xt7qrf5kb797 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kb797/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Ky.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Kentucky 1942 "There are 120 counties in Kentucky and it is expected that a guide will be issued for each county."--Letter from Work projects administration of Kentucky dated Sept. 8, 1942. books This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Associations, institutions, etc.--Kentucky--Ohio County--Directories Kentucky--Ohio County--Civil defense Guide to civilian organizations. Ohio County, Kentucky text Guide to civilian organizations. Ohio County, Kentucky 1942 1942 2012 true xt7qrf5kb797 section xt7qrf5kb797 Ig * GUIDE TO  
I Compiled for I
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E The Ohio County Defense Council is affiliated
{ with the Kentucky Defense Council
Frankfort, Kentucky
Honorable Keen Johnson, Governor of Kentucky
t John J. Greenleaf, State Director of
I` Civilian Defense
I Forest P. Bell Chairman
" This guide is prepared for the official use of
_ the Defense Council of Ohio County and other
agencies engaged in defense work. It should
I not be made available for commercial usc, Ad-
Q ditional copies can be obtained only at the -
office of the Ohio County Defense Council,

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 e A -
ll I i l U l ` A *i · i · _
; AMERICAN LEGIOT, care COUNTY POST #44 (National American Legion), `. .'
c/o Adjutant, S. A. Williams, Hartford. Founded 1918. Post Commander, A
L. G. Shultz, Hartford. Adjutant, S. A. Williams, Telephone 162-J.
‘ Terms expired July, 1942. Vice—Commander, Edd. Coleman, Beaver Dam._ J .J..
Term indefinite. ` f
L Membership: S9.V Qualifications, Veterans of World War {J with honor- V_·
able discharge. p , ' ` ' = ` _
, Committees: “Vice—Commander, Guy Heflin, Centertown; Otha `.`· fest, Cromwell,
— Bert Bernard, Rockport.
V Purpose: To defend the Constitution of the United States and to perpetu- _
· ate Americanism. _ . ,
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperating Sith Red Cross and assisting
disabled veterans. - i . A _
I Defense Activities: Interested in, Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Warden ‘
i Service, Ambulance Service, Red Cross Assistance. y _
I ` V - - .
Y I Local Publications: None.
l AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY (National American LegionYAuxiliary, American A
Legion Auxiliary, Department of Kentucky), Hartferd. Founded 1928. ‘ _
President, Hrs. L. G. Shultz, Hartford. Qecretary, Yrs.`Philip Embry,
· Hartford. Telephone: Hartford Exchange. Terms expire.July, 1945. _
V Nembership: 28. Qualifications, Legionnaires, their mothers, wives,
Y sisters or daughters.
Q 4 Committees: Poppy Sales, irs. Philip Embry, Hartford. National Defense,
V D. C. Ferguson, Horse Branch. Rehabilitation, Hrs. Cecil Martin, Hartford.
i National News Magazine, Hrs. Ed. Coleman, Beaver Dam. ,
Q Purpose: To further_the policies and programs of The American Legion.
i Normal Civic Activities: Aiding in civic charities and helping disabled
j war veterans. ' -» ~ V -
A Defense Activities: plnterested in, Red Cross Assistance, Sewing and `
,PreparationPoi purgieal Dressings, First Aid, Preparation and Serving of
· Food, Operation of Canteens, Child Care, Entcrtainment,`Recreation, ° '
~ Collecting Books, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing,
Consumer Protection Activities.
Local Publications: None. °

 (   Y
' ‘ " ·2·· F;
.. , · §
·. Y vv ·' . . si'?
T ALERICAN RED CROSS, OHIO COUNTY CnAPTER (American National Red Cross), @
c/e Hrs. J. S. Priest, Jr., Hertford, Founded 1914, Chairmen, Mrs, J. S, §
Priest, Jr, Telephone ISOJN. becretary, Hrs. Alva Bean, Centertown, Tele- l
phone, 121-A. Terms indefinite. ” · t ‘ §
Kembership;·550, Qualific&tions,·opcn to persons_interestod in Red Cross {
_ and subscription of one dollar or more, " “ · Q
Committees; Icmbers, C. P. Austin, Beaver Dam; Mrs, Alva Been, Centertown; §
Cecil Lertin, Hartford; Hrs. Ed Nelson, KcHenry; Otho West, Hartford;—Hrs; Q
Gilce Moore, Hertford; Hrs. Fount Crowe, Beever Dam; Mrs. Anna Barnes, Q
Deaver Dom, _ 1 _ s
. · s _ L, ’ . 4 _,cr_, g
Purpose: Emergency relief in time of disaster; Service and relief for men §
of U. S. Armed Torccs and their families, _ , . g
Normal Civic Activities; Cooperating with Ohio County Health Dept,` Also i
furnished glasses for school children, ,. _ 3
, - V _ - __,; · _, ;_r. lg
Defense Activities: Interested in Sewing and Preparation of Surgical S E
Dressings, Red Cross Assistance, First Aid, _ _ Q Q
T 4 . ‘ .. . ·           ....    
