xt7qz60bwv1h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bwv1h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-05-12  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 12, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 12, 1944 1944 1944-05-12 2013 true xt7qz60bwv1h section xt7qz60bwv1h The Kentucky Kernel


Bonds And Stamps

A Fudge Cake
Really Gets Around




To Sponsor
First Meeting

Newer Rules



To Convene For
First Conference

3:30 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

To Climax Close

The first Industrial Psychology
conference to be held in Kentucky
will be Saturday at the Lafayette
hotel in Lexington with well known
men from Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana,
and Massachusetts appearing on
the program.
Approximately 75 industrial and
business executives are expected to
attend the convention sponsored by
the psychology department of the
University according to Dr. Henry
Beaumont, who is in charge of ar-



Two changes In the rules of the
University faculty which will affect
students were recommended by the
Rules committee and passed at the
faculty meeting Monday afternoon,
according to Dean Leo Chamberlain, dean of the University.
This paragraph of section VIII
"Absences," was repealed:

Dr. Wellington Patrick

"Although it is a new idea, the
conference has created a great deal

of interest throughout the state."
Dr. Beaumont stated. Many of the
larger industrial companies in Kentucky are sending representatives.
Official Delegate
Lexington's official delegate, in
the absence of Mayor R. Mack Oldham, will be Robert Odear, city attorney.
"Students interested are cordially
Invited to attend." Dr. Beaumont
declared, but asked that those interested let him know today.
"Selection" will be the topic for
discussion in the morning session
beginning at 9.15 a. m. in the Red
room of the hotel. The chairman
for this session will be C. O. Ewing
II, president of the Oscar Ewing
corporation. Louisville. Other
speakers will be A. C. Eckerman,
personnel manager of Wright Aeronautical corporation, Cincinnati, O.,
who will speak on "Industrial Testing"; J. R. Kinzer. personnel supervisor of Wright Aeronautical corporation. Cincinnati. Ohio, whose
topic will be "The Selection of Supervisors"; and N. P. Bloom, president of Castlewood Manufacturing
company, Louisville, who will lead
the discussion.
"Post War Personnel Planning"
will be discussed by Burton W.
of the Lex6aunders.
ington Telephone company, Lafayette, Ind. at the luncheon to be
held at 12:15 p. m. in the Gold
room. D. V. Terrell, assistant dean
of the engineering college, will preside.
Wiesi To Speak

..... ,.

Dr.W. Patrick
Funeral Rites
Are Observed
Education Head
Succumbs After
Prolonged Illness


Funeral services for Dr .Wellington Patrick, 61, University professor
of education, were held at 3:30 p. m.
Saturday, May 6, at Kerr Brothers
funeral home. Dr. Patrick died at
8 a. m. Thursday at the Good Samaritan hospital after a lingering
Dr. Patrick, former director of
the extension department, was on
sabbatical leave from the University as head of the department of
the history of education. He had
served as secretary to Dr. Frank L.
McVey upon first coming to the
University in 1919, and was also
secretary of the board of trustees
of the University until May 1932.
In 1919 he began organizing the ex
tension department, and served as
its director until July 1, 1934. Since
then he had been a professor in the
College of Education and head of
the department of the history of
Born In Magoffin County
He was born in Magoffin county,
October. 29. 1832, the son of Ell and
Martitia Rbbikettd Patrick. The
oldest of 10 children, he Was educated in the county schools of Magoffin .county,., the.. Bereft College
academy and the academy of the
University of Kentucky. He was
married to Miss Nelle Freeland, of
Shelbina. Mo.. In Pawnee, Okla.,
while both were teaching in the
hieh school there. He obtained his
AB and MA degrees at George
Washington university, Washington,
D. C, while working as a govern
ment clerk, and received his PhD
degree from Peabody college, Nash'
ville, Tenn., in 1926.
During his educational career, he
taught school In his native Magoffin
county. Pawnee, Okla., and Mounds,
Okla. Before coming to the Univer
sity, he was superintendent of
schools at Newkirk ,Okla.

