xt7qv97zm69h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qv97zm69h/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station 1896 Title from cover.
Imprint varies. journals English Frankfort, Ky. : Capital Office, E. Polk Johnson, 1890-1948. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Annual report. 1896 text Annual report. 1896 1896 1896 2011 true xt7qv97zm69h section xt7qv97zm69h v I I ‘  * 24
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‘ OF THE  
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I KEIITIICKY Agl'lCllITl1l'2lI  
Expernment Stat10n, R  
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‘  Lexington, Kentucky A6   *_f°
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Letter of Transmittal.  
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0Hzs L.rce·Zlcncy, Hox. \\11. O. BnAn1,1·1Y,  
» GO’I'C}')IOI` of Kcmizzcky: i ,};iE§‘};
` '?;YY,iT`5
Sir—Under the authority of the Board of Control, and in accord-  
r ·   `3
 ce with an Act of Congress, approved March 2, 1887, and entitled  
. . . . . . ~€-‘%‘@·i’
lu.\ct to CSlZll)l1Sl1Ag`l'lCllltll1'Z`tl Experiment Stations 1n connect10n ,\g,,·g:o¤.
ith the Agricultural Colleges established in the several States, _   ’‘‘V
. . ,¢.· .··‘ ·
 nder the provisions of an Acct, approved July 2, 1862, and of the _ ir   . 
 cts supplenientary `lll(3l'(3·lO,” and of a11 -\ot of the Legislature of ‘    
 e State of Kentucky, approved February 20, 1888, and enttitled   ..o.
.\n.»lct to accept the provisions of an A ct passed by the Co¤n*gres~s     ,
 fthe United States, approved Aiarclh 2, 1887, for th establ`is=iin1·e11¤t .    
 d maintenance of Agricultural Experiincnt Sta t` its 1 connection   t ji,
`tli the Agricultural Colleges established b   seven States  
tlTerritories under .\oc·t of CO»1lQ_'l‘OSS. ap ¢§fed.<.`]`i1‘ly 2,, `18 '2," I  
ercwith submit t>h`e Ninth .;\nn‘ual Report o@1Q;§x§ent11i<:l;yv§,g4icul-’     ·
 1·41lExperin1en=t Station. A ¢_>· 6   r     ,
Very rcspe, t%lly, _.j QF   "
A . i\t`SCl)VE , Divrcctolr.   i
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. Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky. A z    l° Q 
. i. ·EE; 
T . 1;.; 
BOARD OF Tnusrees.  
O. T  
His Excellency, Gov. WM. (). BRADLEY, ex-officio, Chairman.  
’ lI,`¤;=r:’é
ii; ·-,,  
. - ;!·*1é;.
JAs. K. PATTERSON, President of the College, ex-oilieio. V  
Hon. R. A. SPURR, Pine Grove, Fayette County.  
DAVID H. JAMES, Esq., Lexington, Fayette County.  
Judge THOMAS II. HINES, Fl`2\lll{fOl`t, Frzinklin County.   X.;
Judge ROBERT RIDDELL, Irvine, Estill County.  
· . . . . iv   »
GEO. V. GREEN, Esq., Hopkiiisyillo, Cll1'1SE13l1 County. jig;  
Gen. D. C. BUELL, Pniwulise, l\Tl1lll€Ill)(31`g` County. T  
J. C. FLOURNOY, Esq., Fulton, Fulton County. .      
Hon. J. T. GATIIRIHIIT, Louisville, Jeil`e1·son County.   ·
cli _ .
Hon. A. P. GOODING, Mniyslick, Maison County.  
Hon. lV. F. PEAK, BC(li`O1'(l., Triinble County.   _
Gen. E. H. HonsoN, G’l`€€HSl)lll'g`, Green County. A    
JOHN G. MZATTHEWS, Esq., B;n—boui·ville, Knox County.   ”
Hon. HART BOSWELL, Lexington, Fayette County.  
JOIIN B. l{ENNEDY, Esq., Puris, Bourlmon County.  
Capt. TIIOS. Toon, Shelbyville, Shelby County.  
V. E. MUNCY, SEc1:ETAR1‘. it
. ill .
. ;1¤

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if r y j . ix Accc
.4l J} [ '. ’
.. ._ .= V E E V To rei
Ty "·~ Q . . A. P. Go0DIN<2, Chiiirmzm, Muyslick, Ky. P1'i¤U0·H
‘ * · Q ’ J. B. I{ENNEDY, Paris, Ky. ¤PPF0V€€
. • . ,
- ‘ ' I i J HJXILT BOSWELL, Lexington, ky. _
I ~ I J. I{.`PA'I}TERSON, President of the College.
