xt7qrf5kdg21 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kdg21/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 22, 1985 1985 1985-04-22 2020 true xt7qrf5kdg21 section xt7qrf5kdg21 ___—_—_________________—_____________________________

Vol. LXXXIX. No. l5? W "If Unlvenity of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky kw ulna I”! Monday, April 22, I985


Judge RHOWS M01101] ’ S statements as evidenc

By STEPHANIE WALLNER . Morton, 31. Of 1972 Kingtree Drive, informed that he was discussing and had been questioned by police in of the warrants w more than two to T nnessee .

Managing Editor 15 charsed In the June 9 murder. Charlies of rape and murder with pt» thememtime. montls old at the taifne of (Morton‘s: tion eobminedalrgrhesr‘hliwrhngga' V ' ‘
rape and'sodomy of graduate stu- lice detectives." Angelucci said in Angelucci ruled that the ”ch-cum. arrest. and nothing occured in that the judge said, ' .-

Statements made by accused mur- dent UthUhE Chen In the Chemis- hlsrullng. _ _ stances do not indicate any unnecos- two-month period of time to render The defense's motion also lied I
derer and rapist Elzie Alexander try/PhySics Building. His trial IS The tapes do not. indicate the use sary delay in taking the defendant them invalid." for the suppression of all hca l .1 , '
Morton can be used as‘evidence in scheduled for May 6. of trickeryor coercion by the detec- beforea magistrate." The defense also argued that the evidence obtained at MortonPs 2:3: . ' , '
his trial, a Fayette Circuit Court Morton made the statements Of al~ tives,"the3udge added. Lewis and Monahan also said Mor- federal warrant for unlawful flight er’s home. This alskoas overruled ’ :
Judseruled Friday. _ 198°? confession Aug. 2. at the "(he , _ ton was arrested illegally because was invalid because information and Angeluccl said evidence found I : '1 '-

Judge Armand Angelucu over- Of his arrest In Long Beach, Calif. Morton S attorneys, Erwm W he was sought under warrants for about alleged sightings of Morton in at the house is permissible in trial , o - ' ,
ruled a motion by defense attorneys and Aug. 5 when he was extradited Lewis and Edward C. Monahan, said probation and parole violations and other states was not included. The house was searched (‘mce , ‘ , '- i

, to suppress the two taped totem. . Morton:s Fourth and 14th Amend- for unlawful flight to avoid prosecu- Angelucci said this did not indi- when Morton's mother gave lice _ . .
statements, ruling that Morton was He did not request the assistance ment rights were Violated Since he tion. The attorneys said those war- cate falsity or reckless disregard for consent to do so and both the fins ‘, , , 1'
adwsed of his rights and waived of counsel at any time during the was not taken before a magistrate rants alsowerestale. the truth. “The Lexington police had and Morton's car were searched " ‘ _ .
thosenghts on both occasmns. statements. although he was clearly until the morning after his arrest However, Angelucci said: “None reason to believe (Morton) had gone later withawarrant , ' ' ' f
' Senior wins '
. ; I " V ‘ - ‘
. top honor ‘ l 1 ¥ ._
' ' , , ' l t' t .
4 1' I ”' E ’ , ' I -
at banquet , i , . i
x ‘-‘ x , l . . , , ’59” l l . . '.
Staff reports if? '31.;32' . . . ’ - A \ l . {t l, "t " . l
Fr . , ,omv’gr"... “it ‘ >~ '/ .. - , 7 '1 V 9?? w '
ank Walker. an English senior, \M W « ‘g g -_ t , u; j, ", . ‘3’, I!“ 3., i_ ’5 h: - e.‘ .' E
Saturday night was awarded the . , .1 ‘ ‘ . . f n I“ " to.” 3:, d ‘ \; ;§"3{‘ 33.. g ’f *
Lyman T. Johnson Award for his "% ' ‘ om § \‘p,~ ‘ . , z , it, j i " )3:- ‘ {A 1‘” . _ 4 -
contributionstotheUniversity. ~74 ‘ ’ 1 l: - ~ “it? a r. O h l .< I ' l 1% ..‘ ‘ J ." ‘ ‘H "at, ‘30» ,

The Lyman T. Johnson Awards '9 "' » . ' , D ' ' " , f" ’ "t ., l. Wow-“5'" ‘ ~‘ _ .
black student at UK, was sponsored _ , r, , k “,6, v ‘ 4 "fl; . .
bythealack Student Union. ‘ . ’ 2:; ' - -~}‘:: "‘ .

