xt7qz60bxp41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bxp41/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 22, December 2, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 22, December 2, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7qz60bxp41 section xt7qz60bxp41 — Officlal News-Letter ol the State Council of Defense
To Edihra: Th•
Mw. ¤.. W. ¤..·..¤.. THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤¤=·»·¤ -· ··=···¤
I- prepared fu thc x class matter at the
press and Is released ·- p°°t °m°° at L°"
for publication •n - mgm"' KY' V
December 2, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. No. 22
• “W6 W0111d Suggest 111 S€11€1‘6·l {OT ing, milling, refining, preserving, re- BRITISH MISSION AT
Rc         Shops and Stvres 8 3-- m· as to 0D€11i11S irigerating or storing foods and feeds. UNIVERSITY FQR A DAY
h‘·?m`S and 5 P-   as to closing hours 9. The construction of new, or rhe · 7***
with an €Xc€PU°¤ as to S$‘t“"d?‘Y auerations or extensions of ex1st1ng The Uulverslty of Kentucky had
  C 0   0     Bvenmgv 9 P- m- b€i¤€ $¤g§€5t€d as the Schoglhguggs, churches, hospitals, and the honor to entertain, Thursday.
cmsmg hour mr that €V°¤mg· federal, state or municipal buildings, November 21, Dr. Arthur Everett
` "I¤ HMS Of business Or in com involving in the aggregate a cost n0t— Shipley, the Reverend Edward Mew-
¤¤¤¤iti¤S in which these h¤¤rS would exceeding twenty-me thousand :101- burn waum, sn Henry Jones and
· · · — - ` ` to the Publm 1·— - $25 000 00 ) Dr. John Joly, members of the British
The armistice has been signed Council of Defen e feels most fortu cause mC°¤V€m€¤€€ _ mls ( , , . l · _ i _ _
and peace, unshackled, is once more nate in obtaining his ·va1uab1e Sel`- ;?;“° Si·§;”`E;“§)*;iSi$)§€ gvgiglgilis :;;*3*; 10_ The construction of new bmp;. Edumiatignai Mgsls1;;bnx;;1oiu;;);·;3tu:ii§:]{g
· abroad in the highways of the world. vices at the head of this comnuttee.   _ _ ings OI- Structures not embraced in mg Ga mg 9 C
Your Chairman Mr, Edward W. Following an iHVit9-UCD f1`0m 1119 Vemence Or hardship Whatever is any of the foregoing Classjgcatiqns, ofthe United States for tlne purpose ·
Hines was in Washington when the Committee on Entertainment in Chi- don? Should b€_ *1096 Without d‘£19~Y· or the repairs or additions ‘ to, or of b1‘111S111S ¤b011f· <5Q·01`¢11¤3it1011 01
· momentous news came. He was cagu of the American Alliance on Busmess Organlzauons are requeged alterations Oy gxtgnsions of existing American Rnd Bflilsh institutions 3116
callgd there tor a conference with L&b01‘ 2111] D€111¤CT¤CY» MY- Sigmoud to report to thgxenmcky Council Qi buildings and structures, in either the arranging of curricula to per-
mg War Industries Board and the A- L€€, Ch¤i¤`m9·¤ Of WB C°mmmB° pgfenéihtx. actwn tsl?] may take m ease involving in the aggregate a mit students and faculties to exchange
Council of National Defense relative on Labor, was duly appointed to lme W1 is I`€q“€S· cost not Gxcggdiug ten thousand dol- work.
to matters affecting the work or State represent t‘~e Kentucky C0¤11<>il_0f D€· State Historian. 1ars ($10,000.00.) Doctor Shipley is vice-chancellor of
Councils. This meeting will d°“bt‘ tense at this impmtaut gaFh°mng‘ I Mr- Fred P· ¤¤1¤w¤11» State HiS‘ 11, The construction of new build- the University of Cambridge, Master
less be momentous in the history of ¤¤<1¤rSt¤¤¤ that ¤ Splendld mbuw wrian. has ¤°<=0mPliSh¤d great thmgs regs or structures not embraced in mcmasvs couege and Reader in zoo].