"Beginning at 2:30 p. m. in the
Gold room. Dr. Edward Wiest, dean
commerce college of the
as chairman will lead discussion on training. Speakers will
be W. A. Jordan, training advisor
of the American Rolling Mill corporation. Ashland, whose topic will
be "Training Industrial Workers";
and R. M. Watt, president of the
Kentucky Utilities company, Lexington, who will lead the discussion.
A film an training aids will also be
N. F. Willkie,
Joseph E. Seagram and Sons. Louisville, will preside at the dinner
meeting, beginning at 6:15 p. m. in
the Gold room. Judson Neff, professor of production engineering.
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston, Mass.,
Secretary of Ki wants
will conclude the program by speakDr. Patrick served as secretary of
ing on "Production Planning the Lexington Kiwanis club for
through Motion Study."
many years, retiring in July, 1932,
and as chairman of the publicity
committee of the Lexington club
and of the Kentucky-Tennesstnct. He also was a member of the
Kiwanis International publicity
committee. He was a member of
the Kentucky Mountain club and
was its president in 1942; president
of the Patrick family of Kentucky,
and was a member of Phi Delta
Dutch Lesch club . . .
Kappa and Kappa Delta Phi, na
. . . will meet at noon today in the tional honorary
fraternities, and the
YWCA office. Members are to bring
Blue Grass Executives club.'
their own lunches.
He was a member of the Lambda
Newman club . .
Chi Alpha social fraternity, the
. . . will have Mass and breakfast NEA, the KEA. the Association of
meeting at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at St. University professors and of the
Society for the Advancement of Sci
Catherine academy.
ence. For many years he was editor
Bacteriological society
Alpha Nu News, official publica
p.m. Monday of
. . . will meet at 7:15
tion of Phi Delta Kappa fraternity.
in the Biological Sciences building. He belonged to the Second Presby
terian church.
WAA campers. . . ,
. . . will meet at 5 p.m. Friday in Dr. Patrick is survived by his
the women's gymnasium to discuss wife; his father. Eli Patrick, and a
brother, Fred E. Patrick, Kansas
plans for the camp.
City. Kan.; four sisters, Mrs. J. W.
Foster and Mrs. George Foster,
. . . will be held at 6:30 pa. Thurs- Dearborn. Mo.; Mrs. John Miller,
day in the Music room of the Union Wynona, Okla., and Mrs. John Witt,
Oilton. Okla., and a brother, Ash
Government association . . land Patrick, Wynona.
Dr. Jesse Herrmann, pastor of the
. . . will hold a meeting at 7:15
pm. Tuesday in the Union build- Second Presbyterian church offi
elated at the funeral services. Bur
ial was in the Hillcrest Memorial
Freshman dob
final forma! meet-bi- g
. . . will have its
Honorary pallbearers were Prof.
at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in the
A. N. May. Dr. M. E. Ligon, Dr.
Dr. Henry N. Shervocd
Jesse E. Adams, Dr. J. T. C. Noe
will speak on "Communism and Dr. J. D. Williams, Dr. Arthur Bach,
Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, Prof. L,
E. Meece, Edgar Richardson, Dean
Alpha Lambda Delta . . .
will meet Thursday night at W. S. Taylor, Dr. H. L. Donogan,
L. McVey, Dr. Paul P.
H. Holmes' Dr
7:20 at Mrs.









5:00 p.m.

Of Music Week


"A student who has been absent
for more than
of the
total number of class exercises in
any course is barred from the final
examination In that course, unless
special permission to take the examination is granted by both the
one-four- th







75 Executives

of-th- e

FRIDAY, MAY 12. 1944



instructor and the dean."
The first sentence of the rule
Eligibility for Initiation into a
social fraternity or sorority" was
changed. The old rule read:
For initiation into a social fra
ternity or sorority a student must
be free from probation and must
hage gained a standing cT 1.0 or
more in the preceding quarter's
work in the case of a man, and in
the preceding two quarters' work
in the case of a woman.


p.m.-6:0- 0


Baccalaureate Procession forms on Plaza between Physics
and Mining Buildings and on drive leading to Administration Building.
Baccalaureate Sermon, Memorial Hall: Dr. Homer W.
Carpenter. Pastor, First Christian Church, Louisville.
Student Union Board at home at Graduating Class,
Guests, Friends, Reunion Classes, Alumni, Trustees, and
Faculty of the University, Student Union Building.
p.m. Mrs. Sarah Bennett Holmes and Miss Jane
Haselden at home to graduating Senior Women, 282 Rose

9:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.

10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.

3:30 p.m.

7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m.

