xt7qz60bzr7d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bzr7d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2014-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, June 2014 text LinQ magazine, June 2014 2014 2014-06 2019 true xt7qz60bzr7d section xt7qz60bzr7d i ,
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 Cover photo by keithreed01,
2013 Lexington Pride
Festival in Lexington, KY.
Saturday, June 29, 2013 "
3 3 ° 9
That 8 What I m T alkin About
Helena shares her vision of what it would be like to have
a keyboard and its benefits.
Imperial Court of Kentucky
The Imperial Court of Kentucky celebrated Coronation
33 and elected two new monarchs!
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Editor-in-Chief The Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization seeks
Marc K. Blevins to educate, enhance and empower the community about
Photographer GLBTQQIA issues.
Brian Hawkins
Calendar Coordinator GLSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Chad Hundley Paul Brown, President
Circulation Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice President
GLSO Board, Chad Hundley, Kay Garner Paul Holland, Secretary
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Lexington Gay and Marc Blevins, At Large
Lesbian Services Organization members and community. The Donovan Jefferson, At Large
Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization envisions
‘ a community that accepts and celebrates each individual.
GLSO Staff
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to Chad Hundley, Office Manager
the editor (editor@glso.org) or to the GLSO Pride Center
(859.253.3233). All submissions may be edited for length. GLSO Pride Center
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyGLSO 859.253.3233, www.glso.org
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyGLSO Office hours are:
Tuesday—Friday 1pm—5pm

 % That’s What I’m! I
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'I'a in A out - a
in your own bed. Simple solution: press I haven’t quite worked this next one out
By Helena Handbasket the HOME key. Instantly, you are safe at yet but I think it could be used for many
ately, I find myself spending so home, back where you were before you situations. Have you wanted to put a boot
Lmuch time at a computer. I sit at started the journey. in someone’s rump before? Have you just
a computer for work. I am on my It could even take care of you when you wanted to add a little spice to a date that is
computer at home for social media (which need refreshment. A simple press the TAB just boring as hell? Of course, we’ve all been
Iprefer over my iPhone). I’ve come up with button and a diet soft drink magically there. Simple solution: press the INSERT
abrilliant plan with all this computing. We appears (for those of you too young to key and then specify what it is you are
should figure out a way to hook our lives remember TAB, just hush). inserting (careful now, this could become
up to the keyboard! Just think of all of the You’re trying to make a point but your X-rated real quick).
amazing functions on the keyboard that otherhalfjustrefusestohearyou.Hejustisn’t Who hasn’t wanted to just start over?
could be very useful as we glide though payinganyattention,whatsoever.Iustthrow Sometimes all the effort in the world
this life. Here are just a few examples: a little CTRL B (bold) and/or a little CTRL doesn’t help. In those situations, simply hit
You find that you are caught up in a situ— U (underline) to emphasize your point. Oh CTRL-ALT-DELETE and give yourself a
ation that you yes, he’ll get clean slate.
really don’t want Simple solution: press ESC key and the message. So, friends, you know what were could
to be involved it enables you to escape immediately And if he do with a “life” keyboard. Don’t even get
with and no from said situation. still doesn’t me started on how many things you can
matter how — get it, just hit do With a “mouse.” Use your imagination
much you try or how much you the CAPS LOCK key. He’ll on what you’d like to click on! I would love
object to being in the situation, the other surely hear you, then. for you to email me your ideas on how
people involved just continue to suck you Have you ever gone to a big sale, where your keyboard, mouse, or computer could
in. Simple solution: press ESC key and it they had so much stuff there in your size but enhance your life if you were able to hook
enables you to escape immediately from you competed with 15 other people your up to or connect with your computer. With
said situation. size? It’s terrible when you aren’t able to get technology being what it is today... ya
You’re in a car and you have been to everything you want before other people never know!
driving for hours. You have no idea where get their hands on it all. Just be the first to 0
you are at this point and your frustration hit CTRL A (all) and then ALL of the stuff Send comments or suggestions to:
level is climbing. All you want is to be safe you want is YOURS. helenahandbasketKY@gmail.com

