xt7qrf5kdb0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kdb0n/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2015-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture LinQ magazine, July 2015 text LinQ magazine, July 2015 2015 2015-07 2019 true xt7qrf5kdb0n section xt7qrf5kdb0n W !

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! Connecting the Bluegrass Pride: C‘ommnnityl U , ,
» Introducing... *

| S '09
A brand new ‘OOk &
; , name for the GL50
1   . ' 1 July 2015, V01. 37 N0. 7

My Soul Is Tlred

Carol Taylor-Shim writes of the impact that racism,

oppression, and marginalization have on all identities,

many of which intersect.
The GLSO Is Now The PCSO ,

Board President Christopher R. Bauer announces

the GLSO’s new, more inclusive, name, the Pride

Community Services Organization.
Chdelyzolsngt PdFtIChu
i ' :1 _ thnksthmnyvlut Who Worked-tirelessly to r3175 *1 ‘
- ‘ 1 hlpbgthyttgth z .. > -,

d eonok&
‘ “(16:12:33 the GLSO
Editor-in-Chief The Pride Community Services Organization seeks to educate,
Christopher R. Bauer enhance, and empower the community about sexual minority
Assistant Editor - Advertising and gender expansive issues.
Tuesday G Meadows
PCSO Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Copy Editor _
Chrlstopher R. Bauer, President
Ann Malcolm
Theodore Meacham, Vice-President
Paul Brown, Secretary
Sarah Brown
Jacob Boyd, Treasurer
Calendar Coordinator
Roberto L. Abreu, At Large
Chad Hundley _
K1ra Goldade, At Large
Amy Hatter, At Large
PCSO Board, Chad Hundley, Rebecca Adams
Dena Lee, At Large
LinQ is published monthly by and for the Pride Community Tuesday G Meadows, At Large
Services Organization members and community. The Pride TOdd Ryser-Oatrnan, At Large
Community Services Organization envisions a community PCSO Staff
that accepts and celebrates each individual. Chad Hundley, Office Manager
All LinQ submissions and advertisements can be made to PCSO Pride Center
the editor (editor@pcsoky.org) or to the PCSO Pride Center 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
(859-253-3233).A11 submissions may be edited for length. 859-253-3233, www.pcsoky.org
Office hours are:
Like us on Facebook at LinQbyPCSO Tuesday-Friday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Follow us on Twitter at LinQbyPCSO Saturday 11 a.m.-3 p.m.

That’s What I’m " ‘
Talkln About r. as
By Helena Handbasket
eldom in my life have I had the other writer wanted to know but was that, “Half my causes are suits and ties
S opportunity to sit down, one afraid to ask. This is what came from and the others are gowns and crowns,
on one, with someone who has either that interview... but I know when to wear them honey.”
been part of the positive change in She pulls no punches and makes no I asked Nicole, “You must know
the climate in America toward GLBT excuses for her life so far. She tells, what an inspiration you are to so
issues or has been there to witness, “I’ve been a street queen. I lived 5 many, but who were the people that
influence, and tell firsthand accounts years as a woman. My life was drugs a inspired you to do the work that you
. of how things happened to change go—go. That was me. Ihave overdosed do?”
America. Recently, I was afforded that 4 times and have been given last rites “So many people inspired me. Of
opportunity when I sat for an hour-long twice. When the Priest started in Latin, course, Jose Julio Sarria, also known as
discussion with a person known to the I shouted, ‘Whatchu doin’ Father?’ I The Grand Mere,Absolute Empress I de
Imperial Court System as Empress was an altar boy and understand Latin. San Francisco, and the Widow Norton
Nicole the Great. And I must have been ugly because and the Founder of the Imperial Court
Nicole Murray-Ramirez is a gay that monsignor molested everyone but System. In 1961, Jose was running for
Latino activist who has served the last me. That priest was OUTTA HERE. If office and was the first gay candidate to
five mayors of San Diego. He is a City ya die, ya die! I have lived thru seeing run for public office. This was in a day
Commissioner, the Queen Mother of the changing attitudes towards AIDS. when you could be institutionalized by
the Americas of the Imperial Court I’m a top and like straight Marines. I the sign of a pen for being gay.
System, past State Chair of Equality was once a Republican and supported Cesar Chavez - he was the most
California, and current member of Barry Goldwater [but adds that she isa humble person and will go down in
the National Gay and Lesbian Task Democrat now]. I’ve beenawitness to history as the first civil rights leader
Force National Board and the National history. I was a Latino activist before that came out for homosexual rights.
Equality March National Executive I was a gay activist. I’ve been called See the movie on him to learn more.
Committee. You can check out the wetback, beaner, greaser, sissy, fag; Coretta Scott King - you knew you
Nicole Murray-Ramirez documentary you name it, I’ve heard it.” were talking to greatness with her.
. on YouTube for more information If I had to use one word to describe Being in her presence would humble
about her. this impressive yet outrageous person, you and make you feel unworthy. She
My intention was to interview her I would have to say PASSIONATE. V was really something.
about what makes her tick. I wanted She continues to fight for so many Harvey Milk — we were friends. Imet
“the story” of who this person is and causes and participate in so many him in a bar. He was running for his
I wanted “the scoop” of what every human rights organizations. She says Continued on next page


