xt7qv97zm75q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zm75q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-02-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 15, 1929 1929 1929-02-15 2012 true xt7qv97zm75q section xt7qv97zm75q Best Copy Available










15, 102!)



Omega Chapter
PA VFTTP P A RIUPRI Regular Meeting
RIFLE TEAM HAS! Chito Construct New
of Chemists Held
inn nrTmr,
Building Next YearjCUN VtilNK TUUAl Dr. Davis Buckncr,
of Expert

rwo Men Students
T ried By Council



For Violating Rule BALL TO BE HELD

ment Station, Speaks to
Lamba Alpha chapter of the Chi
At a meeting of tho Men's Student
Lexington Group
Omega sorority has filed articles of InCouncil of the University held Monday
corporation which hold title to a new
chapter house on Rose street in the
afternoon at 4 o'clock In President
The one hundred and thirty-secon- d
In Fifth Corps heart of the new fraternity row of the Professor Ely in Charge of Pro- regular session of the Lexington sec Ruth Marie Bonnin, of Concho,
ofTlcc, two men students of tho Scabbard and Blade, Advanced
gram Concerning FeedArcn Match Includes Six
Hon of the American Chemical So
Oklahoma, Is Elected RegiUniversity were tried on charges of
Corps Cadets Prepare DecThe sorority purchased a lot Feb4 o'clock Tuesday
clety was held at
ing of Dairy Cattle
having been under the Influence of
mental Sponsor
orations for Gymnasium
ruary 13, facing the future nrborltum
nitcrnoon in Kastlo hnll, with Dr. a,
liquor at tho Sigma Nu house dance
of the University. They plan to start'
Davis Duckncr, of the experiment sta
building a chapter house next year.
hold January 12. One of the men who GRAND MARCH WILL
tion, as the principal speaker. Dr. NEW SPONSORS WILL BE
under consideration are
WILL RE EXPLAINED nuckner spoke on the topic. "The Hy
INTR0DCEI) AT BALL appeared before the council was exNEEDS ONE VICTORY The plans or $50,000 colonial type for
a $40,000
onerated and the other was given a
drogen Ion Concentration of the Re
sentence of 15 days suspension from
of the Whltc
8 Martha Reed and Mary Arm
Present Match Ends Saturday These plans have the approval of Object of Meeting Is Task of Kuffifcr5an8
the University and all social privileges Brilliant Red, White and Blue
They arc
Expenses of
the University authorities.
strong Chosen Battalion
Noon; Laughlin Has Highest
for the remainder of the school year
Color Scheme Planned;
Dr. Buckncr gave a preliminary re
quite enthusiastic over the prospects
iaKcn irom mm.
Caring for Cattle
Score by 39 Points
port of his researches in the field of
Hours 0 to 1
of a fraternity row opposite the new
According to a statement made to
biochemistry, particularly In the colcenter of the campus and arc willing
The Kernel last night, the council InA one-da- y
loidal aspects of the subject. His work
University rifle team has two to aid the pioneer fraternity In this
dairymen's feeding school
The annual Military Ball, given by
The annual election of R. o. T, C, tends to continue to enforce the resofor the benefit of farmers In Fayette was along technical lines and was of
legs up on the Fifth Corps Area Rifle movement.
sponsors closed yesterday with the lution passed last semester. Members Scabbard and Blade, honorary military
Match, and If the University wins Its
The board of directors of the corpo and surrounding counties, will be held great Interest. The results of his exof the council said that they were fraternity, and the advanced corps
present m&tch It will win permanent ration include members of both the today at the livestock Judging pavilion periments will later be published in election of Ruth Marie Bonnin, of pleased
with the fair and unbiased
possession of the trophy, a silver loving active and alumnae chapter. They are on the experiment station farm. The the American Journal of Physiology.
Concho, Okla., as the regimental spon way In which The Kernel was handling students of tho University R. o. T, C,
The meeting was attended by mem- sor with the honorary
cup, now in possession of the local R. Mrs. Eliza P. Underwood, president; session will begin at 10 a. m., with the
will be given next Thursday night in
rank of colonel. publicity of the cases tried by them.
O. T. C. unit. Last year a few points Miss Elizabeth Bowman, vice presi afternoon session beginning at 1 o'clck.. bers of the society and others who are
The action of the council is still the new Men's gymnasium from 9 to 1.
