xt7qv97zph7b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zph7b/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-04-08 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 28, April 8, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 28, April 8, 1915 1915 1915-04-08 2015 true xt7qv97zph7b section xt7qv97zph7b · /4* o
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‘”°L""""ES ‘*”“ lllilllllllll lll CAMPUS +““`" *""‘“"l'°"—*"‘l   Elll UF IHE lll{lIlIl"
’ Saturday nfternoon the Wlldcatsl I     Miss l•`l()f‘(‘I\(?Plll1gll9S,[ll€?9(ll[0l`·lll‘          
.   will meet the Michigan Wolverines! chief of the Glrls’ lssue of the Idea
’ {for their second game of the season.t which will make its appearance May~ __
······*· |The Michigan nlne is the fastest bunch · \I   T St     6, announces that the staff for that Professor »N'0€’S DramatiZa_
N0rt,h€rIl€PS,     Um'|'l'“l Slam wm Mrk against this SM" L     d l¢l(én ko 0Stad_ Issue wm be as follows:   tl0l'l ofthe Book of ESlZh€I’
. T Much For the son and Saturdays fray should be an   8 ” I   8;.11 Editor-ln-Chief, Miss Florence. B Canterbur  
;;( *
' plref 00   ts exhibition of flrst-clas ball. The lum n IS Onor Hughes; Managing Editor, Miss Chris-; y y
Scrappy wl ca ’NorthG!‘¤0l‘¤ ¤¤\1¤·llY br"'! down al That the extension of Stoll Fleldltme Hopkins? Assistant Edit"' Mi"] The poetic dramatlzatlou of the
Ohlo Unlverslty with the aid of the Stronger mum than the wudcum bmlwlll be called "B¤.rker Stadlum." as Namlm W°°d· Th° ”“°°i“t° °t°u wmt"Book of l·lsther," entitled the "Call
I lre succeeded ln defeatin8 thellf the K"“W"k>' lads Show the “m"Ia memorial to Prosldent HBHFY S- be °°mp°°°d °f Miss Mildred Tailor' of the Blood," written by Professor
xllldcats in their first game of the class as they had in the Ohm gamejllarkcr. was dooldod Rl- 8 m<¢€tl¤8 of mining? Miss Elizabmh R°d°s’ met Noe, will be given at the Ben All
· season by the score of 7 to 6. The they wm make E strong showing mrlthe Athletic Committee held last chanical and electrical; Miss Estheri Theater next Tuesday nl8ht. April 13
to nh md seventh were me mm] first honors. week The commtttoe were unani, Rlder, exchange; Miss Jeannette Bell,jbt, the Canterbury Club and the
u . =
The lln€‘“l) WV W9 Wildcats wm mously ln favor of the plan and lt °ld d°rmlt°ry· Miss R°b°°°° Sm“h’i"Strollers" of State Unlverslty. Elab-
rounds for the Wildcats. In tho fourth _ S d Mi A it C bbe at dt,
· the Ohioans aggregated 3 run! wd lll be: C. Pm-k` behind the bat, am is expected that a formal "€S°l““°u s°ctet'y’ an Ss u A ra ’ g `orate preparations are being mods for
t md 3 more when T“m°· at mat? W“W”· °“ the s°°°“d to the effect will be made at a future °“m"°· the production of this play, which
me "wmh cap ud it b calling a mshlonl Dutch Schmaden at BM"' mcetlng. `"`°'°'i"` promises to be one of the best dramas
um ummm smug y and Zoble Reed at tlw l¢€YSW¤€ B¤·(`k· ' Tho;-o lg HQ memorial on the cam- Dr` A' S` Mackanzm dean of the M0? HWGH bY ally l00¤·l ¤l‘8¤¤lZ¤il0¤
· wm° mul fa"' Several Mme. the Captain llmmy Park Wright and I tn honor Ot the prestdem and Graduate School, delivered the flrst ofim Lettmgmn The cosmmmg wm be
· · ms I .
wudcm swgfdtmggty m;;t°;:;:;(;r; °'““‘ wm °° in the °“t “°"d°"“‘ wl‘"° ln Commenting on the fw one of the “ °°"°° °f mgm l°°""°° °° “I‘n°r°`.rur¤tst.s¤ by Joseph c. Fisher of
t ` a e o ¤8 9 . , ' ' ’ ·· l l ·' '
:1* '°r° un _ gm·vo;·_ Qrubbg or Cisco will probably members Ot the Athletic Committee ture. to thi Sent; llioctlllll 08 its'? {Philadelphia, and Some Ot the scenes
. , w e l
° pm ' W tth NW9 first cull W? We m°‘md· I sold; www mom ng 8 Bc was . will be spectacular and dramatic.
