xt7qv97zpp00 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zpp00/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-02-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 09, 1979 1979 1979-02-09 2020 true xt7qv97zpp00 section xt7qv97zpp00 Vol. LXXI. No. '02 “2' el l'niversity of Kentucky
Friday. February 9' ”79 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
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With entry In nationa group ,1 . .. .
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B) JAY FOSSETT women in intercollegiate sports, . lhc I,(Illl\\'l//t‘ ("our/yrJournal. in a rcpttrlt‘l'.10ltl the kettle/yesterday she "
s‘iaii writer llK's decisioti to join the group was copyrighted story from Washington hild not dl‘CUSWd lhl‘ INN \th ('llll
made late last month by l’niycrsity yesterday. said that [K has giycii Hagan "hCCiN'W M" ““24“” “i“ “C“
lhe l'niyersity has ioined an ot'l'icals. said l'K spokesman Bernie $5.000tothe group. headed by Mariin ““1”“ ”l ”1} “C“ 00”“ and l‘t‘dld "01
alliance of about .120 colleges and Vondcthcidt‘. He said the principals “Swede" .lohiison. \ice president of need to consult me " y .
unlicmucsm an effort to l'ighttedcral inyolyedinthedecisionwerel’rcsident the l’niiersity ot New Mexico. l'k‘ilm‘lk‘l' ““41 l” W“ “41“"
proposals and gludcllncg that require ()tis Singletary and Athletic Director Vonderlicide said that the 35000 ”Pulldlnls' PWPW‘I‘ "“lll“ dlhk'l'lml’
equal perathlete spendingon men and (‘lilt Hagan. contribution came ti'oni pi'iiaie natc iltlitlml men In some cases. She -.
donations and He hump-re not from said they must take in considciation .
Public funds. the discrepancies between men and g; .. .
l I / “ l he li'iiiycrsm ioincd the alliance Wink-n \ whim“ . . 4“wa .. ,I i
ra ternlty S p ans for two reasonsd‘ said Vondeiheide. lhc \ational (””Cg'MC Alma". “W :=,-.;£ 4
"We Joined In order to get more l\ssociatioii allows l5 basketball ‘ ..
information on the ill W giiidelincs as Whumnhlw and expense mid trips I” '5“) I I. i
they are developed. and to hayc a campus“ “"7 the men. but the “IWtVa
t0 expan Oppose \pttkcsnianontheWashingtonsceiie" \“Mlulmn [Or IHICIWHCEMIC . is, . ‘
Voiiderheidc said the alliance \His~ Alhmm [m “omen “Hm“ only '3 £ 2. .. Q q . i .3 5". I" .
not a lobbyinuellort but merely a way MANN” \L‘hnmnhm‘ Md dflcmil ' I I‘
to get iiiloimation back to the ulln“ “ll-l “"Pt'll‘t' Pitld Irlps lot «I, .539" ’ '1 .
. l7iiiycrsity and try to make some “mm-'1‘ “MN“ “Nd “HIM ”HM “19%r” 44.. ' z - "
b y loca rESIdentS suggestions on how the guidelines are take ”WW think“ into consideration ~~ {2 '3, 'M :4 . ‘ :.
written. ‘ l arry lyy. assistant athletic ‘ £2;ng “3/ J .7
So i mist I l‘K‘ l l tint directoi. seconded I canister and 7M , , . .
- C "1 C3 ‘ i“ ‘8 ' .4162»: ' .4. x 3
’ Bi' (‘INDY McGEl-l mt‘mhm 8’40 4"“ ““0““! “‘ Park in u athletic diieetor for women. said she- rm‘lmm‘j“ ii] h‘f'vl'l‘?‘ .‘_h"” ”‘f’ 4’3} ” a? . .1 7 ,
Stan “rilet church lot “”055 [ht strect. did not think the alliance is a strike “Him” “in“; i L,dllldn“ m Md“ 1 5W3. :3? V? i.
King Wild “'“dcm‘ hid “'5“ against the wonien'satliletic program. :31inllikciilihdlsl1:111:1anMidlmlgm 4-2;...1? 5 4’é4
, . . . . . . complained of noise. althoug he said .. . .. \. . . \ .N ) H .V .. ~ ‘ " " “'4" , ‘
larlg):r“dhtii::e ”iii: “5:11:13" bifuih: they agreed ”‘31 ll “““ld not b“ [00L0::5:)'n‘|:‘l‘(::dl:r I11b ble iiiliii’iiicii.l iieryoiie \ concern I: about “iii” B) (“ski I Vfimlmi Mm" M."
fraterniu ~s~ Audubon Aienue increased b.‘ lh“ expansion. H“ ““1 said Feamster. "Basically. the\ 31C gl,ild.Cl|[]lc.‘.“.lii .nimm‘ | \id I“ n Actionl
neighbors object. and are seeking to the fe‘ldcn“ 03d 09“) WU pi'oyided an ayenue sothey can liayea oiidcilirtildiiiitiiiil alum l k mu' n” ' ' ' '
“Wk any CXPaHSIOD- The‘neighbors complimentary Oklm fraternity ‘ spokesman. "What we want to do is get tootball laura Spencer concentrates on aligning light. focus. e\posure and other
are Concerned that expansion would But h‘ Sd'dmm‘ Audubon rc“'d‘nt‘ .. _ , . , ‘ , _ _ ‘ y . . _ .. _ .y . . . .
.. . , d .. b h) s) opposed the lone change because they hamster. who had not known and basketball exempt limit the details to capture an exterior stene on film. lhetelecommuniyationsjunioris
. mean “an"? own-near '\ ‘u‘u‘ think it will "detract lrcm the about lK ioiiiing the alliance until gutdelines so we can lia\eothei'sports. working on footage about the Student (enter expansion for a film
:3: ngk;:gdr::r:::tflcu"and could character 0‘ the neighborhood ~~ contacted by a (our/w .lourmi/ otherwise no one could allotd it " production class.

