xt7qz60bx649 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bx649/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1902 journals kaes_bulletins_104 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.104. text Bulletin n.104. 1902 1902 2014 true xt7qz60bx649 section xt7qz60bx649 ; I LKENTUCKY
  0r.n-uz EV  
  Bu|.r.ET|N N0. 104. {

   A iv
  4 I I l
— r Ag1·1cultu1·a.l Expcmmcnt Sta/c1on.
r  _—_— F ‘
 ii GEO. B. KINKEAD, Lexington, Ky. Q ` :_
gr Q_ D. F. FRAZEE, Lexington, Ky. `
{  R. C. STOLL, Lexington, Ky.
  W. C. BELL, Harrodsburg, Ky.
? J. K. PATTERSON, President of the College. ,
  M. A. SCOVELL, Director, Secretary.
.~ _, STATION 0FF|cEns.
, % M. A. SCOVELL, Director and Chemist.
` i A. M. PETER, Chemist.
Q H. E. CURTIS, Chemist, Fertilizers. ·
l H. GARMAN, Entomologist and Botanist.
E . J. N. HARPER, Agriculturist.
‘ W. H. SCHERFFIUS, Chemist. *
' R. M. ALLEN, Secretary, Food Division. Q`,
· J. D. TURNER, Secretary to the Director.
J. O. LABACH, Chemist, Food Division. `
_ GEO. ROBERTS, Ass’t Chemist.  
` l MISS M. L. DIDLAKE, Ass’t to Entomologist and Botenist. Q
S. D. AVERITT, Ass’t Chemist.  
_ D. W. MAY, Animal Husbandman. l
; , O. M. Sl-IEDD, Ass’t Chemist. `} '
fn E. P. TAYLOR, Ass’t to Entomologist and Botanist.
V J Address of the Station—LEXINGTON, KY.
g NOT|cE.
The Bulletins of the Station will be mailed free to anyeitizen of
Kentucky who sends his name and address to the Station for
; that purpose.
` Correspondents will please notify the Director of changes in
their postotlice address, o1· of any failure to receive the bulletins.
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¥ Oommerczal Fern Zzzers. .251
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. ·   · ‘ F I C
-i , E `
H  I 252 Bulletin N0. 104.
 ; It is evident from the preceding table that while most of the
  A fertilizers examined ran above the minimum guarantee, yet a
 _. thorough and careful inspection seems essential. It is hoped ‘· -
 I that farmers will generally take advantage of Section 8 of the
  fertilizer law, and when they purchase fertilizers, at least in "
  quantity, that they will take a sample in accordance with Sec- `· `
{   l tion 8 and send it to the Station for free analysis.
é   Essentials in taking a Sample. 1. Take it at the time of
i purchase, and if possible in the presence of agent or seller.
i 2. Take a sample from not less than two bags, and from one g
1_ additional bag for every ten purchased; mix these samples Z
  carefully and take at least a pint of this mixed sample, put it  
  into a fruitjar, seal, box and express to M. A. Scovell, Direc-  
. tor, Lexington, Ky. 3. Take the sample in the presence of  
  at least one witness, and have the witness sign the required Z
  certificate. 4. The certificate for free analysis to be sent by l
—· mall and should be in accordance with the law as given in gi
I Section 8. r
p If the sample is taken in accordance with the above direc- l
, tions it may be sent by express and the charges will be paid ‘
_ by the Station.
Form 0f Certificate. A good form of certificate is the fol-
  lowing, and blankcertificates will be sent free to any farmer A ·
;_` requesting the same. _
Q s
A ...... . ....................... 190
M. A. Scovicm., Director, Lexington, Ky.: .,
F This is to certify that I am not a dealer in, or agent for the  
sale of any fertilizer, and that the fertilizer, a sample of which l
I have sent by express to you for free analysis, was purchased
by me. .. ............................ 190 for my own use
and not for sale.
