xt7qv97zpk9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zpk9m/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1995 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1995 Vol.66 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 1995 Vol.66 No.12 1995 1995 2019 true xt7qv97zpk9m section xt7qv97zpk9m A : _-,~ QLO’Okiflfl December, 1995 ,
____r, ‘\ Volume 66, Number 12 '
I‘ /‘) ‘i r “ —— .
I‘ 4 '..‘J W 7 “lead. ' ‘ ‘ W A § The Otticiai Publication
. , v V * t . t the Kent Pre scum
I 1 -’ -7 December 3-6 \ ..\ $5th 0 WW SQ ‘
, ' " " Newspaper Association ' 5" 4 ‘ V {Wm g f; .91 I;
' Managers Legislative Issues IKJENTU z 2 13 E 3:; »
| Conference . m CJKY 2 $65.; g a; _ I
bcriodicals . , . , \ \ g a '3 % En ..
’ JP:— December 12 . § 0 ; 13 r71
2901::2 Inauguration Day, Governor 2 g E f
"L Paul Patton Sworn In ‘ ,5 C % 8
b3 03 o
:0 I} o
, December 22 3> 3’ I1
‘ 12Noon-KPACentralOfflce .i r \ ‘ \ J 3338 , -
_. Closes - ‘3“ :33) //-—\‘
011158th Day \ 3 9 \0‘ The on-line version of The '
IcPA Central Office Closed get! “fitfio / Kenmky Km] was chosen as
was the top Internet student publica-
, ' December 29 .. , _ - , , tion in the country in November
' ‘ 4 x 12 Noon - KPA Central Office ‘W (”I ”o“ v . " E t i at the 1995 Math)“ College _
' Closes w M”"“‘“‘”“”"“ c. l Media Convention in Washing-
. ~ . ton, D.C.
. 1996 I (T‘I’Hh t' I The on-line version began
' February 20.
H U H H l . Thedifferenthomepage
. January 1 . W . . areas are'
New Year’s Day ' ”j '7” ‘ r, . ., T ' W 5' W V? I Commune - that day's
" KPA Central Office Closed " " .' ; . a ’ _ I , . A 3 edition of the Kernel. ' 4
5 _ .9?” W“ ' . all“! ' KeG-aspecialtabloidcalled
- January 1 3,. ’ ’ v t e ' ’ 'Kernel Entertainment Guide,‘
, . All Other Kentucky Elected I 5 g *P l i l 3] [new «a. Thursday.
Ofi'lcialsTakeOfiioe ' W i. . - ' t f. 1" "‘V Buketball-thehtestapedal
t " v .2. it " aecflonpubliahedbythexemel.
. ‘-. January2 r M ‘ H Otherspedalsectionahave ‘
. 1996 Kentucky General M . - s m” l featured Homecoming, Football
‘ - ' Assembly Regular Session _ ' t, I md New Students. V
. ‘ . Begins _ ‘ I ‘ 1",“ i Forum-aweek'sworthof .
‘ W " . _ '. V , ' ' i editorials and columns, plubs
. ‘ January 25 , 23 .‘ i .. , l editorial cartoons.
" KPA Winter Convention, fh ‘H 1 , i '1 n -* ' I 4 U i x has: a?!” of 2:“
~ 1 Radium Plaza, Lenngton 4 ?- w at! it: I ““50"! ETC - a the name inlplies a .
- March4-8 ’ ' " ' ' "‘ ’ ’" varietyofinformation. ‘
J. . Newspapers in Education Week SW: [”89 3.
., ‘r Continued on Page 5 , -
r. it ' Notice of Business 1 . l . r"
., N .
{ Meetmgto Confide, E drldge e ected to Board, Caudlll, _. ,_
fl“ By-Laws Amendment G 1 1 d .
reer, Rev ett, Portmann re-e ecte
3r“ , . . . . ,. W . ' .
“new ma New ,5? "
3.4 be held Fri d: lanua 26 1996 at of the Henry County Local in New 15-A; David Greer, of the Elizabeth- . a t . ‘ K‘
' ' 1‘, t the Radisson {4m doznéwn 1;,» Castle, hasbeen elected toathree—year town News Enterprise, in District 5; ' ‘ . ‘* _ r.‘ . .‘
:3." 9 in n beginnin lat 8 a m (East- term on the Kentucky Press Associa- Teresa Revlett of the McLean County ’ . ‘1 ' ,
.L.‘. ‘~ . ems?) ' g ' ' tion/ Kentucky Press Service Board of News, in District 3; and Charlie Port- , i 3 - .
_~ ; 3‘3 ' ' . Directors. mm, of the Franklin Favorite, in Dis- ‘ v , ‘ l .