The fraternity houseis now ina Rl(‘ fl" Riddle. I433 Audubon Ayenue.
zone. which is for single t‘amily'homes. said. "I ““5 born and Wm} l” m“ I I l _
The house is exempt from that neighborhood and the fraternity has I UK area has several agenCIes
restriction because it was built before ““3.“ been "” ““CPW‘J member 0‘ I I
the zone went into effect. the area. Howey'er. I am say much . .

But to expand the house. the [one opposed ‘0 ”l" [one 901th because ” that Offer counseling seerces '
must be changedto R3. forlow density “l” “bGIlSh “"31“ “mm." residences." ’
apartments. This would take a Riddle said the neighborhood “could ' y ‘ ‘ .. _ .. ,
maiority' mm of l'rban County handle what it has. but if they start Editor's note: Thisistheseeond part of “l 1043 P‘M‘ht‘lt‘tllfill WWW“ ( cm“ “”“C- and “mm" mum 0” 4* “11‘1“” ”““l‘”l‘r' 1"“ “ii-4”“ “(Mm ““9
CounCil. ‘ enlarging things it will be bad.“ a two-part series on the problem of Others shottld tccl that they can help. basis. 410d ll-Ills'tl

A public hearing was held Dec. 31. Sue .lordan. l4l9 Audubon suicide. he said. lhex‘ntlllse‘llllll centei does not It} lll‘f‘:l“l:1”t~"4l'll‘lll‘ltjs\lillsllll.\~ , y
I978 by the Planning Commission. Ayenue. said she had lust moyed in. Helplot‘dcpressioiicaiibeassimPle 1” force «“0006 10 Ulms‘ ”l- and All '0‘ ”ll- ‘le‘l'lh . Us ”P'l‘ll- .
“high recommended that the lone be but was already bothered by crowded By DALE MORTON as a \iin to a clinic. Once there. the \NI‘ are lscpl Ctmlldcntldl. she said lt't‘l'ntb 0' “(lulu-M 0' competence. .
changed by a you: of K to 0_ street Parking. She said that this week siriii writer psychiatrist can determine it turthcr “010 ”tledUill “Ind tlrt‘l'PCtlun‘t‘llnti 4”“ “MW”? WNW“ t” cslt‘t‘m-I

Seyeral area residents attended that One ot the members Parked in lront ot \ isits are necessar}. are ayailablc at the center ”CWlt‘f‘mtl ‘ldnddrd‘ and W010 .
hearing. to UbJCCl m the zone change. a neighbor‘s driyeway. SUicide. as a method to end outside inch center. though ottering the We ye had more (\lsll‘sl this year systiins .} . i i I t
Because olthe opposition.the Council Anne Lang and then lnglesby ot pressures or depression. is becoming same. basic type of help. has its own than in anuniberol years. llicrewete \lelilllngyiii‘“ .tllt yrs) yonit o rust
decided to haiea second hearing. next I420 Audubon Aye. said they both more familiar as a route of escape in indiyidual ntt‘its 0t concentration. ‘ , “l ""l‘ ”“tll‘mtl 5mm“ Plt‘l‘ls‘m‘ b-l . ‘ “splint- “‘P‘m‘l ' 11.‘ t" “m ‘

