xt7qz60bzz2s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bzz2s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-11-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 21, 1996 1996 1996-11-21 2020 true xt7qz60bzz2s section xt7qz60bzz2s _‘





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‘o - ..“Q‘. s - .“.‘~a.. ‘1‘““1saer


WEATHER ll/lostly cloudy

today, high 50. Cloudy tonight,

low 30. [Mostly sunny

tomorrow, big/7 around 50.

TAKE THAT Keg focuses on hockey in the
Bluegrass with the addition oft/2e Kentucky
Tborougbblades. See KeG, inside


34, ".,..' “w






November 21, I 996

(.‘lomfiedi 5 Campus 8

l N (.‘rorrword 5 Sport: 2
Cartoon 4 Viewpoint 4




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ollege graduates not finding meaningful johs “

Some jobs

see increase

By Kara Fltzgerald

Contributing lVriter

Damian Caudell never envi-
sioned becoming a theater manag-
er or being stuck in a dead-end
job. His once perceived starting
point has lasted for years.

Caudell is a manager at Show-
case Cinemas in Erlan er, Ky. His
job provides him witl§ a sense of
security and stability, plus paying
the bills.

However, his job pays extreme—
ly little, des ite his managerial
skills and the liours he puts in dur-
ing a week. The job requires his
complete attention, which leaves
him no time to focus on his real
dream of becoming an artist.

He studied art in college and
had every intention of finding a
related job, but instead he experi-
enced the same fate many UK
graduates may face. What hap-
pened to getting a degree that
correlates with one’s future job? Is

this a national trend that is expect-
ed to last throughout the first few
years of the decade?

Gini Barlow, an employee at
Judy’s Temp Service, has seen this
trend increase over the years. She
speaks with many UK graduates
t rough her job. She said gradu-
ates come to her temp service with
various degrees, but are often
placed in jobs that differ from
their schooling.

“I’ve seen people come in here
with art/advertising de rees who
are placed in office jobs ecause of
the needs of the job market,” Bar-
low said.

She said she firmly believes this
service is a good starting point for
graduates. It is a place to gain con-
nections and experience in the
“real world”.

Kellie Clark, a communications
junior, fears that her efforts in
obtaining a degree may be useless
in the future.

“I would hate to think I was
spendin all this time and money
for a cofle e degree that will not
be demanded by the job market,”
Clark said.

In the job series that ran in the
Lexington Herald—Leader on

27, 1996, Alan Greenspan talked
about how the American people
are worried about the job market.

“This sense ofjob insecurity is
so dee) that many workers ear
their a ility to make ends meet in
the future, many appear trul com
cerned about a prospective ecline
in their standard of living,” said
Greenspan, the chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board.

According to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, the labor force is
projected to increase by 12 cr—
cent before the year 2005. 'I otal
employment is projected to
increase by 14 ercent as well.

However, t is is slower than
the 24 ercent increase between
the 198 ~94 period. The statistics
predict employment'will increase
in occupations requmng various
amounts of education and train-

Over the 1994—2005 eriod,
growth rates will range om 5
percent for occupations requiring
a master’s degree.

Even categories that generally
require an associate degree or
more education are pro'ected to
grow faster than the I percent
average of all occupations.

Occupations that require on—
the-job training should grow the



slowest. jobs requiring the least
education and training will pro-
vide the most openings, but offer
the lowest pay.

According to the Bureau of

Labor Statistics, service producing
industries will account for virtual—
ly all ofjob growth.
Manufacturing's share of the
total jobs is expected to decline, as
a decrease of 1.3 million manufac—
turing jobs is expected. Health

In {10 Fastest Growing


W 122‘! 2.00.? Change Limes:
Personal/Heine Care Aidet‘ 179,000 391,000 , 212,000 , - 119 -
Home Health Aides 420,000 848,000 428,000 102
Systems Analysts 483,000 928,000 445,000 ' 92
Computer Engineers 195,000 3 72,000 177,000 90
Physical/Corrective Therapy 78,000 142,000 64,000 - 83 _

. - Assistants and Aides
Electronic Pagination Systems Workers 18,000 33,000 ’ 15,000 83
Occupational Therapy Assistants and Aides 16,000 29,000 13,000 82 '
Physical Therapists 102,000 183,000 81,000 , 80 ~ ’~ '
Residential Counselors 165,000 290,000 126,000 76 _
Human Services Workers 168,000 293,000 125,000 75

‘ *Sourco: Bureau at taller Statistlcs P octlon:


services, business services and
social services are expected to
account for almost one of every
two jobs added to the economy
during the 1994—2005 eriod.