Local Publications: None, · 1 " A ` ig
B. T. U.) Baptist Church, Hartford. Founded 1930, President, Miss Gussie §
- Smith, Hertford.- Secretary, Miss Tillie Tichenor, Hartford,t Terms exe Q
pirod October, 1942, . ‘J °` V ` “ I ,_'_ I- Q
Membership; 50, Qualifications, open to church members having a definite "§
interest in religious training, _ _, _ §
A N I /- _ if -_ ,| - ¤.U;;»·      
Conmdttees; None, ` E
Purpose: Church membership trdining, ‘ · “ I-- °· · i ,.4. lg .._. ..n g
""‘ I . ‘· ¤ ·* `~ · · é
Normal Civic Activities; None, · ` r
Defense Activities; Interested in Red Cross Assistance, ‘ ,‘ --· A V »§
Local Publications; None, ' A ~ `__, _ __. el; `. U Q
BEAVER DAL BOARD OP TRADE, c/e Dr. L; E.7?ashburn, Beaver Dam,U Founded ~ I ‘ E
1927, President, Dr. L. 1. Washburn, Beaver Ddm, Secretary, Virgil Stewart, e
Beav>r Dum. Terms expire Jinufry, 1943, ‘ · ° 1
V = . " .l. . l ‘ A E
_ hembgrshipz BO, qU&llilCRtlOHS, open to male adults of good status engaged ]
in business or the professions, Y
. 4
Committees: None reported, I
\»`uiiinii_-ii.ln.li--_ i-e. ccvc c c c rc rrr rsm-—»s M- ~ m»e

g Beaver Dam Board of Trade (Continued) V
y Purpose: Civic betterment and commercial advancement.
{ 2Enjg§L_CiKie Activities; Cooperating with Rod Cross,
QS , O I
z Defense Activities; Engaged in.Red Cross Assistance, Interested in
  ·*"‘r·‘;"·""‘ ""   ·‘ ‘ "‘   "·' A'.   . ———-———··~·--—·--—
ji Auxiliary Police. Aux1liary?Tire Protection,
l Local Publications. None, V
J _ I , · ·_ · _
L of Parents and Teachers), c/B Lys. Pount Court, Beaver Dam, Founded
Q IQIB. President, Hrs. Pount Court. »Socretary, Mrs. Porter Barnes, r
is oeaver nam. Terms expire July, 1945,
_" Kembership: 50, Qualifications, open to werent or teacher interested in
z Public Schools of Beaver Dam, ' I
Committees; `Ways and LGans,_Mrs. Louis Morton`Hilliams, Beaver Dam,
A Purposes; Closer cooperation between the hone and school for the
welfare of the children,
C Normal Civic Activities; Assists and cooperates with the school in
4 its activities, ,
g» Defense Activities; Interested in Eospital and Clinical Assistance,
Ls Sewine and Preparation of Surrical Bandaees Red Cross Assistance Iirst
0 - Z3 LD I . I ·
r Aid Preoaratien and Service of Food O eration of Canteons Pamil
  · 3 A I I
Q Social Service in Industrial Areas,»Entcrtainment, Recreation, Collect-
. , , · in
- ing‘Dooks. i ,· ·r - - ·
* Local Publications: None, ’
> BOY SCOUTS*OP AMERICA TROCP 55. National Council `Tov Scouts of
. ____ 1 V J -.
