xt7r222r6k9z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r6k9z/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1936 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_125 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 125 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 125 1936 1936 2014 true xt7r222r6k9z section xt7r222r6k9z   Circular N0. 125 (2nd Rcvisiom Lexington, February, 1936.
  THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
I t’1:t1I1sI;1·tI 111 1·1111111·et11111 with the ngrlculturul extension work carried on by coopera·
111111 111 tht College 111 At;11eult111‘1·, University of Kentucky, with the U. S. Department of
· A1;r1e11It11r1·, :111tt Lll~l1'lI)IIll‘(l LII turtlierzinee of the work provided for in the act of Con-
gl gress of M11}: 8, 1914.
1 By
_ .\ 1e11 lIlllll 111 IIIC kitthen, whith 111e:111s loss
  11I time :1111l e11e1‘g1’ I`111‘ lIllT ilI)ll\L‘\\`II-L'. lhe i11st:1II:1ti1111 suggested
  i11 thistIt’tt1I.1t`1<111sistst1I`:1 I)ll(IlL‘l` lllllllll :11 :1 kitthen si11k :111tl il
‘_ 111::1111 I`111: 1lisI111si11g 11I wzuer in il SillllI&Il'1` w:11’. 'l`I1esys1e111is simple
  Ilttl is :1 glfill :1itl 111 i1I7lll(’S without :1 \\`III('I` l11‘essu1`e system.
  (:7.111-111 nr Il`1·II. The systetn 1)I`U\'i(.iCS for the protection of the
  well 111* (l\l(‘lll I4l`UIll §lll`I`Ql(`(} 1111lIu111111. .·\Il tistertt water shoultl be
Li IlIl(‘l`(‘(i. 'I`l1e Iilter 111:11* I1e il UlllllllCl`(`iili one or it may be made no
  1111·1li11g 111 l)IiIIl\ 1111 the l:1s1 I)1lL[L‘()I` tIlIstll`tllI:1t`. .-\ (lll-()Ii_()1` \\`LlSlC
slltllll in lIlt' Illlt' I('il(illlg I-l`()lll IIIC 1:<111I` 11I tl1e Il<)lIS(‘ 111 the cis1e1‘11
1 \Il4>llI(I I1e ]1111xitIetl lll ()l`(iL'l` lltitt tl1e roof and gutters may be
I  wztshetl 1le:111 I)('I¢l>l`C \\'1ll(`l` is l`llll llllt) 1l1e (l§lCl`l1.
  The IIIIHI/i. lhe llllllll) usetl lllily I1e :111 (`1l`tIIll1Il`}' pitcher l)ll111l)
f  111· il l1:111tl I`<)l`( e Pllllll) \\`llil [IIC eyliutler i11 1l1e stock. Either type of
  [11111111 Iilits \\'ilIL'l` ll \t'I`lI((lI tII>Illll(t‘ 11I twenty Ieet. :111tl :1 l1111`i10111:1l
  (il>IilIl(l' 11I` III`1} Ieet lI<)(`\ 11111 lll1llCl`l11II}’ ilIi`L‘(`I lIlL` working t1I` tl1e
j  111111111. II`Il(' Illllllll is >lIl)l)t)l`lL‘(I :11 tl1e e111I 11I` the kitelteu si11k by
Y llIl‘IIIl\ 11I il I)l`iI(`I·i(‘I til` shell so l)IiI(`Ctl Illill the wztste \\'1llCl` l`Ill1S 11110
W lIl(’ si11k. .\ll(>lIlL'l` llllllll) lllily I1e set (IIl`(‘(`(i1'U\'L'l` the eistern or well
‘ I11r (Il`il\\`lllg wzuer 111 I1e usetl outsitle the house.