Miss Martha Reed, of Carlisle, and
prevented the team from winning the dent; Miss Mary Moore Milton, sccre
Prof. Fordyce Ely, head of the dairy interested in biochemistry. Dr. F. E.
gaining favor by the student body of Cadets and students will dance to
trophy permanently.
tary; Mrs. Virginia Marrs, treasurer; nusoanary department or the Univer- Tuttle, head of the Lexington section, Miss Mury Armstrong, of Lexington, the University. In a recent interview
were elected sponsors of the first and with a few students who were opposed rhythm of music furnished by Toy
The Fifth Corps Area Includes six Mrs. Nancy Innes Shlnnlck, Miss Lu sity, will bo In charge of the program. presided.
states, that of Indiana, Kentucky, Ten- cllle Short, Miss Eleanor Swcaringcr, Professor Ely is recognized as one of
to tho action, the reporter who covered Sandefur and his orchestra.
second battalions respectively.
the foremost authorities In this section
nessee, West Virginia, Ohio, and Illi- and Mrs. Nora Churchill
A novel feature of this year's danco
Tho company sponsors are : Company the council meetings learned that a
on the feeding and management of
nois. The teams annually shoot for
number of those students had changed Is the fact that all Juniors have agreed
A, Frances Baskett, Cynthiana; Com
dairy cattle, due to his practical and
this trophy and Include those preparatheir viewpoint of the action.
to be at tho dance accompanied by
pany B, Miss Sara Elizabeth Reynolds,
theoretical experience In this subject.
tory schools, military schools, high
their dates promptly at 9 o'clock. This
schools, colleges and universities In this
Is an innovation, and is being stressed
Miss GeorThe object of this meeting Is to exMONDAY getta Walker,Company C, Company E,area.
plain the method and effect of a propin order that all the hours for dancing
erly balanced ration for dairy cattle
may be enjoyed.
Nearly every year Kentucky has
Miss Hazel Virginia Baucom, Lexingand the composition of common Kenbeen in annual competition with CulThe chief attraction of the ball will
Will Present Jose ton; Company F, Josephine Lapsley,
tucky feedstuffs will be explained.
ver Military Academy and Kemper
be a grand march, led by the officers
Miguel Benjarand In Address Shelbyvllle; Company G, Miss Mary COLONEL
Prof. E. J. Kinney, of the College of
Military Academy for first place In this
of Scabbard and Blade, practice for
match. Kemper, with an unusually Third Appearance of Club This Agriculture, will discuss the "Proper
which began last night to continue
on "Whither Mexico" at Third Elizabeth Fisher, Lexington. The batof Pastures," and Prof. J. D.
high score, won a match recently
until Thursday. Following the grand
talion sponsors receive an honorary
Year to Contain Special Feat Care of the experiment station, will TurHour In Men's Gymnasium.
against several schools that included
'Japan and the Philippines" Is march, new members of Scabbard and
rank of major, while the company
ures by Professor Lampert cuss in detail "Kentucky Feed Laws."
the University. The score In this
Subject of Address; Excellent long will be pledged, according to a
February has been set aside as an sponsors become honorary captains.
and Others.
He will give the definite need and efmatch -- was approximately a hundred
standing custom.
Character Representation of R. O. T. C. sponsors who were electfect of these laws on the buying of other
month. The na
points higher than that of the UniVotes were cast by every member of
tion to be studied during the month Is the R. O. T. C. Unit, the ballot being
1'ilipino Given.
ed this week to fill vacancies will be
The University Men's Glee Club will
Due to the fact that the prices re Mexico, and a convocation Inaugurat
formally introduced during the dancThe Fifth Corps Area Match that Is give a special feature concert Tuesday
sealed. Companies A, B, C, and E
being fired this week will not be fin- night, February 19, at the Gulgnol ceived for dairy products are unlikely ing the program will be held the third
Col. Charles H. Morrow addressed ing hours.
to be Increased, the only hope for In- hour Monday, February 18. in the Men's voted on Wednesday and Companies F
noon. However, theater, it was announced this week.
This ball is an annual event, usually
ished until Saturday
the students and faculty of the College
and G voted yesterday. The ballots
occurring the night before Washingwhen The Kernel went to press the fol
The club, which was organized the creasing profits In cost dairy business gymnasium.