Thursday at 7.30 pm. at the opposed a lone change. "It's a nice today‘s society. for those who are One example ot direct help iol k last semester and none so targtliiis Lyn-lit}: .. l “I -. (4. ‘
Municipal Budding on Second and place for students to liyc and I'd hate suffering from a depressed situation. _”“"'W' "W" W W ”"‘W"W""""" """"‘~#_f" ’ l“ “W“ “3“.“ 5”"“‘ “m” .
Walnut streets. to see this house torn down." lnglesby help is not only ayailablc. btit in many I I is open to thy contirtiri‘uryity. lpeir
. - .y _ y) . said. C35c5 is free. P I d t h t b y sei’iices. asaret ioseo e ounse ing
pl£hcdbri1lnfiiiih (Chibaiiimgc‘dbriili): Ruschell said the House Corp. had Four sources of counseling are eop e . on ave 0 e craz E;l‘l°';-i"“i\°‘:"[‘i:'“‘.”“irt“):QPIFELITLTrC'AB .
(ioyernment. the Planning an option to buy 1420 Audubon readily ayailable for those who feel . b . .d I Wt It‘s-It‘ll} “one”! Emmy .
Commission must hold a public Ayenue. “‘thh 1‘. adjacent to the they need .hdp: . . . to thlnk a OUt SUICI e ptl-ikim those-Ml 't‘ ro\im'tlel\ "(lto
hearing to inyestigate proposed [one lraternity. He said the temporary lhel K (ounseling( enter. inthe ______..;_.~.-__..wm— W m ~ -77 ”i .” 'sccn user in Ektcnded‘ eriod of
Changes. It they recommend a change. plans are to use this property to house M at hew s B'u i-lding (the old W .- ___._ _ " WW . . amt" ‘ P
the l'rban County Council can either fraternity members. . Agriculture budding). ‘ ‘ 4 students is the ( ounseling and lesting semester. she said. . LM N m H” “h“ ”C lrom co le .
\ote immediately on :he matter. or it the money can be raised. Ruscliell ‘ lhe Psychological Sery ices (enter. ben ices are tree. but making ‘ Rose said that to‘her knowledgehtt whi :1“ , 91]“;ng {Aficrpsmr} .. '
ordera second public hearingandthen said. the house at I420 Audubon will (enter. inthe basement oi kastle Hall. an appointment is a must. student Vtho has bscntindtrtlic can of [- ht ‘« \L 1“"\\' "r~ Um" confused
\ote. ‘ be torn down and an annex will be 0 lhe(omprehensiye(arc(enters Counseling h ayailable for any the center hilWOmmlllt‘fil\llltldc‘nlht‘ "Ll‘ir‘ :‘l‘ 'I "L” t- “
g g . . ‘ added to the fraternity house. ”I“: counseling centers andthrec hall- subiect. said director Harriet Rose. l8 years she has been with the center “I1 lit mums Int- u” tr- . . .. .
.tephen M. Ruschell. attorney tor Ruschell said a remote possibiliti‘to “3y houses) in lexington. 'hi . 'd h' h‘ .. t' , . )“‘ But. she admits. there ha\e probably lht‘ st‘mt‘t '5 \ldlls‘d 0) dd‘dnud

Delta lau Delta House Corp..agrouP allow expansion would be to donate 'I he Student Health Scryice. in “, 9;“ ‘ “ht. yy‘ctnhsriiyas‘in m ‘l'db been seyeral attempts. tiritdltdlt“ “00 1W ‘IIPW‘I‘Cd h.‘ '

of Delta lau Delta alumni “00 0“" the fraternity house to the l'niyersity Medical (‘enter Annex 4. 51m?” to '1‘ w 0” counse mg “ l‘he counseling center approach is llt‘t‘lN‘d P‘Wh'i‘lmlfl ‘

the house. said neighbors are opposed so that they could expand their house “I don't think people base to be “mt” educationally and deyelopnientally M (it"“l’n'ht‘n‘l‘F fiurc- ‘th ‘

totheexpansion because they think it if the lone was “0‘ changed. If the crazy to think about suicide." said “I don‘t know of any high school in based on helping the sludcnt resohe “sery ices are inexpeiisiye. according ,

will increase traffic and parking house belonged m UK (as most Kerby' Neil. director oi children and Kentucky well enough staffed to deal the lollowing aspects m (0”ch me, to Kerby‘beil. "but they can get it free

problems. fraternity houses do). it would be youth seryices tor Lexington's with a large amount ol problems." she the change from dependence tat l'Kl. A sign there ad\isc‘s.“l.ite is .

. Ruschell said he knew parking wasa exempt from local Ioning laws, (‘omprehcnsiye (‘are Center. Silld- upon parents and older people to lrilt'llt‘ himdlt‘ ““1 WW- '

problem. but said day parking by l‘K Angel Leyas. president of House “I don‘t think people take others lhere are approximately 9000 \isits independence. "I “"“ld L'UL‘“ “0 WC about 300‘ .10 ‘ .

