xt7r222r5n08 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r5n08/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1948-01-jan9-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-01-jan9-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1948-01-jan9-ec. 1948 1948-01-jan9-ec. 2011 true xt7r222r5n08 section xt7r222r5n08 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, University of Kentucky, January 9, 1948.

     the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the Presideent's Cffice at 10:40 a.m., Friday,
January 9, 1948.   The f allowing members were present:  Judge Richerd
C. Stall, Chairman; Thomas Cutler and J. C. Everett.  Absent: R. P.
Hobson.  President Donovan and Secretary Peterson met with the Com-

     A. MiAnutes approved.

     Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of November 21, 1947, were approved as published.

     B. Purchases Made h  the Comptroller Approved.

     President Donovan submitted communication from the Comptroller
relative to State requisitions, emergency purchase orders, Library
and University departmental purchase orders, and special orders.

                                       January 3, 1948

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky

     My dear President Donovan:

         I submit a list of state requisitions, advices of
     emergency purchases, special purchase orders, food con-
     tracts and departmental purchase orders which have been
     made by the Comptroller's office between October 1, 1947
     and Januaary 1, 1948  These purchases have not been ap-
     proved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
     The listing below gives the numbers of the documents request-
     ing the purchase or actually issued as purchase orders,
     vwhich documents are made a part of this record and are held
     in the Off fice of the Comptroller subject to inspection,
     The purchases have been made on properly drawn documents
     at the requests of the Various departments and have been
     charged against available funds.   The list follows:

         State Requisitions numbered ......... 444 thru  749 mn..l
         Emergency Purchase Orders numbered#.,1202 thru 2582ci.ncl
         Library Departmental Orders ........ .8324 thru 8695,inol.
         University Dept, Orders ............. 9715 thru 9900,incl.
         Special Orders  ................. * 1)33 thru 3344,incl.

         The above record of purchases Is respectfully submitted



     with the request TGhat they be approved by the Executive
     Committee, thereby ratifying the action of the Comptroller
     in making such purchases.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   (Signed)  Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee considered the request and recommendation, and
upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried,

     State Requisitions numbered ........... 444 thru  749,incl.
     Emergency Purchase Orders numbered....1202 thru 2582,incla
     Library Departmental Orders   .    .8324 thru 8695,inel,
     University Departmental Orders ......971 5 thru 9900,incl.
     Special Orders                        133...3. thru,..1  thru 3344,incl.

as made by the Comptroller, were ratified and approved.

     C. Budget Increases,

     President Donovan submitted a list of budget increases and recom-
mended that the increases be authorized by the Committee.

                                        January 6, 1948

    Dr. H. L, Doniovan, President
    University of KentLucky
    Lexington, Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

         You approved the following budget increases which were
    recorded on the University books durinr t5he -month of fleoemt
    ber, ;947.

                                       Acc ount
                                       Numb er        Amount
    College of Arts and Scienoes
    Ancient Languages and Literti-
       ture-Non-Personal Services      320-2        $   500,00
     Mathematics and Astronomy-Per-
       sonal Services                  440-1         1t925.00
     Physical Education-Pers.services  480-1          2,160.00
     Physica.l Eduocation-Ctapital Outlay 480-4       3,000,00



                                           Number     Amount

     College of Education
     Agricultural Education-Personal Ser-
       vices                               960-1      $ 400,00
       Instruction and Placement-Personal
       Services                           lC3E-1         450.00

           Total                                      $8, 4 3.00

           I am sure that you will wrant the Board to ratify these

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     (Signed) Frank D. Peterson

     The Committee heard the reading of the list of increases author-
ized, and upon motion, duly made, seconded and carried, approved -the
increases, and the Comptroller was directed to transfer the amounts
from the unappropriated surplus of the general University budget to
the departments named.

