xt7qv97zmm7z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zmm7z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-07-07  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  7, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  7, 1944 1944 1944-07-07 2013 true xt7qv97zmm7z section xt7qv97zmm7z The Kentucky Kernel

FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1944



Top Standings

Any students or faculty members on the campus who know
of anyone within a 40 mile radius owning a FM radio receiver
are requested to contact Elmer
G. Sulzer, director of department of public relations, in the
Administration building.

25 Students Listed
In Arts & Science
The list of students who received
a standing of 3. during the spring
quarter, 1944, nave been released
by Mrs. Sarah B. Holmes, dean of
women, and are as follows:
College of Arts and Sciences:
Seniors: Constance Larsen Cole,
Algernon Smith Dickson, Mabel
Clair Gumm, Helen Louise Harrison, Virginia Prances Mitchell, and


Ten Personages In The World Today
?Eoch Are Unrelated
In Fields Of Concentration

Bond Sales




Exceed Quota
Frank Peterson Directs
University Drive



r- - '
Juniors: Huguette Balzola, Jean
Shirley Crabb, Katherine Nelson
University bond sales have exCrapster, Mary Elizabeth Crawford, ceeded
the quota with an approxi'
Renna Freed, Claudine
(- - ..
Turner Gibson, Helen Porter Lips- mate total of $350,000, according to
compcomb, Lucy Guye Meyer, Ada Frank D. Peterson, University
Vaughan Newland, Elizabeth Noble, troller, who headed the University
Juanita L. Phillips, Charley J. Fifth Bond drive.
Mrs. Christine Vimont, former
Shearer, Nancy Fillmore Toll, and
University student, who managed
Marian Yates.
Wilma Jean Can- bond sales for division D, of which
the University was a section, stated
ada and Esther Vaughn Nevitt.
Freshmen: Betty Brooks Fulton, that the total sales amounted to
Martha Bell Mann, and Betty Jean $858,962,110. This gives division D
a quota exceedance of $343,962.10;
College of Agriculture and Home since the quota was fixed at $515,000.
The sum solicited in this drive
Juniors: Elizabeth Hickman, Mar- more than tripled the amount colgaret Hollyfield, and Mary Jo lected in the fourth bond drive.
The Victory center, a bond bDoth
'im1, '
'L, w
f Ml
Sophomores: Alice Freeman and in the Union building, was the main
Dr. Abram Sachar
Rebecca Lowe.
on the
source of
Freshmen: Bernice C. Lewis.
campus. It was open from 10 a.
College of Engineering:
m. to 5 p.m. daily except Saturdays
Freshmen: Jeanette Reynolds.
and Sundays.
College of Law:
Separate drives were conducted
Juniors: Rosa;na Blake.
by students and faculty members i
College of Education:
during the sales program. The folSeniors: Evelyn Coffman, Helen lowing persons
enlisted the sale of Rabbi Julian F. Fleg, minister of The present drought is seriously
McMurtry, and Mary an Vogt.
bonds at the various buildings on the Temple Adath Israel, will re- affecting the vegetation on the UniCollege of Commerce:
the campus:
Frank D. Peterson, view Palestine, Land of Promise, by versity campus, and will grow more
Sophomores: Katherine B. Hunt.
main office; Mrs. Ena Sell man, Ad- Walter Clay Lowdermilk, for the serious if
the dry weather continues,
Freshmen: Jean M. Thurman.
ministration building; "Daddy" summer reading series at 3 p. m., Norris R. Elliott, professor of landBoles, Alumni gym; William Hacken-smitTuesday, in the Browsing room of scape architecture and floriculture
Neol Scott Promoted
Physical Education depart- the library.
ment; Bart Peak, Student Union
The author, Mr. Lowdermilk, is
To First Lieutenant
Not only the grass, but the older
building; Herbert Riley, Norwood an American soil expert and assist- trees
which have helped make the
A former University
student, building; Dr. Neil Plummer, McVey; ant chief of the soil conservation University one of the most beautiNeal Phil Scott, Lexington, has Rosanna Blake, Lafferty hall; Mrs. service of the United States. After ful campuses of the South, have
been promoted to first lieutenant at W. B. Turner, Health building; visiting Palestine, he came back been affected.
The evergreens,
an Eighth AAF bomber station Dorothy Quirk, Miller hall; Caroline with the practical suggestion of re- which cannot bear long periods of
England, it has been Reading, library; Juanita Sheely, claiming Palestine and the Near dry
somewhere in
weather, have suffered most
revealed. Lieut. Scott, who pilots Pence hall; L. H. Carter, White hall; East and of making this land into seriously.
a Flying Fortress, has taken part Dr. Lyman Ginger and Watson Arm an agricultural country and a
in many of the recent attacks over strong, Education building; 'Miss country for the Jewish people. He
Marjorie Garland and Miss Nelle proposes the establishment of a Tea Served
Thornton, Biological Science build- Jordan Valley Authority, to carry In Jewell Hall
ing; Lewis Clifton, Frazee hall, Dr. out this project.
Alexander Capurso, Gulgnol; J. W.
Tea will be served to all summer
Mayer, Aeronautical building; Mrs.
session students from 4 to 6 p. m.
J. W. Utterbach, Dairy building:
A baseball team composed of Uni- in Jewell hall lounge.
Anna Duncan, Animal Pathology de- versity athletes was defeated 5 by
Hostesses for the afternoon will
partment; Elizabeth Sloan, Agricul- the American Legion Man o' War be Eleanore LlttelL Mary Eva Greer,
ture building; E. B. Farris, Main- Colts at the Legion park Sunday Sue Messer, Hannah McCollom, Ann
tenance and Operations.
Straughn, and Nancy Jean Smith.

