xt7qz60bzw9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bzw9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 08, 1985 1985 1985-03-08 2020 true xt7qz60bzw9s section xt7qz60bzw9s i
“Alumni”; ’ .. .' 333;: $3)“; -. .Unlvenltyofkenwdty.Mw Independent elm im Friday, March a. was
I : ' k‘ " ' ' M" “r ' "st ». ~. “i"friaéo'n-fiss-c "taunt . . ‘
e e ’ e e e
E 0 1613] e en S - tlllthIl increases
' tub $7.3 ’ - . '
Hikes based on percentage . 3 Benchmark 5 . .
e O ‘LIEI e e
of state per capita mcome I I nations are .. , - -
By JOHN vosxunt shouldn't complain as much as out- TU o c s s I b . - I‘ .
i R 0. MW... in N m REA E t... I compara 1e ,
- - ‘ ‘ Staff re rts . . :

' . ' UK students say they're confused Kentl3cky urgidents w'“ pay ‘52 FOR 1985.86 ”623 N po . , . .'
about recently-up proved tuition in« mmIe or '10". neinI semester. V ' L'K's benchmark institutions ' . I '
creases for the 1935'“ academic “m I mmnéfimfy “ pay $198 : . = N - .. universities of about the same sllt‘ . I .
year. but an official With the state more an I y r ‘ I I and scope ~ have fairly colliparable V ‘ . _ . .
Council on Higher Education says While students had nothing but . $3.1m ' : tuition rates ‘.‘ _"
the increases are justified and based complaints about the increases. Ken .. . I me. The Kentucky Kernel contacted . .' ’ .

m- on a fair system — at least one Walker. deputy executive director - IMTMM - four 0f the L'niverfilly'a H bench ' -

“7" . that‘s fairer than itusedtobe. for finance at the CHE. said they ; ' . I $2.720 marks yesterday to determine fig . ; "