the K€11t¤¢kY C0¤¤°il· and the *`€P°"t was paid H? ML Samue; G¤¤·¤g·;;*S by in COHHGCUOH with his Work Of f°¤`m¤· any ot the foregoing classiiications. ogy. He represents Cambridge on the
of M1'· Hines wi11¤<=<=<>m¤¤¤Y the mm' represepmtwa persons mm a Over latmg a· history of Kemuckys Part iu or the repairs or additions to 01‘ 11]- Mission and ls well known in the
me of this meeting. the Ummd Stews- the war- _L¤¢¤1 histvrians have Mw tepations or extensions of, existing United smmsm which he has on sev-
In the frenzy °f my which Seemed Vis`t of Ma‘or Rutledge Smith. been appomted m nearly every °°““tY buildings OT StY¤¤f¤1”8S 111 Either Case eral occasions been a guest. He is
seize not mn the eo le or me my ’ - in Kentucky and Mr. Caldwell advises · -1, in the a re ate a cost not a member of me Central Medica war
m y D p On Wednesday October 30th Ma]0r _ 1nv01v1 g gg g V _
°f L°uiSvm€‘ but of other cities R tled e Smith Y Southern Represen- us that these are Shmvmg the great' exceeding twenty·iive thousand dollars Committee of Great Britain
°hr°“gh°ut °ur Stam it seemed but taléive if tile Field Division Council ML interest in their W°I`k· Now that ($25.000.00) when apD1‘0V€d 111 writ- The Reverend Edward M_ Walker
right that °“’ °*ga“‘““°“ S**°“"’ of Nauom.1 Defenie pam ah official me war has `°’“d"’d* Steps wm d°“"*‘ me by the SMB C°¤¤°“ °* D“f°“S" is Fsuow senior Tutor and Librarian
call the attention of °“‘T people to visit to the Orfice ,05 the Kentucky mss be taken by each County *0 PGP gr its duly authorized representatives. of Queené College and Member of the
umse W1?° hfad brought about the nc` Council. He was accompanied by Mr. };3;;_a5?v;2°iuni;°€eS qifgéose who 1°St 12, Buildings begun prior to Sep- Hebdomiadal Council of Oxford and
d F°"y °f Justlce and vghtr The f°u°‘;" Richard Farr. of the Provost Marshal “ In N letter fromsikrl Elliott Dunlap tember 3rd, 1918, rvhere a substantml represents Oxford on the Mission HB
· · great importance to the Counc1l were information Section of the Fwd Divisr been constructe . 30 yeam His Scholastic interests Hg
"In this hour of great Joy at Our discussed at length with Major Sm1th· im Of the Council Of Natiéual DB_ gmmty Councils are urged to 11011fY in the field of Ancient History. He is
d€Hvemnc€' let us not forget to Iam glad F0 report tha? Major Smidh tense, a fme tribute is paid to the all ¤DDliG9·11tS f01` buildius Permits a clergyman of the Church ot Eng-
°ff°" up 3* prayer for Our SOL was much lmpmssgd Wlth the Way m work of the Kgutucky Council whose requests have been declmed of ]a¤d_
(here and Smlom These and EM Whlchdhe affairs Of the Kentucky BY 1”€8S0¤ of GMHSGS in economic the above m°dm°ati°I}S °f the N€m` Sir Henry Jones, professor of Moral
Soldiers and SRUGFS of 0111‘ Allies Counc1l of Defense had been conduct- . . t- 1 and advlse .