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1t he Imperial Court of Kentucky Show featured the talents of those visiting The GLSO is proud to support the new
lY celebrate a new reign this month. Lexington at the downtown Hilton Hotel monarchs and our continued partnership
)t Her Most Imperial Majesty Regent in the Magnolia Room. The 33rd Annual with the Imperial Court of Kentucky. We
St Empress32].D.VaughnandHisMostImperial Coronation Ball event took place June 1 at look forward to another great year cele-
iS Majesty Emperor 32 Patrick Thompson will the Hilton Hotel. There, tenured members brating our diverse city and the positive
n succeeded by Empress 33 Christina Puse and of the Imperial Court of Kentucky voted impact the Imperial Court makes each year
T Emperor 33 Tim Logsdon. to select the new monarchs. After the vote, for our community.
'6 The Coronation 33 weekend kicked off HMIM Regent Empress 32 ID. Vaugn and
:e on May 30 at Crossings with the In—Town HMIM Emperor 32 Patrick Thompson V
Show. The next evening, the Out-of—Town passed the torch to the new monarchs.
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 Natasha's ‘Bistro and ‘Bar presents:
"finotber Night at the Speakeasy
. E I
.. S?” “‘v' ., W \ . i . l EEEivElE 3 .
Qua $3333
Sunday, June 22, 2014 BY 06W“ KHZ
Shthime: 8pm and Special Guest
$12 per person
Reservations with advance purchase suggested... fir
Limited seating available if:
, : w ~ . w , w
* , ,, The man — The voice...
Some adult humor... parental discretion advised. Kenny B lShop

 a l rea t!
Friday, 511126118, 20H 7...;
8am 8pm ‘—
_ i
In: "' .l
JEaJnJLa Juice
Only at the CenterCourt Location
535 S Upper St.
20% of All Sales this day with go to:
A The Lexington Pride Festival will be held
I I I a on Saturday, June 28, 2014 from 11am—
. 9pm in downtown Lexington, on the _ ,
LinQ -

 PFLAG Lexin ton an es name to
g Ch g
PFLAG Central Kentucky

social problems. No one wants that for is a safe, confidential place for everyone
By Linda Angelo their children. And these children have to feel respected, accepted and supported
FLAG stands for Parents, Friends already had a difficult journey by the for who they are, wherever they are in
P and Families of Lesbians and time they come out to you as a parent. their own journey or family struggle. Just
Gays. This national organization The Lexington PFLAG chapter, which as you pledged to love and nurture your
began in 1972 when Jeanne Manford re-emerged 4 years ago, is comprised of child in the life ahead of them, we at
marched with her gay son in New York’s parents, straight allies, siblings, friends, PFLAG pledge to support one another as
Pride Day parade with a sign that read gay, lesbian, transgender and “ques— we work toward greater acceptance, love

“Parents of Gays Unite in Support of our tioning” individuals and couples. The and understanding by all.”
Children.” So many young people asked group meets monthly, typically with PFLAG’s mission is that of support,
Jeanne to talk with their parents that a speaker or program the first hour, education and advocacy, and the Central
she organized a support group, which followed by a support group discussion. Kentucky chapter is willing to provide
grew into PFLAG. It now has hundreds Participants include parents who seek information or presentations to inter-
of chapters across the United States. In help dealing with their own feelings as ested groups. Free publications are avail-
appreciation of her leadership, President their child “comes out,” or those who want able for download at www.pflag.org
Obama awarded Jeanne the Presidential to be better educated so they can talk with PFLAG welcomes all who would like to

Citizens’ Medal in 2012. and support their child more effectively assist in their efforts.