'1 3" ' mamnumddmmgzgmgcplude Eldridge takes over the District 6 trict 4. Both Caudill and Greer were ' .. H
W ,2 A , tion By-Laws bein seat from Merv Aubespin of the Louis- unopposed. t A L
Hit. ‘ “0um us" by“: K65 ville Courier-Journal. The district in- Greer is completing the term this ' -'
“5.3-2.7, P mmA'i'ssodmazon B l of eludes Bullitt. Henry. Jefferson. Old- yearofNewsEnterprlsepublisherMike '.
:1“: Directors) on Pride Novenber 3 ham, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble Anders and Caudill is completingthe ‘ ,. = ‘ a.
'35"? 1995 y, I “xiii fi ftheud term of former Georgetown News a» , c
it}: '1 ' . ve o istrict Board Graphic publisher Bob Scott who re , f ’
a]; ; “‘2'“ A3231}? mo; :1”: seats were up for election for a three- signed 1.3: year. j ‘
mph 2 which'presently’states: Mmmmwanm 1996- mm:2 mmedwmmckvin \ - ;
.__ f- ' Con at? e5 Rmrlncumbentswonanothertermon 1991mmmmm8aomie 1 '
“an“ .8 thelloudhduding'l'omCaudmoflhe Continued (II P‘C 2 DIM Eldridge : ,
, . ' -- , .5 $.i‘“qW;l.l&,“ V 3 .g.‘ if; :.‘V‘,:‘5 w - . V W .t .
W Ir. ‘ ,r r . ‘,‘_ t . . .> i. W. _ \W . 1 ‘ W .W’H‘k‘rn “II: t .'~ .‘ e W ‘W' .
‘Z’V'f-'l.. . ‘ v \ -.‘\V \t \t \ A. \ .' ‘ \' .' ._ -- ‘ ' ‘ -

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press - December, 1995 9 E
P 1 d P . th N “ ‘
eop e an apers 1n e ews
, Christee Mitchell has joined the In an effort to improve customer . Two Western Kentucky Univer- Russell, has been named office assis-
staff of the Berea Citizen in the compo- serviceindelivery oftheGlasgow Daily Sity graduates have pined the Elizabe- tant for the Spencer Magnet.
sition department. She isa graduate of Times, publisher Bill Tinsley has an- thtown News Enterprise staff as The Kentucky News Photogra-
Western Kentucky University with a nounced the addition of Bobby Wells graphic deSign assoaates. Steve phersAssociation presentedits annual
double major in Englishandsociology and Kevin Bishop to the circulation Haycraft and James Strickland bOth awardsin mid-Octoberduring KNPA'S
and recently interned at Corbin This department. graduated from Western with adver- fall conference. Kentucky newspaper
Week. Acton Noe and Nancy Apodaca tisingdegrees.PublisherMike Anders photographers honored by KNPA in-
patty Fox has been named adver- havejoined thestaffoftheNewsDemty also announced that Dorothy Sharlene cluded Charles Bertram, Lexington
tising director of the Beattyville Enter- crat and Leader in Russellville. Noe, a Williams had joined the N-E's staff as Herald-Leader, Still Photographer of
- prise. May graduate of New York Univer- a classified compositor and Cristi the Year;Bill Luster, the Courier-Jour-
The Voice—Tribune's John Chalek sity, is a reporter / photographer for Heyde had been named classified sales nal, runnerup in Still Photographer of
received the 1995 AlbertSandersMem- the twice weekly Park Newspaper and representative. the Year; Janet Wome, Lexington Her-
ber of the Year Award at the St. Apodacaisworkingin thenewspaper's Kentucky Standard publisher ald-Leader, Still Best ofShow. The Lex-
Matthews Area Business Association's advertising department. Steve Lowery has added four employ- ington Herald-Leader's photography
annual banquet. Chalek was honored Chris Wooten has Joined the staff ees to the editorial staff of the department was named the Best Pho-
for outstanding service to SMABA and of the Voice-Tribune asa staff reporter. Bardstown tri-weekly. New additions “38'3th Staff.
theSt.Matthewscommunjty.TheVoice Lisa Browning has joined Land- include Rebecca Ray, assistant editor; Jim Jennings, former assistant
Tribunewasalsohonored foroutstand~ mark Community Newspapers, Inc, Stephanie McMillin, production co- managing editor for graphics of the 1
ing corporate support to the group. Central Office in Shelbyville as an of. ordinator; Michelle Corder, proof- Lexington Herald-Leader, has been ‘
fice assistant. reader; and, Jason Lee, graphic de- elected president of the Society of l
“‘R—k signer/pagsi’nator.b f 1 Newspape; Design. Jennings, now a I
l I lh Karen ensen rennet, ormer ya Lexington- ased newspaper consult- ,
k C KCHLUC )7 DFC§é senior accountantwith Cotton & Allen ant, takes the helm in January.
