xt7r222r5p1d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r5p1d/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-12-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1923 1923 1923-12-07 2012 true xt7r222r5p1d section xt7r222r5p1d The Kentucky Kernel






Dr. John C. Acheson Presides
At Opening Meeting





Vandcrlbilt at
Jan. 8 Mexico City Y. M. C.
A. at Lexington.
Jan. 14 Mississippi A. & M.,
at Lexington.
Jan. 18 'Tennessee at Knox-vill-





Fundamental Needs of College
Man is Theme of Con-

The State Student Conference, auspices of the Young Men's Christian
Association of Kentucky, opens tonight, December 7, at Georgetown
College, Georgetown, and will continue in ssssion Saturday and Sunday,
December 8 and 9.
Some of the speakers to ibe at the
conference are Dr. Charles S Gardner, of the Baptist Seminary, Louisville; H. L. Seamans, State student
secretary of Ohio; J. W. Bergt'told;
secretary of the south,
Atlanta, Ga.; Dr. A. W. Taylor, of
Disciple's Board, Indianapolis, Ind.;
and Dr. John C. Acheson, of the Kentucky Women's College, recently president of the Y. M. C. A. International
Constitutional Convention at Cleveland, Ohio. The latter speaker will
open the conference tonight at 8:00
The general theme of the conference
will be "A College Man's Fundamental Need."
A particular phase of work to be
taken up by the conference is the proBible study in
motion of a state-wid- e
the high schools of Kentucky. The
State will be divided into sections convenient to the several colleges participating and assigned to a controlling
factor of that college whioh in many
instances will be the college Y. M. C.

Jan. 26 Centre at Danville.
Feg. 4 West Virginia at Lexington.
Feb. 9 Centre at Lexington.
Feb. 13 Clemson at Lexington.
Feb. 15 Virginia at Lexington.
Feb. 18 V. P. I. at Lexington.
Feb. 29 Southern Conference
Tournament at Atlanta.










Harry F. Sinclair, of New York,
Makes Second Large

Harry F. Sinclair, president of the
Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corporation
of New York, and owner of Zev, winner of the International horse race,
has donated $1,000 to Che stadium
fund of the University of Kentucky.
In making his contribution Mr. Sinclair expressed his interest in clean
athletics and his gratification of being able "to be of some small aid in
the erection of the stadium."
Mr. Sinclair's contribution is the
and faculty of second large one to be made by men
The president
who are not Kentuckians or even interested in a business way in the state,
(Continued on page 4)
William B. Thompson having made a
donation early in the campaign.
The subscriptions of Mr. Sinclair and
of Mr. Thompson were obtained thru
the efforts of Howard Payine Ingels,
member of the board of trustees of
the University of Kentucky, and a
Former Dorm Head To Be Hostess-- former in Wall who is now aYork.
street, New
of Alumni
Miss Adelaide E. Crane, 'former
head of the girl's dormitories at the
University, has accepted the position Chain of Two Subjects Given To
as hostess-directat Vassar College
of the new Alumni house which at
Those who are interested in interpresent is in the process of complecollegiate debate are requested to pretion.
This Alumni house, which overlooks pare a brief and submit it to Professor
the Vassar campus, is being erected Sutherland, on either of the
iy two wealthy graduates and will be subjects:
Resolved, That the United States
used by Alumni and parents of the
Outwill also have some dor- Should Enter the World Court as
students; it
lined by President Harding in his St.
remitories for conventions and class
Louis speech.
Resolved, That France is justified
Since her return from Europe last
Disstudied cafeteria in her occupation of the Ruhr
summer, Miss Crane
management in New 'York. As she
Professor Sutherland will call upon
has accepted this position, however,
conshe plans to spend the month of Jan- any member of the class for a
observing the methods of structive or rebuttal speech. No one
uary in
management of Grace Dodge Hotel in will be permitted to speak over seven
Washington, after which she will take minutes.
a course in club management in BosFOUND
ton before going to Vassar to furnish
the house before its opening in April.
Brown Leather Pocketbook; owner
This position is really outstanding in
the field of institutional management may have same by applying to Dr.
Tuthill, 203 Administration Bldg.
in the United State.