Professional specia ty occupa-
tions are supposed to increase
most quickly and add the most
jobs—over five million.

Service workers are ex ectcd to
add 4.6 million jobs. Botfi) special—
ty occupations and service work-



ers are expected to provide more
than halfof the total projected job
growth in 19941005.

While Damian Caudell has the

education re uired for the
upcoming decade, his field ofspe-
cialty is not demanded by the job

It will be harder for him to put
his art de cc to use, based on the
Bureau ()lesill)()r Statistic's projec—


Fashion show highli

By Allison Marsh
Staff Writer

In the midst of lost lipstick and diet coke cans,
girls in sweat pants with fancy hairdos chatter anx-
iously about what is going on outside the dressing


A group ofladies down from Cincinnati, includ-






hs. fitment talents



remove 14 dead bodies

QUINCY, Ill. —- Investigators removed 14
bodies and the cock )it recorder yesterday fro
the wreckage of a l1
raised safety questions about hundreds of US. air-

iery runway crash that has

ing parents, sorority sisters, UK students and mem-
bers of the Lafayette Club, are finishing salads and
moving onto the entree.

Servers in tuxedos fill glasses while the pianist
soothes the audience with soft notes. On the other
side of the wooden doors a man from a local salon
works on models’ hair and make-u . A UK student
who has been picking up clothes ,and)or anizing who
will wear what when since 8:00 a.m. finally can sit
down between two clothes racks.

A fashion show to benefit Vir inia Place, a place
where single parents can work or a better future,
was held yesterday afternoon at the Lafayette Club.
About 30 UK students organized the luncheon and
show that featured clothes from 12 local retail stores.

Merchandising senior Renee Griffin, one of the
show coordinators, stood confidently in the tiny
room, helpin with last minute details. For the past
few weeks, 5 e and Carrie Couhlin have been the
glue between DMT 312 students and their profes-
sor, Karen Ketch. The night before the show, Grif-
fin’s phone calls died down at 12:30 a.m.

“I didn’t know what to do with myself,” Griffin
said. “So, I popped in a movie. Now, it’s pay—off

In the minutes before the show Griffin had to
remind the girls to keep it down. This was not an
ordinary class project; tickets were $20.

“Life is a group roject," said Ketch. “(The
show), it’s the real wor .”

Clinks of silverware outside the dressing room
signaled the end of chocolate mousse indulgences.
Publicity Chair Patrick Richardson, who wore a fes—





STYUN' UK students hosted tbeir very own firs/non show at Lafayette Club yesterday.

“Okay, you all," he said, “it’s showtime as soon as
they give us the go ahead." Sheik silhouettes, color,
individual spin, timeless classics, glitter, sophisticat—
ed accents and streamline are just a few words the
commentator used to announce the clothes. The
spotlight followed models of all ages, shapes and

sizes across the hardwood stage floor. They strutted
in a double-u between tables of fashion connoisseurs
who potted soft fabrics as models wuoshed by.
“Everything was nice," said Rita Hill, mother of
student Shannon Hill. “I really like the furs at the
end, they were the climax to the lunch and show.“


SAM Havensncx Km”! tut] '


ports with no control tower to ruidc pilots.

The charred bodies were le t on the runway of
Baldwin Municipal Airport overnight and
removed after investigators examined the wreck—
age of Tuesday’s collision between a United
Express commuter plane and a small private plane.

“It was a vicious fire. There's really not too
much left," said the National 'l‘ransportation
Safety Board’s George Black. “We know very few
facts about the accident."

Clues to what caused the accident could come
from the cockpit voice recorder taken from the
commuter plane. Unlike a jetliner, it had no flight
data recorder. The private plane had neither.


PI‘GSlllEIIlS' daughter discusses MOVIES

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Movies like “JFK”
and “Nixon" are iving young people a twisted
sense of history, juTie Nixon Eisenhower says.

