xt7qz60bwg1f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bwg1f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1977 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 47, 1977 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 47, 1977 1977 1977 2012 true xt7qz60bwg1f section xt7qz60bwg1f University Archives
Margaret I. King Library - North _
th -7 University of Kentucky
Z   Kmwsiq 40506
Winter 1976-77
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A (IK day begins

 R ‘ ,  
• Nijmegen Q ~
I {Emmerich GERMANY  
V 4 Dusseldorf  
· iv ssels• ' zcologne ’
Coblence • Brimbach
( Wiesbaden • Ftallkfoli 4
  G Mainz. U 1T,udéSh€1.¤'1
• • Gernsheim
Speycr . • Mannheim 4
C °
Munich and
MAY 17 thru 27...
• Three nights in Munich •Gala Parties •S0me Meals
•Three nights aboard ship •SeveraI Sightseeing Tours
•Three nights in Brussels •Time to Explore on Your Own I
This trip got rave reviews in 1976. Space limited. First come-first served_. ·
For further information and reservations coupon, write to: Tours
UK Alumni Association
Lexington, KY 40506

 Ri f cr ea r` c. 5.. ·'—? 0 ‘
    ;         V   L   I       _   lg         {                          
    T       .r l         ~    · j;  f    t    ¢     ·         
it I         A A  ~ ·»4L       `            —’#,    l ‘ ~  t  '            , , ,        
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  :    `”      A F   A ~   ·;       _ , `  A j  —,‘   A
Q volume forty-seven, numberlone l vliinterl1976-77 l tl   l   l   A A ( l it A
1976 officers
president _
' james w. stuckert ’60
louisville, kentucky In thls Issue:
henry r. wilhoit ’60
grayson, kentucky f€aWT€$¤
7 a uk day
treasurer beginning photography students provide the raw
mrs_ jpg f_ morris *38 material for this photo essay about the UK campus
iexjngionl kentucky in 1976. May the photographs rekindle memories of
A your personal campus experience.
secretary, director of alumni affairs
jay brumfield ’48
lexington, kentucky departments: `
- · 2 around campus briefly
assgciata diragfgr 24 pl'OfiI€Z william ItpSCOmb '41
bgb Whitaker *53 25 profile: ted richardson ‘62, ‘63
26 alumni clubs
adifgr 27 class notes
liz (howard) demoran ’68 31 b00k reviews
ju/ia brothers   V _4 _ _  _ __  
linda brumfield cover  
ruth elliott ' F · r   '",— ; Aj 
my mgm A co-ed spends some playful mo- :»    
amé/ia Emo ments on the lap of the James K. J:  ‘ V -1  
hg k Patterson statue. A dignified presi-   1   li    " ·
l roggr _ ’C man dent of the University from 1878 to     E
¤·¤mS1¤h¤S¤{¤ 1910, his statue has provided much ,lll    , "
•?da r9fb_O"d 39 comic relief for generations of stu- — _  5;. ·v
_ j8Fl9 smith dents. Photo by Polly Ehlers. _ ff.»-   a t 
ol a varrone 5   ` ‘ l
KéWEFiJZ:°iZv The Kentucky Alumnus is the official publication of the University of Kentucky Alumni Association. 400
Rose Street, Lexington, Ky. 40506. Telephone: 606/258-8905. It is published quarterly for dues—paylng
members of the UK Alumni Association. Individual dues are $10 annually with $2 of that amount used
in the publication of the magazine. Opinions expressed in The Kentucky Alumnus are not necessarily those
of the University of Kentucky or the Alumni Association. Second class postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky,
and at additional offices. A member institution of the Joint Alumni Council of Kentucky and the Council
A$:;*;’:':"A'fr:°" for the Advancement and Support of Education.

