xt7qv97zpv3h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zpv3h/data/mets.xml Kentucky. State Reformatory Kentucky Kentucky. State Reformatory 1968 newsletters  English La Grange, Ky.: Kentucky State Reformatory  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. The Skytower News Kentucky. State Reformatory -- Periodicals Prisons -- Kentucky -- La Grange -- Periodicals The Skytower News, Fall 1968 text v : ill. 28 cm. Call Number: HV8337 .S593 The Skytower News, Fall 1968 1968 1968 2022 true xt7qv97zpv3h section xt7qv97zpv3h  






 Old house

Tin roof: mute red shout

Seeming against a July sky.

Old tree:

Massive motherthing

C oncealing wounded entreating limbs
In shadowy luxuriance.

Tired tree

To eyes that know tiredness
Leaning seeming against a July sky.
5 lat fence:

Old too, and mossy

Footed in clay

Running . . . rimning


Beside the road

Then turning away as though called
Rushing post— by—post across the meadow
To vanish in the vague

Where a hill rises

A little hill

Sudden seeming against a July sky:

A supplication to be remembered
And remembered

And remembered for a time

Not yet come“. . .

—R. Charles

 } “Esau §fltvnownn News







Volume III FALL -- 1968 Issue V
De artment of Corrections
p Parole Board
aro . ac De t Commissioner .
w y Mrs. Luc1lle Hurt Robuck Member
John ngo Director of Institutions David L. Davis Member
Bllly R- Howard Director of Education William Brummell Member
W. Parker Hurley -
Director of Probation & Parole Sewell C' Harhn Member
William Lyons I
. Director of Staff Services “—‘4‘:©>>—"—
Robert Perry
. Executive Director of Prison Industries Skytower News Staff
Institutional Administration Carl Farnsley Edit”
Ray Hess Associate Editor
James F. HOwaI’d Superintendent Features Editor
A. B. White Administration Ron Harkless Sports Editor
. . Richard Deaver Production
Dav1d Mussachlo .
Acting Associate Superintendent For Treatment James Montgomery Photographer
William Turner Harry Davidson Artist
Acting Associate Superintendent For Custody
Homer C. Howard Supervisor of Education “W
SKY TOWER NEWS, is published by and for the inmates Printed by the
of the Kentucky State Reformatory, La Grange, Ken- Vocational Print Shop
tucky, under the auspices of the Education Department. Kentucky State Reformatory


Our thanks to X—ray Technician Gil Green for a closer look at the happenings in the KSR Hospital
in our Feature Under The Tower. T 0 Paul Coates, our appreciation for bringing to light an oft for—
gotten view concerning todays problems in his Guest Editorial. Musically speaking, we congratulate
James “Jimmy” Holshouser for his recent success. Once again Steve T. Allen gives of his talent in
U ptight In The Fantasies of Reality. Finally, for the sports buffs, a complete schedule of the NFL and
SEC football games. . .


Hon. Louie B. Nunn
Governor of Kentucky


Hon. Wendell H. Ford

Lieutenant Governor


m Table of Contents w


Under The Tower ........................................ 1-4
Guest Editorial .............................. .. ........... 4—5
Population Movement .................................... 5
Editor’s Desk .................................................. 6
Inmate of The Month .................................... 7
Bits & Things ................................................ 8
Library Grant ............................................ 9—10
From The Chapel ........................................ 11
Resident Gets Break ...................................... 12
Poetry .............................................................. 13
Crossword ................................................... 14
Sound Scene .................................................. 15
Solid State ................................................ 16—17
Vocational School News ............................ 17
Printed Circuit ................... ~ ........................... 18

Dateline Data ............................................ 19—22

Club Activities

A. A. .................................................... 23
S. P. A. D. E. .................................. 24-25
H. E. L. P. ........................................ 25—26
Jaycees .............................................. 26—27
Crossword Answers .................................... 27
Movie Schedule .............................................. 27
Plagiarisms .................................................... 28
U of K Outlook ................................ 29—30'
NFL Schedule .................................. 31—32
SEC Schedule ...................................... 33
Gridiron Guesses ............................ 34—35
Cubs Softball .................................... 35-36
Tigers Baseball .................................... 36


n Gil Green
KoS.Ro Hospital

The man on the stretcher was
rushed into the Emergency Room of
the institutional hospital at Kenn
tucky State Reformatoryo He was
barely conscious, blood smeared?
and obviouSIy suffering from
shock9 as well as numerous stab
woundso The alert attending
nurse noted the elliptical hole9