Flflt R0\l¤d_B°u' °l’°¤°d W _....,.,..__ · given every Wednesday for the re-I
l "President Barker has given much. . Miss Celia Cregor plays the part of
. s roller to Reed who got him at flrst. ~   t of his ersoml funds for matndet, Ot the semutmt vttshtt the de cud umn Miss
. tie e ermen 0 e ns u on, an W*"*°"_' 'regor s we a ap o s p ,
Rogan tuned. Potts out. Thomas to     olvenb (ttl t fl)h l tlt ti d I L ' l ll rd ted: thl art
Tuttle. l
, `.· 1. ‘ lllt tt th- l " lbrl d bl
I wright got a mt Over second [mul ln hns devoted speca neres 0 a. l8.\lllg a queen y ea ng an no e
lctlcs. His tireless energy and his character. Everybody ls familiar with
went to second on passed ball, but _ I | I
ht off the b¤8 by Hendrickson. 1 I I l steady devotion to every movement g I the dramatic work of Miss Ina Darnall,
P wu mug ‘ . —‘_‘ ‘l°or making student life more pleas-[ who impersonates the Jewess, Queen
Schroeder was safe onascratch hit tot _ f h d nm m V I L S d d h
. ; x D .·.‘t ,r. ,
Schaler, which was too hot for him to t Over Flfty P€I'C€IllQ 0   Qt tut nee 8 some t ngd rtecttftn olt its ie;. ttao lan   inn er w oze
handle. Crum hit through short, butt Men Enrolled In the Un], tlrom the un vers ty an ing A t iret ion ie p ay is eng prepare ,
S hraeder was out at home when Reed: versit Are Members speak the sentiments of every mem-‘ Noted Newspaper Man C" this the part of the Court Poet, Ahalld,
BEM a mmer to Schaeffer Jim park} y _ lhcr of the committee when l say that cgptg Iqlvitgtign ()f J()u]’- ,and it is nedles sto say that this part
· . ' ill ·ll . F k
,m,cg out, . A Smnsut-si report of some or tus "‘° “"“ g"‘“ff’“ *"‘°“"’ "° “‘““"d '°" naltsm Department l‘:* b°t“'¢t ggne *`“¤H“¤b CJ";} in
Second nound—I·‘. Furswnwoldt 1914-1913 activities or the stats Uni- ""’ *’"’S'd°‘“· ······ ‘“ ”‘" ° “S“°"'°' °" ° ""`
` . ml . . The old Stoll Field which has been Colonel E. Polk Johnson, of Louis- ham, playing tho role or Promlor
t mod out to Wright. R- F\1l`¤Wn“8· »verslty Young Mens (christian Asso·
i , [graded and leveled will still be known I ville, one of the most noted news-= l{omoh_ Julius \V0lfe in Mo;-doog,1 tho
out. Waters to Tuttle. McConnell got M tbmon as givgn out by tho Secretary, I _; H t
kl . __ las such and will include the base· paper men of the South, and one 0t|.Iew and R. l. ”lay1or playing Meheu-
g, Toxgs Leaguer. Schtwfiof SWIG ~}·}_ {,_ Hall, follow. |
| . ibull diamond, running track and foot- the most picturesque and €l1t€l‘i3l¤l¤lStn1un, the chief chamberlain, will all
WL l Three hundred and ulmyelgm in-I l fi ld k d writers in the profes-W trib te lar el to the u os or
'fuulg hh; Hendrickson t0 F¤ll9"·|torvlowed the sccreturics on personal ban mam ce G ' _ _ tsgea °r° an t ;“’l’ u     B cc B
(‘ Pork rolled a slow one to Potts. r bmblems ° 'l`ll·* IWW ddillllvn Wlll llc lonced in_sion, has accepted an lnvitutiou from mls b;ay_ gtmmm Sbibmctb tbb
’ l` . 1 A . ., land kept separate from the other and`the Department of Journalism of the voor; Fool, has a but W;-mob 0,,.
