xt7qrf5kb165 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kb165/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) "Champlin Press 1915 yearbooks ukyrbk1915 English College Printers", Columbus, Ohio Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Yearbook Collection 15 Kentuckian,University of Kentucky text 15 Kentuckian,University of Kentucky 1915 1915 2012 true xt7qrf5kb165 section xt7qrf5kb165 	I
I	1

University Archives Margaret I. King Library . Nortk
University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky    40506
 Copyright 1915 by OWEN S. LEE

  " .....     -   


Editor's Foreword
INCE it is difficult to make the subject matter in a College Annual different from year to year, the Staff this year has changed the style and arrangement of the book, wherever expedient, thus hoping to make the 1915 Kentuckian different  from those preceding it.
It has been the editorial policy to give each and every person a fair representation, and if we have failed in this it is due to mistakes of the head and not the heart. While it is true that the book contains more raillery than those which have preceded it, nevertheless it is done with malice toward none.
"Originality" has been the watchword and while a few ideas are adaptations, the majority are original.
Many mistakes have crept into the book due to its being the work of many hands and to the limited amount of time consumed in its compilation.
It has been our aim to give to the Class of 1915, which is the greatest in point of numbers, good fellowship and ability, a book commensurate, in a way, with their prestige. We hope you will like it now and that it will help brighten passing years by recalling some half forgotten memory of the happy, care-free undergraduate days.
To the Class of 1915, and to their friends, by whom and for whom this book is primarily written, with the knowledge that they will be lenient in criticism of any discrepancies, the following pages of the record of our Class and University, is respectfully submitted.
I Contents
Introductory.......................................................................................___         1-16
"Kentucky   Beautiful"................___.........................................................       16-32
Classes.....................................................................................................     33-102
The   University   .............                                                                                               .   102-153
Athletics   .                                                                                                         .   15 3-291
Football                                                                                                    .   153-170
Baseball    _____.................:.................................................................   1 70-1 79
Basket Ball  .                                                                                                            .   179-190
Track.............................................                                                       .   190-193
Organizations    ___.......................................................................................   1 93-29 1
Follies                                                                                                               .   291-347
Calendar   .......                                                                                               347-353
Advertisers..........!.....................................................................................   353-368 EDITORIAL STAFF
Owen Scott Lee..............................................................Editor-in-Chief
Kenneth  Doris............................................_____.........Associate  Editor
Robert Lee Ehrlich.................___..............................Associate  Editor
Marguerite  Schweers..................................................Associate  Editor
Clyde P. Taylor....................................................____Associate  Editor
Mary Christine Hopkins................................,.............Associate  Editor
Alex B.  Leibovitz........................................................Associate  Editor
William Henry Noel..................................___............Associate  Editor
Robert Brooks Taylor................................................Associate  Editor
Herbert Graham.........................____.........................__Junior  Editor
Ralph Robert Morgan........................................................Art  Editor
Roger Mills Parrish...                                      ..........Business Manager
Samuel  Edwards Cooke......................... ...Assistant Business Manager
MlNOTT   Brooke......____........................................Subscription Manager
BESSIE   WHITE...........................................Assistant  Subscription  Manager
Walter  Kenneth   Clore......................Assistant Subscription Manager
G. Clark Rogers...................................................Advertising Manager
LESTER   W.   GRADY...................................Assistant  Advertising Manager
11 12
Bright land, of wooded hill and stream; From mountain base and fertile plain, The calm Kentucky, towards the main Winds, grey and misty as a dream; Rich fields, with flocks and herds flows by. O Mother State, supreme and strong, Upheld by might of sword and song, Your fame lives on, nor e'er shall die.
Written for "The KeNTUCKIAN" by
Judge James H. Mulligan.
16 The Song Thai Brings Us Home
17 "Where the Blades of the Blue Grass Quiver'
18 "Oh, Kentucky's waters are blue and bright When the sun shines oul like a gay young lover.
19 "Scenes must be beautiful Tvhich daily viewed, Please daily, and rvhose novelty survives Long l^noivledge and the scrutiny of years."
20 Recollections

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Historic  Lexington
22 Lexington's Famous Dead ''I'd rather be right than be President"
Henry Clay
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"A pillar'd shade High over arch'd, and echoing realms between "
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"The sun never shoxvn on a country more fair
Than beautiful, peerless Kentucky; There's life in a kiss of her rarefied air, ...Kentucky, prolific Kentucky."
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25 &
'Fair laugh the morn and soft the zephyrs blow"
"Summer passed and Shoivondesee Breathed his sighs over all the landscape."
28 "Like glimpses of forgotten dreams,
Beneath  a shroud of russet  drooped  with  gold.

