xt7qv97zph6r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zph6r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1913-09-25 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 25, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 2, September 25, 1913 1913 1913-09-25 2015 true xt7qv97zph6r section xt7qv97zph6r •
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Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., SEPTEMBER 25, 1913 No. 2 1
--e-_-_. e _-_______-__..__-_»__-e_—-w----t---..-_ e-___ee._-e- to ,- e - ._a-.e.-.- ---ee. --   I._I     ___o o _ __ to , to new
- S I A I Evs. BU I LER Saturday 3.30
UU ‘
r umm ru-umm "* °°'*"**'*” ‘°“" nsmm ammnnu   """ ""’““"*‘* umm sunu
THE LECTURE8 AND RECITALS ON Faculty and Students of State l'ni· ————
’ °°U*¤¤ •’¤°M••¤¤ A °¤*-*°•“’· acura: ALL ¤n¤c¤¤¤~rs. __ ctentnmen and ¤.a¤¤t»»;» THE GREATEST FORWARD
"UL E“TE”`”"""E'"· ··— vn. and Princeton wm Ge mu I am ~<>~‘¤r¤¤·s State new for the $1-Eps 1-AKEN HERE m
I —; "Mnr·•e Her•ry"Watter•on will be npc- the Harvard 8“|p_ Leader and would like to have you YEARS
P"°Y· R- D¤R°°d• *° P•"**°'P**• In Ad' clally endorsed and encouraged to ___ help me make my column as interest `
` Mirlbly ATTINIGU Pl‘¤lflm· com; gg qw pugfm-m_ When Harvard‘s football candidates {ng and as ngwgy as possible 50 wm I
• The mst number of the Sum, UM ———— reported at Cambridge, an the mem. Mk that you refer to me any Mm 'Fufwduy at clmrwl hour preparations
versity Lyceum series will boaconcert Ou" Lecture C<>¤¤‘¤€ this Year will MPS of the Biz Three and nearly an um you mow (Or Suspecw possesses were begun fora great mmg btudy
by Mm Mary Hawkins Damzm, this not be in private and individual sup- the other important colleges win have news vmua please leave an com (*“"‘I’a*g“· d"""“° *""‘"g‘3m"““* Of
evening Setpembe,. 25 in chapel at port. The University has taken itrbezun practice. Princeton and Y¤1€_’munmcammH for me at the BuSmUSS\‘*h*<>h “fF•3 madé l¤¤i<|t¤€¤<1ay mght
  g (yclock  0V€P‘ Rnd it is now a university func-‘in their campaign to overthrow thB·Omc€’ box 666 fin the Y. M .(.. A. llns movement
  The ams; wm be go,-mmm, in hav, UGH by 0Fd€¤‘ of the Trustee Board.l<7rimson champions or 1912, have got; Yours very mspectfuuyv ihus been under mxxsioemuon for sum,.
mg me assistance of Prof- Rl Denoode \Vhen we paid that ten dollar fee wei the jump on their rival. the Tigers; [,L()Y[) nU;;EnTg0x_{m"° at hmm but {ms luckm me (J"`
` handed Over what is called a c0nt|ng_*having been at Work R week now'; 0p€¥`Z\U()¥l fl€CP5H8I') to it SUCKIQSSIIII
as gcc0mpgn|g[_ It hgg been a long? I LRSI Y€&l` mimy 8!`ii£‘|€S of i¤U?¥`€St workin realization \\'hil there na
L . I nent fee, touching jointly the Athletic beginning last Monday, and the blue-;   g · 8 1 Y
time since exinston s nestor of mus c* y were not 1>ubli>shed because the ones me Some who do not favor such at mote.
has been heard in umm and his num_`sp0rts and the lectures and various clad moleskinners getting busy on. _ _  
p _ V possessing the intormatwn did rrvtnmmt nn u State Fniversitv we can see
f I d d H I d th _ and diversified numbers on this years Thursday Cornell, Williams, Wesley- _ * ·
erong ren s are e g1te at e pros C ru I L hl h R t d th k¤0\\ thé reporters of the CNY D¤D€!`>* no reason why it should be obligatory
vect ot hearing him again. °r°"°m' °‘n' ° S°' ° g ’ users an eeand u nu . N t 1· d ns - . ·
1 Following is the program- I Th'? faculty has ¤D1>0i¤t€d ¤ faculty Military and Naval academies are gthfv ml Htsmliz 0;°m)°';* hi)? r‘ S are to withhold trom our students [hg
} * 6 S, S . 0 W C 3. 8 €Yl · · » · .
i me Ehre Gottas Be8th°v€nIC0mmitt€€ Of Which Prof. Spahr, teach- er Institutions that glrggdy have Bmbarms mg but I h I th ° i iméhtiw to the dex elopment of char
· · · ········· . S 8 S0 ’€S 8 UI] - · ' .
