xt7qv97zps0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zps0n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-04-04 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 04, 2007 2007 2007-04-04 2020 true xt7qv97zps0n section xt7qv97zps0n MURPERBALLER COMES TO CAMPUS that ‘i
Mark Zupan of the MTV documentary brings his story to the

Student Center tonight.

\\’\'\'\v\',|\\ lsliRNl'l ‘(‘( )M

Rain delay prompts columnist to think
outside of the (batter'sl box

»\I’Rll 4, goo“




(‘lltBRAlINC’ lo WARS ()l l\'l )l H \‘lll \(‘l


40 percent of Kentucky grads lose KEES money

By Jill Laster

wastertikike'nozr J"

:\lmost Jll pei'eent ol Keiittitk} tollege ll'L'sll'
men lroni the ZUHJ elass lost their Ketiluek) l2dri
eritional l:\eelleiiee Seliolarship mone) alter their
lirst )eat' at eollege lieeause their (il’.-\ tell helm»
the irraiidator) nirnriiiiini ot I 5

The Kentuek} graduating elass ot IIKIJ had .in
;l\Cl'Llj.'C 225 L’llllltllttlflk‘ (il’.\ alter their lirst se—
mester in tollege .ittotdriig to a report released
Honda} l\_\ the ('oiineil on l‘ostsetoiidai) l2duea

The High Stliool l-eedliatk Report uses data



unsure of
job security

By Katie Saltz

lim‘. 1 eI‘,

l‘.iiiplo_\ees ‘1'. lllL‘ l K lliitiksl=\l‘e .llt‘ lX‘Uitl‘i
iiig riieieasriigl) normed aliout the iipeoiiirng
management eliange and the stahrlit} ol their
iohs. said general manager (‘hi'is l.a\\.ieiiee

"lt's sale to sat an_\oiie eniplioetl at this lo
eation ol their lutui‘e,” l,.i\\ienee
said "Strident workers kill‘. easrlt he ieliiied. hut
the trill tinie eriiploxees hau.~ , ioie ioirterii ”

Keiinedt Bookstore has iiraiiaged l'K Book
store tor the past ll\ e \L'ill\ Kenneth llookstoie
learned \loiida\ that l R is looking tor .iiiotliei

lirisiiiess to manage the store

l\ Llllt L‘llillll

l K l‘lllkl.ll\ “k'lk‘ liiil il\ellltll\lk‘ hk'\lk‘lkltll. lit
\tilllllle‘lll on \xhx the Hill

\ei'sit} is looking tor a

“it's safe to say
anyone employed
at this iottation :s
uncertain of their

future H

tliange in management
(Iiiol llehi. o\\iiei ot
l\'eniied\ llooksloi'e put
i'l .i jittititistil ll‘ lake «‘w"
the l astei‘it Keiitutk}
l ti:\etsit} hookstoie he
l l\“\ \l'\\l\ll'll lii tll\\llll
the triii'eiit
llariies & \'ohle tiii‘renth
til‘e‘talLW l'Kl .\ \ltil'L'
"\\e heard that l kl
with the
'\ e rite alua} \

tore she almut

trriiie lease


Hasn't liapit
eurrent iiianagenieni' lash: sari!
looking lot more lma'ioiis'

\eettiiiziig the l Kl store would help ensure
that employees Iiom the lls' lltirilxsliil.‘ .iiid
Kenneth llookstoie rould keep their rolis. llelii

”ll \\\‘ fit" llla‘ l l‘\l
man} einploxrxes as l

l '.'\t)llltl hk'k’l‘
use them in
liii \\illriig to

tan .iiid
man) plates .is | tan,” llelii said
hriiig .lll_\l‘iitl\ oiei



lhe same situation ottrrrrt-l at the hookstoie
at Bluegrass ('oriinirinih .iiid lkklllllkrll ('ollege
then le\iirgton ('oiiiiiiiiiim tolive llarnes .\
\ril‘ilt‘ liiiik \Ulllli‘l Kenneth
llookstoie iii :tllH