Curtis Sanders,
Chosen Captain of 1924 Ken-

tucky Team
High School Football Stars Are
Present at Annual
Curtis Sanders, fullback, was elected
to lead the 1924 Wildcat eleven, and
Grandison McLean, was chosen .manager at the annual football banquet
held in the ball room of the Phoenix
Hotel Monday evening Sixteen varsity letters and eighteen freshman
numerals were awarded at the dinner.
The new Cat captain is a junior in
the college of Arts and Sciences and
calls the neighboring hamlet of
his home. "Sandy" was the
main cog in the Cat eleven this fall
and his election should be a very popular one. His performances in the
Washington and Lee and G".crgia
Tech games the past season called
forth favorable comment on all sides
and attracted the attention of football
experts all over the country. This
year was his third year on the var
sity, and his third year as a letter man.
McLean is a Lexington boy and is
a brother of Price McLean, Cat center, who died as a result of injuries
received in the Cincinnati game early
in t'he season.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, dhairman of
the athletic council, acted as
The speakers were limited to
three: Doctor Funkhouser, Dell Ramsey, retiring captain, and Curtis SanAfter the ath
ders the captain-elec- t.
letes had finished eatincr the names of
those receiving letters and numerals
were read.
Those who were awarded t'he coveted "K" were Captain Dell Ramsey,
Captain-eleCurtis Sanders, Ted
Brewer, James Cammack, Charles
Hughes, Turner Gregg, A. B. Kirwan,
Kenneth King, Givens Martin, William McFarland, Ray Russell, A. T.
Rice, W. H. Rice, Curtis Sauer, Ed.
Stephenson, Leonard Tracy, Russell
VanZant and Price McLean.
Freshman numerals were awarded
to B. F. Arnold, A. D. Bickel, W. D.
DeHaven, Cliffard Fuller, F. R. Han-Io- n,
A. Isaacs, A. S. Johnson, Uncas
Miller, J. M. McCann, H. Portwood,
J. W. Rice, W. Robinson, F. Smith,
G. Simpson, H. M. Taylor, Captain
E. Vossmeyer, D. E. Williams, and
student manager, L. K. Miller.
A number of high school football
players were guests of the University
at the dinner, and each was presented
by Dr. Funkhouser. The boys present were: James Pence and Edward
A. Cremer, Louisville Male;. Paul Jenkins, Fred Ballmann, William Leake,
Loyal Van Arsdall, Van Buren Ropke,
Louisville Manual; J. W. Bronaugh,
Nicholasville; Raymond Ellis and
Edgar Snooks;
Bell, Eminence; Henry McKinivan,
Midway; Ray Sousley, James Sharpe,
Richard Elliott, George Trieber, Roy
Johnson, John McGurk, Billy
Ernest Crutcher, Leo Oden,
Pete Cox, Bob Harp, Buddy Steele,
David Shropshire, Grant Bell, Sterling Beasley, of Lexington.




Sept. 27 Kentucky
at Lexington.




Wcs'lcy-a- n

of Louis-

ville at Lexington.

Oct. 11 Washington and Lee
at Lexington.


Georgetown at



Sewanee at Lexing-






Year's Judging Team
Finished Tenth in Large





Centre at Lexington.