 Briefly I
Five Service Centers concerned largely with research and mission. Dr. L. Randolph McGee is i S
For Business, Goyernrnent seriiricecactivitiies cféhe Governclis Ken- direiciiorii I f G th d Ch |
  tuc y ounci o conomic visors, · e ourna or row an ange -
The Office of Business Development and researcn pertaining to iccaii stare is a quarterly publication on regional I t
and Government Services in the Univer- and federal agenciee irvviii aisc crcvide development which contains scholarly Gel
sity of Kentucky College ofBusiness and management assistance ic iccai and articles, both theoretical and practical, 8rQ
Economics has b€€l`l I'Gpi8C€d by five State government agencies and ngn- ll'] all HTBGS of the social sciences, i|'l· CO
Service oeritere to better meet the profit organizations. or. Merlin M. Hack- Gluding but not limited to eooriomiosr tre:
changing needs of Kentucky's business bart is direoior_ sociology, geography, and anthro- ddl
community and governmental unite ·The Center rcr Critical Resources will Doldgy- David F. Ross is editor- me
Dr. Charles Hultman, associate dean provide economic Studies reieiiho to col
for research of the college, said reor- Such resources as energy and rnirierais_ drz
Qenizetipn was neoeesery to Gerry Out Research activities of this center cur-   , in I
the ottioe’S primary functions of oo¤tirl— rerrtiy ere concerned with eccrrcrrric Im- i=uii Refund t
¤in9 edlipaiipnri applied reseerpil and pact studies of energy deficiencies and For Parbiimers oti
oommU¤liY $eFVl¤e- Increased coal production. Hultman IS   pa
Hultman, who also serves as chairman director. The refund policy for students with- of
of the Kentucky Council of Economic - The Real Estate and Land Use Analy- drawing from certain classes has been Til
Adi/iS0r$. Said three new centers have sis Center carries out continuous re- revised to allow part—time adult students ea
been established. search regarding critical real estate and two weeks to determine the suitability of on
Hultman explained the purposes ofthe land use problems in the Common- a class in meeting his or her educational les
five centers which will be administered wealth. Also, the Center's professional needs. The new policy stipulates a full
by the Office of the Associate Dean for personnel provides advisory services refund if the withdrawal takes place i
Research inthe College of Business and and assistance to realtors in the Com- within tW0 weeks of the beginning pi i ·;
Economics: monwealth in developing professional Classes; 0ne—h8|f refund if withdrawal   'i
They are the Center for Business De- enhancement plans and educational ac- takes place prior to midterm, but after . -
velopment; Center for Public Affairs, and tivities. It is to a large degree supported the second week. No refund is given if `I
Center for Critical Resources. Two other by the Kentucky State Real Estate Com- withdrawal takes place after midterm. del
major units in tr; Same a(:imlmsgaSV€ STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT and CIRCULATION (Required by 39 u.S.c. it
irOupTthe Rea State an an SB 3685) 1) The Kentucky Alumnus; 2) 9/30/76; 3) Frequency of issue: quarterly; 3a) four issues
nalysis Center, and The Journal for , _ , , . _ _ , H, i Oc
Growth and Change pubiicaiiOn_Wiii published annually, 3b) Annual subscription price. $2.00, 4) Location of known o Ice o i ii
publication. 400 Rose Street, Fayette County, Lexington, Kentucky 40506, 5) Location of general _
continue ee b€'f°r€· business offices: same; 6) University of Kentucky Alumni Association, publisher; Liz Howard i Wit
i · The Center for Business Develop- Demoran, editor, addresses same; 7) Owner: University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 40506; i ot
merit's primary functions are providing 8) Known bondholders, etc.: none; 9) Purpose and function: unchanged from preceding year;   tht?
rnanagernent consuitani services 10) Extent and nature of circulation: A. Total number of copies printed: 13,875 average over E
throughout the stare to smeii businesses last 12 months, 16,000 actual number of single issue nearest filing date; B. Paid circulation i stu
that cehhci cbieih such services eise_ 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, etc.: 0; 2. Mail subscriptions;   C. Total paid circulation: l ani
Where ici, reasons Oi, cost Oi, avaiiabiiiiyo g)2,926 average over last 12 months, 13,334 actual latest single Issue; D. Free distribution I shi
Most Consuiiaiions are furnished without iy mail, carrier, samples, etc.. 500 average over last 12 months, 2,500 actual latest single i sni
Cost to the business. This Center aiso issue; E. Total distribution: 13,426 average over last 12 months, 15,834 actual latest single i eh,
i _ _ _ issue; F. Copies not distributed 1. Office use, left over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing:   ii
r>r<>y·deS s€m'nars_'n busmoss d_°V°|°P' 449 average over last 12 months, 166 actual latest single issue; 2. Returns from news agents: i
merit and ooo"ai'o"· DaV'o Vioior is none; G. Total: 13,875 average over last 12 months; 16,000 actual latest single issue; 11) i Thi
difeCi0l'· I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. /s/ Liz H. Demoran, ¥ del
· The Center for Public Affairs will be editor. i To
._ i

   The investigation team, with John W. j
Accident Study Team Hutchinson, professor of civil engi-
Paflittipales in neering, as project director, has confined
Nationwide Study its recent study to accidents in Bourbon,
  Clark, Fayette, Jessamine, Madison,
The University multidisciplinary acci- S°°tt and W°°df°"d °°u"tiBs· Q
dent study team in the College of Engi- A majority of the accidents will be re- i
i neering will participatein adetailed study constructed using a computer program  
of 10,000 automobile accidents through- which calculates speeds and energy dis- ,
4 out the country in the next 18 months. sipation in order to determine severity. i
° Supreme Court "My husband was very proud of this Somebody popped a cork and she
inspires Awe dorm," she said. "When the two towers said, "That sounds good, let me have
  were dedicated, Sarah Blanding (name- some.
