xt7qv97zpm95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zpm95/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-12-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 09, 1971 1971 1971-12-09 2020 true xt7qv97zpm95 section xt7qv97zpm95 «A . . . ‘ I
an Independent newspaper published by student’at the university of kentucky '. ' " ‘

Thursday, Dec. 9, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 405m; Vol. l.\111. \a. !»h‘ ’ L u

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“ Residents disa ree on d l'f l't
. . g . ‘1 y
By BONNI BROCKMAN 531d Plane Naser, SC ”01151118 The UK Housing Office lists “Right now open houses are Hall. “Everybody goes ape JllSl ‘
Kernel Staff Writer Committee chairwoman. 4,529 liVing in undergraduate so rare that everybody has the because boys can go training .'

Walk into a cluttered ‘Reflect opinion‘ housing out of a dorm capacity attitude that if you see a guy in around in your room for a , ,- I
dormitory room and ask its “A lot of people say the of 4,716. (These figures include the hall. you stand there and couple of hours." .. '
occupants their opinion of Housing Committee iS trying to Blandmg “i 21 graduate dorm). Stare and point," said SU-‘(m Freshman Lihl‘jx Krill}. -.
residence halls. initiate 24-hour open visitation." However. last summer there Richardson. a junior at Blanding Donovan Hall. said the nut... ;. g I»,

Chances are they‘ll smile or Naser said. “Student government were long waiting “Sis Of P0017]c TOWN. "YUU‘R‘ UIIL‘OIMUI‘IHN: unnatural because "a: 5' ; i’ ‘Tt
shrug their shoulders and say. has nothing in mind what the Who “'3”th '0 “‘1‘ in dorms. CW“ “WU?“ 3'0“ 3'91”“ ilt‘\ even help you earn. j, - 1.? my ‘

“It‘s okay." proposal will be until the results Under 13K‘s present open SUI‘PUW‘J 10 he ”my" . back i ; ,\t:ur n v . '. »'

Probe a little deeper and are F0111 PilCd. Any 5“ visitation DUNN. each residence . 01.; 1"“ _ —0_ Lilli”? ‘H‘Wn‘u‘tn work: no a: home . 3 .r .1.
answers will range from senior committee is representative of hall can have (3m. open house a ”ilVH‘N‘i’d- “11“" \‘\l‘l‘~""‘l~‘l tu- "\s l."lt_‘i". r as . . .‘t~‘ ',-,.~: .
Sharon Traylor‘s “Oh. I’m more the students and will reflect week 1‘ach dorm can choose a ”“3 ”1*” m“ ”we”! “V” ”m“; 1‘d.\l“31. it it! mid ' . ' ' f. .
than satistied with the dorm! 1 student opinion.” four-hour span for its open 1’01““ “dd" I“ “” ””mzm'“ PM" “it"s“? ‘M’ "‘ . . :1 ' .‘
couldn‘t live anywhere else Sallie Bright. a member of the house from these times; Friday dorm atmosphere. _ worm. said 1‘ ’4: ' '. ~ ' ”
without being petrified" to H 0 U S i n g (i 0 m m i t t e c 7.! i pm Saturday 1-1] p m” 1 ”link “PC” “V’l'i‘i‘i “if “-1) Bonn-er. i H '- ’. l._

. freshman Jim Laserty’s “1 don‘t subcommittee preparing the And Sandi" 18 rm. ' ‘ the) are now arc vaultd. \‘aitl rimmed} en, ,4 - . .
like the dorm. This immature Questionnaire. speculated the i} "H lreshman PW!“ ““1”- km“ PM? 0? l‘im‘ll‘ ~:‘ ‘ ~ ' ' _
stuff like putting shaving cream students will ask for 24-hour . . defend our words."
in somebodys pillow really bugs open visitation as they did last . _ ”a“? - 3. “vi-W . ;;.3_ Students an. er a . ‘
me." year. . ,e . .. . ‘ .325»- policy bit \i‘i‘VHl ~';" it \ .

In spite of the varied life styles A Stlld ent government if "° ‘ ”'1‘" r * {M .r it 2’ , which can b; at; .:.ii .i ' Z" w '3'
of the Greeks. freaks and questionnaire last spring showed a.“ . ”1.7- 1’“ M ~ " "' ‘ addition to t‘tlyii urn-Z». \ lt'g‘ .
“straights" filling the residence 40.5 percent of those surveyed ‘ ,. _“- "i O "‘. We... ““ ' i, t‘l‘cn house ’* .»
halls. a prevailing comment of wanted 24-hour OPCH ViSitilthfl. “s : aid?" -. L; ‘ iii Al lilt‘ Siiidk'ili (iti‘i \ >:l’;‘.r '.l i H '3’
the m a] ority of those 17.4 percent wanted 21—hour ' ‘ «“s a"? "' 01‘s“ MW ”1“” 1 “"1'3? - “ i.
interviewed will be: “We want open visitation. and 32.6 wanted if ,{f . fj; s - .. ()ctobcr. \illtik‘llifi . ' i it. . ...
more open houses." open houses restricted to 3 ‘3 - _ Q ~ its-M 5 i ,E- ‘ ’ R 0 P i‘ YT 01““ “l k 5‘ \ " ‘