Walker, editor of the Communica- . ' ' y' _ 5. “5’5“ Eh I... fl . 5257:5353 ‘ ‘ - ,
tor, the minority newspaper, said he / ' fl - . rm? ,. 9’ ‘ ' ‘sjyoaé'fthtm y; .
was “elated" to receive the award. , ' 3.2? :4 .- . naive to ,3" ’37:»? "f '-;-~-~
He also is a member of the com- ,5?“ . ‘ - .t‘: , “Wm *é'lni’tgr . V _ .
mitte working toward the creation of r“. ' ' " p , 554319;; "3» ‘ 7 . _
ablackcultural center. iii" ' g. ' l ' J "i fly ~ 'h’ 1 5m '

The Evelyn Black award was " . ,,.. . t '“ ' “-7 . . t .
giventoChesteanlndy,directorof .\ , t . y w; p . ‘, 3
the office for minority student af— " h j“ , t MM meam
fairs. The award is iven to a fac- '
my member or adnginistrator who fifth , d The Porter Paints balloon, flown by pilotdohn Daughtery, finishes the Little Kentucky Derby balloon _ ‘
has helped black students beyond _ V" »' ’ n race Saturday. The Porter Paints balloon finished secondmthc competition. .
the call of duty, said Greg Spotts, .. .4- _

BSU president. 1 , ‘ , ‘

Both Walker and Grundy were out ' . . , t'a t on Ignewa c "
oftownandunabletoattendthe ‘3 .
banquet. ‘- ' ,

m Welsh], Award was pm ( \ .4 Low turnout for “(D fut questions event's worth
sented to Spotts, who also was in- ‘ ‘ . , BEN GUESS ..

. volvedwiththeproposalforthede- .7 r. . By _ ”.mihyendodwidithean- LKD”... A Tradition Re— , ‘
velopmentofthecultural center. } Staff Writer mailMMp-anedmrflgeceeffm of mdfigmfiflmgf; .
3111‘: 3:3th iflfldsouf'jfia'gfi A ~‘ About eoo people attended Set the cutout committee for its the board such as the outdoor
uate students who did the most work , 1 \ ‘ iii-day's Little Kentucky Derby work on the Bisboys’ concert Busboys' concert and the Dive-in

. r ‘ Festival at the 2.8. Goodbarn My,whidlbetbaight could Movie in Memorial Coliseum’s .
:Iatlliiblafildeundenldyvedtgmfi lwent to ‘v Field which ended for another havealooa'awninorespectatois pool

e r . ‘ . ' . ' '

SharronBiI-‘ofvnwocntheegutstand- - '_ yeartheweek deventaapon— “lhninbayowerewelbworth Karla Heckrotte an elemen- . /
in; Senior Award and Charles Jam sored by the Student Activities the tuner thee thllan which we tary education freshman, said the _

- _ ’ Board. machinist" daywasfunandwell-organiaed. ’ ' ‘ ,
:3 awarded “mam“ Fm“ , K .. But with attendance declining Lotta Stud), saa president, Heckrotte, a Farmflouse fra- ,

The recipients all of whom had a " , from previous years, SAB «(it also was sup-load with the low temity little sister who helped in ' ',
required minimtim grade point av” , , cials wonder if student) want the firm. “We ind everything that the FarmHouse-Alpha Omicron ,
age of 25 were chosen by a board {a ,. , . 29-year-oldtraditiontoecntlmie. was neon-my to have fun, ex- Pi sorority dunking booth, said, ' ' - ,
selecmhfisu Sponssaid . A r , “We‘re going to sit down and oept . i don’t understand “I don’t know how it was last , ' 4

‘ ' ‘ , ‘ discuss what went right and what why don’tcome." year, but I don’t think people re- -
UK ° . e ‘ ' went mom,” said SAB Vice Hequutionedwbetherstudents alizeditwmldbethisfun. s .V
I'CCCIVCS 1..., President Scott Mn. “If UK really out this event. “1 mean “Ihada blast," necmoesnid. . , , . .
I 3% ' students don’t want it, I’m not you euddn’t inve asked for bet- “It‘s too bad no one also came, r' , t .
$360 000 f I. Q ., i ‘ sunwhatwecando.” newcomer, to for some reason becauseitwasalotoffun." v j »_ ,
’ 0 ' ‘3‘} . mailmaniimnd theyjmtdidn'twenttoshow 'l‘hetoilowingarewimeisof , ', ,
' ° 4” ‘t ' “"‘m’m'mmflv "Mahmud theLKDcompetitiulzaalloai a
artlfaCt d1 ' x . the week went ml well: how'- He advilod next year’s SAB to race: first place, Bob Cor- , -. .
g ““89" 3 ~ - er, I don’t really know what we relocate the Satimhy festival to git/Cumberland Instance bal- ' . , .'
' arestppaeedtodotoinu'eueat- aplaceclnoertocampuandto loon;second.MkeWade/private H _.
Stiff "Ports tenihnce.” opal up the &y to the Lexington balloon; third, John Daugher- . -' .
. , , _ 5' ' LKD began Monday with a continuity to increase atten— ty/PorterPaintsballoon. ' -
. “Kentucky “mime” C“? i ., '~ kick-off event tint included the mam. Team like race: first place. '
"*‘W‘npayf°"ul‘”cl‘ae°l°3?' ' ' ' .‘_ .l Wdzwmm ”Mmmyuicoung- WWW-um 'm .
caldlgfor mmcmmm- 4.- f ' andendedwlththefudvnl.$nt— www.moeuekim phce.lunn-N;Mrhce. '
tactsmthenortheastcomerofthe ' ‘_ :5“ t’ E ilrday’seventinchidodbandput SABmetnbcIsudpeopleattend- “Kimmfflth-Mfl- ‘ , ,
“a": . .. _ 2 ,_ , ' . forum by The AM “new. nthon foot race (men): first a -'-