· • (The www of God in Name) er or physncs and former unrmor or plunged imo me grind and Pennsyl- 8 ‘*"‘°' "‘“‘ °°““’” “*‘ ° '°"““ °" ‘“"‘“‘
· p , .v*’*`B“Y more Prommencg arity with the Book of Books. Modern
I the lecture course is chairman. This vania will join ln. In most cases the'
_ Maine iLebe lst Grun ......... Brahma , Miss Marguerite McLaughlin is the Iagy with all of its w0nd9l—g·u; foresight
{ M LO 1 P th Lu committee will choose the men and turnout is at an earlier date than last
{ ( Y v° ° `"° °° ° °°) players who will com to our rostrun. year *”°" °“*’“"‘° '°"°"*"` ‘°” ***6 ""'“‘“ =·~¤¤ 1¤¤¤<*¤ has ¤¤¤ bm ¤¤¤¤ ¤> ad-
·, DGP l"!‘¤\l¤d ---·-·-······· Huso Wolf ° ` Fand will appreciate all the information i pt · Su 6. y H » {ik .
¤ (The mound) T·~~*¤~ ·¤·= M of —·~ ¤·· Wm be * ‘ ‘ °...m tm I tl .. I dy"` " ° `" "‘ °‘ " “ ° “s€S ‘ ‘ e
· » s o 18 co e e » n V ·
i H to listen to Mrs. Dantzler and Mr. The first games of the season are uml Mgt tgdileiwe a “iS° Educmmn has mma Sharpemd
V · cna oucareo s     ..
Irish Folk Song Arthur Foote DeR00de and next Thursday night set for next Saturday, the most inter- D ur Karl Zim nesemc (:19 T i [the mms Ot Vice if character Mb nm
..•»·»..»· A _   I'. ,. , '
, , Bruce Reynolds will give us the fiddle eating of the small batch arranged I S 9 been Bi"` d' place Of pmmmeuce in
Im W¤¤|'i¤8 Awa ·-··-- A¤`¢h\¤‘ Foote bune and desires to state that articles our uniyersity training
The Ye".!] at me Spring and the bow. being the Indians and Albright at Car-I t_ I m b t [ H ·
·····•··· »0 HGWS VH. [16 \\' l` - ..
· Mm H Beach On Thursday night October 9 we lisle. The result of this contest is gl-; iv d b H TH e ga: u y re i lhe attitude of a decade ago can-
..•..•...•·.·.·»·»· . » V   Q n‘_ _ r .
C dl S K V h hope to hear Frederick B. Wright who ways a foregone conclusion, bm it wlll! y I _ lg it 0 S an Op Fceming the absence of the Bible in
T8 6 0118 ·-·-·--··-·- M6 ¤¤¤¤ _ _ _ yportunlty for a tew or the students __h I I td d _ i _
has tor some time been the Editor of be hatched this year xs ith special in-I OUT ¤€ 00 S S 0 aY un *3*80 US A
Sweetheart Thy Lips are Pnrched Y to gum money mm which no meet , d { I I _,, Fd . { t , b,
Q with Flame   W Chadwick the Records of the Past. Secretary terest to see how Glenn \\ arner Imeslthe ex GMES of 8 Colle 9 education 0 ‘·\0¤ PF U €\¤¤S·· ~ W3 0% HN ~·
In jH0u¤-nton of the National Departmenuup his redskins with Jim Thorpe gone, D   g' ’S ginning to see that education is in
O, Don Fatale, Fmm·D0n Cm_l0B~vm_dl§0f Agriculture may come and also the!The following Wednesday Yale g¤;t1Q:;(:s(‘ mm them all me Support wugvain without character. also. that
(Oh Fam] Power)  Ben Greet troupe. playing Shakespeare'C0rnell get into action. the formeri [U1€¥‘€ is H0 b00k S0 ¤€€d¥¤l U1 the
zigeuncmem from Carmen. { ' { I Bin! in the open air. Former Gov. Thatchergagainst Wesleyan at New Haven and; "` " {D¥`€S€¤t BSB us [119 ·Bibi€· Am0.UF¥ Silk
(Gypsy Song) of Louisville who for a time was Gov·;th€ latter againht Urinus at Itlxaca.| Among the new students matricu- dents the attitude *8 €quauY dmerem
ernor of the Panama Canal Zone will Othér games Svhédllléd are (Yarlisléllatetl at State University this year from that Of Past Years- Year by YEL"`
