xt7qv97zpj8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zpj8g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky University of Kentucky Chemistry Department 2005-04-15 A brochure for the Naff Symposium, an event hosted by the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund. This brochure belongs to the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Records collection, accession number 2014ua075. archival material  English University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Chemistry Department Naff Symposium brochures Thirty-First Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Oxidative Stress in Aging and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders" text Thirty-First Annual Symposium on Chemistry and Molecular Biology: "Oxidative Stress in Aging and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders" 2005 2005-04-15 2017 true xt7qv97zpj8g section xt7qv97zpj8g , .. . . - . -. ,, 5 5 5:55
5. ,.. . 5-5 - , - . 5. . “T. 1:.1'°.1 , a; 5. ,. I WW .- 1 ,5» ..,I. ,I ,5» ,- y 5‘.“ i,,-,,,t{;,¢ 5:55.”; 9:5,.“ €97.51, 4: "nab. ,5- g1}, 35:, r v. g, If“ , ”D , [ngnyh
W . _ . ., ,. . , 1. 1, J, ,.-‘,“.'. gets-'2 -r fw‘qu.’ 25-, (3.1. .~'~";I-, 5 1,19%. ’~~=1,'.«:::‘:1,51I{”"}i. irqffi'a‘wfif'fi“ 5' . 315:5: “1,1,5: hath-13"" . 7s1..'_ 55-15, .fi‘ib..i§“1‘zi.,i.. sq,‘,.'."-s ?;‘*..s1~§;55 3:513 .,', 1.; ,-'I
OX’Idat’Ye .Stress an .e".0 "g ' genesis of the disease. Prevention is the key to AD and ecause ox 3.7.:‘56165. «k; . g Q‘s-3:53:31."
DiStIngUIShlng Fact from F'Ct’on dative damage is present early in the disease. antiOXIdant therapy has 15,1 33.15.- Witt-5., 5: .I, 1”"..217353
Neurodegenerative diseases have three common features: Imito, thepotjentital of (IslmtIiI/IigliJ figufiffigfivgfiggg; 52,}: 'irfizgifiijgi: 8;: $.31: 15-,- _ _- ‘ 15'_ . '1 fig]?
' ' n, increased oxidative damage and accumulation o aIntioin an s an o , . :3“. 5:33;: : I I f ',; {.5}: j: E 5,;
gagggriizlliiiiigigo All three are intimately related, with failure of the high risk for AD before the neurodegenerative changes OCCUr 5.55., 5.":- 5; ,5, I: “st-'5;
clearance mechanism for abnormal proteins often being a primary 1.45 pm Question and Answer Session t5“- . ._ 1, .
event. It is important to study these events in humanIpost—mortem - . . iI , I1 1‘1. : ,. 3551 . 3,3,,
material (although the conclusions drawn are necessarily limited) and in 1.55 m Dr J Timothy Greenamyre, University of Pittsburgh 1‘51}? . . ,, 1, .. 3?“?
animal models; studies on cultured neurons may give artifactual results. I p. . "Convergent Pathways to Parkinson's Disease" 1 '_“ ’ ' «1 5. established in the memory 0f i, . y ". .1“ .233“;
This will be illustrated by studies of dopamine tOXIcity and GSH levels. . ‘2. 5:31.51 .I, ., 1 N ff .\ 311.3%,» ..
