xt7qz60bwf6t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qz60bwf6t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-11-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1922 1922 1922-11-17 2012 true xt7qz60bwf6t section xt7qz60bwf6t The Kentucky Kernel


17, 1922

No. 9











Dope Favors Kentucky to Win
by Touchdown in Week-En- d

Great Aid Shown Toward Engineering Graduates in Obtaining Good Positions.




Both Elevens Fight on Even
Terms in First Half; Tide
Turns in Second

Hollowell Will Again Hold Down
End Position, While Brewer
May Be in Backfield.

Meeting Planned for Thursday Night, Nov.
23, Refreshments Served

The Crimson Tide of the University of Alabama will make its initial
appearance on Stoll Field Saturday
when the Crimson eleven will furnish
opposition for the Cats. As this is
the first showing of the southerners
on the local field no past scores can
be avenged and the scrap will hinge
on the desires of each team to win
the opening contest between the two
To those who predict the results of
gridiron battles by advance dope the
Cats will enter the scrap as favorites
to win by one touchdown. As
and Alabama fought a 7 tie
and the Cats handed the Tigers a
trouncing; but the initiated who
do not entirely depend on the previous
scores of the scrap seem more complicated. Alabama defeated Penn.
after the Quakers had defeated
the Purp'les 27-- 0 The Wildcats, how
ever, are not paying any attention to
dope and while not overconfident will
enter the scrap with solid determina
tion to win and with the fighting
Kentucky spirit that is not to be de
Chuck Rice, who was expected not
to play against the Crimson, will not
be able to don the moleskins for the
contest, and Hollowell who has filled
his position admirably will again get
the call for the end position.
With the exception of Russell, who
suffered an injured hand in the Vandy
scrap, but will play Saturday, the
(Continued on page 5)

The Universit' of Kentucky Chapter of the American Association of
Engineers held its initial meeting of
the year on Wednesday, Nov. 8.
The following officers were elected
fdr the year 1922-2H. L. Royden
'23, president; R. E. Clark, '24,
M. Alperin '23, secretary.
C. S. Tucker, '25, was appointed by the
preident to be chairman of the refreshment committee. The other necessary
committees will be named later.
The attention of the new men in the
College of Engineering is called particularly to the following explanation
of what the A. A. E. really represents
and stands for: The American Association of Engineers is an.
engineering society. Its
membership to date is well over the
20,000 mark. The reason for its rapid
growth is because it stands for everything that will benefit engineers. At
the present time the society has chapters in every state in the Union, Alaska and Honolulu. A. A. E. stands for
higher ideals in engineering, creates opportunities for the individual, and
makes engineers professional men.
Membership in the A. A. E. insures
an engineer a postion at any time.
The employment bureau is placing on
the average 300 men a month in
positions. An outstanding feature of the society is the fact that it is
inducing engineers to enter public life.
It advocates engineers for public office
and gains universal recognition of the
valuable services an engineer can render in public affairs.
It is planned by the officers to have
a big
meeting for engineers on Thursday night, Nov. 23.
Refreshments will be served, a good
program is assured and all engineering
students are invited to attend and partake of the hospitality of the A. A.
E. Further notice of this event will lie
given later.


19 TOO

Win First Victory Over Centre
Eleven Since 1916;
See Game.


Last Saturday was the first time
that a football team representing Cen-


tre College has been defeated on Stoll
Field since 1916. This occurred when
the Kentucky Kittens defeated the
Centre College Lieutenants by a
score of 19 to 0. The game was more
than ordinarily interesting as it was
not until the third quarter that the
Kittens made their first touchdown.
During the entire game the team
worked as a unit and this fact more



the Lieutenants.
tens did it:



This is how the


First Quarter


The Kittens kicked off to the Lieutenants who brought the ball back
to the 30 yard line. Centre was then
penalized five yards and IS yards for
being off side and for holding. Centre
kicked to the Kittens. A seres of line
plunges by Evans and Kirwan gained
ground for Kentucky. The Freshmen
were forced to kick, and on the next
play Summers made a 20 yard gain.
Centre then Jumbled and King recovered but due to penalties the Kittens
did not make first down. The Freshmen then kicked to Centre who tried
a series of line plunges that failed to
gain. They then kicked to the Kittens. Evans then made a 35 yard
run around left end. A pass from
Evans to Kirwan gained 10 more
yards. A series of plunges by Tracy,
Kirwan and Evans netted only nine
yards. The ball went over to Centre.
End of first quarter.
Score, Ken
tucky 0, Centre 0.
Second Quarter
Centre made 12 yards thru the line
and was then held for downs and forced to kick to the Kittens who failed
to gain. The Lieutenants then gained
35 yards on a forward pass and then
tried to place kick a goal but failed.
The Kittens kicked to Centre who returned the ball after failing to gain
through the line. A pass from Kirwan
to Evans gained 30 yards. Three
other passes failed, and the ball went
over to Centre, who could not gain
through the line. End of the first half.
Score, Kentucky 0, Centre 0.
Third Quarter
Centre kicked to the Kittens. Evans received the ball and han 50 yards
before he was tackled. Centre then
intercepted a forward pass, but failed
to gain. As a result the ball changed
hands. Two line plunges by Evans
netted 23 yards. A series of line
plunges by Captain Kirwan made the
first touchdown. Score, Kentucky 0,
Centre 0.
The Kittens kicked to the Lieutenants. A fumble on the second down
was recovered by King who ran 20
yards and made the extra point from
placement. Score Kentucky 13, Cen-



The Kittens again kicked
to the
Lieutenants who were held for downs.
End of the third quarter.
Evans made 30 yards around left
end. A series of line bucks by Captain Kirwan netted 21 yards, but lack- (Continued on page 5)

Al Kirwan, product of Louisville
Male High, is captain and fullback
of the Freshman eleven. He is a player of great ability, hitting the line,
skirting the ends and passing with
equal effectiveness. He was one of
performers in last
the outstanding
week's Yearling battle with Centre
and was one of the main cogs in the
Kitten machine.



Educational Body Confers High
Honor on President of University
President Frank L. McVey, of the
University, was elected president of
the National Association of State
Universities at a meeting of that body
in Washington last Tuesday.
officers chosen were David Kinsly,
president of the University of IlliHarry W. Chase,
president of the Unversity of North
Carolina, secretary-treasureDr. McVey before his election to
the presidency was secretary-treasurof the organization, and his promotion
is undoubtedly the result of his ability and standing among the leading
educators of the country. His selection as the head of America's leading
educational body, besides adding additional laurels to Dr. McVey, begreat
stows upon the University




The members of the Men's Glee
Club met last Sunday afternoon to
discuss their plans for this year. Another meeting will be held Sunday,
November 18, when Professor Lam-pewill outline in full the work for
the year. Competition among the
members is high since only 16 will be
taken on the trips which are being



Last year the girls of Patterson Hall
and the other dormitories made $80,
by dressing Christmas dolls for sale
at the Y. W. bazaar, which they gave
to the Near East fund for the support
of an orphan. This year sandwich
sales are being held in each of the dormitories every Thursday night at 10
o'clock for the benefit of the Near
East. Eat that they may cat.


Principles of

Directing Local
Clubs to Be Taught by Miss

Plans are being completed for a
course in training for Girl Scout
to be given on the campus November 27 to December 9 under the
auspices of the Women's Athletic Association and the direction of Physical
Miss ElizaEducation Department.
beth Haney, national community and
educational worker, will have charge
of the work here.
This movement opens to the college
girl a new and steadily growing proe
fession in the
or whole-tim- e
career of a Girl Scout director or assistant. Leaders in charge of the local organizations are needed in growing numbers. These positions pay
good salaries and compare favorably
with teaching and other lines of social
service in the advantages and interest
of the work.
In addition the course will be found
of benefit itself to girls intending to
enter constructive community work in
any of its phases. Credit in the Physical Education Department will probably be given to the University girls
completing the course.


(Continued on page 5)







OVER 20,000

Get-togeth- er

John Evans, hailing from Martin's
Ferry, Ohio, and picked as
High School quarter last year, is the
Yearling pilot. His speed in action
gives some foundation for the term
flash. Evans is a wonder in snagging
passes and rarely ever misses any forwards that come his way.








of Every Student
Urged to be Present Nov
ember 25.