Waters hlt s. hot one to short and w as you,. bubd,·(.,| uml hh-ty So. mom- I
. . , , . will hc used for football only. It wl1l.Unlverslty to deliver an address to the pocially for him and hls antics and
safe on fumble. Thomas hit 1·. l·¤¤· hot-s—over so per ccnt ot men en- t
_ t t In- kept sodded and ln perfect shape students ln that work April 24 at 2:30 remarks will be worth the evening
stenwald and forced Waters at secont . t t.0b€d_ t t tv it 3 ttl tk in the chapel its It
Third Round—F¤ll0l‘ lll! OVW **lW"l·. 'l`wo hundred und sixty advertising ml Un Us y games' p' m‘0°OL ` _ 8 ` _
dri k sacriflced Bost doubled b ll ti tbsted tm. tbttbtt tmd other ··--—•-••;—- While the address will be primarily Zeresh, the wife of Haman. the
on · e ns · * ‘
Fatigue BROKEN tanned Potts out trslugiouq gervice     Mifor journalistic students and those C0¤· Nemesis of the play, will be portrayed
0 · ' ’ ` — · I 4 . r _ _ _ . _ _ . . .
waters to Tuttle- Tmrtytsix Outtofttowu delegates tot       ttomphtting, the taking of that course.; by Miss lxatherme Mitchell. This
W i ht ot a single through 8000lld lqwtt. ()m(.bl~ & Cabinet (tbbgerbbce _ ——; _ all students and instructors ln the unl— t (·hm-;u·[op was dgyglopgd by {bc writer
rg g d na wlld pltch and fol` t lt · d \1 t. b 1214 mw mmhdums for next S€ab0nSl\’€l`SllY Mo cordially invited to bolto suit the dramatic genius of Miss
X10 · ‘- ’!`1llll€ .8C -. · _ . . _ ;
third on 8. 88CrlllC9 llY bl' SclU`a€d€"·¥ Seven committees rendered eve!) th, afternoon by Dt, J J Ttgett who i _ _
{ d Reed out Hendrick l t bl wt 8 to new Students " ‘ ` ' ’ Newspaper men of the clty are also t one ot the most attractive things ever
. · t`e·va.esec ·.   · · *
Crum gntte ltlonto nh days Ot School tt, to toot li next years eleven, for Wtlucsted to be present and beat. ubdldbttb by tw). mtmteut. in Lexington
er. ni ole 1‘ » . , . · , .·.. _
‘ son to u W Id1`u'_lg I g ._ _tb l`°m° Mmm" football Mmm"` Hlgtrenew acquaintance with Colonel. 'l`he last scene in the play will be
U Fourth Round — F. F\1l‘¤l»¢¤¤ 8 I lwelve hundred handbooks dlstt -~t"_tm_ttttt1 Object ts to dbwtott it ttuat._ . _ `
I .lohnson. telaborate in tts spectacular features
popped out to Waters. R- Fursmn-iuwdl lwrbmlk and comet as there uw none, --—-»·••--—. land will have as many as thirty peo·
kod, M Co nell struck 0¤l· F tl d d llar ln work sc- . _ _ > '
Wald wa'] C n our wusau 0 B ·'“ lm “°h°°‘ at pr°°°m‘ M_ C_     ·ple on the stage in full costume. Every
Schaeffer singled to right. Fuller sill-jtbwd by employment burgalb t Ywt Yem_,_t Schedule for the Cats I v t _
d l · ‘· ’ ‘   C()NTESTtstudent in State l lll\’€l'Bll.y should ar-
8l¤¤bll¤l¤•*d '° SMS that if they expect to come outl M' L G W ue" 0 ` " 11 t r ·*’ t t
Bost singled over thlrd. scorins l"llll9l`· "ldea, on down-to~themlnute moral! H tu) tt tertod of sprtng training tstwon the oratorical contest of the Prog V *6 pr ws muél mm “" wu S °
Bolt out tryiuno steal second' isSu€s· iflibbtoltitittlylnecesssry thibl[i0|\ League \"€d|]@§day “)()[‘u[ug Fltluk und seats Wlll be Ou Bale Kt [118
