xt7qz60bzv97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bzv97/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-07-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 18, 1975 1975 1975-07-18 2020 true xt7qz60bzv97 section xt7qz60bzv97 Vol. ‘va11 No. 8 K

Friday, July 18. 1975




an independent student newspaper


2] University of Kentucky

Lexington, Ky. 40508



Minority Affairs reorganized under Smith

Kernel Staff Writer

The minority affairs office is being
reorganized under its first vice president,
Dr. John T. Smith.

Smith, former Jefferson Community
College director and first black to receive
a doctorate at UK, assumed office early
this month. He describes his work as an
“ongoing plan toward a broad scope,
multi-ethnic campus” with an ultimate
goal of “working ourselves out of a job."

The creation of Smith’s office has
resulted in several shifts of administrative
duties among the University vice

Smith will take over many of the duties
which were performed by Dr. Alvin
Morris, former vice president for ad-
ministration, who resigned early in the
1975 spring semester. Morris’ former
position has been abolished and those
duties not assigned to Smith will be divided
among the other vice presidents.

Smith, 56, has been assigned direct
supervision over the offices of affirmative
action, employe counseling and minority
student affairs. Supervision of other of-
fices formerly in Morris' charge has not as
yet been delegated.

The effect ofat leastone of these shifts in
management, assignment of Employe
Counselor Victor Gaines to Smith’s office,
has produced some apprehension.

Gaines, formerly responsible to Morris,
said the change is an “interesting
arrangement." The office of employe
counselor is not only for minorities and, “I
don‘t want employes to get the wrong
idea," he said.

Gaines said he is “curious about the
effect it (the reassignment) mighthave on
non-minority" employes, adding he was
not consulted about the change.

“Obviously in the University’s view it
will have no effect,” Gaines said.

Don Clapp, assistant to UK President
Otis A. Singletary, said the move was

“purely administrative.” “There is really
no other place to logically put" the em-
ploye counselor’s office, he said.

To accommodate the additions to the
minority affairs area, the budget has been
increased almost $55,000 over the 1974-75
Minority Affairs budget.

Smith received his budget allotment of
$136,800 for the 1975-76 fiscal year, which
started July 1. The budget for the minority
affairs program has now increased over
$100,000 since its inception in 1971.

Currently, Smith is planning for his
department‘s biennial budget request,
which includes a new five-year plan. In
accordance with a request from the state
Council on Public Higher Education, all
state college and university departments
are now preparing a five-year estimate of
planned expenditures.

Smith said preparation of the report has
taken “a good deal of time.” The 1975-76
budget “can do the job for the immediate

Continued on page 4


Vice President for Minority Affairs


Citizens group
for de-merger

Kernel Staff Writer

Forms of


Patricia Becknell,
Lexington. seems
thoroughly mind-
boggled by the form
she has been asked
to fill out. Becknell.
an incoming fresh-
man, is participating
in her summer advising ’
conference. I

“Tired of an expensive government?
Help us get rid of the merger."

Through this recent Herald-Leader
classified ad, and other actions, an in-
formal group of Lexingtonians have begun
a campaign to de-merge Urban County

Frank L. Wallace, spokesman for the
citizens‘ group, sponsored the ad. His
group is currently distributing petitions to
local voters that could lead to a referen-
dum aimed at dissolving merged

Lexington government in the fall election.
In order to secure a referendum,
petitions must be signed by 15 per cent of
the voters who were registered in the last
maya'ial election, Wallace said.
Upon compounding the required number


'.)‘ ‘l)‘>

of signatures the Citizens’ group must then
submit a formal request to the Urban
County Government in order to add the
referendum to the ballot.

This process must be completed at least
90 days before the election.

“It would be extremely wasteful, given
the time, expense and effort that have
gone into merged government” if the de-
merger movement were to succeed, Pam
Miller, Urban County Councilwoman said.

Miller said she “wouldn’t be surprised if
it (the referendum) got on the ballot,"
“It’s unlikely that they’ll win in Novem-
ber," she said.

Even though the citizens’ group is
concerned with issues other than the
demerger referendum like spiraling fiscal

budgets, they are most involved in one
paramount dispute which triggered op-
position to the merged government —

“It is a serious problem when govern-
ment tells us that we have a health
problem, and then spends $10 million on a
civic center,” Wallace said.

