xt7qrf5kd94f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kd94f/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1915-02-25 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 22,  February 25, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 22,  February 25, 1915 1915 1915-02-25 2015 true xt7qrf5kd94f section xt7qrf5kd94f ‘•·~ —— —-··—···— ‘rr" lr Y
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I H   = I D E A
  . · University of Kentucky
I   i·|··|»~t4··t·t·•·|»•••·|·4»+·t ·|··|»•|»·•·|•+·|··•·I»·•·•»·I»·•·o·O1
  0 The Choral Society of State 0 . . 4 Dr. J. Fred Wolle, famous O1'. P. A.      
4 University will meet Monday O O organist, will be the next at- Ol
i         O afternoon at 4:30 in the muslc O     ·I• traction to appear here under 0      
r 0 studio on the third door of the O O the auspices of the Lyceum O
_.1— O gymnasium. The studio will O — - ·|· Bureau of the University. Ho O éi.
2·• , .
Season Ends m a Tle Be- "' "° °°'“'°'“""’ "°°*°" °“" ““ * Y. M. C. A. Launches Cam- °' Y"' *’° “° "‘° F"" P"°"°”°" ° Ind d 0 · ·
l T O students of the University are O , , , _ O Ian Church, Friday evening, O epen ent rganlzatlon
. tween the WO O invited to join the society. The O palgn to Ralse Aslatlc ·|· February 26, and will render a. O WOPklDg in thé Illtéfésts
1   Teams. 4- membership of the society was ·|• and Blue Ridge Fund. O program of classical selections 01 of Prohibition
  ,_____ O very large last year and offers O   O and will make a short talk on O '
,_ U         G  O to every student an opportunity O O these numbers. Admission will OI
.o O to acquaint themselves with ·I•|$303     O be free to all. O 100      
` O rt f l . O i
  ¤¤ wo o·»·» ·¤¤ »··»¤-¤·»··o·· ¤·¤¤¤~ t jj; ;"f"f _ _ r _ r _ a _ ow. Robert K. M.....,·. an to the * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1
the Kentucky Wildcats emerged vic- students Wednesday momma at me —---•-••..t The Intercollegiate Prohlbltlon As.
wrioul In both` The unt ended 22 regular chapel services marks the “ H s0c1°’t1°¤' r°pr°°°m'°d M Sum Umv"'
to 13 and the second 20 to 18.   S   A     my by on Pmmbmon
League, is an
· The Volunteers had not completely 0 mal beginning of the campugn to be independent organization of the col
recuperated from their trip In the tlrst conducted thll Week by the Y. M. C.         H l
game and were probably not at their A. for the purpose of raising $700. °g° and u°1v°”1ty °1‘°d°m° °‘ uw
best. but at that it WN 1lY **0 m00·¤’ iDean Massie's address was relative to ——e— United stm"' md is °'m"“°d with n°
slow. Christian work now being done in · 0*1101` °°110$1*1*0 °1’8¤¤1¤*1°¤· U 1U
The second contest was the hardest ODE of the MOSt Popular { Ching by Orggulzauons tn this country CO`€%i’l_F0rm Eintlge _?aSt of platform it has a slmplo cr••d: 1.
rough: contest puuod on ot the Audi- Students Who Ever {ue tanned that the students or xm- 10 Y00*` S 111 0' That ¢¤¤•¤¤ mon owl v¤m•¤ would
torium this year and from the start Attended Stat_€_ tucky stats fntgregt thcmnowgu tn tut, S0phl3.Il Play. aid in the solution ot the liquor prob-
it was "nlD and tuck" who W0“1d ‘Y1¤· _i._ 1work and contribute as liberally as ;'_"' 10m? 2- T11** *1*0 m•*h°d of ¤°1¤*10¤
Due to the intense rivalry of the two Iposutbts COSTUMING OF 1860 ia 8 national prohibition of the manu-
teams, which was aggravated by tho       This campaign Kwon Stato Univer., ? factvure, sal; md nag of alcohol];
determination of the Volunteers to "Y stty gn opportuntty to not into a move. · Cast of Characters. liQ\10l’|·
anhu tho loca or the uraht ootorcr William S. Thelslng, age 25, a 12_m€m arrocuhg rho wholo aourh and Mts, Mgrigh Dguglgs-Mgrlg Becker The Intercollegiate Prohibition As-
the game was considerably roush. $’0‘1“0*0 0* the C°11°$0 of M1"' *1**11the whore y°;·td_ Og tht. {700 {und Isabel Dougl•.s·—lna Darnall. Sooiation il not s political nor a re-
many fouls being called on both sides. M0*°11“"8Y· Y"' 1*111011 100* T1““"‘1*Y $350 ts to no town"; ynnnytng tn, tn. Marie Van Harlenger—Vlvian De llsious orxmisatlon. It do•• not of-
0 The Tannauao hoya woro In tho ln a mine accident at Paxton, Indiana dahtadhaaa or tho moo mdao_ No C__ Lane, tlllate with any churgh qt- my nn'.