  4 .i _- M. A. Sl’}')(il'H`lZlOll, Qi
tlt)l1Ql’t`“ll}' eertify that we have examined the lvooks and accounts of ll
lllQl{(+l1'tllCl{}` -\g‘rit·ult‘ural lilyperiinent Station tor the tiseul year li:
itttllllg June Z0, 1800; t'hatj we halwe found the same well li<‘[#tZ and  
il¤5Sllied as above and that thepreeeipts for the }`t‘2tl' l'l‘t>lll UIC  
Tl'0ilSlll'€1‘ of the Ir`ni~ted States are shown to have been $1.5,000.00  
and the cor1*espondin;; disbursements $15.000.00. for all ot' whieli  
; ` F;.

 .1' ‘ I  
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  »-· .' Y   viii 1mx*1·m11Y,
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;.,`_`-·   VE n JAS. G. \YIIl'l`Ii. Custodian.
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Kentucky Agricultural  Exper1ment Station 1 —·  
, ‘!~.»,fi,*
  FOR 1896. - ,1}‘j;,.;*;
‘ ‘  
* ‘é_‘%" fyjas
I Kliifég
· » .  
Report of the Dll‘€Ct01‘.  
` 'é ' l“·L,‘;.
.» ~ ’ lYZl}’E>#*
— . . . V-T.t;·riZ
The \VO1"l{‘Of The Station l1l1Sl>(*l‘ll plnnn<¤d along hues inyirkod out  
in previous y<·n1·s. · _  
1 A E¤i°€?i
A H i 1 {vi ¤ 1  
lllla >l.\I1l. ~ 1;·¤·.;—;;·
In F(*l)l’ll2,l]'_\'. ISYHI, )l1·. 'l`. S. llnwkiiis l_'lfSlQ'll(*(l ns Famn Furciiieiii    
V · . ’ , . . ,. * , .   Q
uml llr. li. J. hpnrr, hmng t*l(’(‘I'('1l Fll])l‘l‘llll'l‘ll(ll‘lll` of l·1<~hl l2X[>(*I‘l- ‘ i,..;  
i; I V H ·   ·..‘ .,,,.
lIl\‘llilS, nssniiwil nmst of his dntws. \\ ith tlwsv ¤~xu<·pl1n11s no il; yf
iilnziiigus lmvu lwon inaule in thv Staitimi Stull (lllI'lll;J[ thu _v<·n1·. ‘  
,lC(i3l`ll’)ll·]N'l`. lil ··  ·
rw - k ·   . . ` !l>'fj’¤—
l’h¢· 111s1··<·1·;11·y unsung hg~l_1NN1, hhs l¤~4~n i·mnph·i4·1l nnnl is now in rh  
1151*. Thoil;•i1·ylm11si¤, llll(l(*l' {‘()l]Sl'l‘ll('llUIl wlion lll1'l2lSl' l'l’]N1l‘l' was   _
111=l1l0, has lwmn linishwl nit il msi of 1n~;n-ly$2.1N11), and 1*Xl»1’I‘llll<‘lll&ll   ~
21 · _ {
11‘01·l< in The ilniiyv linn hns lwvn ll'2llISl.t‘l‘I'1‘1l in il;  
~ , lll
l ( iw -
_ U1`l{ \\'1>ll'll()ll of lll\‘ll’ Iin1•· to l’i·i~tiliz¤·1· illl2ll_\'S(*S nnil (‘X]ll'l‘lllll‘lll$. JN
l)l'(ll.. ‘l)(‘l(‘l' has 1l1L· S('ll(l_\` uf iizwtlimls of :mz1l_\'SlS.   __
rl)1'0‘f. (Viill"lll2lll has un111’i11m·(l his grass phil \\'41l'l{. Tll1‘$1' cX]»1*l‘l·   4
, 5*

 iw 1 -~ ’; e i T
Ii   · * 4   x xixavu Axxnzu. mcronw on THE
    i ·   ` ments are under observation to study the growth, quality and liardj. DWG
  _ Vi W- Q1 ness of different grasses. _I’ro>f. Garnian has also undertaken ex. S
 J . I perinients in tobacco; in cliecltingf potato scab by treatment of the the <
    , [. g seed; on apple rot and codling moth: on rbroom rape and with pap.
_; r.·4   .·     l asitic fungus in des·troying· ehinch bugs. He has also undertakeii
Ab`` T   l ‘ .   the destruction of the weed. woolly mullein, which had gotten some-
  " _,   what of a foothold in Grayson and Ednronson counties of this State.
  .'   l The horticultural work. under Prot. Mathews, has been limited
ni" [ up   to experiments chiefly on small fruits. grapes. strawberries andzi
  i' p _.   few vegetables. ,]
?;_t_`·i l. .,   More detailed staitenienrs ot the work may be found under the mm
Ai';. ; it reports of the various divisions. which are incorporaited in this gpm
-   . U i { report. ` _ mw
_   Q ,_ _. Y rtinL1e.»m1oxs. "‘““
I ' ~ as ‘
ty I ,_ ‘ g Q \Ye have publi-slied during the year 5 bulletins, as follows: Qui
    _, Y No. 61. Potatoes. _
_ ` · t wati
Q4._,J T .· 1. Experiments with Fertilizers. pub
· ,·- _· - _ 2. Insects and Fungus Pests.