“It‘s really amazing to think how carelessly
Hollywood allows historical figures to become
props for the entertainment industry," President
Nixon’s daughter told the liast Tennessee Histor—
ical Society on Tuesday.

“Many young people are unable or unwilling
to sort out the propaganda or artistic license from
the truth.“

(.‘ompiltdfrom wire reports.

tive red plaid jacket, rushed in to alert classmates.


Joli lair provides links

Circle at love children
enlist llll's help tor gills

By Jennller Smith
Stofl H’riter

With the holiday season fast
approaching, UK faculty are join-
ing together in the spirit ofgiving
to make Christmas a little
brighter for some Fayette County

T-he Circle of Love, a program
started ten years ago, has provid-
ed Christmas gifts to over 6,150
local children.

Several similar programs that
fulfill underprivileged children's
wish lists and dreams are in the
area, like Angel Trees in malls.

The children who receive gifts
are chosen by the Fayette County
School district counselors.

“We figure out how many kids
we are going to sponsor, then
contact the schools, and they
make a list of how many kids
receive free school lunches.”
Chair of Distribution and Collec-
tion Monica Mehanna said.

'“Based on how many children

.--.~._-~NW-.4 . 7.


need sponsored from each school,
we determine how many kids we
can accept from each school.”
UK Lexington Campus, which
plans to distribute gifts to 655
children, joined the program in
1987, although Chandler Medical
Center began the program a year
earlier, distributing to 500 kids.
The UK community colleges
also participate throughout Ken-
tucky in the Circle of Love, as
well as many other programs to

help others.
The 14 colleges across the
Commonwealth choose what

type of program they participate
in, whether it be a circle of love,
an angel tree, simply sponsoring
needy families or giving gifts for
kids in the community in place of
gift exchange within their offices.
Faculty were able to pick up
names and wish lists at the Stu-
dent Center yesterday, but will be
given the opportunity to choose a
child to buy for today as well.
The viewfiig of the gift giving


"’W"‘" .e..


CW moms Kenn! roan-thud

3'” "E l" Political sophomore Wendy Ban boom writerieo Ie‘r name:

for the Circle of Love campaign that give: an rpri'vileged t' 1'

project will be Dec. 9 and 10 in
206 Student Center.The lists will
be available at tables located in
Andersonfilall, the Student Cen-



rm gifts.
ter, the Agricultural Sciences
Center North, Patterson Office
Tower and the Peterson Service
Building from? a.m. to 2 pm.



' Win-w» t“ “‘
. . ’ '- j

By Capri Cicero

Contributing l Vrim‘

Uncertainty is the greatest fear
of the future for many students.

Upon graduation, all hope to
find well-paying, self—fulfilling
jobs that will start them on the
road to success. However, more
and more students hear about the
shortage of jobs and the motiva—
tion it takes to land one.

The UK Career Center has
developed another tool for soon-
to—be graduates to move into the
professional world. This week,
UK joins 19 other universities in
participating in the first “Virtual
Job Fair,” through Friday, Nov.

According to Sally Chesser at
the UK Career Center, this is an
“un aralleled opportunity" for
stu ems.

It provides students the chance
to interview with such companies
as GTE, Hewlett-Packard, Proc-
tor and Gamble and IBM, who
would not have been able to come
to campus to interview. Available
jobs draw from a range of majors
and are locatejtall over the nation.

“It is a chance to see more
companies,” Chesser said. “It is
one more tool for students.”

Who is eligible? Any graduat-
ing senior who is looking for a job.
\chile Chesser said it can be ben-
eficial for underclassmen to get
familiar with the program, it is
primarily geared toward immedi-
ate placement.

The students interviewing this
week turned in a .t-suine and
application during a three week
period in October. These resumes
were sent to the desired compa-
nies and they, in turn, selected 70
applicants for interviews.

Although the program is com-
petitive, Chesser was impressed
with the students at UK. The
number of interviews requested
was only five short of a full sched-
ule.The interviews take lace in a
private room where app icant and
interviewer share resume and
application through video and
audio communication over digit:
phone lines. If the interview goes
well, it is just like any first inter-
view and the applicant could be
asked for a second interview or a
plant visit. I '.


,. New

'3 l.“


 . ovv‘."b*.a . ,_, ~og¢~-.,fi ,.