Despite more awareness and accept- or deal with their acquaintances and rela- PFLAG Central Kentucky is part of a
ance in our culture, learning that your tives more comfortably. Other attendees network of services and advocacy groups
own child is gay or lesbian or transgender might include individuals who have not including the Lexington GLSO (Gay
can be challenging, requiring you to yet come out to their families, or who seek and Lesbian Services Organization);
provide your child with support even support that their families are not willing the Fairness Coalition; TransKentucky;
while you have questions and need time to offer. There are LGBT adults, allies and AVOL (Aids Volunteers of Lexington);the ,
to process. Some people find themselves students who care about these issues and GSA network (high school, college, and
unable to do the most essential thing — to want to help. professional school Gay Straight Alliance
reassure your child, no matter what their From one of our parents: “Keep the groups); and JustFundKY -- all working
age, that you still love them. Some chil— promise you made when you first became on behalf of the LGBTQ community,
dren may be reticent or impatient with a parent because the person before you from the schoolyard through the nursing
their parents. Yet we know that parental is the same child you loved before they home years.
responses to their children are THE most told you this news. Take your time to sort For more information about PFLAG
crucial factor in the adjustment of LGBT out your feelings, to get educated, and to Central Kentucky, which meets the
individuals. Parental rejection — blatant work on acceptance; but love your child second Tuesday evening of the month,
or subtle - puts your child at risk of poor anyway, as you always have. Nothing please visit
self-worth, depression, substance abuse replaces parental love, and nothing hurts http://www.pflagcentralky.org/
and suicide, as well as academic and more than parental rejection PFLAG o

 T13 mas flax-If, slimy; iii If, ‘7‘: 1.3 36mm
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youe 2013 W“ {{flfl) ’ 2013
med tWINNER a. bAI’TIST ,5) . WINNER u
.‘e in fAUDIENCE l‘ A Fi|m of the Play by fAUDIENCE
AWARD l: ' Del Shores AWARD
. lust & Out On Film fife“ Prlde Fresno
Your 2013 _ 2013
re at ”WINNER ‘4 Hosted by Helena Handbasket, “WINNER ‘4
eras y AX‘DVIEggE Rev. Marsha Moors-Charles *5 AUDIENCE
love §SLCNKY Fum Festival and Kenn Bishop “‘3 fifléfi?
A LGBT FlIm Festival
2013 ‘ 2013
I: ‘J ’ ‘4
ntral $1 AUDIENCE ‘I ~ g f FESTIVAL "
Ivide fil AWARD A; , ' fiFAVORITE}
Gayfregbil-aggllflggeaflval v"! ‘ x, Gina": Dn'wearse
nter- 2013 203%3
vail- i
gWINNER u .4- 3;- . J' I IWINNER \
I-Org f BEST ,3, ‘5 t , \«E _ fl , I , f BEST J
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of a 2013 g 1 g 1‘“ :F 1“ ’ ‘ '5, mmfifiigww
Cups gWINNERg. x... 9. y 0 ‘ i thNNERu
fBEST ACTOR , , “\4‘ ' ‘ . ‘, ‘ $16531 FEATURE‘.
[Gay EMERSON COLL'NS a]! Wu. lfilllllllllllllgwafi‘am“lLSHflllll :I I 1 wa‘ ' GREEN AWARD
In» ‘éu MII'I‘” mgfi \éiocs
leY' 2013 , WM? 'iii-midlifeenulizriianiiiie”Alisaill"mama 2013
);the Southern Baptist Sissies
and Director: Del Shores
ance Beard Collins Shores Productions
km Running Time: 138 minutes
.nity, Prcsented by: ’1 W'NNER ‘J Co-sponsored by:
‘sing Bluegrass United Church of Christ $B§§ng§acho§
' DEL SHORES rim Hop Internet Services
- “MAMA-y fixmflm‘zfimm.
LAG Qi<'_|_ q . 2013 fl _
the B_luegrass L'i‘ur Luci-set £1139, can true {A _
mth, UN" ngcé‘firrig‘ a: Kentucky Theater I FlrSt Hop
V,’ '"J 3:11-72:24;- 2.-
www.b1uegraasuc;=.com Q}: C323 ED ‘ WWW-fi-I'SthOpmet