Jlm Plfk 8816 OD OV€K`·l.lU°0w· Sllull" Four l|[°g-xxnrk ;ul({|‘0s5g·5 presenllllgl tttost or the team will be bunt up and wu] rgprgggnt [hg uuiygrglgy |¤ {mu All Theater buturdall-
* · . ~ · · ’ hibltlon Asso °
l’9llY BUG °“ fumbm but Park hn (l""l“'l“" "“m"g“‘ lfrom the freshman squad of last t'all._th° hmr°°u°gl‘lt° iw t `
to second. Squlrrelly forced out Thirty·slx men locuted ln Cotnmun-las only three Ot the .VurStty men m,8*ciation contest, which will be held at KY-    
Jim Pgrk scored on sacrllloo llY· ity service work nt Reform School. Bum to mmm. \\'llmore, Ky., in May. Mr. Redwlndst    
' Thgmgg out to pitcher. Associated Charities. nitzllt school. ____  ..-. ..- . .. Sulllwl ““*‘· "wlw Puls the mu?]. ~ t
Fifth R0\1¤d···R086l'¤ BKW when among ncgroes (including at nlghtlcampalgn February 8-11 under Mercer The other gpeukerg wo;-o }{_ Q_ Ap-t tlllo second issue of the kentucky
Tutlo drops ball. POUR {U6! Olll- W school 1'or university junitorslt 0t‘·!nnd Rugh. Iperson and W. J. Kallbrler. 'l`l1<*tH'¥ll >~‘l¤<*·>l Q*'i**`W"ll·'· llubllslwd
Waters. Rogers causlli off ¤l`¤l· E- phans' homes, etc. I Two classes studying foreign mls-tjndges were Mrs. Frances E. Beecham,tlluutrterlyv lu tlnsllvvufliilolli of Edu-
Furstonwald singled to loft- R- l"¤¤`· Two gospel teams conducted cam-lsions and American social problems. tsonator J. ll. Tunis and Professor ’l‘.t·‘=¤l¤·>¤¤ Ul lll-*‘ t¤n1\‘¢*¤‘¤ity has Just ap-
stenwald D0DD6d Out W W**W*`“· palans for t‘hrlstian living, reaching Male quartet established. t'l‘. Jones. tU*‘i¤¤`¤‘`l\'¤lll¤ l|llV¢*F5llY \\<¤· suc contains sonic very interesting ar-
scratch to second. Reed out to pltcli··tb,bs_ vm.bub,,bl guhghhoo ingluding so|.|men's tllee (lub will glve its tannualttnlcs   Protessors John J. Flgert.
er. Jim Park safe on Ylllllble UY Unc hundred and tlttyono doclslonslcntltlc psychological tests cot1dut·tedt¢‘¢>¤¤<‘¢‘¤`l Nl¤*ll*l¤Y lllsllh Alllll 1-*. M $` lirnnk I Nlcburland, \\n1. lt. Butt and
pitcher. Schroeder scores. (`¤`¤"* for aggressive t‘ln·lstiun living resultttor lndlvlduals desirlug to ascertaliit¤·`<‘l¤¢‘k· lllv club Wlll be ulld°" {Wt NUM lt·¤lll¤¤' Loo llldvr. Miss Kullwr-
  t d P ° Four) ed from uulverslty·wlde evangellstlc their fitness for life work. t¢lll'\‘l‘llUll Ul' l’¥‘0l€¤¤0l‘ ll- lh. U¤l¢‘u1nlJ.·lne Mitchell and brad t_)_ 3Iays_
( out nue on ll ·

n T H E I D I A I
·- -—·•-—¢*—-——·——·—-——--—¤i·-—-——-;:———--·— •--· ·- ·— ·• --·· »- ··-•;¤•·—·•-——-   •-•>• ·
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Go': G0.
“°°‘ I HE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE °""°"°"“°
Mc At Admission l0c
FlR8T·CLA8S IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Ownor and M|n| •r. OPIN 10 A. M. M 11 P. M.
V1` q I lklnd ¢II' ¤tnrl WIVS III ('llF‘mlBll`)'." l‘<=m¤l¤¤ un- Offersf t ,t, i ll d nr _
I T88 ut ION ll Q Cpl
. IIIvnIIshvd. ·
A••ocI•t• Edntora. I ·_
Um·I•r EntIr•Iy N•w Man•q•m•nI .ll·IANl·2T'l`l·} BELL .... Patterson Hall J. E. BOLLING ...... Mech. nnd Elqc.` . ments to the K ra d U a t 6 8