     D. Report on the James K. Patterson Estate.

     President Donovan stated that he had received from E. S. Dabney,
President of the Security Trust Company, Lexington, Ky,, a statement
of the account of Security Trust Company, Executor of the estate of
James K. Patterson.   He read the following statement in detail:


Oct,, 14  Balance per last settlement:

             Investments at carrying value .....M3l3,444.78
             Uninvested cash .......       e.  v.    2,177.26 $15, 622.04
Jan, 31 Profit in payment of 53,000. Florida
           Power & Light Co,,Ss of 1954 called



                Executcr Estate of James E. Patterson

1943      RECEIPTS
0Oct. 14  Bnlance per last settlementt:

           Investments at carrying value .... i 313,444.78
           Uninvested cash..     .   .    .... 2.177.26 43155622.04

".4 31

Profit in payment of i3,000Florida Power
& Light Co.,5s of 1954 called at 101*
(cost price Ei2,977.50).

Feb. 4   Profit in stile of qi?7,000. U.S.Treasury 2 7/8e
           of 1955-63 at 111 18/32 (cost price P7,000)

Dec. 14  Profit in sale of 4$12,000. U.S. Treasury 2s
           of 6/15/52-54 2t 100 27/64 (cost price

June 6

Profit in sale of Q15, 000. U.S. Treasury 2s of
12/15/,52-54 at 102 5;i/64 (cost price 415, 000)

          Profit in sale of 42,00O. New York Corporate
          3S of 1980 at 118.78 (cost price 42,050).

Dec. 11 Profit in sale of 1$27,500. U.S. Treasury 24,s of
          6/15/59-62 at 100 21/32 (cost price  27,50Q).

          Profit in sale of 451,5C0. U.S. Treasury 2-2s of
          12/15/64-69 at 102 1/32 (cost price Q51,500).

June 14 Profit in payment of' '2,000.Central Pacific Rail-
          way Co:, 58 of 1960 cnlled at 10a (cost price
          42,037. 50)

N~ov, 13









Dividrends collected as f ollows:
120 shs.Bankers Trust Co.,of N.Y,       1,721.00
  75 shs.Carolina, Clinchfield & Ohio
           Rwy. Com.                     1,593.75
 250 shs.Commeroial lNlat.Bank & Trust Co. 1, 70000
 100 shs. E.I.DuPont deNlemours & Co.
           Common                        2,475.00
 178  hes. First Nat.BIank & Trust Co.   3,827.00
 2 7 shs. Guaranty Trust Co.,of N.Y.    2,027.00
 10 she. 7Jiso.3lectrio Power Co., com.     2.43
 40 shs. Louisville Trust Co.             140.00
 50 she. St.Nat. Bank, Frankf ort, Ky.  1, 70000
 400 shs, NAmeriloan Co.,common          2,C40.60
 80 shs.Cleveland Eleo.Illum.Co.,com.       80.00 17,306.78


Interest collected on bonds as follows:
5j7,000 U.S.Tretsury 2 7/8s of 1955-60
          sold 2/1/44
51,500. U.S. Treasury 2'2s of' 1964-69
          sold 12/4/45
12,000 U.S. Treasury 2z-t of 1952-54
         purchased 6/24/44,sold 12/12/44
27, 500.U.S. Treasury 2 1/4s of 6/15/1959-
          62 M20,000.purchased 5/31/45,
          V$7,500. purchased 6/28/45,
          sold 12/4/45

$15,COO.UJ.S.T.reasury 2s of 12/15/52-54
          purchased 12/12/44, sold
 84, 000.U. S. Treasury 2zs of 12/15/67-72
          44,000 purchased 11/15/45,
          @80, 000.purchased 12/4/45
 10,000 U.S.Savings Bonds "GI' 2!s of
          1956 purchased Jan.,1944
 10,000 Canadian Pacific R.R.Co.,5s
          called for payment 6/1/44
 2,000 Central Pacific Rvry.Co. 5s called
          for payment 8/1/46
 2,000 Columnia Gas & slect.Co.,5s 1952
          cilled for payment 10/1/45
 3,000 Florida Powver & Light Co5bs
          cailled for payient 2/15/44
 2,000 New York Corporate 3s sold 6/1/45
 60,000 New Phoenix Co., 5% Notes
          kj5,000 due for payment 6/1/45,
          $b5,000 called for payment
 6,000 Penn~sylvania A.R.Co.,4-ja of 1981
 4,000 Pennsylvahia R.X. Co.4,4s of 1984
10,000 Southern Railway 68