The convocation speaker is Jose Mi were counted by cadet officers, J. W. of Engineering of the University In ton's birthday, and carrying out a red,
lowing scores had been completed: first of the year, has appeared twice is to cut down theexpense production.
in this bus guel Bejarand, whose subject will be
Dicker hall Wednesday, on "Japan and white and blue color scheme. DecoJess Laughlln, 770 x 800; V. A. Jack- this year, once in convocation and once The only notable bill.
iness is the feed
The College of "Whither Mexico" and "How Mexico Is Chapman, colonel ; Guy A. Stone, lieu- the Philippines." Dean
son, 731 x 800; D. C. Sallee, 720 x 800; before the freshmen at matriculation Agriculture recently
Paul Ander- rations for the evening will consist of
stated that this Redeeming the Illiterate." These ad- tenant colonel, and J. C. Finley, major.
flags, bunting, machine guns, trench
T. P. Mantz, 713 x
Twenty-eiggirls were nominated son introduced the speaker to the au- mortars, 37 mms., and other military
According to Prof. C. A. Lampert, expense claims 52 per cent of the en- dresses will be followed by numerous
Jess Laughlln had high score in three
tire cost of producing milk. Experts campus activities sponsored by Pan- - and voted upon by the cadets. Nomi- dience which contained many distin- ordinances.
matches last year, which was higher the club this year has an unusual
Further arrangements
exthat this desired
nations were .held during the first two guished visitors.
were decided upon at a meeting of
by two matches than any other memnumber of good voices and they have believe can be obtained increase In
through more
The English department will contrib weeks of January and each girl's nomColonel Morrow gave an excellent Scabbard and Blade last night.
ber of last year's team. To date in been holding special rehearsals for the efficient methods of feeding and manOfficers of Scabbard and Blade are
this year's shooting he has shot high concert Tuesday night. The specialties agement. Before any definite steps ute several lectures to the program. ination consisted of a petition signed character representation of the Filipino, one which deflates the prevalent Kenneth
Baker, president;
man in three matches. With only a on the program are "The Beautiful can be taken for an increased produc All of these will be delivered in classes by ten students.
on February 20. Prof. E. F. Farquhar
The new sponsors will be formally opinion that they are an Ignorant Chapman,
partial list of completed scores,
Blue Danube Waltz," sung by the Glee tion of dairy products in the territory
lln Is 39 points higher than the next Club, a violin solo by Professor Lam- surrounding Lexington something must will speak upon Mexican aspects. Prof. introduced at the military ball on Feb- people. Due to the Chinese mixture Shropshire, treasurer; James Finley,
W. F. Galloway, Prof. C. Yates, Prof. ruary 21.
pert, a vocal solo by Ray Mays, a piano
The girls are expected to in their blood, they are very Intelligent secretary. Other members are Major
highest score.
efficiency of
Only three members of last year's specialty by Harvey Stone, and a banjo be done to increase the here. This J. L. Davis, and Prof. J. H. Palmer take an active part In all affairs spon- and are able to submerge their emo- Meredith, Major Spaulding, Major
will also deliver short talks on Mexico. sored by the military department, and tions and put all things to test of Wall, Captain Schmidt, Captain Ges-for- d,
team returned to form the nucleus of specialty by "Preach" Given and Toy the dairies now
feeding school will emphasize importA motion picture on "Mexico" will they
Hen- Sandefur.
Lieutenant Keasler, Howell DaIndividually, the Chinese
the team this year. They are A.
ant factors that might aid In perfect- be shown Tuesday, February 19, at 4 hops. will act as hostess at all cadet possesses greater capacities than mind vis, Jess M. Laughlln, William Helzer,
Members of the club are:
derson. James Hester, and Jess Laughthat
ing the dairymen's business.
o'clock In Dicker hall. The purpose of
of any other race. As a people, the James R. Hester, W. R. Ferguson, J.
First tenors: L. J. Alexander, J. F.
the picture Is to stimulate the Interest
Filipinos are delightful, kindly, and re- D. Hammersley, Homer Carrier, J. W.
Two members of this year's team Conley, H. Stone, K. P. Patterson, A.
of students In foreign relations. It
sponsive, according to the colonel.
Bratcher, J. D. Williams.
were chosen last summer at Camp T. Graves, M. L. Glenn. M. L. Revelle,
will consist of six reels and promises
No nation has made as much progCorps R. Toy Sandefur. W. P. Wortham, W. W.
A fee of $1. 50 will be charged for
Knox to represent the Fifth
entertainment as TFell as Instruction,
ress with a savage people as the United admission.
