xt7qv97zm87f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zm87f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 2010 minutes  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2010-04-27 text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2010-04-27 2010 2010 2012 true xt7qv97zm87f section xt7qv97zm87f Minutes of the Meeting ofthe Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday,
April 27, 2010.
The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 1:00 p.m. (Lexington time)
on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 in the Board Room on the 18m Floor of Patterson Office Tower.
A. Meeting Opened
Ms. Mira Ball, chair, called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and asked Ms. Pamela May,
secretary of the Board, to call the roll.
B. Roll Call
The following members of the Board of Trustees answered the call ofthe roll: Mira Ball
(chair), Stephen Branscum, E. Britt Brockman, Penelope Brown, Jo Hem Curris, Dennontti
Dawson, Carol Martin "Bill” Gatton, Ann Haney, Pamela T. May, Everett McCorvey, Billy Joe
Miles, Sandy Bugie Patterson, Robynn Pease, Erwin Roberts, Charles R. Sachatello, Frank
Shoop, Ryan Smith, James W. Stuckert, Emest Yanarella, and Barbara Young. Ms. May
announced that all members were present.
The university administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr., and Vice
President for Finance and Administration Frank Butler.
The university faculty was represented by Chair of the University Senate Council David
Randall, and the university staff was represented by Chair of the Staff Senate Bryan Back.
Members ofthe various news media were also in attendance.
C. Consent Items
Ms. Ball called attention to the consent items which included the minutes, PR 2 Personnel
Actions, and acceptance of a gift. Mr. Shoop moved approval ofthe consent items. Mr. Stuckert
seconded the motion, and it carried without dissent. (See consent items listed below at the end of
the Minutes.)
Minutes — March 9, 2010
PR 2 Personnel Actions
FCR 1 Kentucky Christian Foundation Gift
D. President’s Report (PR1)
President Todd announced that there would be two presentations given as part of his
report. He called attention to the following items in PR 1:
UK Reaffinnation of SACS Accreditation Process Commences
The University of Kentucky is accredited by the Southem Association of Colleges and Schools
(SACS) Commission on Colleges. The university must be reaffinned every 10 years by a peer
review process. A report about the SACS process will be given by Dr. Deanna Sellnow, co-chair

ofthe university’s Leadership Team, later in the meeting. Dr. Diane Snow co-chairs the team,
however, she could not attend this meeting. Dr. Sellnow and Dr. Snow are ably assisted by Vice
President Constance Ray and her staff who have always done an excellent job of providing
infonnation. He noted that there are some exciting, different things about the process this time
and said that Dr. Sellnow would talk about those in her presentation.
UK Medicine Alumni Generate $6.3 Billion, Create Nearly 50 000 Jobs in Kentucky
In total, 2,730 University of Kentucky College of Medicine alumni currently practice across the
Commonwealth, generating $6.3 billion annually into Kentucky’s economy and creating at least
49,140 jobs. College of Medicine alumni are currently practicing and impacting communities in
88 percent of Kentucky’s counties.
UK Nursing Researcher Wins $1.9 Million from NIH for Cardio Research in Prisons
UK College of Nursing researcher Debra Moser has been awarded $1.9 million by the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) to implement a cardiovascular risk reduction intervention in four
Kentucky Department of Corrections state-run prisons. UK’s NIH awards continue to increase,
and a lot of these awards have a higher purpose.
Assistant Secretay of Commerce for Economic Development Holds Roundtable at UK
John Femandez, who heads the Economic Development Administration, held a roundtable
discussion at UK on the role of technology commercialization and entrepreneurship in economic
development. President Todd met Mr. Femandez at a summit for university presidents in
Washington, D.C. and invited him to campus. Mr. Femandez liked some of the things UK is
doing to start new businesses, and he and his staff came to visit campus. They were given a tour
of ASTeCC and showed some ofthe work that is being done with Dr. Leonard Heller in the
Office of Commercialization and Economic Development. President Todd will be meeting with
Mr. Femandez this summer to look at how they distribute money to the universities. They have
been distributing it on a fonnula basis, but they are trying to incorporate some perfonnance
Senior Lesley Mann Wins Prestigious Scholarship for Graduate Study at Cambridge
Lesley Mann, a UK agricultural biotechnology senior from Calhoun, Kentucky has been awarded
one of only 29 prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarships presented nationally to students hoping
to pursue graduate studies at the University of Cambridge in England. She is only one of seven
students representing a public university, and this speaks well of the University of Kentucky.
Miss Mann had already won a Goldwater Scholarship and a Beckman Fellowship. She has
already been accepted to the Ph.D. program at MIT and wants to be a biomedical entrepreneur.
She plans to come back to Kentucky after she completes her Ph.D. degree.
This is the second Gates Cambridge Scholarship that a UK student has received. The previous
scholarship was awarded to Andrew Lynch from Corbin, Kentucky. Mr. Lynch is currently at
Cambridge on a Gates Scholarship.