at Tusca-

V. M. I. at Lexing-

Nov. 22 Tennessee at







Ernst and Wells to Remain On
Board of Trustees of
Richard P. Ernst, of Covington, and
Rainey T. Wells, of Murray, have been
reappointed members at large of the
iboard of trustees of the University
by Governor Edwin P. Morrow. Senator Ernst's and Judge Wells' terms
as members of the board expired last
Lewis Lebus, of Cynthiana, and R.
J. Bassett, of Leitchfield, were made
new members of the board. Mr. Lebus succeeds the late T. L. Hornsby,
of Eminence, and Mr. Bassett takes
the place of J. H. Raslh, of Henderson.
Mr. Lebus and Mr. Bassett are selected from the state board of agriculture,
three of whose members serve on the
board of trustees of the institution.
The term of the third member, Sena
tor H. M. Forman, of Lexington, ex
pires in 1924, as do the terms of Rob
ert G. Gordon, of Louisville, and Rich'
ard C. Stoll, of Lexington, members
of the board at large.
All members of the board of trustees of the University arc appointed
except the three
by the governor
alumni members and the
members, which include the governor
of the state, the state superintendent
of schools and the commissioner of
The board, at its December meeting, to be held here December 19,
will certify the names of the three
alumni to the governor from which a
successor to J. I. Lyle, of New York
City, will be selected. Other alumni
members are W. H. Grady, of Louisville, whose term expires in 1926,
and Howard P. Ingels, of New York,
whose term expires in 1928.
In The Kernel of November 23, a
typographical error made the story
read that the amount of the Bennett
Prize for 1924 would be forty dollars
in cash, "with the trustees' approval,"
when it was written and should have
read "with the approval of the trustee, William Jennings Bryan."


Kentucky Sheep and Hogs Are
Shown in International





The University of Kentucky shipped a string of sheep and hogs Friday
to compete in the classic competition
of the International Livestock Exposition at Chicago, December 1 to 8.
The types of fat sheep exhibited by
the University are, three Hampshire
wethers, one Hampshire
lamb, one Southdown
lamb, two
Chcvoit yearling wethers, two Chevoit
lambs, and two grade yearling wethers; those of breeding class include a
ring of four Chevoit ewes, and a Chevoit flock composed of one ram, two
yearling ewes and two ewe lambs.
Five pens of breeding stock hogs
will be shown classed as follows: five
Berkshire, ISO pounds to 250 pounds;
fhree Berkshire, 250 pounds to 350
pounds; four Berkshire, 350 pounds to
450 pounds; four Duroc Jersey, 250
pounds to 350 pounds; five Duroc Jer
sey, 350 pounds to 450 pounds.
Those from the University who have
gone to Chicago in charge of the
stock and are attending the exposi
tion are: Professor E. S. Good, head
of the Department of Animal Hus
bandry, Professor L. J. Horlacher, in
structor in sheep and coach of the
judging team, H. J. Barber, shepherd
for the sheep, E. J. Wilfred, instructor
in hogs and Oscar Reynolds, in charge
of the hogs.
The International Livestock Expo
sition is held annually in Chicago, be- (Continued on page 8.)





Hall Wins Event With Gorman
Second and Butler
Hall, Gorman and Butler "brought
home the bacon" for the University of
Kentucky when they ran in the order
A. A.
named in the Kentucky-Indian- a
U. cross country run which was held
at Louisville Thanksgiving morning.
The University of Louisville ran second with the Y. M. It. A. team finishing third and the Y. M. C. A. fourth.
The Wildcats rolled up a score of 22
points. The
scored 50
points with the Y. M. H. A. and Y.
M. C. A. making 69 and 72 points respectively. Kentucky's score was 1, 2,
3, 7, 9; Louisville 4, 5, 12, 14, 15; Y.
M. H. A. 8, 10, 13, 17, 21; Y. M. C. A.
6, 19, 20, 22, 24.

Hall took the lead at the sound of
the whistle and was never headed
the three miles.
teammate, Gorman, gave him a good
race and probably would have caused
him considerable trouble had he not
fallen near the end of the run. Despite the fact that the race was run during a constant downpour of rain and
the ground was very slippery, Hall

Continued on page 4)

� Iff


Page Two

Alumni Notes
Editor Alumni Secretary

New York, Dec. 7. Smoker,
Keen's Chop
Friday evening.
House, 107 W. 44th St.
'Philadelphia, Dec. 8. Evening
meeting. Home of Mr and Mrs.
George C. Lewis, Summilt Av.,
Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Buffalo, Dec. 15. (Third Satur- day Regular) luncheon at 12.30
p. m., Ellicoitt Club.
Chicago, Dec. 17. (Third Mon- day Regular) .luncheon at 12:30

p. m., Marshal Field's Restaurant,
Men's Grill.
Detroit, Dec. 29. (Last Sat- urday Regular) dinner, Dixieland