TheKentuckyPreseOSSN-0023-0324hspublished District 13 public accounting firm in Louisville, Harlan County native Jackie
3:313:31); gafimmdgmpzmagaifinmdy Glenn Gray, Manchester Enterprise has been named accounting supervt— Comett hasyomed theadvertising sales 1
{ml KY 40601. segucbsmmkpfim pm.“ is $8 whys: sor for Landmark Community News- staff for the Harlan Dally Enterprise. l
Postmaster Send change of address to me Kentu-cky District‘l“! . papers. Comett came to the Enterprise from '
, I 533;? consume 13:12,an KY ”601' (302) Stuart Simpson‘ “lam Week John Henson, managing editor of Liberty Life Insurance. He also has been
- District 15 A the Harlan Daily; Erntegprlise, has been an assistant football coach at Harlan.
’ , _ Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader named editor 0 t e a] y' replacmg '
Office" and Dlmms Lisa Carnahan, who will become the FTC tEIemarkEtlng
Kentucky Press Association - - - - .
District 153 new KPA News Bureau Directorinlate rules nOVV 1n effe Ct
President Guy Hatfield, Citizen Voice and Times December_ The announcement was
- Dorothy Abernathy, Oldham Era State at Large made by Enterprise publisher James Effective December 1, the Federal
, Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent Kerby. Henson received his bachelor's Trade Commission’s new rules gov-
P ”"1"" El“ . degree from Eastern Kentucky Unl- eming telemarketing took effect.
, John DeiSanto,Ashland Dally Independent Jay anyaducah gun verSity and was awarded a master's Newspapersthatsellsubscriptions
p... President Ch" H t ch Prin T‘ Lead degree m sports administration from and advertising over the telephone
Steve Lowery Kentucky Standard 1P u eson, ceton er EKU m 1991' should ‘ l '
. , . . _ pay particu ar attention to the
19 Lyles Benton Tribune Courier Richmond Register publisher following:
- Vice President rry ' David Harrison has named John , lfa , ,. . , . s
. . person requests hc or she not
a gene Clabes, Recorder Associates Division Butwellasthe newspaper smanaging be called again the paper must keep
ew - ~ ' ’ ‘ l
,. sPapers Bob Adams, Western Kentucky University editot: Butwell formerly was the his or her name on a list and refrain ,
Imam! Advertising Division papet s Berea bureau chief. Rebecca from calling again. _
. Marty Backus, Appalachian Teresa Revlett McLean County News Mullins has taken Butwell 5 place at 0 Callers must identifvthemselves {
News Express I the Berea bureau and been named Reg- promptly and make it clear that the !
0mm” News Editorial Division ister Berea editor. Harrison also pro~ purposdofthe call is to sell something 1
William Mitchell Fulton Leader Wm New" was“ WM mom-q Joyce R0? to mmpwmm 5”" ' calm“ mu“ “"P'm" 3“ ““9 . ‘
Circulation Division perwsor and Julie Lawson as Medley I Calls must be made between 8
Distrith Todd Rainwam A alarm“ New editor, replacing Mullins in that posi- am. and Q pm .
. Jed Dillingham, Dawson Springs PW?“ Express . PP tron. Butwell poined The Register in . Papers must keep dt‘ldllt‘d
‘ Dist “3 :99] affix {min/(:6 azm‘Znag-lmg (:1’ records of all calls for two years. '
' n a . i i \ ‘
, . ‘ Journalism Education 0" “ ‘ “m on _ ‘n ”u " “‘ Records must include scrl vts, names ‘
Ii' Teresa Reflefl’ MCLean County News BT-VR0"'W0”9: Ea‘mm KenkaY Mullins and Lawson are both gradu- and addresses of cllstomi'rs, dates, l
. District 4 “‘Vm'W ates of the UK yturnallsm school amounts sold, names and last known 1
Charlie P°”"““"' ankm‘ Favorite General Counsel: Rachael Raneyls the new director addresses of current and former em-
, , _ for Sun Publishin in Paducah. Ranev _ - , - _
Jon nemhaker and Km, groom, Wyatt, . . g‘ , ployees, and anv flt tltious. names used
District 5 Tarrant and Combs )0th the Sun staff in October, 1989, as bv those employees.
, . David Greer, Elizabethtown News account executive and was promoted ’ '
. 5““??in Kentucky pus, Association to sales manager in 1992 for EXTRA the I)ave Eldridge ClCClCd
. , Districts Kentucky Press Service Staff Sun's TMC and entertainment pack— [ KPA/KPS B d
l Mav AubesPln, Louisville Courierloumal De . age. Liz Latta has replaced Raney as 0 ‘ Car
. “d 7- ThomPSO": E‘W‘We mm” EXTRA sales manager. Iatta is a jour- Continued from Pa 8 1
Bonnie Howard, Business Manager . 8
. District 7 Chm Davis Advemsin Director nallsm graduate from Murray State . _
s ‘ Kelley Warnlck, Gallatln County News Reba Lewis, Research/Migrating University and is studying for a local, a part of Landmark ( ommunlty
. , . , ‘ District” Coordinator master's degree in communications. Newspafx'rsdncl,basedinShelbyvrlh‘.