' students was part of the reason. He Corp. said no plans as yet have been seriously" on the subject of suicide. eyery year to the center. she said. Dealing with authority. .‘t‘lllh‘ “h“ are talking lilht‘l”
explained that the fraternity has two made for construction of the said Stewart Fisher. assistant (‘Iicnts are seen an aserage ot liye Handling uncertainty and \Uls‘ldt‘l. 0t hilt}: made Wis‘lds‘
off-thc-street parking lots. and that expansion. professor of psychology. and director times. although some are seen just anibiguity. particularly in matters gc‘“”°‘- P” .W'JL ht‘ Wd»
Southgate. Ky. where fire May 28. 1977. killed th people.an told the Senate Budget Committee. the economy may require MOST COMMANDERS ARI-l BEI.IE\ El) ”H Al. to
attorney for seyeral ol the plaintiffs confirmed yesterday. a tax cut in IQXI. Blumenthal conceded the necessity of sucha the Bakhlmr government. which was appointed by bhah
lawsutts against the Schillings.their 4-R Corp. that owned reduction would further delay President Carter‘s goal of Mohammad Rela l’ahlayi betorc he hit lran .lan. lo tor an ~
I the supper club and more than |.000 other defendants total balancing the budget . indefinite ~13) abroad, Bl” WNW ilnith‘ ‘8) lh“ military '5
008' more than $3 billion. The settlement from the Schillings "We can‘t hate tax cuts until inflation is under control." he unsure of the loyalty of the lower ranks and helieyes it cannot
would exceed $3 million but allow them to keep an estimated said. If economic growth next year falls significantly short ot impose its will on Khonicini's broad-based and powerful .
i . . . . . . , half million dollars in property and other assets. current ex ectations. Bluementhal added. the (‘arter .tipposmon moiement. -
(otnl‘\i‘x?:l[)2::r siela/ibcti'rlriiiil: :ngltVNIISr‘mBI23? “We feelthat the settlement-by‘the Schillinginterest istothe administratirtin would take a caretul look at the feasibility of Khtt‘mt‘lnl‘s torces claim .thc allegiapce at yirp‘ it; 2123‘th
. Lyons: . . advantage of all the plaintiffs because it represents tax cuts. nations 43tlltXlttnyjairy‘Zirmcd hirifiénilgcic‘2iuynl: ..i.
. t 'Jay Asher. 2l. 3 Junior majoring in education and a substantially all Of "“3 “55".“ 0f both the .4'.R ( orp. and the lhlu'r‘sdayhthsrsh‘d r.{anlihrgvzyichumeim hunger strikes V
Lexington resident since I969. filed a petition signed by l2l mayor assets 0f the “mums ”ml” Indeuany‘. or ”my" d den aye ten vipnmc airpbascs Khomeini's supporters
. 4 , district voters. 2| more than necessary. to run in the May 29 assets which would have been asaylablc for collection had a world an‘ emonstra‘tionsa s. . ‘ h ' (‘ If hayc
_ . Judgment been rendered by a Jury. attorney Stanley Chesley 53) 0'10“ 3‘ ll“ Bandar ‘ ‘h'm m“ “"th ' ”M" 'u
primary election . said in a prepared statement > 1 . declared a week of mourning tor the demonstrators killed in
k As long asl ye lised in l exington. | \e heard the same old EGYPT A(‘(‘EPTED AN AMERICAN INVITATION year-long. anti—shah “film“.
. issues traffic. street lights. garbage collection. Asher said. . . p
4 ‘ “I think something should be dong to improve that.“ ' yesterday to take part in ministerial-Incl peace talks aimed at
V ' 4 ; nat'on breaking the deadlock With Israel. . . ‘
. V. . Israel also is expected to agree to attend the’talks. which weather
3 State Pml’ably will beat (‘amp Day/id. Md. later this month.
t TREASl'RY SECRETARY MICHAEL BLl'MENT- [he likelyparttmpantsarelagypiian President AnwarSadat .. y . g ' . y . . .
HAL SAID YESTERDAYthe (‘artcr administration intends accepted the invitation delivered in (‘airo by l' S WINDY WITH (K ( ASIONAI. SM)“ ELI RRIES this :
. -. AN OllT-OF-(‘OIJRT SETTLEMENT HAS BEEN to rely in the future on income-tax cuts. rather than higher Ambassador Hermann Eilts. The Israeli (‘abinet met to afternoon With ‘00“ accumulating NW9?“ ~ ‘0 4 ”Fl“: bl : -
i 4 I REAfHED WITH MEM'ERS OF THE SCHILUNG spending. to stimulate the economy. consider the |n\'|iall0n. but put offa dCCISIOD until its regular 000" ”lgh lOdat in the mid Jls ( leaf and cold tonig‘ht. my 5
FAMILY. owners of the Bescrly Hills Supper Club in Although it would bedangerous to reduce taxes in I980. he meeting Sunday near zero. Increasingcloudinesstomorrow High int eteens .'
' ”P
I 3
i i
: ' st .
' . , I . - . , . .