V-possibly penetrating the liver9
and puncturing the right ventri=
ole chamber of the hearto There
was a second jagged puncture in'
the lower lobe of the right lungo
He was hemorrhaging internally,
vital fluids flooding the abdomia
nal cavity and ruptured 'lungo
Diagnostically9 his condition was
extremely criticalo Physiologic
sallyg he was dying a drowning in
his own blood.

Today9 this same man,' the
victim of a violent incidentg is
aliveo All things considered9
he'll -probably be alive at the
turn of the century. The fact
that he is aliveshowever9 is not
by chanceo It required swift rem
.spcnsive skill to save his life.
New9 well into the drama of con»
valescencev which requires the
application of knowledge and ded=
ication to guide him back from
the .brink of deathvs black
abyss9 he is well on the way back
to sound9 vibrant healtho

'The KSR Hospital Administra=
tor9 Mro C.E¢;McGombs, mentioned
the aboVe incident in a cursory
sort of wayw—WOnly to emphasize,"
he explained? “the fact that pri=

son hospitals are no different
from any other° Universally9
hospitals, doctors9 nursesg at»

tendants m— the whole personnel
spectrumamis acutely aware of the
fragility of human life, Death
'is no stranger to any hospital,
nor is it-a respecter of persons°
However9 when death stalks9 it is




Head cf the instituu

Dro COEG MCCcmbss
tion medical facilities"

usually destined to meet advers-
aries, determined to frustrate
its intent. Mcst often these are
people who wage an endless battle
dedicated to sustain, maintain
and reclaim life whenever possi-
ble. Emergencies, as the one
described? offer the alternatives
of life or death? health or disa»
bilityu They may happen anytimev
anywhere, to anyoneam~and often
under the most inconceivable of
conditionso A hospital is simply
what it is?” MCCombs concluded,
with a shrug, then quickly addu
ings “Wherever a hospital exists,
there is undoubtedly a need for

“There is also a need for a
broader awareness of . the many
scientific and technical endean
ors necessary to maintain an adew
quate hospital?“ Jim Lawrence ob-
served, from where he sat in the
small office on the second floor
of the Administration Building“

lawrence, a resident of KSR,
brings an impressive amount of
technical knowledge and experiu
ence to his job as assistant to
Mr. McCombso A laboratory and
medical technician for more than

thirty years? Lawrence spoke
knowingly as he amplified his

“People aw I mean the general
public «a are, for the most part,


 ignorant of the many unpublicized
and unheralded functions carried
on in a hospital, making it the
culturally essential institution
that it is. The majority of peo-
ple regard 'the hospital as a
place housing the sick, the con—
valescent, the disabled -— and
yes, the dying. ‘ To them, the
general public, the hospital re~
mains a place of mystery and mir—
acle, or tragedy and loss. They
fail to realize that surgery,
clinical care, rehabilitation and
the like are simply the more com—
monplace facets of the modern
hospital —— which although vital,
are not wholly functional...“


o s and Jim Lawerence in the
hospital office on the second floor0

Dr ., MCC m'b

Jim paused a moment, removed
his glasses and began to slowly
polish them against-his sleeve.
”I suppose," he continued reflec-
tively, "this is my cue to men—
tion the constant need for plas—
mas, serums and all the rest° I
suppose I could drop a hint at
this point about the practicabil—
ity of reeestablishing a well
rounded resident lab," he added,
with a wry smile.

Mr. MbCombs was asked about
the idea of a separate hospital
building. Could this be discus~
sed in theory and not offend?

"Yes," he replied carefully,
”it could. It has been suggest-
ed by the Medical Director, Dr.



Jim Lawerence bends over a microscope
in the hospital lab to check a slide.

E.G. Houchin, the immediate need
for a new hospitalo Matter of
fact, it is essential, especially
if we are to keep abreaSt of the
technological advances in the
field of nedicine.”