The health problem Wallace is referring
to is a result of lack of sanitary sewer
systems in five Lexington residential
areas, including Elizabeth Street,
Southland-Twin Oaks, Meadowthorpe,
Highlawn and Zandale.

Citizens in those areas now rely upon
septic tank sewage systems.

Continued on page 4

Senate passes motion
to cover Free U losses

Kernel Staff Writer

A motion to cover losses from a Free
University (Free U) film series was
passed unanimously at Thursday’s
Student Senate meeting.

Steve Winkle, director of the Seven-
movie series, requested Student Govern~
ment (SC) to cover up to $250 that Free U
could lose because they were unable to
show two films.

Winkle said Robert Larson, assistant
registrar. refused to allow him to show the
films at the Student Center because they
were a money-making activity.

However, approval to use the Student
Center rooms was finally granted by Joe
Burch, dean of students. “They‘re (Free
U) not really a money making operation.
they‘re just raising money to defray the
cost of their project.“ Burch explained.

The $250 from SC will only be used to
cover losses from the film series. Films
shown before Larson halted the series
were well attended. Winkle said.

SG President Jim Harralson requested
senators to present their Judicial Board
nominations soon. The Judicial Board,
which has jurisdiction over violations of

disciplinary offenses, is composed of
students appointed by the University'

Harralson stated his objections, as he
has in the past, to the president selecting
members of the board. “It‘s one of the
weakest points of the Student Code,“ be
said. Harralson gave no deadline for
submitting J-Board nominations.

In other action, Harralson appointed
senators Shelley Griffith and Mike
Clawson to examine whether a change of
locale would help attendance at the annual
Camahan conference.

The conference, aimed at informing
students on SG's plans for the year, is
traditionally held at the Carnhan House on
Newtown Pike.

It was suggested that a location closer to
campus than Camahan House would
improve attendance. Only a handful of
people were at the event last year.
Harralson said. “We’re not tied to the
Camahan House by any means." be ad-

The format for this year's conference
would stress parliamentary procedure for
the benefit of the new senators. Harralson




The future



The Macmillan Publishing Company has
issued marching orders for its textbook
writers. Henceforth, anyone hoping to
write for Macmillan had better familiarize
himself with a document called,
”Guidelines for Creating Positive Sexual
and Racial images in Educational

it’s free and it comes with a preface by
Matina 5. Homer, the president of Har-
vard’s prestigious Radcliffe College, who
says it’s high time for the textbooks to do
their share in "our search and struggle for
a more egalitarian society.” Ms. Homer’s
contention is that said search and struggle
— who said college presidents know how to
write? —— is impeded by the ”limiting
tyrannyof the norm. Such a tyranny seeks
to enforce upon individuals previously
unchallenged but often irrelevant, inac-
curate and outdated stereotypes about


what it meansto be: male or female, black
or white, young, old, rich or poor
Education to counteract discrimination
will provide the help to make our civil
rights laws work sooner and better.”

An earlier epoch might have expected
the president of Radcliffe College to
confine her searches and struggles to
knowledge, or perhaps even truth, but no
matter If the Soviets can teach their kids
socialist realism, why can’t we in-
doctrinate ours with capitalist realism?
The underlying modalities are the same,
which will facilitate detente.

The Guidelines themselves proscribe
such ”objectionable stereotypes” as
"dumb athletes, stupid, beatufiul women,
skinny intellectuals wearing glasses, fat
social misfits, old ladies with 20 cats or
emphasis on the upper classes alone to
portray the ’typical' lifestyle in a period of

It might be more in keeping with ideals
of education in a non-totalitarian society to

r Kern

Editor -in-Chief
Nancy Daly


Managing Editor
Susan Jones

Associate Editor
Jack Koeneman

Arts Editor
Dona Rains



understand stereotypes instead of
abolishing them. Many athletes seem
dumb for the very good reason they spend
their time cultivating their bodies; the
same reasoning can be applied to dumb
blondes and bookworms. The TV is
crowded with health spa ads offering hope
to fat social misfits, and if you don't know
a poor, lonely old lady who has nobody but
her cats to talk to you probably are a

Radcliffe student. _
The Guidelines are very specific about

what propaganda line the textbook writers
are to take: ”Show most Spanish-origin
people as fluent in Spanish and English, or
teaching themselves English Group
scenes should not portray one minority
person, or in other ways make blacks
stand out as the exception.”