‘i z : f 2 Thursday. November 21. I996. Kentucky Knml



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Editor In Chief ............................. Brenna Reilly
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The Independent Newspaper at The University of Kentucky
Founded in 1894 Independent since 1971

026 Grehan Journalism Bldtn, University of Kentucky
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trom loss; cage
Melbourne Tigers

By Chris Easterling
Sports Editor

Nothing like an exhibition
rame to work out some of the
kinks in the system. UK looked
less than spectacular in last Fri-
day’s overtime loss to Clemson in
the season 0 )ener. So Coach Rick
Pitino and t e Cats went back to
the drawing

Another player who appeared
to play much better than he did in
the opener was Jamaal Ma loire.
Magloire grabbed seven oards
against Melbourne, uite a con-
trast from his one reTJound night
in Indianapolis.

“I realize that I’m just a fresh—
man, and I’m going through some
bumps right now, he said. “I do

feel myself get-


board, and what
resulted was last
night’s 84—51
win over the
Melbourne (Aus-
tralia) Tigers at
Rup ) Arena.
‘Australia is a
little worn out
right now," I’iti—
no said. “We

UK 84, Melbourne 51

II (84): Anderson 12-14. 2-2 28; Mercer 10-
18, 0-0 20; Simmons 5-5, 0-0 11; Turner 3-4.
1-1 7; Edwards 2-4, 0—0 4; Mohammad 2-2, 0-
0 4; Magloire 1-5, 1-4 3: Puckett 1-4, 1-2 3;
Maisello 1-2, 0-0 2; Mills 0-1, 0-0 0. Totals

ting better each

Epps said the
main thing the

Cats need to
work on before
the Syracuse
game is their

press and their
defense. He went

certainly made 3762‘7'1184' on to say that
”me l‘cadw‘w union: Gaze 6-13 5-5 19- Smith 7-13 as UK could 5"“ '
“might.- I think 14; Gordon 3-8. 0-0 is; Egan'r-z. 2-2 4; Wiek- 86 again“ t .9
we Improved sirom 1-2, oo 3; Simmons 14, 1a 3; rangemen If
about 10 percent Henchen esooo; ammo-1,000, Gid- they don't
from the Clcm— dey 0-0, 00 0; Chapman 00.00.00: Totals improve in those
son game." 194810-15 51- areas. After

The Wildcats Halftime UK 43 MEL 22 Rebounds UK34(Met- being held mm“—
Wi” now have ceIBJMEL.23fSMIm-7)):Thre&pofli1FGfMEl.3r What m ChCCk

seven days to
continue to iron
out the wrinkles
in their game

before the A: 21649 (23,000)


13 (Gaze 26. Wicksrrom 1-2, Rainbow 0-1, Gordon
0-2. Hinchen 0-2) UK 310 (Anderson 2-2, Sim-
mons 1-1, Pocket! (H, Edwards 0-1, Mercer 02.
Epps 03). Assists: UK 19 (Turner 5) MEL. 11 (Gid-
dey 5) Fouls: UK 17, MEL. 12. Fouled our: None

a rainst Clemson,
t e dynamic duo
of Ron Mercer
and Derek
Anderson finally



night rematcihh with championship
game foe Syracuse.

That rematch will be the first of
three games UK plays as part of
the (treat Alaska Shootout in
Anhcorage. UK will not get
another opportunity to play on its
home court until Dec. 9, when
Wri ht State visits.

“ ‘he defense was so—so, but I
think we executed much better,"
Anthony lipps said.

Amongr those overachievin r
was ()liver Simmons, who score
1 1 points on 5—of-5 shooting.

‘Oliver has im )HWCtl his shot,”
l’itino said, “but c needs to do a
better job of grabbing rebounds
with two hands. I was very pleased
with his pcrfomlancc."

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arrived in fu

21,649 in attendance.

The two combined for 48
points, with Anderson leading all
scorers with 28, while Mercer tal-
lied 20, with 12 of Mercer’s com—
ing in the second half.

“Derek had a great game," Piti—
no said. “He was very active and
that was the Derek Anderson that
we see in practice every day.”

Severn times during the game,
the two combined for some s cc—
tacular plays. The first came a )out
three minutes into the contest
when Anderson tossed up a lob
pass to Mercer, who threw it down
with authority to tie the game
early at four.



then took center

...9~-v-,,. .....