A. Il, I,l§IIi()VI'I`Z ........... Athleticsltj. C. ROGERS ............... Mluing       of K€flt\lCkY Hlfh Schools Who .
. . I ., L 00 ·
——~r——-—··—···—·;~*~·····-——; ll. \\. RUTH ............. Agrtcultnre Fl,nt_ during 3 gentle cm]. \\‘llll0Lll the IIHIIIP 0i` James IG. Byers, ' mor. ·p• i I
x··I·s;IIiIIII, ust- uno or lIl&)l`(* nnrds, whh-h will lll·’\'(‘l` In- r¢¤<·0gnlz@d as belong- S*‘lllm` (`lVH· p0inte€s· I
{Inu tn nn; tIIII;;II<·. I·Iv•·ry stnkiII nntl kIl1I\\l(’(l¥f‘ l’Ill?|l¥lI tn nw tho IIrII;Ie·r words In writing and speaking. mls ll" b*’*‘“ l*l`0mm€m· but lll$ Warm COSt of board, etc., apply to
R   _.§*'_..•'-_ I XIII nnly IIII w+· ¢‘lIIIlllIllt* tn nsw in<·l* who knnn and n<•· I·1n;;Iish words with snI’fi¢·ient c·0ncisen0ss urn Of ““Y Student in the ‘"‘iV€*`SltY· mihmh, Ky. {
5 E   :;IQIl tn whs tlIrm1;~]I ;I ~I·\•~I·•· 4Ir4|•~;Il uhm!] tqmttmmttl by "slung," pseudo MY B.Y0r$ has b€€ll ll lll€]llb€l` of ..?_ __
{ 1 I ~xI»I·II~ III· llIl|ll'()]I('l' I-jIIa·Il>II, It is to be Innnul und oxpevtntl that all will give III? (Hee (`mb for wwe Y*`arS· H9 was `   '
*5 `Q J In II·· IllI+'lIlll)Il tn Ih· >·· ¢l•·t`w·ts. 'I`h<>y cnn he (l\`(‘l`(`()\llQ‘ only by the effort of “ `V*“`““Y U`*“'k **Ull€’l€ ill `13 and `14     IND      
`§* lh IllI{Fl¤l}'•‘l` und \\II ll thi> i~ |I•·I‘I` has been left in the rear. wld Ill H9 is il m€lllb**l' of Ul'3       i
;·¤¤¤%¥’   A,     H 4--*. llrooks (`ivil l‘:l1gllH*€l‘ll)g Society, the  
xv ·l· ·I· ·I• •I· ·I· ·I· ·I· ·I• •I· •I·_ ·I• •I· ·|• Saws thv Georgia Technique: Tun [Nm K1¤k¤fM¤<*f¤Ii¤>‘. and on the ’
‘ -n· Hum or me <;A0I=Lv 1- ··n is reported nm nearly Seventy will Ul the civil €¤¤gi¤I<¤¤¤‘lIIs vublica- JOHNSTONS CANDY
° D. .§~ ·l· ·I· •l· ·I· ·I· -I• ·I· ·I· ·I· -I• ·I· ·|· Iwr vent of the colds of the Univer- *l""· "`l"’ T"ull$il~ H6 ls 8 m€¤lb9l' 1
\ .. .
4 '   sill of (`aliforniu haw Hat feet. \\'<* "' the l’¤*lI¤ Cm fmt9r“itY·   .
  \"-5{ THE LQQWSINVKRIME (hm" kI*<*“` \\lI¢> ¤II=I. 1'}`S" ‘~ ·, _ _
( HTH; I MINI Hm I·\‘’ wld Hl'll('¢‘l.,lll lll&l\· HAVE Y 1
‘ * ` ` ` _ . . _ . _ _ . nI·I‘ und ¢·|•·\¢·I· l'|‘||iII'll‘¢', Inuvv zuhlvd OUR
HM Immh___d _viI_l_ H \\._l%mH__mH IIIIIII ]IIl*>n*lIl lltdltwlllthllh, nmne ot Ilw
’ ` ` ` " ” _ __ _. _ A _ _ _. . _ In III: social und [)(5l'.`Ulll1l po; ul rity.   t ·
  H;I\•» ;]q)IIyI4·q[ |]II—j|· gujtg fur lpggtllihg; ·\UuH" holnhllb htmuboutb “lH· hkl _ l 8) V" H ' _ H 'T §`u 0   I
' . ,. . ,, .. unto sorne of the Georgia 'I`e·<·h stu- \\h‘m`H Jdkw lub done lm been
Shyyts lII·> Jlllllll k<'l`#I>l11*llI ` _ . . . _ _ FOR THE KENTUCKIAN