Registration of Alumni, Student Union Building.
President and Mrs. Donovan at home to Trustees, Fac- ulty, Alumni, Seniors, and Guests of the Graduating
Class, Maxwell Place.
Meeting of the Board of Trustees, President's Office.
Graduating Class, Guests,
Commencement Luncheon
Friends, Reunion Classes, Alumni, Trustees, and Faculty
of the University; Student Union Building.
Annual Meeting of Alumni Association; Student Union
Commencement Procession forms, driveway in rear of
Student Union Building.
Commencement Exercises, Stoll Field. Address by Milton
S. Elsenhower, President, Kansas State College.


Retreat Held
For Officers
Plans For

Military Activity Is Similar
To CoedLife On The Campus
Naval training stations and army
camps have become the new Alma
Mater of many a former UK d
who has made the discovery that in
the transition, her everyday life
hasn't changed so much after all.
She Is on the job as a member
of the armed forces instead of being a student, but though she is
"military personnel" rather than an
"undergraduate," she finds many of
the new patterns of everyday life
have their parallels with her days
at the University.
Outwardly, a barracks may have
little resemblance to Jewell hall, the
Sigma Chi house, or a sorority
house, but fundamentally the principle is the same it's a matter of
living away from home with a group
of women.


To Be Discussed

ever-prese- nt

Lieut Walter Botts
Reported Missing

Pacific Area


Phalanx Fraternity
Elects Merl Baker

To Replace Kennelly

ASTP Men Now
In New Quarter

co-vi- ce

Broaddus Is Named
President Of Cwens
At Yearly Banquet


'44 Kyians To Be Distributed
Monday, May 15 In McVey
UK Plays Host To Members
Chorus, Band

