xt7qv97zm78g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zm78g/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1970 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 41, 1970 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 41, 1970 1970 1970 2012 true xt7qv97zm78g section xt7qv97zm78g . · 7 . -·=;  
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m¤7@zz‘uc@ Q/Mmmzzs  
\'olume -11, Numlner 4 Fall, 1970
ilitor   :
 ivid Nl. Boudumnt HONOR FOR HONOR 3  
_ Distinguished Alumni  
nomgi·ap/n·r.s· i
 ""“°lllr“" (loud 'l`u.·uN1N<: Tmixr Miczxiisniis 9   _
Hold **· *‘°l“’** Aiiiai 11i·a1i1i i ‘
ilm R. Blitclnell  
lllmm “ °`ll’ ()xi·; lluxuin-in Ynsiis 12 I
 Oh_iM_S 1’liiu·mut—y l
g`m“ltll‘QI?\\`;H` J I1 llmiizcortiixc Siavizxw 16 V V
mm I 1) U Pictorial Lssuy “
 "S()(Zl.·\'1 ION ()l· l· ICLRS 1_·l_.LLO“.S DINNER 20 H
ie C. (ll`(’ilS()Il Twenty-'I`liree Recognized 1
L0ui.s·riI/0. Kwztzzcky (IL‘iuu·;N‘r Issues 22 _
pim] Nichol] Dr. Glenwood L. Creeeli
\`icU—P1·0.s·id<*i1t "'
l.c.tingt§‘ Brumfield Jm MASON
S · rt · l
Di;i(_fm_l/` .·\isou·r Tm: Awxixi 30
U (ll Of _ Reunions, Clubs. Class Notes
.lllllIlIll .~\[fa1r.s·
L _'· Y i I » - V
cungan, lu nlm Ly DO NOC RECALL 36
Cinnpus \\'ull<. Little Commons. Cooperstown
NE C.O\ LR.- Fall seas I/10 l’n1urr·
{/C(IIl1])ll.S‘ shift inla /zig/1 gear. xvii/1
yipd UL·,·;l;;m»_, wing fm- ,-(»(·(,g,,g;;(,,,_ Tha l(i·n1ai·ky Alanznas ix pulzlitslml in the spring, .sunun<*r, fall, and winter by the A
m'C`OC(’I' is a nnniiagp nf FaI[_ 19T()_ ('nir<*r.s·i!y of Kvnfucky Alumni Axxtvcicifioii. and is issuvzl ta all active alumni. 2nd
i~la.»-.»· pa.s-rage paid at Lievingran, lionmcky.

  V l \ ,
l I
i ?·j
1 i  /1 .
° ‘ 70171 ll E l7’€ClOl’  
` { l  
  l The Kentucky Alumnus, a magazine published quar-  
  1 terli or the bene `t o the active membershii 0 the  
 . 1 1 l J _ I .1 1
  l   Alumni A.ssociation was first printed in 1909. The maga—  
  l   ;ine has evolved from a 6" x Q" twenty—four page publi— ig 
  \ 1 cation to an S%" x I1" magazine with an artistically  
  l i attractive cover and art work of high quality.  
7 2 The changes which were made throughout the years  
 gl I llICl'C (lCSlg7lC’(l to pl`O(lll(`(’ (I lll(lg(lZ·lll(.’ (lf (fllllllly (lIl(l  
  1 attractiveness which would prompt the subscribed to  
_‘  {   immediately look to the table of contents for the articles f·_ 
 VI l which were of interest to them. \\'hile some of the  
ji  l l changes were good, the basic purpose of the maga;inc—  
  | I that of informing the active membership of new and in- ts`} 
  Q1 novative University programs, changes in the campus  
  l Q   scene, and especially that of informing the readership of  
  l .   the whereabouts and achievements of their fCllOlL` alum- *7 
 j 1 ni—may not have received top priority. A  
 2 1 With this issue of the Kentucky Alumnus we hope to  
jg  1 Q put back into proper focus the fact that the magazine is ,  
  li published by the Alumni Association expressly for the  
  I l   members of the Association. whose financial contributions  
 € 1 make this publication possible. Class and personal notes  
 ` ·   will receive top priority, We welcome readers’ opinions  
  , and trust that you who are alumni of the University will  
  . constantly remind the central ogice of its obligation to  
 .;_ you. Our only request is that your criticism, if any, be  
  i b“"`”‘I """" lm féitli the i
s  l 1 Director of Alumni Agairs  hliilxui-S·
 »  l 1 iii liiiitil st
 ." l 1 il
 Q.    ¥'lll(’)l wi
?  l  ill of 19
  l — l   HU
  1 1   · J
  2 1 s tliizoual
  l _ ; ·fore tht
  l    The ni,
  1   at
      of or
 is    11nes wg
  . ‘ 1  
·  .· ¤ 2 ·  
‘``=‘` { =  
i . * 1 g  ·»s` E

  yi: ·¤-sz “  »
  The Hull 0f Dzstznguzshed Ahzmnz  
 `Q 1
 \ (ENGR  
 1\ GR “
  ( DNC )R  
  H1e (`(}Il.S'lLl'll(`T1())l af H1e HUICII G.
