xt7qv97zps5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zps5k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1945 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.1, October-November, 1945 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.17 n.1, October-November, 1945 1945 1945 2020 true xt7qv97zps5k section xt7qv97zps5k  




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_ VOL‘ xvu

October»November, 1945













The Kentucky
State College

1386 Frankfurt. Kentucky 1545

Co-educaiional Class A College

Degrees offered in
Arts and Sciences
Home Economics —— Agriculture
Business Adminisirafion


Winter aunt-z Begins Spring Quarter Begin:
January 5. 1946 March 20, 1946





 l'his page in the original text is blank.

 l'his page in the original text is blank.

 The K. N E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Vol. XVJI October-(November, 1945 No. l




Published by the Kentucky Negro Education Association
Editorial Oflice at 2230 West Chestnut Street
Louisville 11, Kentucky

W H. Perry, .112, Executive Secretary, Louisville, Managing Editor
Mrs. Lucy Earth Smith, Lexington, Pxesident of K.N.vE.-Ai

A. F. Gibson, Pineville Victor K. Perry, Inuisvi‘lle
Mrs. Mayme 5. Morris, Louisville Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
Pulblished bimonthly during the school year
October, December, February and April

Membership in the Kl N. E A. includes subscription to the Journal.
Rates of advertising mailed on request.



K. N. E At Officers“
Editorial Comment .
State College Host to Principals
Salary Equalization . . . . . . . . . i
Service to POSt- War Education, L. H.5m1th.
West Kentucky Marches on, H. C. Russell”

The Late Wt S. Blanton ........ . l . .
Kentucky State College Notes
Program for Veterans l .l
Lincoln Institute Notes ..
Louisville Municipal Notes ............
Guide to Action for American Teachers
Legislative Programs ............... .

Government Provisions for Education of Veterans
American Teacher Association News ............
Commission on Negro Affairs Completes Study.
Directors Back Atwood Bill“ .
Rites Held for John W. Bate.
Honor Roll .




Lucy Harth Smith, President ..........




Robert L. Dowery, First Vice-President .Fx‘anklin

T. J Long Second Vice-President. .LDuisville

W. H Perry, Jr, Secretary-Treasurer, .Louisville

Lucy Harth Smith President Legdnmn

A. F, Gibson
Mayme R. Mo .
Victor K. Perry , .Luuisviue
Whitney «Mr Young mcoln Ridge


Edward T. Buford, High School and College Dept. Bowling Green
May'me R. vMorris, Elementary Education Dept. ,inLouisville
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Dept. Hopkinsville
R L. Carpenter, Music Department Louisville
E W, Browne, Vocational Education Dep “Pariucah
W, O. Nuckalls, Principals’ Conference” ,Providence
Beatrice C. Willis. Primary Teachers' Dep .lLouisville
Anorma Beard, Youth Council ........... .Louisvillc
Ouida Wilson Evans, Art Teachers’ Conference. .Louisville
G. W. Jackson, Social Science Teachers' Conference .Louisville
Gertrude Sledd, Science Teachers’ Conference
Jewell R, Jackson, English Teachers’ ‘Conferen
C. Elizabeth Mundy, Librarians Conference”
W L Kean, Physical Education Department Louisville
W. H Craig, Guidance Workers Conference . yCovington
A. J Richards, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference. .Frankfort
William D Johnson, Adult Education Department ..... Louisville


trust District Association
Second District Association
.Third District Association




l—Bettie C. Cox, Pad’ucah ......
Z—Herbert Kirkwuod, Henderson.
3—1}. B. McClaskey, Russellville
tit—Russell Stone, Bloomfield Fourth District Association
5—'Mayme R Morris, Louisville. , .Fifth District Association
E‘r—‘WhitneyM. Young, Lincoln Ridge Blue Grass District Association
7#H. R. Merry Covington .‘Northern District Association
B—E. M. Kelly, Jenkins. . .Eastem District Associatiml
9—3. A. Matthews, Benham pper Cumberland District Assn.