I further certify that the sample was taken at the time of
purchase from at least 10 per cent. of the sacks or other pack-
) ages, comprising the whole lot purchased. and that it was taken ~
$ .
. ( ¤

Commercial Fertilizers. 253
as provided in Section 8 of the fertilizer law, in the following
_] ( described manner, to-wit: ................................
............,.......................................................................r................. .  
i ............ · ............ .... ............... .... .................................................... air; ll
i . ............................................... . ......................... ... ............ . .............  
  Upon receipt of the analysis from you, I agree to furnish you  
i with a tag taken from one of the sacks sampled, the name and  
address of the firm or agent of whom the fertilizer was pur-   {
chased, and the amount purchased.  
(Signature) ...... . ............... A: '''I
(P. O. Address) ......................
Signature of VVitnesses :
Should, however, any farmer desire to take a sample and
not have a blank certificate at hand, he may write one in full
like the form above given, or take the sample in presence of   _
· seller and witness and so mark it that he can identify it subse—  
quently in a certificate, and send it at once to the Experiment ·
Station with the request that the Station furnish form of cer-   V
tificate, such certificate to be filled out upon receipt covering  
the sample and properly signed by sender and witnesses and ‘  
sent by return mail to the Station. ?  
Section Providiizg for Free Amtlyszs. The Section of the  
Fertilizer Law, providing for the taking of samples for free  
. L' analysis is as follows: `
  SEC. S. Any person not a dealer in, or agent for the sale
of any fertilizer who may purchase any commercial fertilizer in
this State for his own use and not for sale, may take a sample
of the same for analysis, which analysis shall be made by the
said Experiment Station free of charge. Such sample for free
analysis shall be taken by the purchaser in the presence of the
person, company or agent selling the fertilizer from at least ten
(10) per cent. of the sacks or other packages comprising the
I '   A J r;=:*AA" JLw I. L_   U___»_‘M`.  ,_ ._,_,. _ -7-.,,  V l

.x  ·
  { 254 Bulletin N0. 104.
”  whole lot purchased, and shall be thoroughly mixed and at
V ; least one pound of the material after mixing must be put into
  a jar or can, securely sealed and marked in such a way as to   '
  - e surely identify the sample and show by whom it was sent, with-
_= E out giving the name of the fertilizer or the person from whom *
  it was purchased, and must be forwarded to the Director of · ·
  lv the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington,
l { Ky. The purchaser shall also send with the sample a certifi-
t 3 cate signed by himself and witness, or by two witnesses. stat-
i ing that the sender has purchased the fertilizer for his own use
 A and not for sale, and that the sample was taken in the manner
  prescribed in this section. Provided, however, that if the per-
_;_ son, company or agent shall refuse to witness the taking of °
, the sample, then the sample may be taken at the time of the
  purchase in the manner already described in the presence of
_ two witnesses who shall certify to the manner of taking the
4 sample. The purchaser shall preserve the official label from I
{_ one of the bags or other packages sampled to be sent to the i
l Director after having received the report of analysis of the  
l ‘ sample, and at the same time he shall furnish to the Director ¤
, the name and address of the firm of whom the fertilizer was
~ purchased and the amount purchased; and any person having  
sent a sample for free analysis, under the provisions of this  
l section, who shall, after having received the report of analysis fi
i of the same, refuse to furnish the required information, shall
thereafter forfeit the privilege of free analysis of fertilizers
ii under this section. But if any sample shall have been sub- »_
fi mitted for free analysis without all the requirements of this "
it section having been complied with, the Director shall inquire
V , into the case and may accept the sample for free analysis if he .
· l believes that it is a fair sample of the fertilizer as it was
delivered to the purchaser. _
. Values Use¢l.—In calculating the relative value per ton, _
the following values have been used :  
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in mixed fer-  
l tilizers ..................................... 6c per lb. f
Soluble and reverted phosphoric acid in plain acid
and unacidulated phosphates ................. 5c per lb.
