xt7r222r7z31 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r7z31/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-03-20 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 25, March 20, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 5, No. 25, March 20, 1913 1913 1913-03-20 2015 true xt7r222r7z31 section xt7r222r7z31  »»»
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University 0f§l(entucky
Vol. V LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 20, 1913 No. 25
-——-     Between Henry Clay Law Society and Will pre•ent "Thc Lost Par·adise" —"`
rnzaswrzu sv s‘rn0LLERs AT vamm-bm wsu be new at Nath- mm, March za. S'""°"‘ V°'“"*°°' °°"'°'°"°° °" F"`
open nous; FRIDAY NIGHT     vane, my 1c. —— ‘5° $*¤°°'“¤·
WAS BEST AMATEUR PRODU0 ——- —-— The Strcllvrs will prcmvnt "Th¤- Inst 15 In°tmm°n° R°pr°°°M°d‘
TION EVER SEEN IN CITY. CHEMISTS SPENT WEEK A joint debate has bven arranged Paradiso" at the Shube—rr's Masmxlo ""*‘
¢ ...t |N (;|Nc|NNA1'|, between the Henry Clay Law Society 'l‘he·atre, nn Friday nlght_ Marv}; 2x ’|l1~· |{•\nlu<·ky Stud•~m \’oI11nt»·r~1‘
All m•mb•,-. gf cn; dg ghgmgqlygg -—- of State University and the Law De- Manager Eastin [Rollins has re»mrm»41 •'rut`<~r<·m·<· was lwid at Sraro l`niwr—
honor by gqilng wlth the cnc, force- Devota much time to investigation of D¤•F€m€¥l£ of V8¤d€¥'b|}t UYUVGFSHY to from Louisville- and rolmrrg may pm; my Marrh I4-1•;_ 101::, smlipm Vul-
fulngn and grace of profnsicnnla. Wlcdemanrvg. be held B-?. Nashville, TGHHGBBGG, OH the pects are bright for a sum-osgrul ppp. untcwrs and nw-pr¢·smnariw·s of hm]; Y.
____ ___ 16th of May 1913. This following just sentarion of the play, AI. and Y. \\'. <'. A. from all over the
`, Anyone that did not witness the The Chgmlgtg have been home A on the heels of the Tri (Lornered Many students are expepml m ap. State were pr¢~s<—nr, numbering about
..L0st Pamdiseln the may which the week, and gvgrybgdy knows ll_ And Debate between the Law Departments company the vast to Louisville. 8 hundred Mid NNY-
Stmllen presented mt the Open House [hg announcement of that fact would of the $1,8.19 University 0f Kentucky, The program for the (·onl`<~|‘¤·m·0 \\21S
Friday night, missed one of the rarest hgvg been made ln Lhggg cplumng lggl the University of Cincinnati, and the i)l)€‘Il(‘(I Elf ¢‘i_L{llf ().(‘l()(‘k I*`l`i(l{l)' lligllf
_ treats of me muon And such a week lf lt h8_dn·l been Crgwdgd out by University of Indiana in which Sum; 4     by Pros. Hm·k4—r_ who made- mo wp}-
; treat it wu! A large and apprecu, me large amount of previously Mmm. University of Kentucky tied with the   * rorning zuldrvss. He- was rol\mve~d by
tive audience greeted them, and hmm mated 'matermll Even this week the Umvemity of Cmcmmm’ is cream";    _..;:    ·__  . up \\’, 1»_ \\’4-mm-m‘m··1, Imommrional
· the rlge until me mn or me mt cur- report narrowly escaped the same °°¤¤*<*¢F¤b*€ interest in the debating X  `   ‘ <¤<·¤‘<·¤¤¤·>‘ of Y, M. <‘. A. for S0\l\h<·¤‘H
Q mn me wdlence wu held spenbound fate, the manuscript being lost some- Kam- After ¢°¤¤*d€F¤bl<> ¤¢S¤¤¤¤<>¤,    _V  *‘·*1*··¤<·*- 1**10 ww an ¤H¤¤¤¤l‘=¤f<··1 1<·<·-
_ with interest- Every character from where about {hg pgrgon of (hg mgmbgy ably C8·l`l`1€d 011 by OUT P1‘€B1d€nf of th€    , A- _ .,%: 4 -      YUI`<‘ Hll ( }1ll121_ Japan, {tml Ixurva, ('Il-
; me leading role to the minor parts was of the Bwff t0 whom it was entrusted. HGHFY Clay LAW Society, T. E. Mahan,     l   rirlod, "'l‘h<· \\'m·m \\’i41·· Srmlmlr
perfectly p0"_my6d_ Be it known, then, that much, to the Vlildéfbllt Submitted to us for choice    ff `     M0vmm~nt". Saturday ar, ning A_ M,
The mem; lg lgld neu- Boston a,t, the Surprise 01 everyb0dy—n0t. exceptjng of ¤id¢S the following question: _` `   _ . -4   :1 "Hello Mo•·ring" was hold in the Y_
' ’__• Kmwlum lmu Works, at we present ¥·h€¤180}V€B—l·hB Chemists ’14 pulled R¢¤0|V6d; That American vesels eu- _   _  A   M. C, A_ mam l,l·€Sl(l,;.(l Owl- by lh, l;_
thug It ll g phy qeulug win}; the up nukes on March 5th, and boarded Sized In cvaat-·wi¤¤· mule should be _, {L ‘     (3 Liolson or yew Y0;-ll-_ l.;a(.h ,·_l,,-4,.