”mm"! ““1815 Wm“ 185‘ ,j em, 4,5,; roan on Fire, and Vince Gill, “Over the whole week, there place, (Indie W; maid - . , g
“a ”‘3‘“m'ec‘i‘vedam'm , , will!“ "5,13 mud‘dn'tothPi-ai- mmdmdm. place, Gll M; third phee. . .
sranttosearchforartlfacw 1 . .. fit-t ;~..‘, ‘ mm, w. m .u. to nine . lot at Scott mm. manicured. . _ ,.

About “Pewter several °‘ “9'“ ‘ n o For than who adored ibo— may fit Mp money. I (woman: tint niece, coin-yo .
swb.mnml?nexcav‘:tm . fl .f mummy-ins.” bopemtyarwinbeembet- Eliodl. Mace: (men) that ’
1guns: :‘mnmera m; mggrgmom . :. all: 1 7 ‘- were camival booth with men taxman piece, David Witt; (mi ant ~
RiverinGreengg Countycilaccgdinff ' .., , W by M W lb said tfi years theme, phee,BettyTalbott. _
to Richard J el'iQ. 'rec ' _ . . .- . . ‘ J. j ,

UK'sProarImtl’orCiiltural.Re _ - . —. a Inndodemdbmamcndance,SAIolflclalcuy ~ . ,
WWI . t t ,_ a ,9 \ .

Preliminarydiaingindicatesthat .- _ ByLYNCAnusu-l “WWW p.m..wuanutimnhd mtht
hidianslivedonthesiteaslmsas Y ,‘.‘M,_ .; ”Writer . mm:mamnida,n- dwlnMdowntoaevenbythe
2,000years ago,deenessaid. 1-“ has , '*- masts ni Double 0’: Decent Ex- tlme Falls on Fire began at am '

Any artifacts recovered will be ,3 When confining otitdoor cila- pone Contact; Vince Gill, for- p.m.
tin-nedovertotheMuseumofAn- _, , Cj-‘-‘-j gen mummmnie ”Hungarian-MW
thropologyinlaffertyllallnearthe ruilthmllylarleerm. Mudflatsum.a mmmm» .
ClassroomBuilding. ~ . MAI-chateau“ »mmnumnpinyr calmed-ct. aid sin

‘ ‘ m H tuckyDa'by this canine“ Ema? mm‘uhuitun
I . h -
Whmofthemhntuckyberbybkyderm umnnmmm‘ mmnummt «was...»
amummwfinhm. ”M9” mmwmuu: 30“",

“' W °' "- m "“- C h (1 UK f b ki h 4 ' '

no... . n... .... .. ramps in er runner rom rea ngt e -mlnute mile


a cums WHELAN "It was disappointing," said coach of 4:055, The W003 record, get about four weeks, Weber said. but planned to participate in the relays,

1" M w N" "‘ it“ shit Writer Don Weber. ”but I’m glad it's noth- by Jeff Johnsonin ms, was 4mm. M'S"mmamnd‘fm- . ended up winninti the 10.000 meter

M m M in & i118 serious. From what 1 under- Redmond said that after m .“I think I‘m peaking.“ the right run in 34:53.7, setting a new meet

u“ i“ *' 9' m Even Ml! the weather cooper- stand, he was on the right pace at dropped out, “I didn‘t imow what to time for WW. Wow rem-131'” never ran it before."