Insoluble phosphoric acid in mixed fertilizers ..... 2c per lb.
Insoluble phosphoric acid in plain acid phosphates Nothing .
Phosphoric acid in fine bone ........ . ........... 40 per lb.
Phosphoric acid in medium bone ................ 3c per lb.
Fine bone is all that passes through a sieve with meshes
_ one-twenty-fifth-inch square. Medium bone passes through a ‘
. er

Commercial Fertilizers. 255
sieve with meshes one-sixth inch square, but does not include
fine bone.
  · Nitrogen in all fertilizers ....................... 150 per lb.
Potash in all fertilizers, from sulphate. .......... 6c per lb.  
* Potash in all fertilizers, from muriate ............ 50 per lb. ,
’ ‘ The term "Potash from Muriate" does not indicate neces— R i··
% sarily that the manufacturers used muriate of potash in fur-  
. nishing the potash; they may have used sulphate of potash, or   fi
  other salts of potash, but in all fertilizers where the term  
i “Potash from Muriate" isnused there is enough chlorine pres- Agi
g ent to combine with the potash, either from salt in the tankage   gr
  used, or the potash salts used, as muriate, kainit, carnalite, _  
  _ etc. As the objection to the use of muriate of potash arises I
i from the chlorine present in this salt, it likewise follows that
chlorine in a fertilizer is objectionable, whether put in with
the potash or otherwise. The using of sulphate of potash .
  where there is chlorine present in other ingredients of the fer-
  tilizer will not obviate the injurious effects of the chlorine, and 9
I therefore we take this method of showing chlorine present by ·
designating the potash as "from muriate."
Exploitation of the Table. In the table of analyses under
the column headed "From Whom Obtained," all samples · _
marked L`Manufacturer" are those furnished by the manufac-  
turer at the time the fertilizer was entered for sale. All other ~  
samples were collected by deputy inspectors or sent by farmers, _ `
The analysis guaranteed by the manufacturer follows the  
analyses of these other samples and is printed in italic fig-  
· The figures in the table which are set in bold face type are ‘
those results which, in the judgment of the Director, were too ia »
low to be acceptable. \Vhere the total phosphoric acid in    
{_ samples of bone is marked with (*) it indicates that the bone i ke
  contains soluble phosphoric acid. This soluble phosphoric `
_ acid is an indication of either the addition of acid phosphate
to the bone, in which case it would not be a pure raw bone,
or else that the bone containing this soluble phosphoric acid
was not strictly a pure or high grade bone, but contained
trashy materials, which carried with them the soluble phos-
phoric acid.
The names of the manufacturers are arranged in alphabetical
  order, and all the analyses ofthe same brand have been grouped
V rf  ;L$,___ ,...,. » A·— —~"»~··—**~•'¤··"  "·’·*‘ · "`“  V

Q  1
J ; 256 Bielletin N0. 104.
’l`An1,E on ANALYSES.
 ` — :,2 NAME Arm _A1>nm·;ss orc MAN- 1
,   2 E UFAC'PLllU·)R Aran NAME Fnom Wnosr OE1·A1sEr>.
’ 4 $5 or Bimxn. '
g . I/2
a ,· ..    
  A. D. Adair and McCarty Bros.,
g Atlanta, Ga. 1See Furman Farm Improvement C0.)
l Amer. Ag. Chem. Co.,New York. _
2 L Clev. Dryer Works. .
  10226 Horsehead Phosphate ............ O. A. Lptea &Co., Shepherdsv
< g 10227 O11io Seed Maker with Potush H. L. Kirkpatrick, Penrod...
10228 Tobacco. Potato and General _
Z -0rop Fertilizer ..................... l-I. L. Kirkpatrick. Penrod...  