problem. of every my me, of capital the midnight chwchm for Ciucinnsm allowed to use the plums Cum] free I {   ‘ ···.       sentutivc, :;n:¤`;ri¤.g to vo!) call, imm-
againstlabor. Mr. Knowlton Owner of R€¤·“Zi¤8 their YOUUI and i¤¤09€¤¢€. 0f mu Bj} ` *2   ‘f_   ·*¤<‘<‘d himself and told sornwmixng; nf
me work; hu an only daughter, Mar- the Junlvrs had persuaded Dr. Daniels The SW6 of thé question t0 be ar- ·   · =    "    " *? i  rhe work being done in his Own ml.
amt, who has woven such A spell and two of me Seniors to accompany gued by Slam Uniyergity has not yo; R   K _` »_ v L   IGMP. Aftvr this Kev. J, (T. (larrott of
over him that he thinks only of her them. to lend dignity t0 the occasion. been chown- ‘```_ i   · =‘  ·~,,»   ¥`hiH8 Spoke in a most int<·r<»·stim: uzny
md her lmpplneg; He gveng neglects The flrst night was spent chiefly in 'i`h€ Dféliminary try Out will be held   `·   · A _`:¤~" Nl "I’reso·nt (‘on41iyi0us in (‘|l3lm_··
his business for her pleasure. The getting out of the mud puddles of on the 14th OfAplvil1913· =>;Q ;   ` Ar 2;~·¤¤ 1*, M. Mr. Garrett again l·<·—
mg; ac; lg g scene in uhe Knowlton I»ud1ow.aml in taking an inventory of —- -—. DR A_ s_ MACKENZIE u¤‘€··| on "Spiritual Pl`0l`(*(llllSi.¢*5_·`
home; it ls Mgyggrgtg birthday, and U18 {PSG ]UI1Ch C0l1Il{€¥‘B of Cincinnati. TERRIBLE DEED. Dean of English Department anu Pro, (·?lU‘lj lll Ithc Z][Yl’1'I1l)Oll 3, bu>;im·5s
me birthday cake is on the table, Thursday morning was spent at the fe8·°r of Journalism. ’llfl(‘¥ll1lJ, ot the dvlogatos was hold and
around whlch lg luvished many Eagle White Lead Company, and at gn. 0; mlm P,-Omlsmg ,0,,,,, lawyus l_l__ _l _ W """""* ‘°" "‘*’ "°‘““’¥ *"*“' “*""‘
presents. Pwr Margaret docs not dw J¤¤*<>¤*·i_<‘¤·¤¤¤¤¤<·¤¤ <`<>¤¤v¤¤v· f<»¤i· may have to leave mcou. MEETING OF GRADUATE """°""'· _ _ V 4 A
know that me lmpplness whlch she Inzor mzmuiamumrs. At the latter ..___ SCHOOL MODAY "'**‘ UI ~'h*‘ ¤¤¤<*¤f ¤¤¤¤<‘¤'•*5Hl1;: ull11f¤‘}‘ in wlnivln his lunar xxork
belongs to R [Mend of his, R Dl·_ Stand- Ivory Soap and of (`rlsco, the new for blowing whistle on the campus of graduate Slu°l°mS’ and me wuumfuw is ‘]0"*'· MV "¤*!*"* Sh**“*‘d \`¢¤i=*\¤
ish, who had been kllled lu an exp]0. hydroganated oil substitute for butter. the University and thus creating a on waiter Degree work Monday anu`- a"ti"l*`* U" *1**** uml <"h·‘*’ >*’¤‘*‘¤i¤‘
Biol Knowlton takes advantage of Here the boys had opportunity to see public nuisance, is being tried iu Uni- noon at 4 "?'°l0°k` _ ""0’“ Tm"' uml WM '"*m>" 1*1******1 iw