“mum .M. m M180” mm_ “mmmufl” “It. 1 sm‘ ‘1‘ mt w m “id. Shie “1d. “It felt I“ fight. but I

In”. unmmdwuuiexmmy Clark said his calf muscle had looking around.“ it wasn‘t imtil m.wfimwammmmm think ,! could run faster on the

Reinyssmrdny. been tight after his workout earlier aftertherace thltliefmnd outwhat We” “id be ,m plum with ”“3
(nu-k. who ha I m to run a in tin wed. but Wt it was just happenedtoClark,Redmonduld. other such II Mike Buncic
sub-fom-mlmte mile, dropped out of becameoflhelnrdpnctice. Redmond, who also won the 1.500 cm Cn'm'e" aiidElisafiosini ‘ “3° ‘0' “My. Richard Ede
theracewithammthe Weber laid Clarkwon’t haven oni‘rlday,aaid,“l‘mpleuedthatl m ' tookfint.placelntliea,mueeple
end of his third lap. was to chance at the mile again for a cow ran hard (Friday) and then gain "Binnie makes extraordinary per- CM”. “5“ Mini placed “fit in
yarthaheadoftheeventualwimer pleolweelubecailehewillbenin- (Satin-day). ltahowcthatl‘min fmmeoeemordlmry.fle'siul- “WSW'MAWNM
» Andynedmondatthetime. ulna the 1,500 din-in; the npcormng' good shapeand thatlshouldqinliry ly got everyone spoiled," Weber “:3" the men'- 5.000 In a time of

w m ‘ hr m “l was placed. extremdy placed." races. By the time he l'llll another fornationals." aid, mic took first place in both hit-W»

_~u~‘w‘ aorta-id."\vcmmtntothe mmwprogghhave already .. thedisanandshotputthrows. _

I.- ~*-.‘ bdlfiatabwtmasolwum qualifiedforna lnthelxm, lmoel'hlnlyplenled—b’l Weberuidhemdisappointed

.~ J” . h h the W. N am" really Weberaaid. “0‘ even i “W." Webe- Illd. edd- “Clndy (Creme) also had a good "It Olympian Thoma Jena-son

d‘fl‘nflfl flywhtmuhtl-ve . HoweverJherewuapocltlveside Ww'tlmmh day,"Webu-aaid.3ut01ppu,who “’tlhytorilitiieflrnhm

“1* “lt'Inotnomuditi-tldidn'tfln- tothence.’lleammatenedin¢iddid thesmo. mmpvdnmw,heapaueot mammmoemuon

tht‘Iallthewutedthyadtnln- gouttowinthemueaadbrttethe WMINWIO- aminhmmmheufl. FYlday.hewentontoAtlantatom
' ll‘." mumm'lthatlme Muhammad-lunch M ,whol-diiot lnthellartinuitherxli'cunee.
’ l n