Anita Mae Roos.









Drought Damaging

Reading Series
To Feature Fleg

To Campus



If I proposed to give a party and
wanted to invite the ten most useful persons in the world today, I
would choose the greatest living
representatives of spiritual freedom.
Dr. Abram Sachar, who spoke at
convocation yesterday, said. These
individuals would not in any way
be related in social or diplomatic
characteristics, he continued, but as
each would be greatest in his own
field, it can be plainly seen that
genius is not a respector of nationality or individual specialization, but
is artisan, not partisan. Hence, all
could be merged Into a mighty driving wedge to liberate both the thinking and actions of the peoples of
the world today.
In his discussion of the ten most
outstanding persons, Dr. Sachar
eneumerated each one separately:
first he named the greatest mind in
the world today as being Einstein.
whom he thought had done more to
add dignity and humility to scientific thinking than any other man.
Secondly he pointed out the greatest
woman, Madame Chiang
as the one who had done more to
give moral and spiritual stamna to
the peoples of China. She is not
only an economic and diplomatic
guide, he thought, but the symbol
of faith to all people. His third
choice was a controversial figure,
such as Franklin D. Roosevelt, who
as far as history is concerned, would
fit into any group lauded for its
greatness. His great patience arising from his own personal handicap and giving him that quality of



7- -5


By Nancy Taylor
Question of the week: Where
would you like to go next week-en- d
(and why) if you could have a free
trip to any place in the C S. A.?
Answers of the week:
Marion Salisbury, Com. sopho- m rr - Virginia Rpnrh tl mwt
little sailor. (He's not so little,

Jim Long, ASTP Eng.: Pennsylvania, because it's like Kentucky.
Maeky Staton, A&S, sophomore:
Gary, Indiana, because I like the
milkmen up there.
Jack Hill, A&S, senior: Cincinnati. I like the beer (it says here).
Lonnie Keith, A&S, junior:
the garden spot of the world.
Or St. Louis there's a blond in
both places.
Joe Gardner, A&S, junior:
the gateway to the south!
So I wont have to answer this
Marian Yates, A&S, senior: Camp
Barkeley, Texas, since Roy can't

come here.



Dr. Abram Sachar Discusses Important

Students, Faculty

Are Announced


OfUK Students

By Mary Jane Dorsey
majority of University students
j interviewed
this week voted Roosevelt "the most competent man" for
period presithe war and post-wA




"I shudder to think of the outcome if Dewey is elected to head
our government. Sincere as he may
be, Dewey can't qualify as a universal leader. Roosevelt is respected
and his opinion adhered to by
Churchill, Stalin, and other world
leaders. I just don't think Dewey's
capable of winning the same confidence and respect of these men
and that will be an important factor when they meet at the peace
table," said one who seemed to sum
up the majority opinion.
After the adaptation of a new
Republican platform at the convention in Chicago last week. Main
street politicians have had some