In honor of the fathers of the University of Kentucky students, November ?i, the day of the University of
Tennessee-KentuckFreshman clash
on Soll Field, has been set aside as
"Dad's Day." In all the large Universities it is customary to appoint
one day in the year when the fathers
of all students who can find it possible
come to the college where their son or
daughter is in school and there, cele
brate the day.
It is well to hold "Dad's Day" at
the time$3f some athletic contest because in every man there is the love of
prowess and strength and a certain
amount of hero worship. The
Freshman game promises to be the most interesting of the
year. Volunteer Freshmen have defeated both the Baby Tigers and the
infant Commodores. This game will
undoubtedly settle the question of the
championship of the South and we are
looking to our Kittens to bring home
the victory.
This is the first time that the University has recognized the custom of
observing "Dad's Day" and it is the
purpose of the promoters
of the
movement to make it a success and
have the "dad" of every student who
can possibly come to be present for
the day and for the game. Many of the
fraternities will entertain and they
are planning to make it a one hundred per cent "Dad's Day."


W. D. Funkhouser, head of the department of Zoology, happened to a
very painful accident Monday afternoon while practicing with the Rotary Club for the inter-clufootball
game to be played Friday afternoon.
picture of the injury showed
split cartilage and torn ligaments at
the knee.




The group pictures of the following organizations have been
received by the "Kentuckian:"
Senior Engineers, Junior Engineers, Sophomore', Engineers,
Freshmen Engineers; Pan Hellenic Agriculture Society, Hoof
and Horn Club, National Stock
Judging Team, National Dairy
Judging Team, Home Economics Club,
Philosophian Literary Society, English Club, Henry Clay Law Society, Romance
Language Club, Radio Club,
Catholic Club, Junior Class,
Rafiusesque Botany Club, Pre.
Medical Society.. Presidents of
the above organizations are requested to come to the "Kentuckian" office and arrange for
the placement of pictures and
page, names of officers or
of organization and such at
Campus Club Editor



Page Two

Alumni Notes

Alumni Secretary




had a talk with the secretary on the
subject of the need and probable pa
trouagc of such a course. He then
began correspondence and had an in
terview with Dr. Glen L. Swiggctt, spc
cialist in commercial education of the
Federal Bureau of Education, the best
posted man in 'the country on the
Some bulletins and other pamphlets
written by Dr. Swiggctt have been
obtained by Mr. Weaver and will be
placed in the University library.