. . ._ arebasedonafairformula. innit-loom .. ~‘ ‘3'“ ures for undergraduate and grad- . I‘ I
t . ' memo? I}??? figxfiugfisfgfl: The Council‘s policy is “to set res- [j .- ~- sum -- . . I ' uate tuition The figures listed below " , . '
. roved tuition hikes of about 10 per- ident undergraduate tu§t1°h I35 a per I 'v “ ‘ : came from the universities' offices . ' '
' $th for undergraduates and “may: 9‘ per cap"? ‘“°°"‘.e' : {email ,. . .. . Omani-$51995. . . . . ‘ 3 ' ' - '.
Walker said. The Come“ set a b‘en' _._.r;$:::-.:I:3232152435235 '5-3':=35-5i3:5231.:= . .3153335,.;:I:5:j- '59 "I I‘:E: '- .:- 1'4 - - I ': 'Wf‘sl \ ll‘glnla l [in Pl‘sll) Paid ’ '
graduate students and as much as 25 . l hedul f tuiti . .. .I 01131? . ”u .. _ . 5 I . I . .. J _ .
percent for non-resident medical ma SC .6 or on increases .. . . ' . b3 semester Resident “{‘99rg'dd’ . . .' .-
students f°r 198436 ‘" “member °f 1983' U“‘ Mitt ' $1.157 £15125."f§E§5:f':ii:3£§'§€§3§':§f 31.75977 2:»; ' ”ate 503“ ”on'rwdem 5‘ M" “‘3‘" . '
’ ‘ dergraduate tuition at UK for 198586 K . ' :15 '1 2:“iI‘f'IijIIggIinI‘E I, iI. ' " r dent graduate $611; Non resident ’ .. . '
Students reacted negatively to the was set at 11 percent of the state‘s "‘11 _-"III‘I. Jigs; 1 ri‘: .I: ' graduate is $1157” . - -
move yesterday. Many said that 31- per capita personal income. ; 1:12:: "-erséijftT‘Ei? =??1‘-55':II:E?‘ ' if. ~ _ olndiana ['nhersit) mm b_\ . . .
though they COUId afford the increas— The Council bases rates for non- g5 3.3- Q 9% - 3- ..':.;7";;I:;- - ' II . I credit hour Resident undergraduate . ‘
es. they dldn't understand “(by they resident and graduate schml tuition 39.11% “"232?" 3. *l.‘: 5:13:35:;.-;_::135:_:i:5:.:: :..:'.:::;v-.l.:-:.I,::-: . I $5050 56“; for 12 hOUrS‘ Noll‘rehl' I' .' I
were necessary. 0“ the resident undergraduate fig- tag} '33: I .32 I . dent undergraduate $142 :30 131.711: , . '
“I'm on a fixed income. with a ures. Walker said. Non-resident un- 3612 am *3 m I for 12 hoursl Resident graduate ‘ I
guaranteed student loan. so l‘m not dergraduate tuition is set at 300 per- $614 $65 75 .3591 .75 for nine hour, Non- .
[00 happy about it." said Greg cent of the resident tuition. ROSIdent w I resident graduate 513023 151522 2:) »
Spotts. a communications senior. “I graduate tuition is set at 110 percent I for mne hours 1 ' I _ ‘
think they should address the stu- of undergraduate figure. Non-resi- , .L'niyerm) 0| Tonnes“... mm by
dents a little more thoroughly on the dent graduate tuition is set at 300 quarter Resident undergraduate I _
issue. because the money's coming percentoftheresidentfigure. __ $333 Nonyegidem undergraduate . I‘.I
out of our pockets.“ Tuition for law. medical and den- ~‘ ‘ $991. Resident graduate 34“: Non»
Bret Blair. a civil engineering tal students who are Kentucky resi- ! j j ' j ’ f ‘ f 9’ f f residentgraduate$1.06|l '
freshman who works summer jobs dents is set at 15. 34 and 28 percent is f if oPurdue ("hers“) pmd by 59. - ‘
to pay for college. also said he of per capita income respectively mestep Raglder” undergraduate -'
would feel the effects of the in- Non-resident tuition for law. medical mm"; Graham I". My Medici!» Dentistry $766 Non—reSIdent undergraduate
crease. “i‘ll just have to budget my and dental students ls set at 310. 7—50 $2.278. Graduate tuition is same as ~ ~.
money more carefully." he said. “I soc Tl ITlu\ I1dgk‘4 ., . wuss .. .. I | "Mints xnnnmpn. undergraduate ' .
P I. t. l. . . bl I 575:3“: e ~ .
O l 108 re 1 1011 [[188 am e = ' i P reudenber 1 BS ‘ ‘
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Ch . t. d. t I: ..- I e e
rlS ian group tree or says . ~ a critique of Kernel
. - so - ,
ByJOth JURY er religion is going to Ibe in politics. time speeches and the revival of the * . ' " I .. I By TIM JOHNSON rightfully follows that we mm In