 i i
Steve Bolling" Thomas (1an Ruth Mnttlngly Walter Tunis Junie \lnughl Tom Moron
lilitiir in ( hie] Iztliloria/ [ziluur Debbie McDaniel Adl' lidilur Spurn Editor [)m-i for or Photograph.
F. Jenny Tote
‘ w
Gnu “m“ “a w""'"""' (rillialiniu H
Rich-rd MrDon-Id Jnnnc Wehncl (‘opi Edi/m ' ‘ ‘ " "“’ John (1., Linda ('Ilnpboll
. Nanak"!!! WNW tummle Eilrmri Brion Rfcltcrd Photo Manager
in g I & c ‘ 4\\l\ldfll Sporty Edi/(m
U - I t I I t I t t t d t I
The l'niyersity‘s opposition to the HEW to the men's in terms of participation. lringe requirements. l'K contributed 35.000 to the dollars for many universities.
guidelines on how l'itle leillbe enforced is simply benefits. coaching. facilities and budget. _ national lobbying effort. money that came from ll‘s “01 likely that colleges will heahletolindthat
an effort to insure the survival of the lIK athletic lhe new rules though seek to legislate parity private donations. not public funds. kind of money. so the result of the regulations will
program in its present form. immediately. l'hev require schools receiying federal 'l he development of men‘s re\enue-producing hctltat participation in sports willdecline and fewer
And no matter what the inequities of that support (practically all universities) to spend equal sports major college footballand basketball is athletes of both sexes will have opportunities
program are. they are preferable to what would amounts on men and women loreach sport inwhich a unique socialdeyelopment that should not be used to compete. . . ..
happen if l'K and other schools had toimmediately a school participates as a yardstick with which to measure the progress of l hat 5 not it henclls‘lal ellccl. no matter how well— '
meet the requuements of the guidelines. . . ._ _ ‘ women‘s sports. Women's competition is simply not meaning the HEW regulations are. It sounds III“: a _
'l hat‘s not to say that the University should be According [0 l‘K _"l_l'C”‘l5- the current athletic yet as important to the public as men‘s competition. cop-out. but social injustice can‘t be eliminated with
satisfied with the progress it has madetow'ard parity budget here I” 34"} million. About $500000 m that and the HEW gUIdelines should reflect that fact. llk‘ 51“th “l ’d bureaucratic PC” American higher
between men‘s and women‘s athletic teams. 'l‘here goes l" “‘ch 5 programs, and any attempt ‘9 along with the effect it has on men‘s and women‘s Cdllt‘étlmn has made great “rid“ in correcting PEN ‘
are still great disparities. such as the fact that while bring spending parity immediately would W-‘Ull 1“ budgets. iniustices to women a lot more progress than ,
203 men are on [K athletic scholarships. only 57 non—revenue ”PM” being eliminated. l'ndei‘ the piesent conditions. cllorts to achicye M’mt‘ 0th” ln‘llllllltmN l'n'WNlWS 1”“ moving .
women have received the same benefits. [K and about 320 other schools have joined dollar~to~dollar fundintl \WUld quUil’s‘ either lhe “’“illd NW1”) i” 4‘ 300d PM“ already; ll“ ”0‘
But the situation is much better than it wasa few together in an alliance that opposes the guidelines, elimination of many minor sports that do not necenur) It) lithe desperate action in lime dollar-
years ago. and [K officials should continue to Primarily. the schools areaskingthatmen‘s football produce revenue. or finding more money to pay for lift-diilli” PM”) 9” athletic programs ”‘1” aren't -.»
upgrade the women‘s program until it is comparable and basketball be excluded from the equalspending women‘s sports to the tune of more than a million Wild) l0" ll
For SC addition 3 “flea ’9‘ «is p l
OI .
n l l t 9‘ ' “ ‘ ' 1
< *~ \ \ , . 1 . .
00 p annmg I rm w . - , i i
lt\ good newsthat the Student (icnterexpansion 5(. expansion. Student (iovernment's approval of . g o h \.\ 1‘ - l .
has finally been approved. Construction is the project this week led to the final go-ahead for l A, \‘\ ‘\\ s‘\\\\.\\ 1 3
scheduled to begin in the summer of l9t<0 and the construction. ‘ » ~ .\ . \\ \ \ l
addition should be completed by the [all or l98l. Funding for the increase will be a conspicuous fi \ I. - “h \1‘“ \\.\\‘ ?\ i s . l .
.. . . . new *x 'ns*forstu *t..' h“ "vs i i , ‘r-f' . * ' ““ ‘ ' . ,-.~-‘ .l'\ " ‘ 'R l '
l is s Student ( enter. which offers less space per i pl t .dm \ l L dw ”- l“ “I“ rm 1 ’43 ‘ \Q . ‘ \\ \ \\\ ‘3‘ . ; ‘
. . . ., valOtoS3|.35.anincreasetobe borne by students 1 r ”6 . \ \ 3* cs“ ' . . \ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘
student than any state universityxand is one of the ' ‘ l "Row" ..~. \s: ‘ ~_ \ . i ,
, ' . y for the next 30 vears. 1 i ty \\ . m _ - \s.\ .
smallest maior college centers inthe country. needs .. ' . , . ._ . i a“: ‘ - . ~. ~ .