  A/11111111 IIOll.S‘(’, Hze Hal] af
 1\111lQll1.S']l('(] Alumni was ereafed. An
g iainal .s·eIectian af eig/zty-fee men and
gg vnzerz was placed in H10 Ha11 ill HIC
  af 1964. T11ir1‘y—11ine were added ‘
 v `H`1}Ig Hze 1965 Centennial Year lljifll an
» 1({111()II(l[T]1)'(€(? 1Il(`[ll({(?({ in 1967.
. ;f<11‘e Hze 1\7()L7L’)}I[)(’)' 6 R(?C()g}l1T1()H Dinner
  11110 nineteen l}I().S`{" reeenHy e110.s·en, a
  1111 of one lzundred twenty-se1ne11
1 1111es- were inelurlerl 111 HIC HUH.

 · l
. 1 1
  · | »
  1   The status of any University is founded   iw;] L_ (gl,
  .1 1 in the quality of the graduate it produces.  ¤‘<>l
  1   For the honor these alumni have brought   L;H‘;ll‘]';_`lf£_:_" Q
 ;§ l   to her, the University of Kentucky n w,. i,m,,..l, 0
 if 1   IIOHOTS HIGH!.   .ll‘l'¤l ¥0\‘<‘l`lll
    l   personnel ina
  · l     llc served ai
  1  giiinistralioii
  \ a Dr. George A. Akin `I34, is in native of Princeton,     mth ilu.; I
  . 1 and presently is assistant director of research for llnc'1`e lll' `xdmllmtl
  5 nessce Eastman (Zo., Kingsport. '1`enn. (lraduatcd wi    HmmHg'
  I g high distinction from UK with a B.S. degree in lndustri  L uml (hw
J  · Chemistry. l)r. .~\kin received ii Science Doctorate   Tlmr (ft IWW
    V grec from the Massaclmsctts Institute of 'l`eehnolo  i\l.lflh()ll lm
  ‘     School of Chemical Engineering in 19236 and served  fm] lhlhlll
 .:11 l_   ;  school as an assistant professor.   li lllwwt  
  \ Q  A  p   llc joined Eastman in 1941, in llochcstcig N,Y_ _»\f(    hmm l_4\l
 if 1   {_ l _ `     several assignments with the company, including ii thm,  “`l7mH` \ `l'
  » .1     year term in Germany. he was assigned to the Kingspofj 
    n    \ ·s  · se;5v_ facility in 1964 as assistant superintendent of the   j.,,(»],/, _.\_ [
AY      l"< Chemicals Division. llc was appointed to his prese »  .,(].{](,,-sp"
    1 ‘    ~  =,  ·. position in 1967. Dr. and Mrs. Akin (the former Xlargar g  .mug}l|m.(]
  y   Akm . Boss of Post Colhorne. Ontario. (Ianada) have t\v,§ _;ir\-_ \[]·_ [Q,
if  ‘ -     ` A Children  ..lllilll()ll froi
 i_ 4     llacing l
      Harrison. D. Bruilsforrl `23. is president of Brailsfo  vmlng will`?
_f  lg ’ `· and Co.. Bye. N.Y., manufacturers of special purpose ` “1'glml m ·
    V ’ struments an devices. A native of Louisville. hc rcceiv  lr 1)***
 2 1 1     the master`s degree in electrical engineering from  ‘l°‘ltll ml S`
 zi;   r , - in 1929. He began his professional career as an assista  Till btw 1 1
 ll i (  r y engineer with Underwriters Laboratories in Cliica mlogll M
      I  .1 __  e   lll. He was transferred hy Underwriters to their Ne ‘;lll°f·
  1 ,;   A   ’     York office in 1930 and hecamc an associate engineer  
 "       {   1936. He formed Brailsford and (Zo. in 1944. Nlr. i1ri Hi(1hm.(I L.
 y» r     '_ Mrs. Brailsford (the former luanita Xlessmorcl have  wm Cl_u_m
  y EV   BmiISfO,.d daughter and live in Harrison. N. Y.  j.,“.` Mr. li
  9   1   ICS from L`
 q john Y, Brown, jr., is a native of Lexington. llc   lll*` l’<`€`lllll
4;;  graduated from UK in 1957 with a B.A. degree in  -*11 UC jo
    law and political science and received an lQL.B. degree  l1l`<‘$l—1. N11: and Mrs. Couch _ .