Continuedfrom previous page aren’t around anymore. Young people ..

first office and I told him he better cut need to know whose shoulders we stand .,_ "

that hair, he looked like a hippy. They on. They need to know who made it _. 1‘ :2 fr; ‘

won’t elect a hippy, I said, and sure possible for them to live our lives with {r Txritfi‘fi‘ir ‘

enough he lost. But when he cut his hair integrity and honesty. And there were I. , ‘K'h-‘j I

and got a suit he was elected next time. many people we don’t know that fought ‘ ‘ 3 '

A queen knows how to dress another the fight before us that we’ll never read =

queen. He was down-to-earth and had about. A community that doesn’t know ,3," La. q , 1

a great sense of humor. I didn’t go where itcame from doesn’tknow where . " f

around Harvey for two or three months it’s going. We are losing our history .51.; * , —

after he was elected. I was afraid he and we are changing it. We have to tell "i. " CF") ': '5”

had changed. But whenI saw him at an the true story of what happened before ‘ pr. . 'V

event, he yelled at me, ‘Nicole, how’s us. Every gay person should watch ‘1 r3: ' . .

tricks?’ He didn’t change after he was the documentary Stonewall 25. Drag There are books on this. There were

elected. I was devastated when he was queens started and led the fight for gay some women who were dressed as male

assassinated. And remember, it was a rights in this country. Many gays are ‘savages’ and had a female as a wife.

drag queen organization, the Imperial embarrassed by the drag queens. We Native Americans see us as special

Court, that launched the effort and got built the movement!” because of the two spiritedness.

the first stamp named in honor of an What advice would you give the A thinking queen is a dangerous

openly gay American, Harvey Milk. It young people that are reading this queen, but we have to be in the streets

was one of the biggest letter-writing interview, Nicole? and in the suites. The fight has to be

campaigns in the country. We did that! “Embrace the sissy in you. Live fought in the parades but also in the
Bill Clinton - when I met him the first your culture. We are about humor, board rooms, courtrooms, and election

time, he was the Arkansas Governor. camp, and style. That’s what makes us ballot booths. And sometimes you

He was so genuine. different. Stop trying to assimilate. We have to take your high heels off and
Alan Turing - he broke the code are forgetting who we are. Don’t be kick some ass.”

against the Germans in WWII. Where afraid to be flamboyant and effeminate At the end of the interview, I said,

are his statues? if that is who you are. We shouldn’t try “Thank you, Nicole, for your time and
How many know who Bayard Rustin to be like everyone else. Be yourself, your words. Your honesty and humor

is? He was an American leader in social honey. both inspire and delight me.”

movements for civil rights, socialism, Native Americans called us ‘two Her reply: “I’ve given you a book,

nonviolence, and gay rights. He came spirited’ because we are. Gay bitch.”

up with the idea for the first Martin Americans have bragging rights. There (I giggled.)