10220 Phospho Bone ........................ W. B. Jones, Stithton ......... i
Amer Ag. Chem. Co., New York  
_ 10230 Ground Bone .............................. H. L. Kirkpatrick, Penrod... -·
The _Armour Fertilizer Works, A
· Chicago, Ill.
Q 10232 Bone Meal ................................. Peter Shearon, Kirk ............  
_ ) 10233 Raw Bone Meal ...................... Ross &. Duncan, Beard .........
102Z$4` Grain Grower ................... . ...... Bose & Duncan, Beard .........
10235 Wheat, Corn and Oat Special Grigsby   Co., Bardstownu.  
I 10230 Phosphate and Potash .......... wfliristinus & Gary, Glasgow _ j
102Jl7` Cereal Phosphate ................... O. A. Lutes & CO.,Sll9[)l1€l`dS\’ Y
lPeter Backer & Son, Troy, Ind. \
l024Jl` Grower No. 0, Pure Raw Bone,John Snyder, Stithton ......... g
a \  
l *`

 _ .... 1. -.4- U    
I 1;
Commercial Fertilizers. 257
" ' rouuus m mm HUNDRED. Q A
_ Phosphoric Acid. Potush. E 1;;
;. ·   c %* :2 C
*‘ - > E
3 B 1 . .5 . . S5 6 qs ¤ - = X.
ca ms . -1: — 2 ¤ 25,* ·~ Q gg Z .
* ¤» Eg 2 5 ié i; . SE is 3 ¤= za § . 1
»· ££°*.‘§E€§E§‘5§§§§?€¤§ 1 `··
f EE $3.2 £·£2¤5"é‘£'”é'3°.; ‘;R
  U égifzr?
1 3
S il. _
g 10 92 0.31 1I 23 $10.9210226 §"  
E 8.002 00 10 00 12 00 10.00  
1 7 74 2 94 10 6811 842.2312 11 18 1010227 if
g 1
» 5 003 00 8 00 10 0011 652 0012 00 17 351
8 92 1.34 10 260 1161 172 92 17 04·10228
5.003 00 `800 10 000821 0014 00 16 S6 ~
  10 68 2 32 13 001 221 4811.21 18 6210229 · L
7003 00 10.00 12 000821.001 00 10 26 ’
15 O3 7 74 22.77/2 653 22 24 6110230
20.002 473 00 19 41
_ 1
A 21.69 4.13 25 82/2.943.57 28 6510232  
24 002.473 00 21.81 _ '
17 33 9 33 26.6613 55 4 311 30 11 10233 `  
22 003.71 4 501 1 2.; 3.31 °  
7 41 2 26 9,6711 601.9412 06 1 16 6510234 @1
6.002 00 8.00 10 0011 052 0012 00 1 17 351 1, L
1 7 84 0 41 S 250 841 0211 16 13 25110235  
5 002.001 7.00 9 0010 821.0011 001 12 001 qi
  12 66 4.64 17 30 1 491   18 54110236
6 004 00 10 00 12 00 114,00
11 98 2.14 1412 1 11 9810237
0 004 00 10.00 12 00 1 1 10.00
14.1910.27 24 4640114 871 29 5410243
23.0013.00 3.641 22 80
1 1 1
 " " `.".  .   1,:.4  "T“   ~ *·` ·`‘’   ‘  " " `"  `° I

 V 1 258 Bulletin N0. 104. 1
  ' TABLE or ANALYSES. p 1
 Q e . .
 ll gz or BRAND. ‘ !
  Q. ,_,.?___,.... ,__..—..__ ..
 1% The Buckeye Phosphate C0.,
2 Columbus, 0.
1 10244 Buckeye Special Blood and
·   Potush Mixture ..................... J. Worth & Bro., Gibson ......
`{ 10245 Buckeye Wheat Maker ............ Henry l)utchkey,Stephenspt
10246 Complete Fertilizer .................. J. Worth & Bro., Gibson ......
  · 10157 Special Corn and Wheat Grow’r M amufacturer .....................,..