_  iorinor \`iolt·t Xiao Showers) I111ll(t' their homo in ”  
  agton. \`a. i
;$1>¤i.  f i...   _ i
 fiiwji/1 .·\. IC.s·i¢·.s `ZT ttlt·u~as¢·t1). was vtlitor ol the   ii   I
l`US€ ‘  atl-llorsv" inagazinc and advisory cditor of the & ` `  
F§81'_ _.  irotiglilirotl liouirtl." .-\ native ol lliokory in Cravcs — _.   i
L` t\V .;ity. Xlr. lfstvs stutlicd at (Zoluinhia L`lll\'(‘I`511}` altor Estes _ 1 ¥  
§i§..lii.itioii from KK. liv worlwd on thu stall ol. tho 1 i`   ,
  .1ly liacing 1"()I`l11“ and later l>¢·t·ain<· turli editor ol the `
imo  ming Tt‘ll‘§{f;l[)ll“ in Now York (lit): `liuturningi to i
0SC. ;iigto11 in 1930 as associate oditor ol tlw "Blood- ‘ )
_CCiV ·—i·." ho liccainc vditor in 1935. rornaining there until U `   _   _
m   .lt·ath on Soptt·inl>t·r 9. 1970. llis widow. Dr. Bvttyi    
gsista  iili ljstvs t Botty Bcolnior \\'orth `Z9) isa professor ot W   ·? 
hiCa .i1ology at L`K. Ile was tho lathor ot a son and zi » I .°§;  
ncer   ‘   _ *"‘**‘  - i
In im  Hiriiurri L. lfuliriiiks `4`T. l·`t. Klitolicll. is prcsidcnt of  
hiwc  rin Crcvting (Iards Int:. Cincinnati. .·\ native of
 iiiiw. \1r. liulianks i·t·t·t·ix·t·tl his B..·\. (1(‘g1`(‘(‘ iu 000- ,‘— r Eubanks
  ics from KK. joincd thi- L`.   .·\ir l·`orct~ and sc·1‘vctl j
HC   iliv lwcaino associated with Prot-tor and Cainblu Co.
in  .4511. llc joined tho Randall Co. in 1960 as (‘Xt.‘Cllt1\`L‘
[igtgg_ `llI`(‘S1(1t‘llt and was named prosidcnt in 1961. 1*10
of K5  rtl to the Cihson Co_ in 1963 as p1‘vsidt*1it. 11iS wife
l i»'?iOl`ll1(‘l' Virginia Lnlirvt-lit and they have two sons " _ p
t at  itlircc daiiglitcrs. -   i
·ky sta       
1954-6  T(,(_O_ I  . . I _ _ .; ._ xl. _ f       { ,,*5;
ltil aég · rm Iluiiisn 46. ol Dol Mai, Cahl., isltcitoi 0 4 j `   it-{
CSS  M rllology Today. 11n lwgan his oarocr with '1`unci.   ~»~‘    
k DEV  -$1jl`\`illg on tho stails ol "`Tirnc. ` "Lilo, aud `1?0l`illl1£‘  i  .  ’,—`   `
ElC£m Z·lZ1liCs. \\'ith "l,ool<" {rom 1962-68. liv §£‘l`\`t‘(i HS 4  
U duu i  j]Yvt‘¤lit0r. 110 liccaint- managing oditor oi "C1i1‘¢‘c‘i`S H(m_iS   `      
` -.. ill iii 1968 and was narnod to his proscnt position in gi Q  
lj X 1 2 -1 g ;

I l
4   { Dr. Albert D. Kirieun `26, seventh president ol the lfrrin _I. Null
' .  A p Q _ University of Kentucky, presently is ll l)l`0l•(‘SS()l‘ ol ]li$t0I.y_ im) (jm·p__ gu]
l  Fi    2 ’· *2 ` *.··1···1  Q ;"· ·· 1 ` ·
i \ {     1_t•Ul\ Thr l1ltll()l ol \.L\tl\l hoohlss 111d lIll(l(5_ Dr, M ()l11o, M1,
. l 1  .   Kirwan ta11gl1t 111 tl1e Louisville puhhc schools ll'()lll 19275 ;lll(`1ll engine:
, l    . ~   37, [Ie returned to UK 111 1937 as head ioothall coach; ;i,1l career wi
i \   He greeeived l11s M.A. degree irom the UIll\'t‘1`Slly of ;,lll)llSlll]_) lllltl
  \   R_ Q   Louisville, an LL.B. (l¢‘gl't‘l‘ lftilll the _ll‘ll&‘l`So11 School of lhe lilano c
2 A   A   ‘.»*·°`,§.» Law. a11d tl1e Ph.D. degree ll`()ll1 Duke Ulll\`l‘l'Slt}'. thc ls ol aircral
  `       latter in 1947. Ile has St‘l`\`l‘(l UK A15 (101111 ol men, degui ··i1er president
 riff` 1 · ~ V-as ` . , . \. , 1., , _ 1, _ . .