A student government evening hours. Only 0.6 percent ‘ it. - ’7’ m... ' -\“*'”’i‘v. . president lot \tlltic” ‘ ~ i
questionnaire being distributed wanted no open Visitation. 1 i :3; ‘3 fix-‘3‘ . lilul lilt‘ indie) has \ namifi '. i
t0 dorm residents this month The administration did not ’ i- “in? " :I7;'.,‘i.~“ ’ " ~‘ the worst this year 9'
will show just how many more respond I0 ”10 SUTVCY. NUS” ' r ‘V. w t “it!“ i 1.; Hours iii-ere;a~.-.-.l ii. '
Open houses students want. said. . iiifiifij' i I f ."i It” .\ltln»ugli open ~. . u i :I' M ‘
After the results of the ‘An important issue' *’5' - rt ‘ . “ t » 4’ mm ”Kim“ “Hm , " '. ~ ._
questionnaires are compiled. a “But they’ll have to respond , 3' . § .1 g 7 gm ‘3 :x’ 1“ tom Hm W”. .1“. . 1.... . .
proposal on open V'slmim” W1” this year." Naser said. “I feel the \f ~ {:5 “Fifi-.1". . _“ \Pt'HLli open ’1 . ‘ - ' ..
be made to the administration. students” level of awareness 3. . 6] ..”= . 1» ’—"r~“:j~‘.i limited. Bland-u ‘ _ . ‘ .

concerning open houses has , I c; w wt? '" V ' President ‘dchnn \l ' ___'_ ‘ '
0,1 the cover increased this year. It's too . I :5" if??? .. ‘ ~31 “I“ ' HWY? I ' . . _

_ . _ . ‘ much of an important issue for - -2 . 3,3: is l nlike .3 \t‘a! .1 » . ' , .

i‘VCll Ill 1946 the Umversrty oi the administration to ignorp‘ It’s . ‘V . “A * llttllxt‘ eat it" licil’ ‘ ' _- .i .
Kentucky was having housing not something they can brush f it. .. 3 "T . “ L'tlillllfhl't‘ti will ..= ' .‘t i. ' . '-
problems. The picture on the underthe rug anymore." i . i; n ‘3‘ men! « l .Hl admit \I - -.k |- '
front page shows (‘harles Baird Naser said the proposal will be '5' \ n ’ \- licrc :ll\it.liit\n\ .m- ;\ c: '. f
relaxing 0” 3 UN *5! ”P in Illt‘ sent to the Dean of Students . ' V 4's . ‘\ou can‘t ‘iav . ' .- - ‘ . ’
men‘s gymnasium to house Office; Dr. Robert Zumwinklc. i _ home nnlm the out-- ~- ,~ ?. ‘ .' - -
incoming students. Vice Presrdent for Student , - \'\ comes to tainpu‘.” \. t. ., '.'- t ' ' ‘ 7

The 1046 housing problem. Affairs, and Rosemary Pond. . ’i Kookendottcr. Kl.’\\.tt. 1 “\z‘! ‘ i . ",
aggravated because barracks Dean of Residence Hall f \i‘ Students also were ~ica' .
being erected were still Programming. . . 3. _. ',’ the present policy butane .‘pt‘r‘ ’ ‘-
incomplete. was met by setting “The administration holds the . . _ ' iii _‘ house requests it int h " 7 .
up double decker cots for men. cards." Naser said. “There are , . _ 3' 5", » i i’ " submitted to the Resid: int ‘1 ilk , 5 . .'

UK’s enrollment in 1946 was plenty of students to fill the I \\ Programming 01th in -.w u: i , i
5.500 today. nearly 25 years dorms, but it doesn't give the These two pictures depict student life, one during the early 1900‘s the Wednesdd) i‘t'lt‘lt‘ the ‘ 7
later. the same housing problem administration the right to and the other during 1971. Lifestyles haven‘t changed much over dCWt‘d WWII-tr ”PF" lu‘lN‘ i . '~
still exists. (Photographs disregard the opinion of those the years. Students still line their walls with paraphernalia relevant SPCCRII 0P0" “mm“ ““1“!” d i ~ .
courtesy of UK archives). already in the dorms.“ to their era of “fins. (Staff photo by David Rose) (‘ontinur-d On Page 4. (‘01. ;; .