At a meeting of the Alumni Executive Committee, on November 26, W.
C. Wilson, chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Alumni Association,
was appointed Alumni Secretary to
fill the vacancy caused by the resignation, of Herbert Graham Mr. Wilson
was already in charge of the alumni
office in the capacity of chairman of
the Executive Committee.
In a statement made for this issue
of the Kernel Mr. Wilson said, "It
is my hope that the alumni office may
not only continue to have the support
of the alumni but that the work of
organizing local alumni clubs in cities
and towns both in Kentucky and out
of Kentucky be carried on with greater zeal. Mr. Gralham has accomplished
far more than the average alumnus
thinks and we are going to have to
keep busy in order that desired results be obtained."
Ceremonies at Basketball Building
Shortened on Account of Weather
A heavy downpour of rain was not
sufficient to keep a good number of
loyal alumni away from .the laying of
the cornerstone of the ibaskefball building last Thursday morning. A much
larger crowd was expected but the

condition of the weather made it impossible to complete the program for
those who came. The principal address of the morning, to have been
made by J. J. McBrayer, of the class
of '18, was not given. W. C. Wilson, chairman of the executive committee of the Alumni Association,
presided. The list of manuscripts to
be placed in the cornerstone was read
by J. Frank Battaile and the cornerstone laying ceremonies were' performed iby Miss Nancy Innes.
The contents of the box which was
placed in the stone included the
names of the officers of the Alumni
Association for the year 1923-2names of the basketball building committee, the name of the athletic director of the University, a summary of
the pledges made in all the campaigns
for the Greater Kentucky campaign,
copies of the Kentucky Kernel and of
Herald and Leader
the Lexington
which had articles dealing with the
stadium fund, and photographs otf the
Throughout the day a registration
booth was maintained, first at the University and later downtown at the
Phoenix Hotel, at which all alumni
were requested to register.
for the
At 6 o'clock a dinner-danhomecomers and local alumni was
given at the Phoenix. The Kentucky
and Tennessee footiball teams were
the honor guests at the dinner. A
table decorated with the team's colors
was fixed for each of the teams. Following the dinner a dance was held
in the ball room, at which a large
number of the studnt body wre present in addition to the alumni. No after dinner speeches were made. Duncan Hamilton, president of the Kentucky Alumni welcomed the visiting

guests and the Tennessee team with a
few words.
The list of alumni rn Lexington on
homecoming day includes the follow
ing, names:
F. A. C. Thompson, F.
F. Cawood, J. F. Gilbert, Guy Hugue
let, E. R. Humphreys, L. F. Holton,
N. E. Stone, J. M. Pope; Hey B.
Browning, W. H. Noel, Margaret
Smith, H. L. Noel, H. J. Weil, Ray
tnontl Council, W. H. Roll, O. V.
Elder, O. C. Green, J. C. Bosworth,
Charles K. Dunn, R. E. Samuels, P.
T. Atkins, H. Carman, A. Carman, N.
Smith, Ray Sauer, Frederick Jackson,
Nancy Innes, E.
Dorothy Jackson,
Reed Wilson, Jack Donr, Nellie Card,
J. F. Shouse, E R. Burulcy, Grady
G. W. Mcuth, F. P. Bell, W. G.
Kcfauvcr, C. E. Smith, J. R. Drum
J. W. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Thorn
ton Lewis, C. C. Montgomery, Lorraine Monroe, Geneva Rice, Irene
McNamaoa, Framk Daugher.ty, J. W.
Carnahan, Margaret Ligon, jLucille
Rice, H. H. Bennett, Kitty Conroy.