14E. T. Buford: High School and College Department. Principals
Conference, Librarians’ Conference Adult Education Department
Art Teachers’ Conference (Section l): Music Department, (Section




2—«Beatrice C Willis: Elementary Education Department Primary
Teachers’ Conference, Art Teachers Conference (Section 2), MUSIC
Department cSection 2)

3—«G, W. Jachon: Social Science Teachers‘ Conference, Science
Teachers’ Conference, English Teachers’ Conference, Foreign
Language Teachers‘ Conference, Physical Education Department-

4——«W H. Craig: Guidance Workers Conference Youth Council, Voca‘
tional Education Department, Rural School Department



Editorial Comment



There are encouraging signs that Kentucky is going to improve
its rank among the states of the nation. The Committee for Kentucky,
organized by citizens, and with adequate financial resources for ex»
tensive research, the PostJWal- Planning Commission and the Com—
mission on Negro Allah's—the two latter appointed by Governor
Willis, and composed of interested groups who have done a careful
job with no financial support—have reached the final stages of their
studies, and programs of action are in. order.

Their findings show that Kentuliky has fallen from its high place
in comparison with other states to a va'y low rank industrially, eco~
nominally, educationally and in many other fundamental ways, Pages
of statistics Show the relatively poor status of our state ‘on numerous
items studied. But the picture is not all load. lln some instances, coma
munities in Kentucky rank higher than the national average on the
item considered, Of major importance is the fact that we have be-
come aware of our problems. That is requisite to their solution

The KNEJL views the special phases of education with which
it deals as a part of the general educational program of the state,
The basic factors aflecting the education of the colored population
are so closely related to those which control the progress 'of our state
as a whole that to remedy one is to favorably afl’ect the others Low
expenditure for public education, a high degree of illiteracy through-
out the state, numerous sparsely settled sections which make high
schools inaccessible to thousands of boys and girls are among the con-
ditions which present major difficulties to general education. A de-
creasing Negro population, limited vocational and agricultural op-
Portunities, and the expense inherent in a dual system of education
Present special problems for Negro educators,

Kentuckians are hopeful that through the enlightenment result-
ing from the findings of study groups, the local and legislative actions
necessary for advancement will occur speedily.


The “post-war period" is here. During the years of war much
oratory addressed itself to post-war planning; some serious thinking
Projected itself to that period. Peace came suddenly, With its many
chalkinges, and with the neoessity for adjustments in many areas of
life. Education, along with other innitutions geared to a war time
economy, found itself depended on to keep pace with, and even to
anticipate, the reasonable demands likely to be made upon it.

Kentucky teachers, attempting to meet changing needs of their


 particular communities, luok forward again to the resumption of their
annual spring conventions, to gain inspiration, and to exchange ideas
and experiences for attacking common problems. The 1946 annual
convention should afford an excellent opportunity for groups and de-
partments to plan programs calculated to aid youth in becoming a
constructive factor in the post war world.



Principals and visixars at Principals Insmuie, Kentucky sme
College, Augusr 27.25, fl545

An institute of the principals in Negro high schools of t-he state,
made possible through the combined efforts of the State Department
of Education, The Southern Education Foundation, and Kentucky
State College, was held on the campus of the college August 27.29,
1945. The theme, “Improvement of the Community through the
School" guided the general and group discussions of the sixty—four
principals and visitors in attendance.

Speakers on the opening program, presided over by President R
B. Atwhad, were Messrs. H. Fred Willkie and W. P. Offiutt, of the
Governor’s Post-War Planning Commission; J. M. Tydings and w. H-
Perry, Jr., of the Governor’s Commission on Negro Affairs; Frank L.
Stanley, of the Cammittee for Kentucky. The general discussion was
led by Mr. Sam 5. Taylor, of the State Department of Education.

Mt, Whitney M. Young, assistant supervisor uf Negro education,


 presided over the second general session, at which the programs or
vocational education and of vocational rehabilitation were presented
by Messrs. T. 0. Hall, Director of Veterans Administration, Ralph H.
Woods, Chief, Bureau of Vocational Education, and Hickman W.
Baldree, Director, Division Vocational Rehabilitation. President H. C.
Russell. W. K. V. T. s., conducted the general- discussion.

Dr. Carl G. Franzen, Professor of Education, Indiana University,
lectured and led discussion groups on problems cemented with the
improvement of instruction. Consideration of practical problems
claimed the attention of the group for two days, and developed sug-
gestions for constructive supervisory programs.

Dr. J. ‘D. Falls, Chief, Bureau of Finance, State Department of
Education, was the principal speaker at a dinner meeting, held in
Underwood Refectory. 1n the conference, he outlined efiorts being
made to establish equality of salaries paid teachers of similar prep~
nation and experience, regardless of race, and of high
school or elementary level. He ventured. the prediction that within
a year all salaries within the state would be equalized, and that
factors essential to its accomplishment are (a) more funds and (11)
better local administrative policies.

