xt7qv97zm881 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zm881/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky 1958 yearbooks ukyrbk1958 English , Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection The 1958 Kentuckian text The 1958 Kentuckian 1958 1958 2012 true xt7qv97zm881 section xt7qv97zm881  LoiiiSV/lle
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University Archives Margaret I.   ing Library - North ^_^University of Kentucky ^/l^lngton, Kentucky 40506
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  1958 kentuckian
university of kentucky lexington, kentucky student life
administration and executive
Y  student life
  What is a University?
"A University is ? place, it is a spirit. It is men of learning; it is a collection of books; it is laboratories where work in science goes forward; it is the source of the teaching of the beauties of literature and the arts; it is the center where ambitious youth gathers to
' learn; it protects the traditions, honors the new and tests its values; it believes in truth,
protests against error and leads men by reason rather than by force."
J McVey
_ This is UK? Well, maybe, but the University is more than this, and it
| sometimes falls short of President McVey's definition.
The University is a community of about 10,000, a community of students, professors, and administrators. As a student you have spent, or will spend, most of four years of your life in this community. Yoy study, party, make your best friends, and perhaps find a mate here. Here you learn new values, pick up a new idiom, and perhaps get an education.
To some UK is an institution of higher learning; to some, a place to social-jj ize prior to getting a job, entering the service, or getting married. There are
few dedicated scholars among the undergraduates at UK. To most the Uni-
Jversity is a combination of the above, and it is sometimes a strange mixture indeed.
The make-up of the University is as varied as the make-up of the state. It is at once rural and cosmopolitan; country and sophisticated, which manifests itself in an elusive identity, a lack of integration, and extreme differences of opinion. It is difficult to represent the life of such a community. Different groups frequent different places, subscribe to different mores and standards, and it is not likely that the Buffalow crowd is acquainted with the BSU crowd. This section represents a cross-section of the University student body. There are undoubtedly gaps and mis-emphasis, but you'll find yourself in it somewhere.
6 Martha moved in Patt Hall, traditional home of freshmen girls (although they have spread to Boyd and Jewell), and found the quarters somewhat cramped.
A new student's first contact with the University is not a pleasant one. Orientation (Welcome) Week is an ordeal that ought not to have to be endured by anybody, much less a freshman. From seven Monday morning to Saturday noon they are herded from place to place, once for fourteen hours a day. During this time the new student is shown around the campus, examined rather extensively physically and mentally, and registered for classesnot the classes wanted, but classes nevertheless. About the middle of that week, rush starts, which will last for at least another week. Besides all this, classes start, and then too, hundreds of new girls and boys have just met and are naturally deepening the acquaintenance. How all this happens in two weeks of September heat without resulting in mass paranoia is a mystery.
To keep a thread of continuity in describing this we have decided to follow two specific people through the chaos, selecting Martha Jim Ammerman and Dusty Bell, both of Paris, Kentucky. In addition to the irritants inherent in orientation, registration, and rush, they were subjected to being photographed constantly, which ii not always desirable. They were very nice about it ail though, and came through the whole thing with flying colors.
Dusty registers for his room in Donovan Hall where he will eat, sleep, study, and get called down by the "monisters."
 Being new Dusty and Martha naturally did not know to go straight to the floor and sign up their classes first, and then to register at their leisure as the knowledgeable upperclassmen do, so they went through the whole wearying process as directed.
That first great long hot impatient stnding line where you stood, shifting you weight, and wondering if you'd get through in time for a beer before the rush meeting.
Once on the floor you've got it madeif your adviser, whose name you've forgotten, will o.k. your schedule.
And once inside, it is seen that the line stretches out of sight up around the concourse, and you leaned against the wall filling out your fee slip, and tilling out cards for every office at the Universitv with your name, nearest relative, etc.  Rusha harrowing yet exhilirating experienceis characterized by confusion and innumberable attempted snow jobs. Fortunately it only lasts a week. Dusty and Martha staunchly got their cards stamped, attended the rush parties, and, at last, pledged. Bid day is heralded by sickeningly ecstatic squeals on the girls' part as the new pledges arrive, and the boys content themselves with more manly applause and handshakes, probably about the millioneth one since rush started. Afterward comes a celebration banquet for the pledges, and then the months of work start that will be rewarded by the cherished pin.