 Around the Librar is a in une
y: Th D Y I
book itself serves as a great way to to encourage acceptance and diver—
-v~, "lfl‘ A a ”I introduce a child to a Pride event and sity in their homes. The fabulous and
6 @1753“ i3;% cf the all—inclusiveness of the commu— joyful spirit of Pride truly comes to
gig ob ‘f‘; tel nity. A reading guide delves into life in the colorful pages of the story.
% ‘3 .7ng a; (as: the history of Pride, symbols related The importance of acceptance and
g;b§ mark! to Pride, and important aspects of diversity also shines through in the
.‘ g «(A ~ “:1 g ‘ ' the LGBT community. The reading supporting materials. The picture
bisflfllmr W‘Lmbyxmimm guide is written at an adult reading book is best suited for children
By Amy Retucci level and could provide an answer to 3-10. The supplementary material
his Day in June, by Gayle E. many of the questions a child might is geared towards teens and up. This
TPitman and illustrated by ask about the book. Along with the item is new to the GLSO library and
Kristyna Litten, is a children’s book reading guide there is a note for will soon be found in the Children’s
that takes place at a Pride event. The parents and caregivers on how to Section. Come check it out!
pages are beautifully andvividlyillus- present this book and support the The GLSO Pride Center contains
trated. Each page contains a rhyming children and teens in their lives. This the largest LGBTQ-themed library in
couplet about some aspect of Pride book is a great resource for same—sex the state.
or the LGBT community. The picture and heterosexual families that want 0
Are you 50 years of age or older AND LGBT (lesbian, gay,
bisexual, or transgender) or someone who is attracted to or has had an intimate
or sexual relationship with someone of your same sex or gender?
The Gay and Lesbian Services Organization and the Institute for Multigenerational
Health at the University of Washington need your help with a ground-breaking project. Our
goal is to understand the aging and health needs of our communities for generations to come. ‘
You can enter a raffle awarding a $100.00 VISA Gift Certificate to three randomly selected
individuals by completing the raffle participation form. To enter the raffle and request a
questionnaire visit http://CaringAndAging.org/raffle, email AgePride@uW.edu, or call
1-800-558-8703. You are eligible for the raffle regardless of Whether you complete a
questionnaire or not. Please keep in mind your participation in the project is completely
voluntary. If you have any questions about the project, please contact us at 1-800-558-8703
or visit our website at CaringAndAging.org. Voice your needs!
(baring and Aging with firifie
AgePride@uw.edu - CaringAndAging.org - 1-800-558-8703

 ) o
It 8 About Belng Locally Proud
Buying locally is fun, promotes sustainability of your
community, and stimulates the growth of a business
cards are accepted at many ”if [Irv
By Ranada WCSt-Rfley locations and farmers usually WWquWMMHfiV .
s a new business have incredible recipes {'1 , ' d _. 5
Aowner and chef, to use with their produce , >-~-- % » . ' .,
I find our diner and products. You’ll also l. - ‘ 3% 1;,“ -W E
is perfectly located near the have an opportunity to E , ‘ 231:“ I, W’ V. ,
Saturday Farmers Market in try new fruits and vegeta- E g {S - '
downtown Lexington. This bles normally not available . . , r
gift has opened my eyes to the at chain grocery stores. A i / I
beauty of keeping my buying hidden benefit, fresh fruits
as local as possible. A sad are filled with antioxidants "3
statistic is that there are fewer and phytonutrients.
than a million farmers left in What Farmers Markets . . a - 1
our nation, yet it was what our do that is the most impor— ‘ . E l ' V» ’ ‘ r m
nation was built upon. We have tant of all, is boost the local A c; " X i
lost nearly 5 million farms in economy as well as educate SE” MA.
lessthan75years. the community about ;------------------------------------------E
Buying locally is fun, healthy factors of fresh foods E 204W ”W E
promotes sustainability of and the impact farming has E 6W SW E
your community and neigh- on our environment. It’s E lpound boneless chicken breasts (boiled and pulled) E
borhood, and stimulates the essential. E 1/3 cup chopped red onions E
growth of an essential busi- http://www.kentuckyfarm— E 1/4 cup chopped toasted almonds E
ness. Farmers markets are ersmarket.org E 1/4 cup plain fat—free yogurt E
easy to find in cities, and Since spring is finally E 1/4 cup light mayonnaise E
keeping it local benefits here and Summer is upon E lteaspoon ground rosemary E
the community as a whole. us. I thought some cool E lteaspoon Dijon mustard E
Farmers give consumers recipes for the upcoming E 1/8 teaspoon salt E
access to foods they normally hot days would be perfect. I E 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper E
would not get at local stores encourage the use of organic E Directions E
for a lesser price than you’ll and local produce to make E Combine all ingredients, stirring well. Spread about E
find elsewhere. this recipe even tastier! E 2/3 cup of chicken mixture over the bread of your E
Some other benefits v E choice, exceptionally nice on Croissants or as a Wrap E
include: SNAP and W1C Ewith l_e_tt_u_c_e_a_n_d_t_o_n3ato.________________________E
LinQ n