The spirit of the institute is reflected in the following statement
of appreciation, unanimously adopted:

“We are happy to express our appreciation and thanks to those
who conceived the idea of bringing into existence the Principals In
stitute. Especially do we express our deep gratitude to R. B. Atwood,
and the very able and etficient Institute Committee, composed of J.
T. Williams, Chairman, '1‘. R. Dailey, Whitney Young, Sam Taylor, and
R. E. Jaggers. All evidence indicates that this committee carefully
and minutely planned and organized the program through which
was assembled a staff of experts and consultants of the highest cali-
bre. The contributions of the entire personnel to the Institute will
always be highly treasured by all of the members of the Institute,

“Indeed are we thankful for the affable way in which the facili~
ties of the college have been made available for our physical comfort;
our modem and well kept rooms; the gracious and courteous manner
in which the dietitian and her assistants spared no pains in doing
their best to appease our appetites at each meal; the motorcade to
the college farm Where we participated most extravaganfly in an old-
fashioned barbecue; and the distribution of the Courier-Journal to our
rooms each morning which gave us an opportunity to read our choice
sections of the current news before breakfast.”

Committee Work

At the beginning of the conference, the Institute delegation pro-
vided for a committee of five members to be termed “The Findings
Committee.” Throughout the proceedings of the Institute, this com-
mittee was continuously at work endeavoring to shape a plan of
action destined toward the improvement of each of the schools rep-
resented. At one time or another, nearly every member of the In-
stitute actively worked with this committee.


 The members of the committee wer H R. Merry, Chairman
Principal Lincoln Grant School, Covington; E T. Buford, Principal
State Street School, Bowling Green; W L Sheba, Principal Lynch
Colored School, Lynch; wt 0. Nuckolls, Principal Rosenwald School,
Providence; and E. W. Whiteside, Principal Lincoln School, Paducah.
Semetarial services of the committee were contributed by: Kathelene
Carroll, Lincoln Institute, Lincoln Ridge; and Alice Samuels, Mayo.
Underwood School, Frankfort, Kentucky

The following report was submitted and adopted by the Institute:
The report of the Institute Committee on Findings recommends



LIBcginning with the school year 1945-46 each principal war-king
in cooperation with his faculty, community, superintendent, and
Board of Education begin a study of the educational needs of his
community The method of investigation to determine the educational
needs should be delegated to the principal and his staff and organiza-

2. When the needs begin to emerge, a careful analysis of every
activity and course of the school should be made in order to deter»
mine What contribution is made towards meeting the né'éds of the
community When specific needs are known, a philosophy of the
school should be established. This philosophy should provide for a
continuous study of the curriculum including (a) the course of study,
(b) activities of the school, and (c) the activities of the community
with its various agencies.

3. A meeting of the Principals’ Institute he held at Kentucky State
College annually for the purpose at evaluating and considering the
results of each school improvement progam.

4. Each principal and his staff encourage and cooperate with the
Governor‘s Commission on Post War Planning, The Commission on
Negro Affairs, and The Committee for Kentucky in the dissemination
Dfl information.

5. The organization of local interracial groups for the study of
the school needs and for the purpose of enlightening public opinion
in racial understanding be begun immediately.

6‘ Consideration be given to the establishment and offering of
courses in Race Relations in each of the white teacher»training in<
stitutions and the University of Kentucky.

7. That well constructedprog‘rams be formulated to assist the
veteran and the handicapped in their attempts to make adequate ad»
justment in the community.

Bi That salary differentials be eliminated. Recognition is given to
the advancement made by the State Department of Education to-
wards eliminating salary differentials as affects Negro teachers of
the state; however, such differentials should be removed immedi'
ately and the State Board of Education is the body to remove such

9‘ The importance of school lunches and the health program be


 given high consideration in the school study and improvement pra—
g From the inspiration and information received during our stay
here, the best in us has ‘been challenged to the extent that we have
determined to return to our various communities with renewed ef»
fort and vigor to carry on the fight unceasingly against ignorance
and everything which tends to impede the progress of the general
educational program in our various communities.
Respectfully submitted,
By: H. R. Merry
E. T. Buford
N. L. Shobe
W. 0. Nuckolls
Kathelene Carroll
Alice Samuels



The following letter gives information on the question of salary

equalization of teachers within the state.
July 23, 1945

To the Directors and

Presidents of District Associations

Kentucky Negro Education Association

Dear CmWorkers:

.At the meeting of the Board of Directors of the K. N. E. A. on

May 25, discussion relative to the equalization of teachers’ salaries

» centered on the belief that equalization is more an administrative
matter than a legislative one, and that the State Department of Edu-
cation should be asked to not approve salary schedules from county or
independent units which contained differentials based on race.