On Thanksgiving Day a summary of
the pledges to the 'Greater Kentucky
campaign showed that 5,215 subscriptions have been received. Of this
number 963 are alumni and 242 are
The number of
former students.
alumni living at the present time is
2,601, showing that approximately 40
per cent of them contributed to the
Greater Kentucky campaign. During
the month of September the Alumni
Secretary sent out a letter addressed
to "Dear Al" which was answered
with 121 subscriptions amounting to
$2,517 in two weeks. Since then other
subscriptions have been received as a
result of the letter.
The number of subscriptions received from a'lumni and former students
was approximately the same as the
number of paid memberships in the
Association last year. This would
tend to show that practically all those
who receive the Kernel 'regularly are
interested enough in the University
to subscribe
to the fund. A large
membership would mean a great deal
to the Association if this assumption
is correct.
The 1,207 subscriptions received from alumni and former students amount to $78,977.50 oc an average of $65.45 for each.
A list of the total subscriptions
shows the following: Student pledges,
971; University high school, 36; faculty, 222; Fayette county, 2060; rest
of Kentucky, 1120; out of state pledges,
429, and freshmen, 377.

Howard P. Ingels Suggests How
Similar Pledges May Be Obtained
The Greater Kentucky Campaign
Committee received a letter last week
from Howard P. Ingels, tfrom the class
of '05, containing a $1,000 subscription
made by Harry F. Sinclair, a wealthy
oil man and the owner of Zev. The
subscription was obtained by the personal work of Mr. Ingels, who is a
commercial banker on Wall street,
connected with the house of Theodore
Schulze & Company. In his letter
Mr Ingels said Mr. Sinclair told him
he was keenly interested in clean ath
letics and considered it a great pleasure to contribute to the stadium fund.
In addition to subscribing $1,000 to
the stadium fund Mr. Ingles has ob
tained two $1,000 pledges, the other
one being from Col. William Boyce
Thompson, and a number of smaller
Mr. Ingels has explained how he ob
tained the subscriptions in a para
graph of his letter which is quoted,
in the 'hope that other alumni may
act upon his suggestion:
"Every Alumnus probobly knows
some wealthy man or woman who
makes a practice of giving a part of
his or her yearly income to causes
which arc probably not one-haas deserving as the Student Loan Fund or
the Stadium Fund, either of which will
help to inspire some of the purest- lf


blooded Anglo-Saxo- n
girls and hoys from the Kentucky
fiMunteins. These persons atrt their
money where they think H will do the
most good. Is there any place it will
do more good than helping some hey
or girl through college? If presented
properly, the average man or woman
will become deeply interested, regard
less of whether he or she actually sub
scribes. Try it out it is worth w'le."
The paragraph from Mr. Ingels' letter is quoted without comment save
on the last line. He says it is worth
It certainly appears that he is
correct with two large subscriptions
to back up his statement.

The Alumni office received a letter
last week from Charles R. Brock, a
prominent attorney in Denver, Col.,
and a member of the class of '90, requesting that a copy of the University
shield in the correct colors be sent to
Mr .Brock said that the Unihim.
versity Club of Denver was enlarging
its club rooms and members from different Universities had been granted
the privilege of having their respective
college shields inserted in the windows of the main lounge, main dining
room and ladies dining room. He said
that institutions like Yale, Harvard,
Columbia, Michigan, Amherst and
Princeton would be represented and
that he had subscribed the amount
necessary to .have the University of
Kentucky shield placed in one window.
The Alumni Association feels very
proud to have the Kentucky shield
on the windows of the University Olub,
especially in the company of the larger
institutions named, and as the gift of
Mr. Brock.
Mr. Brock is a very loyal and active
member of the Association.
Hs ie
chairman of t'he Patterson Memorial
fund and has contributed $1,500 to
the Greater Kentucky Campaign fund.
In his letter Mr. Brock suggested
that the seal, or shield, of the University be stamped regularly on the
masthead of the Kernel. The idea
sounds like a very good one. Manycollege publications have the shield of
the institution upon the masthead and
it makes a very attractive addition to
the paper.

Louis Brueckner, Jesse Roy Christie,
Added to the active membership reHarry Benjamin Dobrowsky, Robert
L. Gregory, George Enoch Jones, Carl cently is the name of James O. Lewis,'
L'mil Lauer, Robert Allen Norris, Gil- principal of the high school at Owens-borHenry
Ky., address 250 Locust street.
bert Coleman Richardson,
Wolf Schocning, Hersdhel Russell
Shcltoir, Harry Nctherland Woodson,
Hcmy Fields McKcnney is County
Agent, Grant County, Williamstown,
Ky. He married Miss Marian J. Mc-- :
Kinlcy in 1917. They have one son,!
Henry Fields, Jr.