E `   '     p ~: = 4, Q _»   of students, dcavn ot thc (·l·\(lll·\tl School. and ]_)l'(*hl(lQ]]t_— -;, inametl lr
· _   Kirwan   e ( _.%·· l 11L‘.Llll(l•A11`T. Kirwan (the l0l'll`l(‘l' lnlinahetli ileil) nrc _1ln·(·(-S(m$_ ·
l A . `_ * ·   University 1·ellows. They have two sons,
_ ` . Clay L4111cu.sler, Brooklyn. N. Y., 1‘<‘cei\‘et1 l1is B_A_ illlllutl   R11
, p   ’  1 g —. degree 111 art 111 1938, and the \l..~\. degree 111 1939 also. "(it|H(.Il Em
1 s    _L ·   Ui · 111 art. A Lexington native, tl1e former curator ol Prospect   Y YI fins:
i \ p     _ _ Park 111 New York, currently IS an klI`Cllll£`Citll`i\l lllSl()l'l;l[],, in Umu_l_ in
; ·  ~_   .    · He has (10llC graduate work at (.Ollll1ll)lLl 1 lll\'t‘I`Sll\` and _
¤ l if  _   Q l1as instructed at (Zolumhia. New York 1`11ive1·sitv ima ifi nfld ()Iiii,i
A  `   `    w \u1$s51c511.—q1·_ '   l"""*"`?"
; , V M   . 5,:;:;  _» r - *l\LZll. as md
i l 1     i `  ‘    .. , , _ _ ;111»·1·1·s1111~1é
é _     » H p r _  Charles O. L(lIl(lI'llIll .39, (.0\`lllgt()ll, is president of Yi mllL_(_tm_
;       V U ;   · 1JL`ll1(1I`ll1ll t1l](l Brown, Airport Consultants. (1lll()lllllLltl_   M ,___ I. _ I
  Q 2   ’V--" Y  ,, 1 ,    ti}, native of De\Iossv1lle, Pendleton county, he received 3 dmc itu t
  I     _     ` Lancaster B_$_ degree 111 Civil lingineering from UK. After grz1duat8 U Ruth Ml
11   ‘ ‘ .   » if study at tl1e New York Structural l11s1it11t1·, he worked
1     " i with the UK College of l.f.llglllCL‘l'lllg Lll`1(1 private engi- ,)‘“`l‘[ C- SV
l neering a11d construction projects 1111til 1942. During ·*`l‘**i"‘“¥*“ 0
  l = \\`orld \\`ar 11, l1e served as a major 111 tl1e Ariny Corps `i -`\lll$~ AWS
i .   of Engineers. After tl1e war. he was project enginec} ··*“d d'~’P¤¥'t·
1 T  ~    for American Airli11es a11d served two years as cl1ief engifi
. .   11eer and designer for tl1e Airli11es National Terininal il<’**’Y\'<‘¤l iii
    V i _ Corporation. He formed tl1e firm of Ltlllllllllll and iiO}`¤‘d utter
» \  -      T Brown 111 1955. * =11l1<>¤·<>. K1
i 1     Mr. Landrum has served as president of tl1e UK V·°(l<`l1i1)‘Tl
 Q \ LP   Alumni Association a11d presently serves 011 the hoard of   lt) l><‘L‘0l11e
~   dir€‘CtOrS. His wife is tl1e former Bolnerta \\'ilS()ll B9, of l (:01111., hei
 i   L V    Somerset. They have two daughters. ?“O"<`(l to nl
Y Mdrum , wr and a IIT
" A Brig. Gen. lames W. Little (USAF Bet.) `41. of Lex- _*»‘l¤‘€t¢‘   rind has served as a high school principal, head ul?  