4 America). founded l9o9, Council Chairman, Dr.,I, B, gjlgy, H3TtLOTd•
F Telephone Hartford Exchange, Secretary, Scout Hester, Chester Stewart,
3 Hartford, Telephone ll5, Terms expired September, l942»
I Iembershipgt l2, Qualifications, open to Boys, I2 to I8 years gf neg,
who can pass scout tests,
Puroosc: Phvsieal and méntal traininc of bo·s to be useful citizens,
...4..-... —* =~
Normal Civic fctivfties; Cooperating with Ted Cross and various civic
enterprises. _ - ` V

, Bo· Scouts of Amoricd Continued) T
X ,
Dcfonsc Lctivitics: Engaged in Rod Cross Assistance, Colloction of Scrap Q
Metals and Othsr Kotnls, Intorostcd in Collccting Books. Q
_ . . Q
_ Local Publications: Bono, Q
Doughtors_of imorican Rcvolution, National Socioty Ddughtors of Amorican ‘ g
Revolution), c/B Mrs. J. R. Simmormdn, Hartford. Founded 1924. Prosidont, g
Miss linifrcd Simmormnn, Hartford. Tclcphono 97, Sccrctary, Mrs, J. R. §
Simecrmnn. Tcloohonc 97, Terms oxoirc Tobruari 1945; E
il .. 3 ,;:.
Mcmbcrship: l5. Qualificitions, a Lincsl dosccndcnt from ono who gave Q
aid to thc LmCTlCQH cnuso in thc Amcricnn Rovolution. Q
Committocs: National Dofonso, lhggic lGrks; Corrcct`uso·cf FTdg, Irs, .§
J. E. Rowc, both of Hartford, ` ‘ ig
Pur oso: To ocrwotuntc thc mcmor' ;nd·soirit of thoso who achiovod %
· P __ ___ - 1. —- fg!
Kmoricon indopondonco and to chorish, xnintdindnd oxtcnd tho institutions §
of imc Tl CC?.1'1 l`ro¤i;d_Om, A .,. ,... .. .._.,    .
A · ' V 
Normal Civic nctivitios; Cooporatcs with Rod Cross, furnishod books for ,§
M.P,/. and awards modols for good citizcnship.··Sponsor'high*School §
"Flag Program", ° §
_ Dcfonsddgitivitics; Qngcgcd in Child.Caro.~:Intorcstcd~ininuxilidry Y
· Polico, Lrbulnnco Scrvico, Rod Cross Assistanco, First nid, Public Q
Spoaking, Tohching Lmoricanizwtion Classes for.Llions and Othors, Torch- Q
ing Litorncy Cladsos for ilions and Others, Local Publications. N nc. E
Hollnnd, Livin. Toundod 1901. Pfcsidcnt, Rcv. irthur Holland, Socrotary, i
" - · · . . . ,., ?
J, L. Brown, Routc gl, Lchcnry, Tcrms will cxpiro nugust, l94o, 4
_ Ecmourshtgz 50,' Quclific tions, limited to‘ono rcorcsontmtivc from cdch I
_ church including tho pastors. ' . ¥
, .. ‘   `
• ·  
Conmudj£gp;' Hoy mcmbcrs; Alvin Chinn, KcIonry;Elov. Llbcrt Maddox, Doavcr T
I Jam, ;cv..[rn;tt`§illi&ms, Uoavcr Nam. ` ’ ,'C - · · Q
igrgosoi Roproscnting tho issociation bctwocn annual scssions, Q
Eormal Civic notiviticsg Tosioring mission program, _' ;i
Dcfonsp_Lctivitics; Irécgfptod in Rod Cross nssistancc, F
Local ;ublic tions; Hono, ` é

 e C A
FARM BUREAU'FEDERhTlON OF OIIO COUNTY (State and National Farm Bureau
y. Federation), Hartford. Founded l925. President, G. A. Barnes, Beaver
{ Dam. Telephone 65~M. Secretary, Beulah M. IeQuary, Hartford, Telephone
3 49-J. Terms expire December, 1943,
Y Membership: 70. Qualifications, open to bona fide farmers.
F Committees: Directors: Oscar Ward, R. 5, Hartford ·G»—A. Barnes TBeaver
_, ______,...__,____,,. I _ 3
1 Dam; V. R. Fer uson, ounnvdale; Chester Tichenor Route 5 Hartford-
  o 3 V · A 3 p
j J. C. Lindley, Centertown; L. C. Barnes, Iclenryg O. C.-Daniel, Route l,
Q _Platon; W. H. Haynes, Route 2 Tordsville.