.. ‘

SHIIWTIME The Cats“ Derek Anderson dazzle: the crowd with a dunk.
x/lnderron stole the shot." by scoring 28 points in the UK win.

sta re later in the first halfwhen he
dida 18(l-degree scoop shot to )ut
UK up 35—17. Mercer responded
in his own way I) ' scoring lO-of—
13 points for the Cats during a 15-
6 run in the second half that blew
the game wide open. Many ofhis
points came on some Jordanesque
moves to the basket.

“We have a feeling that we have
to lead the team," Anderson said.
“And if we don‘t, we'll be a lost
team again."

The duo also hit the glass for
the Cats, with Mercer leadin r all
players with ei rht boards, w rile
Anderson )ulledi down three. As a
team, UKl made amends for its
rebounding woes against Clemson

by outrebounding Melbourne 3-1-

“Coaches really got on me last
game,” Mercer said. “I think I had
two rebounds last game. That
came to mind, so I tried to go get
every rebound I could.”

One area where the Cats did
have some trouble was in
turnovers, where they committed
23 miscues, including 21 unforced

“We just created them our-
selves, and that’s something that
we must rectifv," l’itino said.
“because the defense is going to
play good enough that they’re
going to create turnovers for us ——-
those things have to be prevented."

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Oartinals on two
years' probation

Associated Press

placed the University of Louisville
men’s basketball program on two
years’ probation yesterday for
rules violations concerning
recruiting, extra benefits and pref-
erential treatment.

The school, which was accused
of 10 violations, will remain eligi-
ble for post-season play and can
continue to appear on television.

The NCAA accepted various
penalties that the university had
imposed against itself following its
own investigation.

The case arose from questions
concerning former player Samaki
VValker’s use of two cars during
the summer and fall of 1995.

David Swank, chairman of the
NCAA Committee on Infractions,
today commended the university
for conducting a “very careful and
thorough examination” of the

“In that regard, this was a
model kind of response,“ he said.

“They were very thorough and
forthright. This is a good example
of what a program should do.”

Among the penalties imposed
by the NCAA Committee on-
Infractions included requiring the, -

school to continue to develop and
implement a comprehensive edu-
cational program on NCAA legis—j
lation. ' -

The announcement ended a.

year-and-a-half ordeal that started
with a report by The Courier-
Journal surrounding phone calls

made to a Louisville recruit by'_

former volunteer strength coach
and boosterJimmy Thompson.

In a later report, telephone
records obtained by the newspaper

revealed that assistant coach Larry' -_
Gay apparently made improper :
phone contacts with at least two -
top Kentucky high school juniors 3

during the 1994-95 school year.

He also was tied to Thompson;

through phone records.















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Cats were one
step away from
NCAA Tournament

By .iiii Erwin
l Senior Sufi Writer

The UK men’s soccer team went into the Mid-
American Conference tournament with a sub-par
record (7-9—3) and a winless streak of five games.

They were overlooked by everyone, and defending
champion Bowling Green even spoke with the ress
about how they were preparing to play Akron ( K’s
second—round opponent) because it was obvious who
was oing to move on.

K proved them and everyone else wrong by
moving to the championship game against the Fal-
cons. It was something the Cats grew used to during
the season.

Opponents would look at the team’s roster, see ll
freshmen, and figure the Wildcats would self-
destruct with inexperience. At different points during
the season, that’s exactly what ha ned.

“They were inconsistent,” U coach Ian Collins
said. “At times, the showed flashes of brilliance, at
times they showed ey were young, naive players.”

That is to be expected of an group of players
experiencing their first year of college while trying to
com etc on a national level athletically.

K started eight players who never started a game
before this year in the MAC title game, including
freshman Jay Armstrong, who was making his first
start ever.

Armstrong and fellow freshman Bryan DePriest,
both defenders, were named to the All-Tournament
team, not an easy accomplishment considerin they
were playing against the MAC Player of the Yiar in
BG’s Steve Klein.

However, these freshmen were blessed with
exceptional leadership from this year’s seniors.

Sean Endicott, Greg Lobring, Toby McComas
and David Muse led through words and actions, and
each brought something special to the team.