Kenned} Bookstore siipp.\ iiiaiiagei \aiali
\ndroetta “as an assistant liltlllitL‘k‘l at the lit '|(

tiom then oonet

~ Bookstore : :i- 4

UK fills

By Juliann Vachon
or " i‘tikykri'Wi‘ ' "i‘

»\ ne\\ l K position has lteen tilled that \\lll
rippl} the rinr\eisri\ s llllk‘llelllrll and human re
sourees to rmpim e Ines .ltl'th ilre \tilllllllill
wealth. said l’rotosi l\uml‘le Suhhasoaim

"\\e \Ullltl iealh eliiinge the \\a\ Kentiirk\
is \Ie\\ed on a national le\el." said I isa llig
grits lloid. loiiiiei e\eeiiti\e direetor tor the ()l
lite ol ('ommiiirm Relations

\lll‘l‘.ls\\.iili\ .iiinoiiiited Higgins lloid as
assistant \1\ e president lot (‘oiiiiriiiiiih l'ngage
ment )t'steirl.i}

'l he rte“ position is siilireet to .ippiosal liom
l'K's lliial‘tl til l!ll\'t‘es

Higgins llord “Ill \\I\ll\ \\|lll the lllliee ol
l'nixersit) l‘lltldg‘t‘lllt‘lll lll treating .iiid inipr'm

l‘i‘om all Kk'lllllk k} puhhe and pri\ate high sehools
to report ho\\ graduating elasses perloi‘m their lii‘st
_\e.tr .tt tollege

"I taught at l'ls' tor .‘tl )ears,” said Jim .-\pple
titties \rec president lor .ieademie .ill.tii's tor the
(‘l’l:. "lo me. 13.35) is riot ri \er_\ high number."

KHLS inone} prmides Kenttiek} high school
graduates \\ itli up to $2.500 per )ear it the} attend
an in state college or teehnieal sehoolv The
amount ol lllUllC} a student gets is based on :\("I‘
seoi‘es .iiid high sehool grades

One problem is the seholarship ma} eneourage
students to take easier elasses in high sehool to
hoost their (il’.\. .\pp.leg;1te studs




‘lhere's .in rneeiitne ‘.ll KlaltS to take easier
courses in high seliool to get that Kl'lt.‘ iiione) '
Applegale said ".\l.r\l\e it \Hillltl hen e been better
to take tough eollege prep touises and make
slightl} less nione) r'lliking east eoursesi is not a
good long—term sti'riteg) "

Freshmen adxising and lurther analisis are
important l.lLlUl\ iii iiiipi‘mriig ti'eslriiien's (il'\.
.-\pplegate said

”I tliriik ad\ising is ke_\." .'\ppleg.rte said. "It‘s
proliahl} a eoiiil‘inatron ot students \xho ha\ e iot
taken the right eourses in high sehool .\nothet
laelor eould he that \\ e need to look at that tiist
_\e.tr in tollege and \\ hat the} re getting "

\tudents are eligihlt to reteite up to eight se
iiiesteis ol lsl'l‘S moxie) \Klllllll ti\ e \eais lollou
ing their high sthool graduation llo\\e\ei. it their
(il'\ l.1ll\ helou _‘ ‘ during their lirst )eai stii
dents ‘\\lll lose their moire) lot the eiitite atadeiii
lL \eai

Students ean earn Kl-l‘N mono l‘.t\l\ it their
(il‘\ elrml‘s hat k met I *i hut the} must keep a
(ll"\ ol o\ei Itl alter their tieshriiaii _\eai to re
eei\e lull liiiiding

"lust 'tieeause they lose it one e doesn't mean

the} eaii': get ll liatk.“ said lland l‘iater, assistant

N» KEES -4




Protesters call for hi

By Alice Haymond


. r

‘- _....,xu" ,.

llolding signs and thanting angles. dl‘Htll 3H peo'ile

da} on Rose Street tor higher .aipeniei “age

iieeessaiil} allett the protesteis themseh es

\ lot ot people \\e hire to
lioii‘ieless shelters "
aria Keiilirrk\ Regional t'oiint'l
\toik. \Ke'll giie them a tliant '

of ( aipeiiiris

said l)aii llosk ‘liz' senior l_'§‘lL‘s:"llilll\

" v .. -.