 ’ 2 —— THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, Dec. 9. 197] ____________________________——————-———-—— _
V ’ P C l k f k 'll 1
‘ By NORA BECK She added that “a lot of them, months to process a Peace Corps is “What is the pay?” It‘s a living Some thingsIfHahIn lIiIad to find
. Kernel Staff Writer technically skilled people, are or VISTA application,” allowance of $75 a month, plus out for himse Once Ie went to
1 r “The best way [0 PICNIC for not volunteer-oriented people." While the two recruiters have full coverage for any medical his Pl'flke ($153“?ch (m “‘11 slum '
. VISTA is to walk off the €011ch “Sociology, political science been at their post on the first expenses. Another everydIilIy areaI ln PIlld b p {18), . JU§1 hm
e a ”1‘le a I; d lll to the and history majors will have the floor of the Student Center this queryw‘fan my husband/Wile didnt realize how IrIustratlng it aft
community .. “Id Russ lla‘ln I hardest time getting in the Peace week. they reported that eight go too? Married people can would be. hOW bOW- Md”) c0
. . .r ._ A . n . _ , . - , - I ’ w ‘- ~ .
- former V'lST-\ tullumcm. “m h Corps] said llalilwnrelser. people ll ad a s ked tor enter either program only it VI 1 S T A Volu ntee rs Igtt , co;
1 nviw I reerkulte' I. III tl'- mourim 'Hmen‘t done well‘ Irripligdi ions b3. Wednesday their Spouses are also volunteers discouraged and never make ll to lor
' i i i i , ‘ ll'iilv' illtl l'bill ' l"k‘l[""""\\"i' i H illrl i'il' ll lllll“llrL‘l\‘L"l’ ll ii .\ afternoon. but none had been for the sum“ l‘l"’§I—’“1"“' “‘0' “'1” the end. su
. . I I 'I ,.I.I c l‘ :r'\\ a.» , “III“.I «1 We" 'et r. tl'-' Vow returned i‘c‘celyo tho same ilpiti placement. "1 also \iitllrt think lhe .IIIII “it
I I II, 1.1:: I. . . . _ I5 ‘.: , _.,I ._ '\ I , \Im mm.” in ariiilw will 1,”.lef‘e’ (‘iw' .ii .5 (“'1' xlllt“~”=“" ”m” "HC'I' wmiiii .ureul‘li «i' lil\1~."i w? n» 5
_ ‘ I, ‘...' I . 21:. I. irIIjI we . IIIIAII \‘iSl \_ mil-anyhow ngltll i: ll .l~i.1‘xi l‘ja Izll.i.c~» » ”11"“ ‘9')” thought. alriirtllaii; l ilJli th‘
, I II . ' I' . I . . , _ 'II I . liIzI.l,.I1;ii-,I~...1; i 1‘. . yll‘»‘.‘~ '1' .l :‘ é" Ilh‘ i’11“"(“‘"i"'““'i giniisuiu .: wound w. annelaznz' T62
. ~- ~~~-~ ‘» » ‘» .r‘ .1. ".1 NC“ :.:A \w I "“!." .I _
' - .. : . . . .. .c ll “”“ " “ l' "7‘ ""1 “--‘ ' ‘ :;:~_.' 1 "illcil'lflk' lilar ' Pal
. . i . II ._ . II I ' . I I I' . a {‘1- M our i ‘z’ t» " l 2'1 PM -"" " ‘ 1"“ yum: hunt- .:l ;.:-' Jilti i-; ii. “h
. . "- ‘ " ' . j: .. ‘ ' " " ' " '“"’ ‘ " 1 ,. .'\ ~. 2.. , .l it; P .l . ‘.\‘.H‘.§« 1.! ax .‘ 3:4: .11 Isi'lielll. iI » Uri
i .'."' . . .. -. ._ ’i tug}; “.i'. 'I ’ ' ‘ ' "“’ ‘ * . . . IIII cit; . I
I .- .' HUI". .. . "1 ". H . '-. i ‘, . ,,,i. ii fl ll l‘w-Il (“iE‘ " I‘ii‘ifl'l” 7P»? 1- .‘ " 37M! ’l‘“ k1‘1l\k'i_1v1"‘ L!" ” EMI'I" lie rli‘rl" iiE.§Cx-'..‘f\ it lilil’ l'lL‘ '»\ l\ tOV
- '. " _. _, '11.; .. ;-t‘. . mun-i \.ill='".‘:le 1"! 'eil Silica \‘r‘7131 1“"l» \‘NIE' 1‘ I"4“”:““‘i—' :llole .l'iiJ’l‘liii‘ii.‘ than iiz-TL ' '1
.. II-. I .2 I I II . II , \ III .. I I I ,. ;.I I..I.1..I.H infilL'I lili~ oil _l ».j"1i\':? iili{"1\\-IHC itlélk‘l 1112i) lrll‘ leave I III ll‘i ll \I I: “Rul‘. ll‘lii its
. .‘ . . . .- ._ -~\’;ii,‘1-,.::Jiiiztmifl‘ix. . . r" H I, '. . .. g1 A " I . . .V 1 ‘.
.- . . . I . II 71.; . IIIIIIIIIII II C IIIII .‘ .1 "\“fi” I III .,«t III IIII Ralflhi In“ 'ltilll‘i‘ i k IIII .:‘l mark“; (kVIEV\ 1! Hit iiiilll llillllinf 1.\ e‘ii'ehl'iliicill'b JUN: tildl'll “UM” -. as