lead 11 to 8 at the end of the flrat Hs W00 '*0¤‘11”$ 00 0- “Y1*°1‘ 11* *1*0 trginjng grgundg gm- ctn-tstgnn tender-. Col. William McMlllen—Ellzabeth ioua institution. The student volun-
harr and kept rr uhm about hvo mtu. mine, when a coal car jumped the amp and $350 toward promouua Y_ M_ Fm-ra_ teer movement sends ship loads ot
utes before the game was called. when ***01* 0110 °*`“0h0d 1111** 08'*11”* 0 "11’ (3_ A_ work tn Chiu; one ctttzsn nv- Dr. Blake—Stella Pennington, Bible and missionaries to torelgn
the Wildcats tied the score 16 to 16: 0* the m1“0· S0"0"°1 11°“” 0100000 hu; lu Fayette County has contributed Miss Madden—Mary Parker. lands: the Intercokgiate Prohibition
and a mlnute later this was broken 1’0*01'0 1*0 could be 1*000*10*1 *1'°m *110 3150 Ot this amount but tho students John Cason Gordon, alias Jack Association is striving to make lt lm-
when zerrom who who auhantutod for wreckage and he died two hours later. wm be grvoh thc opportunity ro aura t Cason-Martha vamon possible for those name ships to carry
Morgan, was particularly goodl His body was sent to his home at rho rcmahrdca Cards woro paaaod ar! Mr-s_ (;ord0n..Enzabeth Duncan, liquor from this country to those same
It would b6 h8.l‘d to DlCk tho stars C0v1ng1'0n’ Ky" where the funeral was ) [hg clggg gf the ghgpgl pgrjgd \Vgdugg.* RUSS G0l'd0l1—J\1dl[h   countriu.
for the Wildcats, for it took the beat 1l01‘1· M0“d"·Y· dgy and n large amount gf subscrtn- Cindy——Virglnia Stout. The Intercollegiate Prohibition As.
that was ln all of them to "brlng th0 Messages 000*108 *110 001`1`0w1111 111' tions were received At this timgi Henry—Mary Hamilton. Soolation has as its chlef functions the
bacon homo'-. hut rho work of Tuttle, telllgence that he had met his death $303 havo oooh courrrhurod Dancers ln Mlnnet-Elsie Speck, familiarlzing ot all college students
- who was SWl[Ch€d to forward, and were 1`0001Y0‘1 by the local chapter of A Mgt of thirty (ganvggggrg have been VlVl8.I1 DeLa,ne L0lS Brown, L0lB } with th9 DPOKTBIS of pl'0hibi[i0|‘| all
Morgan, was partciularly good. $19110 A1p11°· El’011011· S1**“1"10Y· The appointed and they wm can gn all [ Powell, Elizabeth Duncan and Flor- over the country, the education of col-
Mcspaddon undoubtedly dtd the news spread Ilke wildflre 0V€l‘ thé Cam- those who have not given It is almrencg Duncan, 1l€88 students 011 the IAYQBP f0[(\1|‘Q|
_ best work tor Tennessee. Not only 0**0 0***1 00'“0 00 0 1*00YY 010“’ to hls gergly hoped that no dtmcutty willr Dancers in Plantation Dance——Eliza-rot the problem, and the tralnlng ot a
was his guarding of the brightest   Hlany friendE and acquaintances here. be encountem in raising the desired   Alexander, Jessie Acker, Eleanor few students for active s€rViC0.
but he also accompllshed several dlf- 110 was 0110 of *110 000* 1'm0W0 and {und An the other- Qgllgggg of tnejliaker, Louise Dougherty and Lena The Intercollegiate Prohlbltlon As-
hculc aoahr most popular men who ever attended Sraro have alroady procured thotriolern sociation has a place ln college actlvl.