, Sue Camrnack, Secretary Julie Scott hasJoined the Sun asadver e was ‘i'rm ation manager ”H “
' ‘ Ken Metz, Bath County News mumk ghuif)’ “3:30", fikmping A-‘Sis‘an' tising account executive for EXTRA. :Nlnchester 8"" 'f‘rom ”'79 t” WM h‘" V
_ . rry rper, vertising Assistant , - a . . ore moi/mg to t (' clrnl ation depart
_ . ,‘ District 10-11 Rachel McCarty, Clipping Director She preVIou ly worked for ntwspi ment 0‘ th ) H q 1‘ ) (‘1‘ ‘. ;
~ - Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express . persm Kentuckyand Flonda and most ‘ U ‘ ‘ N n ' “m‘ r ""
, _ ‘ , ‘ Nancy Peyton, Mail/News Release ' thr . t, s Fld i, . k 1 . , ‘
, " ‘ , om SerVice recently for the Metropolisflll.)Planet 0‘ V“ r ' ' m H WW “I "m“ ““
. . ‘g' l‘. ‘l Loullclliaimaker Jackson Times/ Linda Slemp, Clipping Assistant Bonnie Parsons, former secretary WWI“ ”‘ W‘“‘d"dt§“- \a., 1““ J ( ”V t
‘. . ,. - , Bea ‘ vi"? Ente ’ se Carol Payton, Clipping Assistant for Taylorsville attorney Lorraine and 8mm ”1"“I)"h“”"'r““”“'”l§
I, . .‘ . ', '_’ j ”y ‘ rprl Holly Stigers, Clipping Assistant to Kentiickv.
l"..~,"‘ ‘.-’.‘ I]
1" .- o" u "h .V it ( '
,_ . fig,” t V. . , "W . _ , t , . ‘ ’ . ‘
n;r§".gflxfit’.r it‘l‘t‘; ’ r. ":‘d \ “~F l ‘. . n ‘ X a . \ ‘ }
izPiir‘f.fll’*1*-:‘I.y:‘.-'- r35, nth, (can! 1 O _ . ~ . . , a . \ . g i
fins; . : ' -.. . = ' ~ ;A .~ , . » . . . . ‘ ' '
hasn’nu aim » 1 . - . - ‘ . s ‘ '

 { ~ \
t ,
! E The Kentucky Press - December, 1995 - Page 3
' Kentucky university publications do well nationally Commen
Kernel named top Internet % .
. . Censorslnp of student newspapers
StUdent DUbllCaUOn IS a call for all journalists to help
The on-line version of the Ken- Selena Woody received a fourth
tucky Kernel, the University of place award for one of her opinion By Jim Highland Since that time, the US. Supreme . .
Kentucky's student newspaper, was pages in the BeSt 0t Collegiate Design Western Kentucky University Court has ruled that SChOOlS, SChOOl
chosen as the toplntemetstudentpub- competition. The page design was fea- "lseenothing wrong with keeping boards and advisers have a right to
‘ lication in the country in November at tured .th the College Media ReVieW, a certain things out of the newspaper. It control content of high school newspa-
. the 1995 National College Media Con— COT'F‘P‘tat‘Oh 0t W‘hhers- . it would embarrass the school, then pers, but the court has left the door
vention in Washington, DC. The Eastern Progress W0“ htth maybe it's best that we not print it." open for the states to extend First
The Kernel competed with on-line place 1“ the 0h'5‘te Best Of Show com— Words like this are bein 5 ken Amendment rightsto theseyoungjour— .