is Purpose: Better farming. · · _ g
Q Normal Civic Activities: Cooperates with County ngent in sending 4-H
, Club children to camp, ‘
Defense Activities: Interested in, Red Cross Lssistance, Entertainment,
V Recreation, Collecting Books. . `_ _r._
Local Publications: None. ,
Kentucky F. & L. M.), Ngsonie Hall, Second Street, Beaver Dam, Founded
1890. Master, E. C. Youn;, Beaver Dam. Telephone: Beaver Dam Exchange.
Q Secretary, E. L. Casebier, Beaver Dam. Telephone: Beaver Dam Exchange.
l Term expire December, l9d5. "Y" " E -.-`
Q lhmbership: 75. Qualifications, open to white males 21 years of age,
V approved by the members. , _
ff Committees: Zone. ,__
§· Purpose: Fraternal; members mutual aid, fostering civic betterment.
  -__—--._— ` · x
e. _ V ". .
Q, . Normal Civic Activities: None.
t Defense Activities: lnterested in, Auxiliary Felice, Auxiliary Fire
g Protection. A
;_ Local Publications: None. I ».
Q F. & L. F.), c/o Zasonic Hall, Iartford. Founded l885. Worthy Master,
it Gordon Ueedman, Hartford. iecretary, Chester Ltcwert, Hartford. Telephone
C ll5. Terms expire December, l045.
y Membership; 126. Qualifications, open to white males, El years old,
Q having a good reputation and approved by unanimous vote.
y Committees: None. M
i ` » T
E Purpose: To promote fraternal brotherhood and aid needy.
’ .4

 -5- Q
’ Free and Lccepted Masons, Hartford Lodge @$75 (Continued) g
Formal Civic Activities; Zone. . _ . §
Defense Activities: Interested in, Red Cross assistance. ` §
..—.-.-.-—-;-—•-—··-- —-——·-—·•—···~——··•·· -  
Local Publications: None. t
‘ ··——-—  . if
FUTURE FARLERS CF AMERICA, BEAVER DAL CHAPTER (State and National association hg
of Future Farmers of America), c/o E. R. Tartar, Beaver Dmn. Founded lO54. · ·j
President, J. C. Eskridge, Beaver Dam. Secretary, Charles Vaughn, Beaver Dam. —~§
Terms expire July, 1945. advisor, F. E. Tartar, Beaver Dam. Telephone 22-J. -§
Term indefinite. . I §
Membershi : 24. Oualifications, students enrolled in a=croved course of ri
P —· J- . »,_
vocational agriculture. · ; .r _ rh p
Committees: Gays and leans, Charles Vaughn,Beavor Dam=f5. §
Purpose: To prepare boys to beeove future ajriculturists and in citizenship. `° Q
Normal Civic Activities: Cooperate with F. T, A. in collecting salvage materi@l;. E
Defense ;ctivities:~ Interested in, Civilian Lircrpft Yarning Service, Salvage, _§ _
lemolition Service CollZction.of Scrap Vetals=and Other Ectals Colloetinv . §
2 _ _. . ·* , . 0  
Books, Signal Service; _ y _ J' ' · ‘ A . y . · V §
Local Publications; Tone. , J _ l ' A ‘ * E
FUTURE FARQERS OF 4LDR Ci H4HTFC2D C?§PTER(State gssoeiation and National ;_f 2
3 r . 4 _ » nr
Organization of Tuture Farmers of ancrlea), c/o T. O. Thompson, Hartford. i
Founded 1934. President, John D. Le0. R. D. ,£, Lartferd, Vice President, Q
J. T. Royal,’T. X. ,5, Beaver Dam, Secretary, Thaxton Daniel, Hartford,. ‘__ M_y §
Treasurer, Tendell lolph, Jr. 2. R. yl, Hartford, advisor, T. O. Thompson, {
Hartford. Terms exjire, September, l9i3. C ._ E
Membership: 40. Qualifications, open to boys studyin; vocational agriculture, {
Committees: Community Service, Dalton Canary; Cooperation, Edmond Baird; . _, E
e ·······—···—r··· -   - ~ - · :& 
Leadership, Jewell poster; information, Dalton Canary, all of Hartford. r
Purpose: The e ·.‘e~ velopment of agricultural leadership of farm boys4~ ~-ai. ._,, _Q ;
Normal Civic ietiyjtiesz. Cocperated with Zed Cross, infantile paralysis _ d
campaigns and tht sale of Defense saving Stamps and·Bonds. Q
»· · ·» »,"r,r_ ·L A L, , , V , .] V .< ,. . - U
A Defense nemivitils: C; {aged in, Collection oi scrap Totals CHU Other retals, W
Recreation, Teachin; CQ sses in Iechanical Lkillc needed in Defense Industrie:.i {
TT&1¤1¤§ YQ;. YlTVT -`f. lnt;rested in, Totor Corps S-rviee,ILmbulcnec Servicw. E
Local Public tions: Nin;. NV E
. _. Q
\r` _ ,,5..* ` __ .....-.-·•».»;‘~•a•y- ` »·-—L ;-· . V .- ·’•-a»¢s.>.. -.... UL i-, ,_ _____,_ _:L___ _ _ _ _ ,____4,,__ _ ,, ,7, L

 Q -7.
