xt7r222r5m67 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7r222r5m67/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2000-06-aug15. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-06-aug15. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2000-06-aug15. 2000 2000-06-aug15. 2011 true xt7r222r5m67 section xt7r222r5m67 


                             Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                                  University of Kentucky
                                         1:00 P.M.
                                      August 15, 2000


Oath of Office

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes - (Consent)

President's Report and Action Items

PR 1    President's Report to the Trustees
        A.  Robinson Scholars' Program
        B.  Capital Campaign Kickoff September 14-16, 2000

PR 2    Personnel Actions

PR 3    Central Administration
        A. Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations

PR 4    Community College System (No items to report)

PR 5    Lexington Campus
        A.  Candidates for Degrees - University System - (Consent)

PR 6    Medical Center
        A.  Written Statement of Institutional Commitment to Graduate Medical Education - (Consent)

Finance Committee

1.    Report of Leases
2.     Approval of Leases
3.    Disposition of Property
4.    Acquisition of Real Property at 456 Rose Lane
5.    Capital Construction Report
6.    Abercrombie Foundation Pledge (Sanders-Brown Center on Aging)
7.    Abercrombie Foundation Pledge (Fine Arts)
8.    Alan F. Bloomfield Pledge
9.    Anonymous Pledge
10.    Ashland Inc. Pledge
11.    Bracco Diagnostics, Inc. Gift and Pledge
12.    Dr. and Mrs. C. Milton Coughenour Gift and Pledge
13.    Center for Rural Health Quasi-Endowment


14.    DePuy, Inc. Gift and Pledge
15.    Tracy Farmer Gift
16.    Harry E. Wheeler Estate Gift
17.    Helen Thacker Hill Gift
18.    Irvin Abell HI Pledge
i9.    Joseph G. and Suzanne W. Teague Gift and Pledge
20.     Kentucky Medical Services Foundation Pledge
21.     Letitia S. Kimsey Taylor Estate Gift
22.     MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. Gift
23.     Mira L. Ball Pledge
24.     Paul E. Miller Pledge
25.     Renaming Professorship in Diagnostic Radiology
26.     Mrs. Ruth Johnson Gift
27.     St. Joseph Hospital Gift and Pledge
28.     Timothy L. Haymaker Gift
29.     William Stamps Farish Fund Gift
30.     Establishment of Chandler Medical Center Medical Malpractice Quasi-Endowment Fund
31.     Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement to Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government


      Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
August 15, 2000.

      The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower.

      A.    Meeting Opened

      Billy Joe Miles, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m., and the invocation
was pronounced by Dr. Grady Stumbo.

      B.    Roll Call

      The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll: Governor
Edward T. Breathitt, Mr. Paul W. Chellgren, Ms. Marianne Smith Edge, Mr. James Glenn III,
Mr. Merwin Grayson, Mr. John "Jack" Guthrie, Dr. Loys L. Mather, Mr. Billy Joe Miles
(Chairman), Mr. Steven S. Reed, Dr. Daniel R. Reedy, Ms. Marian Sims, Dr. W. Grady Stumbo,
Mr. Billy B. Wilcoxson, Mr. Russell Williams and Ms. Elaine Wilson. Absent from the meeting
were Dr. Robert P. Meriwether, Dr. Elissa Plattner, Mr. C. Frank Shoop, Ms. Alice Sparks, and
Ms. JoEtta Y. Wickliffe. The University administration was represented by President Charles T.
Wethington, Jr.; Chancellors James W. Holsinger and Elisabeth Zinser; Vice Presidents
Fitzgerald Bramwell, Joseph T. Burch, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, George DeBin and
Eugene Williams; and Dr. Juanita Fleming, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs.

      Members of the various news media were also in attendance. A quorum being present,
the Chairperson declared the meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

      C.    Oath of Office

      Mr. Miles asked Paul Van Booven, Deputy General Counsel, to administer the oath of
office to the following members:

      Marianne Smith Edge, appointed by Governor Paul E. Patton to replace Ted Bates,
      for a term ending June 30, 2006.

      James H. Glenn III, who will serve as student trustee for the 2000-2001 academic year.

      Steven S. Reed, reappointed by Governor Paul E. Patton, for a term ending June 30,


- 2 -

       D.    President's Consent Agenda

       President Wethington said that given the instructions by the Board at the last meeting,
there are three items on the Consent Agenda:

             Approval of the Minutes,
             PR 5A - Candidates for Degrees in the University System, and
             PR 6A - Written Statement of Institutional Commitment to Graduate Medical

      President Wethington suggested that the three items be handled at one time at the
beginning of the meeting unless a Board member wished to have an item pulled from the
Consent Agenda.