student newspapers, magazines and petition held at the College Media in' umalism and En lish ctagssfgom nalists. . ‘ . ~
radio stations for the "Best of the Net" Advisers/ American Collegiate Press in fientuck d a g th U 'ted Anyone who has ever spoken as a r /‘
General Excellence award. The on-line Association held in Washington. Stat y a n cross e m ' 1' ‘ '
' _ , _ _ es where some lugh school teach— )ouma ist to a CIVIC club knows that ,
Kernel also picked up a third place College Heightsl-lerald The C01 tell' h . d - . ka manypeo leinourcommunitiesdon't 1
award for design. lege Heights Herald and Talisman ersare )dingltfe: Shh eTsltso yto like us Erticularl when their ox is t
This was the first year of the "Best Xposure also received national recog- censor (t n) lg SC 00 newspapers bein ofed But they res, re rt \ 1' f
of the Net"competition and it featured mtion during the competition. I“ the to make the @001 system 100k 800d degcht I h thy pect p0_ ers \‘V
student media entries from more than BestotShow,theHerald,WesternKen— In some instances, professional an b1 iorsw en keeyélexppseasenous ,f\\
30universitiesaround thecountry.The tucky University's twice—weeklynews- newsorgaruzationsmcommumtiesare pro Eh? orfizcroo mp0 moan' and \
1 awards were sponsored by the ASSOCi- paper, placed second in the non-daily being maligned by teachers who tel] 501116 ng' ppens t t makes their - \\ ‘
l ated Collegiate Press and lntemet tabloid dh’tStOh- the" students the media distort and commutuhes a better place to hv?’ / A
World. The second issue of the 1994-95 even intentionally lie when they print Thatswhat these high schoolpur—
‘ "This is a very special award," said Talisman Xposure was second in gen— their daily or weekly editions. nalists want. to do, expose the prob- '
, Mike Agin, UK's student media ad— eral interest magazine category. The These same teachers use the lems that exrst “ guns m the schools,
viser. "The UK students who work at Xposure is a three-volume, soft cover phrases such as "we don't want to be gangs: “Olencel teenage Pregnancyr
the newspaper area creating a nation— magazine/ yearbook. like them. We want to support the Alps “ and make something happen
; ally-ranked publication and putting it Other WKU awards were Herald, school at all costs. Just because the to improve thett SChOOtS-
i on the superhighway for the world to Pacemaker Finalist; Joe Howell, third, principal pulled that story doesn'tmean Of course, if they can't print the
see. Obviously, this award means that feature P‘C_tt"e Of the .year; Andy he or she has done anything wrong. It stories and their advisers can't support
many people outside UK are liking CUtfal'Oi third, sports picture 0f the was just in our best interest." thembecause ofafearof being fired or
what they see" year; Matt Tungate, honorable men- As a member of the Society of pro. denied tenure, then the problems are '
The Kentucky Kemelalso wonsev- tion,LosAngelesTimeseditorialofthe fessional Journalists National Task pushed under the rug and everyone /
eral other national awards during the year; Stacy Curtis, honorable mention, Force on High School Journalism, Ican pretends they don't exist. The prob- _
four-day convention, including a first College Media AdVISets best corruc honestlysay thatifwords like these are lems aren't addressed, they don't go ‘
place for best opinion page design; strip. . . not a call for action on the part of away and they just get worse.
editorial editor Matt Felice and . . h‘ the Collegiate DeSign 3 compe professional journalists the should The next session of the Kentucky _
"Sherman‘s Alley" creators Jerry Voigt ttt‘Ohr photolournalism, College be a, y General Assembly is a matter of a few
and Toby Gibbs each picked up first Heights Herald, first, second, thith ' It was a few short ears a 0 that weeks away and the students need
place awards in cartooning; and the Talisman, fourth I Front Page Tablmd' mydaughter waseditorg’fa highgschool help in the form 0t legislation WhtCh _. .
Kernel 5 advertismg department l-lerald, second, Sports Pages, Heta'd' newspaper and her principal decided extendshothem thesame FirstAmend- I
picked upa second place award. first, Magazme Feature Presentations, th ed'to ' l h te H h l ment freedoms professional journal- -
UK's studentdaily also was given Talisman Xposure, fourth; Yearbook an an 1. na 5 e wro on SC 00 ists have
several awards in the College Media People Spreads, Talisman, fifth; Year- Sptht was inappropriate and should Noon istalkin about ivin thm
Review, a publication from CMA that bOOk Indexes, Talisman, third: . notrunbecauseitrecommended bu‘ld' th . ht C; . t8 g F t
; showcases the best work produced by DennisVarney,asenior Pnht pur- mg a bonfire the night before home 0 “8 lbs] prin '3th or Ere}: or .