• (hum hm me my i I   tl x dune well. H1s xxehome smile and
.lll~l lik•· n {huh, " J ’ H 1) H 'nm V M . H_ __l _]l ., ,.1l l _   _ MADE AT
  MII WI {lm __'_m`d _l_m\m__ ‘IIlIl)' of the \|ll(¥lll])l0)'€’(.l. JU A N 0 M W Sadly m1““"dI ’
' ` ` ` "' AlI'UllIl ·~¤·I»IiI<·<>rt~ on ilw <·<>ll<·u··I _ W
O 'IIII· IIr III.I· ;tI·4· ltmki|tg_ `<·=IIIIII\I> in lhv ¢'\'€*lllll}J{ is interesting _
- 'III ·‘III·»I·I·u·" u·;InI nt Inmt smtp Qin IIIIIR IIII lllpllllilll is llliillté of the non-     I   · ,, I
Palm Beach Suns $7 0,, 9 I NG? I-
Mado tu Urdu •5 |\ e;ivI·n ··I:I·>.·II.¤‘ >II-IIUIIII-S; ‘IInIi|‘Is, To ·
C: \\`il| >Ul` i¤l¤<*llI*‘¤‘ <‘<>ll*‘I=I€      
I I·I·nIII•· l` lIU‘»\ il l'II'I'k lll I|I¢‘{ II luv {·h•_lni>lI.), Inlpurtnlvut of   v U
*· I ·II•- nhI·Ie- III- ··II|~ I|I•· I‘IIiI 'I`I·i~ — · - Incorlorltdt
l¤ccrpor•t•d " · ‘ ’ ‘ `lillll .l¤·\wIl (`¢III<·I;I· Iur the hrnt time
Manufacturcra of I I "" ` "’ `l'"" `M"' 2* °"H"**°` *"H`iII Iorty )`t'1l|`N has lJ,l\'l*ll u grade- of
    . ,.II I· I ..I. III III >·-III· ‘I~·* lll llI*‘ ‘·‘·I*l`lIl1 IIIII III H htntlpnt in I·lI¢·miI·1ll‘)'. \V0|l'l   R • h O
I ‘ I
  ‘ "l ;>llIll•· 1IlI•‘ ph~ns•· hrin: this to tho ul· e   t    
        `l·I<'II.I 'Il °`Nll}1,lIl)" Llllll his |`Q‘[lIllll*Q   `L
` ____M _A rifiin Y  
I I- lIIII`g`l;tI` \\IIII ··IIt¤·I‘•¤l il I·~·¤II';;lI··=·· >lll IIIIIIII IIIIII wl III ¤·In·nIIsII·y I'\‘i|ll§' is poslblv. 4
eva, EAR,PNOSE rnd THROAT I--~ ‘ ·· ·I··/· II I»·»~·> ··I‘ <·1···~~iII¤ I-illlll-b   COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY I
8 ECIAL ST I ..II·· III· 1|;‘lIl II·· IIIIII •·IIt•·I‘¤·tnd•·nt¤ ut Uhiu Stutu l
Glu". Ground to Ord"` I ‘¤ lI¤·l.\ ¤I··II¤I¤I‘¤II»lI··I"> l`****llI IIl`l I Ill`¤‘ going through college on up- ‘ . '
McCl•|I•nd Building.   North LIm¢Bt0I\¢ min l
· - • y•
°,”°• pn"`. “2,X Raw"`;. 7·°_x ·· lI·I l·lIIlI¢liI> I»I‘II\,IIIul•.·Iy lll cunts u day are tha, I
` I
·,_ . .

 :1,. .,Av  
` ram me
- - -·... ,, ,_,....,, . .......-— -.. 7. -.. .·-·•-—»»-•-sp`; ....•;4.-.-..__..._....-.»•-—•·;• -   ______-___ V —~`;A__r A-V V i
1 A ‘ ¤
' 4Wv* i lRl\Ill)H     I1;11·h trr·1· in lwliitz 1lr·1ll1·;1l¢·1l to  '·‘lll l»·· 111;11l»~ 11111- 11l` th1· .;~.i iii . |;.-1_1l.»1 fn gt; hnma- for 3
l D P llllmpl uml MH rllwllll lm lllplmml In 'l‘"‘ "' "··llK ll1*‘ `tll < l’;1L;·· I.;|—. lp1~»·|| ;4||(·(-•·q·i|4·q| by
• l1t~1‘ tbl llltl \;Il'Hl|) lHI*kV'llHIll ll‘Zllll‘i"'_;ItiUH Ihlihlillg   luxt '.ull.H (_IuSSl!'i·;.'{.rnHy ny'. \   l{y·", Uni!-4     {H \':H.i'_ III in'. HH" Nllxs }‘0“_Ipy
      llll‘t 1* _\'t'i|l`H Zlllll t'2I|ll1\lI\ till llllti }l`.\l"$ . ,. l**.. . .· ,1* ,. _. , 1 ·. __ .