Favor Roosevelt

period the
thing to talk about. It seems to be us through the post-wquite the talk of the campus, too, same way. There's no doubt but
for when queried, most persons an- what the people will choose him
swered readily either "Yes" or "No" again," dominated the
they liked Dewey and then each views among the students. Of course,
proceeded to give a critique or to most of the persons interviewed were
eulogize as reason for his answer. under voting age, so the results of
Most persons treated the politi- this poll may not help the Presical question seriously but one un- dent's national voting status.
concerned student remarked, "The
Some few Dewey contenders furonly thing I dislike about Dewey is thered their point by reviewing Mr.
Dewey's political successes as an
his mustache."
man said outstanding New York lawyer and
The strongly
he believed everyone was tired of as the more recent governor of that
Roosevelt and his New Deal and state.
continued, "I think Dewey is Just
"He Is a young man and can unthe man to meet any problems our derstand and dictate the terms of
post-wgovernment will have to peace our returning servicemen will
settle. He's well educated, politi- demand," argued one In a group
cally, and socially and look what discussing
the question as we
crossed the campus. She was ana good governor he's been."
Such statements as, "Roosevelt Is swered, "This sounds like a Ken- America's greatest statesman, then tuckian, but it's the only way I
and now," "The President has done can express it I'm betting that
all right so far, I imagine he'll take Dewey will 'place he can't win!

pro-Dew- ey


Kai-She- k,

which genius is born.
As the rest of his great figures, Dr.
Sachar chose Thomas Mann, the
greatest In the field of literature;
Winston Churchill, the Symbol of
British courage; Ghandi, the man
who is the other name for freedom
to the people of India; Toscanini,
who speaks the language of music
which all men understand; Sir
Alexander Fleming, the perfector of
the miracle of penicillin; Edward
Benes, the representative of the little country, and George Bernard
Shaw, the voice of the American

Social Calendar...
Invitation to Readinr Sci-Ia
p. m. Tuesday, Palestine, Land of
Promise, review by Rabbi Julian F.
Fleg, Browsing room, Library.
Agriculture and Graduate School
Tea 4 to 6 p. m. Wednesday, Maxwell Place.
Movie 5:45 p. m. and 7:30 d. m.
Thursday, Armory, admission 10
Residence Halls Tea 4 to 6 d. m.
Thursday, Jewell hall lounge.
Social Dancing 6 to 8 p. m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Alum
ni gym. Instruction by physical
education teachers, for summer
school students.
Surgical Dressings Class 0:30 to
12:30 a. m. Tuesday; 6:30 to 10 p. m.
Thursday, in room 1, basement of
the Home Economics building.
6:15 p. m..
Tuesday, Y room of the Union
Phalanx meeting 12:30, Tuesday,
at the Colonial Bowling Lanes.


Page Two


The Kentucky Kernel






EMcrrd at ttat Part Offle at La.
Incus, Ey, m aeeond daai mattar
aaaer U Act of March ft, ins.