10247 Henry Dutchkey, Stepnenspt
. The Chicago Fertilizer C0.,
Chicago, Ill.
l 10282 Wheat and Corn Special . ....... Manufacturer ........................ ~
102S3\ Western Bone Black and l’ot’h Manufacturer ................. . ....
g_ 2 Q I
  10284 Bono Blood and Potgrgh ,,,,,,,,, Mmiufacturer ........................ p
I g 102851 Potato, Truck and Tobacco *1
. Fertilizer _,__,___,_________,,_,.,______ iBl2Lllllf€I,C’6l1l'€l‘ ........................  
1 . a
. 1 . . . . 1 i.
`The Cincinnati Ph0sphate,_,Co., ;,
_ l Cincinnati, 0. A
102»1 Cztpitnl Grain and Grass ~
; 1 Grower ............... . ..............., Frank Hook, McQua.dy. ......
UJZZ5! (fnpiml Dil-xsolved Bone und  
1 Potnsli .......................... . ..... Winfree Bros., Hopkinsville.
g , `1
Clev. Dryer Worke (See Amer. 1Ag. Chem. C0.)
Continental Fertilizer Co., Nash-
__1 ville, Tenn. 1
l0l»» lienr lloei, Blood und Ilone .... 1R. ll. Brown, Nlnmlisonvillcu.
. 1 1
. Y [ z

1 Oommercial Fertilizers. ,25,9
Pouuns m mm Humnuau
Phosphoric Acid. Potanh S gf
2   2 ` *-5 ¤
. »- . U > E
Q1 gc; ,:1 .1; ¤S cg E`; jj ig Ei 5  
41 :511 ci ¤> Q E . ¤· Eg =¤ .¤ SQ : —
* == ~° 2 13 : 2 71 2,*1 .2 ¤"·= S=~ E ¤ 1
.. ¤'5=°°z€: .2 g:gEs;¤§.~:§_§  
5. E 12 .-2 < 5 L E ¤=¤ é: :2 Ei 5  
1 7 79 1 83 9 620 931131.062 98$17,5110244  
8.00 0 821 00 4 00 16.86 if 1
1 12 20 3_48 15 68 2.29 18.78 10245  
10 00 2.00 14.40  
‘ 8 09 1 94 10 030.320 39 2 91 14.9410246
1 8.00 0 410 50 2 50 13.83
1 11.95 1 96 13 91110134 3 66 22.8110157 .
.1 10 74 2 64 13 380 620 75 0 81 16.7810247
  10 00 11 000 821 00 1 00 16.06 ‘
< s
_ 10.83 2 53 13 361 061 291 38 18.5710282
7 00 9 000 8:21 001 00 19.66
1121 1 20 12 410.600 732 90 18.6310283 1 , A
8 00 10 000 410 5012 50 14.13  
. 1 _ ·y·
11 82 2 11 13 931 461 7712 2:1 21.6310284
· 8 00 10 0011 281 501:2 00 16.09  
1 12 071 l_&7 13.94,2 022 4513 041 2133110285  
' 8 001 10 001 652 0014 001 11/.5.51 1% *1
1 1 ;
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1   1 *  
_, 1 1 1 11 231 2 371 13 0010 G20 75 10 TS` 1723110251 2
  1 1 10 001 1 1l.O010 821 001.001 15.801
1 1 1
1 1 12 53 4 001 16 591 11 671 18.6610252
1   12 017 1 15.001 1.] 001 1 17 S0
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 10 021 1.831 12 4311.411 755 11.741 19.8810177
6.0014 001 10 001 1 11 0011.0:73 001   001 1!/.75
 "   `.‘· . - °   .1.1-1, ...  · —-· 1-1· »»~~ ·  ·  “"" "" 5 U

.  ·  * . ‘"'
 Q l 260 'Bulletin N0. 104.