College Annual
Is Dedicated To
Women Of Today

By June Scott
"We dedicate the 1944 Kentuck-ia- n
to the Women of today the
Women who have .accepted the
challenge of a War World by fighting on the home front In myriad
The annual
music fes- ways."
tival, which began Thursday, will
With this dedication, unlike any
continue through Saturday at the appearing in any edition of the
University in observance of Na- school annual since the first world
1944 edition of the year
A United Nations Council Day, tional Music week. May 7 to May crisis, the
book. Kentuckian, will be presented
which will be recognized all over 14.
the United States on Thursday, The event wili bring together to the students.
Distribution In McVey
May 18, will be observed on the hundreds of young high
school muUniversity campus, according to
On Monday, May IS, and Tues
sicians from all over the state, and day. May
18. all senior who have
Rosalie Oakes, YWCA secretary.
The purpose of the national ob- will be climaxed with a concert paid their fees will be able to ob
servance of
day is to find Saturday afternoon by the
tain their book, according to Mar- high school chorus and or- jorte Palmore. circulation manager.
whether or not the general public
approves of having a United Na- chestra.
Distribution win start in the Kentions council, at the present time.
National Music Week has been tuckian office, located In the
on the University
of McVey hall.
campus by the YWCA, the YMCA. proclaimed by President Roosevelt,
Freshmen, sophomores and jun
and the Koffee Klub, the United Gov. Simeon Willis, and Mayor R. iors who made deposits on their
Nations Council Day will be recog- Mack Oldham.
year book early last fall may renized with an exhibit in the Library
Prof. Lewis Henry Horton. of the ceive their editions on the follow
on our Allies in World War n. The University faculty,
is music week ing Wednesday and Thursday, May
Carnegie Listening Hour will feachairman and the observance is 17 and 18. Students who made the
ture the music of all the United sponsored by
early deposit will be required to
the Lexington
Nations, and from 12:30 to 1 p.m.
pay an additional three dollars and
Thursday, there will be a program
present the
The girls' ensemble from the posit made. receipt from the de
of army music of the nations in
the Music room of the Union build- glee club of Lafayette high school,
AH others may purchase the book
ing. Virginia Lipscomb will be in with Mrs. Harlowe Dean, director, on Friday, May 19.
The price of
made an appearance at the Ben the book, with no deposit receipt
In a letter sent by a student com- All theater Tuesday and Wednes- will be $4.50.
mittee to the faculty on Thursday, day nights.
Woman's World
May 11, the professors were asked
The following Lexington churches
to remind students in their classy observed music week Sunday with Looking through the book, one
of the significance of the day, and special musical programs, sermons will get the impression that it is
to state whether or not the faculty on music, or both: Calvary Bap- certainly a "woman's world" today,
advises having a United Nations tist church, Broadway Christian as the theme implies. The cover
which resembles the cover used the
council, now.
church. First Christian church.
On the student committee for Woodland Christian church. First year before last, is very impressive
United Nations Council Day are: Methodist church, and Second Pres- In the school colors blue and white
with "Kentuckian" Inscribed in
Maurice Leach, Pat Wallace, Phyl- byterian church. Christ Episcopal
lis Freed, Virginia Lipscomb. Fran- church has arranged a special pro- white at the top. and the seal of
the University in the lower right
ces Board. Virginia Baskett.
gram for Sunday, May 14.
corner, also in white. These are
Balzola. Lucy Meyer. Scott
Hymns and organ selections by placed on a blue background.
Reed, Alice Freeman, Betty Tevis,
American composers were played in
Opening the cover, the binding
and Rosalie Oakes, and Mrs. Dor- several of the churches last Sunday.
pages represent many large figures
othy Evans, social chairman of the
of the feminine sex dominating the
Student Union.
smaller male by their siae.
The title page states that there
are three books contained in this
edition Book I containing all the
administration, classes and activities.
In the sixth annual exhibition of
Installation of officers for the drawings by high school students
Book II Usts the pictures of the
Baptist Student union will be one sponsored jointly by the extension fraternity and sorority groups on
of the main features of the banquet
the campus as in other years. Here,
Univerart departments of
is-- interesting to note that though
for all Baptist students to be held and over seventy entriesthe
have been it
at 8 p.nr. Friday night. May 19. at submitted for judgment. On exhi fraternities have practically gone
Calvary Baptist church.
young freshbition in
hall of the Union out of the memory of
The Rev. James Steward, Broad building, the group contains six men, there are five fraternal groups
way Baptist church, Louisville, will
works adjudged "superior," 21 "ex- represented with pictures.
be the guest speaker of the eve- cellent," 31 "good"
Book HI. containing the features,
and 15 "fair."
ning, while another message will
Most of the entries are from local has the traditional beauty
be brought by recording from Wil
attendants, plus an unschools. Prof. Edward Rannells. and her
liam Hall Preston, of the Southern
head of the art department, an usual number of informal shots
Baptist convention.
about the campus.
pointing out that
Baker. Hopkinsville, president ; nounced, went to local schools,most
In Memorials
Anne Howell, Atlanta, Ga., first awards
In other days, the two pages in
vice president; Anne Blggerstaff, cluding Henry Clay high school.
Lexington, and Merl Baker, Hop- Lexington junior high school and the front of the book bearing the
inscription "In Memoriam." conkinsville, second
presidents; Morton junior high school.
Judges representing the Univer tained few names. This year, again
Libby Landrum, Lexington, and
Catherine Hardin. Shepherdsville, sity were Rannells, Peggy Hart because of the war, one may see the
hann, a University art student; and list of 42 former University stupresidents.
Mattie Evelyn Douglas, Lynch, Jeanne Bonne, an outside observer. dents whose memory is now honsecretary; Amelia Mason. Russell-vill- e, They considered works in pencil, ored in the year book.
crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastel.
Closing the pages of the annual,
treasurer; Edith Routt,
magazine representative; Ev- pen and brush.
the personal index, left out last
elyn Greene,
The drawings will remain on ex- year, comes forth again, and also
Gene Whicker, Lexington, report- hibition through May 13, enabling the page index.
er; Martha Weller. Lexington, campus visitors during the State
chorister: Margaret Skinner. Lex- music festival to see them. Judgington, pianist, and church repreing was on the basis of artistic
sentatives, some of whom have not merit as pictures, including suitbeen elected.
ability for framing. The exhibition
is staged in collaboration with the
student committee of the Union