f an 3:523: jig g a a El! E239 ZEN??? “SE?
1‘ xfi' ”he g . i3 1%}? j “by LEA
Deadline: PnzeS:
June 20, 2014 . . ‘ lst ' $200 y
~ '3 '4 3rd - $100
oyyyyy e
queerkynet “TEE?- *‘
@ queerkynet : E
What are you afraid to say as a young ,
E, , gay or bI-sexual guy In Kentucky?
4 SAY IT! V ' .
#speakyourtruth a
S E ' i F : E °
$352303?“ For all rules and details,
(1.000 words or Less) visit Queerky.net
Submit entries to queerky®avolky.orq .

' I h e Same, Really
experience of being transgender, my initial was surprised by the shared similarities
BY Bobbie Thompson understanding of Alan and Alana were as between Alan and Alana. For example, I
-aka Alana’s Spouse—
two separate individuals: one male and agreed to attend a party with Alana. As
was recently asked by Dara one female. Each had individual, different I watched her interacting with the other
‘ IHoffman—Fox, a Gender Therapist personalities, mannerisms, and especially people in the room I had the thought,
: (www.thebohemiansanctuary. styles. The only thing I knew about Alana “Wow, Alana has a very charismatic
1' com) to submit a guest blog to Trans- was thatAlanwantedto “change” tobecome personality, just like Alan.” Then,I giggled
Voices. For my submission to Linq this her. I think maybe it’s that word “change” to myself as my next thought was, “You
month, I’d like to share that guest blog that bothered me. To me, that meant my dummy, Alana is Alan.” It was one of those
as follows: friend and former lover was in the process revelation moments. What I had viewed
While writing her memoir, “Hung in the of becoming someone different. as two separate entities, became one. I
Middle: A Journey of Gender Discovery,” When you change your clothes you put discovered there is no ‘they,’ but only one.
(www.hunginthemiddle.com), my on something different. When you change My grandson unknowingly helped me
spouse Alana Nicole Sholar made the the tire on your car you putadifferent tire gain a better understanding of Alana’s
comment, “I could never understand how in its place. While the tires may be very transition process, too. He came bopping
Alan’s friends didn’t like Alana and how similar, they are obviously two separate through the house one daywith earphones
Alana’s friends didn’t like Alan, when I and different tires no matter what similari- hanging down to an iPod tucked in his
am the same person.” ties they share. pocket. I thought, “My, how that child
But, I could understand. I understood As I spent more time with Alana, I has grown! It seems like suchashort time
because that is exactly where my relation- r _' .7 haw , 7 Wfi T_ . x .{
ship began with Alana when I saw her for .- ' f f. g .4, '
l the first time in 2006. I didn’t like her even in V - {‘1' I." ." 2‘3 l, -
1 though I had known Alan for 25 years and 1 t ‘ g g ' , 'h" 7 J“; ‘3 4‘ ‘
1 . g , , _ 4 ‘ . ,
we had enjoyed an intimate relationship 4" j 33"“ .. tht¥' .\ ‘ §J .
in the mid-1990’s. One reason I didn’t like A; 5 v; i J I: 4' ‘ l .. ' l .
Alana was because when she was around, ivy “$315.3? ' ‘ I
she took Alan away from me. I told her “*2 _' g l ' J, . , ..
I could be her friend because I can be . ‘3- v i . .
“at r . 4—“
friends with practically anyone. However, ‘- A ) 1 I at.
I also told her that she and I could never saw” {3%
be as close or share the type of relationship f c. p l: d .7 - w .,
Alan and I had once shared. I I 1-: . V ‘ ll . l .
Because I knew nothing about the lam Alana Nicole Sholar lam Alana Nicole Sholar