Tha line-Ups and ll1dlVld\l31 80819 *1*10 Umversitx A member of the assessment and only the State Univer-; —·—· *188 as DNC of U18 D&ti0!1·WldG m0V0-
scored follow: S1$m“ E1’“11°“ "“1"m1*Y· and °°t1v°|sity or Kentucky is behlnd with its ap-1 The Phllosophian Literary Society ment to eradicate the liquor tramo,
Kentucky-—Morgan (capt.) 2, Tuttle lu 0Y01`Y 000101 “11011` of 0**1*1011* 1110· portionmant The mon and women or h will present their second annual dra- AS State University has set tor her.
]_ Zgrfoggr substitute, 1, forwards; Ser- B111· 38 1l0 was D0DU1¤l`1Y known. 01*1 Kentucky gtuto Should give freely to r matic production, "A Kentucky Belle," self a high standard, scholastlcally, gg.
ver 2, center; Scott and Gumbert, 1. *10* *0'g0* 1*10 Studies- 0*1*1 W00 0100*0*1 such a cause, and S0 when the solid-18E the Armory, Wednesday evening, clally and morally, she cannot afford
guarda proo goalsébiorgan 6_ to the honorary engineering fraternity. tora approach you gtvo thorn a word   March 3. to overlook the greatest evll or the
A Tennessee-Klein 1, and Clinard 1,"1`8¤ 80*8 pl- He WHS 8 m0¤1b0¤` of of encouragement and whatever, The story of the play in interesting day, nor refuse to lend her support
rw ras. Groohwood 2_ center; Mc. the Glee Club, and not only had a good aruouur ou cau anord_ 1and attractive ln plot, and as would toward the ultimate etfaoement of pro-
fo a . y
spadden 4. and Jacobs. guards- Free V°1°0 1**** was 0100 ***1 °°°°m¤11°h0d A v. M. c. A. nomlnatlng ccmmuteerbo expected in a drama with a Ken- ¤il>iti<>¤·
g0als—Kl0ln 2. 010010*- composed of one studgnt tron; eachrtuvky theme and setting. the whole There are about a hundred voters
R€r6r,0a__Kohh or Richmond State Uurlng his stay here, he became a couo o or rho Uuivorah was ah, plot centers around a love affalr and connected with the league who have
. g y ,
Noruuah Mystic Thirteen. and a Key. and ron- uouncgd at ch·p81 yastgrdayg Thiglli horse race. bound themselves to fight until the
, resented his fraternity in the Pan- ooruruhtoo wut norninato tho Omoo,-nr 'l`he most interesting feature of the State of Kentucky is in the Prohlbi·
The Contact for the grading or smh H0l10¤l0 C0¤¤0ll- He W8¤ 8 good 8th- and cabinet men of tho Y_ M_ ty A_ presentation will be the male roles in- tion column.