. , gi; i A ·
· , .,. Z OF BRAND.
t Q dg ‘ I
 · ,· :~ ,
i g i; »·}"‘»}—}’_';`   A
C   .C011ti11e11ta,1 Fertilizer C0.,
.    10253 Bear Potash Mixture. ._ ..... ` ...... S. Terry &Co., Grayson Spgs
  10254 Bear Corn and Wheat Special. Watkins & Co., Elizabethwn
¤ ¥
10204 Bear Bone Meal ....................... Tom Casidy, Woodburn .......
E » 10255 Bear Raw Bone ....................... Crews & Lewis, McQuady ....
I , 10256\ Bear Special Wheat Grower. .. Badiug & Patterson, Sonora *4
The Currie Fertilizer C0., Louis- i
‘ ville, Ky. _ g
10260 Currie`s Corn and W heat Spec. Bassett & Stone, Leitchiield, ·
  1026% Curries Soluble Bone .............. \Grigsby & C0., Bardstown,. ,
V A 102028 Currie’s Raw Bone Meal .... . ,,.._ `Browniug Bros., Lewisburg `j
V iDuncan & Bro., Lagrange, Ky.
10iG—l\ Tiger {Torn and Wheat Grower )Ianuiacturers’ \Vareh0use..
10265, Tiger Bone Meal ...................... Manufar·turers’ Warehouse.,
1020<3\ Tiger Guano ..... . ...................... Manufacturer? Warehouse- V
102611 Tiger Raw Bone Meal. ............ Manufacturers Warehouse.
\The Empire Guano C0., Nash-
\ ville, Tenn.
1020N` Empire Bone and Potash ........ Durham, Blakeuian & 1
, Cantrell, Greensburg ......
I i
. ( I

 _ _, ,__A   U, .. .~ r' ~—=V‘    
Commercial Fertilizers. 261
Pmmns uv rrmz Huumzmn.
Phosphoric Acid. Ponash. S $7
  3   E ·°
. ¤ ‘ _ > E
E 5. I 6 g .s ,1 §‘§ g S isa Q  
1 z-·5§2$@§.&@§.5€¤ég .
'( a¤§¤¤€§’s"6S€·§E§;§é*,—€;¤ 3
-1 E5;z:§a§s“;¤I;m.:¤£ gm
10.48/ 0.84 11.32   1.36 $14.55/10253  
6.004.00 10.00 11.00 2.00 14.80] {ii _
10.16 0.78 10.94 0.33 12.9010254 3 {
6.004.00 10.00 11.00 0.50 13.00  
19.64 2.18 21.821.021.24 20.0810204
20.000.821.00 14.46
18.51 6.51 25.022.503.04 26.2210255
20.002.473’.00 19.41 ~ .
' 8.43 1.10 9.53087106 0.95 14.31 10256 ¤
v{ 4.006.00 7.00 $.000.82100].00 12,26 2
10.41 4.03 14.44/1.071.301.20 18.5110260
10.00 12.500.821.00 1.00} 16.66
Q 11.63 2.99 14.62'1.091.321.83 20.2610261 1  
U 10.00 1.50 17.69 . *‘
5.07|17.96 23.03)4.034.89! 26.9310262 p 2
19.003.09.}.75 .90.67  
.   `*·
  11.28 0.52 11.800.720.8T, 1.52 17.7310264 *  
Y 7.006.00 10.00 11.000.82].00.2.00 16.86
‘* ii ;_
1 22.80 5.01 27.812..242.72' 27.9710265   ._
` 22. 00 2.4713. 00{ ;!0. 61    
11.47 1.77 13.2~1I.36’1.G5 1.75 20.6510266 V
I 6.004.00 10.00 11.001.652.0012.00 19.35
  15.25 8.21 I 23.463.52/4.27 27.69l0267
  22.00X3.714.50 24.63
I 10.81l 2.33 13.14 2.014 I 15.91 10268
10.00} 4 2.00] ( 14.00
"   -· ,.2.- .. .. ..  1 ·—-   M »* 5 #5 · * `

 1 A . 262 Bullet/in N0. 104. Q ’
  ¤ Q U1¤Ao·rrmER AND NAME Fnonr Wnom OBTAINED.