Carolyn Hiix

In The Armory


Doris Singleton

News Editor

"Pardon me is this where the
movie is being held?"
Business Manager
"Yes, it is. Come on down!"
"Uh yeah. But where IS the
Kantaeky Praaa Aiaortarw
Mary Jane Doraey, Eleanore Keeti, Bob
National Editorial aawrtattaa
Fairing, Jimmy Woods, Adele Den mall,
And then we explain once again
Billic Fiacher, Martha Yates, Nancy
that you go Just around the corner,
I N On Quarter 1.M Ona Taar Taylor, Winn Hord, Tom Underwood, Jr. down the steps, and there you are.
People are such skeptics!
MMuum roa MTmiM, byitiii av
National AdvertisingSenfice, Inc.
Toff Stoffsky
We have been keeping the movie
for months now, and Just as everybody got Jn the habit of coming to
aoaaiaaraf tXs aaiaioa of tJM
Att firm articles a4 ealaai at arc to
the Union to see it, it gets changed
(Aemacitm, aaa ao aac aecataru nflmet ths aatatoa a Th MtnuL
to the Armory; and the night gets
changed from Monday to Thurs
day. Oh well, as they say in South
Russia: toff stoffsky, you-aSome very funny things have
By BUIie Fischer
He frequently lit his hair and happened to us in connection with
combed his cigar;
it Such as the time Johnny BorIf you were among those gathgave us his dimes
He set a trap for the baby and deaux,
ered on the corner of Main and
for two weeks ahead of time bedangled the mice;
Lime one day last week, you probHe wound up his key and opened cause he knew he would be broke
ably think that we cant drive. But
long before then. We had already
the door with his watch;
who cares what you think! We
noticed the terrific drop in attendknow that we can drive. It's Just
He tipped
his students and ance the last week before pay-dathat "Blue Heaven," like all of us,
flunked the traffic policeman;
It was a horrible struggle for us
has its outbursts of rebellion. But
He fed the mosquitoes crumbs to learn to make change we acnext time it stalls on the busthe
and slapped at the robins; '
knowledge ourselves to be the two
iest intersection in town, at the
He always said his prayers when worst mathematicians at UK. We
day, we will
rushiest hour of the
he entered the theater.
learned to take a dime out of quarleave it there for the Gods, the
and dollars very
He left the church for a smoke ters,
Fates, and the city police. It really
nicely at long last, but when it
between the acts;
wasn't nice of you who rushed by
somebody paying for two
and breathed sweetly, "Need any He mixed the exterminator man comes to still get confused. The
people we
help?" only to run off screeching
a cocktail
soldiers were amazingly nice about
back "Is that the way you drive in
And told his guests to go away, the whole thing in the entire time
New York, Fischer?" Our hearts
he had no bugs;
we have done it, nobody has acgo out in deep gratitude to the two And so on.
But the part we like
soldiers, the sailor, the truck and best is when "He wrinkled a stamp cused us of
people have
its driver who pushed us for two and thoughtfully licked his brow." and quite a number of or a quarter
handed us back a dime
blocks. However, the person to
(with the sort of smile usually reir
whom we are most indebted is the
We took a survey on .the ques- served for the very, very young) and
who wasn't there.
tion, "Which foot is placed upon said cheerfully, "I uh think you
gave me too much." To which we
the brass rail more frequently
We have a friend who, when she the right or left?" After interview- smile weakly and say "Oh yes.
was sixteen, asked her mother if ing many, many men, we find that Thanks." Ten minutes later it
she would mind if she smoked; some cannot make up their minds dawns on us (whatever it was we
whereupon her mother replied, "I and keep switching their feet at a did wrong) and we resolve firmly
rapid pace somewhat resembling a never to make the same mistake
dont care if you burn."
gone berserk. Others Just again.
tr tr
Wants Company
We like the little Jingle we read like to sit on the rail and let their
feet hang. But the majority of all We sit in the basement of the
the other day.
every Thursday night
There once was a student named men invariably raise their left foot Armory now
with the exception of a small and think longingly of the old days
Whose knowledge got lesser and 50 minority who raise their right. when we sat in style on a
outside the ballroom door and
One trouble is said to be that raked in hundreds of dimes. But we
It at last grew so small
those who have the cash ha vent really dont mind the Armory is
He knew nothing at all;
lots easier
And now he's a college professor. the courage, but, then, there are much cooler and it is
of some of Nash's still plenty of others who are per- to make change when people come
It reminds usabsent-mindprof. fectly willing to be courageous with in twos and threes instead of do
lines about an
we kind of liked the
He discharged the dog and took the other fellow's cash. Boston ens. . . . Still,
company when lots of people came.
an airing;
the cook out for
KaB tacky


Friday, July 7, 1944


Margaret Julia Wharton


The Fischer Bowl


By Adele Drnnun
kids of pepsi cola fame,
we are now obliged to name
so let's all give notice we beg,
to goldie, troy, etheL rose, and

earl cornet, is on the way we see
to being a typical b. m. p. c.
being pinned comes with fame,
dr. donovan's niece, don't know
her name

bumble bee" t. s. we say
screech leach is home in navy
pat elements and slew davis are
on his list too
say frankie swoonatra is
big ted sings "ole man river" the
tibbet way
Johnny robins and harriet mes- ser wander
hand In hand, hither and yonder
mystery of the week is simple,

3. we'd

triangle frat has a real triangle
the triangle's always get their
so frank browning has sought
other fun
while dour eox and dot robin
think each other the one
we'd like to announce this very
dave hoUiday plays "flight of the

tis true

bill davis drove "habeas corpus"
down pavements of euclid ave-

many "Congrats" to Mrs. holmes,

the dean

that Jewell

roof dance was mighty




half-dolla- rs,

Of The Week





The Saga Of How Silas
Caught That (?) Animal
Negro Janitor in
the Administration building, is to
day a hero to all dwellers in the
University's oldest building.
The reason?
A skunk of customary odoriferous
capacity and quality.
This skunk took abode yesterday
morning under the steps at the
south end of the Administration
building. As in all cases when an
emergency arises, a frantic call
went out for Silas. Silas responded.
The skunk however, was not in
a mood to cooperate. He flatly, decisively, and finally refused to be
persuated to leave his haven under
the steps. Silas called for