her carpenter wages


l iiiiiti'sle’tl itert'l

\ .t tttirse' lllJl \lltlll:

:‘rotesti tome Horn isha‘os oi iioni

; .it the lntli

\ll‘\!‘(\\.‘» \Kl‘iii ‘.\.lllls lti

lhe tai'peiiteis llll‘it‘li pros people \\ an hour to ileiiioiistiate lion

lll a m to 3 pm on heliall ot tai‘peitteis l'lie iinioii has l l protest

trons Ill lxentutk} and more in Indiana
targeting (ii‘axhauk l l( _
tlie tai‘penteis' union

a pt 5\ ate

lllt‘ l‘li|l\'\l'\‘l\ etillL‘il lit} l‘t‘l’t'l J ilg'eW iil'itl

\lan} \\oikeis appioat h
llogle said uhieli is him 'he
iiig area standard “ages and lienelits
gi\eii lotation

”ll up don't stand 'ip for maipeiiteis

\oti'ie not going to get iitli h}

l liese partn tilai

‘lle tilll‘tltlL‘l‘ iiiiroii orth origt
union know s \\lieii ton'iattois

the rate lot

iiea standard \\ agt s


pieketeis are

l‘ll'lthll‘l that does not l‘itlllx rpate iii

lieiiefzts for taipenteis lli

.tie lllil t‘ii\
l llrlllltlllttl' trade in .r

‘.\ llii trip


\itll ll l:


hut .ite

mone\ to take the lairiirj. out to a ii1o\ie or go to l’r//a lltt' ”

\‘tate goninnient deieriiiines the pi‘eiaiitng three 1‘

ii t‘ii‘tiri workers

hased on stti‘\.e_\s eonrpleted h} tontrattor's on ho“ llllltl‘i thm pa\ their

\\oi‘ket's l‘lt‘“ e\er~

\tlllll'dk lill'\ illrfi lllll l'k'tlllllt‘t

l to r oriit‘lete these stir

\e‘)s. so the standard area “ages .iiid henelits are no' netessair'o aetti


’l’ii\ale tontrattors ate reall\

about their “ages "

don‘t \kaiit to grxe iiitormalron her .iiise tlre\ doii't \tant to tel' their ion; i " .
lhe input thes Igo\ernment ollreralsi get on those xiii-3e rates


3y Kristen Klayko
‘mvaiiyiipn-n ,,_
('andidattx i.” kwm“ k\

tonight at

\\l and
' iii the \\

the ()pen \leetriigs
l Young l il\iai\ .tllilllri

sensitne ahoiit
said lim \\.iteis. the diiertoi .il pelrex
iiitation at the Bluegrass Institute. a state piihlrt ooiiu think '.iiik

\ttoine\ (ii netal
\\i|l he attending a toriini to ill\\ll\\ the “pen

r o

9‘ l‘k“ ..

and M“ llt ::' .



aijil \rilllil‘ll

l lll\'\
;‘ri ile titovtx 's

a'H'iulir: 2K

tillltlltltllt\ r .
la' s. in

It =t


\\a\ Rep \tan lee iR li’\ll1‘_'li‘3l"\‘»r


liii‘ ‘K

lilori't think most peoplt real/e tlit \'

toiiie\ (ieneial males the la“ lll tieedoni o: ‘n

Rtt‘ “ iiIs

\\oikets i s 'i i


General candidates to VlSlt campus

piti‘iai‘. ext-.iioii

liiii ('oleiiiaii l’liilrp kr'lll‘lll int:
and lleriiotiafs Rol‘tit lllllll‘th aiwf li k t m

i it"g""