At the nano ....... Prof. R. DeR00de ; n _ _
Prof Spahr who has devoted much be invited. But what will especiallylvs. Lebanon Valley HMB Holy (`*‘·’¤¤ft`r0n1 Louisville are \\’. O, Bruing, A.`th*‘ "m`0ll“"’“ in tha Bible mud)
of his time to this worthy addition {merge; the students and alumni gmlgvs. Norwich. |\\’. \\'hite, H. ’l`. King, Elizabeth Pa.l·’cla’S€`S has hlcreased umu last year
to me usher education of our Students faculty and Board of Trustees and that A week from next Saturday, Sep—§mer, B. l~‘. williams, U. N. Bazold, 1·:. _“‘l¤*¤¤ ¤1*l*F°’<**¤*¤*‘>‘*>' $*%**0** ***6** in Mw
is to be congratulated upon the Opeth City and State as wen is to seeitember 27, comes the first big bwtchpx. Taylor, <“‘. E. Rub, s. L Spu|1acl1,ldm€"*’mColleges of this Country “T€*`*¢
mg uubmer The future plans wm be "Marae Henry" Watterson, the last 0fj0f gamés. HHl‘\'8I‘d, Princeton. D&l't·§ R. R. Yoe, Helen De How, l·]ln1er'ém`°H€d in Bible Study classes- Such
• discussed in another column ithe old Titans that have towered above mouth and Pennsylvania all open ttreirvrones, carnysne Dugan, mma tx '¤¤¤¤¤‘•¤·i0uS u\\’¤k~>¤¤i¤¤z=¤ us this imvv
Mrs Dumzlcr has had for her m_!al1 other men in our National life.‘Seus0ns then. the (`rimtwn with Maine, t Becker, Jacob Leihschurs, Georgt»H¤¤d*‘ the l**'€$°m <‘*‘mu"Y H bmme" one
stmcmrs some of the best f°wigu!Tl1e students will do all they can tonthe Tigers with Rutgers, Dartmoutlniuobbe u_ \v_ (·m“vd,,,·_ A_ w_ Datviésswirx the progress of civilization. Due
masters and her appearance here mjaesist the board to get Mr. \\'atterson with the Mussuclnusetls Aggies and A. H. Weilnnnn, M. t`. Mt-t‘mt-ken, [LN) Mw i'*m**"‘*‘*‘ 0** UW Bible th'? Chris'
mgm wm no doubt prove highly 6n_[m Speak m us, Penney with Gettysburg. Attentton M. Cunningham, Jr., P. A1. ,xm1¤·$S_}ii¤¤¤¤ NMi<>¤¤* me *>*‘i¤*8i¤¤·= UW **14*** Ut
joyuble to me Ingo audience that is _________o____n_  wm be attracted to an these bgut··¤;H_ K Masters und Georg,. [;m“·,,_ia new civilization to the lands of
expected to welcome her STROLLERS HOLD ibenuuse they yuark the getayyuy of th0<(*hurl€S   Turner, Star tavkle for lhcilluulhogli d;,\[‘kIh-‘sS. SLLIGBIIIS of lkl\\`
4_.,_-___. www   INITIAL MEETING ipurticipants, but the Rl1lg€I‘S-P!‘i¤C¢*- male high school, und F. H. Jo1u1sonl*“`*‘ “`*'°¥“m"¥ UW {mw that if mw
NEW MEN QN THE TEACHING _ lluyu dug] has its Own Special liulg side of the good lnunual team uhre material {would ki10\\’ l2,t\\' ill its highest illivl'-
F°R°E TH'8 YEAR Tl? mst meeting of The Strollers nlightot note in the tact that these twolfur me mushy ,·(,(,(bau [wu, miJ;»rcmn1o¤1 they must beconuc familiar
  I · I t` F A_ ________ V _ _ VA A____ __
There has been added to the Course [IIB GPRIIIBHC Club of SIRI? UIHVBTBHY ituunls played the nrst game Ot {O0!-gyearl \ —iw_vWrFSlt[i;;ll*"·l on PU?—Y*` UN
°‘ z°°’°g" ““" E“‘°"‘°‘°g’ “““*“‘““‘ was mu Friday afternoon nu mé¤b°m "` me mB°°ry °t the ”"°" mi ,--_e—e————~~--—alee-v._,-emwe   to   to   e e  ee; __   
1e69. *"* "’—"*r  A V ’   ‘ "r_""—"“r ‘ra
* °f Pr°f‘ Garmam Ml" Smeg from chapel at the University. Onlyaemall, _ _ _ glp  
Missisippi. number of the club had returned {0} The main battle of the season   l`
In tha Mathematics Departmem we the University when the meeting wusl Y _ _ * '   E ?