Luther King March on Washington and are reports that when explorers came

was openly homosexual in the 1950s. to the Americas, there were ‘savages’ (Send comments or suggestions to
God has blessed me to stay around who also had men who dress as women HelenahandbasketKY@gmail.com)

to tell these stories of what really went who were married to other men. Many

down in the ‘50s and ‘605 and ‘705. Native American cultures accepted and o

I am fighting the fight for those that respected the two spirited individuals.


‘ -
S535, ourt
By H.M.I.M. Empress XXXIV of
the Imperial Court of Kentucky '
Kali Dupree
Ihave had the honor of being a part their own communities, much like here I ‘ ”g
31133115.“ -
of this community for almost 12 in beautiful Lexington, KY, to raise E i f ‘3
years, and a member of the Imperial funds and to support their respective Court fir; Ii 1
. . ‘2: " ' 1 ~
Court of Kentucky for almost 10 years charities. Kemmky
now. I have seen this organization On Sunday I had the distinct 3:13:21 x1355“ Majesty .
grow over the years, and I am thrilled pleasure of experiencing the first “The I
to have been a part of the experience. Bourbon Ball” firsthand. His Imperial Cl“ "
V This year, on June 7,the Imperial Court Majesty, Emperor XXXIII, Tim “Pap @Upree 7
of Kentucky played host to guests Paw” Logsdon, and Her Imperial &The Imperial Court of Kentucky
is proud to begin our 34th year of
‘ ' ' ' raising money for our community!
from all over Canada, Mex1co, and the Majesty, Empress XXXIII, Chrlstlna WOULD YOU LIKE
United States of America, to witness Puse, ended their reign, thus bringing _ TO JOIN US??? . ._
Flnd out more about us by Vismng
“The Bourbon Ball: Coronation 34.” another year of fabulous fundraising wwwé'rnfiirfs'g‘?figiir‘b’ggg‘org I
The events over the weekend were to an end. But it doesn’t stop there. organizationandtobehereto helpraise I
kicked off with an “In Town Show” During the evening some spectacular funds for such a wonderful, dedicated
at Crossings Lexington, featuring events took place. community. Iencourage each and every
the Empress and Emperor’s lines of First of all, the naming and crowning person who reads this article to follow I
descent and showing recognition for of our Queen Mother of the Imperial us on Facebook and keep watch on our I
their hard work during their reign. Court of Kentucky and Protector of website, imperialcourtkentuckyorg, to I
Thank you to everyone who came the South, Nicole The Good, Nicole stay up-to-date with upcoming events. I
out and supported these individuals. Diamond, and our King Father of the Never be afraid to ask questions to I
Without the lines’ volunteering and Imperial Court of Kentucky, Daddy myself or to any of our board members I
their hard work and dedication, our Wayne. To both of you: you are if you have any questions. Come out I
organization and our community amazing individuals and I am pleased and help us support the community, I
would not be what it is. We appreciate to have shared such an important day one dollar at a time. I
you all! with you both. In service with Dedication, Desire, I
The “Out of Town Show” took place The evening did come to a close with Determination, and Devotion to our I
at the Downtown Lexington Hilton the introduction and crowning of me, ' community I
. . I
and displayed the talents of our guests Kall Dupree, as Empress XXXIV of H.M.I.M Empress XXXIV of the i
from all over the three nations. These The Imperial Court of Kentucky. I am Imperial Court of Kentucky, Kali I
are individuals who work tirelessly in so excited to represent this amazing Dupree. o I
LinQ j