' d A r Session Rarely, Parkinson's disease (PD) may be caused by single gene “1,139'5- . I Anna S_ a 5:55 _ ,1,st
9:30 am. Question an nswe mutations or environmental exposures, but most cities areflikely n:- .,';I_ ‘ 1,, .5 w 1 ,"§,5:"_i"..‘
. , , . . lated to individual genetic susceptibilities and a lelme 0 enV'Iro ' 'ijZK 5': " 3-, ——————' {gt-3.35;!“
9140 am. Dr- “'W'" FrldOV'Chi Du“ University . . dozen enetic loci have been described .55; 11g .5 . - - - _- 11 ' :11». A . .,
"The Biology Of Superoxide and a Novel Aetwlty for annihifiloerzgiiiisalnfiZfl2)??ilie::egyenes hgve been identified. Despite the aLII ; ' ,., Odeatlve Stress In Aging psmviifié
the CU'Z" SOD" multiple genes and potential environmental causes of PD, there :5 L1 II'T‘ l and Age-Related 75,31,145; 5‘2“?» '3
'” “dim" t° "3 very effluent Cindi/Sis Of “he dismmati'on 'Of sui increasiing erigence “iainaaiigiéiitifit iridpfn‘ilfigfig'ni.Ei‘éhyasi‘iinciio'ns 1:? i-I-z’i. Neurodegeneratlve Disorders 5“ “91",}
- D1 catal es the bicarbonate-dependent perOXIdatIon 0 involve . InCU '09 PTO 8' , , I. 1. .' wI;;;1,:,.,,.I is? __—_—.,,I«I.II .S f 1 I,
gii/rejrgges‘uigrates. Tiize mechanism of the peroxidations can,be de- both of which may be related by OXIdative stress. . .-"- I” fig, 1 a .41..,=.f3-".
. actions a _ d , a E-Cu(ll) + H202 e E.Cu(i) + 2H + 02-; . _ I ‘. 3, ,. .. 93%
fpfitgé’iiilr): H202 (9)I(E_();u((l)g) + H20; (c) E-Cu(l)O 69H , E-Cu§l|)0l(-Il 2:40 pm. Question and Answer Sesswn ,3 “I s1..‘...‘ . . , SPEAKERS ;:.- ,1 .3};
_ m + OH'. The bound oxidant produced by reaction (b, an . . . . San LG I; . 5 L5, 5131‘ 3;
s—iioEwgtiii s)everal possible forms in reactions (c), then oxidized C02 to 2:50 pm. Dr. Don W, Cleveland, Universlty Of California, as L0 :Jfil . -,,,.I B H III e” 1.", 1 5:
(:03; as shown in reaction (d). (d) E-CU(")OH + C02 “’ 5'0””) + OH B'ego G wth and Death' Neurofilaments, 4-5 O ‘3' ‘ Leg? '2 arry a [W 351 " i" .i
+ C0569 H + C035. Surprisingly it is C02, and not HCOI3‘, that Mot?" AIIjezronGeIrIcriI II . .‘2 >5 CI 1‘1}; 5.4 . I, Irwin Fridovich 5.31115557' “5.,
becomes oxidized to the 003$; that then diffuses from the active site SOD an DU 9 E g 8 35*. “5:3, .3; I I1}, f.” a
and oxidizes diverse substrates in bulk solution. CQafIhas a standardI ALS is characterized by premature death of motor neurons. _QC) 3 L0 I. 5):? Earl R. Stadtman is..#.:"'1.'?.1.r',1,1.‘93i
recIlox pgteni-iaol‘OfflJ¥':n:ri:igLrltledsbeTegiii/r: gzmggtingvfléfieblgrofifi, Mutation in superogideIdIitsmutasIZtéSQEJIBSIcIaIItggz saiiiiigenierfisfgicr: 0 g g 1. 111, "f2; 171,55, , William R. Markesbery f. #4.,
miieut an :smcei I . , - throu h an acquire oXIciyunre , . -I 6-- 5- , '1 3:124:53
is produced in significant amounts in cells remains to be demonstrated: yokesg mutant-mediated damage to mitochondria only Within affected “5 EC >_ .‘sf‘tiiia, J. Timothy Greenamyre (”i-1‘“. 15:533.:
. - tissue, which in turn triggers caspase mediated cell death. Toxmty is 4—: «.5 x R,“ If“ . D W Cleveland i253? “55:73:33: _
10:25 a,m. Question and Answer Sesslon non—cell autonomous. requiring mutant soot IactionIon axonal ele- 5 >5 - fii'ijf-cg'i“ - on . ,5, ,I, 51-31131:
' ' fH lth ments including neurofilaments, but also reqUIring action Within astro— CD I: g ugh-j”, , ,I ', 34:11:35 I. ', ,.;
10-35 a m Dr. Earl R. Stadtman, National institutes 0 ea . . . th development through stem cell E .15 . . v»:-.'1.:.'-1,---",1: :;.,k5,,,5.,;. gt
I i I "Roles of Bicarbonate Buffer Apoptosis and Carbon/ cytes and microgiia. supporting“ erapy 1: 2 "'5, 93%;“: {:1‘8 N. . :~ .1 ,1, 4
Nitrogen Deficiency on Metal-Catalyzed Oxidation of replacement of non-neuronal ce 5. g g .E F’, 51,50, Friday, April 15, 2005 5,53%?” ,2“.