 " l l`   _ .   Department of Secondary Education at Mnrmy gmt 
_..   gi f  _~.\i  ’_ and president of the Kentucky liducation Assoeiritjo  
  · \     Ile married the former Lois Stiles.  ·
  Sparks   -
  · xr Kenneth Il. Tuggle `26, of \\r'ashington_ l),(j__ is  
  _ member ot the Interstate (Iomrneree (Iomrnission_ liriviu 
  , received his first appointment during the l·1ist·iili0“·g; 
  y \ administration and subsequent appointments under Pregfi 
 at H _ i  _ A' dents Kennedy and johnson. llc is a former lit-rrteiiririv 
 ‘`     p `  A   _‘ governor of Kentucky and a native of Barhourville_ Kim 
 l l  _,g     county. He became chairman of the Finance Divigig i 
j \     `  yi  5  of the Commission to which has been delegated prima  
    1; _i    governmental responsibility in the consolidation, eontr fi 
 AA \l   _     is  Lllld lHL‘1`g(‘l` of Cll.l`l`lCl`S. llC lll1U`l`lL‘(l lll(‘ i·()l'll\t‘l`  
        ShiHey of Barbourville and has a son and a daughter,  
  i.   A
p.    ’ Tuggle G. Reynolds \Vutkins `I38 (deceased). former presi 
  1   , ' dent of C. Reynolds Watkins Consulting Engineers, In ` 
  A A   L€Xll]gtO1], (llC(.l ll`! LU} 1Ill`plll.IlC L\CL`l(lC11t IlCiU' LCXlilgljO A  \/’
  T ii Blue Grass Airport, April 3, 1967. A native of Londo  " i"
    Laurel county, Mr. \\'atkins returned there following  
 li °l   gI`U.(llllItlO1I 8.8 Ll. (JOl1StI`llCtlOll CIlgll]C€l` lll tllC C1HPlOy    
  ,   `  .1   his uncle, the late   Stephan \\'atkins of Lexington. _   F i {
 ,·· A if _   gg returned to Lexington as his unele`s associate befo 
        ·.  ‘ ~ 1 organizing his oxvn firm in 1964. He served with t _ 
 Q ll { A     125th Armored Engineer Battalion during \\`orlcl War  
 A   it  g     attaining the rank of lieutenant colonel. He and  
 ti     \\78.tl(lHS \V€I`€ tl1C p}.1l'€HtS of ll]1`CC SONS Lllld 21 Clllugllt 
  . .    
  1 l Watkins A  
  p J \VilIiam T, Young `J39, of Lexington, is chairman  
  i i the board of \V. T. Young Storage, Inc., and chairman   t
  i i the board of Royal Crown Cola, Inc. He is a Lexingt  e'l    
    _A i  . native and a University Fellow. Graduated with a  
  my .     degree in mechanical engineering, Mr. Young becalile  
      l assistant technical engineer with the Cincinnati  
  1 U   .  K  nance District of the U.S. Army.  
        Following his discharge from the Army in 1946  
  1     the 1‘21Dl< of major) he founded \V, T, Young l?OOClS,   /
  \     producing peanut butter and distributing it natiolm    
  . ''vi if A.  Success brought a purchase of the company hy PYOCY  '
  [ ~   21HCl Gamble C0. and the subsequent estal>liSl1m€Ut  
Il  ` ” f  ’1» f Yotmrr YV- T1 Y0U1'1g Storage, lnc, He married the i0I`lTl€l` Lur ·1lll*f<>gi<‘r1I r.
·A ` \ I \“\ U Hilton Maddox of Blakely, Ca_, and has a SON ¤¤d ’¥"fHllS non:
 1· A arrughtei·.  

  _ 1/-5  ¢’  ·
  College of Allred lkzzltlz Projesszom r e
9'  `
  . .
  l raining eam Mem ers
is sia 
,   ’
maijg  _
Cr   Dr. ]0.se11I1 Ilumlmrg be- *
  i I e11111e Dean of lll(’ College 1 ·
  of Al/ierl ]l(’(llllI l)l'Of€’S·Sl()Il.S‘ I
  in 1966 relzile if 1ea.s· l€f0  of nzedieine.
h   ·
’ar   . . . .