 :- KWYKH ”Min 7.
Inlormation on this calendar at events is collected
and coordinated through the Student Center Activities
, , , attics. 2087204 Student Center. University oT‘Ke’n- ‘
tucky. The Inlermation is published as supplied by the
on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
tor the sake oi clarity ot expression. For student orga-
nizations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar form must be lllled
‘ out and returned to the Student Activities Ollioe.
e Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Caren 0 Plays: Rashomon; SS-Pub./S4 Stu. 8 Cit.; 0 Lectures: ‘Donald B Dudley Webb, local ° Plays: Rashomon: SS-Pub/S4-Stu 8 Sr. Cit;
Cunningham: 107 Fine Arts Bldg: 12-4z30 GUBl'W' "1.01": 31‘» P-m-i CO" 7-3297 land developers'; SC "10°". (Rm. 2‘2): '2 Guginol Theatre; Bzw p.m.; Call 7'32”
Daily; Cain-8148 0 Meetings: Emergence Feminist Women‘s Noon:Call7-8867 ° Concerts: UK Chorus: Allen Goodwin, Di-
- Exhibitions: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates at Press Mating: 11‘ SC: 5:30 p-m.: Coll254-2946 ' Movies: True Grit: SIJS w/UKID; m'tor: Cont-r 10" tho Am: 8:00 PM: Call 7-
‘ Hell' - Art Museum: Center for the Arts: 12-5 0 Movies: Starman: $1.75 w/UKID: Worsham Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. 4900
T-Sun; Call 7-5716 Theatre: 7:30 p.m. t Plays: Legacy; SS-Pub/S4-Stu 8 Sr Cit; Lab ° Meetings: UK Fencing Club Meeting -Equip-
0 Concerts: Council on Aging Spring Concert 0 Recitals: Recital by Margaret Kennedy's Theatre: 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-3297 ment available: Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m.
- 'The Best of Broadway‘; Center for the Am; Voice Students: Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.; 0 Recitals: UK Brass Choir: Roger Ridenour, ° MOW“: TWO Grit; $1.75 w/UKID;
7:30 p.m.; Call 7-3145 Call 7-4900 Director; Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call 7- Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m.
’ _ 0 Movies: Starman; $1.75 w/UKID; Worsham 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Dmitry Feolanov 4900 0 Other: Honors and Award Ceremony by
Theatre; 7:30 p.m. & Carol Sampson, duo-pianists: Center for the ' Sports: UK Baseball vs. Louisville at Home: "‘9 UK 51‘8"“1 DOPOHMOM: Center lor the
. O Other: Phi Beta Kappa Initiation and Ban- ARts; 8:00pm.; Call7-4900 Shivley Field;3:00 p.m. Arts: 2:00p.m.: Call7-3145
quet; SC Ballroom: Call 7-6742 0 Recitals: Tuesday Noon Recital Series; Cen- 0 Sports: UK Women's Softball vs. George- ° 51’0"“ ENVY Deadline 10" Intramural "OCR
. _ s Sports: UK Women’s Softball vs. Transylva- i“ for 9h. Am; 12:30 p.m.; Call7-4900 town at Home; Woodland Park Field; 4:00 p.m. Meet: 135 Seaton Center: 4:00 p.m.; Call 7-
nia at Home; Woodland Park Field: 4:00 p.m.; ° Sports: UK Baseball vs. Cincinnati at t Meetings: UK Resource Conservation Club— 3929
' Call 7-3928 Home; Shivley Field; 3:00 p.m. recreit new members 8 elect allicers; 111 SC; ' WO'k‘hOP‘: Alumni 105 Club; FTOO: "KM
0 Meetings: Organizational Business Meeting 0 Meetings: SAB Public Relations Committee 71001331.: Call277-9m5 Mathews ”dB-3 513017-111-
for Democratic Socialists of Am.; 115 SC; 8:00 Meeting; 111 SC;4:15p.m.; CallB-SOSO 0 Meetings: Amnesty International Meeting;