      Mr. Miles asked for a motion to approve the President's Consent Agenda. Mr. Guthrie
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, carried. (See PR 5A and PR 6A at the
end of the Minutes.)

      E.    President's Report to the Board of Trustees (PR 1)

      President Wethington called attention to the following items in PR 1:

      1. The University's new supercomputer has pushed UK into the top 10 among academic
          computing centers in the nation and among the top 200 academic computing centers

      2. The U.S. News and World Report has ranked the University of Kentucky Hospital in
          the top 50 in the country in two different specialties; orthopedics and cancer care.
          The Markey Cancer Center, ranked 18th, is listed in the top 20 for cancer care for the
          second consecutive year.

      3. The University of Kentucky's Young Women in Science Program, developed and led
          by the UK Center on Drug and Alcohol Research and supported by a $1.29 million
          grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, welcomed its second group of 26
          women from 13 southeastern Kentucky counties. This program encourages young
          women from Appalachia to pursue scientific careers in drug research.

      4. The Kentucky Geological Survey has secured more than $500,000 in funding for
          water resources research.

      5. The UK Children's Hospital was a beneficiary of the annual Children's Miracle
          Network campaign again this year. The total support to UK, which is in its 13th year
          of the program, now approaches $6.67 million.

      President Wethington asked the members to read the other items in the report at their
leisure. He also mentioned that items A and B in his report, the Robinson's Scholars Program
and the Capital Campaign Kickoff, would be at the end of his report.


- 3 -

       F.    Personnel Actions (PR 2)

       President Wethington recommended that approval be given to the appointments, actions
and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and that the report relative to
appointments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted. Mr. Williams
moved approval. The motion, seconded by Ms. Wilson, passed. (See PR 2 at the end of the

       President Wethington noted that the retirement of Edward A. Carter is a part of PR 2.
Mr. Carter is retiring after 16 years and nine months of consecutive service and 33 years and ten
months of total service to the University of Kentucky. He reported that Mr. Carter will not retire
until the end of December, and he has agreed to a one-year post-retirement appointment on a
part-time basis beyond that date. President Wethington thanked Mr. Carter for his significant
contributions to the University of Kentucky and asked him if he would like to make any

      Mr. Carter said that it had been a real pleasure working for the University and in higher
education finance for 38 years, and there is not a single moment he would change. He received a
round of applause from the Board members.

      G.    Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 3A!

      President Wethington stated that PR 3A is the official document that represents the Board
committee changes that have been recommended to the Board. The recommendation is that the
proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations be received for preliminary consideration
and at the next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees, be included on the agenda for final
action. President Wethington reviewed two editorial changes he made in the document. He
noted that the new committee structure would be put in place after the September meeting,
pending Board approval.

      Mr. Grayson stated that he would like to give unlimited terms for the chairperson of the
Board. In his opinion, if the Board has a good leader, they should keep that leader.

      Mr. Miles asked for a motion to approve PR 3A. Dr. Mather moved approval. Mrs. Sims
seconded the motion, and it carried. (See PR 3A at the end of the Minutes.)

      President Wethington announced that Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Farmer were in the audience
and asked that Mr. Chellgren, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, be allowed to address FCR
15, the Tracy Farmer Gift.

      H.    Tracy Farmer Gift (FCR 15)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that the Finance Committee unanimously recommended to the
Board for consideration a gift from Tracy Farmer of Midway, Kentucky in the amount of $2
million to create and endow the Tracy Farmer Center for the Environment. He moved the
adoption of FCR 15. The motion, seconded by Dr. Stumbo, passed unanimously. (See FCR 15
at the end of the Minutes.)


- 4 -

       Mr. Wilcoxson commented that it was an honor having the opportunity to serve on the
Board with Mr. Farmer. He noted that on many occasions Mr. Farmer's experience and expertise
spilled over to help the Board on many decisions they had to make during that time. He said Mr.
Farmer always did what he thought was best for the University of Kentucky, and he was an
invaluable Board member.

       Governor Breathitt commented that Mr. Farmer exemplifies the level of support that a
former Board member should continue to have for the University of Kentucky. He said that Mr.
Farmer's fidelity and love for the University continues since the day he left the Board in 1991
and that he has set a good example for all of the Trustees who will be leaving the Board.