Fr ld m w we Ammon _ mh lm wd ¢¤¤*¤ vm *¤ sevml k*¤¤¤ of for next year who will me their Orterpmtou by me pretty Coeds. who , __
° was ' athletics making the gym team in his hoop A 1 » · -
· pril lst. The committee will_11¤V0 0**00**0*1 *1*01* 1“d0P0¤*100'~0 1’Y Following thelr custom Tau Sigma,
°°""`°°1‘°"’ M 02 °°"°° °' cumc yard S¤¤¤<>m¤¤<¤ Y0"- 10 1110 S0“10" Y00·" meet Saturday at 1:30. r8¤¤¤¤“1¤S *1*000 r<>le¤ *1*0¤*001"00· 1** the honorary musical traternlty, held
*0* 01*011* *000 0111110 Y"d“· Mn An` he w“ ¤¤1>¤°'1¤*1°“ m“n“g°1` 01 *118 The popular association quartet, stead of 001*1118 **0010***11*`0 1*0*11 *110 lts initiation banquet Monday evening,
derson was awarded the bid 0V0|' 1{*`11*“"111“"· composed of Messrs. Hall, Kennedy, *110 1*0Y=‘- **0 was *10110 100* Y0"- February 15, at the home of Tom Jack-
‘ seven other contractors. When com- **111 10 1*00* 1'0'“0m1’01`0*1 1*Y 0 lSl`0¤* Rodwtnn and [)enn_ gang ··Tnne  Other novel features of the play will uon_
plated Stun Fiqh] wu] be one of the u\8|lY people 88 l>!'0¤1d6!1t0ftll6 St|‘0l· tvor-kathy u very Mauutful and ntting be the costunllug which will be ac- Those initiated were Graham Pad_
largest and most up-to·date athletic 101`“• *110 1°°“·1 111°“m°·*1c °111b· and 8** number, at the beginning of tl1e`<‘0*`*111*g to *110 0*Y10 of 18*10· **1111 *110 ley. Frallklln Corn and Nelson Souls,
tlelds in the South. ‘*""'((r0mrh'u"0d' hh Pago TWO) ' ` services. r’_“‘ri,;)Krr`nhah ’hn"r,aé;.rQvO_r ' ” making the full complement of eight,
Come “Z 'o See “‘A Kentucky Belle"
At th A M h th Th' d
.o ·

 '   F é
  ..,.1.. . ~ ····-   ‘;'_"_°°t‘_`-__` ` "_”°'  · -é
• °_
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures Go Where the Goa Go. .
Children 5c
Me At Admission 10c  
FIRST-CLAS! IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT J. H. OTAMPIR, Jr. 0wn•r and M•n• •r. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. ;
I I l uAl
WILLIAM 8. THEISING rmlnor parts, but have been handllmrl      &   I A
MEETS TRAGIC DEATH ltlrerm ndnnlrnlmlybg rehenrilntkl b Wn 1       Manner to sn"'. ‘ c°_ ' f Tl
....- re p ny s ng mac y -1 _____ .. •
A D A M   D E 1 ‘(`°"tl"“"d "`°"‘ P°g° One) [Ham NIc(`omns an actor of wide ex-I 107 W' Main St' . ” owl
    Q da n   mmm  DE l ‘ ' l Mc(Ylarty Harblson, of Shelbyville, 3591* egpg pguN·|·A|N m Tag » I
X Oh 1 8 9 . ‘ r ~ I `
    1 B lpP!'l(IlCG, \\ll0 llkd BD lmpOrtBnt plrtwhan accepted u position on the stan       I PX
ld¤<’¢‘d lll NH J¤¤l<>l‘ Y°¤¥'· Mid M l°°d‘1w1tn smhern and Marlowe, and grat-lot me Lexington Herald to ml me _ ‘ hy 1
l ma ln "Th· Vlrglnlan" ln hls' . 6d_ 1 11_|
iglfnior Qlear l `HWIIIK rellllts are expect ivacancy created   {RIB resignation of   H".
" t` J. .Shff. Hh b. tr re- L
2       l 1·‘01lowlng hls graduation, he ncce1>t-`STATE GIRLS   1 TRM sl th; sslmissilti; im:   •t poln
8 • •     • ' 3 ed a position with tl1e Natlonal Steel ,       u ar . ’ n p   y y,,.r_
_ 1 paper office, and will act as police re- _
Car (`ompany, of Hamilton, (anada, ast *·"‘ R t nd mn wm"- which   1 my
, r s 0 . ,
metallurglst. Later he was employed ln 11 l¤M'il f0¤8h\ but 0ne·¤lded Ldlmé 2:38 I; Merced 0: Monday morning me
.. .e .
      on the Government locks near Frank- lust Saturday night the State glrls de-, H'}; bi I t d d U U { K t K Md
    fort. About u year ago he wen; w|[h Ifeated the Vandy quintet by the score Ml" ar mm ms at en ° l° n `     y low
I   N `me uoothnan Manufurturlnx (`0¤¤¤¤¤Y·;°t 19 t° 5· The "°“t°“t was rather Verma, two yu; as tu Blicliljstudcnlt OHQFS [766 tuition lh all d¢l)ll’$· 4 t*‘
  of Uhlcago, and recentlv completed his I slow ln the flrst half on account of the and B “°° the °p°’r men ° °um°"\ hg
' . l l t ll .d, l l d -
Umar Entlnly Naw Managamant work ln their shops. [““'“€’°“S wuts called on the mutt mel Bm ITM T; sk m\im;:Sc0u?_;; un ments to the g r 8 d u 8* t 8 S 1n {
u oo o . .