  A 1 Teamwork. so important 111 athletic endeavors, 1S also
  · 1 { . LI key word 111 other fields, 2lI`i]OI]g them health care .
g   _     At the University of Kentucky, forward thinking aca-
  ` l demicians reasoned that those who assistance is vital
~ "`1·‘i . . . .
  - _ 9 to the services rendered by physrcrans and dentists should
mn   be trained in a manner similar to the practitioners. This
  I nhiloso ihv led to the creation, in 1966. of the School of
mm.   . _ __   I 1 .
· 1;}*   1 _  1, Allied Health Professions. The new lvcenm was made
mg? 11 11. r - -
,1     ° 1 — ,_ an integral part of the Albert B. Chandler Medical Center
[me   I " ,;. _· ’ and became closely associated with the Colleges of
1 0;  yy l Medicine. Dentistry. Nursing and Pharmacy. Students
  .   ` . develop early the concept of the health care "team” as
; (xvi  1 ” · they work daily with doctors. dentists. 11urses and
‘·   A iharmacists. They are no longer ste -children. but full
15,   l . :1 p
ima   I fledged members of the health care family.
pl-Oct    lll recognition of the growing importance of the
wm ’  School in training members of the health care team, the
»1·Lu »lwl<>gi1·11I (l().\‘l])1(’ll'I[ is 11111011g four arlrazreerl degree Universrtys Board of Trustees created the College of
  _ ` _ V . L _ —A__. ` »-»
and  ’I1'U111.s· 11()11` (l[`(]ll(ll)l(’ 111 ll1e (,ollege. Allred Htrlltll P10iLbblOH5 011 August 4, 1910.

i I
1 I i »,._`>`A   ·    
l Fg     `»'`*   · - e »..   inpleti
l ‘   ~ . , l   Xledit
l l A -t     . r it--¤··.
l \   K   ~" ~>··   •'   li f vkg i -ll: iv Q lli(`l-.
l §§   . a    .;_  ._   the l
T 1 l   " . »  { i %   `»’A    =2  Q mein
A 1 I   , I   i "?  i ? r— < { ··#·*·
` — ‘ ran.   ·  V l" l
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[ I The Radiological Health prograni leads to a degree on the niastefs lerel. Ii is one of fire ;n·ograni.s· noir ninwiting or lf·lt···
i planned in the College of Allied Health Professions. TW gy as n part oil the t‘l1i`i`l¢`lllllm of neu- M
3   ` th€ joint €{TOI`tS of thi? College Hlld tl]C Ltfxillgton T(3Ql)- (ln- l)(~l);rrtmc·]|[ ()l. \ii(']'()l)l()l()§_:y_ (i()<>(l Sillllillllilll HDS- `§(·j(»n
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Z Q.:} was the training ground for med techs before the between dental and total-patient health is stressed in the
gi iinpletion of the Y\li-dical (Zenter. curriculum of the Department of Dental Hygiene. Par-
_ \Ii-dical 'l`l‘(`l1ll()lU}.[)’ is now a l)¢·partm¢·nt in the new ticulur emphasis is placed on the relationship between
 j »IIi·g•·, utilizing the facilities of the Chandler Medical the technical phases of the subject and the basic and
 » ~nt<~r. The fo¤n·—y<~ar progrzun oiliers a strong foundation social sciences. Training in these areas makes the dental
 T the basic S(’i¢‘lI(‘l‘S and on-th<·-job training in the hygienist a valued member ofthe dental health team.
“   jmieal l.al»oratori<·s of the University Hospital. It also
    §i·qiniti·ly pr¢·par¢·s the student for advanced degree Advanced Study
  ·1’l(ll| this or related fi<·l<.ls. After the Successful completion of a year of graduaté
fj  A f lim"' “ mlllml '"“l‘"` l" th" (?<>ll<·z:<· of AMS and Sch study, Mastcfs Degrees in the fields of Clinical Nutrition.
  · ·_  ._i·s, the I)¢·part¤n¢·nt ol Physical Therapy has developed (jljnjw] Pagtm-H] (jmmseljng and Radiation Dosimetry -
  y   in an ll|tl‘l.[l`ill part ol the l`niy¢·rsity`s health-<·dueation and Radiological Health are gyam€d_
A" 3   _ ‘¤!f=•¤**· Advanced study in clinical nutrition enables the stu-
` _  ;— The department seeks to pr<·par¢~ physical therapists dynt to gygyk Cffcctjycly as a djgtjcjan Oy Clinical nutyi-
W _  _ yi) are well ¢·di1<·;at¢·