Preference night is more solemn, and sentimen drips, for this is the last chance, the big push, organized down to the last syllable.
Bid day, and Martha, and hed choice, Alpha Gamma Delta, both seem very well pleasd indeed.
For the new sorority girl there remains only Pledge Presentation before her introduction into the greek world is complete.
Coke parties are followed by the invitation parties that feature mora formal dress, better refreshments and manv compliments.
All rushees sign the book, and are eagerly greeted by actives who stare fixedly at the name tag to jog their memories. 4
/n o //'ne once again, Dusty signs up for rush with an IFC represenative during orientation week.
Everybody is all grins during rush week, and the rushee welcomed, fed, and queried for fifty minutes.
Entertainment, especially a swinging colored combo, provides a pleasant break to all the conversation during rush.
Fraternities bids are traditionally announced in Memorial Hall, and outside Dusty meets his pledge brothers in Alpha Gamma Rho. Cla
As we said, there are few serious undergraduate students here. Witness the fact that one out of every four students that you pass on campus are on probation, and that half the freshman and sophomores make below a two point standing. Nevertheless, if one is going to stay in school at all for very long it is necessary to sign up in, and attend, several classes.
 Also, it is
imperative to study some. This is usually done at the eleventh hourliterally, or later, and it is often limited to pouring over an old test or a few scribbled notes, but at any rate a certain amount of time is spent at the desk. Little of value comes from this, except that it is ordinarily possible to cram enough facts into the memory to allow one to spew them out the next day in a blue book. This activity, which passes for studying at the University of Kentucky, is concentrated around the few days prior to, and included in, that time of trial known as "exam week." Classes, as a rule, aren't too bad. Often it is possible to actively engage in some prefered prohibited activity such as reading Playboy, writing home for money, or talking. At worst, it is nearly always possible to daydream, and of course, there is always the possibility of cutting class and sleeping late or going to the jam sesion in the afternoon. This will eventially lead to summonses from the Dean though, or maybe even a letter to your parents.
Classes But with a good line, a little last-minute industriousness, and an artful nose, a semester can be endured with few bad effects, and usually with quite a few enjoyable moments. This, after all, is better than the army or sitting home, and what's more, it may someday lead to the white collar worker's union card, the degree.
asses   University Time?
University time or Lexington time? Fast time or slow time? Standard time or daylight time? These were questions that were asked, answered, and misunderstood many times during the 1 958-'59 school year at UK. Classes were missed and dates were an hour late, or early, depending on the point of view, and coeds often innocently told the houemother: "I thought it was 12:30 slow time!" As the appointed time of 5:00 p.m. came and passed on bid day fraternity men waited in vain until six o'clock came with the rushees who had understood that they were to be there at five slow time. Multiply these instances by an infinite number of dates, meetings, and classes, and you will approach the confusion caused by the University conducting its business on Central Standard Time while Lexington did the same on Daylight Saving Time.
In the past the University has operated on the same time that Lexington operated on. Last summer Lexington decided to keep fast time the year around. At the same time the Kentucky Farm Bureau noticed that some of the University clocks were on fast time and a delegation of that agency protested to the Attorney General of the state. Accordingly the Attorney General called to Dr. Dickey's attention KRS 2.160 and the case of Morrow v. City of Louisville, Ky., 249 S. W. 2d 721. The University clocks were set on Central Standard Time, which must have pleased the Kentucky Farm Bureau to no end, but which plagued the campus with misunderstanding and confusion all year.