p.m.; Call7-7052 0 Meetings: Travel Committee Meeting - Ev- 115 SC: 7:30 p.m.: CONS-8147
eryone Invitedi; 117 SC; 6:00 p.m.; Call 8-8471
0 Meetings: Uk Water Ski Club Meeting: 309
SC: 6:30 p.m.
0 Meetings: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting to
elect officers: 205 SC; 6:30 p.m.: Call 7-8646
e p10 5: Le a ; 35qu -St 8. S Ct; L b e Plays: Rashomon; “pub/$4 5m 3, s.- c"; 0 Plays: Legacy: SS-Pub/S4-Stu 8. Sr Cit; Lab 0 Exhibtions: Figures tram Rodin's ‘Gates of
Theatre¥8:00 :1?- (“”423 u r ' a GuginolTheotre; 8:00 p.m.: Call7—3297 Theatre: 3:00 p.m.: Call7-3297 Hell'; Art Museum: Center lor the Arts; 12-5 T-
e Recmfls; Collegium Musicum, Jonathan e Sports: UK Baseball vs. 5,0,9“, at Home; 0 Concerts: UK Choristers: Sara Holroyd, 01- Sun; Call7-5716
, Glixon, Director; Center for the Arts; 3:00 Shivley Field; 1:00 p.m. rector; Center for the Arts; 3:00 p.m.; Call 7- 0 Movies: Apocalypse Now; $1.75 w/UKID;
p.m.; Call7-4900 . Movies: Apocalypse Now; $1.75 w/UKID; 490° Worsham Th-otrsflmpm
e Movies: Apocalypse Now; $]_75 w/UKID; Worsham Thwfre;7;30 p.m. ' Sports: UK Baseball vs. Georgia at Home; 0 Other: Physics Spectacular Demostration -
Worsham Theatre; 7.30“,“ e Recitals: Guest Reci'al; Paulette Grun- Shivley Field; 1:30 p.m. Free; 115 Chem/Phys Bldg.; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-
0 Other: UK Opera Theatre: Scenes from clean, organ; Center for the Arts; 3:00 p.m.; ' Movies: Apocalypse Now; $1.75 w/UKID: 3197
Operas; Center for the Arts; 12:30 p.m.; Call C°"7'49°° Worsham Theolre;7:30p.m. . H
7.315 e sums; Film: Rodin: The Gates of Hell: 0 Recitals: Recital by students of Patricia -
0 Other: Book Sale-thousands of duplicate Free; UK A" M05991“? 210011-014 C9" 7'57‘6 Montgomery; Center 10’ “‘9 Arts; 8:00‘1b‘fm-:
books 8 publications will be sold; 104 King Li- C°"7“9w
brary:9a.m.til4p.m. ° Sports: Intramural Track Meet: UK Track;
Call 7-3928
0 Films: Film: Rodin: The Gates 01 Hell;
Free; UK Art Museum: 2:00 p.m.; Call 7-5716
- O
1 Movies Arts 8 Concerts 6152‘) Intramural and Athletic Events
5 ' 4/22: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre: 7:1” PM “222 Concerts: €000“. 0" ABMB 59""9 C°M."" ""19 Best °1 Broadway': Cen- 4/22: UK Women's Soltball vs. Transylvania at home: Woodland Park lleld; 4
4/23: Starman; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:30 PM ter lor the Arts; 7:!) PM; Call 7-3145 PM
4/24: True Grit; $1.75; Worsham Theatre; 7:1” PM 4/25: UK Chorus: Allen Goodwin. director; Center lor the Arts; 8 PM; Call 7- 4/23: UK Baseball vs. Cincinnati at home; Shivley Field: 3PM
4 '25: True Grit: $1.75: Worsham Theatre: 723) PM ‘9‘” 4/24: UK Baseball vs. Louisville at home: Shivley Field: 3 PM
' 4"26: Apocalypse Now: $1.75: Wmiwm "Wm: 713° PM “23: UK Chori-tm: Sm Holroyd. director: Center for the Arts; a PM: Call 7. 4m; ux Women's Softball vs. Georptown at home; Woodland Park field: 4
4, 27: Apocalypse Now: $1.75: Worsham Theatre; 7:1!) PM «00 PM
U28: Apocalypse Now;$1.75;Worshom Theatre;7:w PM 4/22 thru 4/24: Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Caren Cunningham: 107 4/25; Entry deadline for Intramural Track M9; 135 Seaton;4PM; call 7-3920
. ' 4/29; Apocalypse Now: $1.75; Worsham moans; 7:30 PM Fins Am 8169- 12490 daily: Cc" 7-8148 4/27: ux Baseball vs. Georgia at home (DH): Shivley Field: 1 PM