j HARTFORD BOOK CLUB, Hartford. Founded 1959. President, Mrs. I. R.
I Carson, Jr., Hartford. Secretary, Irs. Ben Johnson, Hartford. Terms
Q expire September, l943.
f _Membcrship: 8. Qualifications, persons interested in books.-_,_, ___ _ _. A-
‘ - Committees: None reported. · · · ` · ~ V
i{ Purpose; Reading and reviewing new publications.
if Normal Civic Activities: None. W
_p. Defense ictivitiesg Interested in, Emergency Repair Service, Library
' .N $ervice,_Co-lccting Boons,lTeachin; Classes of Map Reading—and Skctohing.
Y Local Publications:. Honc._ . i . ‘ ‘
‘=·· je HARTFORD CHAMBER CF COIEERCE, Hartford, Founded l954. President, Walter `
3 Catinna, Hartford. Telephone 48. Secretari, Cecil Tavlor Beaver Dam,
l .> :
j. Term expires January, 1943. I . . WN _ w___
Q Llbymcrshipz 40. ‘i:` §ualifications, reputable commercial representative.- w__,,p
lfal. . - { A C
“" ‘···· 3 Committees: None reported.
*4 Y I Purpose: Industrial development and better understanding between - I `
` i Business people, also civic improbcments. Health program.
{ M, _ . _, _,‘¢ ,
y i Normal Civic Lotivities: Ceoperates with TFA in local activity, adult
». q education and library Cxtension. * 1 i  ¤ 7 w ~-~—~»~- ·~· ...7 --. aa- .a--.- A ..   V- ...l. i.-

E 1952. President, Hubert Richeson, Hartford, Secretary, Hrs. Charles Brooks,
» Tg Hartford. Telephone 95. Terms expire September, l9%5.
JE § Membership: 20. Qualifications, open to young men and women of the
Q Mtm©mtCmMdu _
E Committees: hone e`.' reported.
E Tae.;
Q Purpose: Promotion of Christian ideals and education.
A 3.  -*····•·""' ' .
VQ Normal Civic nctivitiesz Nonc.· V · _ I V L
rox-,     _ " ¢
Ԥ Defense activities: Interested in, Hotcr Corps Service, Ambulance Service,
· ig First nid, Typing and Other Clerical nssistance. V . ,
. Q, Local Publications; None. L
S ;} MYRTLE CH;UDLZR CROUE SOCIETY, c/o Tks. C. lg Crowe, Hartford. Founded l955._
' gp President, Yrs. C. K. Crewe, Hartford. Telephone lll. Secretary, Mrs. Clcnn"“
· · ···· Q ' Barnes, Hartford. Terms expired October, lQ42.i ’ _ e —
ing   , . .,. ,. . J ` ,` L,   '
~··~ 3 lmmborship: 2l. Qualinications, open eo women members oi the Hartford
Q hetHodist_Church.
{ Committees: Rene. ` 1 J · ru"" ` “ ""*`“
i ·Q Purpose: The maintenance of the Tethedist Parsonage. —
R Normal Civic Letivities: Hons
L . Defense Aetivities;` Interested in, Bering and·Preparation of Surgical, I
rv m Dressings, Rea Cross nssistance, Collecting Docks. . ~ _ ·;.
J 3  L; - , ‘ · A
-§ Local Publications: None. , _ _
- j OHIO COUNTY 4-H CLUBS (State and rational %—H Clubs), Hertfoed. Founded l925.
’§ President, Carl Thomas, R. R. l, Hartford. Term expires December 1945.