They have a great collection of do’s and
don’ts for the hacks who manufacture this
trash. Don’t show ”Mother bringing
sandwiches to Dad as he fixes the roof.”
Show ”Mother fixing the roof.” Don’t say
”each citizen must pay his taxes.” Say
“all citizens must pay taxes.”

There are minute instructions about how
to falsify thecondition of every race, color,
creed and ethnic group, but my favorite
are the instructions for theChinese. Hen-
ceforth. in thetextbooks at least, they will
no longer engage in the laundry or
restaurant business, “nor need Chinese
students always be depicted as maioring
in mathematics, although there are
cultural precedents for the fact that many
Chinese do enter technological fields.”

What’s doubly infuriating about Ms.

Nicholas Von Hoffman


Homer and Macmillian is that con
servatives will rightly pick on this and call
it aliberal plot. As if the cause of feminism
or the black people had to rest on telling
school children lies. No wonder they’re
blowing up schoolhouses in West Virginia
because of the textbooks.

The Guidelines claim that Macmillan
wishes to eliminate ”any trace of social
bias.” That in itselfis fool’s gold. The best
we can hope for in life is to state our
biases, but in fact the underlying biases
hereare neither pro-woman nor pro-black.
Beneath the flouncy verbiage about
realizing individual aspiration , what
these people are selling is a depraved
egalitarianism in which children are
turned into atomized pumpkin people who
may serve the man (sic) power needs of
government and corporation but certainly
not truth or_beauty.

During World War I they made
everybody say victory cabbage instead of





SG legal service
at a standstill

Development Of a student legal clarify the proposal andthen he’d be
sen/ice program was the sole willing to consider allocating some
hallmark of the last Student money.

Govemment(SG) administration run Expanding 36 legal services
by David MJCCl- BUl problems in- seemed butafew bureaucratic steps
volved with the “changing of the away, but the project is now at a
guard" to new leadership stand to standstill. About the time Zum
undermine expansion of the winkle sent the proposal back for
program. revision, the SG election season was

The legal program, established by in full swing. Meeker lost his bid as
Muoci and his aides last fall, proved Mucci’s heir to the presidency and a
an enormous success, despite its new regime has taken over the SG
limited scope. SG paid an attorney office. And the legal service
to come to campus an hour and a proposal got lost somewhere in the
half each week to provide students transition.
with free legal consultation. By New 86 President Jim Harralson
offering Iegalreferral and advice, the favors the continuation of the legal
service helped students bypass the referral service and upon
trouble and expense traditionally questioning says he'll go through
invohed in gaining lawyers’ ser- Zumwinkle for increased funding.
vices. But nothing has been done since
The attorney was flooded with April and the proposal, along with
requests for appointments and many SG broken dreams. is ap-
expansion of the program was parently collecting cobwebs in some
obviously the next step. file drawer.

Plans for a vastly expanded Several factors could be respon-
program were drawn up last sible for the delay in revising the
semester by Craig Meeker, Mucci’s Meeker proposal and obtaining
director of political affairs, The funds from the studentaffairs office.
$14,0(I) proposal called for a full- One is Harralson’s slowness in
time attorney, three law student catching on as SG president. This
internsanda secretary. it could have slowness has already caused 86 to
provided students court lose $1,000 because Harralson
representation, as well as advising. didn’t spend the money before the
Muoci and Meeker went to Robert endof the University fiscal year. But
Zumwinkle, vice president for deeperthanthat, thereseemstobea
student affairs, in hopes of gaining lack 0f cooperation between rival SG
University financial support, factions during the transfer of the
Zumwinkle had reservations about reins of power from Muoci to
the project's cost and legal Harralson.
technicalities. The $14,000 was Leaders of the past and present
beyond the student affairs budget’s administrations could best serve the
means and the legality of the studentbodyif they’d stop bickering
University paying a lawyer to overpastdifferenceswhich nowcan
represent students in court was in only be described as pettiness. If
question. But Zumwinkle was they could get together just this
basically receptive to the idea of once, maybe they could get the
helping SG improve the existing show on the road with expanded
program. He xked SG to refine and student legal services.