h . . c011c11t10us, brought about by the sign- Wa? CODBUUC wu P0 mx _ Philosophy in Glasgow University, is
‘*"° “"°" the W°"'d mm "‘“‘ €"— HG pam the C°““°“ “ grm °°m‘ mg of the armistice radical amend. that if the prcvvsed b¤¤1d¤¤gS wma a Welshmu and rg regents Glasgow
?·0C1`&CY l' t when he stated that he had ’ . . — d lm S _ _   _
tocracy and all thgt Su d- d p [men . 'JIGIUZS have b€€'.I1 3.d0DtBd by tht} War Wlthln the above modihe ru g Unlvgrgllgy gn [hg M]g5i0¤_ Sly Henry
giiiniie xT1?gl3wsl?v;V ii; pggge tire ;;;1tg?StI§;2tlL2;;&;;thO; :1;% S;3;?€; Industries Board regarding building construction may begin. has lectured in Several American Uni_
pledge our unforgetfulness of {Ons to make to other CmmCi]S_ but p_eI`m1tS under the N°u'Wm` C°¤sU`“c‘ V A ILIES versities. He has worked'wh0le-heart·
their Supreme sgerifice and tg carve to the Kgutucky Council in a hon policy These changes reached     F M edly in the struggle with German
those who live we will eirer trees- spirit or conference Mr Farr came Our Omce in a telegram fmm M1`- AFFECTED BY INFLUENZA militarism and by writing and speak-
ure them in memory for what in the jnfgrggt gf the provost Mar- nes °_ur Chairman and Mr MCLBH _ f ing aided the campa1gn for yoluntary
they did for us for our homes SM1 Genemys Office with Special 11311, Clnef of the Non-War Construc- Kentucky Council of De ense. armms of Great Britain
’ ’ ’ . . tum Section. A bulletin setting forth Bulletin N0. 34. D J h J I' h b f {
d f th f e d of the W01‘ld. f t th d - b the Ken- · _ _ e r. 0 Il 0 y as een pro essor o
an "I(;rent;ck;BC;1:1ci1 of Defen~e," gicilfngguscil ialligldzllecgon of de- the Y?{"‘{’“S ghangss was 1m;¤<=g¤¤t¤1v To the County Councils of Defense: Geology and Mineralogy in the UDL
d th C .1 f D serters from the National Army. g:;3;;`5( Omghaseaz MSG ggay aguggg 1_ whne me course of the epidemic versity of Dublin and represents that
At =··1¤t¤r at? 8 °““°’ ° B` since our bulletin on this subject . I S . . ' of Spanish Iniluenza has practically institution on the Mission. He was
. £°PS°* f°u°wi¥1g the gxpected pr?°lam` many noticee have b€<·>¤ Simi t0 Gu? Eagle ?;i}11gu?;1£1r0u§1t Essx 1ul_E?§(;1` run its course in many parts of the born in Ireland and educated at Trin-
‘*“°“ °f P"€S‘d"‘“ W"S°“ °“ ms Sub` County C¤¤¤<=’1¤ of delinquents from w,§i§_,€’d undgrihe modified gms S mts, our attention has been called to uy c¤11ege, m which he held val-mus
jest- fill through tri Ctquntti Cgug military service and I feel Sure that '· the many serious aftenresults of the subordinate positions before his ap-
cis p an a proper ce e ra non 11*0 g — much good has been acggmplighgd by diSBa_s€_ Many hgmes have been poiutment to the chair which he now
°ut Our Stam of the fr°°°d°m °f the those at home persuading these d€·  §§LC§)]§éEEST§éCTI0NS completely wrecked, where one or occupies. His research in physics has
www {mm a‘ut°°m°y‘ luded Soldiers to 1‘€¤11`¤ to Service- AMENDED both arents have died and left the taken the greater part ot 30 years.
Altt 'df DH D th Th M" 't `l`L
|¤f|¤¤¤Z¤—EPid¤mi¤· 6 er was recewe mm rl ‘ B 5 h · i children dependent upon e com- ‘ e 1ss10n on islarriva In ex-
Since 0111‘ lest H1€‘6ti¤E $116 €Di· H· Ch"’"`Y· who was fmced t° "€SlgP c0Hgit;§;;03r(;3ug§taa1i6fJt gl), iizuggi munity, and in some instances the mgton-Thursday morning was met by
demic or inuuenza has waned in cer- 215 1*- mémber Of the K¤¤¢¤¤1f the Industries Board regulating building 2, The situation is such that the lunch. They returned to the Univer-
Gd increase in this terrible gggurgg Western Ken*uckY N0rma1$<>h¤0;.51¤· permits under the Nomwm, COHStmc_ Conference of Social Work or Ken- sity campus in time to review the
MV Hines has kept in touch with pressing his great apprcmaupu 0 8 tion policy, tucky called a meeting, November 2nd, Student Army Training Corps,
Maior Fricks. of the Uuited States ’°S°l““°“ "‘d°pt8d “p°“ ms "‘mY?' . . . , _ in Louisville, to consider how the From 4 to 6 oxziock Thursday mer-