One of Kentucky's greatest needs
for athletes in
high schools and prep schools of the
State. A great number of young
alumni who have played on Blue and
White teams and have studied coachni.
ing arc being added to the staff of
Dec. 1 Organiza- Somerset,
the secondary schools. The develoption meeting, dinner, 6 p. m.
ment and continuance of this plan is
New York, Dec. 8. Dinner at
one of the problems confronting the Alumni Parties Will Go to Knoxvilk
6:30 p. m., Harvard Club.
Thanksgiving Day.
O Alumni Executive Committee,
A Kentucky section of 200 seats
The successful work of boosters of
has been reserved by the University
the freshman football team is signifiof Tennessee Athletic Council for the
cant. Alumni who arc very busy,
game on Thanks
gave, in most instances, all their time Plans are Studied for Patterson Col
giving Day.
lege of Diplomacy
for ten days to insure in the FreshParties for this trip arc being or
Mr. Rufus L. Weaver, '95, of New
man game with Centre the results
York city, has evinced much interest ganized throughout
they wantcr. They got them.
The usual
About $3,500 was raised for an ath in the provisions of President Pat- southeastern
letic clubhouse. It is doubtful wheth terson's will providing for the estab delegation will go from Lexington.
cr this sum represents more than the lishment of a College to train men The Tennessee team ihas been makcombined value of the services given for diplomatic and consular service. ing considerable improvement in the
by the alumni but the result is more He went to the Carnegie Foundation last four years and this season has
than that. Former students, friends for the advancement of teaching and one of the strongest elevens in the
and friendly enemies came thus to
have a new interest in the University
and a greater respect for it. This in
terest is limited by no means to ath
Wiley, Winchester, Ky.
President Rodman Wiley '06, Billitcr
letics. There is admiration for the
Marguerite McLaughlin, '03, University of Kendemonstrated supremacy of the Blue
tucky, Lexington, Ky
and White but there is a greater al
Secretary Herbert Graham, '16, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
legiance to the spirit which made pos
Dcsha Breckinridge, ex, The Herald, LexingExecutive Committee
sible the victory in the face of dis
ton; Chas. I. Dawson, ex, Attorney General, Frankfort; Wayland Rhoads,
couraging odds.
'15, Experiment Station, Lexington; Hcadley Shouse, '19, Versailles Pike,
The Lexington alumni committee
Lexington; Wm. H. Townsend '12, 605 City Bank Bldg., Lexington; Dr.
in charge of this campagn won
Geo. H. Wilson '04, 183 N. Upper St., Lexington.
great moral victory. To the group
and each individual we doff the hat.
Trustees J. I. Lyle '96, 750 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark, N. J.; W.
Kentucky stands foremost.
H. Grad '05, 807 Columbia Bldg., Louisville, Ky.; Howard P. Ingcls '05,
such backing she will never falter,
14 Wall St., New York, N. Y.
Akron, Ohio President, W. F. Clark '10, 23 Charlotte Street; Secretary, M. M. Harrison '12, care Miller Rubber Company.
Blue and White Followers Show up
Ashland, Ky. President, Mrs. Mary Elliott Flanery ex, Catletts-burin Great Numbers at Nashville
Secretary, Thomas Burchett '12, 15th and Winchester Ave.
The presence of a large band of
Birmingham, Ala. President, J. M. Sprague, '07, Box 66, Ensley;
alumni in Nashville last Saturday
Secretary, J. Kohn '12, Box 35, Ensley.
when the Wildcat put up such a no
Virgil J. Pritchett, '18, Opera
Bowling Green, Ky. President,
table fight against the Commodore
Western State
House Building; Secretary, Chas. A. Loudermilk,
won enthusiastic comments from the
Normal School.
coaches of the team. In this numBuffalo, N. Y. President, R. T. Thornton '14, 108 Claremont Ave.;
ber there were many new "associate
Secretary, Gilbert Frankel '19, 401 Delaware Avenue.
members" of the Alumni Association,
parents of students and former stuCarrollton, Ky. President, Grover C. Routt '11, County Agent; Secretary, Marie Becker '17.
dents. Many of these loyal support
Chicago. 111. President, Charles K. Dunn '16, 1470 Carmen Avenue;
ers dropped business and traveled
Secretary, J. R. Watkins '15, 5314 Winthrop Avenue.
from 100 to 300 miles to be there
Cincinnati, Ohio President, Mrs. Clara Matti Studer '13, 3761 IsaThe Home Coming game in Lex