Council Day
Is Planned




To Climax Close

Of Music Week
all-sta- te

UK To Observe
National Day




phies of past gridiron and hardwood
triumphs, but the idea of havirg a
place to meet is pretty much the
Dances on the posts, which cannot boast of the Bluegrass room of
our Union building, are held at the
Service club but the collegiate spirit prevails.
Sign Out And In
And for dates off the post, there
is a "sign out" and "sign in" roster.
Just like Jewell hall, isn't it, girls?
Accustomed to making friends
and acquaintances of women from
all parts of the country, UK women
in service discover that the same
pattern is found in military life.
acquaintIn college, the
ances usually were within about
three years of her own age, but the
women with whom she associates
They're Neater
in the Army have a greater range
An evening in the barracks will in years and experience. That
A retreat, honoring the new pres
probably present many of the same
only difference.
idents of the various organizations scenes found in Jewell letter writ- -' seems to be the
on the campus, will be held from ing, reading, manicuring, and the
So it seems that military life is
Saturday afternoon to Sunday af- - i
huddle for exchanging pretty much like life at UK. But
ternoon ai uamp ranoma, on the conversational notes on everything
girls who've gone miss
Richmond Rd. The purpose of the under the sun mostly men. But we'll bet the
retreat is to discuss this years extra on the posts the "HghTs out" rule is us just a little.
curricular program and to make maintained, and the next morning
plans for next year.
there must be no collegiate carelessThe quarter system, its effects ness in leaving things strewn about.
on campus activities, and the point Even Miss Co-e- d
Corner would be
JLri. S.
system are three of the topics that satisfied with the. neatness.
will be discussed. Service; honorary,
First Lieut. Walter C. Botts, 27,
Their Rose Street
administrative, clubs, and societies
What about the counterpart of son of Mrs. May Botts, Winchester,
will be represented.
Rose street or the Union building and former University student, has
The following organizations at which serve as a crossroads for our been reported missing in action
tending are Student Government undergraduate comings and goings? since April 2 in the Southwest Paassociation. Bill Embry; Student Of course in the soda bar or cafe- cific area.
Union board. Edith Weisenberger; teria run by the Post Exchange you
has been
Botts. a pilot of a
YMCA. Merl Baker; YWCA, Vir won't find the walls decked with in the Pacific area since November
ginia Baskett; Mortar Board, Ellen photos of star athletes or painted 1943. He has recently been promotO'Bannon; WAA. Ann Mitchell; Phi all colors of the rainbow, and in the ed to the rank of first lieutenant.
Upsilon Omicron, Evelyn Thomp
Service club there won't be any tro
Botts is the second member of
son; Panhellenic council, Frances
the 1940 journalism class at the
Bell: Kampus Kousins, Clinton
University to be reported missing
Wells; Phi Beta. Ruth Pace; Inter- in action. Lieut. Leslie Gross, the
fraternity countil. Cam Can trill;
other member of the class who was
SuKy, Duane Van Horn; Girls
missing in the European theater
dormitory, Charleen Burris; Alpha
has now been reported as dead.
Lambda Delta, Martha Mann; and
Of the five members of the jourCwens, Betty Broaddus.
Merl Baker, engineering junior nalism department that are missThe following outstanding stu from Hopkinsville, has recently ing in action, four have been redents who have been campus lead- been elected president of Phalanx ported as dead.
ers the past year will also attend: fraternity to replace Bruce KenHelen Harrison, Virginia Lipscomb, nelly, who graduates.
Scott Reed, Vincent Spagnuolo, and
Other officers elected were NorJimmy Hurt.
man Chrisman, engineering junior
Among the faculty members at from Pikeville,
May 8 was the beginning date of
and Orville Miller,
tending are Dean Leo Chamber- agriculture sophomore, Louisville, the present ASTP term, following
Dr. R. O. Lunde. Dr. W. S.
furloughs granted to
presidents; Twyman Pay-to- the seven-da- y
Ward, Dean T. T. Jones, Dean
Louisville, secretary; Mason the army trainees remaining on the
Sarah B. Holmes, Miss Rosalie Nooe. Shepherdsville, treasurer.
campus, the military department
Oakes, Miss Alice Jacobson, and
Baker, recently elected
announced Tuesday.
Mrs. John R. Evans.
of the YMCA, is also an asAlmost all the returning men
sembly member of the SGA, Bap were enrolled in courses similar to
tist Student Union council, a mem- those they studied last quarter, although a few men with low grades
ber of The Kernel and The
were sent to combat units. Changes
staffs, and Pitkin club.
A member of YMCA Miller is the in cadre were slight, it was stated,
agriculture representative to the and the military program on the
campus shows no change from its
executive committee of the Indestatus last quarter.
Betty Broaddus, Louisville, was pendent party.
named president of Theta chapter
of Cwens, sophomore leadership
honorary, at 5:45 p. m. Thursday
evening at the annual formal banquet in the Fireside room of the
Phoenix hotel.
Other officers are Jo Ann Kloeck-e- r,
cy Elmore, Henderson, secretary;
Carolyn Hayes, Lexington, treasBy Wanda Lee Spears
urer, and Jane Errickson, LexingEducation and the Teaching ProDo you know Dr. Jesse E. Adams? cess." In an intensely difficult reton, historian.
sure well over five million grade search book on finance "EqualizaMrs. Lydia Roberts Fischer, spon- I'm
sor, was elected to honorary mem- school children could tell you who tion of Educational Opportunities
he is, and thousands upon thou- in Kentucky" he advanced a plan
colfor equal educational opportunities
The five officers were chosen from sands of older high school and
lege students.
in each county of Kentucky. Some
a group of 27 women including
Over five million copies of his parts of the plan have already been
Barbara Allen, Jerry Dugan, Betty
Ruth Harris, Lenora Henry, Mary "Child Centered Speller" have al- accepted.
Reason For Speller
LeMaster, Melrose McGurk. Mar- ready been sold since it was pubtha Mann, Betty Shelley, Lorraine lished in 1337. Now head of the In answer to the question "Why
Turck, Marjean Wenstrup, Frances department of philosophy of edu- did you write a speller?" that so
Wilhoyte, Ruth Perlmutter, Edyth cation, his varied activities make many people, besides the children
Routt, Kaysa Lund, Bernice Lewis, his career intensely interesting. Be- who use the book, write in to ask
Paar, Hazel Kennedy, sides spellers, he has written in the he says "I believed I could write a
Phyllis Watkins, Dorcas Hollings-wort- h, field of education, "Curricula for speller more interesting and easier
Elizabeth Allan Thomas, El- Small High Schools, Their Admin- - to learn." Its wholesale adoption
Nevitt, ar.d Margaret Boone 'istration and Supervision" and was is certainly evidence that he was
c? "A"i jitrctoucs tc