Seeing good material ln him fvf 8 “'l‘° were “°t “°°“’t°“‘°d t° lh°`““ 8 Y 8 of K€!lt\1ClV€¤*¤K M me Ph°°· I · · b _m
      A leagues and at the grave his chum, L BPVPI‘8l DTGUY f0\1l souls, Wlllle lllé PX-{mx Hotel- The dance was B chemilnz tion, n`I8tI'lCI1l8t10Il, l8b0]'$t0]'y Fup]
~   ··1».111" Johnston, paid a splendid trl- vellent guarding of Miss Woods and ·°¤° Wd up *0 the hl8h ¤l¤¤d¤¥'d which and other fees, one or mor. ·p• wm
( ;Ij;;*sllon sent Lynn B. Evans to repre- Norton and Miss Franklin were the]¥¤0¤t b¥‘llll¤¤l. and longed-for society Necessary expenses moderate hcl
Q sent the fraternity at the funeral   stars Y0? ih? Vl¤l\0T¤· `evems of each year" .   y nt
·s€N·k.(.S_ and ML pgvans took with him The lineup follows. l The bm “’°"‘ was vrettllv d°°°"“t' For full 1Ilf0I’ID8t10ll regard- D
at beautiful wreath. sent by the faculty K€¤t\\€kY·‘MlB9€¤ Hulilles and Tam- ed in the fraternity colors and em- ing appointees courses of stud in 1
or me College of Mules and Metal- ¤‘c>r-·¤rds: Heller. center: Irmis ¤¤d,"‘°‘“· M'- J· G- A“d °“d Mm M"' ’ y' .. Sm
lurgy \“·0Od’ gum.dS_ garet Nlcoll led the grand march and cost of board, etc', apply to mm
' I
1 we know how weak and fruitless ls Vanderbilt-Misses Slwrry and Nor-la b““tlt“l l"`°g"““ °t twenty dances H S BARKER pm
any word of ours with which we may Um. f0¥`W¤·|'d¤i E9J‘lY. Cem-9¥`1 Ackl€¤·“'““ °n·t°y°d‘ I O ’ DM,
attempt to begulle me grler or 1r1s_==¤<1 Franklin. s¤¤rd¤· , TM “°"’ m°“ tn “'h°“° h°“°’ *h° Pfelldéut,
mother roraioss s¤¤»·erw1le1m1ng,yet S¤¤rl¤s—Field s<>¤l¤-—Ml¤¤¤¤ H¢lle¤‘1“°“°° ‘“‘“ 8"°“ “° M°““"· C- W· Lexington, Ky. ST
B1.? ,.111 01,.,,rSh the memory of the 4. Hngne¤ 3. and Norton 1. Foul ”°'°“· R- "`· Md-°°°· J- ‘·~ W°“° °“° —.....—.l._.._.
loved and lost better, because or the ¤0als— Misses Tuul 4. Heller 1. and R· F· A“’°"t·
lmany condollng messages from his E¤|'lY 3- l Tha active chapter members Me: FOR PENS AND PENC“3’ • (l
Kentucky friends. E RGfel.€9__Bem0n_ of vanderbilt, Messrs. G. C. Rogers, L. B. Evans, J. wm
. _ iUmph.e__S€,.v€,., of Kentucky Time, R. Watkins, M. Brooke, N. E. Philpot,. TABLETS AND FINE Tat
··A xzmucxv saute keeper--Ynrborough. ll? C- *’¤"‘°*’· L- S- 0'B°¤¤°¤· R- P  5·rA11gNgRY nun
l IN ARMORy_ MARCH 3 ______,+.,.....—. iH0we, C. S. Rolllngs, G. L. Cherry, H,. _ M
I ___ ,STROLLERS T0 BEGIN 1Y. Barker, M. c. astsei, J. R. Dn¤e¤¤,` JOHNSTON’S CANDY ( [ 1
E h• R d d l l(‘ontlnued from Page One.)           T. F. Eichhoru, J. G. Aud, B. G. Ar-, Im
. _ _ . ,no an . . reeman.