the Oppmunity and claims the lnven. the wonderfully perfected machinery versity Circuit Court again. This case Three or the wlmnmw and about $‘°"i*‘$ iu "°"'“‘*"i*"‘ **1*** *h*‘ mr *1****
tion as his Own Durlng the fesllymes, used iu the packing of Ivory Soap. is Lhe final and supreme test of me half of me émdumv studmls wen hubim of 'l‘*` l"'°l’I*`·
phmp Warne,-_ superintendent of the They didn‘t seem to be making any ability of the senior class each year m`€S°m' various talks were mage by S“"‘mY M 7*** ·\· M· 'h*` *‘***l·‘**'>
works, comes in and infornls Ml; Crisco that day, so the boys were a and as usual is attracting u good deal dmewm mw` uml H gmeml dlsvus- '“"‘ "’ h*‘“" *1** “*M"°‘>=* UF "*`***`· Jil"' S
Knowlton that a swike is threatened Uma diSapp0mwd_ of attention. sion of the graduate school und its wm, Ramp Ur m,I.(_u’ UH ..l,mM_I_ and
at the works. and pleads for better Feeling that tl1¤a·i1· araluous pursuit Am)ml.ys for l,,.0Secumm: _]_ K U¢ii¢*¤`¤¤¤‘¤¤i WM <‘¤¤`¤`i~‘¢l <>¤· · 3llsSl,,,,S_··
Wage, lol- {hg people, but Kngwllun of science xueritvd a relaxation, me llusgey, Fred Fm-lS_ mul ly S_ Slam,-ll_ "`h"S*` ""`*"i"gS “"" ‘“Y b""“""`i*‘l V<·s1»•·r 5\’!`\i\'\‘$ m·r·· 1¤r·1·1 m :1,
turns a dm; Gm- [,0 hlg p]mdlngs_ He (`hvmists spent Thursday night. in en- Allomcys {Ol- llolyllso; (;_ A_ ph,-lst. both *0 UW ‘*“‘l‘~`“'* uml f*‘“‘lU'· 'H.“`*» Y. M. l`. .-\, rooms m 1;•·•• |·_ xl
mgkgg frequent trips Lo the house but j0>'i¤g "Hllllky Piwky" at the Lyric man, T. J. Jew, J, li. Doyle, am] T, rj, b€°°m° b°m`r “°°'uuim°`l uml lh" mv '*""·· '· A- *;*‘·‘*l <"` -·\*`*'i*‘** *·‘·‘*¤¤¤‘·‘·! · ’
to no av¤_ll_ H6 lg lufgluglgd wllh 'Flwatre. Everybody was happy. Mahml_ WY 1**} ““ M"? "" "‘°` "“""“'$ "i"“* Hvv. I. .\. Noor! or ;\n·i.—;¤_ 1.·.»m» .1
Marguml but realizing the standing Friday morning was Spent at tht) un vuricus Iulrlrs. aroma" Mr. Hood wld maurx ¤l1iu.<
between himself and MM.g8_mt’ he Andrew Jergen S Soap companys BANG! Another1110o·ti11;;ofusinlilurm1lul‘<‘lI`ro111 his own lm-¤¤»¤m| .·xl,l·¤-;r·u..-
dams not speak w her of his love. pumh and later the American Oak And Stat, Faculty gon to piece. lull 1),- cgllmlxntl1011¤·m‘I11ll11‘¤·. rl ulrolu the su·u;l;1¤· Il)l'\'lll'lS!l1).l|ll} *11
Finally one day, spurred on by words {galley- Q0mplmy_ And here ggnlpg before Bun bnketban tum- lhmw ll|`\‘S¢‘U{T l>•.·un 3lu<·k¢·¤rnfw. AYl`l<‘iI11lld {I1-vloui-hulql [11;.; ls lllmlu.