Proteins and Lipids" 3:35 pm, Question and Answer Session 0) ‘E 6 $691: i355 II,‘§;‘:;.f>5 ‘:
. .. . I . _ Q :3 _I Q, -.iI -.'-,_‘},‘,.":1.;1:I:. F5345 '25:- .I i,- {1‘
The OSSIbilit that loss of apoptotic capacity contributes to age I . _ , I 5 ‘3 .,Ii . , I ctr—55.,
sisssis ii .5 5 '1 Department of Chemistry
in that inhibition of apoptosis in acute promyelocytic ce 5 ea 5 o a : ,,;,'.,‘I..,,—_1I,,5—5;;:1.1 , I . . , i... .,. 'I 1:
Sugbstantial increase in the level of oxidized proteins. Metal-catalyzed O I“?i1l} UanerSlty Of Kentucky if“? ‘.-1«s~;;.- 1? . I.
oxidation of LDL is greatly stimulated by the presence of bicarbonatel, :“5, 5-1-53 31,15,113: Lexington KY 40506-0055 «53",, '“J-I a;
002 buffers at physiological pH. Replicative senescence inblf. ‘i'OIi 4T,’,;j::;":35;{,I-I,K . ’ 15,313. 1.;1 .51 .
' duced b either carbon or nitrogen starvation leads to su san Ia . . in .html , . 1‘; -‘;"I:.:J1;'3_I,,I ..,-,,I,, 95' . “51.3: . 24;; ‘. 5,5: -$5“
in the levels oroxidized proeinst , "iii?”WWW-them'”“he"‘fliifl'm’i’ifflwelgi e ’ , .555. 1:111 '- ' “’5'” :- 351$“ .1 “Wm-5:: .
,, .. 51,-... I5... ,, 55:5: 1-1 ,.?i~‘1;:‘..«';‘s-”~,;‘I.";ij«,. 41.1' .» 55553,. ; 1:51 , fags?“ ;'#”~“3 .s'";1_:i-.,,'s=1,.,i~fi’~*~z“gm-55,, ..?:::1..,;,..,;I 35'9“: 531:1- ,1'.1,’f:-' 1,5,»: _‘5-1551 ”- ‘55“: :5'1';'7“T.i.:;.!$,:..3:"”:.‘-§ 5.2.1: ,'
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. Department of ChemistFY, UniverSity of Kentucky 9:3,,
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Friday, April 1 5, 2005 8.30 a. m. *4:
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: Oxrdatrve Stress in A grng and A ge-Rela ted it.
I Neuro e ener t' D' d
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d g a rve rsor ers
Barry Halliwell, Professor and Head of Biochem- Irwin Fridovich, James B. Duke Professor 3%," '.
31 istry and Executive Director of the Graduate » - (Emeritus) of Biochemistry, Duke University ,,§ei.'