7, 300.00
  680, 0
2,400.00 20,234.04

X356, 116*.95

1943  Vou.No.
NOov,15  1    Idabel Pollitt Adamsquarterly instalment
                          of annuity
jt-.n, 3  2   Lexington Chap.DAR,1943 contribution
          3    Elizabeth S. Short, annuity
Febd15   4    Mabel Polli tt Adams,quarterly instalment of
AtprO 3  5    Elizabeth S. Short, annuity
iVy 15   6    Mabel Pollitt Adams, quarterly instalment of



25 00









June 5       Difference in carrying value (Q10,475.00)
                and payment of Zl0,3CC.Canadian Pacific
                ROR. 5s called at 104                            75.00

July  3   7  Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                         25.00

     10      State tax on cash balance                              3.5

     28   8 University of Kentucky, upkeep of Patterson Li-
                brary                                           400.00

*iept.12  9 IMabel Polli'tt Adams, quarterly instalment of
                tannuity                                        250.00

COct. 2  10  Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                         25.00

Nov. 15  11 Ikibel Pollitt Adarns, quarterly instalment of
                annuity                                         250.00
Jan0, 2 12   Elizabeth S. Short, nnnuity                          25.00

Feb. 1   13 Lex.Chrapter DAR,1944 Contribution                     5.00

     15 14   Mabel rollitt Adams, quarterly instal-lment of an-
                nuity                                           250.00

Apr. 2 15    Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                          25*00

Ma y 16  16 IMabel Pollitt Adtams, annuity                       250.00

July  2 17   Elizabeth S. Sh1ort, annulty                         25.00

     30  18 University of Kentucky, upkeep of Patt.Library     400.00

Aug. 17  19 14qbel Pollitt Adams, annuity                        250.00

Oct. 1   20  Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                          25.00

      2      Difference in carrying value ($2,097.53) and pay-
                  ment of 42,000. Columbia    ais & Elec.Co.,
                  bs of 1952 called at 102                        57.92

Nov. 15  21  Mabel Pollitt Adams, annuity                        250.00

jin,  2  22  Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                          25.00

Feb, 2 23 Lexington Chan), 3Y1h,1945 contribution                  5.00

     15  24  Mabel Pollitt' Adams, annuity                       250.00

Apr, 1   25  Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                          25.00

Maiy 15  26  iaabel Pollitt Adams, annuity                       250.00



June 5   27 Samuel M. Wilson, attorneyj fee for
              consultation and advice re projected
              School of' Diplomacy, University of Ky.         75.00

July 2   28  Elizabeth S. Short                               25.00

     10      State tax on cash balance                          .65

Aug. 14  29 University of Kentucky, upkeep of Patterson Lib.400.00

     15 30   Idabel Polli ut Adams, annuity                  250.00

Oct. 2 31    Elizabeth S. Short                               25.00

Nov, 15 32 Iviabel Pollitt Adams, annuity                    250.00

Jan, 3   33 Elizabeth S. Short                                25.00

Feb. 15 34 lsabel Pcllitt Adainrs, annuity                   250.00

Apr. 2   36 Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                        25.00

May 16 36 Mabel Pollitt Adams, annuity                        250.00

June 4 37 Lexington Chapter D.h,1946 contribution               5.00

July  2  38 Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                        25.00

July  5      State tax on cash balance                          6.443

Aug.  8 39   Mabel Pollitt -Adams, annuity                    250.00

Aug. 20  40 University of Kentucky, upkeep of Patterson
                 Library                                      400.00