Stafanter ThIeIworld today is being shaped by RusSlan saints. . I . 3r . WW , ‘3 Senior Staff Writer form. investigate and. when .ipprir . I I
spiritual forces. They are trying to create a state . . i %3 f. aim priate commentand analm ,
The spiritual revival in the United Israel. Magruder said. is one such of militancy. what you would do if a; snail,IIIII~.I.I,II.II..;.«;..I~. . I through the "critical eve“ 0, II“. ' ' '
States will play an important role in country which is dominated by its you were to embark on a serious I ‘ ' 7, ‘ is . president 0f the Student cbvemmnn Freudenberg said that all llEWSpu‘ '
the political resurgence over the spiritual faith. The country has the military test."hesaid. « ‘ I335 008“ on. about 15 people in U“. pen have the power to influence
next few years. according to N. Bur- world‘s top army in terms of morale The year 1988. Magruder said. will ‘ y- - f . . t Journansm Building learned that people to act or not to act and . '
nett Magruder. executive director of as reported by British intelligence mark the 1.000th anniversary of the I“ J I ,I the Kentucky Kernel must "respond wamed the Kernel to be careful Wlth .
the Christian Heritage Center in reports and statements from top founding of the Russian church ‘ "is-s... I to the best interests of the peopie II the power. He also termed the Kt-rr I
Louisville. a rGIigious educational US. officials. hesaid. which the Soviets “are going to capi- ' purportstoserve." nolm a "monopoly ' -
organization. - - - - talizeon,"he said. ‘ .. ' ’ _
Magruder spoke last night about coh‘ttlr‘illiutgso 13111:; :mmfuigfiésg': Raised in Missouri. Magruder. 70. ’ ffw* In his critique yesterday. spon- I I'tl reasons beyond our control. I
God and government in a speech ty he said “They have a historic has received degrees from William N. BURNETT MAGRUDER sored by the SIOCleI,y of profeIssmmI we must depend on our monopoly I . I I .
sponsored by Students for America. sense of their count .. Jewell College in Missouri. Divinity Journalists. Sigma Delta Chi. Tim press to month? US theIIlnformdtlon .
“The spiritual heritage of Ameri- ry. School of Yale University and (‘0- He has served as executive direc- l-‘reudenberg offered “a critical eye we {19‘}! every day. he sand . I ' .
ca is the foundation stone on which Magruder also noted a Spiritual lumbia University. In 1953. he re- tor of the Louisville area Council of “I the studentpress." “Bl“. dqes ”9‘ even attempt "“5 ' .
all this economic. political devel- emphasis 0f the 50V“?! leaders on ceived his doctorate of theology Churches. and as coordinator for the .. . . . . , and- lets face It “0 other PUbhca' ’ , ‘
opment rests." he said- “Amcrica their people today through the re- from the Southern Baptist Seminary Kentucky chapters of the John Birch Th? 9"” “3.“? mass '“fluence “0" 0“ campusmmpam “"1” ”1.9 . '
does not have a choice about wheth- playing of Joseph Stalin‘s old war- in louisville. Society. on government ofIflCials. and the vot~ Kernel. [n my view. monopoly lnStl: I I . ' I
ers. plays an active part in the gov- tutlons or corporations ~ the Kernel . . -
S d h erning of this nation.“ Freudenberg is both — have a special relationship -, 4 ‘
tu ent “rt 1 “ "_‘A"_" g“ "a”; said. hdIitg altso considers itself the with. and a responsiblllt) to the poo - ‘ ‘ 'I .
I w" . ‘watc ' 0 government. If we ac- le it serves ' 7 _ I,
With table saw I E”:J: cept this role for the press. then it p “H "mm I m“ 4 - , I' »
l ‘ «JJ. ~ 0 ° t - ». . .
' 1 « .
in art class . .. (t. . 2 Latin America presen s . .. I
2 * .._ a 3. ~ ‘ i . -. . . -.
“I 3. ‘6'2' ”yak: . “13-1,.“ .. :. '
By ELIZABETHCARAS ‘ . atlas 31%.“ " I pl‘OblemS, CdltOI' Says ’ .
News Editor I y a a»; 3_JI-;.I.I..«:-~JII 3 . I I . I I I I
J ,3...“ ” ' ” a 1 By MICKEY MEECE recently elected president of the . . '
Anarchitecture freshman is listed ~ ‘“ ' 3‘” . ‘ 3M Contributing Writer Sandinistas. Daniel Ortega. hasn‘t , ‘ .