As we prepared to adjourn for
a tour of the hospital, Mr. Mc-
Combs was asked about the hospi-
tal staff, and if there was any
section he was particularly proud
of. The question was a mistake,
for NE. McCombs‘ left no doubt as
to his feelings about this de-
partment of our institution.

“I'm proud of “em allfi“ Mc—
Combs replied emphatically. "You
see, itis like this: I spent
twentynfive years in the Navy be—
fore coming to this job. I like
to understand my men, and I want
them to understand me,

“The first thing I did when I
came here was get everyone to-
gether for an oldmfashion bull
session,“ he went on, earnestly,
”From head nurses to janitors-—-I
asked for gripes and criticisms,
both constructive and otherwise.
Believe me, I got what I asked
for! I also asked for and indi—


cated that I expected everyone's
cooperation. In turn, I assured
them of mine, My association
with my staff began on a firm
ground of understanding. we are
a crew now, and we run a ’tight
ship'o By working together, we
get the job done, while at the
‘same time striving to upgrade
our department. There’s simply
not room‘ on the hospital staff
for deadmheads or gold—bricks.”

Stepping from the elevator,
we stood aside while resident
Satterly put the finishing-touchm
as to the immaculate, freshly~
buffed corridorw—or "deck" as the
“Chief" still insists on calling
it. Our visitors were immediate~
ly impressed by the quite effici—
ent activity. Moving down the
hall, we met Harold Smith coming
from one of the side rooms where
there was a large blackaoard and
a number of school—type desks. I
took the opportunity to explain
to the visitor nearest me that
this room was where Smitty spent
part of his time, instructing the
nursing staff in the procedures
and methods of good nursing.

Farther along, we peeped into
the compact laboratory where Jim
Vasconcellos, the assistant lab—
oratory technician was busy with
his array of test tubes and other

E een, who it: . attain»
Technician,1 consented to write this
feature article for the Skytower News.




. . . . “W
Tony Snider 18 in charge of dispensing
medicines in the first aid roomo

Residents Whoten and Johnson
were observed taking blond presm
sures and temperatures in the
East ward, Payne and Hurst were
busy taking down statistical inm
formation of a new patient admitm
ted directly from the Reception

On the way back down the dorm
rider, we paused to look into the
Surgical suite, where J. Anfinson
was deftly applying a splint to a
finger aw a ball game casualtyo
Staffman Richard Long was enm
gaged in drawing a sample of
blood from a new arrivala

rmww W" '

On the way to the treatment


Treatment room nurse, Charlie Ingram9
administers an insulin shot to a diam



 room, where Ingram was dressing a
minor burn9 our attention was ate

tracted by the aroma of food°
Mooney was lining things up for
the noon mealo 'Keifer “was

patiently waiting to show Mro Mom
Combs an eray just made of a
chronically ill patiento Every~
where we looked there was a well_
ordered activity as the KSR Hose
pital staff went about doing
tasks which are far too numerous
to mention at this writingo

we couldn9t help but notice
the fresh hospital—white paint
finish that glistened on the

walls? complimented by winewcolm
ored drapes at the windows, and
the militarywmade neat rows of
beds with sidewtables°

All in all? our visitors were
greatly impressed by the touro
As we returned to the elevator°

our feelings? however, was one of‘

reassurance in the knowledge that
all there services are here for
us“° if and when we have need of

I hasten to point out,though,
I hope this will never be the




“ cfi;>’

“No pot for me, thanks. I’ll just get drunk
like the good Lord intended me to.”



~dreary chronical

Guest Editorial


m Paul Coates
Administrative Analyst

There are interesting paralw
lels to be~ found in seeking to
define the cause of poverty and
the etiology of Crime and Deline

During nthe last agonies of
Resurrection City? the Reverend
Ralph Abernathy attempted to ate
tract public attention by publiCm
ly challenging President Johnson
to tell him why there is poverty
in the United States” No very
convincing answer as yet has been
giveno However? a most obvious
condition for poverty seems to be
almost studiously ignored by cerw
tain schools of sociology and_
otherso That is the personal in»
adequacies of many? coupled with
the inability to cope individualm
ly with the requirements of the
working competitive world° .The
of Resurrection
City underscored this point more
forcibly than the organizers ere
pectedo Anxious groups within
this watermdrenched camp quarrels
ed and brawled with each other:
incidents of rape, beatings and
robbery were much in evidence;
one sport was throwing rocks at
passing automobileso