Oct. 1   41 Elizabeth S. Short, annuity                        25.00

Nov. 13      Executor's commission 5% on Q37,54082 Income
                 collected                                 1,877904

             R.P. Moloney, Con. F.C.C., costs of settlement   37.54

             J. Porter Land, C.F.C.C., recording and adver-
                  tising settlement                             3.00



     Inves tments:                         Carrying Value
        120 shs.Bankers Trust uo.,of N.Y.         6,343.30
        75 shs.Carolina,Clinchfield & Ohio
              Riwy Com.                          5,887.50
         ao shs.Cleveland Elec.Illum.Co.Com.     3,000.00
         250 shsCommercial NatBank & Trust Co.  8,715.30
         100 shs. L.I.duPont deNemouzn& Co.Com.  16,279.50
         178 shs. First NatBank & Trust Co.      9,812.50
         27 shk. Guaranty Trust CO,, of N.Y.     7,227.55
         168 shs. Intersouthern Life Ins.Co.         224.00
         40 shs. Louisville Trust Co.             3,517.27
         400 shs. North American Co., common       4,618,38
         53 shs. State Nat.Bank,Frankfort,Ky.    5, 000.00
         30 shs. 7isc,lectric Power Co, com.       600.(0O
      M6000 Pennsylvania R.R.Co.,4zs of 1981     6,262.50
      4000 Pennsylvania i.R.Co., 4us of 1984   3,905.83
      10000 Southern Railway Co., 6a cf 1956    11,620.00
      5000 United Railways of Havana 7z2s of 1936 5,495.00
      84000 U.S.Treasury 2z-s of 12/15/1967-72.  R4,000.00
      10000 U.S.Sav4ngs Bones Series F of
                          1954/9/1                7,400.00
     70C00 U.S. Savings Bonds Series F of
                          1954/11/1              51,800.00
     10000 U.S, Savings Bonds Series F of
                          1955/6/1                7,400.00
     27000 U.S. Savings Bonds Series F of
                          1955/6/1               19,980.00
    l0000 U.S. Savings Bonds Series G of
                          1/1/56                 10,000.00
    85000 U.S. Savings Bonds Series F of
                          1958/6/1               62,900.00

                Uninvested cash   .... ........   5,975.34 347,963.97


     The members of the Committee discussed the report in some detail,
and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, directed that same
be received and made a part of the minutes.

     El Blanket Primary Commercial Bond Authorized.

     The Comptroller stated that the University now carried surety
bonds on 51 staff members, ranging in amounts from 4500 to W2,C0o
each. The premiums on these bonds now amount to Q300,0O per annum.
This type of bond is known as the Blanket Position Bond. He stated
th?-.,there were other employees who should be covered under some type
cf Sul'ety Bond.  Thq Blanket Position Bond furnishes the follorring



      1. All of insured employees named are covered, and the coverage
 is against lose resulting from dishonest cr fraudulent acts corimittec
 by the employees while the bond is in force.

      2. The bond provides an amount of coverage on each employee
 separately, in the amount stipulated, so that if less is caused by
 dishonest or fraudulent acts of two or more employees acting in
 collusion, recovery up to the amount of the bond taken on each em-
 ployee may be had on account of each participating in the frattdulent
 or dishonest act.

      3. The bond provides that, if the insured shows that loss is
 caused by dishonest or fraudulent acts committed by some one or more
 of the covered employees, but is unable to designate the particular
 employee or employees who caused the loss, recovery may be had up to
 the amount of the bond.

      The Primary Commercial Blanket Bond names the following cover-

     1e All of Insured's employees are covered, and the coverage is
against loss resulting from dishonest or fraudulent acts committed
by the employees while the Bond is in force.

     2. The bond is written for a specific amount (minimvm iO'00(o)
which is the limit of liability for any single loss, and a single
loss is defined as "any loss or losses caused by any employee or in
which any employee is concerned or implicated."

