xt7qrf5kdc54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kdc54/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1942 Vol.13 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, May 1942 Vol.13 No.7 1942 1942 2019 true xt7qrf5kdc54 section xt7qrf5kdc54   ' 1 _ - '23.:22':'::"I"".",~:'. 1.3.? I 5:...3.‘ ",1. Iii-IE .A ‘ ‘ , > 7 .‘7 ,7. -.; Wrawc~r14y3g1etffifi5—f- ,

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I I La: . I . I I I -,
”If/l- . Published In the Interest 0 Community ‘I IE’
‘V ' II I
I Journalism - - OE, by, and For EII E III;
Kentucky Newspapers E! I ,
Convention umber E I I I,
I I ,
i=3 I! I I" NE} .
Volume Thirteen Number Seven I IEVEEI
E "23717? E

_ ' ' ‘ I 4‘

1 .
1 , .
1 ,
v 1 I; Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1942 5
. 1 2‘ 1 May,
. 1 '
‘ i . cil on Censorship, and will give us adé
. 1 IIltereStlng Program repare vice and constructive information fol
. 1 the conduct of newspapers under waif
‘ l ' M t' time voluntary censorship. His shoulti
- ; For 73rd M1d-summer ee 1ng b. 1, Wu
. 1 Mrs. Lee Spalding, Kentucky star “
' Keeping in mind the slogan for the football games for NBC and CBS, and dard, Bardstown, chairnran of a";
I i seventy-third annual mid—summer meet- broadcast the Olympic games lrom Ber- annual prize contest committee, wit],
' ‘3 . ing, “The KPA’s Place In Wartime Ef— lin for NBS in 1936. He was ”Uncle present the handsome silver trophial
, 1 fort," the committee has planned full Jim” of Uncle Jim’s Question Bee 101‘ and certificates to the deserving Wilt
' l and interesting sessions for the two—day four years and, from 1936 until he went ners. Alvis Temple, Park City Daili
. ' convention at the Lafayette hotel, Lex- into active service, was Sports VOICE lOI‘ News, Bowling Green, will give an at.
2 ington, lune 12—13. The morning ses— Paramount News. count of the sale of defense stamps '1. 13:33 3':
sions, followed by the entertainment Major Slater is a native of Parkers— Kentucky newspaper carriers tht’ '
, . of the afternoon and evening, will keep burg, West Virginia. He was graduated gained national recognition during tit
‘ . the delegates busy at what promises to from West Point in 192-}, attended Um- last few months. He was chairman a,
; . be the best convention Of recent years. versity of Minnesota and Columbia the state newspaper committee that pit 10:30 a.)
» ‘ Outstanding speakers have been pro- University, and holds the B. S. and M- tliis splendid patriotic plan into succet
1. cured, men who are authorities in their A. degrees. He was head of the Mathe— ful operation. He presented this Ken‘ 11'20 a. 1
. special branches, who will stress the matics Department at Blake School, tucky plan at the Central States Cor 12:10 13,,
place of the newspaper in wartime ef— Minneapolis, for five years, and from vention, Chicago, in March, and thr
1 fort, and make many suggestions that 1933 to March, 1942, was headmaster of plan has now been adopted thruor 1'15 p']
" should prove valuable and timely. Adelphi Academy. Brooklyn. During the nation. ‘
. 1 : ,\ AM Pieszdent To Speak this period he also served as trustee of Entertainment 1701.14”
1 . Gene Alleman president of the Na- the Long Island College of: Medicnie, _ .
i ' ’ u . - '
tional Managers Association and effi- member of the Radio committee of the b11116 committee has planned an'enl‘l
1 cient field manager for the Michigan American HISLOllcal ASSOCIRUOH’ (11' .1116 program] ()1 lentcitainmcnt for a" .
2 Press Association will be the first speak- rector of Brooklyn and Queens YMCA, 19 11(3)’ ”11C 1'30”! “5 8116515 0f Ll 7'00 p-l
‘ ' ‘ ' ’ ‘ ( . . V . ' v). ' ' v ' ,
3. er on Friday’s Program Gene after and executive committee member of Uln‘US‘tY "1 Kentucky, “”111 the “6'
. . g . , . _ ‘ . . ,. . ‘ .
3 serving as NAM sec- Brooklyn Red Cross. He is also a trustee P1 CSIdLm’ Heiman'Lee Donm an 5136”].
retal‘)’ was advanced "f the ASSOCiatiOn 0f graduates 0f the in?" Shomd be a highilght O-f the lIl€i( 10:00 a"
i .2 m the presidency last . United States Military Academy. He is mg- The luncheon ““11 be lOHOWCdl‘ 10110 a. 1
‘ 153525555'::::.,:55§E5E35;E'E£555.33;33::i'5’5355§5§5§3§3321:53:12: ‘ . , ~ ' ., ' , - 1
l : October and has al- and able and slfted Speakcr and has an a ”1“,“ ”K 93"”).“5 m ““11 the L" 10:40 a ,
ways taken active important message for Kentucky editors. ‘61 srty S . contribution to the war pp