This week's "Colonel of the Week" goes to Elmer
G. Sulzer, director of Public Relations on the Campus.
Mr. Sulzer is convention secretary of the American

College Publicity Association.
Last week Mr. Sulzer was the representative of
educators and
universities at meeting of twenty-fiv- e
radio manufacturers called in Cleveland by the U. S.
Office of Education to formulate
of radio equipment used for educational purposes. He
on post-wreceivers.
served on the committee
He also originated the U. K. Radio listening center
system in Eastern Kentucky (now 80 centers) which
has been copied by several states, and which was being
introduced in the Philippines prior to Pearl Harbor.
Mr. Sulzer will be in charge of the University's new
P.M. station which will go on the air within
six months. He has served on the University staff
since 1926.
For these achievements we invite Mr. Sulzer to en-Jany two of our delicious meals.





Margaret Jnlia Wharton, Chairaum
Adele Denmaa, Chi Omega

Drive In Service

11:45-1:3- 0
5:15-7:3- 0
Sunday Dinner 11:45-2:4- 5

De Boor

was supplied by a ser-


By now you must suspect the
outcome. Silas took aim, fired, and
the skunk departed this life even
as you and I.
He now lies interred under a
shade tree, "in a dump over the
hilL" to quote Silas' words. And
Silas wears a smile of those who,
having seen their duty, did It.


Carolyn HOI Editor

from the military, and

a shotgun


500-w- att





Opposite Stadium



Cedar Village

� Best iropy Mvaiiauit?

Friday, July 7, 1944

Agriculture, Graduate

Staff Sergeant Harry L. Penning -ten, Corbin, waist gunner on an
Eighth AAP Flying Portress, has
been awarded an Oak Leaf Cluster
to bis Air Medal, equivalent to another award of the medal. The
award was for meritorious achieve-mewhile participating in bomb-in- g
attacks on targets in Europe.
Sergeant Pennington is a former
University student.


tr tr


Lexington, has
commissioned an ensign in
the United States Navy after completing training in New York City.
Ensign Botts, a former student at
the University, enlisted in Navy
V-in 1942 and received training
at the University of Louisville before being sent to New York.

Seth T. Bo Us



IX Thomas P. Bell, Lexington,
graduated last week from the Army
Air Forces Bombardier school, San
Angelo, Texas.

Lt. Bell was



dent at the University, where he
was a member of Sigma Alpha

James F.
White, Lexington, has been awarded
the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf
Clusters and the Distinguished Flying Cross, upon the completion of
25 bombing missions from his station in England. Sergeant White,
Flying Fortress engineer-gunne- r,
was credited with the prob
able destruction of one Fw-19- 0
while on missions in the European
theatre. He is a former University




k it it

Lt. Ben D. Johnson, Jacksonville,
Fla., who was reported missing in
action last March, won the Silver
Star for gallantry in action, according to orders received at an
Eighth AAF fighter station In England. Lt. Johnson led a flight of
Mustangs escorting bombers in an
attack on
the day he earned the decoration.
He is credited with destroying three
enemy aircraft and damaging three
old fighter
others. The
pilot was a student in the College
of Engineering in 1938-3ed