Assistant Managing

Sports Editor Production Staff
Barry Forbis Linda Carroll

_ Mary Pat Schumer
PhOlOEdHG’ Gail Cohee

Chuck Com bes Judy Demery

Advertising Production
Editors Steve Ellyson

Walter Hixson
Byron West

Advertising Manager
John Ellis

The Kettucky Kernel, 114 Journalism
Building, University of Kentucky, Lexing-
ton, Kentucky, 41506, is mailed five times
weekly during the year except during
holidays and exam periods, and twice
weekly during the summer session. Third»
class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky,
(1511. Subscription rates are $12 per full
semter. Published by the Kernel Press,
inca'idfounded in 1971, the Kernel beganas
published continuously as the Kentucky
Kernel since 1915.

Advatising is intended only to help the

reader buy and any false or misleading
advertising should be reported and will be
investigated by the editors. Advertising
found to be false or misleading will be
reported to the Better Business Bureau.

Letters and Spectrum articles should be
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' 'I


o‘w- ~....-.....-- --..--- a y.

”.5... W ‘v-v-.~‘

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ately following the surrender of Phnom
Penh. The "eyewitness accounts” turned
out to be second- or third-hand rumors,
and the stories quickly disappeared in the
press in the absence of any substantiating

Now that the war has at last come to an
end, there is reason to believe that after
initial difficulties are surmounted the new
Government’s al|~out effort to increase
food production will transorm Cambodia
into a land self-sufficient in food, and
within a few years, into a rice-exporting
nation, as it was before it was ravished by



William Goodfellow, an associate
with the Institute for International
Policy, left Cambodia with the final
United States evacuation in April.



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New VP for Minority Affairs

Continued from page I

future" Smith said, but he is
requesting an increased budget
for 1976-77.

The new vice president may
also make some changes in the
office of minority student affairs,
directed by Jerry Stevens.
Stevens includes “a lounge or
drop-in facility" for minority
students among improvements
he would like to see in the office.

The minority student affairs
office “needs to expand in space
as they expand in services,"
Smith concurred. Furthermore,
“we will work a for a change in
the physical appearance of the
office,” he said.

Smith said it would be “rough"
to relocate the minority student
affairs office because of tight,
University-wide tspace
allocations. However, the office
will be expanded “even if it


requires decentralization,
Smith said.

The minority student affairs
office was instituted to provide
counseling aswell as recruitment
of black and other minority
students. Although the Univer-
sity’s black enrollment has
steadily increased recently, there
is a high drop-out rate among
black students.

Stevens noted the continuous
enrollment increases but said
“we've lost so many (through

dropping out) thatour (net) gains
have been minimal."

Smith agreed, saying, “once a
(black) student gets here, we
need to give him all the sup-
portive services possible to keep
him here. Hopefully, we will be
able to do everything we can to
see the student follow through,”
he added.

Among programs aimed at
academically supporting

Citizens group advocates

Continued from page 1

Wallace, a resident of the
Elizabeth Street district, said
proposed sanitary sewer projects
are too expensive for individual
property owners and citizens
should not be forced to directly
finance the projects.

The proposals also ignore the
burdens which would be placed
on Lexington’s existing sewage
disposal plants, Wallace said.

Regarding citizens’ direct
financingof sewers, Miller said,
“We are investigating other
subsidies" such as revenue
sharing funds for sewage
projects, but in the past sewage
systems “have always been paid
for this way.”

“Even in the Elizabeth Street
district, only a third of the
residents have previously op-
posed the sewer projects,” she

A recent Urban County Council
plan to begin sewer construction
in the Elizabeth Street district
was halted when a district
resident filed a civil suit in
Fayette Circuit Court.

As a result of the suit, Circuit
Court Judge L.T. Grant issued an
injunction against the project,
ruling the government had not
followed state law in setting it up.

However, if the Urban County
Council can comply with state
law governing such fiscal mat-
ters, the $1.7 million project could
be resumed.

An Urban County Council
report says property owners in
the Elizabeth Street district could
expect individual costs to
average $2,200 for the sewage

Property owners would have
the option to finance their share
of the system over a 20-year

sees ‘evolutionary process'

minority students is a sumzner
preparatory program initiated in

1968. The program “fell through”
over the last few years, Smith
said. adding he plans to reinstate
it. The program was designed to
aid students who are a “high
risk“ academically in order to
give them “a good start" at the
University, Smith said.

Smith and Stevens both agreed
that increasing recruitment of
black athletes in the football and
basketball programs has aided
their cause of increasing and
retaining black enrollment. They
both admit, however, there is
much more to be done for
minority students.