from hor, he tells her of his love. SIIG the brightest. spot in the whole visit. Pr°"S· Hurk°r· PFUL (`hu|kl°y‘ mx lub any bmug g-u"“"l lh"""·
only Sc0!‘n¤ and l‘idi0ul€B him. Ul`- From the leather plant the crowd ad- gc", 16 to 15_ hm· A\H··r this, s<·u·1·ul lllt‘Hll)t‘l'S of rho
SLa,ndish's only BOII returns YPOHI 8 journvd to the splendid quarters of the ...._. (lrtuluulv Students 1}. V. liuulv. NIV. Slmium \'olum·~¢·r Hum! slmlw hrinly
mp abroad and asks tho hand of Business Mon's Club. They were the lll llw lllwsollw of ul, 0llllmsluSll.· Ilaivs. Nil`. ¢`0¤‘b¤*¤¤. W1 ·|· N- N|=\·¤i¤¤ in u si¤¤¤|·!··. ¤|ir····¤. mn on "\\"1·> I
                                lx sl}·l‘.ti\·(`                 {K) lN`\U[l\\`      
Knowlton takes Standish Into the purl- Widloyd, rlwunist and l¢~¤·(umn·. What l,»um,l_ lll,. l.·ul.ully l,.l,_m U; lk.,-,.2, Uor¤nu.zh\y. il|'\.H .\||l>l¤' was I.lll'll1SIlU\l by u rrin
nershhp 0f the fil'¤l· Nw |’l‘0|`¢‘BBU|' hud <'¤U¢‘¢| 11 l\1i1¢‘h College and the Stutv |"8.(‘llll_)' hunrh ——·—~————-·~~     ‘* ‘ "ll |:"'·'*l 5'"'l"mS· °m"" “m°h rh"
The scene next act is at the Iron turned out to be a fair sized banquet. uw; in Om- or uw 11y.·|i.·¤; mul (-nm-Sr visitors, unmougn uuonhw miuun-`S *"¥***=**` *·’**= =~·‘*"i··· UV MU UW •‘·*¤¤+¤‘·‘*
Works where a strike is tlnmatvrxeal. As thootlwr guostsof Professor Lloyd (-.,lm»¤;s of uw S.·lm,;l_ ull l;u,»l| Al-. may wml.! mu.-, no douhn, ··liu<·h•·¤l an *41**1**** MH |¤· UL
M&rg1u‘€tm8.k0B B. V1BllU0 UW Y8·¢‘t0|`Y 011 UNB 0¢‘¢'1lBi0ll \V¢*l‘0 Mayor HUNT. mm-y "()(¤l'SuI\ll‘(lL\)'l1l;.!,ll(,ll,ll(l{|Ulll()ll» vivlory for lhv lurul |'l‘¤·l'S. .\¤ Tv IJ I'. Xl ilu- \'Ulll·\‘I`\‘H4‘\‘ uns
acccnnpmnlcd by her f¤w<·•> Sw·¤¤<1i¤h· |’¤·¢·¤i•1<—n¤ Hir<·1¤.vf Mw Husirwss M<—u‘¤ szmmn um: they M.-Q mr muy aulvpt 1=··¤·1·u rmr. <‘····¤·¤··¤· ¤; lluul, <·¤·l1I¤·¤‘; lm Xl. U. .\. morn, Hm; I, .\, Hom! uuu!0
mg,(,l,ers and the povevly 0f the lwolblé Uhh) M•J¢*}l8.Ili¢‘B Illslliufv, BIH} S4·\`¢*l‘1i] l·0$p.¤ll~0w;l mulls of klluwlpllgq hun rie, (‘lurk und MUFIUII, p;u:u‘<|s. aux ;u1dr¤·ss nu "'l`hr·Spi1·i¤ of \Iis»nl»n~"
who are employed $1 [ht! works. Shv 0Ul¢>I‘ |l0(1lbl0 (`i|ll'illlll£l`1li|lS· Th? d¢*¤‘l! lllul lllpy were by uu uwuus lurking in Slillv |'r0l`s. \\`vu\~·l‘ und $l>:\|¤l‘. l'4¤l’— auul .\lr (‘4»l>•m S|IUk\‘ on "'|`lH· I·]x;•11
lg nlovqd wllh pil)! BL {116 Bight, Bild B.l)lD|`\*l'1&U0l| of UW Vl5H0|'H fUl' {U18 skill uml glgillly ill (llu ]||l[gl(' url of \\u.|‘ds; I$|')u11I_ •‘•·11l<*l; I{<·ul1<·) xtl1•1l;vIiz;l\iu|1 m` 1ll.· uurlll lll our ;;4~m·1·;l
pleads with Sumdlwh to do Bouwllxlug h0lwl' WM 0X¢‘<*U¢‘lli|¥ t*XL>l'¢*B¤•.>d by basket;-y, \\'h•·u time was up {ho in- Salnnmitnvr, guards. uou." 'l`h¤· s¤·r»i·-1- mu ¤·lo>·-d muh ;s