Endicott tied the team record for assists in a sea-
son, McComas led the team in scoring, Muse set a
new school record for saves in a season and Lobring
was one of the most consistent layers before having
his season ended prematurely by an ankle injury in
the Cincinnati game.

“All four reall showed outstanding leadership,”
Collins said. “T ere are some shoes to fill, but I
expect that the players we have and the players we
brin in will do that.”

e Cats were blessed with lots of depth this year,
evident by the fact that only three players (McComas,
Muse, and Jamie Schuer) played in every game this
year. That was a necessity with the injuries incurred
during the season.

Aside from the normal burn s and bruises and
Lobring’s injury, UK also lost or er important play-






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Bill MARLOWE Krnirl naff

GET I am UK ’5 Matt Wilkerson get: tan/gal up with
a fie from Eanerri Mirbigan.

ers for stretches of time. Rick Dengelegi suffered a

torn ACL in the preseason, and reds irted this year.

Also missing time to injury were Brien Baltzell,
Rob Frey and led Boswell, who had twelve stitches
put in his head during the team’s first game at the

Despite the fact that the players fought through all
this to reach the MAC title game, they still failed to
reach the one goal they set at the beginning of the
season: to reach the Big Dance.

“The only oal we set was going to the NCAA
tournament,” ollins said. “When it came down to it,
we got very close to what we were attempting to do.”

UK advanced further than it had in the previous
five years of the program, and that definitely bodes
well for next year.

“I expect us to compete next year for the MAC
championship, no question,” Collins said. “That’s
what I expected this year, and we did. We fell a little
short, but we competed for it, and that’s what I
expect next year, nothing less.”

\ Diamond l‘TUIll





Mecdkoo‘m‘t (fiche



Also needlepoint:



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finishing needlepoint l

Nicholasville Rd at Zandale Drive (”I




line on






mam '9 sfiwM piim Gimme


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Star Trek / Trees
Lounge Giveaway

Kernel Diversions in cooperation with
Sony Southpark and The Kentucky
Theatre is giving away several pairs
of tickets and posters for Star Trek:
First Contact and Trees Lounge.
Just answer the following question
correctly and e-mail your answer to
contest @kernel.uky.edu

Which characters from ‘Next
Generation’ are now a regulars on
‘Deep Space Nine?’

Winners will be selected randomly
and will be notified by 3 p.m. on
Friday. Tickets for Star Trek: First
Contact must be redeemed at Sony


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Sheila's UK Theatre presents












Guignol Theatre


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matinees Nov. 24,,and Dec. 8 at 2 p.m.



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I kill a”: 9" I






(II/AT ,



Holiday care






Established in 1894
Independent since 1971






Brenna Reilly. editor in chief
Tiffany Gilmarfln, editorial editor
Kathy Belling. new: editor
Gary Wu ll , assoc. new: editor
Lindsay Hendrix, features editor
Tracie Purdon, design editor

Ben Abes, on~lim editor





e understand that college is a close-knit

And often we, as students, forget that
once we leave campus, there are realities that
many of us will never understand, and would
never want to. For example, not having a place
to sleep at night and not knowing where we
will get our breakfast the next day.

The fact is, many of our neighbors right
here in Lexington deal with these and other
harsh realities every day. As Thanks-
giving approaches, we are reminded
that the time is once again nearing
when we should open our wallets and lend an
extra hand to those less fortunate than us.

WAIT! You say. We’re in college! Students
barely have money to fill our own stomachs,
much less the stomach of another. But are you
sure about that? If you have money for one
more lZ—pack, don’t you have money to donate
some food for a hungry family, or buy a pre-
sent to brighten a needy child‘s holiday?

But if you really don’t have money laying
around to give, there’s other options this holi-
day season. Donating your time can mean so
much to nonprofit organizations and those


firemen QB! the Mill!
il'lllll parking officials

To the editor:

Several unbelievable stories
about the UK Parking Police have
appeared in this forum. But we
have a story that without question
tops them all.

Monday morning at 10:45 a.m.,
the 38d“. building was evacuated
for a fire alarm. We were return-
ing to campus from Arby's on
South Limestone and saw a Lex—
ington fire truck come rushing in
to respond to the call. It stopped
at the entrance to Admin. Drive