 M S '
y oul Is Tlred
By Carol Taylor-Shim, MSW
Originally, I had planned out who has it worst, The Source identities. Lots of other identities
on sharing some of my watches, admiring the work that will, like socioeconomic status,
experiences in a recent racial was set in motion centuries ago. body shape and size, or level of
immersion institute, or what I WE ARE ALL PAYING A PRICE formalized education, but not your
i lovingly refer to as “racial rehab.” FOR RACISM. race. We share the fact that we will
It was the most intensive, painful, My soul is tired. But I imagine experience oppression and pain in
soul-searching, and identity- lots of people in our community our lives. But please do not equate
affirming experience of my life. are. You see, our racial identities thatto the severity or crippling level
' I was full of hope, healing, and intersect with every other identity of pain that occurs when race and
nervous anticipation of what the we hold: If you are a trans man who ethnicity enter the picture. To deny
‘ future holds. I was looking forward identifies as Muslim; if you are a it is to deny our humanity and the
to doing the messiest of work on Latina lesbian whose skin tone truth. I recognize yours and I need
myself. I thought, “YES, we can is closer to Lupita’s than J—Lo’s; you to recognize mine. When we
I come together, dive into the deep if you are a masculine of center don’t, we do horrible, unspeakable,
stuff, sit in our own mess, and but neither brother nor sister and and irreversible harm to both. Ifyou
then rise to the surface together you’reaparent;ifyou’re anAfrican care more about broken windows
and whole!” Then Dylann Storm pansexual agnostic, or a trans than broken bodies and broken
i Roof happened. Not to me, but to woman of color who knows that lives, then I mourn your loss of
i mine. Not to you, but to yours. My every day she gets to wake up and humanity.

I people. Our people. What used to take another breath is expression For those ofyou who are paralyzed
, be the safest place for so many is of power with no guarantee of by the way you’ve been hoodwinked
' now a gut-wrenching reminder of repetition. There are an endless into viewing race, I write this for
i the rotten fruits of racism that we number ofintersections that people you. I see you and I challenge you
1 are all forced to devour in some must navigate in order to simply to do the messy, internal work I
l way, shape, or form. A reminder exist. That’s too many battles at the know your soul is calling for. Some
I that our society has bred so much same time. will read this and refuse to see
i hatred and disgust for Black skin For some of us, it’s a fight to themselves anywhere in it. That’s
i that even the sanctity of a church merely survive in a world that ok, I’m not writing it for you nor
5 provides us no protection. That was doesn’t want nor value your do I expect you to do a thing. In the
1 supposed to be the safest place for existence. The oppressive weight words of King Bey, “Carry on.” I’m
l ANYONE. In 2015. In America. We of racism is always there, in the writing it for the rest of us; those
i operate our entire society based on pit of your stomach. For others, of us whose very survival is an act
i a social construct. Race is not real. it’s the luxury of moving through of revolution. We may be cracked,
i It was designed to do exactly what the world knowing that race is not battered, and bruised, but we are
: it is doing. While we all engage likely to ever intersect with any of not and will not be broken. We bend

'. in Oppression Olympics to figure your marginalized and oppressed but we do not break. 0
i LinQ

By Tuesday G Meadows
Thesday 101
“I don’t give a damn ‘bout my reputation. You’re living in the past, it’s a new generation. A girl can do what ‘
she wants to do and that’s what I’m gonna do.” Bad Reputation, Joan Jett
' article isnot‘Trans 101.”There are will not let society dictate howl am supposed person has had surgery or other procedures.