  ·   p _ 3. Tests of Varieties.
T No. 62. Strawberries.
    ‘· i No. G3. 'l`oh~acco..
    . ° No. 64. l Analyses of Cominercial Fertilizers. W
  . No. G5. -\nalyse·s of C`onrme·r¤;ial Fertilizers. In C
§. ` 1. `Ollicial Analyses. Mn]
  2. Analyses of other samples. mw
._ · The reports from the divisions tollow. after which the bulletins 10 J
_ _` s published during the year are llll'Ol']1(li’Hlj<.’(l. dm.
.   T M. .—\. S<'<.>\'l·Zl,l,, ])ii·rrtoi·. l4"`]'
. . _ uoii
_ . was
· A n-li
T Bm;.
V » . ····n
. . ` vii

 A · . i`  
1;Ex*rUc1;y Ao1<1cu1.Tu1u1. EXPERIMENT STATION. _ xi it j  V
1mm, Director, M.cA. USCOVELL, V V ` i ·. '  
on ex. Sir:—+Tho following is a g`€'I1€l’{ll stato1n·o11t of the work done in L .—  
Of the thc Choniioal division during 1896. ` t 1  
l1 pap.   · 7 -   Yours truly, A  
itakca ‘ l ` · A. M. PETER. ·  
SOIl1Q· . - _ .  
State, ‘ ~ · i  
mm Division of Chemistry.  
, Tho cl1c1111illl‘ll_\` 74.8, cc ot juicc 2%.  
Acro 1N) was 1\)·lil.lll(*(l with 111ixt·tl st·1· s1~;1c1>. · *412
‘_ , · A 3400 Oni'. 10 . . 375 1.008 ' 10.0 3.13 0.70 58.4 ::44:;
· * `_ n   3517 " 17 .. 375 1.000 10.8 1.73 11.00 05.8 $*414
  W 3553 " 10 .. 320 1.0705 18.5 ‘2.32 12.47 67.4 0424
  sas?   1:1 . . 270 1.078 18.8 1..80 12.02 07.1. *425
1‘ 3420
.  ' » SI'<}.\R 1i]·]E'I`S. 21427
if 0 V The l)l‘(‘4'8 2llli\1}'Z(’(1 11*<·1·1· som l>_v ll. (`(ll‘|}<‘S, 10\':lll8\'1H(‘, 1110.. 2420
' ` y· V 1!<*l“lIl(*l'l_\` of ·tl11» I{_v. rl;(‘(‘4r 8112111- (W1. Tlw Sllg`ill' 111 14111* j11i1’·<¤ was 2420
{ ‘ (1(‘1(‘l'llI1ll("(-1 by <1i1·<.·<.~1‘ ]1<>l;11·is:111i<111. _ i 2420
3411.—l{111111<~1· i111p¢·1·1;1l. 1·011i¤·;1l s1111]1¢·a1· 1-001*. Bowls ]l11lllI<‘0 MH
I .\p1·il 30. 1800. l1;11·v<·s1<~1l ·l11l_v 301]1; soil il S:l1](1_\' 1011111, II1·11d1·1·s<>11 3440
’ l‘()ll}l1_\`. K<*l11lll‘1(}'. ::147
_ 341 2.—l{111111<·1· 1Il\'1li‘l‘12l1. 1.l)]'l{(‘(1 l’U()1'§ Ql‘U\\'ll il.ll(-1 1li11`\'(’S'1'()(1 szmnc wm
· sas 1110 ]>l'(‘L‘(%(11llg. Mm
I ` . :{41:1.—1{ll2lll<']‘ 111z111g<>l11s. 001110111 1·<>01‘; :L[`l'()\\`11 {ll1(1 ]12ll‘\'(‘St(’d MT]
_ s;11111· us tho ]>l'(*('1‘l11]l;.f. ' 3172

 ‘ Kmxrruexy AGI1ICULT1.7I1AL EXPERIMENT STATION. xiii .  
3414.—I{l'1{lllGl‘111H1]§0l(1S, forked roof; grown and linrvested same "¥  
Mm as the preceding. 2 g » ‘ ,  
10152 :1424.——KI1Rll(%l' imperiail. rplzuited April 201111, hiaiwvested Augusd; *_ it- 
*4 _ 14th; soil fl SEl11(l_\"10i1ll1, 11911dG1‘SO·11 county, Kentucky,  
*3 51425, 21428 ;111d121420, szmne us 3424. -4  
‘9 :1420.—K11;u1g>1· inziiigolds, ]1l2lll1(’(1 May 5111, lmrvested August —  
‘8 14th; soil and loez1li—i‘y _S2lI1l(¥ as the pim-ediiig.  