It should be readily apparent
by now that to blame society for
poverty and other social ills ram
ther overmshoots the marko Such
behavior is hardly that of most
people capable of holding steady
jobso It would be harshly unjust
to imply that poverty or crime is
always retribution for personal
feelingso This was the predomi»
nate View in the nineteenth cenw
turys dominated by the thinking
of Adam SmithznniHerbert Soenoero
Almost no one today holds that
View? though you would think from
the present 'rhetoric that many
people didc

 Throughout recorded history
there have always been some peo«
ple who are poor in relation ts
someone else; a.ehi1d from an ed~
ucated hbme where'bosks are.read;
ideas diseusSed9 music heard has
seemingly an advantage over one

from an envhuhment in which none,~

of T"these ”Cohditiens prevail;
There are other factors in life
which cannot be evenly distrihu»
ted by _any governments however
powerful « health9 intelligence?
or the opportunity to choose a
profession or occupation9 recepm
tivity to educational opportunia
ties plus luck are the great unu
equalizers in each life° ' we as
human beings are not equal in
natural ability =or in qualities
of perserveraueeginterestpand/sr
determination to overcome obstaeu

Thus pavertyfi in the sense efi
individuals being less off than
others? will eontirue as isug as
individual endowments of ability
and character remain unequalo
The causes of poverty as well 23
the rationale behirid many often»
see against social prohibitisns
are numerous9 with persoeal inn
adequacy9 unpromising heredity
and envisrment among the most ob"
vious predisposing factorso

The belief in the ability of
most individuals {or society for
that matter) to changeg hewever;
is an integral part of the fsuhs
dation of sur presentaday sorree»
tional philosophy. The sousept
of treatment rather than punish»
ment is one aspect of this im«
plicit assumption about individc
ualsa Probation and parsle are
administrative vehicles far this
process, Re education sue for
some the opportunity for edueau
ties and job training are more
and more being offered te r these
imprisoned by their haekgrouuds
and present circumstances. As
stated by a resident at the Kenn
tuoky State Penitentiary;

“A hrisoner has time t .
can put to good usei I a cut
prison second to college as the
best place for a man to 53 if he



needs to do some thinking. If
he's 'motivated‘ in prison he can
change his life: :Here he can
make adjustments for the future
and the role that he will assume
whentuareturns to a free society.
He lean see that the life he fora
mally led was met the one that
leads to” happiness? but only

hhsartbreak: for himself and.his

9 . ‘1‘; 7‘: 1k"

3? C)? ULATI (37837 1303733111731‘3?‘



The following is the popula»
tion movement up to-and_in£lfiding
Ostober, 1968o






Tstal Pspulatisn 1737
H1.gh Peci ate r Neg 64372
has Register Nso 2 22665
By New S.ehten<:e 129
Parsle Visiat i.on 7
Paro.Le V1.01at 3.01 (KSP)* 2
From KS}?r 7
Returned Essape 0
Court Order 1
Other 1
Einimum Expiratisn us
By Parole 76
Escape 0
Death 2
Court Grier , O
Ccmmu.tei Sentence 0
:ra1 ier to KSP* 26
T1 TAL 1&8

4-7;” “ ‘t’ ... |... . ", : ,.. .. " ° , "
“LS? ~ heutuuhy State Penitentiary

NOTE: 1-7 ;- s r— .iven above are for
the m0hta \ C.:oesr, .1968, and

e correst a: of the Slst of the
nth .



a 3:;




— Carl Farnsley

It seems that apathy and
self-pity are becoming standard
equipment in the modern man.
When the modern man fails to suc—
ceed, he has such a varied choice
of scape goats that he seldom
gives air to the possibility of
accepting the blame himself. The

cause of his failure can never
lay on’ him - 'his parents, his
in—laws, poor equipment, insuf—

ficent time ... yes. Him? Never!

And when this modern man does
fail, what does he do ... try
again? Don't bet on it! Chances
are that he will just quit, leav-
ing that particular project in
that quaint netherland where all
half-finished projects must spend
their eternities.