TE; of very good books that one can to behave and neither do many of my sisters Sexual Orientation: It is best not to describe
read to leam more about transgender people and brothers. You should not either. a transgender or a cisgender person as
flran I could ever tell you in a short article. Gender Dysphoria: GD is a medical term gay, lesbian, bisexual, or any other sexual
I know that many of you out there reading that describes the distress I feel when my orientation unless that is how they describe
this know the right things to say (and what outsides didn’t match my insides. I still have themselves. I am awoman who loves another
not to say) around and about me and other dysphoria but I am working on making it woman. So yes, lesbian does describe me,
transgender folks. I don’t speak for everyone, better with the help of therapy and medical and I am fine with that description. Someone
but these are my tips for how to be a more treatment One very important thing about else may not want to reveal their sexual
effective ally for the transgender community, treatment for gender dysphoria: the details orientation, and that is fine, too.
and abetter friend for me and my transgender of the treatments are no one’s business and it There are words that should not be used
brothers, sisters, and siblings. Feel free to use can be rude to ask (or presume). because many transgender people find them
them at your next family dinner when Aunt Cisgender. Someonewhoisnottransgender. derogatory: tranny, she-male, transgendered
Sally starts talking about Caitlyn Jenner and Correct Pronouns: For me it is her and (emphasis on the “-ed”), and pass (as in:
you inwardly groan she. For anyone else it can be whatever they “she passes as a woman very well”. . .this is

Here are a few important terms: tell you they are. It would be a mistake to not a compliment). I personally do not like

Transgender: Well, that is me. I am a presume. Ifyou are not sure Whatto use, just the use of trans asterisk, for it has a much
transgender woman There are transgender ask and then use what you are told If you difi‘erent possflale meaning than most might
men and some transgender folks who are make a mistake, just apologize and move think(Goog1e it). Whatisthe point of putting
gender non-conforming. When I was bom, on. Remember these are not our “preferred trans in front of every word? “She lives in a
the doctor saw that I had a Wiener (a medical pronouns,” these are our pronouns, and if you trans-house and drives a trans-car.” (Unless,
term) and I was “assigned male at birth refuse to usethem then you are just a jerk of course, it is a Chevy Trans Am). Just use

' (AMAB).” Note to everyone: my doctor was Gender Confirming Surgery: This was transgender instead of trans, please.

wrong. I am not male. previously known as a lot of other terms, but V When Aunt Sally starts talking about how

Gender: I do not identify as a woman, I am a it the name for surgery that makes our outside “understanding” her bridge club is of “those
woman. Genderisnot black orwhite. Gender match our inside. I will say again: it is no people,” you can only hope that is true.
is color and diiferent shades those of colors. I one’s business whether or not a transgender Continued on next page
a LinQ

 Continuedf r 0m previous page that say, “Look at all the good things we do or masculine enough to suit someone else’s
However, I, personally, do not want to hear for the gay and lesbian community.” Well, if taste. It does not matter to us if our make—up,
how great a religion, politician, organization, there is one very bad thing that they do, and clothes, bodies, or voices meet with others’
or someone is if they do not recognize that bad thing is that they are not concemed approval or not Talk with Aunt Sally about
transgender people or, even worse,tryto wipe with transgender issues, then for me that will the big issues, because we have way too
us fiom the face of the earth. I have heard outweigh all the good things they do. many suicides, too much violence, much too
people say, “But the congregation is really There are many things I love to debate: high of unemployment, too much general
nice.” I do not care. If an organization only sports, fashion, movies, celebrities, the harassment, and too much discrimination.
wants me if I hide, repress, or deny my true weather, TV shows, or who has the best Finally, if you want to be a true ally,
self, thenIdo not wanttobeamember. Ihave cheeseburger in the whole world Perhaps supporter, or just my friend, do not ask me
i also heard the classic line, “They (political you debate religion and politics at your or others to be stealth. Do not ask us to be
party/TV personality/religious figure) just family dinners (that feisty Aunt Sallyl). quiet, blend in, and stop being so public. Do
really care about the children.” They do not However, there are some transgender issues not say, “I liked you the way you were before
care aboutthe childrenunlessthey also include that are just not debatable: reparative (aka. you transitioned.” These are not options. We
transgender kids. Newsflash: Children are “conversion”) therapy, transgender children have fought way too hard to get here and I, for
not born biased and only learn what we teach transitioning, restroom usage, and my or any one, am not going back. You may write me
them about other people. Some might say, other transgender person’s gender. at tmeadows828@gmail.com or follow me
“She is a great feminist.” Well, she is not for Transgender people on the whole have on Twitter: Tuesday G Meadows@trishgigi.
me if she is trans-exclusive. There are groups much bigger issues than not being feminine Now Tuesday is gone with the wind v
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 By Mark Johnson
This annual conference,co-hosted interest to community members continuing v V \
by the Kentucky Department for and others affected by HIV/AIDS education), J
Public Health and Heartland CARES, either personally or professionally, and $90 for W
Inc, in Paducah, is designed for health caregivers, service providers, professionals W
care and social service professionals prevention specialists, substance registering l ‘
who are involved in planning or abuse counselors, correction officers, for CEU, l /
providing prevention education or physicians, nurses, social workers, CME, etc.
" direct delivery of services to people counselors, nurse practitioners, and O n - l in e
3 living with HIV/AIDS in Kentucky. pharmacists. registration
i It is also intended for people who are The 2015 Kentucky HIV/AIDS is available
i interested in improving the quality of Conference will be held at the Crowne through TRAIN Kentucky (https://
j life for people living with HIV/AIDS Plaza Hotel, 830 Phillips Lane, in kytrain.org). (Conference Course ID:
1: and those who are concerned about Louisville, July 28—30. Limited 1056415)
i the impact HIV/AIDS has on our scholarships are available. For more information about the
i communities. Registration costs $30 for consumers, conference, please call 800-420-7431,
i This conference may be of special $60 for professionals (not requesting or visit our website: chfs.ky.gov v
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glgi$é2éiéAS~EiS$EDDE E SEP 2016©2015 ED ‘ ARD Ji:ES ALL; 3 fig , A 1 . w.e Lamb; S‘pc MAKING SENSE OFINVESTING
LinQ n