‘ ,W lcadei shi ) in the 16 [PI 1 I N gram Wlll be shown. A tour of 11 11:10 a.i
‘- .c-:z;:3:3:52';:35;:g§55:¥i§ig§g§;3;;g:..3 ‘ ". ‘ , ‘ — v y , , w . . .
a - t htionhil) between , ‘1’" “6 “US/"’11“ Bluegrass stock larms is also prOVId'n 11.40
‘ .. r ‘ b .1 Speaking on the FBI in Wartime and for those who have not seen the beauti; ' a' 1
1 EE§E§E§§§.E;S;‘53553535? 15533;; the national govern— . . . , . . , .. . . ,.
1 J .5533E3535::..5§§.3:_313,...“he... ; its relationship With the newspapers, of the Bluegrass. For the golf enthltt 12:45 p.i
:1 §3§E§5§5§3§3§§;_:52555552355'5355355554:3; mental agencies and -. ~ . ' . f ‘ . . ,
2 2 _ . H. K. Moss, speCial agent in charge 0 asts, a handicap tournament Wllli‘
555533333535E§E§E§5§£§5§55$:1':§£;:§;§3§5§ the newspapers of ‘ . 7. . 1
. 5.553.255... . . the Federal Bureau of Investigation, plaved on the Ashland course. Jeitt
'.'...-.;..-;5§§E x the nation, servrng . . . , . . , . ,
2 55.355235335532355..:§;§= A . LouiSVille, Will have an extremely in- Mann, office manager of the Heral
V,” well on the national . g . . 7 . .. . ., ‘ . . . ‘ ‘ a
.2 34+:+r-~"-:~=-=~=-v' ,. ..... idi'natin _ c om teresting message for his listeners. He Leader, Will be in charge of: the tourr
~ - COO" — . . . . s . ,
“ENE ALLEMA” 'tte ‘ g was graduated from VVaShington Uni- ment which w11 crown the KPA chant; Lafayette,
i i e. . . . . . . _-
i H f In 1-[01 of The Na VCI‘Slly, St. Louis, With the A. B. and ion for 1942. Bring your clubs 211011 21t112./D,§
‘ . ‘ * e i ‘ - . . 2 .
. C was .01 mm y ( . - - LL- 3- (16.911365. He 101ned the FBI (”1 The dinner-dance and entertainnia double 10
tional Publisher and NBA Servrce Edi— , 2 . , )61' “.01
. . , May 29, 1934, and has been on active at the Ashland Clubhouse as guests“ 1 ‘b H
tor and has served as Michigans field . _ . . _ ~ . . kee) ..
f ‘ t1 t five rears As sec duty ever Since. He has been attached the LeXington Heraldieader, wt 1 PRO
managel 01 “3 1)as 1 fl to the Field Divisions at Washington, suitably close the day’s activities qr 171165 are
‘ retary, he has handled over $100,000 . . . _ _/ ‘ _ '_ u)- sir I
. ,. . . 4 Buffalo, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Okla— princrpal after—dinner speaker w1111' l: 1gl
. . advertismg for the Michigan papers, . ‘ _ _ u . do b'
.- , . homa City, Seattle, and Los Angeles, Bishop H. p Almon Abbott a glilf P: U
u writes a news letter and bulletin each . . _ . _ . . - . : and do b
, , _ . .. and has been at his present post in and inspiring orator of note 1 u
1 week m 1115 seerCC to 47 dailies and . . . - * ' 11) T1.
. . . . LouiSVille Since August, 1940. He is an Tl , . .11 1 1 . .1 10‘ 1- ie
297 weeklies. HQ directs tour meetings able and affluent SJC’IKCI' ‘llld we antici 16 comention W] 3e )roug n i are 3150 C
‘ t ( 1 - , ‘ . -
1' each year as well as many smaller group ‘ . . 1 . . . C1056 Wlth the Saturday “OOH 1““ch (mm 1
‘1- . . . . . pate, With interest, his discussron of the (r . ,, f h K k U .1. C0" ' 110( at
. meetings. He is chairman of the State _. , ‘ ~ . . as Duests o t e entuc y [1 my .. Y
. . . . . branch of federal serVice that has the , _ 1. 1 b in“ ouhai
‘2‘ Information Committee for the Michi- . . . . P311), an event tidt ias ecome an - 12
v . . most glorious interest and an envrable t t‘ 2. 1 . .. d m, . Be or
- - ‘ can Counc1l of Defense. In his off hours > . . L1 1011 at tie conventions an 01 . .
D _ . record of action and effictency. id id 11 l k f d It 15 ho
; he also teaches Journalism. . . . ‘ 1 1 a 00 orwar - and th .
: Radiomster “Bill” Slater 01’}r The Air Censorship Regulations 0” Review Hotel A(Irommodations .' sum eir‘
. 2 . . . . . . . . . mer
! If you have not met Ma]or VVllllanl Our own ubiquitous fellow editor Ample hotel accommodations 3" Cordially
. l ‘ n . u
2 Slater personally, you have no doubt and former KPA PreSident, Thomas R. available for the convention. Howell adequatel'
‘ . u - - . , C
, ; heard his voice over the radio. Known Underwood, versatile editor of the Lex- reservations should be made at onctf time em
i there as Bill Slater, he has been active ington Herald, needs no introduction. that delegates will be assured of [hi Pl‘Ompt r
' i in radio broadcasting since 1930. Dur— Tom was Kentucky’s representative, at choice of location and rooms. Rate“; With the 1
j 11'; ing this period he has broadcast major his own expense, to the National Coun— reasonable. Our convention hotel. “’ We“ Will
1:71 i i 3 ‘ l