O. T. C. Team at the National Rifle Hendricks.
since it will give a vivid plcturlzation
States has with the Philippines. When
Second tenors: J. R. Moore, J. D.
matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. These
of the customs, art, and educational
this country took them over, they were
are John Shipley and V. A. Jackson, Smith, H. F. Norment, M. L. Nolleau,
Institutions reflecting the general asmerely a wasteful group of a thousand
J. H. Johns, R. W. Berry, R. L. BradWill
pects of Mexican life and conditions.
little islands, the largest of which
C. W. Schuermey-e- r,
bury, B. L. Humber,
were Mlndano and
C. F. Stone, E. M. Butler, E. Royse,
Dr. Floyd Reeves Gives First ditions were pitiful; Luzon. Health conCo-ed- s
Be Given Sweaters in
transportation was
J. L. Miller, Ralph Hardlman, J. J.
of Discussion Series on Trend next to impossible, and the warlike
Colors of Respective Divisof Educational Improvement Moros were continually attacking the Collection of Unusual Numbers
First basses: C. P. Brown, F. M.
Names and Titles
ions; Indian
Arranged; Sponsor to Give
smaller and more peaceful Inhabitants
Mastin, C. A. Poole, W. M. Townsend,
as Shown by Survey.
Included in Plan.
of the village.
R. H. Warren, J. D. Turner, W R.
Costume Reading
L. L.
In concluding, Colonel Morrow praisMays, L Layman, P. H. Johnson,
Dr. Floyd W. Reeves, director of edu- ed the work of William Howard Taft
Zleger, D. F. Weaver, E. Henry.
The Woman's Athletic Association
The University concert band will
Tommy Thompson and Kenneth
cation, last night delivered the first and General Wood in the development give a special concert in the Men's
Second basses: A. M. Osborne, C. will Introduce an innovation on the
Klstner, members of the 1928 freshman E. Adcock, George Osborne, Hugh
of the Islands. He stated that in or- gymnasium Sunday afternoon, Janucampus next week when all of the Regimental Headquarters of R. of a series of six lectures on Investisquad, received minor Injuries
J. B. Allen, Morris Smith, Clif- girls of th University will be divided
O. T. C. Is Unchanged; Chap- gations and Experiments on the Im- der to continue this great work, all ary 17, at 3:30 o'clock. Miss Leura
at noon Wednesday when their colleford Amyx.
into groups with Indian names and
man Again Colonel; Finley provement of Collego Teaching to a thought of giving the Philippines their
of El Paso, Tex., newly elected
giate Ford collided with another car
independance must be abandoned, saygiven sweaters in the colors of their
The program Is as follows:
large crowd assembled in the new lec- ing that such procedure would result band sponsor, will give a reading in
and Baker Majors.
at the Intersection of Limestone and On, On U. of K
Lampert respective groups.
Mexican costume as part of the
ture room of McVey hall. The subject in the destruction of this progress and
Beautiful Bluo Danube
This plan has been successful in
Klstner fell on his head when thrown
Major B. D. Spaulding of the mili was "Constructive Activities In Im- mat, it sucn condition existed, the isStrauss many leading universities, and Is beWaltz
program, one of unusual
tary science department, announced proving Instruction in Eighty-seve- n
from the car. He was picked up in an
lands would probably fall into the interestconcert
The Glee Club
ing Introduced here to arouse greater yesterday
to music lovers, follows:
condition and taken to Violin Solo
the list of commissioned of Institutions."
Selected Interest In athletics for women. The
hands of Japan.
1. March
"Spirit of Independence"
the Good Samaritan hospital where he
ficers for the second semester. The
C. A. Lampert
groups will be known as tribes, each men were
revived almost immediately and appar- In part Dr. Reeves said, "First-han- d
selected by the members of
ol which has a "heap big chief and
2. Overture
"Raymond" .... Thomas
"i-entiy was not senous.y
military department.
pow-wocouncil to organize their the university men and 'commissions fol observation of what is going on in the Discussion
3. Waltz Melody "Old Timers" . . Lake
Thompson received a deep cut over
The list of
colleges and universities of this counL
Alexander. Toy Sandefur,
4. Description Idyll
teams for the various sports,
"The Mill and
his left eye. The car was driven by
low: Regimental colonel, J. W. ChapMays Hugh Adcock
Eilenbergthe Forest
The tribes, with their respective man; lieutenant colonel, G. A. Stone; try makes It perfectly clear that scienRiley MCNeai. two ouier uuya wc"j'Medlev
c. A. White
5. Selections from the Musical Comedy
tific spirit is at last beginning to opana "tr.r."'