ington brought former students from
bella Avenue, Hyde Park; Secretary, Adele Sladc '21, Oak Street, Ludlow, Ky.
distances twice as great. Those who
came went away with a greater loy
Cleveland, Ohio President, H. Tyler Watts '14, Otis Steel Comalty to the Alma Mater and to her
pany; Secretary, E. E. Horine, '09, National Carbon Company.
Denver, Colo. President, J. A. Brittain '18, 306 Mining Exchange.
In the last week the secretary has
Evansville, Ind. President, Frederick L. Schneiter '04, 522 Adams
received numerous letters, telegrams
Avenue; Secretary, Edward E. Hardin '20, 624J4 Main Street.
and telephone messages, enthusiastic
Frankfort, Ky.
Carolyn Lutkcmeier '16, 419 Lewis
ones, from individuals and organizaStreet.
tions that once were luke warm at
Hickman, Ky. President, C. P. Mabry '20, Secretary, Lillian Coffey,
best. Ask yourself the reason why.
ex-- .
Huntington, W. Va. PresEident, Ira M. Nickell '15,
The prompt delivery of the Kernel
Building; Secretary, Mrs. P. A. Vallandingham '00, care First State
has caused the Alumni Office considBank, Barboursville.
erable concern. With each issue sevLa Grange, Ky. President, Richard L. Duncan '19; Secretary, A. B.
eral blank forms have been sent to
Crawford '17.
isolated subscribers for a report by
Lebanon, Ky. President, Clyde D. Harrison '18; Secretary, Susan
which to check this delivery. Such
Spalding exwill
make possible a
Lexington (Alumnae) President, Nancy Innes '17, 407 South Mill
placing of responsibility for delay
Street; Secretary, Margaret E. McCIure, '20, 212 N. Upper Street.
When positive evidence of unncces
Lexington (Alumni) President, W. C. Wilson '13, 708 First and City
sary delay is obtained it will be taken
Bank Building; Secretary, Marie R. Barkley '20, 737 South Limestone St.
up with local postal authorities and
Louisville, Ky. President, J. T. Pride, Jr., ex, 307 West Kenfollowed up until these papers reach
tucky Street; Secretary, Mrs. Albert Krieger '06, 2304 Alta Avenue.
the alumni subscribers on time,
Mayfield, Ky. President, H. B. Mitchell '16; Secretary, R. B. Hays 17.
Maysville, Ky. President, W. Hall Strode ex- -, Maysville Ice & Cold
Storage Co.; Secretary, Mrs. J. Ed Parker, Jr., ex-- .
Alumnt Praise Juneau; System is
New York City President, J. I. Lyle '96, 750 Frelinghuysen Avenue,
Being Developed.
Newark, New Jersey; Secretary, Carroll G. Taylor '10, 27 William Street,
Immediately after the close of the
Suite 1321-2New York City.
football season the Athletic Council
Owensboro, Ky. President, R. M. Holland '08, Masonic Building;
will take action on the employment of
Secretary, Josic Lacer Hays '16, 519 Frederica Street.
a coach for next year.
The three-yea- r
Paducah, Ky. President, Carl H. Denker '19, City National Bank
contract of Mr. Juneau expires
'iuilding; Secretary, Florence Brown ex- care Paducah Evening Sun.
with this season. His work during
Philadelphia, Penna. President, H. Berkley Hedges '14, 510 Real
the entire period has not been satis
Estate Trust Building; Secretary, Roy S. Clarke ex-- , 5029 Irving Street.
factory, but this season results have
Pineville, Ky. President, Presley T. Atkins
The Sun Publishmet with the approval of the alumni,
ing Company; Secretary, Fannie Leman
care Watt & Company.
faculty and students alike.
Pittsburgh, Penna. President, J. Madisou Graves '00, DuQuesne
Experiences of the last three years
Light Company, Philadelphia
Building; Secretary, H. Lee Moore '11,
have demonstrated the fact that the
Union Arcade.
material that shows up on Stoll Field
Raleigh, N. C President, Lecoq H. Nelson '16, Department of Agin September is too much for one
riculture; Secretary, Rny H. Thomas '13, State Department of Public Incoach or for two. A definite system
struction, College Station.
is being worked out. The employRichmond, Ky.
James Park, '15; Treasurer, Hart
ment of Assistant Coach Winn is a
Perry ex-- , "Burnam Wood" Richmond.
departure. It is due to the Executive
Washington, D. C President, Jesse I. Miller '12, Commercial NaCommittee of the Alumni Association
tional Bank Building; Secretary, Harry B. DeAtley '12, 1106 "L" Street,
and through it to all the alumni thus
N. W.
Alumni contributions
are providing funds. Not all of the
Winchester, Ky. President Davis D. Crabb ex-- , John Deere Plow
money has been received yet,
Company; Secretary, Marcus C. Redwine '19, Clark County National