2010’s DanceBlue Raises More Than $636,000 for UK Pediatric Oncology Clinic
DanceBlue is a student run event, and it continues to grow. It topped the number of funds raised
last year, and over $600,000 in cash will be provided for oncology. The Pediatric Oncology
Clinic budgets that money to hire some people to help families whose children have cancer.
Gatton College Hosts Fonner India President Kalam Holds ‘Global Business’ Forum
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, fonner president of India, visited campus for two weeks. This was his
second retum visit. President Kalam met with students and many others while on campus. He is
an engineer and scientist and built the rocket program in India. He was called the people’s
president of India when he served in that capacity. He has a 20/20 plan to make India a
developed country not just a developing country. While President Kalam was here, Dr. Sibul
Saha made a $1 million gift to the cardiovascular area, and President Kalam was asked to
inaugurate the Sibu P. and Rebecca J. Saha Cardiovascular Research Center.
UK to Host Confucius Institute to Promote Exchange between China and Other Countries
UK will be one of fewer than 300 organizations worldwide to host a Confucius Institute in
America. The family foundation ofthe Jones family, who founded Humana, has committed
$50,000 a year for three years. The Chinese govemment will provide $150,000. They will
provide faculty to UK to teach the language and to also focus on the history of Chinese art and
music, which is a specialty that would fit well with UK.
USEF Drug Testing and Research Lab to Relocate to Coldstream Research Campus
The drug testing and research lab for the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) will
relocate from Ithaca, N.Y. to UK’s Coldstream Research Campus the end ofthe year. There will
be 12 jobs created immediately paying $26 an hour.
Small Business Development Center Helps State’s Economy Study Shows
The Kentucky Small Business Development Center, a division of the University of Kentucky’s
Office of Commercialization and Economic Development, is a network of 17 service centers
located throughout Kentucky. They have worked with companies and helped many that were
facing bankruptcy.
Both UK Basketball Teams Venture Deep into NCAA Toumaments
The UK men and women’s basketball teams advanced to the elite eight in the NCAA
Toumaments. Both Matthew Mitchell and John Calipari were selected as coaches of the year
for men’s and women’s sports at the Catspy’s.
Activist Hasan Ashrawi Presents Lecture Outlining Palestinian Issues
Palestinian activist Hasan Ashrawi presented a free public lecture on the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict on March 23 at the Singletary Center for the Arts. His lecture was the second of two the
university sponsored this academic year as part of a continuing campus and community dialogue
on the Middle East. Both events were extremely well attended.

UK Office of Adult Student Services Hosts Record Crowd at Back to School Workshop
A record 85 prospective adult students recently attended the UK Office of Adult Student
Services’ Back to School Workshop. One ofthe goals in Kentucky is to increase the number of
bachelor’s degree candidates in the workforce, and one way to do that is to reach out and find
adults who got close to finishing their degree but did not graduate. Since the partnership’s
inception nearly two years ago, 44 Project Graduate students have returned to UK to complete
their degrees. That is 44 people whose lives have changed significantly. This is a powerful
program at UK.
President Todd then asked Dr. Deanna Sellnow to give a presentation about the
reaffinnation ofthe SACS accreditation process.
E. UK Reaffinnation of SACS Accreditation Process
Dr. Sellnow presented progress to date on developing the Quality Enhancement Plan
(QEP), a core requirement for SACS reaffinnation of accreditation. The primary purpose ofthe
presentation was to infonn Trustees about SACS accreditation and to engage them in the QEP
development process.
The QEP is ". . .a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and
focused topic or issue related to enhancing student leaming.” It is a new requirement designed to
make the accreditation process less prescriptive and to give institutions more control and
flexibility, resulting in a planning initiative that is then implemented to improve student learning.
SACS reaffinnation also involves completion of a Compliance Certification report that is due
September 2012, the QEP is due January 2013. SACS review by a team of peers will take place
in spring 2013 to detennine the acceptability of the QEP, based on key criteria. To be
"acceptable” the QEP must be:
--developed through a broad-based institutional process,
--focused on student leaming and leaming outcomes,
--based on key issues emerging from assessment and aligned with the strategic plan, and
--suppo1ted appropriately to ensure institutional capability to implement, complete, and
assess it.
Examples of QEPs at other institutions addressed topics such as ethics, enhancing
leaming through advising, enhancing student-faculty engagement, and transfonning the
undergraduate experience through research.
Progress to date at UK includes: completion of a Topic Selection Plan by a pre-planning
team and implementation ofthe Topic Selection Plan in spring 2010 by a broad-based, faculty-
led team representative of all colleges and many support units across the University. The Topic
Selection Team, under the leadership of faculty co-chairs, Dr. Sellnow and Dr. Snow, is
conducting a campus-wide brainstonning session to solicit "big ideas” for a QEP topic. Next
steps include reviewing available formal and infonnal assessment data, reviewing the big ideas
in relation to assessment data, and categorizing the ideas into emergent themes. In fall 2010 the