A 21427, 214210 zuid 214211. smne as 21420. 2,  
12 :14411.-—)1ill1Q'()l(1S, H. (.`Ul'(1l*S. Septoinber 21st.  
‘7 2.1447.—I1111pe1·i:1l. saznie. `  
‘0 C1400.—M;111;1olds, §[l'(>\\'11 in The (r}l’(‘€]l River Valley, sent by H.  
·‘1 o11·a1»S, our. 21 Sr. . _  
`4 34T11.+S2l111(“, l1ll't]>l2l1)tl*L1 il 111011111 lziiier. ‘  
  114T1.——1ll1[}(’1‘12`[1,`§{l‘()\\']L $*:11110 as 21400.  
" :1472.——1l1l’])B1‘1{l1. liiiljplaiiiterl zi 111011111 latter.  
-4 1N.41.ysEs OF Tim JUICE. .  
.8 A ` Weight Specific   ',''*- 1 
., Station Variety of of Root, Gravity of Degree Per cent. Cociiicient {   ’“._  
"’ No. Beet. Grams. V the Juice. Brix. Sugar. of Purity. li. ._.. . .
0 21411 1{1l2l11(‘!‘ Tlll})(*1‘1il1. . 238 1.057 14.0 0.50 07.0 \   .'_.,  
21412 1{1l2ll1(*l‘ 1`lllI)(‘I'1ill‘L. . 2100 1.001. 15.0 11.05 721.7 '   1
4 214121 1{1l&l1l(*1' )1illl;{()1(1S. 7021 _ 1.021N 0.5 5.45 57.4  
3 21414 1{Ilil1l(’l‘ )[21'I]Q()l(1S. 000 1.047 11.05 7.75 00.5    
4 21424 l{11;111e1· l1ll]H.*l'l2ll£ . . . . 1.050 ` 1 121.8 $.215 00.5  
]_ 21425 1{1l2l11l*]‘ l111p¢·1·i:1l. . . . . 1.008 10.0 10.05 00.0    
21420 1{112l\1(·‘1' Mziiilgolds. . . . 1.0721 1.17.7 10.00 01..0 I    
21427 l{11;111<·1· 01&ll1;;'(>l(1S.   1.050 14.5 0.05 50.7     _
N]__ $1420 1{1l2lll(*1' Iiiipuriznl. . . . . 1.052 12.8 0.210 40.2   "` "
me 1420 Kllil1ll*l‘ llll]>(*l'l2ll.. ... 1.001. 15.0 $.00 57.:1 K   ` '
214210 1{1lill1(%1‘ )1illl;§()l(1S. . .. 1.0021 15.4 11.215 721.7   ‘
wl 214211 l{lli1l1<*l‘ `M2l1lg{<)l(lS. ... 1.074 17.0 0.20 51.4   `
Mm $1440 1{]lill1{*1‘ 0lil1l;{<)l(lS. $05 1.045 11.2 7.1.5 021.3 ‘¤
21447 1Ill]I(‘1'l2ll ......... 701 I.050 12.4 $.15 05.7 ji
me $1400 Mauigolds ........ . .. 1.0215 $5 4.2121 40.2  .
51470 Mzuigolds ......... . .. 1.057 14.0 0.22 05.0 2
ml $1471 I111]>;·1·i:1l .... ` ..... . . . 1.051 12.0 $.42 00.8  
$1472 1inp1~i·m1 ......... . .. 1.041; 11.4 0.112 50.1 ILE-

   ‘ »  1 1 ~ 1 A
A 3 V;   .. A 1 xiv x1>1T11 Axxuixr. REPORT OF THE
 ; g 1. E , BUTTER. ‘ _ A ‘ 34
  ali     .· 3378. Butter 111:1110 111 the S1111i011 farm in churn test of cow Gillwti
    1   Sallie {XIII] (Jersey) from milk 01 June 4, 1896.  
    V ’_ 1   3379. Same 1es1.'111ilk of June 5111, 6111 1111d 7111.  
if   .- 9 . Q   3383. Same test, milk of Jllllé 8111, 9111 and 10111.  
. ‘   1 1 .   3385. Same test, milk of June 11111, 12111 111111 13111. U
    _ 5 1 3388. Same test, milk 0f June 14111, 15111, 16111 211111 17111. V
I"  1 if     1 3391. Same 1es1, milk of June 18111. 19111 :11111 20111. gnliubi
  1 f 3392. Same test, milk of June 21 st. 2211, 2311 :11111 24111. ' ' `
;Q_` j. *   A ‘ \\'111c1·
Ll i ‘·` ,   ANALYSES. I l ‘ SHN ll]
  _‘.- i Li   Number ....... 3378 3379 3383 . 3385 3388 3391 3392 @11111 .