Lexington, Nov. 24 Supper at j
Fliocnix Hotel, joint
6 p. m
meeting with Transylvania alum- -

is suitable




South. Their showing against Vandcr-bi- lt
earlier in the season was much
like the great fight put up by the
Wildcats in Nashville last week.
Alumni may write for reservations
in care of Professor N. W. Daughcrty,
chairman of the Athletic Council,
University of Tennessee, Kuoxvillc.
regarding the price of
scats has been requested by the Alumni Secretary and will be published as
soon as available.

Address 77 Fairlie St.,


Another one of the "regulars" is
Miss Emma J. Wocrncr. She has been
engaged in teaching and social work
in Louisville ever since receiving her
degree, and is now principal of the
Eastern Departmental School, Louisville, and is also one of the most acr
tive workers in the Women's Clubs of
that city. Her address is 2064 Eastern Parkway.

Betwixt Us




the Company.
Atlanta, Ga.


Wm. Matthews Marks received his
B. M. E. degree in June, 1903, and
ever since has been in the employ of
the Western Electric Company. Since
1918 he has
been power apparatus
specialist with the Atlanta branch of

"Heard 'Little Paul' give a lecture
before the Cleveland Hearing and
Ventilating Engineers a few days ago
and it certainly was good to see him
standing before that audience and telling them straight from the shoulder
about the great and interesting exper- (Continucd

on Page Three)




ex-2- 1,

Two New Arrivals
Tan Scotch Grain, Soft Tip ; Black Scotch Grain, soft tip. A
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PEMBROKE Oxford is the best Oxford we know, and
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Pembroke Oxford is an Eagle Shirting made into
front Eagle Shirts with their superior cut, extra
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A combination of excellent
material and workmanship
Buy Eagle Shirts by the Fabric Name in the Label.


ex-1- 8,

I'.finL- -




Alpha Gamma Chapter of Alpha
Sigma fraternity announces the
following pledges: Haynes Barr, Elbert Decoursey, Thomas Herndon, S.
S. Shouse, Cornelius Anderson, J. W.
McDonald and J. R .Herndon.

The house had beautiful decorations
of pink and white chrysanthemums
and ferns in the living room and white
flowers in the dining room. The hostess was assisted in entertaining by
her mother and brother, Mrs. Grant
E. Lilly and Mr. J. Marion Lilly.
The table in the dining room had a
lace cloth, a great bouquet of white
chrysanthemums and white candles in
menu was served. After supper there
was music and dancing.
The guests were:
Misses Mary
Jasper, Patsy
Bennett, Mary
Luxon, Isabel Bennett, Eugenia
Margaret Turley, Elizabeth
Hume, Mabel Ruth Coates, Rowcna
Coates, Mary Hardin Vaught, Elizabeth Vaught, Margaret
Messrs. John McCready, William
Blanton, John R. Pates, William Min- ter, Gus Smith, Herbert Graham, Ed
mund Noland, James
Park, John
McKenzie, Smith Park, Joseph Bradley, Headley Shouse, J. Marion Lilly.

Members of Kentucky
Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity went to Frankfort Thursday
to attend the funeral of Miss Lucy
Pattie, an employee of the State Department of Education, that afternoon.
The trip was actually a pilgrimage
for the active members of the fraternity to pay their last respects to
this splendid woman who, for 12
years, had been connected with the
office of the State Superintendent of
Instruction, and at the time of her
death was eighty years old. Miss
Pattie enjoyed the high distinction of
ibeing the only woman member of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, that honor having been bestowed upon her because
of the fact that she kept in a high state
of preservation the records of the
Fraternity throughout the period of
the Civil War.
Mrs. Ray Stewart entertained with
Her death Monday night resulted
a tea at her home, last Tuesday after-- , from a stroke of apoplexy after
noon in honor of the members of Pi illness of six weeks.
Alpha Theta fraternity of the UniK

Theta Sigma Phi Tea
The following invitations have been
received by the women students of the
Journalism department:
Theta Sigma Phi
Women's Honorary Journalistc Fraternity
At Home
November 16
Patterson Hall
430 to 6 P. M.
Pi Kappa Alpha Dance
The members of Pi Kappa Alpha
fraternity will entertain with a dance
at the chapter house, Saturday, November 18, in honor of the pledges.
Miss Frances Kenney will spend the
at her home in Paris.

week-en- d

Miss Lilly Entertains
The boys and girls of Richmond,
Ky., who arc students at the Univerentertaned
sity, were delightfully
Wednesday evening by Miss Austin
Lilly with a buffet supper at her home


Sigma Beta Xi is Granted Charter by
University Council.
Another local fraternity was organized on the campus last week
when the Sigma Beta Xi was given
its charter and was recognized by the
University Council. This new fraternity has for its charter members the
following men:
Charles T. Warren, of Science Hill;
James M. Reynolds, of Greenville;
Benton S. Taylor, of Greenup; Axel
R. Ernberg, of Berea; Grant L. Fowler, of Ashland; Dwight L. Bicknell,
of Berea; Ray S. Thurmay, of Som
erset; Clarence E. Scott, of Clarence,
Pa.; J. Paul Bicknell, of Berea and
John W. Otley, of Burkesville.




Page ThrM

The Store that Offers Special Courtesy to its Customers.
The Store that Sells the Best Drinks, Serves the Best Ice Cream,
Handles the Best Grades of Candy, Cigars and Tobacco.
The Store that Caters to Young People.
Phone No. 154.

in Mcntcllc Park. Miss Lilly formerly lived in Richmond.