New Rule
The changed rule is as follows:
"For initiation into a social fra
ternity or sorority, a student must
be free from probation and must
have gained a standing of 1.0 or
more In the preceding quarter's
work in the case of a man or
woman, and in the preceding two quarters' work in the
case of a freshman woman."



Ken-tucki- an

Mac-Dow- ell

Hu-get- te

73 Enter Art
Contest At UK

Baptist Students
To Install Officers
At Annual Banquet

co-vi- ce

co-vi- ce

So-no- ra,


Kuiper To Speak
In Forum Series

Dr. John Kuiper, head of the department of philosophy, will discuss "Youth in America after the
War" in the second of the series of

Commercial Clubs
To Hold Banquet
Monday, May 15

"The Post War World" which will
be held at 6:15 p.m. Tuesday in the
The annual banquet of Sigma
Music room of the Union building.
Epsilon Chi, national honorary
Virginia Lipscomb will introduce
commerce fraternity, and the Busithe speaker.
ness Education club will be held at
6:30 p m. Monday, May 15 in the
Red room of the Lafayette hotel.
Tickets are being sold by members
of the clubs.
Mr. A. J. Lawrence will serve as
toastmaster and salutations will be
given by Dean Edward Weist, College of Commerce; students representing the seniors from secretarial
training course and business eduHis theory is that you spell to cation; and the respective presiwrite. He took words that children dents of the clubs.
in certain grades start using in their
A musical program, consisting of
everyday writing. Another thing
a vocal trio and an sccordian solo,
he tries to make the student spellwill be presented by several stuing conscious.
Since psychology
College of Comstates that the first impression dents from the
sticks, when a word is given to the
All students interested in this
student to spell if he doeit know
the exact correct spelling he should field are cordially invited to attend,
according to Betsy Ross, social
leave his paper blank.
Author of Many Articles
He is also author of many articles in educational periodicals and
is widely known as an educational
A Sweater Swing will be held
lecturer, yet he finds time for his
hobbies of golf and gardening. His from 6 to 7:30 pm. today in the
garden is a favorite topic of con- - Bluesraia room of tlie Union, build- -