in ,'i.mh.U|i)oy Ihlg was UH, nm. i l.1.l111_ I., .l l.l111t1, l.. .l llt_»1¤1.1.1 ·1 .l1· I··1|~. 11*11111 I’rn5Idr·r1[ liar.
      lt1··1111 \l| ll—; l`1'l•·111l~1 \\i~1l1 |1l111 llIt'k I l· . . K
)     ; ' ` I I ' ` ` t‘l.lS< i11 1l1·111lr11l11gy 1»r1.:11niz1-11 at tI1•·` " 'l ‘ ll- l’“*"' l" 1 ·< ·>l`1i···
--—e·———- •-{-•— r—·~—~ —-
l iiiiiverslty. ·
. 1 . ‘ ‘ ` l l
_ $400 °         I Allllll praise is due l’rnfess0r M1--    
I (,0     (/REEK_l·`11rl:1111l for the great ititerost he has: K _ _
·_ i \\`alt1·r I·`. lllllIl¢‘)K illlll 1;, 1'_ l{1)}ft‘1`!<.:ll1l(l‘ll i11 this work for ll more l)t’3\llll·i .
· A D N · R l*~ll||t)I`S lll thv (1>ll1·t:•· nl Xlllws 1t11tl‘l11l (‘{\l]l[)\lH. ` ‘ ` and Cgpgclally College f€l_
·_ ‘.\1 1.1111111.;., ltll l.1>t w11k ltll |111li.111. `-........-...,..;- ` ` \• l0“,S’ like the new »VarSlty
ADNO  ;11»·1111 to take up wnrk 111 the lll(ll2lll;KY• (/LUB     J i     V d I d b
· R ll1`1‘•‘l( ('ual (l0l1l[>'lll)' lIllll(‘*·l wlmig tliel F » I H 3 y- l\€ mo 9 S ma 8 y
i · · · | ROM UNIV. OF M C .
K   li11··s 1»1' their thesis-1 work. 1 -—— 3 . ·
, I   lll. l .I.h__ mmcq havp bwn Olwratwl _" ul 'l`l11· K1·11tu1·ky Club of the lKlll\’t‘l'—J ` Hart, SCh3tTl`I€l' & Marx
i I 7{Mllll" A I l_U_` for the mq fpw \_(__H__ and UMNO eiiy 1»1` Allehigan will leave Amt .\1·l111r` l 1 I ’
1* J l  Y1 =1·`1·111ay (lll 11. qpeclal train und will bn 1 ` ts l`€3lly tl`l€ V€I`y b€SC
1 _ Q H[ll(l(3I1{S will attenipt tn find out ` · 5 _
E H _ . . . , lj1>l111·1l 1·`1·l1111y night in Cincinnati byi l 1, \'()llf] m3n’*
ithetlier it is due to taulty 1>11gir112er—. v U g 5 m0 9 Ou IS
~ . . ·· · . .
· Q   O W mg Maps wm be mw of mp m_ ..... basketball 1....... 1.111... .......»1.11..| I { A eoabon
’ ·. —11.1 ....11 11..- (‘X[(~*l`l()l` ....11 11.1— 111.111 K"""" ""“' g" “’ ‘*""‘"g‘°"· “"‘°"" "‘°" 1 — ‘ 
l ll   will ('UIlllllll(} for about 11 month. wm may me State U¤*v€1¤*¢>‘ Sah"` Ti . l,   We Sll0W tllém in all the _