, UK professor Robert G. Schwemm re- sake of Blanding Tower) turned to him "I've talked enough now," said Kir-
cently was part of a team of lawyers and said_ "You know, Ab, what they're wan. "(l’lI) let you talk to me just like
, arguing a case before the Supreme eaiiingtheee germs? Bonnie and ciydeyi before. lf any of you need any motherly
Court. "There’s a sense of awe and Kirwan delivered the line with the peiien or grandmotherly advice, call on me. l‘ll
tradition," he said of his experience, of a fine comedian Everyone jaugj-ied_ do anything to help."
adding that it's "almost like a perfor- Kirwan outlined herhusband's eareen The good old days got a standing
mahCe" to pal‘iiCipaiZe ill such 8 l’Tl3i€$tiC The students grew quiet as she de- OVa'[iOI"I.
c0urtr00m with marble pil|al'S, ornate scribed her husband's accomplish- from "The Kernel"
draperies and formal pronouncements r·nents_
j in the temple-like building- "There was some slight difficulty with  _.,.._
I Schwemm WaS a member of 6 team relationships between the University and Biack Shale as source
of attorneys who argued that zoning the city then," she said. "Ab was well-
patterns in Arlington Heights, a suburb known from football and we tried to  
of Chicago, are racially discriminatory. repair that problem. We opened up the UK has received a $270,626 federal
The court’s decision which could come gates to Maxwell Place (president's contract to study the possibilities of in-
early in 1977, could have a broad impact mansion) and let the students walk creasing the production of natural gas
on suburban housing practices that al- through. from black shale in Eastern Kentucky
Iegedly exclude minorities and the poor. "On Sunday afternoons, we held teas and examine the potential of this rock
at Maxwell Place and invited all the stu- as a source of other energy-producing
3 dents to come. They could talk to Ab materials.
I   and the faculty there. We just tried to The U.S. Energy Research and Devel-
  The Good Op Days entertain both the faculty and students opment Administration (ERDA) is ex-
I   and the townspeople." pected to continue funding the work at
_ The good old days, when all UK stu- Even she played her part in this at- approximately the same level for four
dents were invited to afternoon parties tempt to relax relationships, Kirwan said. additional years. _
I I at the University president's mansion, "I rode around on the buses, listening "Black shale," said William Dennen of
returned to Kirwan Tower one night in to what students had to say." the UK geology department, "has long
October. Referring to the demonstrations on been known as a marginally-profitable
, A medium-sized, gray-haired woman campus when her husband was presi- source of natural gas and a sub-eco-
i with a lightly hoarse voice, a huge pin dent, Kirwan said, "l think all the nomic source of oil and uranium ore. Its
l of peanuts and a ready wit swept onto changes have been for the better. Each possibilities as an 0ll source have never
the top floor of Kirwan Tower. generation of college students has im- been fully explored, nor have its possi-
i She gazed contentedly at the 50-odd proved. bilities as a source of uranium."
students making a beeline for free cider There was one time when things were The project will be conducted by a
i and flipped her wrist. "Keep your seats," a little off, though. We had had a group geological group at the University of
; she said, "keep your seats." She of students who were upset, sleeping on Kentucky. Principal investigators are
I snagged aglass of cider and adoughnut the steps of our home. I was a little William Dennen and Frank Ettensohn of
i and settled down in a chair. worried then . .   another long pause, the University of Kentucky Department
=i Mrs. A. D. Kirwan was back in town.   . . that they might get cold. I wanted of Geology, and Wallace Hagan and
  The wife of the man who was UK presi- to take them blankets. But things are Edward Wilson ofthe Kentucky Geologi-
  dent from1968—69, Kirwan visited Kirwan better now, each generation gets bet- cal Survey.