When you stop to think about
it, that just may be the correct
thing to do, after all, any mod-
ern thinking psychoanalyst will
tell you that failures will cause
inferiority complexes, syndromes,
and the likes thereof —— and whb
needs those, we already have re—
ality to contend with.

Maybe I'm on the wrong path,
but I've been taught that there
are invaluable lessons in living

contained in every failure — both
our own and others. And that
with the proper discretion, a man
can progress with every failure,
if only he examines it for its
lessons. It seems to me that if
people would more closly examine
their failures, rather than seek—
ing a logical—sounding excuse
with which to rationalize them,
there would be a great many more

I was fortunate enough‘
have attended a private high~
school, taught by Brothers of the
Sacred Heart. My home-room
teacher was an unusal combination
of wisdom and youth who was es-
_pecially known for his simple




logic that would “throw“ you off
your guard.

When we were tardy, as we
sometimes were, he would patient—
ly listen as we gave an elabOrate
explanation for our failure to be
on time. When we had finished,
he would say, ”Now I've heard
your excuses, give me your rea—
sons.“ hbre often than not our
stories would seem to loose their
convincing logic that they had
had just moments before at this
point. For looking in retrospect
at the situation, we usually had
to admit that the fault laid with
us, regardless of the surrounding
circumstances. It was a mortify—
ing experience at best, but we
did learn to be objective in our
examinations of our shortmcomings
and mistakes. In short, we were
taught to accept the blame for
those things that we should be
held responsible for, that we
should shoulder the blame rather
than Shirk the responsibility.

as it may be,
are a necessary part of
life. he only way that we can
judge our present successes is
by comparing them with the past


Men must never be afraid of
failure, for ultimately in is the

controlling factor in all suc-
cessful ventures.
Like the scientist in the

laboratory, we must learn to son
cept failureeuSa form of critism.
A marker on the road to eventual

success that is telling us that
we are heading in the wrong di—

When faced with failure, we

must take What lessons there are
to be learned from it and discard
the remainder. Accept the respon-
sibilities of your past failures,
scrutinize them closly, learn the
lessons that are' yours for the
taking and then 'put your new

found knowledge to use...
-* a a


Mike Mills, at the Linotype in the Von
oational Print Shop.

__ Ra Charles

Michael (Mike) Mills will
tell you (if you’re interested)
that he arrived at this instituu
tion with ’an open mindo‘ No
doubt it was the wisest attitude
for Mike to have taken, for he
has made notable advancement
since his arrival at KSR on that
soggy April afternodn in 19660

Having spent two birthdays
here, Mike is now just 22 years
old. But what a difference from
the unskilled 20~year~old who ar-
rived here two and a half years

Mike is now a confident and
reliable Linotype operator in the
KSR Vocational Printing Shop. “I
made up my mind after I was here
for a while that I was going to
leave this institution as quali—
fied as the educational opportun~
ities could make me," said Mike,
during gan interview. It is evi»
dent that he meant every word of
it; for after over a year as a
swamper on the Shipping and Rem
ceiving Dock of the KSR Dining
Room, Mike earned a transfer to
the Print Shop - and dug in to

An inquiry concerning this
determined young man was made of
his shop supervisor, J.S. Silvi—


Lruss who said: ”Mike has a high

aptitude for printing processes.
I am particularly pleased that he
demands of himself both quality
and accuracy in whatever he is
assigned to do" This is a craft
habit that would be invaluable to
him in the futureo Heflll make
a firstmrate production man if he
sticks with itaoo”

Mike says he intends to
”stick with its“ And he makes
his point in the fact that he has
not limited himself to learning
to operate the complex typeset-
ting machine known as ”Linotype"o
At this point, he can produce on
both the automatic and hand-fed
platen presseso Also9 he is
gaining experience as a composi~
tor, a binder, a paper cutter,
and a job estimator°

Tempermentally, Mike is a big
friendly guyo But he has his
Meditative periods when he preu
fers to read or “just think
things cute“ His reading tastes
run to serious nonmfiction books“

Asked about a hobby, Mike
said, ”Well9 I guess you could
say bodywbuilding.uo” The truth
is9 Mike’s bodymbuilding “hobby”
is part of his own selfwimprovem
ment programo He revealed this
by stating: “You’d be doing only
half a job if you improved the
mind without improving the bodyo
Yes9 I want knowledgea But I al~
9n want to be in good physical
condition to be able to do somea
thing with that knowledgeJ”