hm ·¤·¤ ¤··*¤¤¤ M 0* w<~¤¢<>m*··¤ our held but the outlook f0l'l1t5WIIlB(t‘l`i8lm1,suuL ""' '“`°"" ‘*"°“‘ "‘°t "‘“i»¥ I I . I . I . | H1
¤*¤¤¤¤¤¤ Md *¤~··~* *’¤>*·¤¤~¤* *·*— L- wu., never tem undPresidentl{e11ry;lhme’ "““" "“'“‘“‘ '°°"""“ “"r];  
Sag it ·s th* favorite to beat bull.? , if
Rm' 'M°"‘“"" ‘*""°‘“"’“ """’ °'“ "‘°""’°'* Yulnlunu ¤·;¤..t·.»w.. wt c.-mon M   ’c
M'- M“‘°*‘*°' “"‘° °°"‘°“ "°"‘ W°“")u committee ot one on the umnnmi I ‘ ` ` rl? {i
ern Kentucky State Normal at Bowl-jsmp commmee ithc only etandputtcr of the trio in tho?   ·  
ing Green is employed in me extenslonx Some plans for u musical muwdy to   inatteruot ioatheai rho kttslntratjl ot I 1 ·
, w ~ t%l'('y ull \l()ll, W I0 \\’0l` B W0|'\ ETS, I `
“°"‘ °' °"° “""""'“""‘ ””“"°“‘ the ····*   by ·*··* M   <** ~¤~~~ ·=·*“... tn.-‘»,..-Y. w.,,... U,. nt. .h,.. M}; T ° M I
Mr` Holcmn comes as an addition but nothing definite decided on The] I ` X Al Iw ’
I I   ·.·. · l··l‘·fI I1>l2·`:
‘° “‘° M“"""""“°“· n¤r~¤ ··¤»~+·¤ »~·¤¤*<>·· 0* the *‘***” “’“' "*“Mm ""‘Z`T,‘§`.I.I`.»`   i¤\;·~··r·¤E           I
. ‘ SFLISUII. illll t 'tf ' ' ' ‘ ` " Q M
Frm" Webb wm be bmk to will oaf held in the chapel Friday afternoon; _ 4 I _ l i_ d f M_ I   ¤H l
m° prm°ipl° °( Pascml and Faraday October 11 at 4 0'clock, when a regular`aymmuuwrh (Hwa IB 0 I B UH ln \
with an acceleration that exceeds light- program wm be presented- agreeing to coach again. but anu-  
· Shana without inertia and wml R m0_ ` much persuasion he signed unother       zz   ::   p·m·
mgutum that gathers moss on me back ` ""—""` " . three—yeur contract. Princeton thial  
' th rg? re!‘ ali;-—-———-·····*·—.·· ·#——————·*i:;f·¤———.. ··>¢ ·;i rf i‘;i;iT**._._.._*;
as it rolls.   t·h8l`€ be BRIS 8 Su » (Continued on page 2).

 • ••
 %%?3;E?E%;€£;r ->- -7;+*; #~ *4- >e-¤ ·~ gr  5;;;-* »¢ ‘·‘’ » · *·».. sc .e -. ·· .   — —_ ,;—   _, ____g__ _  
q """"r"‘ r A —- » ——- - "" Ti? V rs; r ::1+
__ _ _4 _f_______________jg____{     g_____g___ _+ "- °*A**"¤•*· Jr-_·_l•·nnnon~ and l.ov•~, lnr·kl•~..t; (lIlr·k, ((*0*** num from pills!) _g_____
redt tthl: lt-l _,», _        ., . ' I C
°r° PNN ° °" °r ° r°° 1 4   o ‘· """"‘""""· '*"""*‘“'· ’—"*""- *‘"" with the rest routntstlon. The sh,. Mtns snarrer, who grsoumd wm, ’
mah Class. l /4kf/··¥l   ~ ` ` *, .Slls-n, llfIll`l)Rf‘l(l ·
B 5 ` 4 _~\ J, ·'   dents of ethics llnd the Blble thelr UW 13 ¢l¤¤¤· ls HOW principal of the
,  "\€ ` N W Kfenlest text h k rl J·· (Th lt Brooksville Hlkh S h I. H t .
E.¤Cl\ county lh tl\¢ State I! ( 1) l Yale has lost Spaldlng lllck Baker 00 an (ws rs C 00 er an Bt
_ I d d FREE { _ ,·_ . · · the Supreme standard of human ooh. Mid there, Miss Luclle Gaetlnoan, also
{Mag to lee? ' I bo thll- l§ ` /i ttlallaut-r. Phllhln and llontelsler. The dur-L lis a graduate of last year'; elses, Mtns
H0:. °t;1;:l’lE:e:\l0;\;lc :"0f:“;;i llnttor, nn end of tht- Kllpatrlck typenl wan may the graduate Bay, ··My Gastlneau was captain of the '12-’13
:" Oimccl ' j“"" l"` lm"' "‘ "`l"“°‘“~ "“‘°"" ‘°¥"·.colleae tralnlng has been ln valn" Girls Varsity Basket Ball team, Mtns
pp _ iketclmm, who ls to he remade from nor h,. has not dm-{mz those four years Shaffer was center on the same team,
. . t
N moderate in center, should decldo that rnd ls .1 `Caught H ,-mon 0; uw larger life by We expect Brooksville High to do lt;
¢¢¢••If}' ¢XP¢¤•¢• -I U {better place for hlm than tho back- wnsmm mm? mud),. duty and allow these two former stan
Held. Lefty Flynn also ls gone vla Am. truly .
_ _ · _ _ greg; man wm make the with the net to indulge their pupils
t For fnllt ;nfoCl·;::·;n°fr:$:3d-     ithe marriage route. Avery. (`arter.|(.mpham. dpplnration that the Bible and patrons a season or vlctorlous
mg appom e s, Y. · bile and Sheldon remain as end mate· has been his Source of mspmmnn and games,
coat of board. etc., apply to Are not only eaenttal for use, rlal. Warren Talbot (‘oonev Arnold . . ·
H S BARKER ibut also for n mance sake Y u P ·   » pouet. let if this statement ls not ·—·—
` ` _ ' l _ ppc ` ° °m“°t°"* M“"l“g· R“"‘l""· Gwen- made their works stand aslndlsputable "·l“dK°" G- C- MWL who f0l' two • ·
Ptcaldeht, inte juclgecl by tlic appearance of Hatrblson and M¥\(lflf‘ll urs- llnomenipmof years has been teaching in the En
‘ ' t , K :* , - . . ' `
Lexmg on y iyotg teethd d f t ¥h d llett over. This bunt h promises to del H,. mir to yourwlf and join R Bible glneerlng Department of Cornell Unl- l
cc I - · » . Y . .