I in satisfactory condition in Louis- I ‘ i ' a really settled the issue of who's in ' 'I ,
ville's JCWISh Hospital today after .. “M Full-scale US. military involve- charge. either.“ ' . ' '
nearly severing two fingers 0“ her 7;}. "I-~-“’M ment in Central America would . . . . . . . .
left hand in an art studio class this E -~" make the “conflict in Vietnam look The POhItICEI Situationln any (eni ‘ - . I I
week. 3 9 ‘ ~ "-’ like a picnic." the editorial page edi- "8.1 American ”3‘9” ”'5 ”Heme” - »

JI Kim was flitting W°°d for a Pm‘ : J5 . *3? tor of the Lexington Herald~Leader fltud. . "°f'w°.”‘. said. Per? .15 m;
ject in a beginning sculpture class ,1 :t « --' said atacampus lecture yesterday. real mm 0 m.” m "'an .Iscms‘m 0 . -
about 9:30 pm. Monday when her ' J: :2? IIJ- Central American policy; -
hand 80t caught under a table saw, : i3 “’3." -- 100 people at a talk SPOhSOWd by the There have been attempts to Pro- '
said her father "in!“ Kim. 0‘ Louis- - ". 5 J, Council 0" Aging. gave two reasons mote Democratic values in the peo ‘ ‘ . '
ville. . - ,3”; 3 3 for that prediction: The region is ple of Central America. The prob-
Kim was rushed to the Medical . I ”1:! ' very close and there is a very large lem. Holwerk said. is to identify I .
Center and then ‘0 Jewish Hospital . {’0’ .3] Hispanic minority "1 America. The what the values are and how they ‘
where specialists operated on her a . 1' Hispanic reaction to military in- shouldbepromoted. ‘ '
hand. Mr. Kim said. ' ".‘la -* volvement would be nearly disas-
Yesterday. he said “she's doing _ . *‘ _ ' . trous forthecountry.hesaid. You promote Democratic values.
fine" although doctors won't know ' ’0 But military involvement may be “not just in terms of elections. but .
until today whether she'll regain use ‘ " i ‘ inescapable. because the Reagan also in Democratic institutions." he
of her hand. i . I' 1; Administration believes the situation said, .
The saw cut diagonally through a, . s ‘ :e 5‘ in Central America poses a potential
the bone that separates the little f‘in- A . .3 ’ 1.: national security threat to the Unit-
ger and ring finger from the rest 01' aifi: l ‘ - " . . edStates. Holwerk said. INS'DE
the hand. said Leslie Cannon. Kim's 17;? . The basic argument for this point
roonwteinBodeall. . of view.hesaid. is thatthepotential __ _ III .
Marilyn Hamann. chairwoman of a Is: for Soviet influence in an area so ' 3 o .x
the art department. said Kim was 3 near the United States poses a se- ' II I; I—Imdeymthe Univer-
working with about six studaits {. riousthreat. . 3ft, . . __ 3......
when she “essentially put her hand - The United States has involved it- w m up. w
undertheblade." self militarily in a potentially explo um All. For duels. sec
The table saw is “8 basic tool" sive area. Holwerk said. “Became »m.~(.
routinely used for ripping and cross- ‘ of our military presence there. we _ .‘ _. y , .
cutting wood. said Richard Domek. have a lot at stake in finding a 3' I ' ”M:
dean of the College of Fine Arts. He II ' peaceful solution.“ m h fife
streesedthat Kimlied MW - Before solutiom can be found to . ‘I " .I' few ‘3“
the regular training sessions to the Central American problem. Hol- j}.- ' f» 2.. m .
allowhertooperetethesaw and II. werksaidAmericansmustbecleer if I‘ 3. .f'
that an art Wt faculty ' .. , / '_ about our intentions there. This is .~ s®~w~ t .. .. a
memberwumm- . --.1.x '.' it . -. _ * not always an my task in such a raw » . : r -
But became of the eecldutt. m . : ~~ 3. a» .. ._ ‘ ~' , complexarea.heuld.
studio 11mm are meeting today I .figfio 33.3 r I . . . \I . No aide in Cum] America looks
to review the uncut mining [1011- s 53mins» ”g; -. » -; :33». 3:. . _ . he id “We don’t
maid. .IIJ‘. : J VI ‘ , I~3I..:i.'I1I.I;II . ., I.- \ “I ., I I My m, S. . i‘efv‘ .III .. .. ~ I: - . an” I {I
“'3'. .3 I., M .,‘t,»-I.'.AI~ ,. _ I I I ’3, III" . perfect .11). to M m 2 m I ‘5
It: the flat eel-loi- accident . . to, .J ,- . .
vv mm we." there or I perfect enemy to Mt 5- in
over there in is years. he said. el- / there ,, ~.~~. 3‘.“ “a”
though he dkh’t law the nature of Real corker W - ,3 .. a» Iii! Inn
“MW' Tom McCoy. a meson for the Physical Plant Division. puts cork in the side of Holmes Hell Another INN.“ ‘3 M 0‘ "Eu“ . #35 I . ..
Wham rules are applied. Hem- . b . k ad ded d used ty. in Nicaragua. for «ample, the . ..a~“'§**x"‘ .,, . .J...
an aid. um can't really W yesterday. He used the cork to fill in cracks where the nc h expen en ca m don’t have: MW" “’5 JIIIJ_II.J33.J..;,III,IIIJ.3 33; I.
mm"m‘" mm" ”m °m'"°°"'" a mic military mean. no 1m .3 no 4‘» is:
.0 I o