Pubuc Health Service, and ML R_ (;_ ment. In the letter, he states: I Constructnon Projects Fallmg Wnthm G .D the homes could be met One HOOD the guests were entertained at
· tk th r=u· cn ·r · nedsl
Ballard Thruston. of the American MPE ¥°“ Wm °°“"€" t? “‘° Km “? Y ° ° °‘”'"g ass' '°"‘*'°"S ee of me most important questions was tea at President McVey’s home, Max-
Red Cross. and many nurses and phy' Cmmml of Defense at Its next SGSSIOH Hercpy Approved and. N° Permlts that of iinding out what institutions well Place, where the members of the
Si€i¤11S h¤V<·> 118611 Sem t0 the stricken a message {mm me of the deepest ap` °r Licenses Are Rcqulrcd Therefw and agencies we have in the state Mission met Governor Stanley and
districm Undm a TGSOIUUOH of the pmciaiion of the action they have LMT- thef Nshn-Wm c°Tstru°ti.°" for handling these problems, especial- Mrs. Stanley, trustees, faculty and
Kentucky C°“¤°“ guaranteeing U18 “k‘°’“‘ Eggs? ° ° ar "d"St"°s ly my handling the problems or child friends or me University. ·
payment of the expenses of the nurses Early closing - I welfare- At 7:30 Thursday evening Doctor l
‘ in visidiug tmjlse districts in case local BY mason of the influenza epidemic L p9nSm1°ti°° pIi°??°tS _aPI{r°ved 3. The Kentucky Council of De- Shipley, the Reverend Walker, Sir A
”·“th°"ti€S dm uot make th°s° pay` it Was 1101 possible t0 h0ld the OPBH in Wmtmg by the_ faculties dwlsmn Of tense is interested in this whole mat- Henry Jones, and Doctor Joly were
· m€ms· nurses WHS Csenli t‘;)Har1;“‘ mG€>ti¤g with the merchants of Our the War Indusmes Board' ter, as the very strength of the guests of honor at dinner at the Phoe-
B°¤h8·m· W¤11i¤S me · mevi 9· city and State on the subject of early 2. All farm and ranch buildings, State of Kentucky depends on pm- nix Hotel, when purposes of the Mig-
_ Hazard, MiddleSb01‘¤,_ R¤<>kD0¤`t and dosing as a means of conserving fuel structures or improvements. tectiug and Safeguarding the child sion were presented by the visitors
V 0m" pIa°°S‘ Ml" Hines was able to and labor M Originally P1”·“H€d· AS 3· All b“udmgS· Structures, "°*’·d` life of the state. But Before We Can in short talks followed by a round e
arrange Wim MISS BakG'· Head Num me ws Gd, ¤¤w·=v€¤ ¤¤¤di¤¤¤¤ Ways vim f¤·=i¤¤¤S» ¤¤‘ Other ¤<>¤· Ammpush Much We Must Know tame discussion in which it develop-
at the Base Hospital at Camp Zachaw changed and the necessity for drastic struction projects of every nature wh t F -I-t- W H I Th Ed that Since the commencement of
1-Paylmg $0 $51;; ?u· ugis? rE;l(;8`€E(; measures was eHmiuaF€d` The fol- Wh3‘tS°€V€.r’ undertake? by we United Sta;. va? erlglose izopyatg anlette; the war British universities have de-
  lisgha K iucgls zjguggl of D€_ lowing Stammenr was Issue? for we States ,Rmlr°ad Admlulstmtlqm °r by which we have addressed to each of voted much thought to organization
0 me O B an y Kentucky Council by MI" H{nGS' with any mu Or .WaFBr tmuspqrtahou com` the County Judges in the State asking of advanced study and research and
tense for further assignment? the approval Of the Executwe Com` p3‘Dy’ Orgamzatmn or umlty (whether for this information Your County consequently to encouragement of
On November 9th a bulletin Wag mittee: · ` or not under the direction of such ad- J ` . . d f th
· ..... . . . udge may not fully appremate the mterchange of stu ents rom 0 er
Sent to Each County Chairman and "In VIEW of information received mimstration) or by the American . . . . . .
· . . . . importance of furnishmg thxs informa- countmes who W1Sh to follow post-
l€tt€¥’ wrrtten to Bach C°u¤tY Judge from the Umted States Fuel Adm1n1s- Ra11way Express Company, or by the , tl d t 81 u Ou mduam and other courses or to quab
asking for a SUFVBY Of the Situation tration to the effect that it has been owner or operator of any telegraph mm pmmp Y an we mus r y D   ,
- . . . . you to see that this is done; Please 1fY for doctors degrees.