Mikea who is a graduate of
the Positive Mental Attitude
course offered here9 manages to
cram 215 pounds of muscle into a
siXufoot=onecinch frameo

Born, reared and schooled in
Chicago? Illinois? Mike spent two
years in Korea and Japan as a
UoS° servicemanu

Regarding the fact that he
does not meet the Parole Board
until 1970? Mike shrugged: “Yeah,

{Cont?d on Pg.(21)




C. Farnsley

It seems that every time that
I make a remark about our coming
late, the following copy is Just
that much the later. The conclu-
sion? I won't mention that we
are just aboutibur months late
with this copy,

Before I go on with the regu-
lar column, I would like to bring
a few things to your attention.
For those of you who have enjoyed
reading ”OFF THE BLOTTER" during
the past months, I am sorry to
have to report that the author of
that series is no longer with the
Skytower Staff. He has gone to
'bigger' places. We of the staff
shall surely miss his sarcasma

I would also like to take
this opportunity to thank Mr.
Floyd Edwards for the fine write—
up that he gave the Skytower News
in his column in the Courier~
Journal & Louisville Times°

I imagine that I‘ve been
asked a thousand times "Why is
the paper late? Well, it's .like
this, our order of paper was dew
layed, therefore we had to wait.
It's as simple as that,

Today, one] of the more imu
portant things in everybody's o—
pinion is money. Do you know
when the first paper money was
issued in this country? Would
you believe March, 1862, a scant
106 years ago.

Speaking of money, did you
know that the United States
bought the land that is now Alas-
ka for 2¢ per acre in 1867? And
that the man who advocated the
purchase, the Secretary of State,
William H. Seward, was thought to
be insane when he made the pro-

Another incident that has be~
come commomplace in our fast~
moving world today is teacher's



Well, here’s one for the book:
On May 18, 1872, the City Fathers
of Green Bay, Wisconsin, had to
call off the classes for the day,
The reason? Their only teacher

Can you name the two coun—
tries smallest in Size? In popu~

The smallest country in the
world is San Marinoo The offi—
cial name is La Serenissima Re~
publica di San Merino, The total
area of the tiny country is 24
square miles and her population
is 17,000° San Marinogs capitol
is San Marino, The capitol is
also the largest city with a pop~
ulation of 2,500 soulso

The second smallest country
in the world is Liechtenstein,
The official title of the country
is Furstentum Liechtenstein, The
total area of the country is 62
square miles and the total pop~
ulation is 18,000 personso Orig»
inally, the country was the priv~
ate property of a one Adam von
Liechtenstein. In the year 1719,
the Holy Roman Emperor declared
it a principality, The capitol,
and largest city, has a popula»
tion of 3,9000

The law enforcement agency
in Liechtenstein consists of 17
policemen and one police doga

Conversly, the largest coun-
try in the world is the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics with a
total land area of 8,649,h89
square miles, The UOSOSOR.‘s
official name is Soyuz Sovetskikh
Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik.
The total population is 230,585,
000. The capitol city, Moscow,
has 6,366,000 inhabitants, The
forefather of modernmday Russia
is thought to have been founded
in 862 A.D. well, till next time,

 , the

mm Walt Penick

The Kentucky State Reformam
tory Library was the recent rew
cipient of a Federal Grant totw
alling $5,000 for the updating of
‘fictional and reference secs
tions of the inmate librarya

This Federal Grant was the
result of diligent work by Mro
Billy Ray Howard, Director of The
stitutional Education9 Mr. Grover
Page, Department of Libraries and
Mr. Homer Co Howard9 Supervisor
of Education at the Kentucky
State Reformatoryo The members
of the library staff here at the
institution can not too fully eXw
press their appreciationy as well
as the appreciation of the “yard”
for their unstinting aid in rem
ceiving this granto It is hope”
fully possible that another Fedm
eral Grant will be extended for
this fiscal yearo

An extensive and comprehenw

sive law library was included in
the grant° ' The law library ens
compasses the Kentucky Revised