	i H m i	IH	% i 1	l	up* i i 1	
	"Lovest thou through Autumn's jading realms to stray?"					
31 Where the Kentucky wears through the limestone
  Senior Class Officers
James    Park........................................................................................................President
Jeanette    Bell....................................................................................... Vice    President
Bessie   White...................................................................................................Secretary
John   W.   McDonald......................................................................................Treasurer
Christine   Hopkins......                     ....Prophet           J.   Esten   Bolling.....           .....................Orator
Elizabeth    Moore...                        ....Historian           w   Stewart   Berkshire.............Repre.ental.ve
J. Owen  Reynolds........................................Poet
Sam   Courtney...............*..................Crumbier           OwEN  s-  Lee                      ....Editor Kenluckian
Frank   Kennedy....................................Giflorian           Roger M.  Parrish............Manager Kentuck'ian
33 Jessie   Elizabeth   Acker,   B.S.,   Paducah
K _\; Agricultural Society (3-4); Philosophian Literary Society (3-4); Home Economics Club (Idea Representative)   (4).
"He  that  doth   the   ravens   feed,
Yea, providently caters for the sparrow,
Be comfort  to  my  age!"
Which may not sound very complimentary to a lady, but "feeding the sparrows," etc.. is one of the best tilings this zealous Home Economics Senior does. A hard worker, conscientious student, and a maker of good grades, "Jessie Elizabeth" will some day become known in the "Re" and "Ag" world,unless she chooses to hide her light in that large   city   where   she   spent   her   early  years.
We would like to have something to "goodtime" Jessie about,  but she  has  been   too  dern   sly  for  us.
Gross   Runkel  Allison,   B.C.E.,   Center   Hall,   Pa. ^ X; Tau Beta Kake; Transit Staff; Turtles; B. S. C. E.
"The man that hath a tongue, I say, is no man, If  with  his  tongue,   he  cannot  win   a  woman."
"Tape" hasn't been with us long, as he did his undergraduate work at Perm State, and only joined Dean Rowe's happy throng at the beginning of his Senior year. No doubt the "fair women of the Blue Grass" was an attraction too great for "Tape" to resist. This may not have been the cause, but whatever it was, we are glad that some kind fate caused this sunny personality to blow into  Lexington.
George   Bo wen    Arnold,    B.M.E.,    Earlington
II K A; T B IT; Lamp and Cross; President Pan-Hellenic Council; Track Team (2); Vice President Dynamic Engineering Society (1); Vice President A. S. M. E. (4); Treasurer Dynamic  Engineering Society   (4);  A.   I.  E.  E.
"Neat, trimly drest,
Fresh  as a bridegroom, and his chin  new reaped."
"George" is a true disciple of Morpheus and does not believe   in   going   to  class   too   early.
It's certainly nice that we have had him all this year to lead our dancesalways in his dress suit. Although "George" does not look upon the wine when it is red, he has a profound  regard   for  "Brewers."
Joseph   Guy   Aud,   B.M.E.,   Owensboro
T B n, President (4); T B II, Honor Man (3); Dynamic Engineering Society, Secretary (3); A. S. M. E.; Treasurer A. I. E. E.; Daviess County Club; Catholic Club.
"Whatever he  did was done  with  so  much  ease, In   him   alone   'twas   natural   to   please."
The greatest disappointment in ''Little Gink's" life was the time that he failed to make Tau Beta Kake. To keep him from feeling disheartened, the Tau Beta Pi arranged to take him in. He showed his gratitude by becoming the Honor Man; nevertheless he is still in good health and , has an excellent appetite. In the future, we expect to see him one of the leading engineers   of   the   country.
Chesley   Williams   Bailey,   A.I'.,   Madison ville
T K A; President Horace Mann Literary Society (4); Union Literary Society Debating Team (4); K. I. D. A Debating Team  (4).
"He wbo knows most,  grieves most for wasted time.'*
His fame as a debater is known throughout Madison-ville and if you wish to hear a learned dissertation on any phase of politics, government or economics, ask him. Although Bailey joined our happy band not until the fall of 1913, he has become a valuable man in our ranks, and deserves a place in the famous '15 ''Bailey Trio."
Esther   Bailey,    A. P.,   Garden    City,   Kansas
a r
''Mirror,   mirror   on    the   wall         , Am   I   not  most  beautiful   of   all ?"
Did you ever dance with "Essie"? That surely is-perfect bliss. We don't think a dance would be the same without this chic little maiden with the wondrous eyes. However, that "Pink-Green" combination doesn't seem   to   offend  her   aesthetic   taste.
It is rumored that she will be a school "marm" when she returns to the boundless West, but we can hardly conceive of "Esther"" as being so sedate. Everybody from the Ag. to the Ed. Building knows Esther to be a   sweet,   whole   hearted   kid.
James   Yost   Bailey,   B.S.Agr.,   Adairville
Mystic Circle; Varsity Football (3-4); Varsity Baseball (-2); Manager Ag. Baseball Team (3); Agricultural Society.
-----"The   bravest   are   the    tenderest