Q   gz o1¤ BRA>:D. I
i A ca
` J
 2 'V The Empire Guauo C0. \ ,
2 l 10269 Empire Potash Mixture. ......... Durham, Blakeman &
·   Cantrell, Greensburg ...... ·
  10192 Empire Fine Ground Bone ...... Manufacturer .......................
  10193 Empire Dissolved Bone.. ......... Manufacturer ....................,..
A Fox Chemical C0., Branch,
Z Federal Chem1ca1 Company,
Q · Lou1sv1lle, Ky.
10273 Fox Wheat and Corn Grower. Overstreet & Snyder, Q
Lagrange ....................... l
I .
4 10274 Fox Bone and Blood .............. W. A. Coffman,Vine Grove".  
10275 Fox Alkaline Bone .................. Gray & Trent, Garfield ......... {
. l
E 10276 Fox Bone and Potasli ............. C. R. Maynard, Elkton ......... l
_ 1 10277 Fox Formula ........................... Overstreet & Snyder.
` , Lagrange .......................
p 10278 Fox Grain Special ................... ,W. A. Coffman, Vine Grove..
10270 Fox Phosphate of Potash ....... J. H. Lennon, I-lardinslnurg. l,
10280 Fox Acid Phosphate ............... P. L. Doss, Franklin .............
10281 Fox Raw Bone ........................ \P. L. Doss, Franklin ............
10155 Fox Wheat Grower ............. ...`)1ZLl1llf2iC13llI`€l‘ .......................
.  ¢’

 _ ... .·... -.·~ 8 ~ { V    
 11 _  
1: "' _O0mmereial Fertilizers. 263
. POUNDs IN Tm: Huxmcmn.
Phosphoric Acid. Vomsh,1 g 1 [gf
  3 ;% 'E ·-Z
. 1 .:1 é _ > E
#2 5.1; ci 2 2 a 31; 9 E Ei 1; \.
Si ES 3 3 € S · @11 "€=” *11 ‘ dg S -`
9 >— Bm »‘—= Fa = -— E ¤ B; S¤ 2519 E? 1; 4
"' »< E > S .2 E I3 :*.,1 cg pj 4-; Lg ¢
1- s 2 12 1% 2 sa E ;   1: 1; gl as ¤_ ‘·
— 11.19 2.09 13.28 3.58111801 10269  
10.00 4.00 16.00  
12.30 7.86 1 20.163.574.33 25.2710192    
20.612.475%.00 19.78  
. 10.97 3.74 14.71 10.9710193  
1 10.00 10.00
11.15 1.50 12.651.832..22 2.02 21.8910273 ;
10.00 1.652.00 2.00 19.35 1
11 10.93 9.30 20.231.66;%.02 21.8210274
.1 9.00 1.652.00 15.75
1 9.80 4.77 14.57 2.28 16.4110275 _
1 10.00 2.00 14.40   1
11 1 .7QY;
1 10.9413.23 24.17 0.541 19.0710276 ` `
1 9.001. 1.00112.00  
  11.80 0.69 12.4910.991.20 2.82 20.7910277  
_. 11.00 0.821.00 3.00 19.26  
  9.92 8.41 18.330.520.63 1.62 18.7610278 11 1
9.00 0.410.50 1.50 13.83 it
10.86 0.72 11.58 2.701 16.5610279 ~  
0.00 4.0011.;.00
14.53 0.64 15.17 1 1 14.5310280
14.00 1 1 1   1 14.00
13.39 7.871 1 21.2613.9.514.81l1 27.2810281
1 1 1 1   20. 0013.2914. 001 21.87
1 1 7.591 1.38 8.9712.1712.6I~l1 12.041 1862110155
1 .9.001 1 11.6.·3.2.00` 12.001 16.05
1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
l'   ~ _; JLSZAAE NIA I ‘.. .;— . .... ~»~»<.»n*  •·•·-‘·•·’··  ·`P- V l

 ; ? ;
_`  L 264 Bulletin N0. 104.