' jj., __- .-.........- day afternoon. · Q
{ o -..q+».._ — new Glen Urquhart and
. . attan Jlatds and a lot of
__w___ ·` Q S ·` ` Tl C BC .
. . .. . CYNTHIANA H. S. _ p S
nn 1 T   M1. Minton tiegur, 11 stntlent 111 the
• I I . . » ‘
. t'1>ll1;1~ of Agr11·111t11r1-, has l)(¥l“l1 an l'r11t1·ss1>r J. 'l`. (‘. hoe, of the De- Bgttgr (][‘()p in and See all
127 Cheapflldt? i11.i11111l 11) the [)()Slll()ll (YI. State l)1l,ll`)':]l2tl'Illlt‘ll[ of l·21l110utl0n, gave the lust · the liew     We
  i F _
I Hoursg a_m_ to gp_m_ [them, g64_X lllhiltlltll ltl .11111·11l iii. 1 . \\. \\1>rt.l1 I111 .lll5 10u1:·11 ot` lectures and reed ngsl ` i Sh()“,’ priced from   to
lll;l(lll. Mr. (regnr, l1)l' the past twtiilmloro the tyntliiana lilgli h(‘l100l    
{ , and :1 I111ll` years. has l)t‘+*i1 in ('l1J.lI`L§l‘_'l`ll!`S(lL\)' night. Profesor Noe gavei I · ’ ° °
l r ( (llK lllI· milk t1·>ti111.; illlll 1l·1i1‘}' 1‘t·t·01‘1l .;_41.1111· 1»I` |1i< t1w11 ])O(·‘lllS lKl`(llll "'l`l11· kr
I       ; {nl tl11· l‘:ll|lt‘lltltll`l' l>:1l1·i‘. lie was v1·1·y`|.1>11111 111 l.il`e" and the **1101111 111 tml A     'h• 0
( ' * *·   ihighly 1·1·1·1»1111111~111le1l lltll‘ the ])l`€S0ll('ll1l’l`" "Nly Own l‘]V€llllllI," ".l11st tn. Q;   0   Ul
      il iilllhllltlll by l)l't)lKt’>§S()l`S llU(>[1t"l` a11d,l>r·~a111," "()Id-l~`asl1i011ed LOOIII" "Uld, gl [ {H I . [,_ [SI
. .1%. 1 J
i J! ’ ` R ` lNi1·l111ls, i11 \\'ll()St’ (lt*]l;ll`Il1lt*Ill he was Spinning \\'l1eel," "Scl100l of Ski1111y,"I C1~1pgrightHutScbal1¤er&3iu; g Un 5 lgges Orc
, {W   Wg, €’T`(`7\\ `|)llI'Sllll]g‘ his lllujtlf studies. )lr,:"l)11;;‘ l1‘1111 llays," "'l`l1e Age Elt’('ll`l(‘.K' ; "K KK   K KK "—”"’_`;‘
·\ l ;`—` _ · e A e -———— —»———— 
K · » K"   `(`1'*g1‘ till 1.·.·11111· li: 1·w (lllll‘.` "l11·1lbi1·1I," "l1l11ebir1l," **0111 \\’a11·r
/   iw ·_r¤•7_> ` i 1.0 \ iss 1 is lt 1. · H H 4 V ` H `
.—   d`   .·\]ll'll 8. lllill, llld Drinking (.0urd. l· r11111 P H 0 E N I X I-I O I E L
     IUC -————·•-•——- — ll':%[lll‘l'] "l’il11te’s )lUIl0l()KU(*,H "l·Js—
/ EKCEPT SA{uRDAY$_ K `“ABE”   ltl111·'s Al1)llOl()gllt’," "()ne·Ar111ed Jue," K KWK K `K K K   KK 'K K- K KK T K? *
` W
1 / TURKISH,SHOWER&PLAlN ` `     illlll the "klotmsliiiiers" were included     ffgnj | Sc to  
1 - 1;   0 — lin the lecture.
Q T BASlMr"Tl39[Iw§(|lcT°N‘KV  {   ,.\, >1_ 1··,\1..»". llt*l|[‘llli;l,ll ,\\Kll() gra11—l "wNf—   Luncheon 40c to 55c
"—*" ·‘"""‘""""““ llil[(·‘tl ns ll 1·l1e1nist last year, is spend- ::.1.- »———.;;-——— --  
. . . » %EA(`ER—-PARK KK"
ing il 11·w dave 111 l.1·x111et1»11 as ll Ce ' Th · · . .
_,__,,...~._.._i ‘ -— e new Grill II the most beautnful room in Central Km.
K luitesl 11l' l`1‘i1·111ls at tl11· .-\. 'I`. U. lioustu .. . . _ . ·
e • I ` \|1·. and Xlrs. \\1ll1a111 bt‘1\§;t'l, 111 {ucky’ decorated wah Rockwood Pottery-
, Benkart A Fotlch. P¤`¤Pl’l•*°*`|. \l..- 1.·1» 1.1·1-11 11--11-111111; -11 tI11· <\lt‘ .
i‘ " ’ ‘ · ‘ ` `ll11l1·I1111>1111 A1