Kappa Sigma ntertaimed
W. L. Williams, Jr., ejitertained in
honor of the active chapter and the
pledges of Kappa Sigma fraternity
party at Camp Cliff
with a week-enEchoes, on the Kentucky river. The
party motored down after the football game Saturday and returned Sunday night.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Battaile, Sarah Catherine Snook', Ann
Helen Arthur,
Potter, Janet McVcy, Mary May,
Orene Martin, Edna Lous Wells,
Rosina Rasch and Josephine Clark,
of Frankfort; Raymond Kirk, Sneed
Yeager, T. L. Duncan, Sam Pope,
Horace Brown, R. L. Woodard, W.
P. Grimes, H. A. Gillespie, J. R. Davidson, "Laymond Mays, J. L. Duncan, J. C. Chapman, Sam Strother, C.
H. Barlow and A. H. Terrll.



Phi Alpha Theta Tea
The active chapter of Pi Alpha
Theta fraternity entertained with a
tea Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Roy Stewart, on Richmond
avenue, in courtesy to the patrons and
pledges. The house was decorated
with yellow chrysanthemums, and a
color scheme of yellow and black
was carried out in the dctals of the
The partons arc Mcsdamcs Marvin
Wade Marsh, E. J. Kinney, E. S.
Perry, J. C. Jones and David Twill.
The pledges are Misses Belle Scott,
Kathryn Evans and Lena Johnson.
Other guests included Misses Eva
Wieller, Virginia Norris,
Denton, May Dell Carter and Gencv-iv- e
Donovan. The hostesses for the
lovely hospitality were Misses Elton
Rice, Lucy Gardiner, Bcrnicc Booth,
Mavis Stienberg, Ruby Lu Dale, Anne
Crabb, Gladys Booth, Julia Gardiner
Ross and Daisy Allen Gaylor.



petitioned the national, was established in 1919 by ten juniors and seniors at the Home Economics. Department.
The members of the active chapter
arc: Nell Hank, Sara Ccquin, Edith
Alexander and Julia Willis.



Every Student is Urged to Become
A Member
The Y. M. C. A. membership cam
paign started last Tuesday. About 36
of the leading students of the University met in the Y. M. C. A. rooms for
the working out of the plans to enlist
the student in the only Christian organization of the men on the campus.
Every student is eligible to become a
member and the "Y" wants you. You
can get something for yourself, and
you can be of service to others through
this organization. There arc no membership dues as the University of Kentucky Association is one on the service
basis. If the student subscribes to
the following purposes of the "Student
Y." he can be an active voting
1. To lead men into and develop
them in the Christian life.
2. To
wth the Christian
Church and train men for service in it.
3. To promote a program of un
selfish service.
4. To unite the students of this Un
iversity in promoting the highest good
of the University and the individuals
who compose it.
5. To unite the Christian students
of this University
with the world
wide student Christian brotherhood.
(Contniued from Page Two)

iments the Society is carrying on at
Pittsburgh for the benefit of mankind."
Writes H. L. Cornelison, who is
sales engineer with the Austin Co.,
1612 Euclid Ave,
Cleveland Ohio;
residence address, 1743 Bryn Mawr

Turkeys, Ears of Corn, Ripe
Pumpkins and Comucopiae
For Thanksgiving sounds real good, but tastes
much better when made of purest ice cream in par-

ticular pleasing flavors. T'will be a real bit of goodness to top off Thanksgiving Dinner and an ice
cream service well worthy of the occasion.


ns ome


New arrivals


"During the past few weeks, I've
been following the alumni news in
'The Kernel' and am very glad to see
the enthusiasm and interest that is be
ing aroused among the various gradI want to
uates and
be helpful in very way I can, either
in working in alumni clubs or assisting my class secretary. Our club here
is taking a real interest in the Uni
versity and the fellows are all keen
on having regular meetings and par
ties during the coming winter." Phil
lip L. Blumenthal,
teal Analytical Laboratories, inc., 122
Eagle St., Buffalo, N. Y.

Frank Clarke Dugan received his
B. C. E. degree in 1910 and his C. E.
degree in 1913. From 1914 until 1917
he was assistant engineer, sewerage
division, City of Cincinnati. During
the World War he served as first
lieutenant in the engineering corps
and since his return to civilian life
held first the position of, designing
August, 1921, he has been employed as
sanitary engineer with the State Board
of Health, Sixth and Main Streets,
Louisville, Ky.


Snappy tweeds and plaids in the
shapes so much in demand this
season by your college