~ . 4/22 thru 6/2: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates 01 Hell'- Art Museum: Center lor 4/28; UK Baseball vs. Georgiaathome: Shivley Field; 1:!) PM
the Arts; 12-5 T-Sun; Call 7-5716 4/28: Intramural Track Meet: UK Track: Call 7-3928
. 4/27 thru 4/28: Film: Rodin: The Gates of Hell; Free: UK Art Museum: 2 PM;
‘ Cal17-5716
’ O
. . ‘ .- Meetings and LOC1UT'OS E Special Events Locking Ahead
, , '. ' 4/24: Lectures: 'Donold I. Dudley Webb, local land developers'; SC Theatre 4/23: Plays: Rashomon: SS-Pub./S4~Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Cit. Guginol Theatre; 8 PM; 4/31: Purchasing Procedures Workshop: Free: Rm. 15 Memorial Hall; 10 am.
- (Rm. 212); 12 noon: Call 7-8867 Call7-3297 tl|12p.m.;Call7-1851
. ‘ U 4122: Meetings: Organizational Businees Meeting lot Democratic Socialists at 4/24: Legacy: SS-Pub./S4-Stu. BSr.CIt.; LabTheatre;8PM; Call7-3297 0w: Summer Job Search: Free: 1WMathewsBldg.:9:Np.m.
-. ' America; 115 SC: 8PM: Call 7-7052 4/25: Rashomon: SS-Pub/S4-Stu. 0 Sr. Cit.; Cit. Guginol Theatre; 8 PM: Call 7- 4/3): interact Meeting - Supper will be provided; 412 Rose 51.; 5:00 p.m.; Call
4/23: Emergence Feminist Women's Press meeting; 111 SC; 5:30 PM; Call 254- 3297 7-6093
2946 4/26: Legacy: SS—Pub./S4-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Lab Theatre; 8 PM; Call 73297 5/3: Last day at classes .
' “23; SAB Public Relations Committee meeting; 111 5c; 4:15PM; cougsfio 4/27: Rashomon: “PubJQ-Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Cit. Guginol Theatre: 8 PM; Call 7- 5/6-5/10: Finals Week
4’23: Travel Committee meeting- Everyone invitedI: 117 SC: 6 PM: Call 8-8471 3797
. “23: UK Water Ski Club meeting; 309 SC: 6:!) PM 4/28: Legacy; SS-Pub./S4~Stu. 8 Sr. Cit.; Lab Theatre: 3PM: Call 7-3297
. ' ' 4/23: Cosmopolitan Club meeting to elect ollicers: 205 SC; hm PM; Call 7- 4/23: Recitals: Recital by Margaret Kennedy's Voice students: Center lor the
8646 Arts: 8 PM; Call 74900
. 4/24: UK Resource Conservation Club- recruit new members I elect ellicers; 4/23: Faculty Recital: Dmitry Feolanov 8 Carol Sompson- duo-pianists: Center
' 111 SC: 7 PM:Ca11277-m lor the Arts: 8 PM: Call 7-4“
. 4/24: Amnesty International meeting: 115 SC; 7:30 PM: Call 8-8147 4/23: Tuesday NoonRecltal Series: Center lortheArts: 12:31PM; Call 7-4900
_ 4/25: UK Fencing Club meeting- equipment available; Alumni Gym; 7:” PM 4/24: UK Brass Choir: Roger Ridenour, director: Center tor the Arts; 8 PM; Call
7.4900 1
' 4/26: Collegium Musicum, Jonathan Glixon, director; Center tor the Arts: B
’ PM; Call 14900
' ' 4/27: Guest Recital: Paulette Grundeen, organ; Center lor the Arts: 3 PM; Call ' .
, 4/28: Recital by students at Patricia Montgomery; Center lor the Arts: 8 PM:
4/22: Other: Phi BetaKappaInitIationandBanauet: SC Ballroom: Ca117-e742
4/25:NonorsendAwerdCeremonybytheUKEngllshDeponment:Cenhrler .
the Arts: 2 PM: Call 7-3145
4/26; UK Opera Theatre: Scenes lrom Operas: Center lor the Arts: 12zfl PM:
4/26: BoakSale-thousenfieldipllceteboollslpublioatianswillbesold: 104
King Library: 9-4 PM
4/29: Physics Spectacular Demonstrations: Free: I” Chem-Phys Id..; 8 PM; ;
COIN-3197 ‘
4/25: Workshops: Alumni Job Club; Free; 1m Mathews Bldg.: 5:” PM :
s l r