engagement of their daughter, Jane
The couple will make their home Lang, to Aviation Cadet Lewis
in Red Bank, New Jersey, near Baldwin Flynn Jr, son of Mr. and
Fort Monmouth, where Lt. Boyd Is Mrs. Lewis B. Flynn, Winchester.
Cadet Flynn attended Culver
Military Academy and the UniverErskine-Caldwe- ll
sity, where he was a member of
Miss Margaret Wark Erskine, Phi Delta Theta.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Davidson Erskine, Danville, became the New Working Schedule
bride of Lt. Richard Gentry CaldBy Peterson
well, son of Mrs. Peter G. Caldwell Announced
and the late Mr. Caldwell, at 8:30
In order to facilitate the operap. m. Sunday at "Wavelands,"
tion of the cashier's office of the
home of the bride's parents.
folat the office of the comptroller, the
Mrs. Caldwell is a senior
lowing working schedule went into
University, where she is a member
effect July 1, according to Frank D.
of Delta Delta Delta.
Lt. Caldwell attended Centre Col- Peterson, University comptroller:
lege, where he was a member of Phi
Monday through Friday: 8:30 to
Delta Theta. He was commissioned 12 a. m.; 1:30 to 4:30 p. m.
a second lieutenant last week at
Saturdays: 8:30 to 12 a. m.
Turner Field, Albany, Ga. The
The cashier's office will close a
couple will make their home in
prior to the closing of the
Montgomery, Ala, where Lt. Cald- half-howell has been assigned as a pilot regular working day. During the
at Maxwell Field.
summer months when the closing
hour for the general campus is 4
p. m, the cashier's office will close
Henderson-Flyn- n
one-ha- lf
hour earlier.
All other divisions of this departMr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie
Maysville, announce the ment will observe the usual hours.

Donovans Entertain

US's UKs

Page Three


Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Donovan will
entertain with an Informal tea In
honor of the students and faculty
members of the Agriculture and
Graduate colleges Wednesday from
4 to 6 p. m. at Maxwell Place.
This will be the fourth In a series
of summer teas for the students
and faculty members of the various Buchanan-Boy- d
The wedding of Miss Mildred
A group of students will serve
Iona Buchanan, daughter of Mr.
as hostesses.
and Mrs. H. H. Buchanan, Mays
"Rhythm On The Range" Lick,ofand Lt. James Dudley Boyd,
Mr. and Mrs.
Will Be Shown At Armory Hopkins ville, was solemnized at 2
p. m. Monday at the Felix Me
The movie 'scheduled for Thurs- morial Baptist church. Mays Lick.
day Is "Rhythm on the Range,"
The bride is a graduate of Bethel
featuring Bing Crosby, Martha Woman's College, Hopkinsvllle, and
Raye, with Bob Burns.
the University, where she received
The first showing will begin at a B.S. degree In music last month.
5:45 p. m. and the second at 7:30 While at the University she was a
p. m. The movie will be presented member of Phi Beta, Baptist StuThursday night in the Armory- - A dent Union, YWCA, and the Womten cents admission will be charged. en's Glee Club.
The groom is a graduate of the
Wolking Tours
University College of Engineering.
While at the University he served
To Be Discontinued
as president of the Baptist Student
The walking tours of Lexington
and the swimming parties, formerly
sponsored by the Student Union
Board, have been discontinued be
cause of lack of attendance.
Watch the Kernel for further announcements concerning these ac





Former Kernelite
Visits Campus
Harry Williams, a former Kernelite, who is now head of the United
Press bureau at Charleston, West
Virginia, was a visitor on the campus
this week.
His wife, the former Patricia
Hanauer, who is also a former University Journalist and a member of
the Kernel staff, is with the United
Press and is covering the State
Capitol at Charleston.

Dr. Maurice F. Seay
Receives Appointment



Milton S. Kafegtts, United
States Marines, Lexington, completed Marine Officers' Field Artillery school training this week at
Quantico, Va. He recently received
his commission in the Marines following preliminary training. Lt.
attended the

Dr. Maurice F. Seay, director of
the University bureau of school
service, has been appointed to an
advisory committee on education
for the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
The committee has been organized to give advice on public health,
hospital administration, nursing,
library administration, and

... and readers in 225,000

Courier-Journ- al

homes chuckle

gleefully as he "mugs" notables In the news


nationally famous
lives in a world of laughter.

He laughs . . . von laugh, and even the
laughs. Proof of thia is found in files of treasured letters from
Washington Cabinet Members, state and local personalities
begging for George's originals of them.
Known to his colleagues as the man with the blackened forefinger,
George nsed this very digit to perfect a flexible airbrush technique
far superior to the usual stencil method. His sketches have been
reproduced in leading publications in America and England. Working directly from photographs, our
adventurer with an
airbrush tickles the funnybone in the anatomy of art.
If you wonder how he dreams np such droll and amusing caricatures,
yon should watch George make faces . . . both wayu His impersonations from Hitler to Donald Duck, are complete with dialect and
sound effects. This 210 ponnds of "good humor man" blames his
w'fes artful Syrian cookery for his sise, but continues to eat of tasty
Mihshie Mulfoof with Mhumaa sauce over it. Because of two very flat
feet, George got a
rejection from the Army.
The man who signs his sketches "Joseph" came to The Courier-Journin 1937 from two years study, and one of teaching, under
the famous Paul Plasrhke, cartoonist at Louisville Art Academy.
Remember the dog cover on Roto in April?
The United States
Marines are nsing this Joseph cartoon as a national poster to recruit
V- for war service.