ii Tower to "keep in touch." ter." Continued next D8Q€

Continued from page.? "Gong Show," a campus-wide talent |-ianing |nfan[
show based on the USO shows that -
University of Kentucky President Otis entertained U.S. combat troops and the Blrth Damage
Singletary, in announcing receipt of the current "Gong Show" televison pro- Atetai monitoring systgmihatcan neip
contract, noted that similar contracts gram. avoid damage to infants at brnn has
;‘l?;;;;i;"sT;2€ Vggigolggllghi/2 l-'S"lVe" Thursday was devoted lo the lg5O·s been put- into service at the Medical
Q g y ` withamaltdrinking contestanda"Fonz" Center Wllll the ele bf funds frem the
"The University of Kentucky project," look-alike contest. Merch el lelmee r _ ,
Dr. Singletary said, "has the distinction, _ The deV'°e eleenemeelly menllele e `Q
however, of being the data center for the The annual hemeeelelng Parade beblfle l°ee_"l rele dumlg eemreeuene tb l
entire enterprise end will utilize the ser- Thursday S*¤d€d at 'V*¤m¤*·¤' C¤'·S€¤m· determine ·f the baby is t0l€Vat'“9 l¤b0'
vices of the University's oornputing PV00€€ded down nose. Street to Hugue- well,
cehlehn let, and down University Drive to Com- About 85 high-risk babies are born I
monwealth Stadium. The parade was each month at University Hospital, or l —
The Study. according to Dennen. also followed by a pep rally at the stadium. about 40 percent of all deliveries. Diffi-  
Hcpens exciting V€$€a"Ch and U6ll'lll`lQ which featured UK head football coach cult eases from the eastern half of the  
experience to graduate Students in ge- Fran Curci and the Wildcat footballteam. state are referred to University Hospital. W
0l09Y·" _ Dr. John Duhring, professor of obste-
The1976 homecoming queen and her lrlcs and gynecology, sald ll ls hlghly C
eeurt were presented at the rally and probable that mental retardation, per-
  winners of various contests during the Sonality problems, cerebral palsy and Vl
Happy days week were e""°u"°ed· epilepsy can be reduced by routine fetal rem
.. .. The queen and her court were se- m0nllOrme` the.
Happy Days at UK was the theme
for Hcmecomlhg 1976 al the Uhlvershy Iected by vote of the general UK student Sou
of Kentucky. b°dy·   gen
h Actlvltlee leedmellup to lllhe gnnhuel The annual homecoming concert fea- Significant Activities cf ng;
Omeccmleg O0 e game Ov' W en tured Jackson Browne Friday in Memo- F3CUlty and Staff fled
the UK Wildcats faced the Vanderbilt hal Collseuml __ _________ *l
Commodores at Commonwealth Sta- Charles P. Graves, architecture, has
dium—included the traditional kickoff Pre-game activities for Saturdays been reappointed to the Building Re- eel"
dance, homecoming concert, home- football garnel inoiuded tne introduction search Advisory Board of the National le;
coming parade, pep rally and queen or norneeerning princesses from UK’S Research Council. th
contest. Community oolleges Norbert Tietz, pathology, has recieved e
In addition, an old—time carnival, a the award for outstanding effortsin edu- Sew
Harry James concert, a USO "Gong cation and training at the 28th annual _ Ken
Show" and various contests highlighted   meeting of the American Association for Veal
the week. Training Sessions |-|g|d for Clinical Chemistry. Se;
Marianne Smith, homecoming chair- Sewage plant Operators Paul R. Baunigartner Jr., pharmacy, tlme
person, explained that this year’s festivi-   has been appointed to the U.S. Con-
ties were designed to trace the lifestyle Cleaner water in Kentucky streams sumer Product Safety Commission’s . Vols
popular at UK from the 1920's through and proper certification of sewage treat- technical advisory committee of poison gl mel
the 1950's, with each day of the week ment plant operators are primary objec- prevention packaging.   (
being devoted to a different decade. tives of a training program conducted Abraham Wik/er, psychiatry and phar- l for l
Homecoming festivities started Mon- by the College of Engineering at several macology, has been presented the 1976 Tl