{ Membership: _487, (17 County Clubs). Qualifications, Rural boys and girIs,’
Q from I6 to 2l years of fge, interested in farmin. - · · I I
j Committees; Program; Catherine Barnard, Ccntertown; Margaret Ross, Beaver _
§ Dam; edn; Stevens, Dundee; Carl Thomas, Hartford; Chas. Brown, Rockport; · ,
New "V Hannah Shipp, Livia. V ` `“
Y Purpose: To teach rural boys and Qirls improved practices in agricultural and
_ ‘ home economies. 4 L ` "
Q Formal Civic Qetivitiesz Cooperating with County Board of Education with
· Citizenship classes. ' V ` `
Q Defense ictivitics; Engaged in, Preparation and Zerviny of Food Public Cpcak—
 A   ·

-10- E
n _ €
OHIO COUNTY 4-H CLUBS (Continued) _ ,
ing. Interest in, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Crosse
Assistance, Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Collecting Books, Typing I
and Other Clerical nssistancc. ‘ ..‘.m. Q
` Local Publications: None.
OHIO COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Hartford. Founded 1955. President, Mrs. J. Q. '_ _
Carson, Hartford. Telephone 67. Secretary, hrs. J. E. Tilliams, hartford.,
Telephone 82. Terms expire June, 1945. ‘ 4
lkrhcrshipze 40. Qualifications, open to interested persons of either sex I
willing to serve. I. , . _'4` f
Committees: None. , T ‘ L
Purpose: To obtain originals and make copies ef historical records of Ohio County. Q
Normal Civic.;ctivities: Helpin; local and out of State citizens_to.securc_ ., E
-—-—•—--1-—-·•t·-—·, . . . . 1 .  
personal gone 1 gioal data and the promotion of civic interest for the preservation -g
of records. 2
Defense activities; nuxiliary Police, Red Cross nssistance, First.4id, Chi1dWCaro' {
 ·····* » - · . "
Teachinl Literacy Classes for aliens and Others. Research assistance. ¢
Local Publications; None. ""i"'"MMM l
OHIO COUNTY HOUEILIQHS 4SLCCInTIOE(State and ]ational.Honcmakers Federation), p
c/o Hrs. C. E.`Tilson, R. R. M5, Deaver Dam. Founded 1930. President, Yrs. L. S. `*
Iglohart, Hartford. Secretary, Yrs. C. W. Tilsen. Terms expired September, 1942. T
Home Demonstration ngent, irs. Carey D. Stewart, Hartford. Telephone 70. Term
indefinite. I
Membership: 556. Qualifications, women of rural cenmunities and Yarns interestcdm
in the problems of heme economics.
Committeost .Program, Yrs. I. C. ]aro, Hartford; Foods, Qrs.:Henry Daniel, <
· Beaver Dam, Clothing, Hrs. Fail Russell, H. R. HG, Hartford; Landscaping, Irs.
Chester Tichenor, R. R. MU, Eartford; Citizenship, Mrs. ;rthur.Bell, R. R. pt. ;
Hartford. T ’ ; "" “ I
Purpose: To help rural people inpreve their mode of livin; byastriving to make ;
the nest of what they_pcssess. · . _, `AN `
Normal Civic activities: Cooperating with public apents in County Community i
improvement projects, Landscaping and with`i.;.A. rnd H.Y.n. {
Defense gctiviticsz Engaged in, RcC Cross Lssietance, Nirst nid, Radio Operation F
and depair, Recreation, Library Bervice. “
Local Publications: None. 1
\¤5,_, _ _ _, 

    · - y
§ OHIO COUNTY MEDICLL SOCIETY (nmcrican Kcdical Association; Kcntucky Statc· Q r S
.§ Medical Society), c/o Dr. Oscar nllcn, LcHcnry. Foundcd 1800. Sccrctary,
` Q Dr. Oscar alloy. Tclcphonc l65—U. Tcrm indcfinitc.
E Hcmbcrship: 8. Cualifications, opcn to graduatcs of accrcditcd mcdicali C l ```A
35 if schools and of good standing in tho community. `
} Committccs: Hcmbcrs, Dr. E. Hays Throlkol, Bcavor Dam; Dr. 4._O. Fark, Rockport;
, Dr. h. O. Crowdcr, dartford; Dr. C. R. Bcnnott, hartford; Dr. Fal T. Jillis, ‘*
  Pac   Dfw .
- X ..Jk..,.’Vk/Y .;~....• _ _ _ _ _ .