_danc1ng included in the flrst art. A 1   E   1 A
And al Prices that Count mlnuet will be danced by eight of The Strollers wm Boon begin workl _- • ·     ‘ Pl
_ on a play to be presented sometime lnl Remember the "Kentu(·ky 3°° w°*t M*'" °t"*** ,
1l’ntterson Halls most graceful dan- A Hi I i t 1 TH in b€§B   ” 1 ifll.
. n . r s w .
tcers, all of which will be dressed ln pr _n lex ug on 0 y 1 Q c`   ‘Y
S at O     l((smmP of wm An Old plantation the blg annual performance of the or·  -—--;- ; Vw
1 S ` " S ' · . . . _ _ • • `
u y V C Q 14 __ __H bx _ V ) b { V _ I ganlzatxon. ho play has been selet ted   ’ L ,
tldnu dm ( gum Tl? JX: :;rE1y<·t, although several have been ex-   S gxrngton Orchestra U U
‘ Q ` l`€¥SS(·‘ HS ¥l€gl`()€H. lS ’ 0 - ' 1   HCI l il A tn Ylill Y T • •
Shirts, shoes, MM be Om) or IM mm hmmmus my dlll ne t. 1 _ rarer? tnn . vs ·r<;t-;; dlld b(lxOph0Tl€ T10 _
~ _ presen ec ln rex ng on, .eo g o F I
  f l l . 0Tm¢T O 8Td Ho 82 T h
gnu`? 0 cle`:) ayv in l U land Mt. Sterling was originally intern- y p u O c est,-a • 1
1 . ISS . 'l` ' ' l’ll()ll \\' )il\` l(! .
    ' f V a ra" a I I 1 6 -1 ded for presentation only in nearby · FRATERNITIES PLAYED FDR LAST YEAY. ~ ‘ in
1···¤¤ ><>·¤··» ~·>¤··· · ·<· ¤~¤>¤¤ ·¤·· www Kappa Slgma, Tau Beta Pr, Tau Bm Thata, Alpha l•ta --
llionaire in disguise of a t·on1mon tele-i 7Y-* Pan nauenic and lamp ani cross
phone lineman. This is Miss Var· cw. 8 TO °  
aps, C. samon 1.. _ _ I
,. .,.,       ...i .     mm mm PROBLEM Address: 0. E. Klllll, Bll Pncc Avenuc,Lex1ngtnn,Ily. 1 ‘
dramatics and her 3})[l€3l`8l\(‘(’ in this ...,.
Prices marked way down, i,,,,,,,,,,.,. is 1,,.,,,,, a,,,,,.i,,,,,,.,, Wim! Messrs. n. 1.. Ehrlich and 1:. 11. A1- THE F’0F’U|-AR CGLLEGE AND FRATERMTY cnc}-|;5·rnA 1
100k at lh¢ winke *5 65 Y0¤ keen interest. \ll¤<>¤· Se¤l¤r <*lv¤¤» will vrevere ¤ ·—·—m··M··r   ·r r ·   er A ·- —·——  -—-—-—i C
·— - · . . thesis that will ald the cltv to make a ·
p8,SS•   lhe role ot the leathng lady, Isabel —
lllouglas, who is in love w1t11 y0ungl**tUdY ef the sewage problem. lt ls WHERE AM l GOING? ‘ _
·-*"‘ Nason, will be played by Miss lna Dar-   llwlr Purpose to ¤¤¤k€ 3 ¤¤mb*’*` OY 6** To
lnall. Miss llarnall is a members of l’€"tm€“t** tn treattng ttm Sewuga _
lim. S[,·UHc,.S and has taken part in chemically so that tl1e resldue llliiy be I     {  
    lm-0du(.ti(,us Staged by (h(.m_ She wm used as fertilizer and also make draw-
'prunanly do the star at-ang ln t1r1sll"¤¤ ¤¤·—l weve of e <¤l¤1>¤¤¤¤ ¤·=¤¤ wit- _.....___. 