(Continued on Pago 8.) (Continued ou page 6) dtcator read 16 to 15 in favor ot me lt•.~f•:r•.·c—Kiug. laoul; ny tho mo,

    A   utcn cuss emotive Ltrs.t.t• I TCC ¤ e
BEST yl-LT" 13r West Man St t ` _ ' V btrshlp on a. varsity tram who has
  ..é....é..._.__.__.. ML `lnsjmll lllllls im"` (m€;mbOm not been In regular attendance on SENIORBI
H NTUCK_S__ BEST has int-n tn A xin;.tn or stwera days. (_IMB‘__s for nfteen days before me mm
KE uma • • • dl N Get your order ln for engraved
CREAM FLOUR 4* • .~·tt» t·t..—·»... tnttt. t..... nn. t»....... **""·‘ ‘" the S- '- A- ·—     0 c___d_
d $ U _H| f I i I student shall be eligible to member- ‘
• • OO • u u · ' i ' 1 1
"Mgd; m Lexington 4     '°" l* ;"I4l “l ‘*“;` i‘;l` l lt V l0m€¤- Ship on a wamny team who hu {sued UNIVERSITY BOOK sT()Ri·;_ ____
""‘ .  V "’ “"‘“‘ ‘““"'· f"; _' ‘“’· or been (tt-ttnqttm ln mm nm. 0....,- ————·———
Lgxinglon Roller Mills C0-. lll€· m  third of his work DAIRY EXPERT WILL LEAVE.
  ' ` Miss ldllzabeth (‘ary is still critical- w d _ I t h
F gh c Ile • Bo ’• Smoker L, -1] { I _ I i V m . t 0 stu ent on a vars ty eam w o
Go 2; th: 0 Q y     l I a ur lO";O_n· erm es ahsents himself without excuse from P"'- A- J- n“d• Wll° W" °°””•°“d  
“ P H k more than 10 per cent of his classes ‘*'m" D"'! °•P*"""°"* """*• U"' ‘
Lewin Clgar C0 There is no quicksand more · ls ""“‘l‘;' I ‘" I" l'“ T"""°'°" ‘° in any was stunt be allowed to play te ¤·l•*¤h· N- 0- I
unstable télage llsygilgythlig S;)m:l 'Mwm (ah n xx ngmn very ln a match game. Absences with team ·*- l
Opp. New Ph¤•¤|¤· g3?;k5ga8;d lby Standard Mor l` _ _ • are excused absences. Prof. Alvin J. Reed of the Bureau
pay cngsumo wonxs ¢¢¤€·0¢llllSlY a two·year contract with Cincinnati Monday evening March 17th, Prof. \
The c . A ee Z:?;}li';°l‘;|l"°l"“l;‘*i§ then ‘l*"“‘;¤ Fwd and Miami Universities. Next year R. s. aubanks me won known editor
` ' · L, lt l\01” 0l' lt·l¢ Séwli l-€l’¤l State will send teams to Cincinnati of the Southern School _y0uma]_ l
        which ends the latter part of March. and Miami to c0mp6t€_ Prof. Eubuuk gavcau mwmstmglec t
(`lass meetings are being held every
-1---;- t th D ti dRes slbilitl
    8     few days for the purpose of making wm on 8 u um pon es
a [_ f U d _ BASKET BALL WA8 A of the Lawyer, and tthe manner ln
l'_'l|;’;‘n?;'l‘SbaT; \"l  i““;;°";Y°“‘“· Psvmc nnowosmow. w-men moss outside me pmression
» t- · , v t t- s ie tg so-
1- look upon his avocatton. Prof. Eubank
.'• 1 , · , , Y , . .
    cn. L: Expt if the yfannxxlsl be llteld llasketball was a Daying Drposition stated that. honesty and Justice, com- .