Dr. Jesse Adams Is Author
Of Over Five Million Spellers

Sweater Swing

By Shirley Meister
Question: What are your plans
for the summer?
Sgt. Chuck Fenner, Army Anr
Forces: I'm going back to the
Army and find out if it's really coming.
Laura Lore, AAS, sophomore: Try
to talk myself out of dojng any
scheduled work.
Emily Ftoch, AAS. sophomore:
I'm going to spend my vacation in
Michigan, loafing.
Mary Mulligan, A4S, junior: Til
probably be staying home, being
very domestic
Mildred Jones Ed freshman:
Loaf and visit.
Nancy Adams, Af., junior: Go to
school, play tennis, and dance if
they're any soldiers left.
Marie Thompson, AAS, sophomore: Knock myself out banging a
typewriter and jitterbugging if my
true love comes home.
Jimmy Wood, AAS, freshman:
Ha! Ha!
Ja Williamson, Ed, freshman:
Summer school and running around
all summer.
George Yulich, AAS, freshman:
The beach and the women.
Macky Staton, AAS, freshman:
Coming to school to take care of
the new football players.
Ted Juarez, Ed junior: I plan to
at a Slrli' Cir.y- be a

M.tr.rd t tb Port Office t Lexington, Kentucky, m
tr. oi.a citu Bfcttct iibder ttu Act ol MuUt , UuS.

Norma Weathfpspoon



iDWrcohff iw Pma AnoeteUea
Lrrtti(rton butid of Commtrw
Kentucky Press Assoclullon
Kfttio&W Editorial Association

Sports Editor
Society Editor
Advertising Manager
Assistant Managing Editor
Circulation Manager
Assistant News Editor

T40t tnurmw
National Advertising Service, Inc.



COUf fmtlunm



( 50


wnntn , N. V.







Mcrl Baker, Mary Lillian Dvls. Catherine Ooman, Carolyn
Hill. Eleanor Kwli. Mildred Long. minify Mtisier., Bum perl.
mutter. Wanda Lee Cieir Gene Whicker, Dora Mertnbloom,

i. tut Out Tear

One wuKitcr

Managing Editor
News Editor
Business Manager

Janet Edwards
Bettve McClanahan
Vincent Spagni oio

411 iienrtf article! mnt column mre to b etmndtrri tht
at tlx wntert intmteivei, tnt d act iucarwii
itttet t th opinion of Tk Jtemei.


June Baker.

The Kernel Editorial Page




O Gossip

Travels Of A Fudqe Cake



mi tKn






Brrry Tevi
Betty Lee Fleishman

We don't know whether it was intended as
a comment' on the youth of the contestant or(
K as an a projx)s addendum from the scienin
tific US minds. At any rate we noticed .a sad-- ,
looting, kit over election poster on the Bio
lo" ic ul Sciences bulletin board. Some One ha'd
penciled in an "O" at the end of Bili Embry's .



Have vou seen those wonderful rabbits on the
sKili Hoor of the .BS building? Seems there are
eii'hi baby bunnies up there gamboling around
a little room. You ride up the elevator lo the
siih floor, turn to the l ight and open that door.
If some guinea pigs jump at you and start gnawing it's i lie wrong room. Same thing if a rthid
do ; lrajis at our jugular. 1 he door has no window just a blank door with Army or something
similar written on it.
However, they're not pets. Dr. Seherag'o Will
not give vou one, much as he'd like to. Those
cijii bunnies are destined for experimentation
when they grow to maturity. But you can go up
to see thorn. They ran, can't they. Dr. Seherago?


UK In World War I


last 24 hours and then cram
With the announcement of the
and cram and cram. We wonexamination schedules and the dered if
we should urge everypiling up of last minute details, one to make one last effort, on
Kernel editors are prone to take final spurt.
the easiest way out and write So we thought and pondered
tirades about why and how stu- and worried we were undecided. Should we be trite and dutidents should study.
should we leave our exWe had decided this quarter, ful or
amination editorial unwritten?
as a part of Kernel policy, to
ust at this stage, however, a
place examination editorials on great deciding force entered
our black list along with com- lives. Comprehensive exams
ments on don't - walk - on were announced.
So we decided to abandon all
editorials and cram and cram
But after thinking the matter and cram.
over carefully and serious v, we
changed our minds and conTo the mothers of all University
cluded that perhaps we had a
moral obligation to the student men and women and to the mothbody to prod them on at exam ers of the ASTP men stationed on
time. We thought thai perhaps our campus we would like to dediUK men and women should be cate this excerpt from "To My
warned that only 19 days re- Mother" by Edgar Allan Poe.
main before the long, hard Because I feel that, in the Heavens
grind. We pondered over our
duty to tell seniors that everyThe angels, whispering to one anterm papers, book rething
the-gTas- s,

To Our