 . , 3,-
, ’3 .3.
3 31’ 33
942 3 33.3533; 33‘.
3 3' (' “ 4 . '3 , , 3.133 3,.
3 Ma), 1342 um KENTucKi PRESS Page Three 3333 3, 3’: _.
3. 3 3
3 .3. 33‘ 3 —
ion i313 p '2 0 G '2 A M t. . S ““““‘“"“3‘ "
ler W ues Ionalre urvey 33.‘333'3;.= 3‘3
. 3 Seyent i-third Annual Mid—summer Meetin ' ‘3‘3 3‘
51.033. 3 5 Shows Far-reaching 3 3333
. 30‘... :3 :33" ..‘ 3
o 3‘“? g ‘3,:,_ ‘33 3 3
1,3 53,, KENIUCKY PRESS ASSOCIATION Program To Publisher 3 3. 33:; 3

of 3‘ .. , , . ., .- , '
3e w‘i‘33‘ Ix. P. A.5 Place In Wmtzme Effml By VV M. B. HAMEL, Publisher ‘3 ‘ 3‘ :33
316133136. Gold Room, Lafayette Hotel, Lexington Matton (111-) Journal—Gazette 33333 33331 .‘

i - 333,33" 3‘j3‘ .3 '.
ng W Friday-Saturday, June 1243’ 1942 From The Inland Bullctin 3:) 333,33 333 ‘3.

. ________ . . 33 '
y D3333 _ In the first place I only had about a 33:?‘3‘33’3333: ‘3

3 Friday, June 12 . . .1343 31‘ ’33.” 3.3 .33 ‘
3 an at . . _ hunched dollars to spend and in the 1323103 ’.3‘ "

1 8:00 a. m. Registration, Lafayette Hotel, Main floor alcove. se .0 3 3 I . ~ , - ”‘3 ‘333’3‘3 33. 33
““1353" 10:00 a. m. Call to order by President Barry Lee Waterfield. ‘ “C P ace, W?“ m “ he“ 0‘ a hurry 33333 £3.33" 3““

S [ht Invocation, Dr. Jesse Herrman, Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, [0 get the Job lor I wanted to know 3333333‘333
rin 333, Lexington. ri,ht now what 1113* readers thou ' " "“3 ‘ ‘1
3 g Address of welcome, Mayor T. Ward Havely, Lexington. tisqbei'or- I 3 ‘3 , b' .- - ghtvoi 3533337333 ‘3 .
mans, Response, Vance Armentrout, Vice—president KPA. e uppec tic sti seiiption iates, 1333 33 3
that 1”! 10:30 a. in. “The Wage and Hour Law and National Legislation”, Gene Alleman, Presi- a plan I had already begun [0 get under ‘3il"’3‘ ‘3.“ “5‘
succey. P dené. NewsgaperThr/llanagers Alisg‘mtiond Eagtt Lansing, Michigan. way at the time. 333333.33 4 ‘ 3
. 11;20 a. m. “ ress ensors ip”, omas R. n erwoo , 3E ior, The Lexington Herald, , , . .- , . . ‘3‘233’3‘3’3‘ ‘3 3‘

115 K63. State Representative at Washington Council. .Last Octobei, duiing the Inland ses- 333313333333 .3
168 C03 12:10 p. m. Presentation of newspaper contests awards, Mrs. Lee Spalding, Standard, 510115 I began to wake UP to the increases 333“ ‘1 3 3 '
nd 3333 Bardstownachtairman of contesi committee. being made in subscription rates. I talked 35. 3“ ‘3 ‘ ‘33 ‘

_ ,, 1:15 p. m. Luncheon, Stu en Union, Universi y campus, as guests of the University of 3 ‘ .. ' ' 33333“? '1‘3‘1‘ ‘
thmo‘. Kentucky. Dean Henry H. Hill presiding and presenting President ‘0 a numbci 0‘ publishcis about how ‘33“ 33“: '

I Herman Lee Donovan. they did it—but my real awakening came 333,733.33 ‘3 ‘ft .
EnterIt‘aiilinmJent. Dilegaptes will leave Ch‘k‘ce'Of 1a c30m of the Univertsitylcampus, one noon when Harry Sward, Emery .13 3:33 3 3:33
3 “ e niverSi y’s an in ai'wor ”, me u ing new Areonau ica labora- O .1 c ,s . , .313 73??" 3'34 .

n en‘0’ tory, Highway materials testing laboratory, new science and home econom- d6, 1 m“ I ‘EiMd 0‘ U ‘0 “1L NADA ' .3,‘ .‘3 3 333,3 , ,
' , .“3 ics buildings, etc.; or tour of the Bluegrass stock farms; or handicap golf luncheon. The” story was something to ‘ 3‘3 ‘3‘W33 ‘3 3“.“

101 3’3 .. tournament, Ashland golf club; or feature movies at local theaters. the €336“ that the Matton Iournal— "3 ‘i‘i‘ “ ”‘3 ‘
s of 7:00 p. m. Dinner dance and entertainment, Ashland Golf clubhouse, courtesy The Cazett , . , - . . ‘ .. 3 333351" .3 "3 333
the no Lexington Herald-Leader, Thomas R. Underwood presiding and presenting I ‘ e was about the only (papci ‘.C“ ‘ 3..“ 3333 333533

3 3 . Bishop H. P. Almon Abbott. that hadn t gone from 15c to 20c carrier 3 333333393 3', 3.3333 3
n spea Saturday, June 13 delivered and from $4 to S5 or from S5 . 3.3 333," -