Hopi, Elizabeth Cra- captain and adjutant,
in it besides Riley. Klstner,
C. B. Jagoe;
Oley Speaks leaders include:
"No, No, Nanette"
Monday evening at 7:30 in the reSkinner ; captain and intelligence officer, Fred erate in the field of professional eduSioux,
mer ;
Thompson. They saw the crasn was
The Glee Olub
Greeno, Kaw, Natalie M. Fister; captain and plans and train- cation at the level of the college and ception room at Patterson hall, the
inevitable, braced themselves, and es- Piano Specialty
Selected Apache, LouettaLouise Thompson,
first of a series of five discussion 5. Scenes from the opera "Carmen"
and ing, J. R. Moore; captain and supply the university.
Hlckey Cree,
caped injury,
Harvey Btone
groups will be held to the sublect.
OJlbwa,' Dorothy Monroe. Each tribe officer, H. C. Carrier; color sergeant,
University of Kentucky
"A considerable number of the col
7. Characteristics
"Lassus Trombone""
Selected has Its own color. The members will J. R. Brown- - color sergeant, W. H. leges and universities included among "Youth and Its Relations on the Cam
pus. The project is being sponsored
wear sweaters of the tribe color with Cecil.
Banjo Specialty
Moscs-Tobathe Indian name In block letters across
First Battalion: Major, J. C. Finley; those surveyed are now beginning to by the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., 8. Hungarian Fantasle .
William Glvens, Toy Sandefur
sweaters first lieutenants, W. R. Ferguson, R. O. use objective methods in the analysh and Is open to the students and fac- 9. inale March "Fairest of the Fair"
Traditional the front of the sweater. Hopl grey
John Peel
and Cropper, J. R. Groves, J. D. William- - of their instructional problems. Pro- ulty of the University. All the meetGelbel will be blue and grey; Sioux,
Little Cotton Dolly
ings will be
Lampert red; Apache, green and orange: Kaw,
Company A Captain, C. S. John
designed to im to ttimulate lead by students in order
SuKy Circle, pep organization of the Alma Mater The Glee Club
white and green: Cree, black and son- - first lieutenants, R. G. Cham cedures and devices
frank and personal disprove instruction seem to be employed cussion.
University, will elect two new cheer
orange; Obljwa, red and black.
bers, J. M. Laughlln, R. A. Sweetster;
All arrangements for this series of
leaders at the basketball game next
The purpose of organizing all girls second lieutenant, I. L. Allen; first ser more frequently In colleges of educa- tryouts
April 2T
Friday night at which time
tion and in junior colleges and junior- meetings are in the hands of a comof the University In these groups Is to geant,
J. L. Rawllngs; sergeant, E. E. college divisions of four-yewill be held. The candidates are recolleges mittee composed of James Boucher.
SMOKER, DINNER PARTY give every girl a chance to participate
quested to turn in their names to some
Gardner Whlttinchlll. Alice
is asked DuRand.
The Kentucky Academy of Science-wil- l
of liberal arts than in institutions of cnairman
several sports. Every co-e- d
Company B Captain, W. L. Helzer;
member of the circle as soon as pos.
attending the
hold its annual meeting on April
The Kentucky Alpha chapter of Tau to support her group by
first lieutenants, M. Shapo. H. B. Ellis; other types. Greater use of controlled
thov will ciilunlt 27 at Berea College, Instead of Lexslble In order that they may be given
games as a rooter,
game. Mem- Beta Pi, honorary engineering fraterlieutenants, B.