3.311; School for Integrative1Sc1ences and Engineer- ‘: Medical Center. 3.8., City College of New York, ".i"5“55§.1
_ . 3,: mg, National University of Singapore. B.A., . 1951; Ph.D., Duke University, 1955; Instructor, figkfiéfir‘éfi
is; ,; Unrversrty 'of Oxford (First Class Honors), 1971; . 1 1,». .1 Biochemistry, Duke University, 1956-58; Associate, &{1 frigyeg:
D.PhiI., Unrversrty of Oxford, 1973;D.Sc.,UniverSity y ‘ .1. Biochemistry, Duke University, 1958-61; Visiting 1%,," Zaisg
3 1 of London. 1986. Before coming 10,81ngapore he , .37.. ’ Research Associate, Harvard University, 1961—62; giswtg'iw
1 . was Professor of Medical Biochemistry at Kings him? ,3 Assistant Professor (196186), Associate Professor 1_,1,,;:.~«.W1.r.1-.-§;
{3 College. University of London and co-director of W 4/ (1966-71), Professor(1971-76), Biochemistry, Duke Mu. L345. 3*
17‘ mm the Ant'OX'dant and Neurodegenerative DiS- 9 1" University; James B. Duke Professor, Duke Univer— {2.339;-
- ease Research Centers. He was formerly Research ,2 ‘ sity, 1976-96; James B. Duke Professor Emeritus, fiafigf‘gi
Professor of Internal Medicme and Biochemistry at Duke University, 1996-. Member: Biochemistry ‘, ”‘4,
_ 'the University of California and a Lister Institute Study Section (NIH), 1967-71; National Board of “ “View"
Research Fellow in. Biomedical Sciences. Professor Halliwell has been Medical Examiners, 1973-76; many editorial boards. Awards: Herty Award, ‘7‘“..3252‘,‘ {if
identified by the Institute for Screntific Information (publishers of the Science Georgia Section, ACS, 1980; Founders' Award for Outstanding Research £5.23 '3‘”,
C/tat/on Index) as one of the most influential scientists worldwide in Biology Contributions to Progress in Toxicology, Chemical Industry Institute of Toxi- 353} E‘iigefisfi
. and Biochemistry. His current research interests include molecular nutrition, cology, 1980; Cressy A. Morrison Award in Science, New York Academy of fidrfi" »1
especrally the role of antioxrdants in the human diet, and the mechanism of Science, 1984; Senior Passano Foundation Laureate, 1987; Townsend shah “‘
neuronal cell Iossim the major neurodegenerative diseases. He has pub- Harris Medal, City College of New York, 1990; Elliot Cresson Medal, Franklin “.23: 3‘
iished over 450screntific papers and refereed review articles in top journals, Institute, Philadelphia, 1997. Elected to: National Academy of Sciences. 1",,“
is editor of twoljour'nals and on the board of several others, and his textbook Professor Fridovich's major research continues to be focused on superoxide sec-3'33. 7»..-
Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine published by Oxford University Press dismutase, an enzyme that he first discovered, and free radical oxidative . 1.111131131152311
is regarded worIdWide as the authoritative reference text in the field. stress. He has published approximately 450 articles in top journals. $154124! $135
' “$933915:
#3153} ”"T‘vv‘G—S“
11,3 Earl R. Stadtmen, Chief, Section on Enzymes, ., William R. Markesbey, Professor of Neurology and egaéffifl‘t‘rzfi
1 3 1 _.._xj- _ 1 Laboratory of Biochemistry, National Heart lnsti- 1 , Pathology, Director 0 the Sanders-Brown Center on *5;E‘b’j&'v"t=3§3¥l
33;. '1 tute, National Institutes of Health. 8.8., University ‘ Aging, University of Kentucky. B.A., University of ‘mr;f'23f€ba,z
of California, Berkeley, 1942; Ph.D., University of , 3’." ,9 Kentucky, 1960; MD, University of Kentucky College of {lief};
‘13, its; California, Berkeley, 1949; Atomic Energy Commis- ’ i 1 Medicine (with Distinction), 1964; Assistant Professor, 1. éflflfi‘hfi;
~13: ‘} sron Fellow wrth Fritz Lipmann, Biochemical Research ‘~ 3;."- Pathology, University of Rochester School of Medicine ,3} .1 ”1331233,:
, gr ‘\ Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, 1949- ‘ ~ and Dentistry, 1969-72; Associate Professor, Neurology aw; 3,77“
1., $23,, 50; Chemist, Laboratory of Cellular Physiology and . and Pathology, University of Kentucky, 1972-77; Direc- _r,1,1,,31,1.gv"11_;‘32
7. " Metabolism, National Heart Institute, National Insti- ' ., tor of Neuropathology, University of Kentucky, 1975-; :‘EVW‘Q
‘ tutes .of Health, 1950-58; Chief, Laboratory of Bio— s‘r'; Professor, Neurology and Pathology, University of Ken- v97C£$5f '
3 chemistry, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, . tucky, 1977-; Director, Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, ’sfifisfi‘i‘i 7'
National Institutes of Health, 1962-94; Chief, Section University of Kentucky, 1979-; Graduate Faculty, De— ,:E~"\Y.,,g’¢
_ on Enzymes, Laboratory of Biochemistry, National partment of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, 1980-; téi’ail ,Vzgiflfid‘r
Heart Institute, NIH, 1958-. Selected Awards: Medallion of the Societe de Director, Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (NIA funded), 1985-. Hon- ‘3'? ,5;I~, 1‘».