. ii

'i‘eri' .iee'ir ,es l‘ii‘ i .ii' l‘t :isper er. ‘\ the L't‘l‘i

lkkk'l‘l\ \t\'xl;\llnnl\
'll'llh 'ltiil ”an
, Forum : Z, 4

lormatirin matters " said \l (’ioss the rliret 'ot
ot the Institute tor Rriial la‘llllldllH“, .iiid ( oiii
riirinit} ‘llie iinixeism s lloarrl o:

lrtistees is a ptihlrt .igenu Student (io\ern

ing ellorts loetised on rising l K's iesour'ees to
imprm e the lr\es ol Kt‘llllltkl.ln\ Stiltltasxtani)
said in an e marl to lrlkllll) and stall

“we VP

lr\e ol the si\ \ttorne} (ieneral tandidates
li.i\e agreed to attend the tll\\ll\\lt‘ll to ltllt‘l'lll
I‘K students about prihlit ieror'ds legislation
.iiid its role in the Bluegrass helore the \1.i\

era. l‘ll".li Y'iioiigl. aii apr it .r'ioi‘ l‘ltKKl\\

\"i‘lllt\ (it'llt‘lal \ «‘flltt‘
front the piihlii when "

ls\ll'e‘\ l.rt‘\

First issue tr". Subsequent issues 25 cents. Newsroom: 23‘ ‘ 3154 Advertising: 257 2872


 PAGE 2 [Wednesday April 4 L’tlU/

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._—»—4~-_e.+ “a


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. s ._... ._..__~__e_kv.__,___ _.._ .7W.... 4




g Horoscope37

By Lilldalf Blil

egerrht .. t/aalltaue Jim-t rhea). s‘
art/rig '0 is the e ls‘les‘r ital the
In Us! hat/elm] niJl

Aries (March 21— April 19).

day ls l 3 Nut "l1 ils,’ .
rtsourles out v.1: wt l“ 1 l
lllt‘llln This Is 1} fest (gains: ,‘

you ll {at to on Preheat ,::..
Choose So think lt .lw

Taurus (April 20 May 20)

is a 7 tot: lt: Util'll ' u ll1'. \.
your iuwls‘art
suadt? the the" Ass fill " 1 t' 1"
you liter? st y'titl lull. t; .t‘ st " Willi)
rrlllior may

\A/llr )l‘ ylht' .‘ tip."


Cancer (June 22 July 22) Today
s, ll' lts noteasytuconrentrate
lll‘ your work and llldleC you wont
t‘ ml 'l' 'li lllL ‘ ills llkt? the ltltil Ill 1“
s ltllll iillu sill luothh (1 it the most part
Leo (July23 Aug. 2) Ton‘ay is a
' Keen studying and plaltltjlnti
mm wits it ttlt‘! letting better Keel)
i'ttils' ‘llillll (or NH lty yells l-l s(‘
:'.'f ‘. ltl 'l’t 1" NM
Virgo (Aug 23 Sept. 22) V-tlay
" t s'” N " Hill ”WV. it
t :' t‘ t' Wt!" in your own lt,Ll\(llllllt)

-v .4 '11:; tllltlxl “'l'l‘t’llthl that
‘llt‘sll t W it) mm ’stl'l lt t'tll‘. attldh‘ll'l‘I
Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. 22) . day ‘s

(-5 \l.” llif l 1 it (it {x'lltlll
.._Ji.'.r.,1: \J fr" t (1H,, my .Tlltlltl

w .‘r ,iml }\ 'l'lllt tl\r ‘l llv l‘v (pull);

,. WNW.
‘ lit w





Sagittarius (Nov. 22 Dec. 21)
loday is a 6 Don't walk away and
leave a triess Clean it up and toss it
out You'll he alrlazod at how much
better you feel Olltit‘, that trash is out
Capricorn (Dec. 22 Jan. 19) To
day is a 6 Relax \Nllll your friends
and l'tilelllétlt,‘ your recent VIt‘lOF‘y
Then not ahead Wllll making the
plans for your next strategic marten
Aquarius (Jan ZOFeb 18) in
ii. s, t. 7 lolder person ill-r
tiressell Wllll yo ul diligence offers
....l illtle 'iirlllev This; prediction only
ttllks it out/re dolrlu what that per
\;‘l' \‘..ll'l:
Pisces (Feb. 19 March 20) To
:l t; “1ft" 9 You to ltatherlllg infol
matron truili near by and (turn for
my 1J1‘ ltullitt ly lt dollsllt agree


1116 DiSH

The British heir and Army officer dirty
dances and then shoves photographer

3! Gabfgflffl“?