Betwixt Us


'I rerjret to have you note that I am
not a graduate of the University of
Kentucky. I had some senior work in
my last year, 0 and Prr..;dcrt Patterson wanted me to stay und finish,
but I was having a liar.l time working
my way through ac tcii cents an hour.
Then came the lure of Oklahomr. opening for settlement, so I left to
chase the rainbow, thinking I would
come back and finish. The rainbow
is still shining not so brightly now,
however. For the Universii and :hc
student body, I am wish'ng much success, and hope they will brinrf every
laudable undertaking to a jplendid
finish." R. A. Brojwn
Miami, Okla Route 8, Box 60.

One of the most regular of the
alumni is John Rollie Foster. Except
for the two years of
he served his country as captain, Fifth
Regiment, U. S. Marine Corps, his
record of "dues paid" shows an unbroken line. He is superintendent of
C. W. and F. Coal Company, Mine No.
1, Benton, HI. The first two years after receiving his degree in mine engineering, he was with the Wisconsin
Steel Company and entered the employ of the C. W. and F. Coal Company in 1916, and returned to them
after his discharge in August, 1919.
He married Miss Nellie Walker, April
14, 1921. They have a little son, John
Rollie Foster, Jr., aged seven months.
1917-191- 9,



Henry F. Chapman ex- - is one of the
active members of the Alumni Association! He is registry clerk at the
Lexington postoffice and has held this
position for several years. He married Miss Gladys June Redfern, of
New London, Iowa, June 30, 1910.
They have one daughter, Betty June,
aged two years. The family resides
at 172 Sherman Avenue, Lexington,

C. Kimtbrougti, with Liggett

ft Myers Company, Lexington, Ky.,
has been with this firm since 1916, with
the exception of the period of his service in the World War from 1918 to
1919. He was a aemfcor of U.
Base Hospital No. 40. From the time
he graduated until 1916, he was in the
insurance business in Denver, Colo.
He married Miss Bernice Caudiff, of
ShelbyviMe, Ky., December 15, 1921.
They are living at 721 Bullock Place.


"Enclosed find check to apply on
Greater Kentucky Campaign fund."
Fleming D. Hedges, practicing law, 9
South Clinton St., Chicago, 111.

The firm of Murphy & Whitlock, of
which A. N. Whitlock is a member,
have extended their offices and are
now occupying Rooms
tana Bldg., Missoula, Mont.

At the recent meeting of the State
Classical Association in Danville, Ky.,
Miss Anne Elizabetlh Colegrove presented a paper on "The Purposes and
Plans of a Latin Exhibit." Miss
Latin in the high
is teaching
school at Bdlevue, Ky, and her address ,'s 320 Center street. For several years she taught Latin and
French in the high school at Carroll-toentering her present position in
September, 1922. Her permanent address is Ashland, Ky.



Information concerning the alumni
listed below wiH be much appreciated.
Will you write at once to the A'lumni
office, giving present address of any
of these that you may know. We are
anxious to get correct information for
the Directory, now being prepared.
Class of '06 Robert Estill Dragoo,
Byron McClelland, Frank Raymond
Class of '07 Florence May
Sadie Spears Martin, Frank
Benjamin- Franklin
Chester Paulin,
Scherffius, Mildred Stiles, Beverly
Todd Towery.
Class '08 Benjamin Duncan Bell,
Clinton Robert Galloway, Henry Lemuel Herring, Oscar
Lewis Schultz,
James Saffel Watson.
Class of '09 George Francis Browning, Cecil Byrne Ellis, Albert Marion
Mathers, Leonard Delong Wallace.
Class '10 Lawrence Edward Brown,
William Frederiok Clark, Milton C.
Crafton, Royalston Haywood Cram,
Ruby Ringo Fleming, Thomas Hercules Hays, Charles McCarroll, George
Riley Pope, Squire Webber Salyers,
Hal Walker Smith.
Class of '11 Oliver Aulick, James
Aflred Boyd, George Green Dunlap,
Harry Draper Easton, William Ed
ward Hudson, Grover Cleveland Mills,
Walker Burton Paynter, Robert Guth-n- c
Strong, Elmer Francis Worthing- Mad-dock- s,