, _ ’ 3 5.33.3” ’zi". ,"
he 11]€t( 10:00 a. m. Call to order by President Waterfieid. to Sb on rural routes in the first zone. 3 933-333 33 .3,’3f.‘ “
owedl 10:10 a. m. “The FBI-In War Time”, H. K. Moss. Special Agent In Charge, Federal I came home determined that I had 3' ‘1‘3 “333
the Ut Bureau of Investigation, LouiSVille. one ‘ob to 3 - N , 3 . . . 3 133333333: 3‘3‘3‘ ‘
var )3 10:40 a. m. “The Bureau of Public Relations”, Major William Slater, Chief Liasion Sec- J . ( O 1“ (“em )i“ and “1‘“ 3 .3 i‘il‘u; 333’ 3‘3 "
. ‘ l _ tion, Bureau of Public Relations, War Department, Washington, D. C. was ‘0 raise rates. NOE particularly that “.3 ‘5' 3 .3‘33
' of; 11:10 a. m. L‘notf‘dE‘MEi‘gseennthaatigf‘Ldn‘Ei‘g glgai'gcter”, Charles Blanchard, representing we had to have the revenue to meet in— 3313 333'. 3‘ '

)r0v1'c ‘ e In any. ,, , . -~. .3 7,3 ,.3 533.
‘beaul‘i 11:40 a. m. Report of the KPA Legislative Committee, Tyler Mumford, chairman. mi?“ 1.)“) ments, but because-ii the Con— .‘5 3333‘ “3‘3:

. 3 Report of standing and convention committees. ditions are coming that I believe WC are 3‘ 3‘3 ,333' 33‘ 3
enthlt’ 12:45 p. m. Luncheon, courtesy .of Kentucky Utilities Company. Washington Reed lacing, WC Will need a cushion during .3;-‘33“..3‘. 3331333 .“‘
“3111 3 pi‘eSiding, presenting AlVlS Temple, Park City News, Bowling Green, who the next cou )10 or three .03” ‘ 33133333337133 »‘ ‘

Jeit‘t‘ speaks on “Sale of Defense Stamps by Kentucky Newspapers". ‘ 1 3 ‘ “ ‘3 “32‘ . -
-H6113 SpeCial courtesy theater tickets. . An Unusual Obs/tide To Oi/m‘conw ‘3 333%3‘3’.331,:‘,3 3 3

‘ti . i ‘3‘3‘5‘3" ‘3‘ '33‘ v 3
3 toui‘t’ mafiwmmnw v—.»———.-.——3————-3————-————___ To complicate matters we had editor- ." 33 33 ‘3,.~ .3393 3 '
3 €113,333 Lafayette, quotes Single rooms with bath naire should be returned promptly with ially and every other way POSS“)‘C’ ““‘ng 3" .““3’1‘3 ‘ ‘i‘
)5 211033 at 332.70, $3.30, and $4.130 per night, and [till information. Lexington wants you! “‘.a‘ on our “H““C‘Pa‘ water rates. 0““ “‘3 ii “3 3333“
tainiiit: double rooms at 5.34.40, $5.90, and «56.60 Lexington ”“1105 You! (‘1‘) council puichascd . the water de- . ‘7‘ 33" 33‘ 3.33933
guests. per night. Perhaps some will wish to Pam‘lcm “‘0‘" our many company i” “ 33‘3‘ ‘3‘3 ‘.
23.— 333 keep precedent and stay at the Phoenix —————— 19:38, immediately raised the rates lO’/,’, 3'33 3; . '33 ‘3, U.

‘ ‘ ‘ " W ~ " .. U '- .. 3 “3‘.“31’33
ies. T3 lattes are Single room With bath $2.11) Pulling The fol) Department To I’Vorl.’ discontinued a 10” ‘ClISCOLlllt. and weic .33 3333 ." .333

will 3, up; Single moms without bath, 5220 ~ ' _ Charging customers [or materials, pipes, 3 3 3 33 3 ’13 ‘3,

1 gift up; double rooms with bath $4.40 up' A publisher dropped into a cafe in a etc., including maintenance. 3-333 3 3‘3 .‘
‘ . and double rooms Without bath $3 30 neighboring town and noticed this We started the crusade in August and iii “ 3‘33 33

.. .. .. _ _ .. 7, _ , . 1 . . . . "33%, ‘3‘ ’3‘ .

ht to tip. The Kentuckian and Drake hotels caid. It s Youi Siigai And Yotii VVai— by the middle of October things were in 3,333,333; 333 .33
3g 310" are also comfortable with first class ac- Use \‘our Judgment. He went home a mell of a hess, if you know what I 3, 3"
"‘nCC03 Commodations, and had Similar cards printed in his mean. I was advised, and almost capil- ‘333333333. “.33.".
1; .1 . , 7 ., , 3 . , - , . - ~ . 33.3333". 3: 3w; ’
a‘i‘iifl!’ You have a (late in Lexington on lune shop, and sold them to icstauiants in iilated to the idea, that I was inViting 3333333 3.;3 333
1 ie’ 32. Be on time’ h . his town. This idea for cards, menus, serious trouble when I expected to be nigh-,3 33333,... ’
3 0’ It is hoped that all K t ‘k l‘ .. etc., can be adapted to any line of busi- able to raise my own rates and preach 3,3‘33 ‘ “3 3

and their 'oodx ii _11 en ”C i 6‘ ”0.15 ness, “It’s Your Gasoline And Your against other rate raises. The local tele- \ 333", : ’.f,‘ '
Summer §neetiivws i}: 4336114 the mid \Vai‘, etc, etc., to any product or ser- phone company and the utility coni- 2 ”33‘ "3’.
. I v i , , , . . . I c I i t‘ L'““ ‘ ‘ ‘
ions 3-3 Cordially Extenc‘lg‘l 11C 111‘113110” ‘5 yice. Alert publishers are squeezmg pany shook in their boots over the pos- 1.3!“,13 3. 5,33.
Howeil’ adequatel "for 5" , n ordei ‘9 care dimes out of many places—and (limes sibility of my letting the thing get out 33 3‘3 ‘3.“‘3‘
t Onctt time c C2) n om 3e 8“C5[5_ 1” [3115 will‘ make dollars in these days. of hand and of a revolt against all rates, ‘56:} 3,3 "‘ ‘