, · gi Q UEAo*rUnER AND NAME FRoM W11oM OD*rA1NED. ,
3 l S ·
 M U2 _,,,.._,;,,(.,i»...----- -
  Furman Farm Improvement C0. ,
5 ; Atlanta, Ga.
E 10199 Furman High Grade
  Dissolved Bone ................... Manufacturer .......................
. ig .
‘ g Globe Fertilizer _Co., Branch,
: 3 e Federal Chemical Company,
· Louisville, Ky.
10290 Eagle Wheat and Corn Grower Goodwin & Carr, Somerset.,
E — 10291 Progress Corn &Wh’t Grower. (lash Bros., Princeton ..........
I 10219 Globe Bone Dust ..................... Jeff. Wright, Garrett ............ l
y 10292 Bone and Potash .................... Bassett & Stone, Leitchfield.  
102921 Globe Grain Grower ............... C. R. Barnes, Bardstown ....  
a G 'l`
@*1 10294 Globe Bone Meal ..................... Ellis Bros., Beard .................  
" , 10222 Golden Harvest Bone Meal ..... W. B. Meers, l—1a1nmonville.. Q
` i
10295 Globe Wheat Grower .............. Cash Bros., Princeton .......... {
10296 Globe Acid Phosphate ............. Langdon Bros., Science Hill. __
10297 Potash Special ......................... Goodwin & Carr. Somerset,.  
Thellgardy Packing Co., Chicago,
10299 Hardy‘s Crop Producer ......... . E, A. Noffsi11g;e1·,Ce11tral(;ity
10300 Hardy`s Packers Raw Bone .. W. W. Durbin, Grayson Spgs
. ( ’

` = Commercial Fertilizers. 265
Phosphoric Acid. Pcmsh. E 1 gf
- .   o Q_ E -2
1 E $6 . 3 > E
1 E.?26:%2_s§€;§§§,€Z \
'U E E0 E *,j 5} E ... gi pg 1. E ¤. 57* 0
E, E. yy as 4; E 9 x K2 _:¤ In nu 0; Rx ”
13.11 0.82 13 ,93 $13 . 11 10199  
I 10410 2.00 12,00 1.2.00 ;I“` ·
10,73 2.33 13.061,7412.11 1.85 21.2510290
8.00 1,6512.00 2.00 16.95
· 9.92 2.07 11.991.842.23 1.1-1119.621C291
  9.00 1.652.00 1.00 16.95 `
11 7,99 3.83 11.822.402.S>13 1.57 20.2010219 1
9.00 0,821.00 1.00 1.,4.46 °
12.32 4.66 16.980.410.50 1..36 19.5010292 1
11.00 0.410.50 1.00 15.631
9,72 0.86 10.580.550.67 1.19 1508110293
9,00 0.410.50 1.50 13.83 I  
I " ` f-
12,17 9.96 22.1313.S54.G7 27.2710294 ’ 2
20.00.»>’.294,00 ,21.87 _ 1
  6.49 15.5813.23 3.92 23.2010222  
10.00 2.473.00 110.41   $[1
12.68 1.09 13.771.461.77   21.5910295  
10.00 1.652.00 2.00 19.351 15 {
#3 `
15 . 35 0.96 16.31 15.35 10296  
14,00 14,00 2
11.37 1.47 12.84 1   15.3310297
10.00 12.00. 14.40
1 1 9.2912.52 11.811l.0111.230.7G0.5111056110299
1 1 1 1 7.001 1 8.0010.8;?1l.0