“We don't expect miracles,”
Smith said. “It’s an evolutionary
process. We just hope we can get
as many students as possible to
use their resources and poten-


period at an average yearly cost
of $225.

There would also be an addi-
tional yearly rental fee of $105.

The Council‘s report also states
86 per cent of the soils in the
Elizabeth Street area are not

suitable for septic tank sewage
and disposal systems.

Dr. Philip Weiler, Urban
County Health Department
director, said the situation
constitutes a “significant and
serious health hazard."

In response to Wallace’s
charges that costs for the project
are excessive and that current
disposal plants are insufficient,
Urban County Engineer Jack D.
Edmiston said at least two cost
factors have had an impact on the
Elizabeth Street project.






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m _


_._...., -

 'l‘llli KENTl'CKY KERNEL. Friday. July 18. 1975—5


- 2

W n -ooo2 1 27 II
a e r o w n ON THE MA“ muouswuumwcmulos Minouwiuumwcuculos
Hunoossuno loan a LAN! Aum


‘ '9 ’ ‘ The terrifying
Museums and food make STRESANDWAA'F mammal...
. . . . , ' M' ”L from the terrifying
historical Village interesting .Vonestseller.
Arts Editor

Nowadays, it seems that every little town has its own ‘1

historialtale to tell,especially since we‘re in the midst of the r = ‘ ” ’
' Bicentennial era. 53" a 5” I2:302:45 finns:an.-Fri.2:w4:N6:008:w

Shakertown at Pleasant Hill, Inc., is no exception. Located , 5:32;” 10:00 9,. a. Sun. 1,003.10
25 miles southwest of Lexington on US. 68, the Shaker ' 5307:0255 ,
village offers its history in a most interesting and realistic ‘ ‘ E~Mlmmmmm
manner. ‘

Shakertown, a village surrounded by about 2,250 acres of
la nd, is located near Harrodsburg. It was settled in 1805 by a
small group of religious believers called Shakers. By 1820,

there were some 500 inhabitants there.
From 1820to 1860, the Shakers built their village into what

it is today.

Stay on the ball!

Buildings now open to tourists

Ten buildings are open to tourists. All these exhibit the Read TH E KENTUCKY KERN EL
great Shaker craftmanship and architecture. All tours are
self-conducted, but there are guides at each of the interest
points to answer questions.

A huge three-story museum, the Centre Family House, is
the most outstanding of the buildings. It contains about 1,600
Shaker artifacts. Guides costumed as “Shakers” point out
the unusual architecture of staircases’ design and the
engineering of thick interior and exterior walls.

Another highlight is the Trustees’ House with its curved
spiral staircases. The dining room is located there.

Those two buildings are the largest, but smaller buildings
house the village’s crafts.




I For example, in the East Family Sisters’ Shop, crafts-


women work at original looms and spinning wheels.

K feview

Likewise, cabinetworkers exhibit their art in the East
Family Brethren’s Shop, as cooers demonstrate the making
of barrels and casks in the Cooper's Shop.

Two gifts shops are available on the farm. They contain
, Kentucky handmade goods and Shaker replicas of furniture
! and accessory items for sale.





However, disregarding the material features of the village,
the most interesting part of Shakertown is the tranquility
that seems to spread over it. Even though it has been com—
mercialized, it remains much like it did in the 18205 with no
new buildings and with miles of rolling Bluegrass farmland.
One can easily imagine the serene Shaker at work there for
his community and for his cause.

It is a luring attraction for history, culture, and even food
buffs. A description of the restaurant follows to explain the
uniqueness of that aspect of the village.

Food is special attraction

The Trustee's House, historically used to greet visitors
from outside the Pleasant Hill community, is open again to
the “world’s” people. The building itself is beautiful with its
twin spiral staircases. Handblown glass shades decorate the
dining room‘s tables.

But besides the architectural beauty, the food there is
something to rave about. It is typical Kentucky fare with
t authentic Shaker dishes added as the specialties of the day.
f The meats and vegetables were good, but the real treats
l were the appetizers and breads. A huge bowl of fresh raw
' vegetables await the customers at their tables. While you
munch on those, the costumed waitress brings hot I
homemade breads — the whole cracked wheat and corn— I
bread are the best. I

Then the appetizer is brought. The customers have choices I
between fresh fruits, fruit juices, or the soup of the day. The I





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