  ‘. l iv V Fat ......... , . . 82.89 80.74 83.22 _ 82.00 A   79.37 80.03
.1 _ 1   YV{1`1'0l‘ ........ 13.43 14.27 12.69 13.03 12.81 14.66 15.37
A   4  _' I § Salt :111d Ash . . 2.59 3.84 » 2.57 4.10 2.57 5.38 3.01 l, fm
  _ I `  1   Curd .......... 1.09 1.15 1.52 -.87 .90 .59 .110 SMH
V" 1.1 _,     __—_—  — ___ —____ ___ —_-— 1`0.111·1}1
., . ‘ _ 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100.7
  3 1 3386. Butter 111:11112 :11 111e S1“{l'11()11v1i&1‘ll1 111 (‘11ll1°l1 test of 1-011 Mmm
*1 1   Lilliopolis, fr0111111ilk of ·Tlll1(% 11111. 12111, 13111 211111 14111, 1896. EMM
· * “ _ ._ V 3390. Same 1es1, 1ll111{ of June 15111, 16111 :11111 17111. PI_m.(_h
{ .· 1 { 3394. Same test, 111ilk of June 18111, 19111 111111 20111. Nhmg
  3393. Same test, 111ilk of June 21s1.'2211, 2311 and 24111. (1mdv
V 3415. Butter 111111111 111 111e S111ti011 farm 111 c11111·11 test 0f cow ljrmle
1 _ E111111 K. e
1 _1 _ 1 3416. Same test. A
I it . 3372. 1111111+1- se111 by Mr. H. C. I·[erspcrg1+r. mmm
, 1 ` 1 ” .1x.11.ys11$. Yi1r<>g—
4   N1llll1)€1' ....... 3386 3390 3394 _ 3393 3415 3416 3f17! Pl*‘**l>1
' Fat ........... 81.19 82.36 83.69 81.56 79.22 79.85 88.211 9***1*11
\\v2l1Q1' ........ 14.47 14.98 13.26 15.32 16.03 15.92 9.-11
S11l1 111111 A sh . . 3.72 2.11 2.47 2.55 4.08 3.14 1.1**  
1 . C1111·1l .......... .112 .5; .5s .57 .117 1.1111 1..17 “;‘di;l‘
1 1 <   *11
i 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. lam` in

 KENTUCKY ,1G1:1cp1xuU1<.»1L E1iP1SI1IMENT su·.1.·r10>:. xv . ‘ gh 
3437. Butter l11:H(I€_2lI% 1110 S_1`2111f111 f21l’111·1l1 011111-11 test of· cow ·; '  
E COW {3;1·1gtt0. fl‘(`1l11 111ilki11gs/gf. S0]11?0111b01· 4111, 511116111 and Tth, 1896. ? _  1 
3442. Same test, milk 0f.S0pt0111b1·r 8111. 9111 amd 101];. .    
21443. S21l11(}_tOSt,l1l111{ of SQ111j(*l1111G1' 11tl1. 12111. 1.3111 ZL11(1 14*111. l "‘ 
3449. S:11110 f0StQ milk uf S(}]11`1‘1l1111}1‘ 15111, 113111 i111(1 17111. Q  
3450. $:11110 1·0s’r. milk of SG[)t<‘1111)01’ 18111, 111111. 211111 111111 21st.  
Nllll11)(‘1' .........   ` 21437 21442. _ 3443 4 214411 3451)  
F111 ............... 84.15 71).82 81.33 82.65 84.54  
11v;1[Q1' .... Q . .1 .... '. 1 121.723 17.81 15.511 12.721 12.118  
~ $1111 ill1(1 Ash .... i.. 1.42 1.83 l 2,51} 2.111* I 2.113  
32112 1111111 .......... L . . . Q   -. v `.54 az .71 ..1;  
8 .113* 77··—— —7—— i— —·-— *~—— — -- 1¥??Z“?f
lg}; · A _, .1,1111   _ 11111 11.11) 111111 11111   .  
» 7;*%%
  1` f121111.—H01·s0 \\'1"1‘11 (1`1l.l111l'11S1&1 11·i·i11l;1`1 fl'(.1111 1110 1j`11ll1·1;*0 1Q`;1111_1111s.  
`·` $1112111 ;L`l‘11\\`1'11. 2 111 I1 fi`. 111;:11. 1110 \\'1‘1‘11S 112l\`1llQ` 111*1*11 1·01·<~111#l,1‘ ('l`l1'.   ‘’.' 7;,1
UOOIA C(1.1l1’1}[1‘(1 .X11g1.1s·t 7. 15115. 11_1· -\. M. 1.)1*·1’1*1‘. {  
, F1·0sl1. 1100111-(1l'19d. \Vatc1·-1`1·e0.   7
1 1"“" 1111111.1.11·11 .............. 1 ........ $2.71 12.1n ....  