There's A Dixie Dealer





NearY ou


laugh whh Joseph and you laugh with thm
world that searches for his funny faces I




E. Main



Head In 2 out of 3 KentucJtJaaa


� Best Copy Available

Page Four

Jewell Hall Dietician Wears
Official Army Pilot Wings
By Doris Singleton

it." This is one of her favorite
One of the few women In the jokes about the British cadets.
United States who has been
And Mrs. Zemp has three Godpermission to wear a pair of offi- children in England.
When the
cial Army Air Corps pilot wings is cadets returned to their mother
Mrs. Gertrude Zemp, newly ap- country, they did not forget her.
pointed dietician and manager of She has pictures of the cadets with
Jewell hall.
their wives and children.
dietician with the
Cadets Nicknamed
Southern Aviation company, Cam
Fascinated by nicknames the
den, S. C, where army air cadets British men cave each other, Mrs.
took their primary training, Mrs. Zemp said that any cadet whose
Zemp became "Mother" to "her name was Wilson was known as
boys." When the sir base at CamTug," and one whose name was
den was constructed, Mrs. Zemp Clark was called "Nobby."
returned to her home town from When Mrs. Zemp went to Cam
Charleston, where she had been den in February, 1941, her first class
employed. Before she took charge consisted of 47 cadets. When she
of the mess hall, she first had to left in February, 1944, because the
see the building take form, and had base was being closed, the average
to purchase the equipment that she size class was 570.
Although many of her cadets are
thought necessary.
now far away, they haven't forgotServed 36 Generals
Mrs. Zemp Is very proud of the ten her. Last week three of her
time she served 36 generals and the cadets, who have now been comassistant secretary of war In her missioned, called her from Calimaneuvers fornia, Just for a little chat.
mess hall.
Mrs. Zemp said that she is going
were going on in and around Camden, and the base was host to the to love her position at the Uniofficers and men while they were versity, and that she understands
In that district. Even Pathe News girls as well as she did her boys.
thought the occasion worthy of
Connell-Siwic- ki
world-wid- e
Trained British Men
The wedding of Miss Alice FraniricrVit
classes of British men ces Connell, daughter of Mrs. James
trained at Camden. Mrs. Zemp re William Connell, Paris, and Thomas
la ted that they were not accustomed Alwin Siwicki, son of Mr. and Mrs.
to American food, and when they Frank Siwicki, Momence, 111., was
returned to England they wrote an solemnized at 10 a. m. Saturday at
article for the English Gazette, in the Church of the Annunciation In
which they said, "Mrs. Zemp ruined Paris.
the bananas by putting mayonnaise
The bride is a graduate of the
on them, and then she ruined the University, where she received a
lettuce by putting the bananas on BS. degree.
Air-bor- ne

Radio Schedule
The University radio studio announces the following programs to
be broadcast over station WHAS,
Monday, July 10, 12:50 to 1 p. m.
Dairy Cattle In Hot Weather, by
Fordyce Ely, Professor of Animal
Tuesday, July 11, 12:50 to 1 p. m.
Priming Tobacco, by P. A. Hunt,
field agent in tobacco.
Wednesday, July 12, 12:50 to 1
p. m. Doings of Kentucky Farm
Folks, bv C. A. Lewis, editor of Ae- ripiiHnro Extension revision.
Thursday, July 13, V:ti 10 i p. m.
Saving Labor in Cutting and
Housing Tobacco, by Earl R. Young,
assistant professor of Agricultural
Friday, July 14, 12:50 to 1 p. m.
What Farm Folks Are Asking, by
L. C. Brewer of the College of
Saturday, July 15, 1 to 1:15 p. m.
Your Land and My Land; 1:15
to 1:30 p. m. Jessee Stuart Short
Sunday, July 16, 12 to 12:30 p. m.
Recital Program. Lucille Haney
French, contralto, and Helen Lipscomb, pianist, will present the

Copt. Powell Transferred
To Camp Lee, Virginia

Virginia. He will be replaced by
Earl T. Noble from the Field Artillery at Western Reserve University at Cleveland, Ohio.