Chemie Biologique, 1955; National Academy of Sciences Award in Microbi- ors: University of Kentucky Research Professorship, 1977; University of $5.3M"?
ology, 1970; National Medal of Science (presented by President Carter), Kentucky Research Foundation Distinguished Achievement Award, 1978; (fir-1,";-
1979; Meritorious Executive Award in the Senior Executive Service, 1980; University of Kentucky Distinguished Alumni Professor, 1985; The Robert S. . ‘3}1
PreSidentiaI Rank Award as "Distinguished Senior Executive" (presented by Whitney Alzheimer's Award, 1986; Chain'nan, Medical and Scientific and "".,,,§§31
President Reagan), 1981; ASBC-Merck Award, 1983; Robert A. Welch Advisory Board,AIzheimer's Association, 1989-91;Commonwealth Endowed ‘5’ {753* 1:211:11]
Award in Chemistry, 1991; Research Award of the American Aging Associa- Chair in Aging, 1989; President, American Association of Neuropathologists, 2,53, 1.439;;719
tion. 1992. Elected to: National Academy of Sciences and The American 1991; National Advisory Council, National Institute on Aging, 1990-93; Posi- 3; , 9%
Academy of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Stadtman's immense contributions to tive Profile Physician (One in Fifty in USA), American Hospital Association, “-52%!“ 3‘3
biological chemistry include detailed analysis of glutamine synthetase and 1995; Member, Charles A. Dana Foundation, 2000; Award for Meritorious 451*
methionine sulfoxide reductase, among other enzymes. He is the acknowl- Contributions to Neuropathology, American Association of Neuropatholo- rad-w
edged pioneer of understanding the origins of and analyzing protein oxida- gists, 2000; Irving H. Shaw Award for Distinguished Service in the Field of ’- ,jr_ -..y.:'
tion. He has published over 250 papers in top journals and trained a large Health Care, 2001. Professor Markesbery's research centers on clinical and 1 "if, .‘3"
number of postdoctoral fellows, several of whom have received the Nobel basic studies of Alzheimer's disease and other neuropathological disorders. 17‘ at. ‘3
Prize, and with a strong commitment to diversity in science. He has published over 350 papers in prestigious journals. '4 )1},
J. Timothy Greenamyre, Professor of Neurology, Don W. Cleveland, Professor of Medicine and :4
u Director of the Pittsburgh Institute for Neurode- g 3 Neuroscience and Head of the Laboratory of 33:13:13»- 1
' generative Diseases, Chief of the Division of ,3. Cell Biology, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Re- igrtn‘mtv
Movement Disorders, University of Pittsburgh. ':;.,,a.'?; search, University of California, San Diego. “%:.‘”"g,
11334,,9’1, B.S., Michigan State University (High Honors in {fa-1‘ £39} 8.8., New Mexico State University (with Highest 5313131553;?‘ggigzfiz-KE
' / 3, Microbiology), 1974-77; MD, University of Michigan 3.3%; , Honors), 1972; Ph.D., Princeton University, 1977; .4929; ~13 ,1
3. .- Medical School, 1979—86; Ph.D., Neuroscience, " 5%" ’ Postdoctoral, Princeton University, 1977—78; Post— 11:, ;1: fag-3&2
-,,,_ 5~ .. . ,, University of Michigan, 1980-86; Assistant Professor “”9“ doctoral, University of California, San Francisco, 3339””? 1131,3111.