~ . . . .. Will the expansion be worth that price.’ I hat s up t k . . K __ \ .\
to be larger. Space for meetings. films. concerts. . . . . ,- \ \\ - \~ . |
. . y to the stall of the center. depending on how they use l 4" ‘\ \ . \. . 5
offices. the bookstore and programs is extremely . . . . . ' i v . ‘ \ \\ r ‘
. . . . . . ‘ the new space. lhe Student (enter is handicapped i . -. i)» l , .‘ \\ ‘. c S -\ ~‘ ‘ .
cramped by the existing bUildings small size (the . . _ l . ll “- ' »\“‘\ \. h t -
' . . by its location on the edge of campus. bevond the t . . ‘ .. s~ .\ l‘ “k i \ l. ‘4- \ ‘ t ‘
present structure was last expanded in 1963). . . ‘ .-_ i .s i. W i l i l .. . c \ . l
easy reach of South ( ampus and off—campus ; ‘~ - - ;‘ magi" ’s‘h ‘ I, ' yf’“ \ .\~ .i s l
lhe new addition will be bought and paid for by students. The building‘s site does not make it a l m § ls‘Q‘r .l . l Ql'llyh\ til. l‘ll‘llll. f i ‘ .. l
the students: The administration has insisted all convenient place for students to spend free time. l \m, A ‘ ‘ ' \zwl ‘ “a. . ‘ 'i '1 . ‘-\\l ,
. . , . . . .. .. i ’. W. ‘ ’ l , .-. . ‘ ‘
along that there be student support for the protect. lhe center s programming staff must work to offer ; ’ \ _ . _ y i. all, 4,-- \t
lwo years ago. a scientific poll gavea mild surprise quality activity and entertainment programs that T i ,flfl/l . 4-1, ' l i
when it revealed that a maiority of students would will attract people at the l‘niversity' to an expanded " '6 X, . ‘ W “‘ ‘;\ ‘ l .
agree to a student activity fee increase to pay for an Student ccmer, l__w.,,-W_-_WWWWWW W -W -...W.-.--.W_WW_--. .. __.-WWW'
L h d' Ex agent corrects
BITBI'S t0 1' 8 E ItOl' _ T I
WWW , WWW WWWWWWWWW wrongs in uesday S
I l I But apparently it lS morglmponant [0 become [hc llCSh and th0d of [.5 abSOlUlC insult l0 [hC homemaker and 'i
D'rectlon quest‘on pl’OHdC inadequate parking and citizens. 'I he government on'laiwanis a vicious. undignilied attack on those I .
) . inadequate bus service rather than a solely independent government and individuals whose opinions differfrom ra nce
( bviously. not much is to be made adequate ones. she needs moral support. his; but it is also the worst example of 9 UI O I 1':
of the‘capjipus bus service changes. for Daniel J_ (‘assin Finally. (it totally disagree with “journalism"l have ever read. Is there "1
lllt‘CCHe only page fourplacement in Arts and Science senior (‘hen that the “Kuomintang regime h no editorial screening of such garbage ;~'
(yesterday s) Iserriel. After all. yyho . . a minority totalitarian regime. etc." prior to printing‘.‘ Why doesthe Kernel By JIM A. STONE hence it is not taxable income. i
really needs the bus serucc. right. . leferent VIeW Kumingtatig is the biggest party in waste paper on such articles'.’ 3) lerm insurance is much more N
. Wrong. And (Director of lublic ’ ’laiwan; and there are still two other If this is an example of Fields' In response to lodd (iuelich‘s ”SPCCWblC than ll'tll" insurance. l‘" :i
Sdle‘.‘ lomi Padgett. please dont As (hinese students from laiwan. parties in l'aiwan ,lcmng as a Journalistic talent. I sincerely hope commentary onlifeinsurance(l\'erriel. examplea mortgage term Pill“? “11h '
speak ‘0 U5 about ‘th safety m the we regret to see SUCh an irresponsible counterpart. that he does not have to rely on it as a 'l uesday. Feb. 6). I would like to point 6 30’3“” benefit PWOd-
students ‘lhe Rose Street problemtsa letter as the one written by (iilbert By constitution. themembers ofthe source of income after graduation. out six rnaior incorrect points: 4l Permanent insurance performs
great safety need and you or some (‘hen in yesterday‘s Kernel. As a assembly are elected from various James F. Drummond ll A mutual company is not owned “‘0 WlC-‘il 4’ death benefit ShOUld “"9 '
committee has elected to ignore the matter of fact. .I think what Chen provincesinChina.Sincewecould not Associate Professor by the policy holders unless they die not only in case of acCIdent. like
problem ior many years hence. and. mentioned is ridiculous. He dares not have free elections in mainland China. (‘ollege of Dentistry purchased company stocks in “over (ilJCIICh Wilt“- bUl (”50 "l natural
probably. many years to come. show his full (‘hinese name because he and would like to represent (these) the counter" transactions through a 0411““ ll“ 5900”“ role 1-“ 41 WW“ Ol
“1WParkmgpmblem“awaited knows the majority of Chinese people it situations permitted. those (EDITOR‘S NOTE: Gregg Fields. Wick broksrugcwmpum- “‘5“ “r "’F‘“ “""”‘“r“'~ m“ “ Pm”
“he” the 50mm“ parking '0‘ “35 Wdcms here 3” lUll)‘ ““116“th and members formerlvelected in mainland along with John Cooke and Robert wa—w— source 0' 'mmmcm as the average