Inman. J. P. experimentation has been made by col- numbers to wear at the
Following is the basketball schedule second first sergeant, T. Troll Young; leges of education in universities than n compDsite report to the University ington as has been the custom. Speaksmoker
a dinner
y. fti. u. a. in which they will attempt ers will Include Dr. G. Davis Bucknerk
bers of the eircle will vote on the can- nity, will hold room of the and
Lan- of practice for the tribes: Hopl, Mon sergeants, M. O. Sterett, M. J. Cropper. by any
to depict tho lnlluence of the material of the University experiment station,
other type of institution.
didates by number immediately after in the colonial Friday night Green
at 0 o'clock. day and Thursday; uree, weonesaav
Company C Captain, D. T. Ham- gained aj a result of these meetings. president of the association, and Presi
game to decide on the two cheer tern tea room
"It is surprising that teachers' col
evening will be the and Friday: Sioux, Wednesday and mersley; first lieutenants, W. S. War-noc- k,
will be selected to preleaders. Further details of the tryouts The guestsImps the
dent Hutchlns, of Berea College. Other
leges and normal schools, Institutions Student leaders
quartette, popular en- Friday: Apache, Monday and Thurs
G. A. Welsenberger; second lieuwill be given In next week's issue of Midnight
Kaw, Monday and Thursday; tenants, R. M. Alverson, L. E. Ballard; having as their major function the im sent the problem to be discussed before features of the program will be anday;
tertainers and radio broadcasters.
each meeting.
nounced later.
OJlbwa. Wednesday and Friday.
provement of teaching in elementary
first sergeant, E. B. Cornett.
Major, K. B. and high schools, should have done
Second Battalion
- first lieutenants,
BakerJ. D. Wlllett, so little In the way of discovering
J. A. Martin, B.. T. Sandefur: second methods whereby the Instruction of
lieutenant, R. E. Laufer.
Company E Captain, J. R. Hester; their own students might be improved.
H. Warren, V.
18 first lieutenants, R.lieutenants, H. A. The limited extent to which con
S. trolled experimentation has been carsecond
Scott, G. C. Cook; first sergeant, J. T. ried on leads to the suggestion that
Registration for the second semester Fleming; sergeant, R. J. Plue.
at the University, which began MonCaptain, H. J. Davis; Investigation of this type needs to be
Company F
February 4, has already exceeded first
encouraged. Colleges, universities, and
A. Ruttencutter,
University Singing Organization Relieved to He Rest One in
Large Reception Given the Mystery Play Bids Fair That It day, enrollment ror tne second semoster O. K. lieutenants, J. lieutenants, E. D. teacher-trainin- g
institutions would do
Barnes; second
Years; Will Make Western Kentucky Trip; Plans
Will Prove to Be Best of Seuson; Entire
last year by 207, according to a report DuVal, J. S. Shipley; first sergeant, L. well to test out lu an objective manner
registrar's offlce yes- R. Kavanaugh.
issued from the
Cunt Proves
Made to Prevent Mob Violence
the results obtained from the use of
terday at 5 o'clock. Matriculation will
Company G Cataln, J. W. Bratcher:
different methods, in order that the
opening night of the show, The continue until Monday, February sem first lieutenants, James Shropshire, J. better methods may be discovered and
(By Martin K, Glenn)
(3y Melyina Pumphrey)
of Prof. Carl Lampert.
B. Niohois; second lieutenant, E. F.
whole is realistically carried out and when registration for the
Prof." (as he
Hartzog- - lieutenant, B. P. Davis; first utilized."
The University Men's Glee Club, by the members ls affectionately called
As a mystery play, "The Dagger," udds a bit of humor to the general ter ester will bo closed.
year sergeant, a. u. rigman.
of the club) has given
Enrollment at this time last
which opened Monday night at The ror which reigns throughout. For, be
Tho series of lectures, which will be niter having warbled and chirped to his best efforts to tho development of
Gulgnol theater, offers every specimen llevo It or not. the theater wherein the totaled 2.255. while the report issued
given each Thursdoy evening to and the complete satisfaction of the music the organization, which fact assures
a registration
conwill present Its
of thrjll ope could, expect, and Judging rehearsals are jield is haunted, and it yesterday
Including April 4, Is being sponsored department, season Tuesday first
night in the spice of the program.
cert of the
from the reception given the play It Is only because the producer insists, 2,463 students. Numerous out of state
The Men's Glee Club ls one of
fajr to bo the ?nqst populur or this that the play must go on, that his and foreign students will be found
the Guignol theater, If the Initial perS. Taylor, of tho education de- by the Kentucky Chapter of tho Amerbids
valuable publicity assets that the
Including students partment, left last Wednesday
Jason's outstanding successes at the whole future happiness depends upon upon the roster, SSone,
for ican Association of University Profes formance Is not fatally terminated by
Panama, one Little Rock, Ark., where ho Is conduct sors. The entire tacuuies oi ine uni a massacre, the club will arrange un university possesses. Each year the trifrom tlio Canal
University theater,
Its success, that tlio aotors ore able tq
Llnchowfu, China, and one from ing a survey of tho secondary schools versity, Berea, Asbury, Transylvania, Itinerary that will carry It Into western umphant tour of the club ellects honor
Charles Martin, author of the play, overcome their fear and attempt to from
and praise to the Alma Mater. But the
of that state, with the view of their Georgetown, Kentucky Wesleyan, and Kentucky sometime during March.