Tahphom us `tmct ezine ungztlle oc Se li nelope a pnrtlrularlj strong l1ltalanx\(.m,.S_ Get a time group of men to. versity, stopped in Lexington last
I I 8 1 _ · ‘ ‘ ' ) ` . •• H
_ ke tt cth ng t C0 n gel tllmm tmkh to m(kl‘· FO" the" h“"k \l;€lllt‘l` in some of their rooms and give week ·l“dK€ has 8 UBUVG Mid D¤|’· ‘
C 8 . ` · · ¤ ,
The   C0. up ut our tzlih in 0:1:* an de held there are Markle, (ornlsh tas- tmp wml. A rah. chance in Shaping your fectly natural art ln mlmlcry. He has l
0 0 - - ‘ * r ..
{ p yF k' 3 f 3 n ll ties, lornell, \\heeler and l’ompeIly.1m(._ It has Shaped the d,.Hth,y of the an extraordinary gift In mocking form-
tonic Ort any tn 0 cnta the man who put over tho tying goal iworld for centuries. er Professor W. K. Patterson, and we
wor 0 . . ,
      C m¢ 0 SGC Us from the tleld in tht last Prlncetoni It ,5 ,,0 longer,} question of ·~Sh0uld used him a great deal while he was
Pipes Repaired Dr J T Slaton game, (mernsey, tllefl‘9l1<‘ltH\9¤ baekwwe study the Bible? lt ls Wo Must with ““· H9 Pwd f°l` ¤ ¤¤b¤¤¥‘lP¢l0¤
. , , , who starred both at carrying the ball `Smdy the Bible-. gm- The me. ·nd lon xm. uhm
· I-
LEXINGTON, - - KENTUCKY 127 CHEAPSIDE lmddas 8 dmv khker agumst the H"` _ We consider this one of the greatest New Y0¥'k-
Hours-8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone 864-x var und P"l“"°t°4“ °“bS· is the moslltoryvurd movements the students ol ·;
umvsastrv Lunch STAND ‘ ’ stm hm tem *¤ mrs- "° *°°° °‘° °°“¤** °’ °l·*¤ ¤··
chan axdmlnly to nuhmo S   &   and White, freshmen llnemen, also By the training which E Bible Study been fortunate to claim the aervloeaol · •
lm F.cuRy or gut, unlv,,.,ny are rated hlgh. class Offers A man 0,. woman 0,,8 forth Fred Shultz as head pedagogue of lts
. _ 8 _ .
A B   Cornell figures to be better off this mm me world B mute,. of sem a High School at Fardsvllle. Fred grad-
ml; 8 JMESTONE AND cm-FAX   0 e C 0 m a n lyear. principally because coach Al vlctgr Over sm and , Kronor., example ¤•t·¤¤ lest J¤n•. e vovulnr msn. bolus ,
  P y Sharpe now ls inmlltar with conditions to an men of what one may become President of his class. ‘
E . there and because many of hls candl- - ·
, 211 NORTH LIMESTONE 8-r_ through the transforming and creative *‘·" ;
We are Still Pr•••lr;g 4 Busta for $1.20         ?“t°S dum`] im"} hed ll Yea" S School' powers of Jesus Christ, Bible Study "Father" Paul Franc;. gms just como 5
B_ B _l T'}; _   b       [ng sn at lls Sl ‘*t°"‘· M°'°°""’· the ls no longer a theory it is a necessary back from Mexico, where he has been  
luy 81 ey S I°€SSlI\g U OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 UCLOCK reg m°“· “ lo ln the past had "’('€l"' requisite, the most essential requlslte for BOMB time an engineer lu mining ,7
AND DRY CLEANING WORKS ' ed only cursory attention at Cornell, of higher education industry The rebel d tm {
159 Qgufh Limestone Phone 621-y   were started lll the Dl'0ll€l` Dlllh llisi -....— .lQ warm around the yoftngmlaéeztuekmirs X
  A y _ . 
  STUDENTS, Fear and ?1¢00F<:l¤?li {Till tgffef ioms THE Law DEPARTMENT but he says he will go back and dig Q - 
C A   ' °“"" ""°‘” ““* °"** lie *m°· ’¤1’*· nxzs suns Anno nts fortune Paul graduated ln 1911 Y V
, . J IHOT LUNCH AT ALL HOURS. Butler, the sensational quarterback, is _ and was an excellent student, M wen  
Where you will find everything a [ G W Chapnlan hum graduaw M") wm b" missed m°“t· Law Library now Contains over 5,000 as very popular with his fellows, 5  
8C.0|MP:ETE EDRUS STg:dE :559é LI ‘ t 0 but tht- onrly squad that has turned Volume. But In the Stn. · S.
'"°°° °'°· °° '°• •· 'me vp Acr’lBlds out is rt. nn ( tl t Sl l ` ' l ·`
° ° ° ~ ' ‘ ~ hlgh ’ l·
MAIN Amo wAt.nur smears.] ‘“ ‘“ ‘“'*’° ‘“*‘ , .