Around The lerary°
Sing T0 The Universe Who We Are, MUSE-Cincinnati Women’s Choir
Reviewed by Rachel Hugenberg
Cincinnati Women’s Choir is a rich and textured We Are is a powerful and complicated representation
tapestry of story and sound. The singers’ of both the choir and of music geared towards social
voices are strong and clear, and the music relies on justice. V
complex harmonies and pure vocal tone to create a L L... ‘ ~ ' ' '
support structure for the songs’ melodies without r, ’5‘ " i 3&1
. . . . . . . ’ ”$5 -
be1ng overwhelmlng. I admire this ch01r’s ab111ty to __.‘ $2”: ,,
_ . Jaw—.1 __ . m..-
. . . .2 ‘« a». ‘ .4122.
choose pieces that reflect the1r de51re for soc1al change, i ,:, t; 53'. 1&°;¢
. ._ Fr . .. «:52. . if, :1.“ .42....1 a
highlighting the social needs of different cultures, 2 . 'i. "1" 33% " kw —~1 2“ .J
at)? 21.3..71/ ,. f
environments, and types of music in a way that meshes (a... 10353:? ‘3‘ °' .gfigéflw ‘
. 21-1 _ _.: .- gfi‘j‘!m'7~__g“ T i ’4‘ ‘1
together to form a coheswe album that flows well from 1% w“; - .. #799 3’ ' fit.
. . . . “5 clef-7’3: “:4" . L.'-W‘
one song to the next. Whlle this ch01r’s work prov1des nitj .A . :~' '—f .5; =17”
2" 3' 3?." ‘ r- ""’ "'s
both relaxing and thought provoking songs, a few songs fix-"J ‘ ' 1 ». '
in which the choir sings a cappella would have been ,2" l ‘7 V ._ 1.
an excellent addition, as the instruments sometimes ,' i i .2.
overwhelm the vocal musicians at unexpected points "
within the songs. Overall, Sing to the Universe Who $3312. — Cincinnati’sWomen‘s Choir
. 23h ‘ ' '
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2644 Richmond Road ' Lexington, KY 4050‘) - “j. 0 FLOWE i 5. g. 2 ._ . Z . .
859-272-7111 - fayettegallerycom ' a . .7. .. \,_. G]. .7, .. 1 "
Mon — Sat: 10a to 6p Sun by appointment ... . L i H i i i 7 i i ‘ . . .