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ails-Vein” mm
“Carola-Chief WW
lwm “A.“
Noweiditor Editorlol editor
" ' assassinate ease i... . : '
Escalating arms race is poor solut' n to nuclear proliferation
It‘s time for the national defense ”—“—‘—— Peace is the opposite of war; how —-—————-‘- in the Kentucky Kernel, that a pre- If these facts hold true for Basia,
policy makers and their cherubic come we need more weapons for Rehashing 40.year. eruptive Soviet strike against our not America, wailai't we be par-
- followers to pull their heads out of Continuing peace? ICBM silos wwld leave the United anoldabouttheother’s intentions?
the clouds and take a good whiff of COLUMN.“ Modern deterrence theory is noth- Old nuclear States with “little or no reliable re The point is, enot‘h is enough.
reality. ing more than a high stakes bar- deterrence theories taliatory forces.“ The world has emugh nuclear weap-
The reality they must face is two- room Went of “I'm bigger. so . . , , The United States has a nuclear ons as it is without revoking atomic
fold. nuclear war can easily wipe watch out or 1'“ kick your ass. It‘s (S ummagmatrve, Triad policy. dividing nuclear war- escalation allover again.
out the entire population 0‘ Earth — akin to giving two small children ll "-ve heads between silo based missiles, Our diplomats, politician and do
and can‘t be brushed aside with cats ons at a breakneck pace will not de— hand grenades and then locking "cred ’ bomber launched cruise missiles feme policy-makers tell us the only
. ual disregard for the consequences. crease the chances of a third world them in a closet. One may “win" by unintelligent _ , , and submarine launched missles. solution is to build more weapons
It is not a frivolous cocktail party war. History, both modern and an- pulling their pin first. but both will Because a considerable number of and make the threat even more omi-
toplc ~~ Just because some Ameri- cient, has shown that countries with die. Period. Even a limited exchange could warheads are not at fixed locations, nous. They tell us this will decrease
can liberals and concerned Euro- large weapons arsenals and/or ar- Many, perhaps all, deterrence the render the Earth unlivable because they are harder to destroy. if any- thechancesof war.
peans have no desire to vaporize in mies are more open to initiating war orists don't seem to realize that of the levels of radiation released. one should fear first strike, it would Rehashing 40-year-old nuclear de-
. a hellish fireball as the result of pol- becausethey think they can win. there are already so many nuclear Missiles destroyed on the ground as be the Russians whose warhead bulk terrence theories is mimaginative,
lllClans deciding it's better to kill ev~ Rather than bring up nasty exam- warheads in existence today that well as in the air will form radioac- is in lCBMs. uncreative, unintelligent and shows
eryone than sit down and settle ples of Hitler's Germany or Ameri- any defense could be overwhelmed tive clouds that will drift with the Thus we do not encourage Russian no concern for the future of the
things «excuse thepun) intelligently. can and French involvement in Viet- by sheer numbers and everyone will winds aroundtheplanet. forms of aggression by displaying human race. We mist consider the
Secondly. it is the people who nam. we can recall the unstable dieimmediatelyorsoonafterward. After all, isn't that the primary “weaknesses" our arsenal is much effect on everyone. not just "them“
, must pay the price for arms escala- aspects of Reagan‘s first term. We The current Star Wars technology goal of warfare. to gain territory? too large and too diverse. Rather, and “‘us.‘ Indeed, as Reagan said.
' tlon “hen the defense bill comes thought. being a superpower, we requires missiles to be destroyed Sure, it may be romantic to come we encourage Soviet forms of ag- America is ready for a second revo-
due. they must suffer cuts in social could keep the peace in Lebanon or one by one, so there simply may not slithering out of an underground gression by showing our lution.
programs because extra funds are win wars in Central America be— be enough time or satellites to pick warren to ticker tape parades and a “strengths.“ A revolution requires a purge of
needed for cost overruns, change in cause we had the money and weap off the hundreds of incoming mis- blabbering Mary Lou who gets We were the first and only country outdated ideas and theories — in
specifications. and the piles of ons. Well. we did finally win one in siles from a total strike. Our own turned on by “heroes." assuming to use nuclear weapons in war: we this case,thedeterrencetheory.
< money thrown away on lemons v Grenada. Air Force is already studying ways the Soviets were nice guys and developed atomic and hydrogen We need real answers to these
, such as the "Dante" aluminum per- It‘s hard to convince intelligent to blind a space defense system. chose not to saturate the United bombs before any other country; we problems.Not morewarheads.
, sonnet carrier and the Surfaceto- Americans that “nuclear peace“ is Thus. Star wars technolog may be States. are pursuing a Stars Wars system .
' Outhouse missile ($0M). the by-product of an arms buildup made obsolete before the first parti- It is not only naive, but dangerous that could just as easily be offensive Contributing columnist David
Building upgraded nuclear weap by a president that likes to scrap. cle beams areperfected. to assume. as did a recent columnist and wehavethe'l‘riadsystem. Baker is a journalism senior.
. ' _——_ -v- \ " v
' , . . . . ‘i
The Kentucky Kernel, 210 Journalism Building. UniverSlty 9 h e a
of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 4050641042, (we) 257-2871. is we re Ready For I c Sun % , ‘
published class days during the academic year and weekly :\\ \ I
during the summer session. Third class postage paid at Lex- O .
lngion, Ky. 40511. Subscription rates: $30 per year, $15 per WIth SUNGLASSES \\
. ~ ' semester mailed. The Kentucky Kernel is printed by Scripps~ \
. ’ Heward Web Company, 413 Louisville Air Park. Louisville, . ‘ m \ *
ki402l3. ~ f" . s
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Alt“ El” rm I leek confeSSlons
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. g . \. °. Leonard szo y dzscusses his intense experiences as the famed Mr. Spock . -
a); 3I ' 0 By “I‘ll-'7 URC" Nimoy said that average Trekkles
.‘V in, C v , 0 Staff Writer . are ”collegeage people and people 3 .
- ' past that age. who were in college in ' .
‘ ficwgfdifitor Ieonardf Nlmtg - ‘ the 7%. ‘Star Wars' and ‘Jedl‘ at- ' .
g n. y i 3 03 8 l5 ' year assoctalon Wl tract a younger audience than we
mu.” “r..." wwmm‘wflm l 5"“ “Elk SHMT- 59°“ a “roller do. because younger viewers like . " '