June " I 1** 1° Ib ww In during the past season at State Uni- bined with level-headness, big-heart-
N. E' Corner Short and Market ` _ · versity according to the report just is- ness and truthfulness constituted the
l · sued ny Manager W. C. Wilson. The natural qualifications of a successful {
Opp. Court House Next door Umverity Book Store ATHLETES- tt-t.n.·t snows that my paying all ex, l,,wyc,._ _
. _; penses thtre is a surplus of $46.05. Prof. Eubank’s lecture was a rare l
t Must ¢0¤70rm te the l‘¤l¢¤ 0* the 8- l- This amount would have been much treat and was well received and ap- l
  " "" A. A., according to action more had it not been for the fact preclated by all those who had the l
l . . of pacu|;y_ that unusual expenditures had to be privilege of listening to him. We only l
‘ ....-- made in order to insure a good sched- hope that we will be able to have him
  'I`ln· rttsolntions t·et·t·ntly drawn up lll€· with us again in the near future
ln the turultv ot' State l'uiversitv in ——;——————
ROUTE Now on sai.: · · · ———;—
rvgartl to utltletirs, in ut·t·ordant·e with BASE BALL LEAGUE
T0 ALL WINTER RESUBTS on- ttttntn ot tn.· Southern 1ntt·t-t-o1- TO as oncmtzzn. °ENI°"l
I ···iat · Atl 1 ·ti· Assocituti n, l w ·——
• 5p[(;|A|,, ROUND·TR|P FARES TO shin {lm. SHLIMQ must be p;;)mi:l;:) is The Slam Umwrshy Base bun Sengozs, this is the last month for
          iltis sttttlivs as well as atltletios in or- lléaxuv, to be composed of ten elubg   u delxle your measurement. for
""-"_'_° der to make the tt·amt·s. 'l`lte fart that l`<‘l¤l'<‘S€1llll¤g 8.8 many organizations ln lap an Ownl
pl) [ri t UNI ‘
Loni ·.“"¤ um  vu vu·‘°,° tthi> rule will llt· t·nt‘ort·ed at tlto l'lli— the llulversity, will be organized this VLRSITY BOOK STORE'
Three through daily trains to l°lorida,v_ia Quccn&Crt>scc¤t ln.,-sn. is A 8...,, town.-tt the t»·ttt·r- weelt- The league wu nrsatllzed lent i--; l
RP“t°· l><>t¤l>l¤ d“llY thmugh ”°'i\'l°° )t° Acw ()rl°m.H· Nec` .nu·nt ot utltl•·tit·s and putting all ath- April, but on acwunt of the latoness BE THERE
tncally lighted uqtnptnent, including lullmun Drawing-Room I _ _ _ A _ _ H _ ·
_ . ` ` . . _ _ I . l _ __ out- t-ontusts on a lttnltot basis. lltls 0f the soason. only a few games were
bleeping Lars, inning Lars, amd lldy Loatlits. A _ _ _ _ ———
...{;..T.?L C R I t rnltnn is tn tot—t·4· at vanderbilt and played. lt is planned to have the or- Hear President Barker, Prof. Mao-
    E•;;:I:`gt.’°;l;;}:gt?)l2:  Ian otnt·t· sontnorn institutions tltut utuuzatiou in working order by April keuzle, and Adj. General Tandy Ellis
nn. tn.·n.t,t·t»5 ot tn,. st |_ A_ A_ wot. l, and the ttrst games ot the season of l·‘raulifort, at the Agriculture Society
{lowing are tlu· wsolutiotts as drawn will be played during the tirst and sec- Monday night, March 24th. _

l ‘“""""`""  i `"   i i ' i" y
; in thc rlty soil, coulal llnrllly haw- _ ‘_wmmM_»_" ~i
    lwen Improvctl upon in the- hantls nt"
·   " ‘`'’‘`‘     '°‘`‘ IT’S ALMOST OVER
(ltlwrs ln lliv cnst. who alltl rum
  invnzlnlilee wllrk wl-rl- mi fllllowli;
. . • •
I FOR Mr. l·‘|•~t<·lu·r, Mr. Knowlton it man   G t C t P E t