     3. The effect of the payment of a loss designates coverage on
the defaulting employee, and reduces the amount of coverage by the
amount of the loss, but the coverage is automatically restored to
the original amount, and the amount so restored is available for
undiscovered losses then existing, as well as future losses. There
is no additional premium charge for the restoration.

     The Comptroller explained that he had asked four or five Surety
Bond companies to submit prepositions on Blanket Position Bonds of
42,5CO, $5,000 and 410,000 coverage on each employee; also Primary
Commercial Blanket Bond of 4l0,000 on each employee.

     A list of all persons employed on a full-time basis vith the
University, and the title of each person so employed, was made avail-
able to the surety companies desirinig to submit quotations on pro-
posed bonds.

     The Comptroller reported that American Surety Company, Fireman's
Fund Indemnity Company, and Thle Fidelity and Casualty Company of
New York had submitted quotations on such Blanket Bonds.

     He further stated that Primary Commercial Blanket Bonds carried
tile lowest premium and, in his Judgment, gave ample protection to
the University for all staff members involved, with the exception of
the Com'ptroller, who is required to give a statutory bond.



     TPhe surety companies proposed te issue Primnry Commiercial
Blanket Bond. in amount of ~~10,'oQC.O, covering all employees of the
University, for the premiums inidicated below:-

          rameritcan Surety Company .              763.2l

          Firema--n's Fund. Indemnity Company ...   5654"87

          The Fidelity and. Casualty Company
                      of New York       ......       515.54.

     1iiembers of the Committee discussed. the report of the Comptrol-
le'r on i31lanket Fid~elity coverare, arnd. upon motion, duly made, second-
ed. and. crirried., -authorized. the Comptroller to apply for Blanket ElJ-
delity coverage on a form known as Primary Commercial Blanket Bond.,
in the minimum amount in which this bond. ma-,y be written, WC$10,00C0O,0,
.9t P. firm prernium-for this type of bond. in the ,amount of ~~515.54,
for one yea~r,

     F9, Appropriation for Suvy    jun~hdAchitects.

     President Donovan read. the following letter from the Comptrol-
1cr concerning additional apjropr'iation for work necessary to fur-
nish information requested by architects on the proposed. Journalism
Building and. the Addition to the College of E~ducation,

                                         January 8, 1948
     Dr. H. L# Donovan, PresId~ent
     University of Kentucky

     IAy dear President Donovan'.

          The architeots employed. to plan and. design the newe
    Journalisqm B3uilding aind. the Addition to the College of
    Education have asked. for some information concerning
    surveys, soundings and othur n'ecessary work relrative to
    the prcposed. sites. WTe have no appropriation for this
    iwork, and. I suggest an appropriation of seven hundred
    dollars to take Ccare of the requests of the architects.
    I hope the work wil.l not cost this amount of money, in
    which event the balance will elapse,

                                         Respectfully submitted,1

                                       (Signed.) F~rank D. Peterson
                                                  Comp troll er*



     Members of the Committee heard the request, and upon motion,
duly made, seconded and carried, authorized appropriation of the sum
of 0700.00, same to be taken from the unappropriated surplus of the
University budget.

     G. Bronze Tablets Authorized Placed on Buildings.

     President Donovan stated that he had requested Vice President
Leo M. Chamberlain to check the minutes and prepare the necessary data
to be placed en bronze plaques to be installed on buildings erected
during the last twelve-year period. He read a communication from,
Vice President Chamberlain and a list of the buildings involved, to-
gether with the information to be placed on each bronze plaque.

                                     1 9 4 7

    President H. L.Donovan
    University of Kentucky

    Dear President Donovan:

          Several weeks ago you asked us to get together the
    data necessary to prepare bronze plaques for that group
    of buildings erected during the last ten or twelve years.
    This has been a much more difficult task than it at first
    appeared but we are now submitting the materials for your
    considerat ion.