,. . . Mn, ‘3 , M. . ”g “a.” 3-3m... .1; . '7‘?“ cogster ride.ho '11 del‘ l t _ 3 more action than we provide." ; .
. ‘ '. b , , '. i» ”’1 - “ g -‘ . lmoy. w W1 “’9" a CC ure ’K - {3‘ Nimoy said that. at Star Trek's ln- ; ' .‘ '
.4 :mmwmmm W* wed “Confesses a A M We ' «— - ‘ V\ ceniinn. meriniie decision ' ..

"n.1rmm ’ ‘ n . *- 9" ' ‘ ' ‘ Wethesday night at the Center For ‘- ‘ / d [ resent Ideas that our 50- .. . . _
””7“”. -- x .. . ., , ~ . mac op

. 7 ” ‘ ., ‘ ‘ ' ' the Arts spoke 1" a recent telephone ' , , ciety could relate to" in the form of j _ . '

. “WM lid “0" -— a 8. W U: W 0‘ WI ““er9““ '0‘ the fame he acquired ' . “philosophical questions and SClen- I , : - . - .

.mmfirmpqepmmsmum. ,4 - n from playing Spock. “I’m very com- ' tificphenomena “ . . ,

. . m ~ _ ‘ « »~ - fortable with it now." he said. “It . According to Nlmoy. “Star . i ‘ '
; ego-egg..- on w. slim st. ram and m the Mina; ID was intense — that‘s the only word I 'I‘rek's" producers goal was "to - . . . . i
mlalnmhtmmJfiw. , ' can think 0‘ to dficrlbfiltn ‘ ' present a 23rd century world in . '~ . ,

. . ‘ ' “The fl°°d$ Of mail, the “99d for which young people today would ‘ f ' ' .‘
maiden ~41» mic-id loud. rm and memos. security. the need for secret. escape ' want to live “ . ‘ ' x » .
,kapnnotfifim. ”Pl” — those are the kinds °l Discussmg his future directing ' ' ' . .