      Mr. Farmer thanked the Board for the best years of his life while serving on the Board.
He stated that he and Carol hold the University in trust and that they trust President Wethington.
He commended President Wethington for the great job he has done for the University. He noted
that the employees are the university's greatest asset and that he and Carol are very grateful to
give this money to this new Center. Mr. Farmer stated that this would not be the final gift for the
Environmental Center and that he and Carol hope to be involved in it more in the future.

      Mr. Farmer received a round of applause and a standing ovation.

      President Wethington stated that the Tracy Fanner Center for the Environment offers
some wonderful opportunities for the University of Kentucky. He noted that this gift gives the
University an opportunity to pull together some of the significant resources that already exist and
focus them on environmental issues, concerns and research impacting the environment which
will be a welcome addition to the state and to the nation. He thanked Mr. and Mrs. Farmer for
their generous gift to the University.

      I.    Community College System (PR 4)

      There were no items to report from the Community College System.

      J.    Capital Campaign Kickoff September 14-16. 2000 (PR IB)

      President Wethington asked Mr. Terry Mobley to give a report on the activities for the
weekend of September 14-17, the Capital Campaign Kickoff.

      Mr. Mobley said that September 14-17 will be one of the most significant and interesting
weekends in the life of the University. He distributed a copy of the activities to the Board and
invited them to participate in the events. He reviewed the activities scheduled for the weekend
and offered to assist the members of the Board with any arrangements they may need. He
pointed out that the goal will be announced at the Friday kickoff luncheon and stressed the
importance of the Board's attendance.

      President Wethington commended Mr. Mobley and his staff for their good work and said
this will be the largest single fund raising effort in the Commonwealth of Kentucky once it is
announced. He said that the Board's support and attendance is needed to make this campaign
kickoff a success.


- 5 -

      K.    Robinson Scholars' Program (PR IA)

      President Wethington asked Mr. Ed Carter to give a report on the Robinson Scholars'
Program. He noted that this program is being funded by proceeds from mining that the
University has been doing in the outlying areas of Robinson Forest.

      Through a series of slides, Mr. Carter gave the following presentation:

Robinson Trust

Robinson Scholars Program

  Uses of the Robinson Trust

* Experimental Agriculture
* Reforestation
* And, for such other purposes as will tend to the
  betterment of the people of the mountain regions
  of Kentucky


- 6 -

            April 1991

* Board of Trustees authorized the
University's Administration to enter into a
lease agreement with Addington, Inc. to
mine coal.

   For the primary benefit of the 29 county
mountain region as identified by the E.O.
   Robinson Fund Board of Directors.





September 1991

* First meeting of Robinson Trust Committee
  appointed by President Wethington to
  advise on use of income from coal and
  timber in Robinson Forest.


- 7 -

   Committee Membership
X President Charles T. Wethington, Chairman
* Edward A. Carter, Vice Chairman
* Chancellor Lexington Campus
* Chancellor Medical Center
* Vice President for Administration
* Vice President Research and Graduate Studies
* Dean of Agriculture
N Honorable N. Mitchell Meade - E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund
N Mr. Harold Mullis - E.O. Robinson Mountain Fund
* Mr. Bill Weinberg - East Kentucky representative

       Relationship with
         Strategic Plan

N Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research
* Apply research finds to improve quality of life in
N Partner in the development of the
  Commonwealth's economy

       Relationship with
    Strategic Plan (cont.)

* Commitment to undergraduate education
* Maximize access
N Demonstrate creative leadership in meeting
  educational needs of Kentuckians
N Develop mutually beneficial alliances for
  economic development


- 8 -

      Area of Emphasis

8 To provide financial aid to mountain region
  students to attend the University of Kentucky,
  including the University of Kentucky Community

President Wethington asked that a scholarship
program be developed to help the youth in the
29 county Appalachian region who might
otherwise be unable to attend college.

With the President's guidance the Robinson Scholars
  Program was developed and implemented.

The primary purpose of the Robinson Scholars
  Program was to make an impact on the college
  going rate of high school graduates in Eastern

Two principles guided the design of the program.


- 9 -

      Guiding Principles
  1. The target student population - probably not attend
  college without the program -- needed intervention
  into the cycle of poverty and low academic
  achievement characterizing much of the region.
  Target population would be first generation
  college students who lack hope, interest,
  motivation, knowledge, academic preparation
  and/or financial means to pursue a college degree.