day (Nov. 1) with the traditional home- locations beginning this fall. Nathan B. Eddy memorial award for ex- ple)
coming kickoff dance in the Student The aim is to train engineers and op- oellenoe in drug abuse research Sew
Center featuring the popular local band, erators of the many small sewage treat- Louis snain, James w_ Hendrix and i The
Satchel Paige. The introduction of the ment plants at schools, hospitals, trailer 3_ ,1, Sheen, plant pathology, presented l W
homecoming queen semi-finalists was parks and other sites in rural areas of papers at the annual meeting of tne   tack
l made at the dance. the state. The program is funded American Phytopathological Society, in l Bl
Tuesday’s activities included a 1930’s through a Title I Higher Education Act. Kansas City. A Amf
style carnival, featuring carnival rides Martin C. Krimm, assistant professor of Michael A. Baer, political science, · mul
and booths, sponsored by student or- electrical engineering, is coordinating presented a paper, "Political Partici- Lee
ganizations; a Harry James concert at the program. pation in New Towns: The Case for Brit- Rl
the Phoenix Hotel, and a football throw- The first of the programs was held at ain," at the Edinburgh IPSA Congress. fren
ing contest. Ashland Community College in mid- Two research studies were presented Celv
Profits from the carnival were donated September, followed by another session by Don E. Wrede, radiation medicine, at Hi
to United Way of the Bluegrass. at Southeast Community College. A ses- the fourth international Congress of flee
Wednesday’s activities re-created the sion at Hazard Community College next Medical Pnysiolsts, held in Qttawal Ca- elgn
war years of the 1940's with a USO April will conclude the training sessions. nada left

————-————— l
T Wildcat Peach Bowl Team Reflects l
c " c rd Th n ts i
Ul'Cl S Ol'] I €l”lC€ l'OUQ OU BHSOFI ,
When head football coach Fran Curci _ I
_ refused to wave the crying towel during   g _ zo   " i
theannualpre-seasonSkywritersTourof   ,_·$€l‘;·t,,» 1.·», .;,_,, _. _,   _ ,»,o   `-’` ° msi .   - ,. _; _ · _ ,
Southeastern Conference schools, he ‘,§*~`,?;;;j   tig;     ; `; fj ;_i`*’:,f`__=,i_    
demonstrated personally, the confi- '·€‘i:i`*;g`_»iC§_*§°$—·* ins.?   _.·l ij;&T,*§  O T
. - . ~ i   ?».._jf__   {W ¤ V,-sl Ji,} ~, l- .—.‘s-’·},* -> i ,. 2
dence histeam would takeonto the grld- 1; _ · J., 4. , l.&;____;g Hi L  ;5;;H_; ·   ·,  A  -__ "  
iron with them.The confidence wasjusti- Z. ·:_"";'   ’ ‘ ' 3   ‘ YT J"  “,g  , _
fied as Kentucky did all these things-    _T`.:* i,»{5;•j`t°· -3;*      jY,'\"*   3 ‘* `”¤.`§,;,,,'f¢'°j i
*Earned an invitation to the Peach   f ,"•`*%1    ,*6. .  ~   A    
Bowl in Atlanta, Ga., the first bowl invita- t     _        X ·° · ' -'l°;_ °j§t;,€;"?¤,,i.; ¤¤{  
tion the Cats have received in 25 years; )    -;*§i‘f `     A ·  _ fi';]  `; ·   \       `     '
*Finished with a 7-4 winning record, .     ., `4 #‘ wa Q  Ea       Y j }  gl , *? ”`
the first time a Kentucky team has had x  ~ i-   ig,-  h `  is     ·~ 4   ai, } _ if   
seven wins in one season since 1954, C ,   4;-.9    ‘  `Q s =           J °‘ 1
Kentucky'ssecond winning season in12   A ,—  __4,,¢ a   _._ _ _    w *   ,°?T‘ »    
` years and Curci’s second winning sea- .   ’ ”  . °   l `\  ‘~  —      ·__ J
son in four years;     \         '
. *Not only beat Tennessee for the first   _(_  . ,r‘ ea,    i _,     *`   M
i time in 12 years, but also shut out the _ __     A    i  ~ , _"   ---—».- --—~»
_ Vols, the first time that had happened to   ··’i     “;. . ‘“’¤  if, , ‘ ‘’‘‘‘’  
  them in Knoxville since1974;   V {   · Y g  ’     ° L  
~ *Got out of the SEC basement, tieing     i     ° f  `S   ~ ·— i  
i for third in the conference. Char/ie Dickerson, 6'2", 201 Ib. tight with the Wildcats. He returned to action
The Wildcats will be losing only 12 end from Bastrop, La., a junior college this yaar having missed the '75 season
players from this highly competitive transferwho madesomefinecatchesthis with an iniury.