With his glrltriend of more

than two years. (‘helsy Davy.

vacationing.y abroad. l’rinee llar=
I‘)‘, 23. rolled into trend)‘ l.on
don nightelub Bouiis around It
pm. on March -3 With llllt]
were ».se\eia| pals. ineltrdtng
British TV presenter Natalie
Pinkham (\Allt) made headlines
last summer when a l'.K.
tabloid published a 2MB ple—
ttire ol' Harr) kissing her while
groping her breast). "'l‘he)
weren't l‘lirty at first." says a
lello“ re\eler. But se\era| \od-
ka—and-Red Bulls later.
l’inkhani dragged Harr) onto
the dance floor. "Natalie started
to dance pl’ttthCttlHL‘l} \ihen
[.lustin 'l‘iinberlake‘s] Sex}
Baek came on." sa_\s the elub~
eoer. "\Vithin seconds. the)
\\ ere bumping and grinding.
The) sta}ed that was tor mer
an hour?" The pair then had an
intimate chat at their table.
Sass one stitness. ”He \sas
Itllls'lllg into her ear and her taee
“as pressed to his ”

Later that night. the prinee
\\asn‘t in such a lining niood

Piiildiaiii. and spotted photogra»
plier Niraeh T‘dllltL‘l' taking pie—
tures. That s \shen he snapped
"Harm told me to l—k ol't.” 'l‘arr
iiei tells {'s. 'I started running: —
parallel to hint and he pttslied
nie out ot his isa) " :\ rep tor
the royal t’ariiil) eounters.
”Prince Hart's did not push the
photographer. he tell into the

Is He in Trouble?

Though 'l'anner sa}s he
wont press eharges. that does~
n't put Harr} in the elear. "'l‘he
Queen \\ ill be \er') upset.” ro_\r
al correspondent Robert .lobson
tells l's "’l'hese arent the pub,
lie displa_\s ot a prince."

Nor a soldier .lohson sass
Hart} - “ho is an ot‘lieei‘ in the
British eaialr} » eould taee LlisA
eipline lroni the lllllllttl') betoie
his tour ot tlill} in Iraq. set to
begin in .\la_\: "’l he} “i” sa} it
badl} i'etleets on them.“ (:\ rep
(or the British Ministr} ol l)e
lelise tells l‘s. "ll llat't') “as
e\el diseiplined tor his beliav
lot it \sotild be a pr'i\ate. inter-

eould be to his lme lite
l’inkhani denied lititthtllg tip
\iith Hair} and told the l'ls'
Sun. "’l‘hei‘e is onl) one girl in
Hart} s lite and that is ( hels} ”
But \\llli the /.iinbab\\e born
l)a\). _‘l. trawling; the globe
before she begins postgraduate
studies in the tall. and Hair)
heading to lraq in iseelss. it
seems their relationship ma} be
at a erossrotuls. :\s .lud} Wade.
author ot Diana .»\n Intimate
Portrait. tells is "He “out be
seeing (‘helss tor ages."

Prince William Lets Loose

Just 24 hours before llarrys
eseapades. his more straitlaeed
brother. Prinee William. 24.
\\ as spotted daneine at a l' K
elub, donning: sainbuea shots
and ehatting tip eoed Lisa \gar.
1‘»). She told the l' K.s Mirror
the Arm) ot’tieer tn\ited her
back to his barracks tor a drinls.
but nothing rontantie happened.
What “ill girltriend ot oier
tour sears Kate Middleton. 25.
say‘ \Vade tells ls. ”I don‘t
think she ll be “timed ”




ha\ e
ha\ e


Gemini (May 21 June 21)
is an El lllltlwtlllt lit, the l. *» ll ‘
pressed lly your etlllr'trs l"!. _;l L‘ \l l‘ \l " ill-w} yin; ‘sl‘ always .x illt
your results Thzs ll)l"t‘l it ,. l'tis' ' Y3“ .t

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Holly Nt‘l r,tl\“.(iY\ anyway Whorn should
‘ illllltii .ll ? your Vt“) (list? Nrillrirjy et'ldlll lltN.‘ {0 VB”, .-\l 31“) trill. Harry lL‘ll IltL‘

~ elub 7 "he couldn't \salk
straight." sa_\s an -*C_\U\\IlliC\\ .

ital niattti 'l’

ls Chelsy Mad?