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Despite always being overheated and the unpopular no smoking restrictions the library remained the accepted place to study. Growing drowsy over their books, students gathered in little groups in the lobby to smoke and talk, occasionally looking at the displays featured in the glass cases around the wall. They read the hometown paper in the periodical room, studied in the reserve room and the reference room, and napped in the browsing room. A few prowled in the stacks doing research for the term paper that was always behind and typed the night before it was due.
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      Going togther at UK means many thingsit means relinquishing your fraternity pin, or your ring, or just the freedom to date someone else. It means going to parties, to dances; studying together and taking an occasional afternoon off to drink beer and talk. It means meeting on campus for a minute between classes and telephoning at odd hours "just because I wanted to talk to you;" it is the security of always being assured of a date, and of feeling wanted.
But it is more than this for some. Going together brings the closeness with someone to talk to of the things that would bring sarcastic jeers in a bull session ... it is someone to listen to . . . someone with whom to withdraw from the cyni-ism . . . someone who can erase all the disappoinment of flunking a test . . . someone with whom you can make pians.
It is the score of private jokes and private names or phrases that will always bring back memories of when you were going together .
It is all of this, and much more, that can only be told through the tenderness, the looks and the intimate personal touch that can draw you together alone, even in a crowd.
  Party Life
UK is generally considered a party school, and has even been labeled a "country club." These are misnomers. The party crowd that has given the University its reputation for being a party school composes no more than one-fourth of the student body. This group consists mostly of the Greeks. These are the students that attend most of the University dances, although a hard core of revelers scorn them as being too square for them and lean toward private parties, the students that pack the Buffalo, Comer's Bud Adams', and the Sportsman (if it isn't padlocked at the time), and that make an annual pilgrimage to Florida between semesters. In the fall you will see them going to the football games (or cocktail parties as they came to be spoken of in the grill as they became increasingly social in nature) looking very tweedy and ivy, and in the spring they populate Herrington Lake with blankets, Coca-Cola coolers packed with beer, portable radios, and Coppertone. For these students the year is truly one continuous blast. Strangely enough the same group provides almost all the leadership on campus and consistently sustains an academic standard well above the University average.
But these are, as we said, in a relatively small minority. What happens to the other 5,000 members of the student body after dark? For the most part they disappear. Canvas Fayette County from the dives on the Georgetown Road to the Campbell House and you will find only the party crowd with a few fringe hangerons. Of course, one-fourth of the student body is married, and there are many "suitcase" students who are headed home for the weekend every Friday afternoon. The rest must return to their rooms at night, but if so the records should not show so many on probation. At any rate, we are giving up the search, but we feel that these pages should be dedicated to themto the lost students of UK.
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  Party Life
With the Greeks house parties are an institution, and costume parties, a foyorite. Although they are limited to 10 a year, only one of which may have live music, by the faculty, open houses, which are legal after any ball game, give them plenty of chances to get together.
Every two or three weeks the party crowd gets together at a dance in the SUB ballroom, which is probably the finest in town.
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In a section treating social life it is only fitting that the biggest blast of the year should climax the treatment. Undoubtedly Homecoming, although it had compteitors, was the weekend most devoted to social life, and the weekend in which the spirit of "partying" reached its heighth. Everything else, at least until UK won the NCAA regional in basketball, seems mild by comparison. As an organized University activity, Homecoming was participated in by a larger precentage of students, present and past, than any other. To the constant University party crowd was added the most enthusiastic alums of UK who returned to see the game and to renew acquaintenances. This mixture was agitated to a frenzy of celebration by the most unexpected victory over the traditional rival in footballTennessee. Parties that had been planned anyway, win or lose, were given a highly potent hypodermic by the startling win. The town was packed. Most groups had taken the precautions of reserving tables somewhere, but after about 10:00 p.m. nobody knew, or cared, where they were sitting. The revelry lasted well into Sunday morning at the hotels, and students were given the etxra encouragement of having Monday off to recover, a tradition that would have been observed even had not President Dickey announced it at half-time, when the outcome already seemed evident. The necessity of erecting house decorations meant that a lot of student were up for more than two straight days, and the crowning hours of elation made the rest needed as well as appreciated.