, .1 '\ (‘ it of Neurology, Neurobiology 8. Anatomy, ‘and Phar— ., 1978-81; Assistant Professor of Biological Chemis- ‘ :. fey-’3 1 c
T _ . ”i833, macology, University of Rochester School of Medi- :31 ~ try, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, .113-1§‘=£;,3:5:
'3 . .13 . 7‘ cine and Dentistry, 1990-93; Associate Professor of 1981-85; Associate professor of Biological Chemis- 1,3,3
K g . 31?? Neurology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, and Pharma- 4.: try, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, w ‘25-"
, .. cology, University of Rochester School of Medicine 1985-88; Professor of Biological Chemistry, Johns “Mfr/5‘2?"
and Dentistry, 1993-95; Associate Professor of Neurology (with tenure), Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1988-95; Professor of Neuroscience, 32591 afififl‘
, Emory University, 1995-97; Professor of Neurology, Emory University, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1991-95; Professor of Medi- éfifi. firefigk“
1997—; Director, Movement Disorders Program, Department of Neurology, cine and Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego, 1995-; Head, slagwfrgfi
2003-; Professor of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Laboratory of Cell Biology, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, 1995-. “$431,255“:
(UPMC), 2004—; Director. Pittsburgh Institute for Neurodegenerative Dis- Awards: Chaim Weizmann Postdoctoral Fellow, 1978-80; National Institutes §§$11*
eases, 2004-; Chair in Movement Disorders, Department of Neurology, of Health Research Career Development Award, 1982-87; National Institutes .= a 5*”519
UPMC, 2004. Awards: Research Fellowship Award, American Academy of of Health Jacob Javits Neuroscience Investigator, 1989-96; NIH MERIT a“??? 31,]
Neurology, 1990-93; Listed, Best Doctors in America, 1994; Mallinckrodt Award, National Institute of General Medicine, 1994-; Sheila Essey Prize, tgfigi-fisviflz
Scholar Award, 1994-97; Decade of the Brain Plenary Lecture, American American Academy of Neurology and the ALS Assomation, 1999; Oui- veggie? ., a1;
Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, 2000; Presidential Lecture, Annual standing Scientist Award, Playing to Win for Life Foundation, 2004; PreSi- vii-gm?”
Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, 2004. Professor dentiaI Lecture, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, _2004. Editor of EWI‘“ 73.;: 3,,
Greenamyre's research focuses on molecular mechanisms underlying Park- several cell biology journals and has served on the Editorial Board of five ,, _ y"
inson's disease and other movement disorders. He has published nearly other journals. Professor Cleveland's research interests center on molecuIar Wgwiiiv1i§5~3
150 papers and reviews in outstanding journals. aspects of ALS. He has published more than 200 papers in top journals. 5i§§$£1~WimT
1 (11:61:,{fi-‘JM';
FREE PARKING is available at the William T. Young Library in the Visitor Parking Lot on Hilltop Avenue. Naff signs 33%
will indicate the reserved area. For additional information, call Professor D. Allan Butterfield, Department of Chemistry, $9,131,163;
. (859) 257-3184 or by e-mail (dabcns@uky.edu). first?
. usi- .921. .-
. , . . . -.- ‘:~ 1:311, 7",?”
2005 Committee: D. Allan Butterfield, Chair (Chemistry), James W. Geddes (Center on Aging), Sylvra Daunert (Chemistry) 1%“
Eighth 1 his; I
Symposium supported by the Anna S. Naff Endowment Fund ’55,, 3,1,.
(additional support provided by the Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Kentucky) '3 fig-$111 '4 1%
'rrij’fift‘ -‘r" ' LISA?“
3,512.14: .‘ ,7"; 3'"