      Guiding Principles

  2. A scholarship would not be sufficient to assist
    the target population in earning a college
    Program designed to address the needs of the
    student while they are completing high school;
    assisting them in making a successful transition
    to college life; and encourage continued success
    throughout their college career.

      Selection Process

X Eighth grade students are self nominated or
  by teachers and/or counselors
* Those students are asked to apply for the
* Scholars are selected from applications by a
  committee in each county or a regional




- 10-

If a Robinson Scholar who is selected in the eighth grade graduates
from high school and qualifies for admission to University of
Kentucky or a Community College the commitment is:
           A four year scholarship including tuition and
fees to the University of Kentucky or one of the
Community Colleges
     Housing (or in some instances transportation)
     Personal Expenses

The program operates from three Community College
locations in Eastern Kentucky --

Hazard Community College
James Davis is the Regional Coordinator

Prestonsburg Community College
Brian Campbell is the Regional Coordinator

Southeast Community College
Paula Whitaker is the Regional Coordinator

                ROLE OF

            * Sales and Marketing
                   * Parents
                   * Teachers
                 * Counselors
                 a Bus Drivers
               a Social Workers



- 11 -

University of Kentucky


   A Scholarship Program for Eastern
            Kentucky Youth

      How the Program
    Achieves its Goals

* Academic Enrichment Opportunities
* Test Preparation (ACT)
* Social Enrichment Opportunities
* Family Outreach Component
* College Preparation
* Etc. (The Roles of the Program and the
Regional Coordinators)

Academic Enrichment
* Academic Workshops at Community Colleges
* Special Projects (i.e. Appalachian Studies, Gallery
  Exhibit, Video Projects, Literary Journal, Student-
  Created Publications, etc.)
* School Visits by Program Staff (for Goal-Setting and
  Academic Review)
* Special Mailings/ Support Materials
U Academic-Focused Summer Programming at UK




- 12-

       ACT Preparation

  * The PLAN
  * Junior ACT Preparatory Weekend
  * Financial Assistance: ACT Payments
    Provided by Program

    Social Enrichment

* Team Building
* Self Esteem Enhancement
* Special Activities
* Opportunities to Meet and Talk with College
  Faculty and Staff

      Family Outreach

* Referral to Literacy Programs
* Referral to GED Programs
* Vocational Rehabilitation Referrals
* Community College Enrollment Workshops
and Enrollment Assistance
* Informational Resource





- 13 -

Roles of Program

* Mentor/Advisor
* "Cheerleader'
* Disciplinarian
* Referral - Drug/Alcohol
  Prevention Programs
* Child Protective
  Services and Laws and
  Procedures Regarding
  Suspected Child Abuse
  and/or Neglect

* Trusted
* First Link Between
  Student and
* Role Model
* Grade Tracker

The Selection Process

X Contact School District
  Superintendents, Principals
  and Guidance Counselors
* Informational Packets Mailed
  to All School Districts
X Announcement of
  Nomination Process through
  regional media (newspaper,
  radio, television)
* Nomination Process
* Application Process

* Prescreening Process
* Selection Committee
  Review and Scoring
* Selection Committee
  Meetings and Discussions
* Student Interviews
* Final Selection and
  Announcement of New

Selection Statistics


Applications Received



# Scholars Selecled










- 14 -

Family Income Figures
       at Time of Selection
    Qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch


Parent/Guardian Education Level
        at Time of Selection

Non HS Grad


8th Grade or Less


Attended Colleae


University of Kentucky


A Scholarship Program for Eastern
       Kentucky Youth



- 15 -

       In conclusion, Mr. Carter said that a good presentation is always followed by a good
solicitation. He reminded the Board that a $210,000 gift to the endowment would support one
student for four years. He noted that there are currently three hundred and sixty four students in
the program. Some are seniors in high school this year, and the first class will be on campus
next fall. He then entertained questions from the Board.

       Mr. Guthrie said that the University is doing a lot of very significant things; however, this
one has to rank towards the top of the list. He mentioned the program's reach to Kentuckians
who would not normally be given this opportunity. And, the big plus is the opportunity for them
to return home to help and still cultivate Eastern Kentucky. He said the program is remarkable,
and the Board would like to work in some way to continue and assist. He congratulated
everyone involved with the program on a daily basis. It has to be stressful at times but very
heartwarming to watch these young people.