l studentmedia designers fortheir news- nalism mapr from Raccoon, is editor games and getting people together for commit l . orinva e privacy. at 5
i paper, magazine and yearbook. The of the Herald for the fall semester. a pep rally. where advrsers play the" role 0t get-
‘ Kernel finished fifth for front page de- Catherine Whipple,asenior print jour- The fear was that the situation “"8 students toact teSPOhS‘th- A“ the
1' sign and fourth in best nameplate. nalism major from Georgetown, is de— could get out of hand, and there was students went IS the right to print the
. Former Kernel staff member Byl 5‘8“ editor. always the possibility that someone tTUth: and itsuptothose intheprotes—
‘ Hensley won a fifth place for best ad» Amethel Parel—Sewell was editor could get hurt. Sion to make sure they get it. ,
: vertisement. of the 1994-95 Talisman XPOSUTC- A My daughter said the editorial ,
: Eastern Progress - Matt McCarty photopurnalismgraduate,sheiswork- would run, and her principal replaced 1"" Highland '5 a professor at Western
and Janna Gillaspie received an honor- “‘8 t“ PUbhcahOhS 1“ Chicago. Craig her as editor of the newspaper. She Kentucky University and is a member of
' able mention awardin the LosAngeles Fritz,alsoa photojoumalismgraduate, fought back, thanks to support from the 505M]! of Professional Journalists N‘" _ ~
I Times / American Collegiate Press was desrgn director for XPOSUTC- He ‘5 the Louisville Courier-Joumal, several tional Task Force on High School Iou male 7, -
‘ Story of the Year competition. The studying in England for the fall semes- other newspapers and some radio and ism and the SP] National Education Com-
‘ award in the feature story category ter. . television stations. mitten
was for the story package "Growing P bll'bbti Ada'T‘S' film“; a: 51:1 depct After two days of negotiation and
U in Brockton," which ex sed un- u ‘Ca ons, '5 a “set e era ' , ,,
clgan living conditionsincaripigusfam- and Talisman Xposure, and JOAhh :3 $0122: fift:fi:hngag:gg£:fh W ”p ' ‘
ily housing and the ups and downs of Thompson isStudentPublicationsbusi- some idancegrom the school su r- . . . . , t u 0 I ‘
children growing up there. “855 manager. intendgeiit decided that ~the edittfrei‘al T f.- *
Nominations needed for UK Hall of Fame wouldrun.Shegotherjobbackandthe 3- _ i > .
The University of Kentucky Jour- Kentucky. grénapal W‘T'“ back to (10118 what he W‘ W“ "'“" ""‘ "a ' :“""‘“” ’j'“ ‘fl'f" ‘ t T
nalismAlumniAssrx‘iationissoliciting Nominations should be received l best, being an ex-coac ’ running gaggtfiugglphiflzt‘Ht],, ', .
nominations for its annual induction at UK’s School of Journalism no later the SChOOI and agreeing not to control "Np mm mm m! 'i“fu hm ,‘ . ' I . ’ ‘
ofoutstandingtournalistsintothe Kent than Friday, January 12, 1996. lnduct- the contlent of the :ewspapelt. The ""”l‘"“"‘ "' "N W“ ‘-”‘ "”"1’ ”"' i .
tucky Journalism Hall of Fame. ees will be honored during a special prinCIpa was taug t what t e FlrSt ""“’f"“‘;fi"”"”,“ ' ‘
. . . . _ Amendment was about but there was Wm " ""W ‘ ’ "t“ -
ThepurposeoftheJournalismHall recognition program in April. I‘ tl 'd‘ h bel' ed' . ‘ "H/(lullll (in Wm rm: um r m ms? ' . '
ot Fame is to recognize persons who Nominations should be sent to ‘t eev1 (“C0 e iev mn' h"“”"“”’"“ AUNOW' ‘ ‘ ,
ha vv made significantcontributions to Buck Rvan, UK School of Journalism, My daughter “7““ her problems Ca'll ’"ggghzzshlfioo ‘ ' ‘
thc industry Selection is made from (irehan Building, Universitv of Ken- and won her case Simply because the m a mo N I ‘_
individuals, livmg or dead, who are lucky, lcxmghm, KY 40506. For more local school bogard believed she had, E *5, -- .
l Kt‘nlllt ky natives or have spent a sub- information, contact the Journalism under the U'.‘ ' Constitution, Fir“ V'W'm‘ "" I ’
\tdltllili pm of their careers In ‘i‘hool at (606) 2574.160 Amendment "gm“ -____-fl___ ‘ ' ._ ‘ _' ‘
v w, e e. ‘
t _ u a“ \ ‘ . ,
t ' ‘ » Rt.‘ “\ ~
. —\ t ‘ ‘

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press - December, 1995
KPA Freedom Of InfOI’matIOH HOtIme December 1995 Print Ioumalism
ll ' t
RUSSE SprlngS case I10 and Advertzsmg Graduates
over yet, Flanagan seeks Mu... in...”
. . . Angie Kinsey - Print Journalism
dls cretlon ary rev1 ew 7573 Bandana Road, Kevil, KY 42053, (502) 224-2997 .
. Shaun A. Collins - Advertisin
B Kim Greene ' ' g .