But the greatest damage


’1.l"‘l‘.llzi.ll 1':.;ll.."siit

turned H.“ ”JJJH . J M1, WW. w. MN lllkt '1).‘,,1JU¢ ”WWW, a... wit, its“. .NJ using a \Lpdldtt e\it liorii


Horoscope BEOW N's
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Study "11118

By Kawanza Newson

Mll,\\;\l'1\'1:1:. \\1\
11111111111lc’xlxlulll \11'1llll\ 111 1111
1111\1' 111'1'11 111111111 111 11.1111'11ls 111111
1111\1'11'1 1.1111'11 1111' 1111111. \111'141'x1
1111: 1111' 111111.111'11 \11‘ll\ 1\ 1.111.11111'
111' \111'1‘.111ll1:_‘ 111'1\\1'1'11 11111111111x.
411111111111; 111 .111 11111'1’11.1111111;1|
11".1111 1111'1'\1'.11‘1‘111‘l'\ 111.11 1111'l11111'~
'11 l'111\1'1\11_\ 111 \\'1\1'1111\111 .\1.1111
\111] ~1‘11'1111x1

1'.\111'1‘1\ \11) 1111' \111111. 11111111
x1111\\1'11 .11111'\11’.1I 1'1'x1x1.1111'1' 111
1111' 11111111'1' 11111111'11/.1 l1 \11‘11s1'x
1111'.111\ 111.11 11111111111 1’1's1x1.1111
\11‘.1111~ 111 111111'1‘ 1111 1. ll'll\1‘\. \11111
.1\ 1111' 111111'1' 1.11.11 .111.111 1111.1'1111111
~111'1'.11I 111'1\\1'1'11 I111111.111\. 11111

"1111\ 1\ .1 )1'111111 1.111111111
1131111.” \11111 “1111.1111 8111.111111'1. .1
1111 1'\111'1'1 .11111 111'.11I 111 1111' 1111'
\1'1111\1' 1111-11111111' 111'11.1111111'111 .11
\'.111111'11‘1111 1'111\1'1\11_\ \11'1111.1l
(‘1'1111'1 111 \'.1~I1\1II1'. 11'1111 .111111
\\.1\ 11111 111x11lx1'11 1111111'x111111

”“1‘ 111'1'11 111 111111111111“ 111 1‘1‘
111'11111'111 111 111111 \11' 11x1' 1111\1'
.11111 \11’.11 1111135." 111' \.1111

8111.111111'1' \11I11 111.11 11\1'1‘11\1'
111 111111-\11".1|\ 1'.111\1'\ 1111' \11'11x1's
111 111111.111' .11111 111'1'111111' 1'1'x1x1;1111
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\l\1‘11111 \ll'll\1'\ 1‘1‘1‘01111‘ [11111'1‘
1111111111111. 1111'11 111-11 11111111 \1111

for 11111111111 alternatives

I1;1\ 1' 111 111' 111'11'111111'11 111 111.1111 1111'
1111.111' ~.111I

11111111'11/.1 11'111.1111\ .1 111.11111
111'.11111 111111111'111 111 1111' 1'11111'11
$1.111'x. I111~1111.111/111:.' .11111111
31111111111 111'111111' .1 )1'.11 .11111
11111111}; .11111111 111111111

12.1111 )1'.1r. 111';111h 111111'111lx
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11111x1' 111 high 11x11 1‘.111'g111'11'~
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~111'I1.1~ IIiNI ;1\1;111 11111111'11111.