Of 3‘“ prompt I"€tt1rn M‘Yill (igszfiogniiieshm _____ subscriptions, advertising, telephone, " ‘j'3i‘33
RateS" w' _ ‘ a“ '3“ 01‘ ras, electric etc. ‘3 ‘i it"!
iotcl. 33: “11“]. medium SCWice Bulletin. The i'e- Good health is your major asset, h ‘ 3‘ ‘3 3‘33>“"3 ‘ '

l est Will be made that the question- worth more than all your property. Continued 0’7 PUKC’ 170”" ‘.3‘.‘ 33‘3" ‘.
"$15”! -' "3 3
,3 ’ 3‘ 33 ‘r‘3 .3343? “
2 ‘f 3'. ‘3 {.13
3 . .331 3 “3“"
3 / .3; ,a’; E _5‘
. ‘ ' 3": ‘ji 3
" A

 - , xi
l ‘.
li «
, l .
» ‘ _ Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS May, 1942 I May,
3 I planned to meet the needs and require- the solicitor called on a prospect he fin. [ionship r
' ; he ments [or lactual knowledge ol condi- glue him this little gilt. (T he Falls} or over 7,!
'- 3 ‘ ,. _‘ tions and demands affecting the news- Brush technique.) The gilt was [all The ad
, i i » en W ' r" 83 paper today. You cannot afford to miss lowed by a copy oi the papCl‘, POIlitlng “guy—WI:
l v this meeting. out tlle value of receiving each issue theil‘S,—al'
1 § Official Publication of the Kentucky This plan could be adopted by b0ll1’ would be
, 1 Press Association T dailies and weeklies. There is monul Gazette a
. 1 . «H mm h r Defense Slum/)5 For Circulation ”1 CITCUIRUOH today, it you are getting If we f;
1 Victor R’ Portmann, E “Jr is e Tl C, _ ll) \1 S l. tlle proper rates, and, it you are not paid circ1
1 —-——~———— 10 . entlne — emocrat, 1" t. . ter 111g, tl . , - 1
‘ 1 . . ‘ « icy should be laised. t toon Trat
'. ‘ ‘ Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexmgton is ollering a 50-cent delense stamp, or l tion distr
___’————- . - ———-‘ ,
‘ ‘ v .' . 11> - .
I Kentucky Press Association Officers 51113110 1d€llOlfl11113t1011211 lstamps L0 LIL Continued from Page Three 1 7, 242 tar
: Harr Lee Waterfield Hickman .Co. Gazerte. Clinton same \ ‘1 UC, 01 161K.“ a 01 ”CW 511 J , . , l would llaV
y -- lt l'l lhl l"‘10“"
t t PTeSigimfier Journal Louisville scriptions, and should meet tlle mark “35 1111 “ 16 1t astct. ul Ltl- there wau
I V ce Armen rou “nu... u - , _ . n - 9, ‘ t
‘ a“ Vice President . of general approval. tcis To The EditOi column took 0,
Victor R- Portmagn —t---~-----T-»-----;u‘rlér°f KY" Lexmgt‘m ' metropolitan Significance, in fact (lldll' It 86671180
9078 ary- rea. , , I
————— A ., » , , i . ~ .- . 1 .
District Executive Committee lcznc much room on thc cditoi 1al pig; Beagle; .
J. Curtis Alcock, Advocate-Messenger, Danville, (state- ; _. _ . , ~ . , ~) l01‘ our own rantin ‘. C ( CC
1 v at-iarge). chairman; First. Joe LaGore, Sun-Demo- Ameltmn Exilmmgancc g ‘ . E journal—(
1 crat, Paducah; Secolrciid, $1317.18; ngulrliforgi {$221333- . ‘ [in/)rooemenls and Experiments , W 11
. Advocate, Morganfle ; 1r . 0 n - . ~ ‘ ', . 'tr 1111 to ,- 1, ' e cou (:
‘ Courier-Journal, Louisville; Fourth, Joe Richardson,’ P61113133 1'; 1S “0t [1116 Pd 10[ 5 . _ On H16 ATC’ZUS Side l ,
1 Times, Glasgow: Fifth. Frank C.B%11.§rimféeLDeang- make a pleasure of necess1ty, but it is But durintr the )u ious si mo 1}, Mayo Bl(
‘ - F d B. Wac s, era — ea 6 . . . . . d " ’\‘ X C X n;. .
" iiiltiiififi‘tvféflh’wfivt Robinson. Herald, PaintS- a fact that there is nohardship 1n dmng . O l . , Simply cal
. , Jim T T, Wilson Log Cabin Cvnthiana; _ _ A 01 so we had added 18 leatures, suchz; '~\f ,
. “116- mg ’ ' .' .‘ . ’ ‘ . - _ most of the dimers we have so {all been 7 . , , i tel tv
. Ninth, H. A. Browning. Whitley Republican, Williams b _ _ _ books, tWice-a-week column ol campi‘ .
. '. . burg: state-at-large. Chauncey Forgey. Independent, asked to do, as civilians and house notes from Un'v r 't7 1, 111‘ . ‘ through 0
, Ashland. . holders in this war. _ ‘ l e s1 y 0 111015 811:. of my bar
1 . Legislative Committee ’ , Eastern llliliOls Teachers’ College; 1111: 1. 1:
' Tyler Muniord, Union 00. Advocate, Morganfield, Most of us have long prayed that. the started dis )lavin 0111 cditoiirls '11 [1" 50M [0 t
‘ , _ . t; . . . A ‘ 1 " .‘ 1 11' .
. “mm“, Gems” A' “"1"" cmmmwealth’ smfrse time would come when it would cease 1 I g ‘ , pioposed
Egbert c. Taylor, Record Herald, Greensburg: T 0m“ , . column measure, and although they'l: -
, R‘ UnderWOOd: Herald! Lexmgt‘mi H- A~ wa‘d' All” to be fashionable to keep up With the , a“ ; questions
= Co. News, Scottsville: Henry Ward, Sun-Democrat, 7 . ~ )rett 7 corn ' there hasn t been a canned, .
7 , t1 1
l i Paducah; Cecil Williams, Journal, Somerset. Joneses. V e have wanted to leduce our one in our news )a )cr since lUlV 27 m: iese 5 lee
; i. Newspaper Exhibit cowgitiie B d t standard 0f living because its mainte— Most of them 'lrlc \lvrittcn atlu / e nightE MOSE 0f