l ' 1" ’ ' 2'". '1): ' Ins: :l ‘1'. lil/ -‘ ‘1 W ii'i'nig'rH‘WL‘r -l\ ii!“ ‘L-‘V‘MT‘ “ ”“9"? 3‘6“” WEN“. Eb. ‘11 me that much.“ he added. (10
I . ,I .. . ...I I.I .. I II Iii .. r. \L eiw .. .l ._ I III II II 1 II III ‘iri II III ' i I i .‘i il‘ll‘l hUili-i \VI.L’,1VC .
' . . I 1 , lieu» ‘ei t‘1t hkv. t::.li Ll lakes lliil:l tour to six 3“!“‘m‘i‘ ‘mbl‘dl "“M‘H‘ "rif I“ ‘k1 k I I k .fI People are generous ' Th
. 3 . . ‘ up; Peace Corps or V15 l -\ .i plkiponement ll an applicant II . . . , da
' would al‘tz'ct ills status is an has been accepted for Peace I 1'1““ “LT“; ‘UU‘HSO lUTIhlIIH '
- 1*E'P,ARTA.‘L‘\H or: rriEArai: ARTS ALiDiTlONS amaiehraihleie. Corps whim The Peace (‘OIPS ”1 ”7‘ F“"“"‘””‘-‘-‘ m”- if -"
_ . . 1, . _ .1 .. . i , . - amazlnv in a poverty communiix
. I i F if I , Most questions routine ‘V‘HI not ”0““ 1’“ application hiw in ,r us th" 1‘ ,
. .1 , JU‘CS 9' U 5 l‘ t t t ti I tl n until the postponement has been W 5‘ “OI ~ L P90? ‘ A“ ~
' ’ ‘ o 1' l‘.‘ J 'ar‘ . . . ., , . ;,_.. ,II
I . I LITTLE MURDERS )u in \IIIo l (IlIcsIIiIIIxIIIIIIItI iecehed trom the dralt board. when the) ildVL so little. at
. I, . I. . . . .. I. rt)llll[.IlL. I\leI mo;rt ed.) IIIIII.IIi Being a Peace Corps volunteer said.
.- " . _ ’l‘ 'i)llIS"‘.I“L ' ' . r. 1 x 1 i ,.
'. I I . . II Directed by Raymond Smith LlLkb i i u at L as a substitute for deferment as a I IlldauIbenrtIiser ancId that the .
‘ ' 9‘ »‘ WALLACEIS B k S conscientious objector is subject 1}” “It '1“ “l 0 [1? Llh‘ “All
. II . I. Sunday, DEC. 12 L00 pm. in Lab Theatre 00 tore to the approval of the local draft llIttf§{}lL Silt had to adjust Iowa»
. . I ’5 N W Reservin board the “slowmg down. “The idea
.. ' . ; - ~I Monday, Dec. l3 7:30 pm. in Gurgnol Theatre 0 9 pnIme whmtcm on“. or ‘getting In done immediately
.1 1. - i TT RDERS Textbooks ask what college courses will Sllllpl)‘ Won t work.‘ she said
1 . .‘ ,r . up. Add c, 1 : i L: L“ M . 1 - » 1 .
'. , .I . ., C C " d L 3‘ ”I'IIn "we“ Ifmm E U For The Spring Term prove most helpful to them in . \thW 30“"? VOIUHIHU
-. I , .1 . , m! be availab-e. VISTA/ Peace (mpg service. found lack of physrcal comlnls
. , ,. ' I‘ -' . . _ llaubcnreiser said. “The courses 3 hindrance Said Haubenreiser.
VI j I« ,~\ don‘t make that much “You find you can do without
.- . .' ' .- //I;:1»-jy- (N difference." Hahn added that so much. Both said they
' ' ' ‘1 i/i \;~\:)/ ‘i‘ to rts o ay VISTA and Peace Corps service C‘. V127"! 3,. \.,\"”. 5/ , If. ' " ”6‘9"” 3 ,' f \l‘ r- SUBSCRIPTION RATES
I '44 I .III . - '3' I, ' -"’ r "T' a}, 1 4 “,1: 5 .9 /.‘ .. 4 1' c 1, ' Yearly. by mail —~ $10-50
, O ' . 6/. do a; are" r \r; 4'”- 5 f i “i" v 1‘ ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ :_1é1 Per cop-V- from files - “0
, 0 I : . .II. II arr, 4-3. W?“ I, .:.:. . , M v IIiII...;.I1 #MI’J‘ .. i M. if . . . .t'f“ . _i .~ KERNEL TELEPHONES
0) ~ -: .. -- . * "b1 49' "35:19:74, ‘i',’ . '."’ F+--’IQ.\ ~ 1’ / I ‘ «1‘: If”? ' ‘f Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755
. . I it I I,. . “I . :‘fv11 . . . - . ,. 5* ~.- . r1: ([5 Ir . i. 1 x. - . / 0, . '\r Editorial Page Editor.
I ' ‘ '7' ~ 37 .15”le J I ' 'r A i’“ ;I\ ,‘Fi‘i‘ fl 7.. *. ' . 1“ Associate Editors. Sports .. 257-1740
L“ . , IM .v ‘4 .. . I / I'I" - M3 .4 36’ air ~ .1 t a" -- I '\ Advertising, Business. Circula—
. ‘ " " '- “‘1‘“:- ‘ tion........................2584646