, .l , ' "“085 young rock stars 80 through ' ' - plans. he said. "There are non-Trek ’ ‘ ~
We l” New Clad. Rood. Deco .Id’ the love (Mn reek). hold" A53“ actor I never expected that. protects around One in particular is ‘ I; i, f
' fl‘W,9p.m.tolem.82m. ‘ g _ lNimoy also said. ”1 V9 had a very a charming story about a young guy . 7 i '
.. ' . .. Interesting variety 0f experiences in " "“w‘“ ""““"”p"“‘ who doesn't want to face up to reall- ; I l ‘ ‘ 5
“b M -- W E. Main St. bow. mm by m'm actmgaincluding comedy and musi- when they realized I was well-pre- From a director‘s point of view. ty. or make any commitments. sort -‘ -
.meggfl;w+‘mm cals. including a little known Man- pared and knew exactly how to go Nimoy said “I can‘t honestly say of a Mr Freedom who's always on . - "
”watchtOpmJoImmJuhnWflM. . , . . , From-Mars short. ”Rmblfi Of The aboutaday's work. that I've seen a science fiction film his bike " . . . ‘. . 5
. j .g . Stratosphere." “I respect and admire these peo- in the past year that I admire. I ad- Nimoy said that of all the “Trek" ' _ ' .
_ MIG-lo Inn -—- l0! w. High 59. Todd” and m. w I'm “Now I‘m doing more of what I ple and their talents. The actors mire what Spielberg and Lucas have characters. he personally identifies . V ' ~; *
(M‘Mwmuyohmnimmgm_ . . set out to do 15 years ago. which is were the first to go to the studio to done. but they are mostly battle most with Spock. and agrees with ~ '. ; . '.
3' . _. , .~ . .. - , directing. My work in directing was request thatldirect‘4.‘ ” films, done very. very well, I think "Spock‘s contention that emotions '. ' ; '
“_uwm WadWIM'gc‘W Sidetracked bysuccessasanactor.“ Nimoy said it was “difficult to we present films with more sub can get you lnalot oftrouble “ _ > '
m,g.p.m;‘toto.m,flm. ,. ,, . . . Nimoy began directing theater in predict” when “Star Trek 4" would stance." Nlmoy's lecture. which begins at 8 , ' , 3" .
. - _ ~ ’ w , J ‘ ~ the '505 and television in the early be released. partially because of He said that by titling the lecture p m . is being sponsored by the Stu- _ 1 4 ',
MM,M'W Hot-l- rmwgndm, m may 9 '70s He directed “Star Trek 3: The problems presented by the Writer's “Confessions of A Trek Lover." he dent Activities Board‘s contempo . ' - ,
pmlofr‘etficibcoyer. 7 ’ ; ; ‘*‘ 3 f . ' ‘ Search For Spock" and is in the pre— Guild strike. “Hopefully we‘ll he hopes to “address up front" his al- rary affairs committee. Nimoy has ~_ ~ . - .

_. :3 i; 3 ‘ , -, \. .‘ . . production stages of directing “Star filming by fall. with release next leged love/hate relationship with the delivered this lecture at other col- ' n .
WEI” —- Mm Plea: Hood. Tully!" “Wm. lobby tone. 3 Trek 4." which he referred to affec- summer or Christmas '86. Spock character. leges around the country. including . ~‘ ‘
nepotfipmnotomfiem. ‘ - - - tionatelyas“4." "I will do my share of acting in “I think it‘s been overdramatized Clemson University and the L'nlver- ‘ 1

A , In working on “Search For ‘4? I think it's time to give the audi- by the press. What I'm suggesting sity of Georgia at Athens. . . . .
all" VIP Club — 5539 Athens-W haw-Inlet! and mm. Spock? Nlmoy said the actors from ence more Spock in *4.‘ " by calling myself a "Trek Lover" is Tickets for "Confessions of a Trek . - . -
M M (many). 7W W i. 3i in. bios $31..” m. the TV series “had Questions in their Nimoy "hopes to be able to drop that it's a love affair. and no love at Lover are $5 for students and S6 for . , a x .
mum. ‘3 ' ’ V- ’ 4f * ~ minds at fll‘Sl. b“! lt (actor/director some hints" about the “Star Trek 4" fair with this kind of intensity runs the general public and are available . - . ”