___________,_________. .._.,,____A,_ _.________,______ __________g__ { hopes of tlntllnt: a good man to take 'l`he Law Department under the wise Virgil L' D°w"i°g· “l“° M the 11   ;,
, bunch, is at Kenosha Wisconsin with l
..7.* em- . M W-. V. . ·.   .. - . . e. . lhls place. guidance of Judge Lafterty has gotten · · · »
1..--4.. -.- jY._, ....—....,_....-.._.._-.r...; ......`.-. .I;’i.i1L*"Y'l'.T ?i"T 1;* 4 { V
I T ’ " ·~ * * for the use of the young barrlster a the J' B' `I°“°"°s Aut°m°b“° C°m' . '
1     S   l Ilartmouth is struck a severe blow collection of the EUKUBYI law YGPONB pany. H6 len the Moline Implement "
l 1 in the loss of Capt, Daly and \Vl]ltney_ dating from the year 1650 until the C0" st M°u"°' m" "° g° t° K°°°“h*· e . 
i Fall Styles in Hats, Shoes and   Other stars that will be nnesen hy·present time. Tlus added feature qulte vnu ‘"' “ l‘°“°' $"°d“*'° °* 'U-  ‘
I           l l.ll(‘ll` KGHIHS 1ll`€Z TQHHBY of BTOWII, well rounds out the Library of the ___—_   , 
Pnzzettl of Lehigh Bayou of wes. Law School making a total of more Perry Cassady son of Su t C ad • l Y  •
[ r » D . [ss y, ,
ll   &       leyan, llevore of the Army and Rhodes than 5.000 volumes and comprising ln of this city, and graduate ot 1911, is l ’
_   ll of tht- Navy, lthe minds of many the best legal ll- employed on the instruction force at `  
l l J· & M. and Miller and lf 4 ’* * * »brary in the state in point of need and the Mechanical Hall thls year, Perry l , 
          .1 L Thy plush betwggll [hg tnlrlghiplngll tUS€l·l.llll(*SS. ThlS ls B lternld of glad is OUG of the t0uDd0TS and Sl,l.I`l.8I`S of ‘ I 
l l, and cadets prontlses to be the blggestlll¢lll1l;B to the entire state. Kentucky The idea, and lt tsals even now a t 
l -..s--...~-_......,-_--___,___._........._.--_---___..j | _ <
  `thlng ln a football way for New York has lteld her standard proudly up along unique touch of gratltude to him and z 
    r "
l lthls year. The annual battle wlll be the lines of law ln past decades and his work.  
Review of the Eastern Mild to a¤¤“'**' tht ll"! wil illdalwstttgetl at the Polo Grounds on Novent-{title school of law promises to guard __,_,__,_1_______ _ L;`
    iuru   btorer and Hll.(°ll('UUk.Ll)e[‘ 2}4_ [hg Saturday after '|`hu||ks;.l[ll8[ hlgh idfdlll.     av 
.—.--  tek;(¢¤; ilglcklst lend *:**0*** l***’d‘ alvlns Day. Another his same fora A notleed and decided dllterence ls     ‘ T 
ttjontinued from page lr. {Lu; ' MH M °’ )‘e;“ll0° did Iruns-t(l"‘l"**"“"* will b*“ Ulm b"l"`*¢**ll U¤Vl·`l'outtti bettveen the material ol' past `
    rrushlllg end   U l' ;`u“l`d;’ Sud ( I zliiluy ilu ’ddh   L 'llmllll and the (`urlish" Indians on NO' }`€i\l':i and the |l(e“‘ Btudgntg whg have     Q   _
last year. as head mentor in me plmwlli tre Tu sgtgftlil   ltznutrv. d lts.i`v·.l..lntl- 1.., ulsu ot interest to the recently joined us. A higher type of Mill MBSHO s·iVOI‘I  
ot Cunningham, with lllttetltentltaljg as O"` an Q °‘ U Pu ° h “"“"U`Y lll 5‘”'l**ml are UW Uurllllouill citizenship ls expected when the law- Ph 1261 l 
lpluce at fullback there will be youugl » . . · » one `
has departed from the system of l»nv—lhddw Mahan the hcubmiou ol m°`°" N""*‘"'b‘*" “· and the C0l`¤€ll·ll¤l`· arlght and dispense a just code of  "
. lfreshtnan last war and l·`ret·dlev vvhol .. . · . ?·
lng the graduating captain betotne; ‘ ’ ’ ” " l‘*"‘l ““'"" M ( “"*l”`ld8*‘ ull :\Ul·'*‘l¤b€l‘ lll€Il'B relations with men.  