          WVe have attempted to cover all buildings erected from
    1936 to the present, including Bowman Hall.   The date of
    erection is, in each case, the year in which the principal
    contract was awarded.   In addition to the year of erection,
    there is covered in each case, the membership of the Board
    of Trustees, the President, the architects, and the contract-
    ors.   In those cases where several contracts.. of almost
    equal value were let, the contractor listed is the one
    that had the general contract for the building proper.

         On each sheet we have placed certain notes which may
    be helpful.   I would suggest that these be presented to
    the Board of Trustees for its consideration and approval.
    .lhen the copy has been approved, I shall be glad to discuss
    with Dean Terrell the best procedure to be followed in having
    the plaques made and placed on the buildings, It may be
    that one or two structures are not of sufficient importance
    to warrant the placing of one of these plaques.   The Buell
    Armory Addition might fall into this category,



      tray I offer the recommendation that in the case of
 every building hereafter erected we see that a plaque is
 included in the general contract and that it is placed at
 the time the building is erected.

      It has been very difficult for us to be certain that
 the Poard P.-m.iieUs hip is absolutely correct in each case,
 'e have tried to include the membership of the Board as of
 the date on which the general contract was awqrded,   This
 would have been a relatively simple task if the minutes of
 the Board and Executive Ccmmittee listed, each time, not
 only the members present, but also those absent.   Unfortunate-
 ly, they did not.   I understand that fir. Peters=n is now pre-
 paring his minutes in such a way that it will not, in the fu-
 ture, be difficult for us to know the membership of the Board
 or Executive Committee as it was constituted at any particu-
 lar meeting.


                                    (Signed) Leo I. Chamberlain
                                             Vice President.

       S T U D E N T U N I O N B U I L D I N G

                      ERECTED 1937


                Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                Richard C, Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews                             R. Miller Htlland
Horace S, Cleveland                        John C. Newcomb
John S. Cooper                             James Park
Garth Ferguson                             Harry 'J.I Peters
Robert G. Gordon                           D. D. Stewart
Louis Eo Hillenmeyer                       G-? C. Wells

                      George H. 'Wilson

PRESIT)ENT:  Frank LeRond MBoVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR;  George H. Rommel Company, Louisville, Kentucky



                       ERECTED 1937


              Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
              Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Garth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon
Louis E. Hillenmeyer

R. Miller Holland
John C. Nexvcomb
James Park
Harry Peters
D. D. Stewvart
G. Z. .ells

George H. W~ilson


Frank LeRond McVey

ARCHITECTS:  The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTORS: J. A. Jones Construction Company, Charlotte, North
                   Carolina and Gilson-Taylor, Inc., Lexington,

       A N I M A L P A T H O L O G Y B U I L D I N G

                  N O R T H U N I T

                     ERECTED 1941

                 Governor Keen Johnson, Chairman
                 Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Marshall Barnes
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer
John tl, Brooker
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Harper Gatton

Louis Hillenmeyer
Robert P. Hobson
Lee Kirkpatrick
William H. IlTay
Robert C. Tway
James Park

Harry Wi. Walters


Thomas Poe Cooper, Acting

ARCHITECTS: Frankel and Curtis, Lexington, Kentucky
             Constructed by the Division of Maintenance and
             Operations of the University


   T H E C O A L R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T O R Y

                     ERECTED 1943


                 Governor Keen Johnson, Chairman
                 Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Marshall Barnes
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer
John d. Brooker
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Harper Gatton

Robert P. Hobson
Lee Kirkpatrick
William H. May
H. D. Palmore
James Park
Robert C. Tway

                      Harry 'J. Walters

PRESIDENT:   Herman Lee Donovan

ARCHITECT:   The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR: Joseph R. Giannini, Lexington, Kentucky

         C E N T R A L H E A T I N G P L A N T

                       ERECTED 1936


            Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
            Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. ALndrevrs
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Reed, Embry
Garth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon


       George H. Wilson

Frank LeRond HoVey

Louis i. Hillenmeyer
R, Ijiller Holland
John C. Newcomb
James Park
Harry Peters
G. C. ;sells

ARCHITECTS:  The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTIaCTOR:  Clarke, Stewart and Wood, Lexington, Kentucky




                    J E W E L L H A L L

                        ERECTED 1938

Named in Hcncr of Frances Jewell ,iicVey

                %-overnor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                Hichard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

M-41arshall Barnse
Horace So Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Garth Ferguson
Harper Gatton
Louis E, Hillenmeyer


R. Miller Holland
John C. Newcomb
James Park
Harry W. Peters
r. D. Stewart
G. C. Wells

Frank LeRond McVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR; F. '.'. Owens Company, Louisville, Kentucky

         H O1 0 ME  E C O  O O Ivi I C S  B U I L D I N G

                        ERECTED 1939


                Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                Richard C, Stoll, Vice Chairman

Marshall 3arnes
Mrs. Paul G. Blazer
H3race S, Cleveland
John S. Cocper
Garth Fergsoen
Harper Gattea

liobert P. Hobson
Lo-ois Ft Hillermeyer
Lee Kirkpatrick
John C. Nie wc cmb
James Park
Harry WI. Peters

D. D. St ewart


Frank LeRond MoVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR; F. \W. Owens Company, Lcuisville, Kentucky



                  AND ER S* N      HALL

                       ERECTED 1937

Named in Honor of F. Paul Anderson '3ho Was Associated w-tith the
College of Engineering frem 1891 to 1934 as Head of the Department
of Mechanical Engineering and as Dean of the College of Engineering


                  Governor albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                  Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews
Horace 0, Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Garth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon
Louls E. Hillenmeyer

R, Miller Holland
John C. Newcomb
James Park
Harry Peters
D. D. Stewart
G. C. .tells

                       George H. Wilson

PRESIDENT: Frank LeRond McVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR: The iWhi ttenberg Construction Company, Louisville,

     T O B A C C O R E S E A R C H L A B O R A T 9 R Y

                        ERECTED 1936


                 Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman

                 Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Reed Embry
Garth Ferguason
Robert ". Gordon


               Lcuis E. Hillenrmeyer
               R. M1jiller Holland
               John C. Newcomb
               James Park
               Harry Peters
               GC, . Wells
George H. Wilson

Frahk LeRond 'I.rcVey

ARCHITECTS: Frarnel and Curtis, T~exington, Kentucky

CCWNTACTORZ Smith-Haggard Lumber Company, Inc., Lexington, Kentuck:



                 L A F F ER T Y H A L L

                       ERECTED 1936

Named in Honor of William Thornton Lafferty 17ho Served as the Dean
of the Department and College of Law from 1908 to 1922.


                 Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                 Richarrd C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrews
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
uarth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon
Louis E. Hillenmeyer


R. Iller Holland
Jchn C. Newcomb
James Park
Harry Peters
D. D. Stewart
a. C. *dells

           George H. Wilson

Frank LeRond McVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACTOR: Gilson-Taylor, Inc., Lexington, Kentucky

             E N G I N E E R I N G B U I L D I N G

                      SOUTH AND EAST UNITS

                          ERECTED 1936
                  Governor Albert B. Chandler, Chairman
                  Richard C. Stoll, Vice Chairman

Joe B. Andrewa
Horace S. Cleveland
John S. Cooper
Reed Embry
Garth Ferguson
Robert G. Gordon


               Louis E. Hillenmeyer
               R. Miller Holland
               John C. Newcomb
               James Park
               Harry Peters
               G. C. Wells
George H. Wilsjn

Frank LeRend IMcVey

ARCHITECTS: The Staff of the College of Engineering

CONTRACT3R: Gil son-Taylor, Inc,, Lexington, Kentucky



    T H E H I G H W A Y  M A T E R I A L 9 R E S E A R C X
                      L A B H RA T 3 R Y