 Continued from page 18 The evolution of our lives fails to cease knows: the person is the same, it’s just
ago I was changing his diaper.” I began a until the day we draw our last breath. the process of evolution that makes
short trip down memory lane, remem- Personal] , I made extreme visible h 5- e0 le seem “different.” That’s true for all
berlng hlm as a baby, a toddler, a httle icalchangesbylosing1001bs asaweightloss people. These days I choose not to View
boy, and now a pre-teen. sur er atient. After losin the wei ht, I Alana as Chan in , but rather evolvin .
g Y P g g g g g
My grandson had gone through tremen- also lost a few friends. I can only assume I’m so very thankful I realized my friend
dous physical change. He had evolved, because my appearance had changed, they and former lover is the same person they
or gone through a transition from infant somehow viewed me as someone other have always been. That realization lead
to pre-teen, yet he remained the same than my previous self. I could easily make me to marry Alana in December 2008.
person. It dawned on me that evolution this assumption based on the way I was If you know someone in the transi- ..
is how I should view Alana’s transition. treated after my weight loss. That’s exactly tion process who says to you, “I’m the
Although she has gone through physical what I initially did with Alana, I viewed same person I’ve always been,” believe ‘
changes, the person Still remains the same. her as being someone different because of it. They are the same... really!
Isn’t that exactly what every person expe— a change in appearance. 0
riences? Continuous evolution or transi- It took me a long time to learn what I
tion from one phase 0f life to the next? believe every transgender person already
Company Q: A Soc1allust1ce Theatre PFLAG Central
By Theo Meacham us at the Parrish Theatre in Lexington’s KentUCky Meeting
Central Library. All tickets are pay what
Imagine a place where young people Our presenter this month transi—
ou can.
are encouraged to share their lives and Y tioned from female to male at the
Company Q will be launching an
their stories through theatre. age of 36. He will talk about his self-
annual fund in early June. To give to
Founded in 2012, Company Q discovery, decision to take action,
Company Q’s annual fund, please Visit
provides such a safe place. A social the response of his family, employers
our facebook page. We need your help
justice theatre ensemble focusing and peers, and his partner journeys.
to continue our work!
on LGBTQIA+ youth ages 14-22, We meet 6:30 to 8:30pm on
Company Q is a member of the Pride v
Company Q explores relevant issues Tuesday, June 10 at St. Michael’s
Youth Theatre Alliance, an international
in the lives of young adults and strives Episcopal Church (2025 Bellefonte
organization serving artists who work a,
to educate the communities in which Drive). Presentation will be the first
in the field of Queer Youth Theatre.
we live. Through improvisation and hour, followed by a support group
For more information about joining
devising, we turn our discussions into meeting the second hour.
or volunteering, contact Company Q
original theatrical work. We welcome LGBTQs, their
at companyqlexington@gmail.com or
It is with great pride that we announce family members, friends and allies.
connect with us on facebook— www.
our second annual performance. Iune PFLAG meetings are a safe, confi-
3rd and 4th at 7:30pm, Company Q dentialsettingwhere all are accepted
will present “Finding the Pierce,” an and respected.
original play written and performed 0 o
by Company Q members. Please join