the next years coach. and l‘al»t.l“°° meltiple hw lm"' mw wk°_m°l1· The Henry Clay Law Society wlll l in
l<¤¤¤l¤¤¤·· has brouslu H<>-‘¤r¤ ~l¤¤·~¤i""l°$ °f ‘"f]"“' ‘" "“""“"b"`_k’ (ml`? · · * have tt wom to ttsett uns year, neatly - ti;
or rnlr years hack to New Haven as le) brkklelh Nun; bmuwr ("°°r$° I°  The tournament of the llig Three arruuaed and convenient and should _ ltr  
head couch. Jesse Spalding, lastlu matter ot mum regwl `U H‘U`°m`;vtl|l begin on November 24, when Her- not be made unsanitary by unlawful / \ _` _ »\ __ A __ l‘ 
t .. , .. I t \ . N [ _}
years captain being only an assistantt lvard visits l'rlnt·t·ton. The following expectorating. Here where the ele- -` J ' \ , lv - l
in the handling of the backlield t·sndl·1lt was hoped that the youth wouldlvteek the 'Figers go to New Haven quence ol Clay lies buried and the ` ' 
dates. enter this year, be ellglble next year,gto tneet Yule and on November 22, gifted tongue of James stlll survives.     E 4 R .4;
* *   land be a star equal to his older broth-; Yale tneets Harvard at Valtlbrldge. there should be the greatest Held lor `ll
(lt tht- veterans lt·t‘t at llarvard, er, but his declslon to bet·o1n•· tt pro·l Antonl.: important lntt·rst·ctlonal talented men to pursue the lloelng A aunt,.   uu"`  
most of whom are expected to be on fesslonal ball player ends ull tlteselgantes are those of S_~rut·ust· vs. Mleh- phantom ot legal wisdom, Clan. !••b•h O ¤•·. In- I|•k•• • ,  I

 · •
i H       I E R Money Loaned on all goodsof Value. I can save you from 30 to 50 per cent on l
E • `
Dnamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Etc.
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. 110 South Limestone St. Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Phoenix Block
• 0 __ ___   __ _.._.-, -....- _T ,,_?e·r.;::.·;··_té·· Lett ixfiitx I
I I     i t t   k   More for Your Money. -~-—-— Enden Keen Cutterv
WIIO S ply Ig S WI] W C I ONS Q 0 Il _ How mm do No buy? and Eye,. Ready
l THAT WE ARE SELLING The new system or handunx spss- .-.---s wer wHA·r vou Mean.
lk f , . . " - I
  Salts for   I     forslstso on tc ets or all athletic contests |h¢ following blt of romance, or   &  
25   Suit, for   50 which greeted the students upon thelr tragedy, or drama or what not, as a
S ° ° return to school thls year ls a child of new serlal which wlll begln with thls  
We tn·kecv¢e,y suit nndcunrnntec   and Service the active bralnn of the Far-nlty Ath- lssnc of thc Idea and continue llhtll MAIN STREET AND BROADWAY
I l Ieflc Vommlttee of v.lllch Prot`. Illllls, June fill? -» |)(‘I‘llf\l)$l_ ———»—-———» ——— ----- .---.~... ;..
ODE PI°IC¢*"'Sp0t C8sh“'“plaln I Igurcs (Ynrtls aml Weaver nrc n1•·ml>•·rs and l'llAl"l`I·lll I,  
. . j was designed to hcllt-r the nthlctlc "|`u‘ns n glorious S¢‘|)lPIllh€’l' Mnrn_ 'N ALL TH LA I
condltlons existing at State rlom a evcn flu- blades of re-en wasn were E TEST STYLES AT
K I-.
flnanclnl stand polnt as well as from nodding gently to the wandering pass-    
'"°"°"°°‘ that of more colle I "
, . ge splrlt both from ers-by. lhe chuckoos were softly **1.0**
  S   _ thc girls as well as boys of the l'nl-`chuckoolng, the whlp-poor-wllls were  
115 E- MAIN ST- Opp' Phoenix Hotel versity. Do you ask "llow ls tllllf?"lWlllll·ll00¥`·Wllllf'lK and the radiant sklesl ’ •
 .L·*—··‘.t..-.4·—s.i°i`-—·-;>”'_Q".+;YrT_ \\'plIY llretly from that moot vltolllllto doffydlllo were danydmlng hmol   S  
reason the flnanclal. The lollowlnglmonlously. I
L M LAIL lntatlstlcs are taken from tho football. Two lmmlttdme young gehtlemooril W- MUN ST. Phone 1635-x
J' T' LAIL ` ` {schedule of this year, and the sche-l Ifreshmenl of noble birth were wand- L       C
        ldules of the other athletic contests oflerlng llstlessly down the path to thel c g n    
· last year. There are ttsvlallyem great Vnlverslty, each with n fair Ml“°I';¥`P°"at€d
    10 f. b. games at Lex. at f·Ilc--——$3f00 Princess on his arm. HAND_MaXu6i5u'?;·IéiARS
e _r__ ___ V —*—j“~M—-M *;_"ly; 2 b, b. games at Lex. at i»trc—$l.t)0 HI? was telllng she of hls love for  
Q O ‘—’—‘""’_”’”‘_ "“" 6 b. b. games at Lex. at 2:»c—$l.o0 her, and she was breathing to he of 136 WEST MMN STREET
we no new ehcwlne eu, pall Ll". gf lmpepgce Wqqlgn 2 track meets at Lex. at 25c-$ .50 her passion for hlm. The other young ._..--___________
Call and lst us mak• your Fall cult. 9 baseball games at Lex. at 23c—$2.25lgentIover of so noble a birth was ro.    