 s . ' i
' ———_—-———————-_____——____ THE KENTILCKY KERNEL, Thursday “(1. ‘l. l‘l7l l ' 1
9 ' 1 , . . ;
n 1'0 C 8 1' 8 y (l S ‘ ‘
S OUSL 8 as . an 8 0’1) 8 1' 7 .
tofind ‘ , 1 ,, , , i . I ~‘
ent to KBY MllKl: YORVk t \LLlant Ler physieall). Horn 1910 to about 1030 hours. ll \\'a\ .ilxit lllttzletl by the then tun" m :i no: will,“ ,, 1 . g
V slum eme Staff Writer meiitJll)’ and SPlTllllUIlY~ there were no real “hours“ tor loeation ot the ell)llllll'ifl\‘\ 'lhe Arrtz). Uri-p . VV r
I 'ust The LinWL‘I‘RHy ot Kcntllek)’ Igor .ill tiraetieal purposes, the “,0”an The lthllC\ cam-e m at J WWW.” hwd U” the nortl. M the l‘ U W Ms \NV ‘ ell.:..:‘i.‘ , ' . V
th it V has a long history oi looking I h lllllll‘t-‘llml l‘l’llC) ngllll Wllll respeetable time and thii mar, C‘Jlllllll‘ and llik' Tilt": lihil ih‘l llk ”"9 “Kl‘llil’t -i‘~ V” «1* .1 k 5» ‘-' ' ' . ‘
Mllm dllLT its )oii..g women, All lll~ flktlllm 01 PdllVUW” “fill. that. for a girl to by outside the south side lhe hard} )iilltigf ii iii! ~ 11:» l 1:; ;: . .- , . . - -
V .1 colleges d“. Bug present llic first women sresidenee unit. dormitor) an” ilmner Wm- nien VVL‘TK teriaiiil'. able to d 1 ~ . 1‘ '- d l '1 k‘ ‘ ‘ i ’ J ~
9051 ' “mm—“U55 neeessitatts a close TM dOl‘l‘tllfOI’) “~15 g0V”“~_d h.‘ practically unheard ot. and traverse the distanee between ~l~.‘.. .\ 1:.1 in“ 3,“, id rpm; at; ’3 .-
” look at past regulations and their '4 bUWd 0f SUPCTV‘SOTS appomted dinner was over at () pm. There the old men‘s quadrangle and MW him? resident.“ l ~~ . . ' '
fueeess in Protecting the by the board Of trustees were other unquestioned rules. PallCTSOIi ”all. but the dl‘mii “llll lllk‘ llt‘“ ”JUNK ' "i