Illinois man accused of being 'sleeper spy'

By Jeff Coen


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1111 1111' 11111'1111'1'111‘1' \1'1\11'1'. ,\I 1).1111 \11111




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 PAGE4 | WI’IIIIIdedy April 4 oni/


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E-mail ahayrnormemelcom


UK Police reports from March 27 to April 2

Compiled from reports at UK Police Department
Compiled by staff writer Alice Haymond.


I‘ontinued front bade ‘

lcrx x.IIIl

xtund nn."

IInIl hcnclltx.

lllk‘lllbk‘l'\ Ill' lltllc hk'

InIx lIer. but It IlI.II
prnIIIpt ‘.l clIIIng




(.llllk‘ Ill.

BclIr UH‘CI'CIi cwr)
tlIcIr current inl» III
.III nix} Ilct‘IxInn In llllliu‘,

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.l ln}.I|t) In lecnncdt "

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liutix nI lllcglnx llnIai x unik


penny litlt‘lilc‘l \lil‘xl ilc'rli‘

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lllugIIIx llnIIl \\.IIIIx In IIcnII‘
gInIIpx IlIInIIglInIIt IlIc xI.IIc In «.‘\.IIII.III‘
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prnxc cheap-«innit lwmccn IlIc lll‘.‘.\;'l\l
t\ .lllti IlIIlcrcn! I’c;Innx
H1;I}.‘lll\ llnIIl \xIll
.l.\I-'nping: IIIIplc
running .lllIi.l\\k‘\\lllf1.lulllllllllll‘lH nIII


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nIIIII'ntlI ctlnttx nn illnll} IlItlci'unI lI-I
clx HlL'lellx llnitl x.IIIl,

l IIgngcnII-nt Ix .In nppnItIInIt} lnI

xIIIIchIIx In pIII IlIc Rnnv. lctlgc IlII‘} learn


xaa— .u."




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m an resmms
sou um: no man
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unismrs Btfi’siimont

\I‘u/um,’ (.i Ill:



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“ll I(il';l)h;l\\k l.l.(‘I Ix “nrk
Ing nn .I prnutc [lltllc'k'L IlIc xI.Itc
Ll“ Ilncx IInI rcqtnrc IlIc cnnIrIIc
Inr In pa) pit-\IIIliIIg ungcx."
"ll II’x .I prIIIIIc prnIch.
Ihc unInII Ilncxn't hate .I log In

“'11 ,

But “nrlxcrx nn prI\.IIc pm
|L\'l\ dcxcnc .Irc.I xI‘.IIId.Irtl “nng
Hnglc xznd.
whether the mrpcntcrx .Irc unInn
Intcntlx In
xpcIle Inr lllL‘lll. llc xIIIIl hc tI'ch
In Ill\\ll\\ IlIc Ixxucx \\ IIlI cnIIlIac “\Vc
c. be hcginx Ihc

xInrc uhcn lhc ll\‘\\ III.III.IgcnIcnI
B.Irncx «k \nltlc nl'l‘crcd
In Ixc‘cp ltcr inlI .II B(‘II‘(‘.
cnIpln} cc
x\llIll'UL‘lli| \dlLl II \\'.Ix

"When I cnnipnrcd the I\\n. It
,\IIIlI'ncII'.I \Illd.
“u had

llt‘ l'(' IlIIl ntlcr In kccp xnIIIc nl
the xIIIll. pcnplc “CIC ln_\;Il In the
InIIIp.III_\ .lllti IInI IlIc InI.IIInII
"\\c lII'nIIglIt nwr cwr} xin-
glc pcrxnn II'anI the l (‘(‘ xInI‘c."

IlIntiglII I'lx' \\.Ix III ncgntlntinnx
l'K xlUl't' l‘lll \IIII! _\L‘\lt'l‘tl;l} xhc
thought It \\.Ix .IIIntlIt-I I'nllIlMlt}

crIIIInnx." Hnglc xIIIII,

SnIIIcIInch th curpcnlcrx‘
union prnchtx with J lltnnt Iull
Inflatable I.II that pnIIIIx IIx linger
up and Ilnu ll. ”)6 Int Ix targeted
at L‘IIIIII‘uI'InI'x.