5 . . - ‘ ‘
. Q Purposo: ,;dvanocmont of mcdicalpkncwlcdgc_and imprcvcmcnt of thc hcalth of thc
g county. ' “ _ ‘ V ‘ -
V` VS Normal Civic Qctivitics: Nonc.
ih` Q Dofonsc gctivitics: Ennarcd in Hcsaital and Clinical ;ssistancc First Lid, H `
  ............._..........--...._ ....:..;;...............‘° ’
T lntcrcstcd in, Hospital and Clinical issistanco, First Mid. · `
¤tY· it Local Publications; Honc. ‘ C ·
bi¤¤ {Q OHIO COUNTYQKUSIC CLUB (National Fcdcraticn of Lusic Clubs), Hartford. ` l
` ;‘s Foundcd l935. Prcsidcnt, irs. J. Edward Duko, Hartford,. TolcphoncMl8§. “L_M
.. {T Sccrctary, Miss Dclla Hazclrigg, Qoavcr Dam. Tcrms·cxpiro Coptcmbcr, 1943,,
T Icmbcrship; 35. Eualifioations, apprcciation of and civic intcrost in music.
rw". 5 Committoos; Frogram, Roy Graff; Kcmbcrship, Irs. Roy Barshill, both of
§ HartTord._ Husic,.Lrs. Elvis BFOCH, Ccntcrtcwn. ‘
{ Purooso:. Promotion of music in thc county. ‘
  _: ...;.,..£.......¤ = · l . . - . —· · _ .
42. f Normal Civic notivitics; Coopcrating with schools, thcatrcs and radio progrmas.
E Dcfcnsc gctivitics; Engagod.in, Fublic Spoaking. Intcrcstod in, guxiliary V__
Q Policc, Rod Cross gssistancc, Scwing and Proparaticn of Surgical Drcssings,
cd` ·i Child Care, Public Spcaking. ‘ _NM _ v_
P Lccal Publications; The Ohio County Iusic Club Ycar book. y M_ ___~ _MM
i , OHIO COUNTY RURAl,LETjEH CQRRIEHB ASSOCl;TlO[(Hational Rural Lcttor Carriers
? .L`.. ssociation). c.o Lon Ycidman, fartford. Ycundod.l920. .}rcsidcnt,_Charlip,C_V
5 Huntcr, Ccntcrtown. Eocrctary, L n`Jcidman. Tzrws cxpiro·Junc, 1945.
i Membership; l6. Qualifications, mcmbcrchip open to rural lctLor_carricrsM_MNn
¤ cmploycd by thc United States Covcxnmcnt,
FE Committccsé Membership, Clyde cmbry, Bcavcr Dam; A. U. Lsisurc, Bcavcr Dam;
 » Lon Wcidman, _EIo.rt fox   . C .
on L ‘* -
2 Purposc: To promote cfficiency in thc mail scrvico of thc bnitod Dtatos
i Govcrnmcnt. ‘
} Normal Civic Activitics; fonc.

-13- A
I Ohio County Rural Letter Carriers Association (Continued)
Defense Activities:..Engaged in, Collecting Books. Interested in, Auxiliary
P lice, First Aid, Family Social Service in Industrial Areas, Recreation,
Collecting Books, Research Assistance. · O .
Local Publications: None. , h
of Eastern Star), c/o Kasonic Hall, Beaver Dam.“ Founded 1905. lbrthy Iatron,
Mrs. H. L. Greer, Beaver Dam., Secretary, Hrs. C. P. Austin, Beaver Dam.
Telephone 94. Terms expire, October, 1945. ,41_
Membership: 80.» Qualifications, open to wife, mother, sister daughter of a Y
_ Master nason. , n C -
Committees: _Nonc. _ _.- M L_
Purpose: To promote fraternal welfare and extend aid to needy. y. 3
Normal Civic Activities: None. V
Defense Activities: Interested in, Hospital and Clinical Assistance, Sewing V
_ and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assistance. » " —
Local Publications: None. O ·_i A ‘ ·
ORDER OF EASTER? LT R, LTZZI? $0RD CIAPTTR #&l6. {Grand Chapter of Kentucky, .
O. E. L. ),, c/o Yasonic hall, hartford. Founded 1926. Worthy Matron, hiss
Gussie C. Smith, Box·y52, hartford. Telephone lGO. 3ocretary,_Hrs. William = ,
_Spinks, hartford. Telephone: Hartford Exchange. Terms expire September, l945.