' ‘- ‘ \ H \1 e ‘ u . _ . _ , I l I
lk‘ Hilx lnnOLLntS 0n Ldmpllb. ACLOI:dlng to thC 1910 UK tOO. RUlCS lllLC .‘(erSSCS only In separatlun ()1 thy SCXCS TCllL’Clel lgdfi \lllklt’lll lllllldlllfilk Clk'llllt". I.._ ~
it at Somewhere the Umversrty got bulletin, these supervisors were the formal parlor." and “wearing tllt‘ ObJCCthC. Ll llcud l‘CSIdClil'S dllllw in term i. '

an; the idea its primary role in _ three prudent, discreet, of slacks is not allowed.” ‘4 *Wdcm WOUM ““dL‘l‘ldll-d ‘- .
emazm regard to women was that of a mteulgent- women, 1“ £9“ The rules limited and the The first small ripples in llic MC“ women‘s “Nd ”Side“! “W 3.
Hrs; - parent, For years the term standing withna national religious hougemothers discouraged girls c a l m o f the previouslv hired to “close the dorm .2! f ‘ “ -,
. es 9, . . . . ‘ . _ ' , , r, ‘ 1‘
1'; till housemother typified the organization. from Signing out for the unquestioned hours policy flight, turn (ml the lights and
' - 9 . . . ~ . - - u .' '
UniverSitys guardian attitude One of the best weekends. And spending the surfaced in the early l940’s. PUl lingering dill“ 0111 In llli ' a"
file a is toward the girls. But life at Patterson was night in town (with friends of W om e n a s ked for, and cold. cold night.“ 1 f 4 l
aw ‘L . The 1930 UK bulletin-defined better than it might seem, for at the family, of course) was eventually received, permission During the .40,§ and ‘SOK ' . ' .
‘1 1; tr its in loco parentis p031t10n by the time, the dormitory was strictly forbidden. to stay out until midnight on mt“ were some rules Mi“ h '
Wm” -. assuring parents of the “one of the best in the south ” If the duration of daily socral Saturday nights. The University n o s . L 0 1 thou 1h! "
' i ‘ a . _ ' - . . s . l s l C . . ‘: V
dormitory staffs watchful eyes. The price was “gm, too—just life was limited by women’s even sponsored a ‘ hop” during meaniligleSS Thpe major one ads 2, .‘
r : The bunch“ guaranteed . a“ three dollars a week for room , . .. . .. .i . . » the “lights out“ rate At eert'iin lL' -
V V , daughters would “be, glven and board ‘ y“)! ,s NWT}: ‘ 5:: H ”V . ~ 5kg . , - 4 - u ,,V j u‘ '. ‘9 .'
or mm . - t fit {5 Vs vi, times, usually ll pm. or 1 ‘ .. ~. ' _
' NHL" ' .. Wa““" a? J ‘3’ 2 weeknights and 12 midnight on a V ‘ ’ y .

' 55:5 . ‘ s P V s ' _ «5:: i ‘ » ‘ . ‘ .. "
‘llUlllll HILLEL HANUKAH PARTY 4;” .3 .9 ,s :9? s 3. weekends. the women 5 head i _ '. . ,
ile are - A ' w“ l «”3357;- I' r"- v I f‘ '7 residents arbitrarily turned “a: ', ~' , '

” . . :V .. M V .5 e s. - r u; c s. _ a ‘L . _ . , s . . I V. . . , . . .

e‘ ne Sunday, December 12th—5:30 DJ“. A» ~« . .' 12,- ~ . V39? :9: '- llfll.l\ ott. The seen; i ;» - . , :

ft --"«_. " M l \ ~‘ -\ n ~. ilii Till’ l ~ ‘ r- ' .- 7

1‘ th Meet at Student Center Parking Lot or Haggin Field to go to “W V ‘ irn \ ms 111‘ isV t it ea 1 V . _ . .
i i e e . ' t'itllx ‘tii! riiitn .i~: river t k -,'

.4 ~ Pendelum Apartments' Party Room -—Lakeshore Drive fag“; ~ » . a ”m“ _. . ‘ ‘ i . . .9 . ‘ - ' . . .~.
they)“; . ~ $333. I ‘8 . 9 ll) lira lni'ver all} \ ll -.' 2 ' -. -. V‘.‘
to was “i . 4w pi ~. _ _ Vt: -V
L0 “W ‘ ' ‘ 5 ‘ Changes gradual
llillCl\, , ‘ L’é ’ if ' i» w u x ,.. , V ,

‘1 - ' V v at; V: f , , ;_,ii1tlll.t~ i. mu. ,r . V
[an t - ' .r “g ' " , '~ ll \ ‘~ " ~l‘ - ' 5
Ultwtt ... \‘lldflmKd’l/l’ll fl“: :l):{:lx_ . :-
inllflrls a ff d I L I} ~ ~- -r,._.... 1‘” ll‘\ «ii .1 1 il'fil .:; .' I
V r IS n W I‘ f... . H . .. a.
‘LrL'LL" O 0 e e . QR “ "at" f quail, minus? mantel sh, 1‘ . ‘i _,;
”mom \‘j‘gya ">.\ 1 . , .3 } 1rx:_iii!iit.ii ~ind s:.‘llii)3’ um , " "1
I VIM? v ,. . L31}: eoiiid Slit} out until 1493i: . '1
- 5‘1”“ y " ~_ _. :' \\';‘L‘l\'lll‘ll;lf.. Then ”option ~ ~ i ‘ -
~ . r: s , - ; __": 4;" =j .-:;;.‘j“~‘~ . “ ‘