1. Mrs. Lee Spalding, Kentucky Stan a‘r , ans own. , - t A )1“ ‘, tures
, chmmm; J, LaMa" Bradley, Enterprise, Prov1dence; nance took so much of our. time and when I‘m home 11i0‘hts , , pan
1 , Mrs. John s. Lawrence, Record, Cadiz; Miss hillian CHCIEY that WC could not CUJOY 0111‘ SO- I o - ' i. g0 Whole
, ‘ .1 Richards, Russell 00. Banner, Russell Springs, Mss k . We took on telephoto pictures all reader I
l ane u on, ra , - . _ .
V J H H H: 1c1d lilacHsOdljziiiin‘s Club called blessmgs . . . . could pretty well compete With out-t l “l1
1 Ken“ 1’ H . , We resented the idea of trading in l anc p01(
3 Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, PreSident, . d l 1 1 1 town papch, bought Paul Mallon fllll we l'llcl l
‘ Miss Mildred Babbage' Breakenndge News’ Chivii'port’ houses, automobiles, an 101186 10 ( Iinnnie H'ltlo hired another re )orterli - - c 0
' ' ~ . . . - . . . - ( . , . ,
‘ - “rs“V‘ce Pres‘del‘t'M’S'J'o'young’muma’p”503’ utilities, at heav11y depreCiated prices, ~ . . ’ ‘ . .1 l 1W0“ hLe
sewnd Vice Pres‘denp' M“? Mary .Henderso'n 0” ’ spcc1al aSSlgninents. Many 01 his featut l'k
Record, Stearns. Third Vice PreSldent; Mrs. J. R. when they were newly as gOOd as new. - .’ 1 e [116111,
1 Wallace, Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary; , , . are about local business industry publt W
‘ Miss Urith Lucas, Independent, Maysville, Corres- \‘Ve couldnt understand why styles in 1.11511 [_ 1 I1 I' it \V 1’ [21‘ leaskc
. - . E , ise, . . . . .' 1 u 101 s Tm su c . a 305 l . ,
‘ 12223113338céerteirsifreyrs' J' L' Bradley’ mm“ clothing and lurniturc changed as olten 1 b1' 1 f ‘ 1' 3.16 5 L ltl a they (hag
' ’ ' ‘ - - e( )u is 1111 ratio )roor' ' loll, . ,
_____—.__.__»___ as the film at the neighborhood moV'ie. l1 gl 1 1. O fmilé’ 2‘90 till when the
. . we we )reac1 ( ao‘ain't 1' or _ v 1 . -
' ‘ We couldn’t reconc1le ourselves to \Ve (ha é ‘ e ‘0 1 S“Ltt [1 [t1 Lhe retail
. . . . V encoura ec 'tlrs '0 l i.
1 " NATIONAL EDITORIAI the habits and attitudes of the younger Ed'to H [.1 I‘g f e L t a; COmmtice
‘ ' ‘ . . - - i r uni we lave 0r \"1‘ wo ,1. o. -
‘59-..( ASSOCIAT|ON generation, but to make a stand against . 0' Q l , (Which is
".133“ . . .1 had [mm on to three each issue. Start, and trafli
W».- 1 . f / the trend was a lonely, if not impossi )le, . _ _ _: (
1 job ' publishing patterns, both fashions it We paii
‘ ‘ ' - - needlework inau ura > “ j'l ndarl ' .
Now suddenly taxes make thrift 11n- . ’ 1,,g (tcdlal (‘16 d m, questionai
1 . comin even 3 c n l( e v
. . W perative and the purchase of war bonds 1 g ”C ’t 10 i331. atec D ml 5011361” an
Keir“! - unt Cr 21 en 'ra 1,‘ Ca \ . .
MEMBER lillfillfi makes super-thrift compulsory. 1 1110 5 ; not ask tl
- "7" co umn. ' , .
._ “oi-’3’ For two decades we have told our- _ . , e’fPIESSEd
i K ‘TUCKY PRES selves that we should walk more, find Changes 1” Adi/ertmng ‘ (11d-
our recreation in inexpensive games, Rates (”Id P0116105 g ThOSC g
ASSOCIATION and seek in the quiet of our homes a \Ve signed up local ad contracts 0“: placed 111
, ORGANIZED JANUARY- '“9 source of family unity and uplift. 53-1/39/(1 increase in space demand, 10‘; cent and
1 ——————'—‘———’ —‘—-—‘ The American way of life was not all increased rates from 5 to 25%, 6‘“: turn addr
3*: Volume Thirteen, Number Seven good. We are quickly discarding the un- doubling some, put local automOl“; ness reply
. desirable features. The new order is and beverage 1n the national field, [09 ietuin P05
: I - t R ((1 F0 il/Ieetin likely to produce gains in national char- on beer and liquor copy including 100 .5900 'w
2 sexmo‘ on Ct ' r . ‘ . . . .. V -
-’ b y g acter of which we are now only dimly at national rate, put in a class1fied 11W» city and 8
g ' Under the able leadership and direc- aware—Imperial Magazine. ager and doubled the lineage in thald‘, TEEEI‘IIECI.
tion of Chairman Fred B. VVachs, the ______ partment. ‘ ‘ el/ 141 Of
. _ " (.
' program committee has prepared a most 4 . I , B 'l 1 Well, we figured we had done 1‘": ) one:
, ‘ interesting and appropriate program for ‘ C””""’“_O” 1” (6’ about everything to a newspaper If“, lgrent- :
' ll the two red-letter days, lune 12—13. A publisher bought several gross of would stop its heart beating, and 1t “1, thrmllg’h tl
. ‘ . . . . - . . b
r l1 Based on the wartime theme of ”T he yellow octagon No. 2 penc11s With the still livmg. The only thing left toil t e lungs
‘ ; . . " . . . ~. . ' . ‘ . . . I 0 ,
. l KPA’S Place [11 Wartime Effort,” it was paper’s name imprinted in gold. When pellment With would be its diiect ”I ‘0 f01
, l5 . ,
z i - ,
if ‘ - .
i;- .
11" \