squad. Only one is a defensive starter. season; John Pierce, 5’9", 218 lb. placekicker
  The seniors are: Pete Gemmill, 5’10", 177 Ib. punter and from Cynthiana, leaves with his name in
Warren Bryant, 6'6", 249 lbs., offensive split end from Atlanta, Ga., performed at the record book for longest field goal (52
  tackle from Miami, Florida. variety of duties as a Wildcat, running yards vs. Florida in 1970) and for most
1 Bryant was named second team All- kick-off returns, as a pass receiver and field goals in a single game (3 vs. Van-
; American and will probably be a first punting. derbiltin1974 always. Auburn in 1975)
_ round choice in the National Football C/iff Hite, 6’3", 212 lb. quarterback which he shares with Dick Barbee (vs.
League players draft. from Findlay, Ohio, was a back-up to Central in 1909) and Bob Jones (vs. Au-
Handy Burke, 6’2", 189 Ib. split end Mike Fanuzzi in '74, started in '75 but burn in 1970). In 1975, John was the
from Miami, Fla., has been a leading re- then gave way to Derrick Ramsey. Per- leading scorerontheteam with 42 points.
ceiver for three years; haps his greatest contribution lies in his Ches R/dd/e, 5'11", 183 lb. safety from
Ray Carr, 5'9", 179 lb. defensive back remarkable character which is highly re- Madisonville, collected two letters with
from Louisville had his first starting as- spected around campus; the Wildcats and was a starter much of
signment as a freshman and was a regu- John Nochta, 6’3", 231 Ib. center from last season.
‘ lar the following three years; California, Penn., earned three letters Continued nexf page

Wildcat Peach Bowl Team
Continued from page 5 R I S S
EQU af 68 OD
11-Game Team Statistics
Steve S/ates, 6'0", 251 lb. offensive
lineman from Carrollton, Ohio, opened Ky_ Opp
up S°""’ da"°V h°"’$ f°' Kemucky backs First downs ............................. 192 .......... 161
  ;‘;;;OSf‘*°S was 3 °"‘°"‘“° *° B'Va"* (gushing) ............................. 1;;; .......... 12; 1
E·=*Sm¤’dar·6’*"·232*¤—¤"a¤a*va lr·Z?$i'{$)§QQZ§]llljjljjljljjljjfllljlisjljlljijljis  
"""·’"‘“" "°"‘ C""""’s’°"· W· V"‘·· was Rushing A11.7Y¤s. ..................... 754-3138 ...... 564-2220 .
a"°th€'Va'“ab'€'*"°m°"""°“9“°““'""’ Rushing Yds. Lost ....................... 193 ......... 263 l
  HG has €a'"°" ""EB '°“‘°'$ a‘   1/dshlrushing ....................... 29:; ........ 19$; I
Gray Waada e·1<>·¤ eee ·e- eeeeeive 1-.»sZs;’7.iiLT‘§’7;.-17;.1.11 {1 1 1 1 11 $11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1] 1 1 1167-571 1 1 1 Z1 1 177,9-87, 1
ba°" *'°"‘ M‘°‘°'°‘°‘”"· C°""—· W"' ba “°=· Passing Yds. .111111111111.111.11111.1.1. 729 ......... 103 L
"‘°'"b"""d f°' h*st°“°hd°W" *******1* T6"' TD’s passing .11111.,1.1111.11......1..... 7 ........... 5
"°$S‘1’*" 9a"‘° this Vw ‘”“'°'" l"°"°d *° Passes Int. By/Yds. Ret 1111111,111,,11 1 1 1 11-132 1..111.. 11-116
D? me °"'Y S°°'"‘9 l°"=‘Y °* the 9a"‘€· Total Plays (Rare) ,111,111.11.1111111.11. 794 ......... 753
W°°ds was ""‘”° Y°‘°"S*a'“"' °" d°"€"$€ Total Yardage ...11.111.111111111.11.11 3674 1111..11 2988 1
b°*°'° s‘”“°“"‘9 ‘° °"°"S" this $°aS°"· Punts/ Had Blocked 111111.1.1111.111.1... 70-0 1....... 82-1
""S °°"°`°' s‘a"S"°S S“°‘” a *4 Yam p'“s Punring Yds./Ave. 1111111.111..111..11. 2646/37 ...... 3155/38
a"€'a9° °“ °‘“?k‘°" '°“""S· a 6 Y""d p'"S Punt Rai./Yds. Ret. 1.11..11............. 44-206 ........ 24-194
azigage '“s"'"9 "‘"d s""’€'a' ‘"t"'°€p’ kickons Ret./Yds. Ret. 111.11.. 23-436 ........ 32-634
··aaaa aaa aaa eaaa ·iie1· ee aaah ai Egrtlilsii/ufsii`1] C11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14§8?2’§1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12,5535
these new alumni.