KPA )Ceneral Counsel am: [ngiizaxti‘oenv‘atf‘gfgtflmig 9808 Dawson Hill Rd., Louisville, KY 40299, (502) 239-8689
’ . P p Campus Address: 1005 Olive Street, Murray, KY 42071, (502)753-9824 ;
Wyatt, Tarrant and Combs hsher; and .,
4. Where the statementis defama— Matt Colson _ A dvertisin i
It’s not over yet. Russell County tory only when extrinsic facts are 1130 Wadesboro Rd. S. Binton KY 42025 (5025274939 3
Judge/ Executive Terril Flanagan has supplied, PYOOf Of special damages. ' ' ’ :
filed a motion Mth.the Kentucky 5“. . County/J [.1de Executive Flanagan Robert Gels - Advertising ;
PM“e CW“ seek‘“8 d‘scret‘onary fa‘led' accommg ‘0 the CW" 0f AP 1005 Robin Hill Dr New Richmond OH 45157 (513) 5534349 “
review. The Times Journal will file its peals,t:oestablish the very first element . " c ’ ’
response before the holidays and then as to any of the three editorials. That is, Campus Address. 7l9L Poplar, Murray, KY 42071, (502)753-0462
we’ll just wait and see whether the hefailedtoestablishthatthechailenged Marcus D. McDaniel _ Advertising
5919mm Coin 91:5 ‘0 exemse “5 Sage/”‘93?“ “:9 Bd‘F‘OM'S we? ““59 528 Club Parkway, Norcross, GA 30093, (770) 414-8281
d'screm“ ‘0 937* 5 case: a“ .0' 9 “ma 0”“ 9’33"“? e'°°“' Campus Address: Box 5640 Franklin Hall, Murray, KY 42701, (502) 762—4871
In the meantime, The Times Jour- cermng one of the editorials, Flanagan
ml and its attorneys (on appeal The testified: ”Well, 1 don’t deny making Kelly R. McIntire _ Advertising ‘
T'me? bum] was represented by 10“ "‘9 Statement .1“ “0th?" "‘0 com 6802 Chepstow Ct., Louisville, KY 40207, (502)896-9772
L He‘SChake" KPA General Counse" refused ‘0 “mm“ The “mes bum?" Campus Address 1402 Hu hes St Murrav KY 42071 (502)753-2064 ‘
and Deborah H. Patterson, both of for two statements: “County Judgc/ ' i ‘ ”’ g " ‘ ' ’ ‘
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs law firm) de— Executive Terri] Flanagan has washed Marla Ann Sutherland Po ner - Advertisin r .
S‘3r"‘3°“”‘ea”y congratulations They his hams 0‘ the county bUdgC‘" and 3042 Vanzora Road Bentoyn KY 42025 (502)227—7174 ‘7
convinced the Kentucky Court of Ap— “Flanagan has presented his proposal, ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘
peals to overturn a $1 milli0n jury Which is at least $250,000 over being Morehead State University' I
verdict ln favor of Judge/Executive balanced,to the Magistrates.” lndoing . . , 7 ' , 1
Fl (Th , ‘ ed b h so th Co rt fA ‘ l'h ld th t h Brian A. Highley - Prlnt Joumallsm.
anagan. . 0; “$201331“ h >13): stat ‘0 mt: ”or, SE“: 0 t ddfsuc Bachelor’s Degree in journalism with a news and editonal emphasis, from
amlcus curiae m“ u y t C ‘ 5',“ a L ‘1 1P Y no t ama- Owingsville, KY in Bath County, available for a position on December l8,
and 57 other newspapers.) In the pro— tory. 1995
cess,theCourtoprpealshasauthored ...the newspaper’s criticism of ’
a solid,well-reasoned opinion that goes Flanagan's budget proposal cannot be . . .
a long way to clarify First Amendment said to harm the public official’s repu- Western Kentucky UniverSlty.
jurisprudence in this Commonwealth. tation in a way that would lower him in .. H. _ . . . .
This isa verygood decision for all of us the estimation of the community or to 12:38]:ng 1:11,: lll‘tfieRledlatlégns/Marketing
who work to preserve and protect our deter others from association with him Available for em lo ’ nt' Dec mbe 18 199, ‘
First Amendment freedoms. [citation omitted]. p yme ' e r ’ 3
What did The Times Journal do As the United States Supreme , . .
that resulted in the hugest libel verdict Court has said. “hit is a prized Ameri- 33:50:11:th n Pufil‘gdamns
everagainstanewspaperin Kentucky? can privilege to speak one’s mind, Available for em ngO lent' Janu 2 1996
That’ s the scary thing. The Times Jour- although not always with perfect good P ym ' ' ary ’
nal was doingitsjob. Judge/Executive taste, on all public institutions New . . .