111911 existing in the C0u¤tY as t0· decided that present conditions do or telephone line. t _ t h _t1 our Count Jud B The members of the mission Stayed
(1) Number of dependents created not warrant any drastic order for reg- 4. The construction, maintenance, ge In Ouc _w1 I Y _ , Y g . . _ F
b · death of wa e earners. - · · _ at once, and if he is unwxllmg to fur- in Lexington until 10.30 riday morn-
! g ulatmg the opening and closing hours improvement or development by Fed , . .- . .
(2) LGCBJ facilities Y0? caring for of offices, stores and other mercantile eral, State or Municipal authorities of gm;   1ulfglgggtginog;g‘;;i§fg§1;2;i gliieggaggrzéiixgairghzexzgig gl;
thedevendents- tbl'h t,'1d` le 1 rmi , d,bl d,b·¤, *"’“' · `
(3) Assistance which the Fiscal ;;1;S<;1eI;Eneic.,lxl>i1?tll1z§ sgcglic niea; sggeggyiaiigg sud ;l;a;;?·;u;dS?l gas 3DD1‘0D1‘i&te C0mm1t¥€?. _ periment Station and etation Farm.
Court is willing tv 1'€¤d€I`· ures for the conservation of fuel as 5. The construction extension im- 4· The Lake Dwlsmn °ff1°8 Of the As a result °£ the Missions visit to
Revvrts from Thm-IY Coumiés indi' can be taken without undue hardship provemeut, maintenance or repair of Red Cross has Sent to your H°m° L°Xiugt°n· th° Univmsity °f Kem
gate thaglocal relief is amply @19 to or inconvenience are still desirable, any public utility, including water sup- $;‘”`Vi(;‘? fsectilgn ad letter Yelatgvatgo ;=¤;>kYl;°’il;;¤*:;` ;*;·§;€:€Stl;;&“&;;:;B(;f ·
andle t e situation in most sections the Kentucky Council of Defense ply Systems, Sewer Systems, light and e re ie wor ma e necessary y e n erc an -
of Our State- would request that for the purpose of power facilities, and street and inter- 8·ft€!`·!`€S“lt¤ Of the 1¤H¤€¤Z3·- Thg SWS- It hopfs t° be a·m0¤g_ those
AB 500¤ 3S additional 1'€P01`tS M8 YG- conserving ine] and labor the various urban railway; work the Red Cross is doing along American universities that will take
Geivedy ¤ tabulation will be made- business organizations within each 6. The construction, exte¤s10¤ or these lines will undoubtedly result in early advantage ¤f the Scheme- 1
community try to bring about by vol- repairs of all irrigation and drainage ever? county being better Prepared in ’_**"'l—
d . chairman °f c°”‘mm°° °” SP¢¤k¢"$' untary agreement of the diderent projects. the future to handle its problems. You ‘ ENTITLED TO MAGAZINE
B¤1‘¢¤¤- classes or lines of business in the 7. Construction projects connected Are U1‘Q¢d To Géf In T0¤¢h With ‘j""
Si¤¤€_0111` last m9€U11S   Marvin community the adoption of reasonable with the extension, expansion or de- L¤ca| Redl CMSS Chapter And E¤¤¤¤r- T}16 K€11t¤0kY COUDCU Of DBYQDSG is
H- Lewis has afcépmd U16 1mD01‘t¤¤t measures for the saving of fuel and velopment of mines or every char- age And Assist In Every Way In Es- asked by the Council of National De-
position of Ch¤¤`m¤¤ of the C0Y¤mit· especially that to that end they en- acter whatsoever or connected with tablishing This Child Welfare And tense to designate three individuals
@66 011 SD€31{€1'S' Bl11'€811 of the Kell- courage the establishment by agree- the production and refining of mineral Social Work S0 That It Will Be A in each C0\1l1tY 111 8»ddiUOI1 t0_ C0\111tY
lucky C0¤¤¤¤l_0f D€Y€¤S€- M1'- L€W1S' ment of such uniform opening and oils and of natural gas. Permanent Work In Your County. Chairmen who should receive copies
work as Ch811‘m¤¤ of thé J€ff€1`¤011 closing hours during the winter 8. Alterations, constructions or ex- Kentucky Council of Defense, of the Council ot Defense magazine.
(7011111y Committee Of Four Minute mnnfhs as will materially shorten tensions of, or repairs or additions t0, Edward W. Hines, Ch’m., Names and addresses fOr such 001111-
Mfm 15 well k¤0W¤ and the K€11t11GkY business hours. _ plants engaged principally in produc- Pendleton Beckley, Exec, Sec. ties are called for at once.