A letter making this request was sent by the K. N. E. A. secre-
tary to Dr. J. D. Falls, Chief of the Bureau of Finance, who, talong
with Mr. John Fred Williams, Superintendent of Public Instruction,
suggested a conference’on the question. The conference was set for
Thursday, July 12; each District President received an invitation to
attend if convenient.

It was attended by the K. N. E. A. secretary and President R B.
Atwood, of Kentucky State College, Dr. Falls, and Superintendent
Williams, in the office of the latter. (KNEA President Lucy Earth
Smith was out of the state at that time.) The following facts de-

1. The State Department is making progress in its policy of equal-
izing the salaries of teachers of the state.

2. The State Department is seeking to remove not only difler—
entials due to race, but those between elementary and secondary
teachers of similar preparation and experience; it frequently returns
Schedules for removal of inequalities.


 3. At present all but one of the one hundred twenty counties, and
forty-two of the sixty-eight independent districts show no racial
differentials in their salary schedules. This group is gradually in.
creasing in number.

4. Some school units pay higher salaries to their white teachers
on the assumption that they render a higher "quality of service," The
law bases salary on preparation (semester hours), experience (in
years), and quality of service. The State Department is seeking to
limit the items which may affect "quality of service." (There may be
a possibility here for judicial or legislative interpretation)

5. It is possible that, in some instances the salary actually paid a
given teacher is less than that shown for the teacher on! the salary
schedule. State inspectors (there are never more than two) do not
discover such a situation until six months or longer after the oc-
currence, However, the files of the State Department are open to in.
spection, and any teacher may determine at any time his salary as
shown by the schedule.

The Director of theI Division of School Finance, Dr. Falls, accept-
ed an invitation to present the activities of his department to the
principals of the state in their August meeting at Kentucky State

College. .
The State Department of Education devoted the May, 1945, issue

of the EDUCATIONAL mm (V01. XIII, No. 3) to tables and
comment relative to the ‘iFinancial Support, Financial Ability, and
Inequalities Existing in Various School Systems in Kentucky”

The foregoing facts indicate that the State Department of Edn-
cation, through its administrative practices, in making progress in
securing conformity to the law governing equal salaries for teachers
of similar preparation and experience, and is trying to limit the
“quality of service” factor. But certainly that equality does not
exist in one county and in twenty six independent district/s, and the
probability that inequalities are practiced in others, are still matters
of concern to the K. N. E. A.

The facts outlined above indicate further action by the State 176'
partment may be expected where specific, factual evidences of in-
equalities, due to racial discrimination fire presented. They suggest
also, that further conferences of K. N. E. A. and State Department
officials, Without such evidence are of limited value
‘ It may be practical to suggest that District Associations make
careful studies of situations in which discrimination based on race is
thought to exist (within the respective districts), that the amounts at
the salaries actually paid teachers be com-pared with the salaries of
these teachers as shown on the salary schedules, and any inequalities
specified, that the local possibilities and attitudes be carefully studied-
The K. N. E. A. can then present these data to the State Department
and seek its cooperation in bringing about equalization.

Respectfully submitted,
William H. Ferry, Jr, Secretary

NOTE: Since the date of the above communication, salaries in SiX
additional cities have been equalized.


LEW Hafih Smith. President. K. N. E. A.

Now that World War H has ceased a large responsibility for post-
war education rests upon us as teachers of youth.

Some of our Chief duties will be that of keeping well informed
about the G. 1, Bill of Rights and the distribution of surplus goverm
ment property.

We should encourage our returned soldiers to take advantage of
the educational opportunities offered theml Their army training has
enabled many to discover hidden talents, which were used to help win
the war. Soldiers should be advised to further develop these talents
and apply the same toward a larger service for themselves and

The Surplus Property Board will soon begin to distribute materials
from the nations surplus stockpile This surplus stock includes almost
everything known to the mind and many materials unknown to most
of us

Robert A Hurley, a member of the Surplus Property Board, said
that the plan was to distribute, virtually cost free much of the ma-
terials and equipment left over from the \vari Everything from com»
plete hospitals to the latest athletic equipment will be available to
counties, schools, charities and other non-profit institutions, that can

1. That they could not afford to buy such equipment through
normal trade channels.

2. That. they will provide necessary building and staff to use the
materials correctly.

Surplus property for schools include food for lunches, visual aid,
audio aids in abundance. The Army and Navy have hundreds of mo-
tlon picture projectors with sound equipment. millions of feet of
educational film which will be distributed to schools on basis of need.