and Frank O. Fowler, director of the produce the pluy. What happens on Shanghai, China.
student body ls reluctant In its supreorganization. Ho Is working on this Eastern State Teachers" College, have
No disastrous results, however, ure port of the organization .
local production, together with an ex- the opening night forms a, grand (ill
survey In collaboration with J. P.
objected lo ensue from the synoptic
cellent past, have taken full advantage max and solution to the mystery. But
Ours Is a mechanistic, materialistic
superintendent of public Instruc- been invited to attend.
concert as the organization is one civilization. Romance goes abroad but
of the opportunities pflered to rIvh the we cannot tell what that Is. You must
public an evening of t.co it for yourself.
tion In Arkansas. No definite date for
teter-kqn- g
of the best balanced musical clubs that in nign powereu motor cars. The lute
the completion of the survey lias been
jwlnrttisilDtf euteranment.
The character delineation
has represented tho University In a has given way to the radio and the
to their
score of years. On the lontrary, the tinkling tune of the tambourine has
U. K.
Wth strangely bent figures creeping players andu to Mr, credit both direction.
Fowler s
audience Is assured that it will hear been replaced by the fru n i
Club of tho Unlver
pale, almost trans- ability
put of the darkness,
The Research
Will Hold
a collection of delightful and harmon the saxophone. But there ti '
parently white, arms writhing In the The cast Is pmtu'ularjy well chosen. slty held its February meeting at 0:30
en ru
Melvln Nollau, us James Cox, the di- p. m Wednesday, lu tlio office of
ious melodies varying irom popular rhythm, melody and lhapsoi
u, those
rector of the pluy, performs quo of fho Proslent Frank L. MoVoy. Tlio speakpiano und banjo specialties to Strauss' whose ears are trulned to hear through
through th
Tlio Graduate Club of the University "HHi Danube Serenade.
sureanpj and njoans cqmlng from no- most difficult rules with rare ability ers Included Jesse E. Adams, of tho
the artificial din.
will hold Its flrtt meeting of the year
and E. N. rerglad to find the and assuuuipo.
Collego of Education,
Therefore, students, "turn out" for
Tin' tester of the club Includes such
where, P" 3 uptually
Tryouts Will Be Held Wed-iiosdu- y
Thomas L. Riley, us Thonuu Piayne, uns nf tho colleuo of Agriculture.
"song-birdon Saturday, February 1C, at 13:00 talented
its Lawrence the concert. Support your University
lights of Ue thcator MMeuly turned
Night at 7 o'Clock
on and this uruesoilie world shut out a newcomer to the Gulgnol ranl;s,
The Research Club was organized on
o'clock, Room 108, Science building. Alexander, Harvey Stone, Hugh Ad una tue organizations mat it sponsors.
In McVey Hall
un excellent piece of wok, Fear the campus about iu years hb'j jor wiu
cock, Melvln Nollau, Austin Graves, Support the glee club. Show your apof view for t few ilutes, Pwt then, does
tq express, even purpose or uucuuruymtj
Cyrus Poole, Toy Sandlfur. Robert preciation to those lads who
uno s uso just as anxjous for the is a dliilcult emotion
uwui v
mude regurdiug dates for handing in Wan en and Ray Mayes. These men earnestly tolled for the past have
so that though, In this quse, there t plenty KPnivhPM nnd lnvesttiiatlons by mem
lights to be turned Off again
Annual tryouts for tho oratorical
theses and dates of oral examinations, have been members of the orgunlza months to make this program possible.
reappear and the wqrk of of stimulus, but Mr. Riley proves llm-te- lf bers of the faculty. Its membership
contest will be held in the lecture
the shadows
u muster of dramatization ill por is tnkmi from those who have publish
wiving their mystery goes on.
room of McVey hall next Wednesas well us applications for degrees, tion I'm scverul seasons and are veter By so doing you will develop a better
old man. eil meritorious
this terror-stricke- n
many concerts.
day night at 7 o'clo