' rapportt happened very quickly story line in his lecture. totally smoothly all the time " .it the student ('eziter Tlcket Office . »
IV , ‘Wd' 'lwk’ "
. ,
69W , an ering soc1a or er to show graphic film . ..
e‘ ‘ ‘ By GARYPIERCE The result was a narrated multi- tions of power if theumlddie class during his travels. when the home of V ‘
.- Arts Editor media slide slow titled "American didntallow them tobe a black woman with whom he was -
Pictures." and now Holdt travels Holdt said northern Europeans. staving was bombed . 3
-» Jacob Holdt calls himself a “wan- with the film. bringing America's particularly in socialist countries. .' . . . g ‘ g g .
.i’ deringsocialworker." ugly side tothe publlc's attention were shocked by his graphic deplC- hefiggflsezrrflfe: BR;;:;::3-“::é *
‘ ~ ' . - tions of poverty. "We have this idea ;. .. ‘ ; _ .‘ ' - ; .
........_ Minnow nnn dwimntw that 2:. ”$2223. if: ~emcmimm mmmmm .lggztz"io.irigti.°iss. this:
britOwe.kxbdlngbeetpldm.WPG.(W:5zflfi, 10:6.) While traveling the country as a tures” this weekend at ArtsPlace muchandfewhavesolittle.” mg; for the country he now calls ‘
m DUI- “. —- Eddie W is at it until. with e time m vagabond observer and staying with and L'K‘s Memorial Hall. Holdt also said Americans are home "I love {ms countrv . he said . . '
w h for W 5°” office w' w l‘ w: 2?" 5‘20' 7‘“' anyone who would take him in. he “Old“ photographs focus on greatly disturbed by his portrayal 0f "and it hurts me to see so much ‘
9:59, ”:55. A!“ m w; mo, am, 5, 1m, 6:50, Hm.) m [M'- saw the poverty and racism lining America‘s wealthy and poverty- their nation‘s racism because wrong m it -. ‘ ’ ‘ -
006:5. . theunderbelly of an affluent nation. stricken extremes. but in a recent “Americans have lived with injus-
Ih m M — Ftve students to no Wm dag hog. “hoot telephone interview he said "Ameri- tice and poverty for so long. it's eas— Holdt will present "American Plc- .
mmmwum m whgm,mmm The letters he wrote home about can Pictures‘ 15 really about the ier for them to rationalize it — call tures at 2 p m tomorrow at Arts- . . ‘
fisgf“, {1 WW")- Hedi. w: an“; 795,0:25, his travels so appalled his parents ml‘ddle Class» 3 it human nature or whatever — than Place at lfil N Mlll Street. and at , ’
L . M18311: ; '_ . j _ , that they sent him a camera and ‘The underclass is not a natural to do anything about it It's just too 6:30 p m Sunday in Memorial Hall '
W—mmmm new in m, “34% Mail: urged him to capture America‘s con- phenomenon in society.“ Holdt said. bigajob for most people " The $4 admission will go to Holdt's '
l:t§.w.5:0,7tfl, I0. 12.) ' ; * V tradictions on film. "The rich “‘Ollldll‘i be there in posl- Holdt saw this raClsm firsthan- non-profit charity organization .
Mo;hhnflmd"&m.”nmmmmw , . ,5
m mmmmmwummnmemaw: ?‘ Th t H H d b t ' '
teem... ,. Style lecture ya... a ope W] e u ,
1mm—Ammmmummmm . . '4'
use-.waowmmamoasmoi ; flnlSheS up 'fi 5 b l t ~’ - . '
mmm—hmmam.utwcmuawf _ i’ 385 p ayer OHIOITOW fl
mmmomommmmm.wem Bach series ,1; . ..
. park; 1:”. 3:!5.5:25. 7:35, 9:45. tt:fl.~“¢'w 2:3). 5, 7:35.955. 4 I “This guy is too good to be true. carillon-like live sound the size of , . . ‘

“50.) ~ \ I When he showed up. we pinched our- Bryce Canyon. if you like hanging . --
no all” Molt — 59min. Sum Wm, M gi W W By ALEX (‘ROL’CH \' selves and we weren't dreaming." out in front of the amps for a sonic .» . 4 .
In Con“. m m a native, was. My one”. hum, Staff Writer Skot Wilson said. massage. he will provide you with a ; , ' ' '.
Swen Acne-ray Award nominations