”L “V‘LL ‘ , , M -._ ‘ who usually had tr: be 2:. ; ~ ~
“Ml - ~ . t - L - 7:10 could sta\ out until V 3i ’ "
”C so (If a rate of five passengers This VcoeVd of the early 19008 relaxes and studies in her room. V V“ V ,Hk l5i 1.5» .
. d1 l ConSidering that dorms probably closed at 9 p.m.. she couldn’t have “l" m“ “k” m“ - ~”~ ', f
\'t ‘.‘. , ,afii t.. , s, ,9
had much else to do. (Photo courtesy of UK) titshman, who al>0 nail to l L ti; V
_. for $3.15 at M30. eould have one ””3131: :~ ._
lndS ll - i. e . (u ”' wee' ) until 8 30 l
V b“ NOW .— IS The Time the first week ot school for the ‘) l d ”k.‘ “0‘ i‘ " I f ' '
l: .——'—_———'— new freshman to today s sophisticated eon ‘ i

where TO Reserve Your L d.'l 'd _ l liavmg to come in at 10:30 . ‘ j, .

way to Spring Textbooks aste U ml "1th weeknight might sei'ni niedzw :
for ’d - I The mm was UlllquC m that 11 but to the~ average ‘ Sir ,_ ' .- '
- WALLACE 5 Book Store lasted 4 u ntil mid nlelit. College” of the '40‘s and ‘51:. x 3- ~-".
emphasising the coed‘s new Wis s dream Lttlllc ”Us ,_
r W. V . ,.' . , W _. . found treedonn Th se ehaiigt [:xtra nights granted ,
- w ‘7‘“ i ‘VWW ; - a” ‘~ mull-I" were. for the time. eonsidered :
L t r
9 - a»: 0 ~‘ ~ “3:3” ‘ Tl - ' \mt to make '3 ewnwlu ~ ‘ "r
{s ' .- ' a ~ -~ , v-v, ‘ Vi; ~ very liberal tor a southern “ “ ‘ ‘ It ‘
.1: ._ r \ ' . ‘- V. , s5 ~ _ . a no as it ”81 1'\ r» V a l ‘.V,._ V
" #4: w 5%." 3 . v V t ? z 1 . I y} ab»; .1 institution. ‘3‘“ ”1 f‘V'“ ”LL ‘ H“ ' r
‘ E? ‘4 1‘: .. -, . t , ‘ ~ i. -.~';" V ' .Q L ~ ~ , extra “nigits out ii Week ». i ; _‘
lee - l3~«— ,9“; ' ' ll “ # i E l "lfll 5‘; -, L" a" L; I A 1 th 0 U 51h L k d or "f l‘llllL‘d to "iris Will" high i" r" . ' , ' ‘
2.3 :14; L _ I it it e , t H; W ' l : “fir : regulations might have seemed g ‘ 1 . l E“ ' l ' t f i " ‘
' t. '- ~ Z i . V , ~ ~ V- m “ i“ ; I‘ __~- " ‘ ‘ ‘3» . ’1 i ' ' ‘ " t‘j ‘ ’ .
t ends, 2; r .. -. : ¢ :2 t; j a; s 3 _.. i. ~ nit“ L‘l ”l 9Jl 2”egg: ‘: progressrve to many, the Dean ot E; “’L V'“ ‘VJ‘V‘VL‘L "l‘ Mllr L 1‘ -~ . V
. a 4. .i » - u «, tit; .it ~ ' ‘ ‘ ~ z“; ~ l. ' '41 - - - - ’i ' ' z ‘; .‘ . .i .' '-
111 no _ ‘ g ‘ i. .. ‘1- ll“: 3 u" “all i,- : , _ L l t . ,{x‘ VJ ,- ..= _= Women maintained tight t‘V‘ ’0‘") “V :L ‘”"V \ ‘9‘ ; '. _
. ', :; V -, ~ ‘ . 3 'i ii ”5:: V ’V,V .. ‘1 , ft -: ~, l“. V. ,li ‘i i _ . 1 _, , . , _ . y| ~ n . Cy- . . ll - ~ » _ r _ .‘
.ernel’s ‘; Z y ‘1' j Hill .Ir.i.._/g/,f_t;fil .9“ ~-..m.~.,._w : it t/ . f sut'VL‘lllLlllCC ot her young ladies ‘L l" ”‘m‘ V‘ ~ "J“ ll” . ‘
I l l A. w" lllll‘~'e?p"‘m' ' ‘ "WEE?“ “ I w’ ’ Ll?- I’t if: ’3 throughout the 1940‘s and dorm lounge ”“1 “‘ munt ”7*" , ,' ~ 1
. . g / Z‘I' . ~ ~ .7. “ennui , i l ' i -.I ~‘ ~ ~ >~ ~ . 'e ' ' i “ w: ' V “
0 also ié' q; . V his: if 1%th .1 52- ex 5 5 all ‘3, H V 5i J . t l 7 l t g i 1950 s. The women were able to Ll‘LVlV‘Hm ”1L lme “‘5 ' l i' - V V
. I ,1 ' V 1. ‘ " 5“, ‘ " ‘ . l- “ “ i : s , , s .‘ s ()l 5 ‘_‘
t With i : ‘9 i [1,4343 ' 5- y 5 ,_ l H _ H; - . , - stir» out long enough to st; a , a .