Statutes, as well as the Corpus
Juris Secundum, civil and crimine
al procedure and Black“s Law Diem
tionarye We are also receiving
the Federal and Southwestern Rem
porters, summaries
cases? as they are publishedo

In the reference section, we
have received numerous volumes on
various subjects and are particuw
larly proud of the TIMEmLIFE ser~
ies of 104 volumes° Other new
reference volumes encompass a
wide range of sUbjects fron pro»
gramming computerS' to applied
psychology or beekeeping; also,
an extensive range of Negro his~

toryo We have also received the
National Geographic Series and
Atlas as well as the National‘

and an inm
on how to use

Geographich Globe
struction booklet

In our fiction section we can
boast of such diversified novels

on recent .


from AIRPORT by Arthur Hailey and
Irving wallacels THE PLOT, to THE
INDIAN by Clair Huffakero


AIRPORT by Arthur Hailey:

Noo l on the best seller list
for umpteen weeks° A well-writ-
ten novel that has a fairly trite
plot but some unusual twists.
well worth the reading.

THE PLOT by Irving Wallace:

On the best seller list for a
long timeo This bookVS plot rea-
ches outg grabs you9 and doesn’t
let goo Better than THE YOUNG

as by Don McGuire
One heck of a farceo Great!
Doth miss ito

am by Clair Huffaker
On the surface a simple tram
gic comedya Underneath, a biting
and truthful attack on prejudice.
well worth readingo


HMS SARACEN by Douglas Reeves:

he est saga of men, seas,
ships of war and battles yet
writtenc FabulcusEE

THE NEW LEGIONS by Donald Duncan

An attack, there is no other
word for it? by a former drifter
through life who is ungrateful
for the stabilizing influence in

his life9 the USO Army° It is
a fairly interesting book once
you overcome your instinctive

dislike of the'authoro

JUBILLEEbe John Brick:

The st:cry of one regiment,
and in particular it's commanding
officer9 during the Civil war.

We are still receiving books
from this grant9 and we will try
to include a book review for your
convenience in upcoming issues of



Kentucky State Reformatory's Lin
brary, which is housed in the main
school building is always busy° Here,
as shown in the photo at the top left
hand side of the page, there is plenty
of room for the man who wants to Sims
ply relax with a good book.

The atmosphere here is that of an
outside library. Quietfil On weekends
and off duty hoursg it is generally

, crowded 'with men who want to do legal
research, read the morning paper, or '
just catch up on the latest magazine,
whether it be Sports or current events.!

The library“s vast assortment of
magazines and newspapers from all over
the state of Kentucky is shown in the
photo on the left° The magazine rack
is stocked with magazines to suit al~
most any taste. Life.9 Look, Post,
Sports Illustrated, and many more to
numerous to mention.

To the staff at the Library, the
Skytower News says thanks and even
though the inmates don’t show it some~
times, your work is appreciated.



{has Simwewaa News Q o o '





Please make Payment T 0 Name ................................. ....... . .................................
Kentucky State Reformatory Canteen Address ........................... .....................................
Box 188 LaGrange, Kentucky City & State ........................................................................


Please Print


 From . The CHAPEL

~wChaplain Russell Davis

Our attitudes reflect our
feelings and our moods. ‘We speak
of ”good” and ”bad” moods9 and of
sad, happy, angryL suspicious and
lonely feelings. These feelings
and moods Show up in the attitude
we take “toward ourselvesL other
people and the world around us.
But attitudes are not the same as
feelings. Feelings are the way
we feel inside9 attitudes are the
way we show ourselves to others.
Sometimes? for 'exampleL we ma.y
feel sad inside» but may show an
attitude of happiness.

Our attitude toward ourselves
toward others and toward God can
be both helpful and harmfulo
Some harmful attitudes are:
(1) always looking on the dark
side of things; {2) not being
able to trust anyone; (3) feeling
the world owes us a living; (A)
being overly concerned with other
peoples problems. When we always
take the dim View2 we ignore the
part of life which is good and we
get' depressed. Often we blame
ourselves for everything even
when we are not at fault. The
person who has never learned to
trust, depriveS' himself of the
beauty of life? human love and
companionship. ‘Without others
our lives are empty and meaningm
less. To feel the world owes us
a living is to stunt personal