131111*1* 1*X1'l‘i1(.‘{ ............,   .... .Z12 1.114 1.87 ·  
P1‘111‘<·i11 ............... 1 ........ Z1.511 17.72 211.24   .V‘_
Nl1l‘11§;'1’l1·1.l‘1‘(? 0x11·111·t ............ 7.111 I15.114 41.1111  
1‘1·11<11~ 1111l*1’ ............. I ........ I 1125 111.411 18.811 1  
i °"“` (.111111} 21Sll _ ....... p . .1 ........... :1.1; 1.5.711 1S.113 gjf  
1 —T ——— »»— {li ~.
A 11111. 11111. 1.1111.     ‘
·1ll111111i1111i11s .......... ‘ ......... 2.1i5 131.44 15.35  
N111‘1>g‘1~11 ....................... .511 2.835 I1.24 i   1
3372 Pl111S]1l1<11·i0 2I1‘1(]. ................ .251 1.47 1.11* ii I
88.211 l’11111s11 ......................... .71; 3.87 4.42  
E1. 7 W.
1;:1 H111‘S1‘# 211111 1‘2‘1’f1“l1* 21l“1‘ 1*01*1* f1111(1 of 111is \\'l*1‘(1 i11 iis ;_['1'l’l‘ll s~111i1·  
1-U 1111111110 z111:1lysis 111`(11(”‘{l1‘()S 111-:11; 11l`I1(1SS(‘SS(‘S :1 l1i;;·l1 l1llil'lll\'1‘ 1‘z1l111·.  
_J/_ *1* 1110 W0011 (1f1`(‘1l ]l1{11{(?S 11 1·01·1· 110111*1* ;g'l'11~\\'111l 1111 \\'&lS11‘ 11111111*lIl   r
-00 11*111. i1 l1€1S 1100111 S'11Q`Q`OS1‘("(1 111 111i1iz1· it 1.(1l' $11:1111* (11* (-1l'_\` 1'111l1l1·1·. :11111  

 *11   .
L1   ··   Xvi x1x·r1-1 Axxum, 111c1·o11tr on THE
> 4r,Y ,' -- 1: I 1
  1 I. ‘ · 1 no doubt This 111:1)* often he dono with UdVil1112l{.§(". The very QOH.
' *" * . 1.
'· ‘ .   Si(](*l'il1}1({ I)(*l‘(‘(’l11'i\g`GS ofpl1osp]1<11·ic {wid fllld [1015lSh 31*6 to bc noted 11116*1
    . 1ll this L‘0llllUL"1'i()1l :1s giving &l(1d11-1°()l]'2`l1 1*:11110. 26-08 P
' $ .. " _ ·10eg·
Ia', ` 1 · . 1).1-
ii V * ' 1 fi51i1$,—(-}1·1·111 food. il: b}‘—]1l'0:(1ll'C1T of 1l0`lll1llj' filC*tO1'1G‘S, sent by Mm mmm
      J . \\'. Su_v1·:>. Loxi11gt11-11, Ky., who o~bt—21i11od 1·t in C1I1C11l11'£lti1, 0111:1 gygg
K; ·'°' r 1 The 111:11;-11:11 il1rp€‘ill'S to be the §;`€l‘1ll‘S and “b1*:111" of corn. Hmm,.
  V . ,11<,11.Ys1s. ‘f*"*m il
. _ 1 2 ‘ _ As received, Wate1· fm, ' ·;q·1·
  I PCT CGTW. p€I` CODE. i _’
1-.1. i' » _A   Moisfiirv .......................... 11.77 ..,_ Y"') ]b¤
  ; ,    ]j)]'()f(*iI1 ........................... . 12.11 11.111 YT-11*11
i•·'Q _· 1 Ethoit 1¤xt1·:1<;1t ............... . ..... n 787 8.91 _
¤ .
·" “ ` ~ Fibor ......... . .................... > 3.311 4.38 Qmhm
I x I N11l'(l;I(*l1·1`·I‘(f(é <¤xt1·:11·t .............. 60.91 69.03 . _
3;. » __ 1[111s1111
 ·   1 ». J (.`1‘ll(1(é :1sl1 ......................... 3.111 3.:11 ..