\All surplus electronic equipment, broadcasting stations, radio re-
ceivers, walkie {nudes—enough to put a radio in every classroom in
the nation will be available to the schools.

Other educational supplies include athletic and physical education
equipment, libraries, surplus hand tools, machine tools and materials
to teach industrial crafts

Sixty million dollars worth of laboratory and research equipment,
scientific instruments Will be made available to schools, colleges and
nonprofit research institutions.

Teachers should list their classroom needs and request these needs
from the nations surplus stockpile through their Boards of Education.

There is much that teachers can do immediately, however, to as—
sist this program. First study sections 13 of PL. 457, 78th Congress

Elfords are being made to amend Section 13 of PL, 457 in such 8
Way as to kill the benefits authorized for education and public health.

Section 13 of the act reads:

 (a) Public education is accorded priority rights to surplus gov.
ernment property appropriate for educational use, after federal agen.
ties have exercised a first priority with respect to them.

(11) Both public and non-profit education are eligible for special
price marks downs under the law. The extent of price concessions
to'education upon the public benefits flowing from the use of surplus
materials by education. If such benefits are believed to be high,
the price concessions will be considerable, in some instances resulting
in nothing more than a nominal charge to be met by the sol-moi

(c) The law authorizes schools to meet their legitimate needs from
the surplus stockpile and states that the Surplus Property Board
“shall determine on the basis of need What transfers shall he made”

if you agree that the benefits guaranteed to education under sec-
tion 13 P. L. 457, 78th Congress should he continued, then you as
teachers should write individual letters to your United States Sena-
tors and to your Congressmen, now, and you should persuade 0 her
persons to Write letters to them, expressing:

(a) your appreciation for the action of the 713th CODEI‘ESS in en-
acting P14, 457 with sections 13 as stated in the Act.

(b) you hope that section 13 will stand as it is, and

(c) your urgent desire that Surplus Property Administration give
effect to section 1‘3 at the earliest possible time,

Since there are organizations incorporated with the express pur-
pose of impeding the progess of the Negro, it is your duty as educa-
tors to double your efforts to bring out the best in your students that
they might be able to endoy the ‘Tour Freedoms" and take their
places in the sun.


wssr KENTUCKY manor-res on
H. c. Russell

The healthy growth and sound development of the West Kentuc-
ky Vocational Training School at Padth is a concrete demonstra-
tion of the increasing interest of the people in vocational education.
For twenty years following the enactment of the Smith-Hughes Vov
cational Educational Act of 19”, there was but little done in trade
and in industrial education among the Negro schools of the State
Just why this inactivity is another issue. Although a few schools
notably Central High School at Louisville, John G. Fee School at
Maysville and Lincoln Institute, consistently operated some trade and
indusuial projects, the people were not amkened to the importance
of such work until the various work projects of the Federal Govern-
ment demonstrated the method and value of this training for New
youth and adults. Incidentally, the West Kentucky Vocational
Training School was opened just at the time the government train-
ing programs were in full operation, and for the next four years, it?


 student body and much of its support were furnished by various
federal training agencies

West Kentucky was not put on its own resounces for student
recruitment until the beginning of the fifth year of its operation,
1942, With its federal constituency withdrawn, and facing a public
which was yet to be educated in the aims, methods and possibilities
of vocational education for the Negro youth of the State, the school
found itself in a very difficult situation. This was reflected in the at-
tendence which, by the close of the session in June, 1943, had dwin-
dled to 55 students. Now fully Eunvinced that the administration must
put forth herculean efforts if the school was to fulfill its mission, the
President conducted a promotion campaign that reached into every
nook and corner of the State. By June, 1944, the enrollment had
doubled, and in the next year it had more than doubled again, with
the result that 260 students were enrolled in day and night classes
in the school year 1944—45.

At the beginning of the present session, September 1945, the dor-
mitories of the school are practically filled with boarding students for
the first time in its history. Very few rooms except a group that is
being reserved for returned soldiers are without tenants. Kentucky
has at last “come through,” and demonstrated in no uncertain terms
that sound and practical education of the vocational type is an ac-
cepted part of the educational program for the State‘s Negro citizens.




Paducnh. Kemucky
Gradual»: are fast entering the indusirial and business life of

the State.