(repined. but " COUld ha‘? been proud of their native liaiwan. (‘hina who are still living are still m Hemenway. is a columnist for the interest paid by most companies is 3 .
accomodated for by rerouting the What our gowrnment has done is position by martial law. The election Kentucky Kernel a position he percent 0’ l9” P“ W”-
l’U5C‘C‘L‘n temporarily: BU' why 80 ‘0 constructiveinsteadoldestructive. We in 'laiwan is heldtofillvacanciesanda accepted at the request of the Kernel 00‘ I n ] Jen ary Sl RCln‘c’th dllldcnds are only
“Ch trouble “h?” the “Udems COUld ha“? had primaryelectionsalloserthe free election will surelv be held in editors. Like columnists for _____._W one 0pm" that mutual companies
either walk a mile toithc shabby and island since I949. Since I949. martial (‘hina after (‘hina becomes a free newspapers such as The ('ourt'er- ’ makeavailable to their policyholders.
stunted bus service then provided or law in laiwan has existed only as a countrv. Journal and The ‘Vew York Times 2) Dividends have been declared by . . one should selectthe mostfavorable
'llegall.‘ park and WWW a “CkCL 0’ r6511“ Ol threatening h) Ilk‘ (‘hlnt‘sc 1th author tries to distort the these writers are expressing their own the l’.S. Supreme (‘ourt a” an ”pm” at that time, and this may be
even ha\e their cars towed away. Communists. ()n the other hand. we ., . . .~ . . - . - . . insurance olicv reniium over a\— chanted at their convenience.
\ d f' I” h g . . ‘ rtadcrs by saying he has lived in opinions and not those of the ‘p’ , p P .- 5. . . . .
. n . ina y. t e Student .(entcr have never sacrificed any kind of laiw'an for 25 vears. As a matter of newspapers ment. A dividend in the context of life 6) (ruelich s comparison of a stock
(additioni .will be bu1lt and Will wipe human rights on the island. l¥act.90 percent hr more ofthe Chinese (The only “screening" of Ficlds' _ insurance is not at all similar to the company policy and a mutual
out the A lot. which will bereplaced Everything that Chen mentioned grudems here lived in Taiwan for at as well as Cooke‘s and Hemcnwav's— dividend of a corporation stock. A company policy isaserious disservice.
by acorner multig-lcvcl parkinglotyust happened on theisland asthe result of least 22 years and THEY LOVE columns is ‘0 correct any spelling and true dividend is a share of the During the six years I sold life
across the street. This. then. isafitting protecting our own security. It seems '1 HEIR GOVERNMENT! We regret grammcr errors The topics of these corporate profits; a taxable income. A insurance. I never found evidence of
precedent to at least cmmder the to us that (‘hen is trying to lead the that he tries all his wavs to humilate articles "e chosen by the authors and life insurance policydividend is merely any company ever paying a 270.9 ,
fhollowing solution. It is not without k’grngl'g‘ readers toawrongimpression the government of Taiwan. We just are not subject to the approval of the a return of part of your overcharge. percent return on any life insurance '
arard. but I! Will provide better and about Taiwan. since he didn‘t mention _ . . v . . v ~ __W.-__ P0llCV' Premium Perhaps GueliCh
speedier bus service because h ls ba d . . hope the readers wercnt confused by newspapers editors. .
' l l. k f ‘ _ i. 5“? the whole “my WPOHCd b) 7’1? 511"“ Chen‘s distortion on the Taiwan issue. (TheKemelsupports Ficlds‘right to l ' ShOUId learn how [0 compare oranges
on a me nown (to bus service )ork Tlmmofjan 25. I979tpage A- Kuci-chin Yang express his opinions in whatever Letters DOIICY to oranges or guaranteed cash values :
Plannersi fact; it is easier to turn right 9). The Communist agent with whom Chins-shun ('heng manner he chooses The editors atthe 0’ “(h PM” and "m pretty ii
than left Y“ ileng'Fa “met and discuss“ Gene-bun Sun sometime also realize that not I“ our The Kemu‘l‘." “9""?! welcomes projections of dividends! For anyone -
VAt Shawncetown. turn. toward subversive matters." Wu Tai-An. Chem-yell ('heng "men ‘7'". . rec with Fields or and encourages.contributions» from that isinterested.aquicklookin Best's ‘
NicholasVille Road. then right onto pleaded guiltv to havin or ' d ‘ ' ‘ ' ' . g ' the UKcommunity {orpubl'cmonon Fli'Ir-ra/t ('om end in the librar ‘ will «
,. _ . . 8 game a (hemical Lngineenng graduate (ooke or Hemenway and encourage - ~ - ' ‘ - p l i
Nicholasville Road and makeastop at rebel group to overthrow the Ta’ ‘ ' "5 ed'mml and ”mm" pages. "d d 400 ' ‘ '
iwan students them to express their personal views in Le ' ' d mmentar~ provi c ata on insurance l
the LexTran bus stop across from overnmcnt Y . d " . ’ "CW 09mm“s an ‘0 , ._ d h . f - -'.
y g . u wwas etained only a letter to the editor) ' be ”definable—mated. companies an t e m ormation on '