3i Lexmgton GSA Needs You
w opportunities to volunteer: area, and patrolling the dance floor.
By Robert Cardom

g, Advisors facilitate at least one Local school GSAs often ask us for
[d The Lexington Gay-Straight Alliance meeting per month at the GLSO Pride speakers on a range of topics ranging
3y is a program aimed at providing a safe Center on Tuesdays from 6-8pm. from healthy relationships, career
Ld space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans", Experience leading small groups is development, living as an LGBT adult.

questioning, and queer teens to get helpful. Advisors must be at least 24 Speakers must be available during the
i- F support, learn, and have fun. In addi— years of age and submit to a criminal afternoon, when most school GSAs
1e tion to our weekly meetings from background check. meet, and must submit to abackground
re 6-8pm on Tuesdays, we also host the Chaperones help us to offer inclu— check.

a Lexington Pride Prom, the Halloween sive dances, where students are free Are you interested in getting involved
Dance, and a new leadership develop— to be themselves and not worry that with LexGSA? Email Robert Cardom
ment initiative funded byalustFundKY their gender or that of their date will at Robert@glso.org for more informa—
grant. All of our work is made possible bar their attendance. Chaperones must tion or to apply. All new volunteers will
by the work of our volunteers. be at least 24 years of age, submit to a be required to attend a weekend orien—

That’s where you come in! LexGSA background check, and be willing to tation to be scheduled in August.
is looking for volunteers to help us to fill in as needed during our dances.
'1- maintain and grow our program so Chaperones often take turns helping
.e that we are responsive to the evolving students register at the registration
f. needs of our teens. There are several table, serving food in the refreshments o
s. P ' d F t ' l
. 11 e es lva A
,S .. . . I I I a
. Volunteer Orlentatlon J41] J a
:t ’1
p When: Monday, June 16 at 7pm or Wednesday, Iune 18 at 2pm “Ila-
Where: GLSO Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504 W®Uflflflflfleefi @[fl]@fifltatfl@[m
;. Help us make the 2014 Lexinton Pride Festival the best year yet. Volunteers like you are the ones who make the Lexington
_ Pride Festival successful year after year. You can Visit the GLSO Pride Center or visit online to sign up for specific jobs and
:1 time slots! It is an open door, come and go Whenever you can make it arrangement. We will instruct you what we need help
with and where to go and When to be there. Please contact Roberto at volunteers@lexpridefest.org for more information.
Signup online at: https://www.volgistics.com/eX/portal.dll/ap?AP=2126632624

 A Messa e rom ex ri e air
g f L P (1 Ch
It’s that time ladies, gentlemen, and all shades in between (as well as those that refuse to be defined by boundaries). It’s time
to let your colors show as Pride Month is finally here. This year Lexington is going all out! It feels like it’s been less than a year
ago that a group of first—time volunteers (along with two or three seasoned veterans) sat down to put into motion the most
ambitious Lexington Pride Festival yet. The first meeting identified that we all had one major goal in common: expanding
Lexington Pride Festival into a tier one event that not only provides a one—of-a-kind day full of fun, food, and fellowship but
that also goes the extra mile to ensure everyone can find their place among the festivities.
Now, you might be thinking “wow that’s a lot of hyperbole” or “what can this introduction really tell me about Lexington
Pride Festival?” Well, will have ninjas for the first time. Yes, that’s right. Lexington’s own Urban Ninjas will be on grounds
all day. Despite months of trying to infiltrate their ranks and decipher their plans, I’m still not sure what they have planned.
They are ninjas, after all. I can tell you that it will be a youth event unlike anything we’ve seen before.
If ninjas caught your attention, you might also be interested in knowing that Fagbug, an act of vandalism turned activism,
will be joining us. You can watch the documentary, Fagbug, on Hulu and Netflix. 'lhe story details the reactions then actions
of Erin Davies after her VW bug was spray painted with the word “fag” and “u r gay.” You can wat