- · ·   hl1l‘(1g(
  1 1 11111. 11111. *1·1—1~h
'   A 1*1111lSh
 ,1 ' Ni11·og’c11 ......................... . 1.99 2.2:.1 (1mdl_ 2
‘ -" { · ].)1l(}S])1l()l'1(' :10111 ................... 1..16 1.21}
L ._ ]’l112lS1l ........................... .47 .52
A ‘ $1:111011
. V i " 'l`(11i,\(.`(`(), ***1112*
` i` 1’l111s]1l1
_`  1*:1111:11 :111:1l_vs<·s w1·1·1~ 111:1111- of 1l1 ;;11‘<*11. To (}11)1&l1l1 1`]I(* s‘:1111]1h~s for z111:1l)‘si:s, (*{l.L‘1l §.['1‘2l(1l‘O'f $1:1111111
` i f _ T()1)il`l'l‘() fl’()’lll (.‘&ll‘1l ]11l}'1' w:1s 4'&ll'(’fll11}' S2lll]~])l(%(1 il11(1 irlwso S:1111]1l1·s 1’1\1IS])Il1
`. i ('(Wlll[)1ll(’(1 111 1]11:111i`11_1‘ ]11·11]1111·11o11:111· 111 1]11» yivld of each gmdu. 111115 I°*1111S11
])l“U(1lIL‘1ll;.{ il (‘(1lII])`US1‘l'l‘ s:1111]1l1· 1·<·~]11·1·s1·11·1111g Tho 101:11 311-111 of 1~:11·11 $1111:1 ..
plof. . (,’1l111l'1Il1
242211.-]*1111 1. Fo1·iil1z1·d w11‘l1. d<1111l1l1· $11111*1]111‘l)SI)1l‘2l’1`(f :11111 1111- 1`:11·111111
. 1'2l1'(* of ]N11'2lS1l :11 11111 1·:111· of 1411 :11111 21111 lbs. pur 2l(‘l‘l} l’(*S])UC11\`l'1}`, H111l‘2l :1
E ` S:1111]1l1· :1s 1‘:1k1·11 f1·<1111 1l11· 11i\l’l1 1111 1·:1s1»1 1·o111‘:11111·d 26.5 p1·1· 1·1·111.
. 'l` ·
\\`2l‘1'(‘l‘. h' ‘
1 . . . . . . . . 1*11 
- ·}J·€U.——I’l<1*I. J. FL‘1‘1'1]l%1'l1 w11l1 s11l]1]1:1t1e oi 1_1111:1s·l1 :11 1111* FRU'? { H
. l·111:1sI1,

 _  — 1 . _. eliugf  
. ` i
1 · rqicxiirroin fx<:1:1eU1.·i*U1:AL iaxvmrmiiaxw siumiox. xvii t -  
com 3   — . ‘i `  
md Of 100 lbs. per acre. The sample as ifakeu from the barii eointaiiied i    
20.08 per cent. water. 2 1 V I.  
3231..——Pl*ot 3. No f(?1'i`illZ0l‘. Sample as Taken from the barn 42.* 2 
UPS. giiiitaiiiecl 20.03 per (rent. wafer. _‘  
‘l1i0. 3232.———1’lo·t‘ 1. Fertilized wifh double (‘il1‘b0ll2l,i(* of polash and _  
iiiiigiiesia af the mic of 130 lhs. per il(‘l‘U. The sample as taken _' 
*fi·0m the barn couitained ·27.30~pe1· eeult. of water. V 1 ”_  
R300 V 3233.—Plo¤t 5. Ferfilized with iiilirate of potasli at the rate of  
`_ 300 lbs. per acre; The sample as taken from the barn eoiiiiaiiied  
ii) 27.10 per ceirt. of water.  
A ~ vm cam;. Ol<`·Tl1E .\IR—l>l{lED s.mv1.us. -  
ig Station 1ll1llll)0'l‘ .... 3220 3230 3231. 3232 3233 `  
  )[0islm·e ..........   ‘ 5.05 5.1.1 5.92 0.75 0.12  
2 Nitrogen .......... _ 3.375 2.80 3,00 2.S0 2.SS V  
l)ll0S[)ll0I‘l(7 me . .. 2 ss .0: .71 .01 si.  
> i·0i.i»1i ............ 1.0:: 1.02 As 1.::0 .01. o ‘  
22 (`mde ash ......... 21.03 23.73 25.10 20.33 21.10  
10 iii .`.``” [ `Y
$2 msu emma Ol·"Tl·ll·] w.vr+:1z-1¤um·: 1·oiz.ie<·o.  
Nalioii mimher .... 3220 3230 3231 3232 3233   ._
Nitrogen .......... 3.58 3.01 1.20 3.10 3.0N    
i)iIOS]>ll()l‘l(‘ aeid . . . 3 .03 1.00 .75 .00 57  
Nd l’0rash ............ 1.00 1.07 .01 1.10 .07 ,  .7.ji;
I m lfruile ash ......... 22.02 25.01 20.07 2150 20.17    
him .\N.\l.YSl·]S o1·‘ 1*111; Asn. ,.1 f.