 [E ‘ ' '1‘ ‘
‘ [:1 - -.
[ [[[5‘11732'11’
[ 2‘15'3'1'1 1 -
942 [ May, 1942 [[[[ [ .I
“WW1: l [L ; 1
I THE KENTUCKY PRESS ;[11:,.1[.;[ [ 17
. [[1-‘1' 1, 1 ~ 1:
L he [1‘ .- . -. Pa 6 Five =’ :[. "1
I F IlIlti tronshrp With the purses in the pOCkets sat‘ g 1“[ [ 1 .
'— . ' 10' - -' 1‘ 'E u - ‘zt-ai. 1*
7a u [’11 ot OVCl /,000 SL1bSC1‘1bers_ 't 16 ““15 appalent m a dozen or so But of 1 l['[ E[" [ 1‘ 7
Al [71 : l' . . . " «. . _ ,a151IEIE », 7
IS [111 The advertisers had stood their ston11 I t1llned out at: ensumg gatherings that , (I! rundrcd or more retail advertisers 1[ [.‘l .
‘)Olll[111; nobly—why coul dn’ t 1 .. . , a good many of them . E «Int employees, you are )l‘ettE , [11317 1 ‘[‘_
11 is ‘ . .. tic readers stand soml fE‘ Came from per- with that l' , l ) “ell stuck 1 1[.I1IHIjE111H11
I lbsuu therrs,—and rl thev could, maybe [ll’lL it 1‘ Ilends Who tOok took advantage col I Cdmrc' Our Sports “Dope” ‘ [15:11: [[1‘ [1
3" oil 7 . ‘ 0 et us h 1 . - f ‘ umn wrmt - , J H 1 “2;; 11:15: 71 ‘
lmo [ would be another needle in Iournal~ [or it axe It and Signed “You asked Publislr’el C11 In our nuxs room and 1 [Ef;~’ 1b,
[‘51 Gazette advertising power. . . the 1'. 11 ( IeVery other day doesn’t have [ [[[[l[11
' I ' . 0 71 - ‘ . germ-111;; t
algettm‘[[ If we larled, 811d thereby scuttled our RM“ Razsed From 15 t0 90C an 1 §1 one c( ()I‘[11181()l all leaders but when ‘ “[[57‘ '31 [‘[[[[ [ '
ie ”0“ paid circulat’ . ' - I imsn ers t 1e 1) , - 111E? 3' 171" 7 ‘1 . '
7 1011 list, we had . . EE . LLLCisand calls . 1E1 1::[é[ E ..
our Mat. 1 lJCllCV i . . . . - f 5 . ‘ - COmm .E., 1 , E57 11
.[ Loon Trade News, a weekly- l'ree )tll;ll 7 that we la better answer to the Success 1“11 9831 (1mg comment in it about locagl [[33 I} [[[ I
‘1 tion, distributed by carriers andlmlflctd— ”Glidin rad was the tact that after SC 1001 and 1”dependent ball teams golf \ [[ [ [[ '
7, 242 iamilies to get out We Mile 1:: “[6 ImmgttItWtecIk on compilingot answers Britches, etc. you are Stuck with that [1[I|[
[ _ ‘ ' V ' ”(1'1 1 5: , , ) )4 , y . 7. vI,IiE1I1I1
ur ”Lei would have something to do even thouco-l in Subser‘ (I e 1 a[Inounccd an increase 1 Her Edson s VVaShington Column [[1, I,I_[11g[ [ 1
k 1 — V . . .. 13‘: 1- -. E
100k 0 there wauld be no revenue [or our c110 .b.1 six da I rptioIn price loc to 20C weeklyI ( oesn t appeal to I1itterbug's, but there . [Q [1.1 [ V [i
:t (lidnZ It Seemed Time “To Take ”5. on all liiqgilliler and raised one done” ill1L enough people Still concerned over [[I[ [ i
’ 1 Ea - -' . ‘z 7 .- 7.;E.-1E17
Eial pal Readers Through A Clinic” \Ve losi 961i1 LllL ”-11:10“ LoneS. 1011: ”HICISI 111311 Wabhlngton to “am" to £01' [1['[ [[[
1E . 7 1 - SLUscrr Crs ' 1 i, . ‘ a 1‘6 121 e wr'E ~ 17111111111. 11 ;
We decrded E . 1 , . ‘ ‘ m L 1r“ W€CRS. “61- ‘ ‘ ,1, 1
7 I I tthonuld take our Clllll‘c lilty new subscribers 111 1 f 4 Menus, [ashior E a , [it 171-[[, . 11 E