 Km rum My, ”a m- ’
—— ”5 ,. .' y 5 5
MM“ E 555555,, -» 5
WHOM . 55 __ \\~ 5 --
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;-,5, ,5 5 .5 55: 5’3 55 gr
Wildcats hold off Vanderbilt "
' d 1 ° ° SEC ‘ “’
gain sccon -p ace tie in ; , .
ByANDY DUMS'I‘ORF in: the fin! lune realm! Vandy people) when Georgia hosts Vander- _ 55 ' _ - . 5; . 5
Spot-tumor Saturday. has not been scored on in hilt. 115;.“ .5?! ‘ 5-5
UK relief pitcher Jack Savage ObVIously we d [we to sweep .. .5555 1. .. 5,555 5 _5 91?”; 5 55
thrives on bones-loaded situatiom, “He’s just been I great relief 2°”, weekend, ..M’d‘s.“ said. 1- ' - w rg; _ g4 . ' g5? . '
especially when he has to come on pitcher ror us lately and he’s really “’9 "_m the vosmon this year to ,5I 55 5 m 5. g 5. 5.5.55 ._ s s . 5 .. .
in the ninth inning with a berth in doim the job for us.” said UK coach ““9 ‘f we “’3’“ ‘0 "18!“? WE PIP)“ g . , {if 5 .5 " ~-~ ‘ “
the Southeastern Conference Tour- Keith Madison. offs. last year we were in a Similar 5 _- . 5 5 we...“ 55 7. test ' w" r 55 5 . ' - - .5
my nil] in he claimed by an situation but we had to rely too its: 5 --. -- 55; 5555 55 5 .. 5 5 -
“mummm' 1"“ Imam“ ”mm" “mm“ mn'octlleol" our teams beams one . , ._' - -: ' ' ‘
“Oh yeah. i like it,” he said. as he with Tennessee's win over Georgia, a r. ":sz 5 J , 5' '- ' 5 .
stalled an autumn: utter UK held moved the Wildcats into a tie for . " . ff . . -;<:’ 5.5:: 5- - " c, 5. 5 . . , -.'
on todefert Vanderbilt 4-2 yesterday second place in the sac East with UK SW Chm Cam" “3" a” . . .. ' ' 5. '
and kept its SEC lotmnment hopes the Bulldogs. Kentucky, 10-11 in the other Sunday ‘0 remembef- “"0“- ":‘i‘..fii'5' 5 ' . ‘ . . 5 w '2 ~
alive. conference, hosts Georgia, 3-9 in the Who P'Cked “P a 1‘,“ W‘" m Tenim' ‘ - 5 . '
Savage came in for reliever Jeff SEC East, this weekend in a three- 809 last Sunday. pitched 81/5 innings 5 _ - ' . . '
Hellman and struck out two batters game series. yesterday before being relieved by 5555:; t: _ ,5 _ . -
with one out and three men on in the Hellman in the ninth. Carroll record- , .5 -. ‘ .
top or the ninth at Shively Field to If Kentucky sweeps its series with ed his second Victory this season ' r g ‘
sealtheKentucky victory. Georgia, the Wildcats would win out- asamtonelosa ‘ ' 5 .' . ,- ~
“We been in with the bases rightthesecond-place spotinthedi- I I . '
loaded before. but we've been ahead vision. If UK loses a game, the sec- Kentucky, now 22-20 on the season, - ,_ 5 ' . 5-
by more m," Savage said of the ond-place representative won’t be will continue its home stand when it 6 ' . ,
slim two-run lead. The Uluisville na- determined until the following week- takes on Cincinnati tomorrow at Shi- ' ' ' ' ~ ..
tive, who pitched 2 2/3 innings dur- end (Derby weekend for Kentucky vely Field. - ; . -
Reds hold off Giants L s A - - 1 one extra number » "
o 9 aw chool dmtssrons est 9 . ' .'
0 ~ ; ' .
wm seventh straight .-' .-
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CINCINNATI (AP) — Torn Browning held San Fran- Cl H 5 _ - - ,
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Brenly was then charged with cateher's interference $2 50 ALL snows United States. wouldn t it he. .
for;3 moving outot‘ thebox totake timtch NEED ' "’0" 6PM- If you have any applications. opcru- - -,
rownim, 2-0, struck out six walked two. allow- - - ~ . .
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 ‘- WVKH “I: Apia 1'
O ’ ' .
P I Thmkrkevzs MM“ 9 . -
W” M“ '”‘ bail l 5 l e d ,1 t
, tame»... Wm tk 3 re 1: in an g-
lw Can. a” A. S00“ . 6%
Mid!!!» “world Editor 1“ ere qve ~3:;
my ‘3 ~ ~ - .
threatens the uture in -. - .. ., . a
We»; " éi’g‘g ':i "—‘r ——
1:3“ f i
Student apathy toward political actiVities, whether on , , .. . y :333’ i ‘ a ' _>
campus or off, has long been a standard for colleges na- -» .. . ” M “I
' _ tionwide. In fact, lack of participation — and not the oppo- . ;, _; ,_ - v‘ 1 _
. site —— has become the norm.
. ' Student Government Association officers combat this .
attitude daily although the apathy makes itself most visi- Holocaust r l d
‘ . ble around SGA election time. While this appears to indi- 1 es smo er across e years
cate a tragic situation, Student Activities Board officials ,
are faced with an even greater horror. The screams of the .Holocaust still .-.- Imagine it. You college mg who __—"‘-——
What can be done about the students who refuse to even echo ~ ~ . across a Wide ocean and _ weren't even born you older Ameri- h d ' '
. fourl decdos , J A _. , ...t e eClSIOIIWdS
Sh°w up for the pames‘" Wheoii‘iiona'i'd Reagan first decided is” me ' cans “mo did“ realm And you made w'th at
*3 Jews esca .
_ Only about 600 people showed at the ES. Goodbarn tovisit acerman military cemetery ~~ STOLI. m’mfiemevfl. , I, 0
, Field Saturday for the festival, the climax to SAB s 29th in May, the announcement was not ; “One million Jewish children per conSIdermg the
annual Little Kentucky Derby. Tlus number is down from intended to provoke outcries from . - .. eeei - .. - - -
. . lsbed. W said- If I spent my emotions which still
recent years. JeWish Americans. But the fact that . . entire life reciting their names, I _
Louis Straub, president of SAB, may have put it best W; 913‘”th msfteml‘l’fis Elle $3591) a 5‘1”)?“ 0f the would die before finishing the task. 5m01d9’11keth900015
. _ 1, . were I ce '3’ | ' camps, an Oppor um y 0 Speak Mr. President, I have seen children, '
when he said. We had everything that was nechossary to mm the decision was made without with Reagan privately and publicly I have seen Wm being I in of the holocaust fires,
3"? fun, except PeOPIe- I 0" t, understand w 3’ P909 9 considering the emotions which still when he was given a medal at the the flames _ alive! Wonk, they die
dont come. I mean you couldn (- have asked f0? better smolder like the coals of the Holt} White House. Publicly, he implored onmy lips." —
weather, so for some reason they Just didn’t want to show caust fires. . . ' Reagan to change his mind about 1 play table tennis on Sundays weal] lmow war is hell. We’ve got to
up today.” And now [etc Oilcfllaftlon. htas bobet visiéirtliagthecemetery. with a Jewish gentleman whose forgive somebody, start somewhere.
_ _ . . . _ - _ come aggrava ion — or Jus a u “ tplace, Mr. President, is not comments are nearl as emot