campus will be engaged in submitting pre-proposals based on the emergent themes. Several (8-
l0) pre-proposals will be selected for further development as a white paper, from which three
potential QEP topics will be identified. The three potential topics will be forwarded to the SACS
Reaffirmation Leadership Team, chaired by President Todd, for final selection. Once the topic is
detennined, a new team comprised of content experts, among others, will develop the QEP for
SACS review. Trustees and all members of the University community are encouraged to submit
their "big ideas” on the QEP website (http://www.uky.edu/Q QEP ) which Dr. Sellnow
demonstrated. Regular updates on the reaffinnation process will be presented at future Trustee
President Todd thanked Dr. Sellnow, Dr. Snow, and Dr. Ray for the work they have done
and will continue to do for the SACS accreditation process. The QEP is a very enlightened
approach by SACS.
President Todd mentioned that the war on attrition that Provost Kumble Subbaswamy
introduced and the general studies reform that Dr. Yanarella was actively involved in when he
was head of the Senate Council could have been QEPs. When you look at the emphasis the
administration has put on undergraduate research across the curriculum, it also could have been a
In addition to the QEP selected, there should be a list of strong suggestions that the
administration can choose to do. This will be a campus thought process which is very different
than having to have 400 or 500 must statements like the previous process and not having
anything to really take forward. President Todd applauded SACS for this new approach and said
it will be very good for everyone.
F. Discover Gennany Program
Dr. Judy "J.J.” Jackson, Vice President for Institutional Diversity, gave the second
presentation entitled "Discover Gennany Program:” a grant-funded diversity collaborative
between UK, the Gennan-American Fulbright Commission, and the Hertie Foundation. The
grant-funded initiative sends 20 diverse Gennan university students to UK at the beginning of
each fall semester and 20 diverse UK students to Gennany at the end of each spring semester.
She distributed a sheet of facts giving specifics about the program.
Dr. Jackson said that the university’s Strategic Plan involves the goal of nurturing
diversity and inclusion but also looking at closing the gap between intemational education and
multi-cultural education as well as seizing those opportunities for giving students a chance to
broaden their horizons. With the Gennan-American Fulbright Commission, the Hertie
Foundation, and the Provost’s Office, this goal is possible. She noted that there is funding for
three more years to take 20 students to Gennany with all expenses paid for a month. As the
University strives toward premier status, it needs to give the students these opportunities so they
can compete on a more global scale.
Dr. Jackson said that she and others try to leam from the experience every year in order
to do things better the next year. This year, there is a required reading about Gennan culture,

economy, history, and language, and they will have pre-departure sessions to better prepare the
students. They are also giving the students a three-week intensive Gennan language course. The
Gennan Department has agreed to an arrangement, and most ofthe students are taking that three-
week course during the first summer session prior to departure on June 4.
Dr. Jackson said that she will go with the students and stay about five days. She has the
students identify two or three among them that will be called leaders. These leaders are
responsible for knowing any changes in schedules and keeping the group together. She leaves it
up to the students to make their way back to Lexington.
Dr. Jackson said that the lives of all of those students have been transfonned in ways that
even the students do not yet fully realize. She introduced Jasmine Whitlow and Jeremy
Ridgeway who were in the first cohort last year. She said she wanted the Board to hear from
them regarding their experiences in the program.
Each student gave comments regarding their personal experiences and thanked Dr.
Jackson and the University for making it possible for them to be a part ofthe program. Mr.
Ridgeway was able to make some connections and became a Fulbright finalist to study law at the
University of Berlin.
Dr. Jackson reported that the whole exchange helps UK gain global visibility and
provides more intemational contacts for domestic students, even those who do not go abroad.
The genesis ofthe program emanated from contacts and conversations between Dr. John Yopp,
associate provost, and executives ofthe Gennan-American Fulbright Commission.
Dr. Jackson and the students entertained questions from the Board, following which they
were given a round of applause.
President Todd thanked Dr. Jackson and Dr. Yopp. He said that education is a process of
removing intimidation levels. If you are an American, you are intimidated by Europe until you
go there. These students will not be intimidated to retum to Europe. He expressed appreciation
to the students for coming to the Board meeting.
G. Reappointment to Board of Directors of the Fund for Advancement of Education
and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center (PR 3)
President Todd said that PR 3 is a recommendation that the Board approve the
reappointment of Henry L. Jackson to the Board of Directors of The Fund for Advancement of
Education and Research in the University of Kentucky Medical Center for a two-year tenn. Mr.
Jackson has served on several university committees. He is chainnan and president of Jackson
Plastics, Inc. He was chief financial officer for Clark Material Handling Company and also has
served on the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees. On motion made by Dr. Sachatello and
seconded by Dr. McCorvey, PR 3 passed without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end ofthe Minutes.)

H. Naming of University Property (PR 4)
President Todd said that PR 4 is recommending that the Board approve naming the
Digital Village Phase II building the "Davis Marksbury Building.” This name is appropriate
since Mr. Marksbury, his wife Beverly, and the foundation have provided $6 million in pledges
to build the facility.
President Todd applauded Dean Tom Lester and Vice President Bob Wiseman for getting
the building erected so quickly. He noted that the "Bucl