Harvey C. Russell, President



William Spencer Blanton, born of humble parentage in Wood-
ford cunnty, the eldest of eight children, became a strong factor in
educational, religious, fraternal and civic life of Kentucky. Appointed
to teach in the SChDDIS of Woodford county, he attended Kentuclq
State Normal between sessions, and graduated in 1908. Later he
graduated from Simmons University and the University of Cincin-
nati, and had almost qualified for the Master’s Degree at the Univer-
si-ty of Cincinnati at the time at his passing.

His career as an educator was developed in the public schools of
Henderson, Columbus, Shelbyville, Newport and Frankfort. In Shel-
hyvillei he directed a campaign which resulted in a new schoal build-
ing for that city, and in Newport secured funds for the establishment
of a model playground. The Mayo-Underwood High School, of Frank-
fort, is a mnnumen-t to a cooperative enterprise which he directedi
and whichi resulted in its construction. The school has served as the
center for the city‘s first athletic program in many years, its first
hand, and an active patent-teacher association.

Prof. Blanton served for two years as president of the K. N. E. A-
He was an ordained minister of the Baptist church, a Veteran of the
Spanishquerican War, and active in fraternal organizations. At the
time of his passing, he was an instructor at the Oliver Sheet High
School at Winchester. He is survived by his Wife, Mrs, Etta R. Blan-
ton, who is alsuv a highly respected teacher of the state.



Kentucky State College opened this year with a large enrollment,
and all available space in boys and girls dormitories filled.

Previous to the registration date, more than fifty athletes had
begun football practice, and were drilling twice daily under the tu-
totship of Head Coach Bill Willis.

Five faculty members used the summer period to prepare them-
selves further for the Work which they will he called upon to do. Mrs.
Dora Ferrell studied toward her Mastefs Degree in Physical Educa-
tion at Ohio State University; Mrs. Blanche A. Hamilton toward her
Master‘s Degfee in Home Economics at Iowa State College; Mrs.
Helen E. Holmes studied toward her Doctorate in a special English
Workshop under Dr. Lou LaBrant at Columbia University; Miss Tom-
mie Lee Pradd, Dean of Women, toward her Doctorate in Student Per—
sonnel at Columbia University; and Mrs. Clarice J. Michaels earned
her Master’s Degree in Public School Music at Northwestern Univer<

Five other faculty members have been granted sabbatical leaves
for study during the school year. Mr. M. P. Carmichael will work
toward his Doctorate in Sociology at Columbia University; Mr. W. Wl
Jones toward his Doctorate in Mathematics and Physics at Cornell
University; Mr: A. J. Richards toward his Doctorate in Romance
Languages at State University of Iowa; Mr. Harold S. Smith toward
his Doctorate in History and Government at the University of Wis-
consin; and Mn A, Wl Wright toward his Doctorate in Sociology a-t
University of Wisconsin. Mrs. Katie H. Brown has been granted sick
leave for one quarter from her duties at the Elementary Training

Faculty additions and replacements consist of the following:
Miss Alma Louise Allen, B. 5. (Business), University of Colorado,
last employed by the Federal Government at Washington, D C., be-
comes secretary to the President, succeeding Mrs, Pauline W. Gould;
Alfred Allen, B. 5,, Kentucky State College, comes from construction
employment at Covington, to Storeroom Keeper and Assistant Coach
of Football; Drl T, B. Biggerstaff comes to the college to be part—
time Dentist; Joseph Fletcher, B, S.,_Hampton, M. A, Cornell, one
year toward Doctorate, Columbia, comes from Principalship at
Richmond High School, to be Assistant Professor of English, succeed-
ing Mrs B, S. Moore; Mrsl Pauline Wl Gould, A. 3., Arkansas State
College, M, A., Tennessee State College, formerly secretary to‘ the
President, becomes instructor at the Elementary Training School, sub-
stituting one quarter for Mrs Katie H. Brown; Theodore Gould, B. 5.
(Civil Engineering), University of Pennsylvania, M. A., (Physics),
Boston University, Diploma in Electrical Wiring, Wentworth Uni-
versity, comes from West Virginia State College to be Associate Pro—
fessor and Head of Department in General Engineering; Miss Fleiora
V. Hall, A. 13., Benedict College, graduate study at Howard Univer-
sity, cnmes from the job as Matron at the Friendship Junior College


 to be Director of Chandler Hall, succeeding Mrs. Gretchen Bradley
Payne; Mrs. Emmy Vi Hunt, B. S, Hampton Institute, M. A, co.
lumbia University, comes from Bethune-Cookznan College, to he
instructor of Clothing and related Wor