' Commonwealth Village. Then turn for investigation at that time. ' firuziust'ymude the writer's cash values. annual premiums and 1
right. again before the Landscape Secondly, If you check Webster‘s Wasted paper Yeah 'Franklin' signatuandmsmdphDMMMl policy features.

“dined”? gardens or ”Rh! A0m0 New International Dictionary. the UKstudermsliouldWMM The ”5‘ oquelich's commentary is i

. Eonper Drive. and then left again on word “sell" can mean “betray"We arc Although lam not inclined to write and Mar,- University why": not harmful to your mental health or ,
vrllIVCfSlly Drive. strongly against people who havelost letters tothccditor.lfcclcompellcd to (EDITOR‘S NOTE: The following should flu their Minn: and your pocket.

d assume this breaks up the plan to their own moral prinCiplcs to get respond to the article entitled ‘Baby letter concerns the letter “Ficlds‘ position. . ' ’

_ re ucc campus bus servicc.and well it benefits. President Carter has Alive. Inc.“ by Gregg Fields (a mediocre" by Bernadette DuPont "I! Mmflfcscrvesylhti “th ‘9 Jim Stone is I grldulte student in
should. Two years ago there was a symbolired himself as a fighter for Journalism ".ieni'or') in the Feb. 5 which appeared in yesterday‘s paper. comm“ 0' "J‘c‘wnmbl’wmdmy sociology. planning a career in aging ‘

. move a foot to charge students for human rights. Actually. he is a issue ofthe Kernel. Hey. Gregg! Don‘t listen tothatgirl. y“ ""‘mbfil of fishing; all and community development. More ‘jl
mrnpus bus service and I wrote then betraycr of his principles onthis issue. I respect the right of every The ONL‘.’ good thing about crdr‘iiieiguiizgcrior "er spelling retumlng to school. he sold insurance J“

._' 31:5 much as the _Un|V‘"5"y I9yrecogniringCommunistChinamhe individual toexprcsshisopinionbutl Mondays is “Franklin and Me." grammar clarity and libelous fonlxyenrswithnmutunlcompony.o :
f0" “ utcsto .CXIngton.itcanthurt finanCial benefit of trade from believe it shouldbcdonc inadignified Katherine Leigh statements. "OCR COMP”! and finally '3 m i
0 P"°‘"dc decent bus SCTVICC 10 UK. Communist China will sooner or later manner. Ficlds' article is not only an Engineering junior —--- independent agent. .’

. i

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