s Journal—Gazette lanril)’ throuo‘h a l' ' been on on l' ”0 rad ne\ Cl Lcrs t l 1 IS, SUCK“) columns, let- [ [[[H' 3 1[
. 7 . t c mic. 1‘ lst C'tme ' 1 .E A -‘ '0 I: re C( it ~ 1 .1 - . 1:1:7‘ ‘1 -:.
We couldn’t , . “E’ . < 111 (urine [h 01, Lalcndar 1 . .119»: 7- ;
. allot d Barnes 'rt 8 ' t A - a at . 0 comm [2 11-1., 1: 7. '
‘ . . t Louis or 1lllc. 14-0 qtlluers ~ . - . e\ ents local 1 , - 1% [top 11E . :1
Ma 70 Brot 1 . ‘ tame back Within the 1 ant national news of c . " " 3““ "
A ‘E1 w v E) 47. . . 101.‘ ‘11._[..‘
mom}; sirn)1 call her 111 IRIoLhQLu_“C would thiec weeks and a Iournal—Gazette )ro hold the SpOtligEht \Ve found 0 l1ISL [341' [1‘ 7"
1 ~ ‘ - ‘ . . - K ‘ ) . 1E . 1 1 ,
I suchz' fit: I in our larthlul "CLCl‘lli‘arian, nrotron ol our local MSQ Mattoon lSc1 even admit readina Chssilied 1m1 tr? E.1 [[[M [ 7
. ‘ 1‘ W0 ' i ., ‘ ' t. 1'. . - - 7 i ’ “- ‘- n < »- S 11( . .‘-‘E..‘=:1‘;.'1H'. .
€311]th through 0 e\Ienings ol diligent research \ice Organization, lounded for the put L0119115. E C(111I;77I11[ [ .7
- ur sreets in , . . . .- . . 1 - . . . .171.>E‘1E|11‘
1015 an. “E nry basement wtllm Rumpus 100111 poses 9L sending newspapers, Cigarettes SIM‘E'ZW Qlleszons Brown/it [Inn 1 11» [[[iil‘b‘i 3“
n-., ' s . . , ‘ , ‘J . _ A ~ [5.11%. ,IE1
-ge.. 1111. Soda to [ortif , i 1 sonic scotch 11nd [)llagazrnes, etc. to soldiers handled us For Edztormls, [Winn/[alum] ) (UM ['El-‘E[[[ [ '1 E
II . 1 . , - - 7 , 7 I. . . 7 7 7, 1 ,2. st 14
5 111111- . 1 our ambitions 01161. our -00 subscriptions, at a 955/, 1. Reader Intern; 1 5.551., 1
I t] I, proposed venture, We ClllCl‘O‘ed 1' 1 from our 1 I I 7 I—_ /r tiscoum 1 , 11‘1.E[ [7 . [it
1611; cu ‘t' . . 6 mtr the . icw rate. This Ol‘O‘anizat' Man 1 '1er 7 . .. ;:--=EE 1E 1E
tczmned 1 es ions contained on both sides of is Windino up SOllCit' t' l' o 1011 l) 1 c. s \\ ere ground to keen C(lU‘Qg ‘1[[[[3...1 111 71 «1.5,
; these sheetE d . ~ ‘ 7‘ . D 4 mn or member- Octors wanted s 169.1 4 . - D " 111l13§7‘[“1 1.: .
27 191. b an d plan oi Cxecufion “Ups and with 11 1 E , 7. . 1 . . 1 U“ Pdlkmg Spaces. 1:111? 1i ‘: ‘11
e 13111111: Most of the questions pertained to l: 1110116V We will 1‘111 CSllmIated ‘?4’000 1n Ic’alilgeb Wanted more curbless concrete [H [-'-E‘|[§'5:1[
' a1 tures, Panels . - ea- a ave Ort ers within the Jim evards in front 1‘ 1 E< 11‘”- 11.1531.
: , cornics~but We W, week l . . . 0 t1611 salesman 1 E1.‘ 1 1.1.1 .1 . 1
1 . E dnted to or a110ther 950 E b E' -‘ . [or lE 1- ' . ‘ is 71[ 1 7111'
1 00 Whol 1 . . . , -~ 511 SCllptions to ( 151) avm) 115:1 . . E . 1,11 t _11. .1:

. f o e tog 01 non) ,1 E 11 .7 , . _ i s .cc cats. Corn .. 7 a 17.» 11..»1 .
1165 31 k .C. \\e asked 111‘ 50 (1015, Sclllors and ma! - 1 1 . . U sticct 11 1““ 1, 5 .
. E reader 5 1 1 s . . L “1165. 11% “5 were needed 1 . .. . 7 7 .E ‘7‘ ‘E: .
11 Out-[1 and pojiktt h