"'l’lIIx Ixn‘I .IlInIII IlIc unrk
crx.” Hnglc x.IIIl III the I'.II "lbx
.Ihnut “hat the uIIIIpIIII) ‘x Ilning
In Ihc \\()lkL’l\ "

Bccauxc prnntc cnnIpunIt-x
dnn‘I nItI-II cnntrihutc In the wage
xIIInIlIIrd. hmwwr. xnnIc pcnplc
xIIgngI clinIIIIIItIng IlIIx llk‘lhud.
lI‘x forcing: public prnpcctx In pu)‘
IIInr'c In their \\nrl\crx than the ;l\ -
crugc contracting cnnngIn}. Wu,


[CI‘\ Mild

lI.I\c crumbling
xchnnlx." “.Itcrx xIIIIl. ”but thc}
dnn’t haw nc.II' cnnugh lIIIIdx In
p.I_\ unrkcrx .II pI‘cIIIIlInI: “age "

“(‘nrpnrntinnx nccd In he held
I'cxpnnxlhlc l'nr llICII' lIIIxIanx np-

and didn't want In xpcculutc ltII—

:\xxIxI'.IIII Mnnngcr III the
B("l‘(‘ BnnkxInrc lnII .‘\llll Sllllr
lc_\ \Llltl IlI.II Ihc chnngcx Barncx
A; Noble haw IIIIIdc h‘.1\L‘ hccn
pnxitnc Inr B("l(‘ xIIIIlcntx.
but "\N'hcn Burncx A; antlc I‘IIIIIc
' II “ax .Ill uphill." Stinlc) xIIIIl.
"'l‘th “crc .IlIlc In nt‘l‘cr xn m.In_\
IIInrc tlIIIng ltll‘ ,xItIIlcnIx."

BIII xnnIc xcc prnhlcnIx \\ItlI
IlIc II'.IantInII In hIggcr III;III;Igc-

l.;I\\I‘cncc x.IIIl IlIc III.IIII prnh~
lcnI \\IllI III.IInI' cnrpnrtninnx rtine
IIIng unncrxn) hnnltxtnrcx Ix the
dual”) nl xL'I\Ii;c Ihc} gIIc I‘nx-

“Blg \\ IInlcxIIlc cnIIIpIInII-x .II'c
Ulll) cnnccrnctl \IItlI tlIc lInIInnI
lInc. IInI chwIcc In xIIIIlI-ntx."
Laurcncc x.IIIl “'l‘lIc) \\nn‘I gnc
‘11? the xct'\Icc In the I.Icult) .IIIIl \lIlr
IlcnIx tlIIII Kcnnctl} 'x IlId, I'lIcI'c
”I" Ix gnlng In he .I drIInItIIIc chnngc
il‘ttm IlIc p;le xI\ _\c'.Irx,"

.II [R In Iixc .IIIIl xcc lIn\\ II \Inrkx nI'

Ilncxn‘t \\nrk In the rcIII \xnrltl." xlIc

lllggtnx llnl‘tl'x pIc\InIIx \Inrk III I'll'
t1.lf.‘t‘lltt_‘l‘.l ltlL’lhcd nII IlIc rclntInIleIIp
ltcmccn Hi and lcnngtnn. She lnIInd
ml and “I” cnIIIIIIIIc I‘IIIIII’III: IlIc l'lll'
\k'l\li_\ \cIlelInI‘lInnIl .NtthH'N (‘nIIntIl

She \IIll .len I'nIIIInIIc \c‘l'Ilan .Ix I‘n
L'illlll' nl l.c\In};Inn‘x 'l'nnn .IIIIl (itt\\ll
tnInnIIxxInn. \IlIIt‘lI xIIppnItx I‘Illllllllllll
I.IIInII lIctnccn l'K .lllki IlIc xIII'InIIIIIlIIIg

”lt‘gltlx llnIIl
.IlInIII tlIc nppnItIIIIIIch the no