O0 The part of (‘ol. Wllllam McMlllen;"ltY the Btw of t*€’tt“gt°"·
"`°°"’°”`°° “i“' "‘“ “‘“"""“"*“ by M’““ E""*""" ' so»=»1o    & M U  
Farra, who has tl1e height necessary
The College Fellows   P for the making of a stately and dlgnl- T :  
7 A 7 W -*77 VM-in r_rr___-1-·_-_— htld Kentucky Colonel. Tle Q [ d   b i   N   O
0 I l » 0) l0lllOl`€ l\l'€ W P V
Lexington Cigar CQ, Vlrglnla Stout and Mary nsmlltnn mlm, Ml M _ TL; Q i g in °
|¤¢°'v°¤‘•*·•‘ in the negro roles of Cindy and Henryl L A d ( I IL le A Ul om are D. lncmt °"td°· •
_ ,vlted as a class and can obtain ad-
MIHUYICQUNFI of will do the chief eomedy roles of the ‘ mim I _ _d_ {_ H [ I_ k Au
    l I. b Ul (lil b IUII) 8X` UH .
  p M Sophonlores are requested to pay their • °
EXCLUSIVELY Miss Vivian beams, who nas the mh to U I H { Q   t Otv ervrce _
»· reeas r..- · ·_ .
136 WEST MAIN VYREET part of Marle, a dashing, vivaclousl wsunr u (mw -1- 1
lK<*lllu<·ky girl. ls well suited for lh ` The A. 'I`. U. fraternity held its sixth r'
DR• J• U•   ` Miss Stella l’9nIl|nxl0ll BB U0¤·li·.v.-nrs i..
l mmmmm’ appointed by the Southern the Men‘s Association took a roller- Fnrolxn l.utk¢·vn<·i•·r spent the w··
l .7.7--..., .-.... --~-.-- »s....-... -......-- ..-- ..-._.-- ....,-.. -. lntv-rcolleglate Athletic Association to `
llwt A dom n for an associ U n tion from the onlookers for the Red|··nd ln l·`r:inkfnrt.
"A(}" STUDENT DAIRY l··· rlvll service examination for Field M ‘ s ‘° ° Cross amounting to $3_ag3_
» "’ . ' A . , 0 Own
ANI)     `Um dmprwg more than mmm; nimlol, to be given to the best student Thp mmny and smdpms f I l -—
l HllIl(·‘tP ln each inBt,lll1u()n of the BBRO· l  
. .—- mention   State College co-operated with the
· » ·l i , ·d I .
. g_ . '|`he responsible position of Hairy This examination was tukcn by lT•¤;('_MI"n "*‘*"1"""““‘;;l am; idmzeunf mayor of Ames ln oarrylng mit, a lagl M   I 'E
ll mid Pond Inspector for the city of nwn from 13 different states. Only till') tl;] (t(:m";iuTB W mel T ` crm tiny for relief funds. ._
» ~ rt . .  
Lexington is being very capahly filled .n•·n passed the examination and Ilry·4 ’ an IB es gm] W cl mvp Nlnl The Vniversity of Illinois has gmt it ,
r _ snbinltted wlll be examined and one ·
by one of our fellow students, Prank int stood third in the list. l l H d wd "¤l‘l°¤*l of ¢·l<>thing donated hy the fac- ‘
l ll. Kennedy. Kennedy is a Senior in \\’•— cannot help feeling elated overi MTHM y 8 0:t `l d { P f NNY and ¤ll¤l¤l¤·¤¤·      
_1-k•-*____ studentslenterlng the; Univszrsgty after forth; also E bird. The Bun burst mm The proceeds of one large Rugby game UKCEPT SAURDAVS · ‘  
y_     lll; "fs*=·“0*;r$;s§0s;;:ttT; im °r‘ of a I radiance, the bird into song. My high- also went for relief work. I TllRKISH_SHOWER&pLAlN lt .