Basketball Team—Steady as It Goes
Head basketball coach Joe Hall in pre- handlly for the honors by freshmen to the Mideast sub—regionaI play and will 1
season parley said "I think we will be a LaVon Williams, Jay Shidlerand Tim Ste- be host this year to the Mideast finals.
good basketballteam. l can't say we'llbe phens. All three freshmen are expected The new 23,000-seat Rupp Arena can 1
a great team because we have not ex- to contribute significantlythroughoutthe serve as a show-case for the kind of job =
celled at any one phase. To be a con- season. Kyle Macy,atransfer studentnot the University can do with the national
tendency national hgngrsjthinkatgam eligible for competition this year, was tournament. ,
hasto do something betterthan anybody ¤l$¤ all impressive PIHYBV during the  
g|3g_" WENT!-Up Q8fl`l€S.   1
f9Lhe consetnsusntof Souctihsastgrn (ion- womenrs cage coach  
HCS SpO S Wl'I GTS afi FOB CBS GTS, Comes from
however, ranks Kentucky #1 in the con- . . 1
ference in a pre—season poll followed by   Basketbalbmmded Famlly  
Tennessee, Alabama, Auburn and Mis- Bid submitted for 1982 b h  
sissippi State. ‘ - The new women's basket all coac ,  
> The UK roster lists a dozen team NCAA Basketball Fmals Deborah Yow, is the only fulltime ` · 1
members with eleven eligible to pIay.All women's college basketball coach inthe
will need to stay healthy and several will The University has submitted a bid state and one of no more than six in the
swing between two positions. proposal for the 1982 NCAA basketball country. She comes from a basketball-
1As pre-season intra-squad scrim- finals to be played in Lexington. The minded family. Her older sister, Kay, is ‘
mages took place, it looked like Rick NCAA Division I basketball committee women's athletic director and basketball
Ftobey, Mike Phillips, Larry Johnson and has a rotation formula which stipulates coach at North Carolina State, and her   »
Jack Givens would be starting in the in- that the 1982 finals will be held in the younger sister, Susan, was a two-time  
augural game at Rupp Arena, November Midwest or Mideast sections of the All-American and now is freshman
27. Meanwhile veterans James Lee, country. The University is situated in the women's coach at N.C. State. The new
Merion Haskins, Dwayne Casey and Tru- Mideast Regional Section. coach hopes to improve on last year’s .
man Clayton were being pushed quite The University was host two years ago team record of 13-12. ‘ E

 I .
- For some it starts early, before
ay the newspaper is brought in from
the front porch; for others, night
Q never really came as they ’
E   catnapped in between studying for
an exam, and still others never
schedule a class before the
. respectable hour of 10 a.m.
, Text by Obi Aduba allowing for natural awakening.
  and Liz Demoran The diet conscious may stick to
  hard boiled eggs and fruit while the
· cafeteria offers a selection from dry §
{ cereal to eggs (any way you like
  'em), hash browns, an array of
I juices and fruit, muffins and sweet
3 rolls and toast, coffee, tea or milk.
_ Photo by Carla Engel Photo by Janice Porter
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 ‘   t It's not too cold, but cold enough.
0 Waiting for the bus I wonder   t
when it will come. ls it better to wait  
  for the bus or walk? Here it comes  
. . . there it goes. It is full and goes  
straight without stopping. I decide I"
to walk rather than wait for the next. J A
Rose St