       President Wethington noted that the program is endowed. He said his intentions are to
put in place a program that would go on indefinitely. Unfortunately, it cannot go on at the level
that it first started. This program is an example of some of the benefits that the University of
Kentucky is providing to people all across the state. This money did not have to be used for
Robinson Scholars. It did not have to be used for East Kentuckians who need some opportunity
to go on to the University of Kentucky. But that is what the Board chose. He pointed out that it
takes people like those involved in the program to carry it out and to make it happen. The
administration and the Board can only recommend and make policy. He commended the
Robinson Scholars' Program staff and especially Ed Carter and his staff who have helped to
make this happen over the last few years. He encouraged the Board to follow the program. He
thanked Mr. Carter and the Robinson Scholars' Program staff and asked them to keep up the
good work. They received a round of applause.

      A discussion followed regarding the percentage of students in the Program and the
thousands of young Kentuckians that could benefit from such a program if it were available for

       Mr. Miles asked Dr. Stumbo if he would like to make any comments.

       Dr. Stumbo replied that he was hoping Mr. Miles would not call on him. He said that he
had been in tears throughout the presentation. Thirty-eight years ago he was in exactly the same
position, and it was pretty tough for him to sit through it. He said that he had lived that, and it
had happened to him. He wanted to go to college and let college touch his life and change him.
This presentation is the most touching thing he has seen since he has been on the Board. He said
that he had lived it, and this presentation has been a terribly emotional thing for him. He thinks
that it is great work, and he thanked President Wethington, Mr. Carter, and others that are
making the Program possible. He said that he had opportunities to go anywhere in the world, but
he chose to live his entire life where he promised if they would give him a chance to go to
college. He told them he would come home, and he has never left.

       President Wethington thanked Dr. Stumbo for his comments and stated that Dr. Stumbo
said it better than anyone else.


- 16-

       L.    Finance Committee Consent Agenda

       Mr. Chellgren informed the Board that his report would be different. It would be in the
form of a Consent Agenda requiring only one action of approval. The Consent Agenda will
cover the following Finance Committee Resolutions:

      FCR 1 - the traditional report of leases less than $30,000,
      FCR 2 - the approval of new leases that are each greater than $30,000 annually and
              require specific Board authorization,
      FCR 3 - a recommendation that the Administration be authorized to execute appropriate
              legal documents to trade the real property located at 458 Rose Lane, Lexington,
              Kentucky, owned by the University of Kentucky for real property located at 124
              Virginia Avenue owned by Beta Nu of Kappa Sigma House Corporation of
              Lexington, Kentucky,
      FCR 4 - the acquisition of property at 456 Rose Lane, Lexington, Kentucky which is
              owned by a University of Kentucky employee, and
      FCR 5 - the quarterly report of capital construction projects.

      Mr. Chellgren moved the adoption of FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Governor Breathitt seconded
the motion, and it passed. (See FCR 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

      Mr. Chellgren emphasized that the next items are extremely important to the Board and
the University. He thanked all of the contributors for their generous gifts to the University. This
Consent Agenda will cover the following Finance Committee Resolutions:

      FCR 6 - a pledge of $500,000 from the Abercrombie Foundation for the Sanders-Brown
              Center on Aging Endowed Research Development Fund,
      FCR 7 - a pledge of $800,000 from the Abercrombie Foundation to create and endow a
              fund to support research initiatives in the College of Fine Arts and a pledge of
              $200,000 for a media laboratory in the Lucille Caudill Little Fine Arts Library
              and Learning Center,
      FCR 8 - a pledge of $ 1 00,000 from Alan F. Bloomfield for resurfacing the field at
              Commonwealth Stadium,
      FCR 9 - an anonymous pledge of $1,000,000 to support the Carol Martin Gatton College
              of Business and Economics' sports marketing program and $375,000 of this will
              be endowed to support sports marketing research,
      FCR 1O - a pledge of $ 1,000,000 from Ashland Inc. for the William T. Young Library
      FCR 11 - a gift of $50,000 and a pledge of $50,000 from Bracco Diagnostics, Inc. to
               support research in the College of Medicine's Division of Diagnostic
      FCR 12 - a gift of $25,000 and a pledge of $75,000 from Dr. and Mrs. C. Milton
               Coughenour to establish and endow the Dr. and Mrs. C. Milton Coughenour
               Sociology Professorship in Agriculture and Natural Resources in the College of
               Agriculture's Department of Rural Sociology,
      FCR 13 - the establishment of a quasi-endowment that would eventually fund a
               professorship for the College of Medicine's Center for Rural Health in