-     Bs ‘ I u Q M ly strung poetlcal nature was touched ___ .__,,,_______. ;_ G   ° ,0
lstudent to complete and file wlth the by mgprmuon and gave muh the for ·|• 4 ·|» ·|» Q ·|» Q + ·|» Q O Q 4 •I· O ·|· ,, Bhlntn  lg t anosr trl t l tt   _ 
V Great interest was manifested in the Hsslslmr his Second Semester classs lowing tcnder and beautflul spring *       •° #___W_ ____
winter sale of horses conducted at "°stl°" bsfms the M0"` °f the mst thoughts, which l pass on for me ben-IA * * " ° * * ° '* • °' ‘ ‘ ° •' ‘s' awk"., ‘ pouch, Ppgpplgfurg
'Fattersalls all last week. A large ssmestsls clit of humanity:  
number of our students were able to A conditioned student must pa) an   I Mrs. George Lewis, of Franklin, is,      
: {tend the sales, due to the courtesy his of $100 pm. semester for each com , Oh, dear and lovely springtime, A ms guest °f hs" dsughtsn Miss Amis'! 107 South lg-Lm•I:¤¤|: gif':} k
- · .. - ' o • on
rr their instructors in amusing them ‘dition turiied over from the previousl when the trees begin w bud, lthis week, ` Opposite tczxlngtxr: XKY
. * I '
vom classes. llsms _ _ _ ,And the little flowers are peeping Miss Jsssls Fl°"s“°s` was ms guest l FIRSTCLASS WORK GUARANTEED
A great many high class animals A fee or $_"'00 for admission to en`; l~‘rom beneath their winter cud, °f rslsuvss ln Cymhlsns last wsskw ..._ ....;.. -.-
A ` 9|'€ sold, and 8,8   8316 OCCLITB trunve Qxamlllations after the regular; duds, jlld, mud, pud, tl can’t· null end. l   MQ   the Gam. at
may once is year, it was an opportun- "““"“*‘“°“ °""*°"·   3 tt-md to rhyme with bud!) Miss Clara Chambers was the guest r ,
• i y for our students to see some fine All students wh° have not upon msi °f Miss Elsls Hsllsr last “'°°k·     S
"‘ l :pecimens of horse flesh. l"`°°m Of lll? s°";ge’ ;rA°Htfin$l;u(;:,t°r: When you see the golden sunshine ‘ sllss Tl"’°"l°s‘“ ·“"`klm°· Istullsfgjir when all is wen md G00D_
_ ___ ___ ____ .nIl cntrnnte wor . u. ee 0 0. R, waking up me dormant me. town, is ;t xlsltoi nt the la >i `
~ A H. F.     s""'°sts'°‘ ].~\lltl old l·‘ather Winter running “'°°k· lHot Chocolate, Candy and lcs
’     After ten days at fee of $2.00 lu, To mum me Coming mm knife. rmx Miss llslon .·\gn··w has ret-oit·rcd   __, ____ ,__ g g_ W___..-,,___ .
‘ -——— clnnigc from one college to another, I. · yl-Um X Mtuck of appr-lltllt·ltls_ _
` _ t __ I · \\lI't·, (Wife? Help!) lll tr ` .‘ I '        
• 'l‘he splendid record of H. l·. Hryunt und a tee of titty tents for each change Miss [mlm Hurblson is visiting Miss
' V in acqultting himself so credltably ini in class. REGISTRAR. lwhen they Bay a young mans fancy lMy·ldrr,d Taylor this week r I ~ DEN"['[S'['
1 -——-_—t_>wd A ` R A   ss M Mr MV   MMR R  —A*wArM—"4 Gently turns to thoughts of love: l Misses Elizabeth Booker and mma-I McClelland Blludillf
» ` ` ' _-”"‘- beth Moore hav'? N°Ull'¥1P(l frmll il'-———-—-————····—·;‘—"* ‘
2 _ sb • y • lAnd he sees his dearest darling
_ l { Lexington 8 B¤88¢¤t Store i Coming to return his dove Jove, visit in Louisville. GO TO
*y' ¢ ‘ i i I above, glove.