_· of Sliliieii llllll1i)(}l‘ .... 3220 3230 3231. 3232 3233 '   A
ples l’l10spI1o1·ie avid .   . 1.05 1.02 2.80 1.].5 3.30   _
luis l’0i:isl1 ............ 1.75 1.31 2.30 0.S2 3.71 4 ily q
·a··h Mia ............... Jas .:1s ..10 .51 .10  
<‘1i10i·mC .._........ .0; .02 .0: .15 .00 QQ
mi- (‘ill'ilUll dioxide ,_._ 21,32 1300 10.53 17.72 17.71  
·m·|)1 liiliva and sand .... 20.32 23.13 37.% 37.07 W-li? ii
`(‘lll\ "
Tllere was a very eousideralile ]>i·0]>01·1i011 of soil in all lhese  
mm il*l1l‘S. These ashes are 1·ema1·l{al>le for their Sillzlll ]><*1‘<‘<*lli=l;Ii‘ 01.  
, L·*· .

 ::7}. •`· . .. . 1 `
_· -. ‘   xviii V xixru xxxuxn msronr or THE - ·'
w 1 i~~ V V . _ _ _ A _ _ Nitroge
  . J. 1‘l1e stalks of the tobacco 11*01111 the fertilizer expenrn1e·nt Just  Pomsh
      , referred tj;) were s{1nrpIed and 1`ll(3v]]ltl'()*g€1l, pl1*OSpl1*01‘lC 121Cld and Phogph
  , _ 1 potash deterniined. Two otl1er samples of stalks were analyzed in  
    . " _ 1`l1(?*S‘i11l1G way for comparison. ’ t uw
  V _, 3318.—Tob;1cco stalks from plot 1, S¥ll11pl0·lOSt by air-drying mln
‘°_     7.57 per cent. moisture. , ‘ ,2%.
  ll}   3319.-—F1‘O111 plot 2, sample lost by air-drying 0.50 per cent. mhgédl
  ·l' _ ', 3320.——F1‘Oll1 plot 3, sample lost by &1l1'·(1I‘}’lI1g 7.01 per ce11t. who b
j·1_’_· Q , y 3221.—Fro1n plot 1, sample lost 1>}'-vHl1‘-(11'}'l11g 8.11 per cent. upon il
W;. f%222.—Fron1 plot 5, szunple lost by air-dryiiig; 7.11 per cent. · mv WY
-" ` U 3223.—F1·o1n a pile in the barn at the Dr. Peter farm, Fayette m;m_l_{;,
  l county. crop of 1805. Lost 11.87 pcr cent. 011 {1l1’-(11‘}'lI]g.
.   » ·. 1 2221.-—Fron1 the same crop, but picked np from 111Q ground out-
  · 4 V side the barn wlicre they had been exposed to the weather fora y[,,iSm,
  1. U 1 111011111 o1· two. Lost 11.87 per <‘·<·11t. o11 i1l1‘-(11“)`l1lg. pomsh
    rim cisxr. or Tun .1111-111111:11 smnns. www
. i Xunnber ...... 3318 0310 3520 $75321 3322 3523 5321 ;;;;_;;g
*i ii Nitrogen ...... 2.01 2.00 2.85 2.02 · 2.50 3.18 1.80 dmm-(».(
·* ’ ._ 1lll0S]¥ll('7l'l(' acid, .02 .02 .50 .05 .02 1.01 .78 _gIm])~Sj
` _· . 1’otasl1 ........ 1.57 1.11 .08 1.03 1.71 1.11 .71 lmmS],_
  . ::157
`V , 3507.-Bye-product from the ll1fl11ll1:i1Ctl1l‘G of tobacco extract, S,,m],h_
1 sent by Fried. Gloystein. Henderson, Ky., to deteriniiie its
1 p value as a fertilizer. This inaterial is Hltcred out of the watery Nl‘l‘**M<*
2 , solution of tobacco before evaporation. It is a <·l1oc-olate-like, soft, 111****1*}**
1 ` _· dry lll2l1(‘l'l2ll. lli\\'lll§i` a strong smell of tobacco. On 1)ll1‘l)lll§I.[l 1)******1*
‘ 1 brown 1·1·sidn<· l‘(‘H(’lllll1lllQ soil reniaiiied. l`se(
I `\N.`m_S|S· . 0t po1z1>
s Per cent.
Moisture ............................................ 15.22
p Volatile and rombiistiblc 111att<·1·s ..............,....... 51.33 .-,,,8,,
1 As]; ,___,,.. . ............ . .....--·-··-······ · -···· · · 33*2;) Cgslh. 5
1 » ”"'7 I011. Ky.
_ — A 100. 1_,l_'_U
10113; (

 ` qu.?  
/ · · __ »'· {UE:
· ’ 1;11x·1·1ie1