, of litisltwss ..... \\'lIllnm (`. Slilnnlck     u    
i     .lt>•· llnrrvtt, l·‘or¢-umn. Ilonry H. M•·ml•·
!·lt·hwartz ........4.. Iwo, J. Hnmlmun S • O d f • hl
€l¤¢t¤l¤¤l ·lPP¤l’¤l¤$» lllmlsl EW- lll. ll.-...... O,......, Wl ll. ll»llll.....l. Wt, vcrcoats 80 ¤I'I\lS ings
We carry lhs largest stock el Lsberstery 8u»Il••QV_ln the U. 8. llyatt ........_.,,,. Allwrt .1. (`I`ilIIl<‘I` k d b °
· · Mrs. Knowlton, n. IIlU¥ll(·I`ly worltlllm:   c      
First Quality Supplies Only. Prompt Service
................ Katlierlne Mltclloll
• · J ' N l ` ‘ `
Analyucal Balances and Weights ulm, laid at \ir, lxnowltons H Neckwear wgrth up to   cts_  
On. of our [lading specilmu ................ lluhy Juno I uckert Now at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
· Noll, girl at the- works
, E$T`B•I65I ............... lim Mariuii Ibaruall ‘ Neckwear WOI'tI'1 up to  
203·ZIl·THII\D·AVB qmhh NOW at c
EW·YORK‘CI . . . . . . . . . . p
 -—-··——————-—·——·——— ITEMS OF INTEREST M O h E •
an t cr xtra S ccials
(Continued from Page I.) FROM LAW DEPARTMENT Y p l
wer ¤A¤A¤¤¤¤. ,. . {Of 6 few days longer.
lhe Lawyt·r's Basket llull 'lt-am
• , for them but to no avail. Warner
claims thc championship over any anll
, Lakes on E new light in her eyes and all classes und departments of the
    she realizes that there am things Vnlvcrslty. Any team disputing this
·v\•\»\vv\•••~\¢\·\»\•\•\\h besides happiness in the worm` Sm`) assertion may name thc day for a tl•·· Lgxjngtolfs Biggest Store
OUR SPECIALTIES also sees how devoted the workmen (ming Contest.
are to Warner, who devotes his whole _ _ _ _________iu_._,__________ _____ _  gr __,_ ___ __ V
5 % OH to BUY 0H€ m€Yltl0DlDK time to their welfare. ,1.110 Omunizauon of the Ham_mw_ ______,_‘ M ____________ _A___ 
thyg gd_ The scene of the- third and tlnal act Uusobau Team is wen nndw way Must You Strain Your Ey·s To R·ad
246WEST MAIN *¤ the Sm ¤¤ Us tm In the l·ll.lllll.l ll-lll be engaged in llcllw-ll ‘”'L°°*"·
  Knowlton   root"' The strike lll€ llOUI`S of 1UZ30 and 1.2:00     ""'? ,  
Are you obliged t0 hold
ls now on, and there is a mob on the ,. . . . _ .
U . . L h S d daily. lhe team anticipates rctamin: Fifty or more strong, gather daily 0¤ your paper close to Your  
      outside of the house waiting to wreak for the Law D€pm,tm(_m me high WSL sion Field. Armed with weapon. of eggs tobslee cliarléd sp t
. vengeance on the Knowlton home it ._ ._ . . 0 lgusy ° Or ,,,,.3,., H.;
Cater; exclusively to students tion it already holds lu athletit affairs. warfare they assault pitched mls- your eyes. Such yvllllgqn   Eli;
and Faculty of State University “‘°" ‘““*‘°“ “"*` “°* $"‘°‘“€“· M"' · ·· · siles With venom llllli vieielleneu. {‘,f§*;fl§:,f|g’°“’T‘,Ql;‘°;‘0:1{  
A B   gumt ts agam pleading with- Standish The Law Department is justly proud _.c- dition can be corrected  
° ° _ to do something for the poor laborers, of its record of fumishm two Ot. the COMPETITION FOR POSITION with properly fitted  
Cor. S. Lime and Colfax but Standish has a hem of mm and g glasses. ir you will psy o \
star cast in the play, "'1`hc Lost Para- IS KEEN. Bly/wig to my ofllce, I wi I if
  V ..