- 17 -

                Hazard, Kentucky,
       FCR 14 - a gift of $200,000 and a pledge of$ 1,800,000 from DePuy, Inc. to be placed in
                two endowments for fellowships in research support, $1,500,000 for an
                endowment in the Division of Neurosurgery and $500,000 for an endowment
                for the Division of Orthopedic Surgery,
       FCR 16 - a gift of $500,000 from the estate of Harry E. Wheeler to establish and endow a
                chair in the College of Agriculture's Department of Plant Pathology,
       FCR 17 - a gift of $ 110,000 from Helen Thacker Hill to establish and endow the Helen
                Thacker Graduate Fellowship in Educational and Counseling Psychology in the
                College of Education,
       FCR 18 - a pledge of $375,000 from Irvin Abell III to establish and endow the Helen
               Edwards Abell Endowed Research Fund for Historic Preservation in the
               College of Architecture,
      FCR 19 - a gift of $350,000 and a pledge of $650,000 from Joseph G. and Suzanne W.
               Teague to the College of Engineering for the mechanical engineering building
               construction project,
      FCR 20 - a pledge of $ 100,000 from Kentucky Medical Services Foundation to establish
               and endow the Benjamin C. Warf, M.D., Lectureship/Fellowship in Pediatric
               Neurosurgery in the College of Medicine,
      FCR 21 - a gift of $218,753.86 from the estate of Letitia S. Kimsey Taylor to create and
               endow the Armor and Letitia S. Kimsey Taylor Fund for Library Research
               Equipment in the University of Kentucky Libraries,
      FCR 22 - a gift of $ 100,000 from MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc. to create and
               endow the MCI WorldCom Graduate Fellowship in the College of Engineering,
      FCR 23 - a pledge of $125,000 from Mira L. Ball for the James W. Stuckert Career
               Center in memory of Katherine H. Kemper who was director of the University
               Career Center for ten years,
      FCR 24 - a pledge of $ 100,000 from Paul E. Miller for resurfacing the field at
               Commonwealth Stadium,
      FCR 25 - a recommendation to change the name of the Diagnostic Radiology Research
               Program Professorship in the College of Medicine's Department of Diagnostic
               Radiology to the Arthur Lieber, M.D., Professorship in Diagnostic Radiology,
      FCR 26 - a gift of $200,000 from Mrs. Ruth Johnson to create and endow a scholarship in
               memory of her husband, Robert L. Johnson, in the College of Medicine,
      FCR 27 - a gift of $150,000 and a pledge of $600,000 from St. Joseph Hospital to
               establish and endow a chair and to support research and education initiatives in
               the College of Medicine's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
      FCR 28 - a gift of $50,000 from Timothy L. Haymaker for the Center for Real Estate
               Studies Endowment Fund in the Carol Martin Gatton College of Business and
               Economics, and
      FCR 29 - a gift of $150,000 from William Stamps Farish Fund for the purchase of
               equipment to benefit the College of Medicine's Division of Urology.

      Mr. Chellgren noted that all of these items were discussed in detail in the Finance
Committee meeting. He moved acceptance of FCR 6-14 and 16-29. The motion, seconded by
Ms. Wilson, passed. (See FCR 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, and 29 at the end of the Minutes.)


- 18 -

       M.    Establishment of Chandler Medical Center Medical Malpractice Quasi-
             Endowment Fund (FCR 30)

       Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 30 is a recommendation to establish a Medical Malpractice
Quasi-Endowment Fund in the Chandler Medical Center. This will transfer just over $13 million
into the University's endowment fund. Mr. Chellgren moved approval of FCR 30. The motion,
seconded by Governor Breathitt, carried. (See FCR 30 at the end of the Minutes.)

      N.    Grant of Sanitary Sewer Easement to Lexington-Fayette Urban County
             Government (FCR 31)

      Mr. Chellgren stated that FCR 31 is a recommendation to authorize the execution of a
sanitary sewer easement to the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government. Mr. Chellgren
moved approval of FCR 31. The motion, seconded by Mrs. Edge, passed. (See FCR 31 at the
end of the Minutes.)

      0.    Other Business

      Ms. Sims handed out a copy of the Strategic Plan of the Alumni Association. She noted
how the strategic plan for the Alumni Association goes along with what the university has in
mind for its growth and development. President Wething