A Membership: 40. Qualifications, open to dauphters, wives, widows, sisters or ·
mothers of faster Tasons'in good standing.
Com ittec: hone. V U
Purpose: To Promote Fraternal sisterhood an¢_to further civic interest. ”
Normal Civic Activities; Iakcs regular contributions to the led Cross. A ‘
· Defense Activities: `lntcxestcd in, Sewing and lroparation of Qurgical Dressings,
Rod Cross Assistance,
Local Publications: fone. · ` 3 l
ROYAL ARCH IASOIS, KZYLTOIQ CXAQTQ; yllO. (Grand Chapter of Kentucky, R. A.} .)
rasonio Hall, dartiord. -Foundcd l9l7. Jigh Priest, Dr. A. Riley, Hartford. ~
Secretary, Chester Ficvxrt, Hartfozd, Terms jgpircd December, 1842. _.p~· e
Membership: 45. Qualifications, open to fast r Qasons in good standing.
\.•, L'. IA

g Rorel Arch aso;e, ncystcnc Chapter #110 (Continued) "
{ Committ ei: rear reported. _ A
I i Purpose: Fraternal, benevolence and civic betterment.
5 Normal Civic Activities: None. l l
i Defense Activitiesz- Interested in, Rod Cross Assistance., M_ __m
I Local Publications: Cone.
5 ` UTOPIA CLUB OF HARTFORD (National Utopia Clubs), c/o Yrs. lwrten Henshaw,
j Hartford.‘ Founded l94l. President, Qax`Sandifcr, Hartford. Scerctary,' ·
C Yrs. Morton Aenshaw. ~Terms expired Juno, l942. Executive Secretary, R. D.
gy Ridley, Hartford. Term.indefinite. “ ' * ~ '
p Membership: 53. Qualifications, open to young men and women'from’2lyto_§QH p'__ V
¤ years of age.
F Committees: Zone reported. `, T _ , , y _ y _ Mlthh
Q Purpose: To assist worthy young couples in establishing a home. `mmwl
t ` Normal Civic Activities: Tone. y · dnmuln
i  -—-—-·-· ' ' . · ` · _ ,
L Defense Activities: Interested in, Red Cross Assistance, Preparation and WMM
, Serving oi toed, Family Social service in Industrial nreas, Recreation. _
f Local Publications: Tone. U
I ` · ` I ` ‘ - _ _ 4 ’ .
, WOMAN'S CLUB CF BEAVER DAM (State and National Federation of Women's Clubs),
'YW N 1 ¤ C ' 7
y c/o Mrs. T. B. Barnes, beurth and Mulberry Streets,,Beavcr Dam. bounded 1935.
, President, Mrs. T. B. Barnes, Telephone 57. Corresponding Secretary, Hrs.
i F. K. Casebier, Beaver Dam. Telephone QO-A. Terms expire September, l9¢5.
° Nkmbcrshi : 67. Qualifications eoen to women of intelli ence character-
! L g J
I and reciprocity. - V
Q Committees: Program, lbs. Marshall Barnes, Welfare, Hrs. Erwin Cascbier;
VS, Publicity, Yrs. Grace Janes, all of Beaver Dam. H L
E Purpose: Development of moral, mental, physical and-civic-improvcmcnt..,H _
» Normal Civic Activities; CoepcratinQ_activcly with Red Cross..» -M _, W
) j Defense Activities: Engaged in, Red Cross Assistance, Consumer Protection
Y Lctivitice[°7§$£ing and prcpaiation of Surgical Drtesings...Intcrosted in,)
,§ First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Food, Child Care.
~ Local Publications; Year Book (Annually)

1 -14.-
F WOMAN'S CLUB OF HARTFORD, Hartfoed. Founded 1904. President, Mrs. Roy Barnhill,
I Hartford. Secretary, Hr. B. B. Holt, Hartford. Terms expire January, 1945.
Nmmbership: 20. Yualifications, open to high school graduates who are interested
in literary work.
I Purpose: Elimination of illiteracy. V
Normal Civic Activities: None reported. _
Defense Activities: Engaged in, Library Service. Interested in, Civilian Aireraftt
Warning Service, Child Care, Library Service, Public Speaking.
Local Publications: None.
WOMAN'S SOCIETY CHRISTILN SERVICE(National and State W. S. C. S.1) c/o Mrs. E. U. _
Holt, Beaver Dam. .Founded 1890. President, Mrs. D. G. Youn