‘S::;;:;:":::1;::.:*2::;:::.. gm. "‘“"· "‘”°“ by ""’ "S"°"€“" “‘ "‘° ~—— gyiie li-'2·?"~l*liif°·¥·‘?-»?é’“§  l
» ’ Opera House on the 14th Inst., in the (,0a(_h Robbins, dimmmd h(_m€S’ W0¥'ld Pg l~ tml up in the lust llllll ot the ninth
‘* "“""’ ‘°°“*"“· A ‘°“‘ *""""“*° "°‘ llllmsllll--- -l,,..l.lll,l..S about ,,,0 pr,. by " "“""‘“ “""’ "°""‘ by “‘“"   S
"` L \\`right.
        g&m€d` vato lli`c uml the porsouulity of thc C
rrhc purl of Alargaret Kll0\`·lt0l1' “v&S kLu(l1()1' (){ ll dill U`Sl)3.ll[Ql` Bild spiced H is hard lo UAH \` hat lueu will be in   Ge
. • taken by Miss Christine Hopkins u his l'€lll3.l'l(S with some interesting thc Hmhup {gif me limit Hmm" as there h_(_H_"m_1
    young lady 0f charming grape and comments ou __,1_hc CUHMRS Saturday nrc at lcast titty 111011lIl[l1L*Stl\,l8.t,l_Lllld ` P
mamwl., and although hel. wm was Yigmn L‘llt‘ll ${*01115 to think that hl- has a LLXINGTON , KY·
  S       la tlllll€Ull Ollc [0l12111tllC,l[ was udmir- ur leo J Sandman talked on Kon, t‘lt&lll&‘t‘. .\lolctJ\’ct‘, llit·t‘•.· arc only a  
· . . . . . . ·· ‘· ··
wedm some xalualllo iut`oi·iua.tiou couct·l·niug ljwm_ lust Walls www M. hm U Mun A• I\•    
H b tt than A“""°“' K“°“'“°"· °""“°*` °f thc ll., pall pil, ‘**" l"""‘“"· ‘*"*` °“ ""*'· *"`*‘5‘°“ M CIGARS AND TOBACCOS
    c er works was p0ru.ayt,d by J_ Eswu   _ _ `   V   ` short, l·`aulkul·r ut thirll and \\'right
_ the \\t·stt·iu touspnltt-y wlis tht 4 l_ __ I _ [_   _ _ WINSLOW AND LlME_
ever the   Style llollnig. llc was lllt) I'lgll[,ll1u_[l ill me Subject of _m uhllws by \h_ Gow`. Iltull tcctl. the llll.lll·llllt’lb, iol lill-
9 W   ,. . , · . ‘ ‘ ` "`   all-<'ll.  
liéhl puke lfud lum (hwubh his Dull 'l`ho speech tuirly lyristlctl with histur.- {U I ( A
      Without. a hitch. vm dum (vUm_`_l_uiI|; mw Ul. ·_\lm_!_h_u.5 .\ntl zo \\lit‘ll toatcli lltlblmis sl-lccis •
l{illl1l1SU.illdlSll thc lastoftliofugully _ __ _ at nluu to llt:ltl tht- ltcystoiic bug, an
gi·lm•.·st llll·il Ailltill ltuli, at llldll
. X . I _ ) ` _ l ,.   .. . · l , .
these clothes different. ties vias well haudllll by luul 1.. __mm_t_ Smuvd against than Siuumgu. Ollll.l\lt.tAl, llatlllli, dlllllkjllg lll two •
touke, WUI.- L. lh UumLM_ ably l_l_m_4m__| uloil· l>lllllt‘lb, wc lull il·t·l l\:•blll(’d  
llob Applcton, the happy-g,o-[nge som the W_0gl__u" Ul. UW "Wlmlg and than thc \\'iltlcuts will not only take S
    of lcllow, w ho comes in to "liveu up" Qhowpd mu hu lN_li`_\_`_§ in l_onSH_u`_ inc opcnitig gattuc from Micliigun April
’ things out-c iu u while was at 1lllllll· me as mu us d__5H_u(_m`_ (_l_im_ism·   but the majority or lll\‘IIl ou [lies CIGARS,  
  ull t-ho time with his part. ,l,h‘_ Smwly (_h_(_H_`l HW I.UHU“mg scllctlulc.
’ ""‘“*’ “'“""°"· *‘“*’°""""‘“'*"" °‘* "“‘ lliill·l—ls l·