xt7qv97zn579 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zn579/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) Southeastern Conference Women's Basketball Championship, February 7-10, 1980 text Southeastern Conference Women's Basketball Championship, February 7-10, 1980 1980 1980 2014 true xt7qv97zn579 section xt7qv97zn579 University Archives  
Margaret I. King Library - North A " U A i` ’*ir*-    
Universit of Kentuck   . "
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  BASKET ALL rr `  

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Such have been Adi Dassler’s objectives ever since he made
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 The University of Tennessee
— PRIMARY CAMPUSES: Office ofthe President
‘ Knoxville
» _ Meniphis Suite BOO, Andy Hoi! Tower
  M;““" Kaaxvalle 37916
` ,-7 C imanooga Telephone 615 / 974-2241
pi _*i’ December 11, 1979
 fl? .. ‘e._ _     is
{   1. _.-' as  
  .T»*i .
‘r"j§ fg" Q Welcome to The University of Tennessee!
, "g .’ ·§f{ We are pleased to serve as host for the first women's Basketball
_ . _ Championship Tournament, which inc1udes teams from universities in the
_ southeast whose men's programs make up the Southeastern Conference.
    _ I   The tournament indicates the growing importance of women's athletics
` " in our region, and we believe it is the forerunner of many similar events in
the future.
We hope you have an enjoyable visit on the Knoxville campus and an
exciting basketball tournament.
Sin rely y (
Edward J. Boiing
it      L.; `*=a
  .   .. _  ·.—, G   Office ofthe Chancellor/The University of Tennessee, Knoxville/527 Andy Holt Tower/Knoxville, Tennessee 37916
  . ea r»t.   -
r_‘- .394,lQg ;;;;
      '   December ll, 1979
—rV.`` it  1,,.  
, A A ~
X . . .
/.2* Dear Participants: '
K \ l It is a special pleasure to welcome participating institutions
and their athletes to the First Women's Southeastern Conference
Basketball Championship. The tournament represents a milestone for
the S.E,C. schools, for the region, and for women's athletics. The
University of Tennessee, Knoxville is honored to host this historical
I hope that the tournament is a significant success for the ‘
universities represented, their fine athletes, and supporters of
women's athletics.
g E. Reese

 I H E S . E . C.
_ Ladies’ and Mens' rest rooms are located on
TOURNAMENT DIRECT-OR' the main concourse of the Center in four loca-
Nancy Darsch ti¤¤s·
sec BASKETBALL COMMITTEE: F'*‘$*A'° “’“'°'“
i . ln case of emergency, First Aid Station can be
Gl¤r¤¤ Ray: Tennessee found at the southeast corner of the Center on
Libba Birmingham, [\/|iSS_ State the main concourse. A nurse is on duty and an
Jody Davenport Auburn ambulance is available foremergency needs.
Ed Nixon, Coaches' Representative LOSTAND Fouwo
Lost and found articles should be reported to
c SPQRTS ||\]FOR|V|ATiON; turned in to the Ticket Office in the main lobby.
_ _ Ushers will assist in case of lost and found arti-
DBDDIB JBDDIDQS cles. Articles may be claimed at the Ticket Office
Officials: TICNVISIFI   the regular office hours or during the
Cold Drinks ...............r... 75¢ & $1.00
Popcorn ............................ 50¢
Cracker Jacks ........................ 50¢
Potato Chips ......................... 25¢
Peanuts ............................ 25C
Deli Sandwiches .................... $1.00
Hot Dogs ........................... 75¢
Program ............................ 50¢
’   Y . . . .
  _ _.,_ · = V Vill V Athletic Director, Unnversnty of Tennessee
I V   .4  ` On behalf of the entire Women's Athletics Department of the University
`   it  *¤   . of Tennessee, l welcome you to Stokely Athletics Center for the first
. .    Women's Southeastern Conference Basketball Championships.
  tt  _  ‘’`‘ ` The strong traditions, rivalries, and competitive nature of the winning
l ly     *·‘     programs of the SEC member schools is sure to make this an outstanding
, _ i `i‘‘   i  _-`—   tournament. We at the University of Tennessee are proud to host the first
  '   '   championships and look forward to sport—excellence competition.
‘     . a ever your ro e or in eres in e ampions ip may e, we ope
* _ Wh t I t t th SEC Ch h b h
`   . B A   your involvement in this event is exciting and your stay in Knoxville
l ·   1 i * ‘ pleasant.

ssa w. mam st.
I I I /fr .
§§§}2§§3.'§8$“ “°5°8 @4/
"Free Pickup Er Delivery"   °
  · ®    
I"€f"IC·B ·C8f" SYSCEFTW ' "'J
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A A ,    __    V (  Y   AAA\_.m     V*AA  ji   ·~  U
47 Peggy Bezy Forward 5-9 Washington, PA
31 Meg Fahey Guard 5-7 Longwood, FL
34 Frances Gagnon Forward 5-10 Oakwood, GA
L 55 Lori Hackman Center 6-4 Fair Lawn, NJ
22 Renae Holbrooks Guard 5-6 Decatur, AL
40 Angie Hannah Forward 5-9 Pensacola, FL
' 24 Kris McDonald Guard 5-6 Montrose, NY
23 Wendell Merritt Forward 5-8 Colquitt, GA
10 Martha Monk Guard 5-8 Warwick, NY
44 Lori Monroe Forward 6-1 White Plains, NY
45 Marcia Player Center 5-11 Lake Park, GA
35 Laurie Smith Center 5-11 Atlanta, GA
43 Sara Smith Forward 5-9 Montgomery, NY

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X Tennessee
J Friday 7:00 p.m.
Thurs. 3:00 p.m.
Isslsslppl St` Saturday 7:00 p.m.
Thursday 7:00 p.m.
L.S.U. ·
Sunday 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 p.m.
,\ Georgia
J Saturday 9:00 p.m.
Thurs. 5:00 p.m.
andmbnt Friday 9:00 p.m.
Sunday 2:00 p.m.
The SEC member institutions wish to thank
for their cooperation and financial support of this championship.

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