. -'~’ ‘ v I 7 ’ 6 .s ‘ ~'-‘ ~ ' ' i. ' ~ ~ L - T ' ~ ‘ ' eel \» ~‘- ’
(amine : V‘ V. :3? 7; 5 5 . )5 .2 5 x5531 51:; If Egg “0 V L A ; sunset tor the tnst time. but VVlVllliVNVVs: sttiiViVVVViii VhtViiui V .. . ..
role. ‘ I: f 'é if; ”[2" 7 - w, 5* ‘. .5 ‘5“ 61‘7"» ~95 ) ‘ _~ \ V V they were able to do little else WHILE?» I‘FLV‘ ‘ L’LL ‘ l “I“; ' .

E’ )r‘. 'lwl‘. ~ '~ ' _ 'V "‘, , . 1' : - - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ; ‘r . L! “. , L r '
'ucture ; ~V‘* ,, I" v ‘ i7, 7 f ‘ . 5 :, 5' ‘ f: 7:” , \ 5-7 7 east. r‘ because ot the myriad ot lfllritllts ::;.:1.\3k):lr\llllltl:\lh,1: LL, ~ . _ . ‘-
~ ~ I, v: . r — ~ V Z l - - , ~ lli‘l .
‘tudent ; t 1le ”w; ~- l h" . 5‘ r 5 s 5 16“ 5 ‘é- as i1“ £29» ' restrictions placed on their (L . L. L” VL ( L L . . _
:3, its l ‘ i.5 . V 5,5 5_ s 5 1.. 6 ’6” k ‘_5’.5; x i— W‘ l behavior l)40 S until the late l )60 s. ‘ ’ , -
_: .i‘f - ' t , -. ~- ~- mi“ - - .. . ,
t _ an“; ' i __ ~ ~ 9, 5 5 -..‘. 5 ”z , , A: ~- 5 . . - '2, tr 7 P J , J ‘ The idea o! no hours in; ,V ,
2- It” . i 7 , ~ L5 5 “5 6 ,e 6'54; 6 I: 9 .6 ‘ i5 q. , .v E's/l ; arents permission 3 must women had grown popular b} ~ ~
____ ‘ i '71?” .I. :V ['5 V5 ,5, ' “ 6 6 (V7 , A ‘ 5 y 7' 7_'; r - _ Unless a girl had a good excuse to“; and m ”w spring or that [V ' V
- " f 7 7‘: r" .g 759. ”a e. 6 ’6- / 6'} fl “‘5 7'77 '7 7 7 a, not to. she was required 10 11W vear the Association of Women ' " ,."
; E ’ ' 7‘ t (6‘99: "’31:: \6 ,6» -5 a» I -z 6, 6; 7* ~ 17 i in a rwdt‘ncc “all. and all students (rum) itMtlL‘ “sir . -
‘ lg '. 7 7 , -; 7*7 7 7 ’7 5‘16; ‘ 64.}23‘3'2-1 "4, .V51—;_1'~>.}’>«V’¢', ;, _ 5\ it" 9.4: J 4. , ’77. it» dormitory resrdents had to have rL-gulatcri“ liotn'g 3 poweriu V, - ,
ENT! ’- f ,. 2‘: 7.“ ~ 7 1 . ‘l v 9, Quay/0' “ 6 kg“, 6' ,_ ' :5 .'~_9~ 6 7 4 . ‘_ parental permissmn to do almost issue. 'V ~ -, '~
V u . I, - \s‘ l J , ‘ ..’ l ‘, v .‘ ‘ . I _' 3 - ~ ‘ . . — ~ ' V

V E? a 2 , 6" “e y" 9 ‘ e 655‘: 9Q. (9;? 4 . 4 4 ’dlll'llllllg- Al ”N beginning 01 AWS eited lilx puliheationx as ‘ t

B‘ .. t 2 ‘ . 1.x 1.2:»- , 6 639:6 XI as _ b‘ ’9' 9 ‘6 V-V4_V ,, r V 44: r V eaeli school year. the Dean ot m; bugk as 1035 that got ,-

"NT ' E " 1i 1 2 7 2 6’ r‘ is}, ‘91," “6‘ 9‘ 6\‘ .9 ‘ 9139377. 4, 4 ’~ 7 i‘ ’ WOITTCIT sent 2] lL‘llCT 10 CllCl‘i in lOTllldl treatment l0 lllk ." 2V
V? , .. 1, 2 ,;" ,/ a -.6 :6 V ’ V 9 .A 7:7 7 ~7 1; _; ‘- eoeds‘ home to determine what Subtcgt of men’s hours, Tm: \ ' f 7

N6' 'v 5. .7 ' “ '7L 7. 9 :6 9,“ 1,9’ 1.. 9‘56» \ .r 9. ' 917' ,, ' . V 7 . 32 the student eould and WU“! ”(‘1 1936 handbook a