•I|l•IOI  
I H10   ••••••GI•••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••l••••••iOI  
L;     ICIIIIOOIOOOOIlllllll|OOOII|O|I|i•Oi|I|||IIl•IO••  
Tax Records: realty, personalty, and polls; delinquency.
Receipts and Disbursements, Warrants, Dog Tax.
`       COmIHj.S$iOn •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••  
  XXIX. Department of Education .. .............................. . 155
Q. Minutes. Records of Pupils, Records of Teachers.
Q Financial Records, Property Records, Reports,
§ Transportation Records, Materials and Supplies.
it Miscellaneous,
l m0   Physician p••••O••U•••¢•••q•••••••b••••••••••••••O  
‘ General Index. Family Records. School Records.
* Clinic Records, Immunization Records, Vital
i Statistics. Sanitation Records. Milk and Dairy
; Inspections. Reports and Correspondence.
I     Department ••••|•·•••q•••qi•••••••••••••••••••••|•  
_ Appointments and Road Orders, Rights-oféway.
Q Payrolls. Financial Records. Reports and Corres-
. é pondence. Board of Public Road Commissioners.

 t - ’=!
  - xv ··
  Table of Contents
it XXXVI. Agriculture Department . ..... . . . ....... . . . ..... 6 ....... . . . 185
County Farm Agent: adjustment administration records;
conservation program records; 4-H club work; reports
` and correspondence. Home Demonstration Agent,
t Publications of the Tennessee Historical Records Survey ,. 219

  ‘,£,. §i
I w i ¥
AY Sullivan County, second oldest county in Tennessee and fifth largest
A. in population, was created out of Washington County by the State of North
} Carolina in October 1779, and organized early in 1780.l Lying in the —
g extreme northeastern part of the State, Sullivan County is bounded on the
§ south by Washington? and Greene Counties,5 on the west by Hawkins County,4
in on the north by the State of Virginia,5 on the east by Johnson County,6
i and on the southeast by Carter County.? Part of Sullivan County was out
fl off in 1786 when Hawkins County was created,8 and attempts were made
l S several times to create Powel County out of part of Sul1ivan.9
@1 The county is drained by the South Fork of the Holston River which
A flows from Virginia into the eastern portion of the county, traversing it
§? in a southwesterly course until it reaches the Washington County line
  where the Watauga River empties into it. The river then runs in a north-
» ,§; westerly direction to the confluence of the North and South Forks of the
§ Holston River at Kingsp0rt.lO
3 .1. L.N.Q. 1779, Oct. ses., ch. 29 (§.§.N,Q., XXIV, 500).
_§ 2. L.N.Q. 1788, Nov. ses., ch. 29, sec. 1 (§.§.N.Q., XXIV, 974); Acts
} 1796, lst ses., ch. 51, sec. 1; Agts 1797, ch. 12, sec. 1; Apts
j 1859-40, ch. 15, secs. 1, 2; Acts 1845-46, ch. 47, sec. 1; g.A.
,§ 1869-70, lst ses., ch. 50, sec. 1; Acts 1869-70, 2nd ses., ch. 1,
Q sec. 1; Acts 1871, ch. 95, sec. 1.
fr 5. L.N.Q. 1785, April ses., ch. 51, sec. 2 (§.3.N.Q., XXIV, 559); L.N.Q.
j?‘ 1786, Nov.