Class of 12 Jon'.s Otha Gill, Mary
Irene Hughes, Harry George Korph
age, Joseph Millett Lewis, Walton
Perkins, Ernest Francis Schimpeler,
Newton Willard Utley, Jobn Rudolph
Wa'son, Philip Artlhur Whitacre, Wil
Ham Blackburn White, Algernon Sid
icy Winston.
Class of '13 Alvin Hovey Colbert,
Shimegoro Kurozawa, Showdy Elbert
Vuckett, Luella Mar'ton Schaffer, Geo.
twell Scott, Watson Andrew

Class of '14 Virgil Alexander
Grace Elisabeth Baker, Arthur

Bab-bag- e,


Robert L. Acker asks that the mailing address of his Kernel be changed
to his residence, 11 Lyon Place, White
Plains, N. Y. Mr. Acker is chief en
gineer of H. L. Stevens & Company,
Architects, Room 514, 522 Fifth Ave.,!
New York City.
Sienna Fried ex- - is among the friends
"we have kept" and is numbered on
the active membership of the Alumni
Association, and has been since '20-21. She is teaching in Ashland Sdhool,
Lexington, Ky. Address 220 Irvine



check for


(Continued on page three)

Sufficient money for final payment on the Dean Lafferty portrait for the College of Law has
not yet been subscribed. Checks
may be sent to W. S. Hamilton,
Taylor Bldg.,
'07, 707 Marion
Louisville, Ky.


"I am enclosing alumni dues and
want to apologize for the delay. I am
always intensely interested in anything
that pertains to the University."
James R. Robinson, Registrar, Eastern
Kentucky State Normal School, Richmond, Ky.
"I am enclosing cheok for dues and
the Kernel, which I enjoyed very
much during the last year." S. A.
Rapier ex- -, general manager Rapiec
Company, 30 Churah St., New York

Dues and The Kernel
One Year



university of Kentucky,

Newark, N. J.
Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia
750 FreUnghuyaen


to make "Every day a good day"
with the help of the following Kentuckiane:
J. B. Belteg, 'IS
H. Werahaen, '10


L. L. Lewie,
M, S. leaf, Of
X. L.
Duncan, '12







Carrier Engineering Corporation

J. I. Lyle. 'M
E. T. Lyle, '00




J. H. Bailey, '30
W. B. Thornton, 31
N. O. Be. '33
A. F. IhsatMn, 1'J


� Pat Tknt



Between Phoenix Hotel and Western Union
(Formerly at Lafayette-Phoeni- x

Maxwells and Fords



The Sigma Beta Upsilon sorority
has moved from 352 Harrison Avenue
to 282 Rose street; and at the new
place of residence, entertained with
several informal parties in honor of
visiting alumnae, who were here for
Thanksgiving and the home coming
Triangle Entertain!
' Kentucky Chapter of Triangle entertained Sunday evening with a banquet at the Lafayett eHotel ball room
in honor of the newly initiated members, Messrs. C. E. Albert, David
Browning, Jr., H. C Coppage, Ralph
N. Platts and Raymond E. Church.
An enjoyable dinner was followed by
short addresses from the honorary
members, Dean F. Paul Anderson,
D. V.
Dean Norwood, Professor
Terrell and Professor J. B. Dicker.
The active chapter consists of R. A.
Burroughs, D. M. Ramsey, J. R.
Russell, A. W. Stone, C. W. Gray, C.
M. Riefkin, J. E. True, R. A. Stoesser,
J. W. Austin, T. Benson, F. Chappell,
T. D. Williams, J. E. Barnes, R. Bor-eR. R. Dawson, D. M. Taylor, A.
R. Nutting, T. H. Oliver, P. M.
and H. W. Glenn. The pledges
are P. J. Sehlinger, C. K. Hoffman,
J. E. Colby, C. E. Farxington, P. A.
Barnes, W. H. Rice, L. E. Griffith,
J. C. Coppage and A. E. Walker.