Flanagan sued the newspaper over York Times [v Sullivan, citation omit- 13:21:: fi9aésmm’t" “Tissm
three editorials in which it criticized ted]. Some even consider this type of Available k'” em I ns er,t' l .1 19%
Flanagan's positions on controversial public discourse to be a political duty. p oymen ' anuary ’
issues in Russell County. In other [citation omitted]." . .
words, The Times Journal was report- In its opinion, the Kentucky Court University 0‘ Kentucky:
ing about an elected public official’s of Appeals has taken the opportunity . . , .
performance ofhis public responsibili- to remind all of us of the fundamental gainlfigfsgfig‘gfl E$§7§3iifed'i?§"iii29i (502) 2310081
ties. This, of course, is the classic freedoms protected in this country by ’ ’ ’
, function of the free press in our coun- our Bill of Rights and, particularly, the . . . .
u-mvswmmaemmnumo-m ............... mam... m:.izziézeigizuramahaam
verdict so pernicious and frightening. freedoms play an inestimable role in ' o ’ ’
Of course, public official status maintaining an equilibrium in our . . . . . ‘
. . . Nina T. Dav1dson — Journalism General Editonal
does not make a person libel proof. democratic somety. It doesn't always . . IDSOI :2; !
And, while theexpression of opinions make for a pretty picture. But that’s 95] Red Mlle Court, Lexmgton, KY ’ (606) 22
(as in an editorial) is specifically pro- precisely what the Untied States Su- . . _
. . . . Rosl J. - Joumallsm Advertism
tected by the First Amendment, in preme Court meant when it spoke in 17 Brinttangmeds Road Charlestonng 25314 (304) 34539 )
recentyearstheUnitedStatesSupreme New York Times v. Sullivan of our ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ ‘
; Court fhasagzurred theolbegal lsilne be pr ofolindthnaattignsalcomrru bl. tto the Jennifer Lee Foumaris ~ Journalism General Editorial
tween act opinion. viou y,care pnncrp e e te on pu ic issues ‘. . ‘.
must be taken to avoid defaming the should be inhibited, robust, and wide 93ll Marse Henry Drive, Lou1sv1|le, KY 40299, (502) 267-7l80
:1ka wgiznevidlmgall Just as care '5 25:1,:1‘d Ezaiisliima: ‘20" include ve— Scott C. Gardiner — Joumalism Advertising
. s 3' C 95‘ . . ' c n ‘0'“ 'm‘ S 2900 Winterhaven Road [nuisw'lle KY 40220 (502) 4991905
In analyzmg the three editorials unpleasantly sharp attacks on govern— ’ ’ '
and the Jury’s Sl million verdict the ment and F’Ubl'c “final" ‘ , lelv J. (Iaukel - Journalism Advertising
- COMM Appeals fir“ 5“ 0‘" “‘c 9'“ A" “"5 Should thank 11‘" T""“ 456 Rosel inn 1 . ' 't » KY 40508 (606) 225 1199
. mentsofadefamationclaimbyapublic Journal for standing its ground. And ‘ ' A “n" ( n, '
. ’ Official} stat tabo tthe l . "ff szfrstzttrgafianfit/Vq‘:?r:‘m;‘( 0:" Kimberly Hines - Journalism Advertising
. - i: . ' . ““9" “ P am" . y .g m‘ " n ‘" ‘ “‘ no. not 104,1)raki-«ixirn, KY 42917, (502) 476 9616
2 which is both false and defamatory; cretionary reVIew and endorse the (‘ontin d P 8
. ’3 ’ 2. Thestatement is not privileged; opinion of the Court of Appeals. we on age
7 , ‘ .’ , , .. ‘ .
. . _ _ , . . . . i

 I ‘ \ 0
Be Kentiicky Press - December, 1995 - Page 5
The Kentucky Press Association/ Association and Kentucky Press Ser- ship Committee discussed the request for 1996, with a recommendation to
Kentucky Press Service Board of Di- vice financial statements through Sep- at its Thursday meeting but declined that effect being passed on to the KPA
rectors spent November 2-3 at Cum- tember 30, 1995; action; Business Meeting on January 26.
berland Falls State Park near Corbinto " approved the 1996 Kentucky " approved the appointment of The Board also heard reports from
set the future of both organizations. Press Association budget proposal Marty Backus as treasurer of the Ken- KPA divisions and other committees.
Board members spent Thursday showingabudgetedincomeof$207,820 tucky Press Association and Kentucky The Board meeting adioumed at
aftemooninaseriesof committee meet- and budgeted expenses of $183,010; Press Service for 1996. 11:50 am. with the next scheduled
ings, then returned Friday morning as " approved the 1996 Kentucky *approved the nomination of Guy Board meeting to be held Thursday,
a full Board to take action on commit Press Service budget proposal show- Hatfield as vice presidentof KPA/KPS January 25 at the 1996 Winter Conven—
;; tee recommendations. ing a budgeted income of $659,160and tion. _
‘3, Included in the Board's action: budgeted expenses of $633,640. (Staff . ‘ -
; 'establishingacontestdivisionfor also presented a revised budget for C0mm1ttee aCIIOHS and dISC