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Plcnlc Ideas
By Ranada West-Riley
ummer is here, and nothing says a great option and can be served cold. Corkscrew
S summer more to me than being 3. Cool it down! Tablecloth or T—shirt blanket
outside, noshing, and cocktails! I Remember, while packing up the Decorative centerpiece (a homemade
don’t know about you, but I’ve been on cooler, chill everything thoroughly and beautiful dessert is perfect for this)
: quite a few picnics or outdoor parties and toss in plenty of ice. To be safe, Sunscreen
in my life, so I’ve learned a few things food shouldn’t sit outdoors for more Bug spray or citronella candles
J through trial and error. Whether you’re than 1 hour while on ice or ice packs. Trash bags
having a patio party, going boating, or Food borne illnesses can quickly set in
having a quiet date at the Arboretum, if food is below temperature for very All American Sweetheart Martini
food and drink are in order and can long. - 2 1/2 oz vodka
make or break the event. Here are a 4. Ambiance can make or break a 0 1/2 oz peach schnapps
few tips and recipes to pack a punch mood. - 1 oz orange juice
for your next outdoor party. People eat with their eyes long before - 1 oz strawberry puree
1. Choose your spot. they take a bite, so accessorize and go Simple to make and easy to drink.
Before you start, remember that all-out with nice tablecloths or picnic Shake it well, don’t stir.
you’ve got to carry everything to blankets. Flowers and plants are an
your chosen spot. Opt for paper and even better special touch. Don’t forget Curried Chicken Salad with
plastic to lighten the load (remember the lighting, especially if it’s in the Cashews and Raisins
to recycle!). You want to impress your evening. Votive or floating candles in a ° 1 whole roasted chicken with all the
guests, not have an Ironman Marathon fishbowl are perfect for this. meat pulled from the bone
, workout. 5. Remember the essentials. ° 1 1/2 cups good mayonnaise
5 2. Keep it simple and easy, yet Pack the essentials and make sure - 1/3 cup dry white wine
elegant and flavorful. you’re fully equipped for your event. ° l/4 cup mango chutney
Whether you’re running to the Here’s a reliable list of things you will - 3 tablespoons curry powder
supermarket to pick up some imported need: - 2 large stalks of celery, fine diced
cheese and smoked meats or you’re Picnic basket or cooler - 1/4 cup chopped scallions, white
cooking your favorite creation, Bottled water (you can freeze and green parts
remember that the foods you pick overnight and use as an ice pack) - 1/4 cup raisins
should be simple and easily moved. Outdoor dinnerware and flatware or 0 1 cup whole roasted, salted cashews
The possibilities are still endless. Make plastic silverware Mix all ingredients together. Mix
a summertime chilled soup and bring it Napkins well. Perfect as a sandwich or on
in a thermos. Wraps and quiches can be Glassware Croissants or Crostini. o

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By Angel Algarin I. ‘
Making Excercise Fun In Lexington ;., 33w”,
n my short time being here in 2. Jumping with Gymnastics- sights and sounds of our gardens.
ILexington, I have noticed that Gymnastics is a unique activity Once you are there, you feel like
finding fun ways to work out has that helps develop coordination, you have escaped to a paradise.”
actually been fairly simple. With a strength, and flexibility. The With their approximately two-mile
little information navigation, local Lexington Gay Sports League’s running loop, from experience I a
reading, and going to experience Facebook page advertises a $5 adult can say that the environment really
different ways to maintain fitness gymnastics class on Wednesdays at makes this place a great destination 0
here in Lexington, I have begun to 7 p.m. at The Academy (3550 Arbor for runners.
makealist ofmy workout ideas and Dr.). Though I haven’t been able
what makes them so great! to make it out, I can’t wait until
I have a free Wednesday evening _ _ p .. x g .'
1. Crossing the Conservatory- specifically to tr