Kappa Delta Tea Dance
The pledges of Epsilon Omega
Chapter of Kappa Delta sorority entertained with a beautiful tea dance
at Patterson Hall Friday afternoon
from 3:30 to 6:00 o'clock in honor of
Mlc active mcmucrs ui wic wipivii
This dance was a feature of home- -,
coming week and many alumnae
members of the chapter were guests
for tbe occasion.
The hall was attractively decorated
in old rose and white, the colors being
carried out in the "souvenirs for the
girls which were artistic little fans.
Fruit punch was served and the Kappa
Sigma orchestra furnished the music.
The hosts were the pledges: Misses
Annabelle Murphy, Madelyne Arthur,
Willy King, Margaret Dungan, Elsie
Crume, Lucille Coleman, Katherine
Stapf, Dorothy Stebfbins.
The guests of honor, the active chapter: Misses Katherine Hodge, Louise
Connell, Margaret Baker, Helen King,
Clover Coleman. Mary Agnes Gordon,
Amanda Gordon, Alphonsine Stewart,

Dorothy Moran, Louise McCormick, MMIMMIIMMMMMM
Lucille Stillwell, Nina Howard, Helen
Arthur, Ava Cawood, Adna Louis
Frances Lee, Bertha Craft,
Frances Kenney, Anna Louise Reising.
The other guests present were:
Mrs. A. B. Connor, Mrs. William
King, Mrs. R. E. Lee, Miss Nan McLaughlin, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Mrs. Auval Baker, Mrs. Stebfoins,
Mrs. William Appleton, Mrs. Turner
Howard. Mrs. S. F. McCormick, Mrs.
Joe Stillwell, Miss Dora Berkley, Mrs.
Margaret Giles, Mrs. Edward Meyer.
Misses Katherine McMurtry, Pearl
McCormick, Rachelle Shacklette, May
Mary Virginia
Murray Harbison,
Phillips, Annelle Kelley, Elizabeth
Williams, Grace Ardher, Edna Gordon,
Laura Dunn, Georgine Kirk, Dorothy
Reed, Lillian Rasch, Mary Elizabeth
Depue, Edith Minihan, Daisy Taylor,
Virginia Hojward, Virginia Conroy, of
Mt. Sterling; Helen Hunt, of Ashland;
Laure Acree,' Juliet Gosley, Harriet
Chatfield, Sarah Ruth Arnold, of LouBETWIXT US
isville; Anna Louise Connor, Elizabeth
Shropshire and Elizabeth Murphy.
Invitations were sent to the men stu(Continued from page two.)
dents of the University of Kentucky,
College and Transylvania ColCentre
dues for this year. I want the Kernel
and the news from there, not that I
wouldn't find out otherwise, but it
S. A. E. House Dance
and pledges of Sigma keeps me in closer touch. This would
The members
Alpha Epsilon fraternity entertained have been in sooner but I have spent
Saturday evening with a delightful the past two months visiting foreign
dance at the chapter house on south countries with Mrs. Iley B., formerly
Miss Iosephine Harkins of Prestons-burLimestone street.
Ky." Iley B. Browning, Box
The rooms were decorated with evergreen branches and holiday berries, 126, Ashland, Ky.
and the fraternity shield in purple and
gold lights held the place of 'honor in
and Miss
Julian Adair Hodges
the hall.
Mary Louise Maddox ex- - were marThe chaperones- were Miss
McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. E. ried in Washington, D. C, NovemB. Webb, Mr. and Mrs Alex Hall, Mr. ber 29. Immediately after the cereand Mrs. J. T. Jackson, Jr., and Mr. mony they left for Manhattan, Kansas, where Mr. Hodges is an instrucand Mrs. Thomson Bryant.
included Misses tor in the Kansa