»—-—-,countlng to hls mald, the deeds of
l •’*•°¤•*•* *•°T€*· ,°°'*-°'”° '~*"'"°*°"* “"“’°’°’ Total ..................... $10.23ldarlng and .-..l... of hl. ....... life .....l| .c,.c,,,,,_M ,.,,,.L0,.
{ The above total ls how much thelhls intentions were more breath-stealw and
    young Student paid to S0? all thejng and hall- ralslng Stunts of braverytl   STANDS
games at all—Al.ONE—-—last yssr. Ann (`HAPTER 1.xn. 7;;, Y$"’ ?j‘fF§jf["""· ____ _ _
frequently he dld not see them alone. "Good mornlns young sentlemen"   _"“°’:;;L‘—·;:;1 l
          This year, our ever zealous athletic said a suave manly fellow ln corduroy Q   I  
    committee have beneflted us somewhat trousers. his hat in hand. "l beg both l · A`? 3 l  
1   '} I
l. e. now you pay down $5 of your your pardons, but have you bought L , · .a,- "Q Ill
deposit money for each one of forty your campus tickets as yet" he smiled   _’l.'_?t ”___z_I_ee \ ll
games or more than half agaln as cherrily and bowed complacently.  "??" A. W”?”‘* ··..  
I * r— 2 j ’ l;I
I • C       I   many games as would ever be played "Cnmpus Tickets?" barked young   . t    
and for les  than one~half the regular gentleman of noble blrth "No, l—"     • »  
' ' N
’ prlce. Talk about bargain days. And "You don’t mean to tell me that you \\   Y
.       listen to thls, each ticket is good for have never heard of the Campus *  ,
. . ly the game of that number, when Tlcket?" lnqulred the suave manly `~ . ns"
Tuesd and °"   ·· I
Q Conectlons made on Monday' ay that game ls past and you have mlssed fellow of the corduroys.   l  
  Thllfsday. D8liV8Ii¢8 made 0Il Tu¢Sd8y, Thu|'S· lt you loose that ticket. Again, each "Why of course," spoke up handsome   .4 l I  
  ` ticket will admlt only the owner of young gentleman No. 1, "My frlend l ‘ ~  
¤ day and Saturday. ,   l
the book, which practically means that here, questioned you thusly, because I ~ ’_ W
E · · "every glrl must have a book." Pretty he was surprised to flnd things so ` 4h  
 ~ m rst I *  
I V' A'   Agent State U ve ty slick huh? Now then the reason that closely flttlng he had been told thlsl \   ll
j each girl is required to have a book great University was like. That's all." omcoec  
· l ’ I l t hi wm m K Fi- ls because the Administrative body "Oh! OY yes, most certainly." —·e_ #•m__ _  
I 060].86 E“tw°°d’ 10 cla"' is Bm now Bac ug at wav B' y' B belleve that more glrls wlll come to "Well, just give me a couple," said — rr······ rr···*r·—I·~·r···I·· l
*  pl°y°d in the Ohio Experiment Sm- ter is in Cincinnati connected wml al the games and they know that their young gentleman with Prlncess on arm  
l   u°h' Gem-gc is an mush hulls western Mining Company` lpresence is always shown by the scoreq No. 2 drawing Ollt an etaolnn leather     l
    pjhlltiji al: NTM tw:) ilmmortiltyliroz M-.---------- lhoard hnvlng the long list of the score? purse, and with a melodious "A-hem" ,  
‘ i wt s rus1,one engapc l _ r _  
t   __,P__e,_ B _n_¤,   ed ,,,9 0,,,,,, ....,8 Awl L¤t’¤I go w the H¤II FII··I"";§,f§§,§E,§,.§L‘§"‘Z.,°f..`§.$‘ LL.   "Q-~$`$?"~?t llmixt   m Oney l llllll   l
.   " , t . , ‘, A . . ,
: "  Drum" day mght° We"` the present system will come glrlless, Rupert" replied young gentleman No. ll
I  . — and instead of lending their attentions 1, as he stepped forward and majestic 1 I _ M,. , ,   W We
l _:  Ctywoodt dg the wm clggg ln the PRESS ASSOCIATION. to this falr female companion will ally waved the other aside. Pulling Wh“ A lf WHA i www W
{ buglnecs by hlmsel! and we learn that   lend said attentions to the yelling out an 1837 model channels purse he! IS   l
3 _ recently he mode $g_000_00(), etgbt Do you Bolonoq department of our school, and more said, with great gusto "l`ll take fourl ,  
• l I • tbonegnd, on one single little tlny deal _... yells means more sick spells for the and pay for them."       S  
l I tn which a bridge design figured the The University of Kentucky boasts Ouwr t*`““‘“· S0 if You have nm CHAPTER MLv·    
I _ hlgeeet lleul.e_ of an orgenlzntlon the lllte of whlch bought buy now, get the K. S. U. The blades of green grass are still l   _n_g_  
l   ._... cannot be found south of the