i ~ 1

ig 2 [‘:.\`[('Il.\`l.())l (Iir¢‘{{/ur ,\'¤». IE5
i 'I`/iv Sin/{. .\ s{{hs{un{iul kinhvn sink xh{>{{l{l |>v nxvll. l{ shnnlil {ml
_ be sev{{{‘ely l`us{env{l {o {l{v {vull with h{{u{kv{s. .\ {huin l{{»u{{l u{ {ii;
  one eml ol {he sink uml u "sink huvk" {ii p{·{>{v{{ {hv wull Imm {{·;{{v{ {hv
.. { ll\ll)l`l)\`(‘S {he ins{ullu{i<>n. {\ {{·up xh{»{{l{l l>v plu{v{l i{{ {hv {l{{ui{{ ui{·
· 4 l`{‘{>n{ {he sink {li prvxvnl gusvs l`{`{»{n {{‘{»{ki{{;; hulk in{<> {hv ki{{l{vn, |»vl~
I i The heigln {xl {hv l>{»{{{»{n {il {l{v sink ulmvv {hv llmn xhnnlll liv {ul
30-flli invhvs. {lvpvmling on {hv hvigln ol {hv l>('l\{lll nxing il. xun
il`/iv 1)ix{/ms{{/ l\\‘.x!v{z2. llihv {lixpnsul x{x{v{n ix {nu{lv nl Ilzrin. llill
l ‘ Q2ll\'illll/C(l pipv. lvulling l`{’{>n{ {hv {{‘:{p ul {l{v xi{{k {sx u g_l{‘ils{‘ lI;{l>§ lull
1lgl`L‘il$Cll`lll)l{)l)l`('\k’lll xulltlxl`l‘<>{n{‘lllL‘lll1gIl{{‘ {ilv lim-: uml .'»ll {·»
· { I lllll lve{ ol ·l in. ug{{i{{{l{{n{ul {lruin {ilv luill wi{h npvn i¤»in{x uml
` lmin I2 {o IS imhvs hvlmv {hv x{n‘l`u{v nl {hv g{{{>{{ml. .\   pipe lm
l lining u{ {hv p{>in{ "ll" l>v{{{{vvn {hv {v{{i{ul uml l{{>{{i/{»{{{ul x{‘{ll<>{lx
» {il {he {huin pipe {{{ukes i{ pnsxihlv {n {lvun {»{{{ {hv {huin l>ll1{‘\\`llll-
  <>{{{ {lixv<>n{{ev{i{{g uny pipe. 'l`hv lull ol {hv pipv lim· xh{»{{l{l l>v u{
ii leus{ one inch in {vn l`vv{ uml {hv {huin {ilvx xh¤»{{l{l huxv u lull nl `"ll
m>{ l)l()l`C {hun l`o{n` invhvs in lllll l`vv{. xo {l{u{ {hv wuivi {nux x<{;{k
in{{> {he soil {ln{{{ {l{e _]<>in{s he{wvvn {hv {ilvx. ulnng {hv {{{h<>lv lim; {{li¤
{ The eml of {he {ile linv sh<>{{l{l he vluxvml. ll {hv xuil in whiih {hv  
{lruin {iles ure luid is very {igln. {hv {rvmh xh{>{{l{{ {imlv{x hvlmv
{he {iles ure pluvvd. '1`hvn {he {{{vmh ix lillv{l wi{h {hv v:n{l{ {l{u{
has been {‘e{m>x{e{l. I{ is {vvll {<> v<>vv{{ {hv i{>in{x hvixvvvn {hv {ilvx
wi{h l>{`<>kvn pievvs nl {ilv or {u{‘{’vil Imin vnr
{ering {l{e line. { \ lll
7 . {wl 1
The p{{1{{p xhnnlml he kept in \{‘u{v{‘ lor un h<>{n{ livlmv hving (l"l
pl:{ee ln  
{l{e wulls of {l{e <{§lin{le{{ he{{e{‘. '1`he pipv xh<>{{l{l hv ol {hv pmpvi Y
leng{h so us {0 h<>ln on {hv plu{l{»{n{ ·
pmvideml lor i{. The s{{n pipe sh<>{{l{l m>{ hv ull<>we{l {n {{>mh L
{he h<¤{{<>m 0[ {l{e eis{e{{n. \\'hv{{v {hv sm{i{>{{ pipv ix lun; ni {hv  
x{{{;{i<>n lil`{ high (l$»2ll lvvl), i{ is {lvsi{{ul>lv to {{xv il li{)()l·\'2ll\`l‘ ul  
{he enl {hv I
pump, by keeping {he s{{<{{i{m pipe l`{{ll nl wu{v{·. ll u l`m>{-x{ulx·v ix
{{xe{l uml {l{e w;{{e{‘ pipe is n0{ p{‘<>{ee{e{l limn lreeving, :1 s{op—nml- V
` wz{s{e {rock Lo l)l`()\'l(lC(ll`Illll1lgC sh<{{{l('(l 5ll(lll)ll. ’lill(f lllilil/Ulllill INI]-[ nl
tltv pipt- i» giwn ;t »ligltt lstll tnwzntls thc \\'2tl.C1` >npply tn prcvcnt
;tit· pntl».i·t» in tlt<· lin<·. 'l`I1n· \\‘ilIL'l' pipv sltnnltl bc plzttctl fill intltcs
I»t·lnti· t|it· »ntl`;ttt· nl tltc grnnml, ln ptcvcttt lrccxing, and thc verti-
t;tl pipv linnt thu gtnnntl tn tht- pnntp shnnltl be lxnxul in. ln1’ the
\.nnt· ti-.t~nn. ()nt~intli ni ll i-intlt pipv nut} ln: nsul. Sinn: ninst
pittlttit ptnnps lt;t\<· tltt· ~lntL (Ullll(‘lllUIl tl1t‘t·;tn»l1ing1nn»t l>t· nwil with I-intlt pipc.
l. l£n.nni·lt·n\v» ttntl (nn-
t   3, (Znn1l»inttl lnnt—\;tlxt· ztntl xll1llIl<'l`.
»   ti. l li-tntl1~tnp;tntl\x‘;t~t<·¢ntl4 ;tntl ttnn Lu.
` T. l—intl1;tgtitnlttn;tl llkllll. tIt~pt·ntling nn tltt- titntlity nl ~ink l)l\l`(`ll1l\L‘(l1lll(illlC amount
l ttlplttlnlbittg~\tppllt·¤1l<‘L‘(lt‘tl.
|·`ni· ltntlttt inlntnt;ttinn wtitc in tht- 1{xtcnsinn Division nl tltc
, (ittllvgv nl \gtitnltntt·. I.t·xin;;tnn. li}.
t l
` l

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