The  loving  are   the   daring."
"Bill" is one of the lightest linemen ever on the State team, it is worth the price of admission to hear Bill give one of his hearty laughs. There is nothing that J. Yost does that he does not do welland he does many things. We "wood" that we were going to be with Bill at school another year, but he has to get a start in life during the next two or three years, doesn't he?    It   would   not  be   hard   to   guess   why.
Harold   Yancey    Barker,    B.M.E.,    Le.rington,    Ky.
T B 11; Dynamic Engineering Society; Treasurer Dynamic Engineering Society (3); Class Baseball (3); Pres'i-dent A.  1.  E.  E.;  A.  I.  E.  E.;   Turtles.
"Of all  sad  words  of  tongue  or  pen,
The   saddest   are   these,   'Hy's   collecting   again.' "
"Hy," as he is popularly known to those of his classmates who have -so many times contributed their iota at his solicitation, is a natural born collector and as treasurer of various organizations has worked the boys up to such a state that whenever they see him coming, they begin to assume expressions that would put a pawnbroker to shame. He also finds time to mingle with the fair sex in  spite of the fact that he is a Mechanical.
35 Herbert    E.    Barth,    B.M.E.,    Louisville
Lamed Pe; Dynamic Engineering Society; A. S. M. E.; A.   1.   E.   E.;   Louisville   Club.
"Company, villainous company, have been the ruin of  me."
Barth is the lad with the rosy dutch make-up, that you have probably seen revolving blithely around Mechanical Hall, or one-stepping gracefully in the Armory. Since his coming here from Louisville, which he (like most persons from that city) thinks is the center of the Universe, Barth has made a wide circle of acquaintances,   and   a   fine   record   as   an   Engineer.
Lois    Bartlett,    B.S.,    Rockport
Honor System Committee (2-3-4) ; Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (2-3-4); Secretary of Philosophian Literary Society (2); Treasurer of Philosophian (2-3); Y. W. C. A. Delegate to Black Mountain (2); Vice President of Philosophian (3) ; Student Assistant in Home Economics (3); Treasurer of Home Economics Club (4) ; President of Home Economics Club (4); Pennyroyal Club;   Agricultural    Society    (3).
"She was ever precise in promise-keeping." What more could we add? Does not this formidable list of achievements crowd all else off the page? She is living up to the static and dynamic energy one would suspect from her Titian locks. Of course she has to, because she is taking Home Economics and that is "some course." During her scholastic career she has accomplished so much, mentally, socially, and spiritually, that one would think she must" be a Bartlett "pair."
Max    Carter    Batsel,    B.M.E.,    Fulton
A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Dynamic Engineering Society; t b n.
"Learning   by   study   must   be   won; 'Twas  ne'er  entail'd  from  son  to  son."
From the western part of the State comes one with the proof that the Mississippi River flows up hill. This "one" is known by the name of "Carrie" and although hard study is given as an excuse for gray hairs, we are prone to believe that his worry over the opinion held of him by his roommate's "Booful Baby" is the direct cause. lie is a good student and should make good as a _ professor in spite of his roommate's efforts to   make   him   a   ladies'   man.
William   Stewart   Berkshire,   Law,   Petersburg
_\   X;   Varsity   Track   Team   (3);   Henry  Clay  Law   Society ;    Class   Representative    (4).
"The   first   thing   we   do,
Let's   kill    all   the   lawyers."King   Henry   IV.
The Berkshire Class wins another Blue Ribbon in the Stewart entry. The class has missed the old boy since he has been in Texas most of the time, but Patt Hall "misses him most of all." No lawyer made a better record in the department than did he. He is an all   'round   success. Jeanette  Torrance  Bell.   A.B.,   Fulton
Sorores Amoris; Horace Mann Literary Society; Vice President of Pennyroyal Club (3); Captain of Class Basket Ball Team (1); Idea Staff (4); Treasurer of Y.  W.   C.   A.   (4);   Vice   President  of   Senior  Class   (4).
-----"And   my   beart   began   to   swell,
As   down   tbe   glen   away   sbe   went, My   lost   Kentucky   lielle."
One doesn't have to know Jeanette very long to understand why she won the popularity contest last year. She is a capable student, an energetic worker, a loyal friendthat is "why." 'Tis strange that one of Jean-ette's fastidiousness could tolerate anything "Dusty." She doesn't care much for the "mighty pin"; and has her  own  ideas  about   "individualism."
Robert  Louis   Bierbaum,   B.S.Agr.,   Louisville
Cheer Leader   (4);  Captain  "D"  Co.   (3); Agricultural Society,   Fruit Judging  Team   (4);   Louisville   Club. "My   name's   robert   Louis."
There's no doubt that "Beer's" name is Robert Louis he told the Commandant so! He is one of those city Agriculturists that have heard the call of the soil. While leading the yells, no situation was so tense as to cause Bob's pomp, to be disarranged. We won't say a single  little  word  about  that  cannon   episode.
Horace P. Bird, B.S. Agr., Shelbyville
Saddle Horse Judging Team; Class Football (2, 3); Agricultural Society; Student Representative to V. M. C.   A.   Convention   at   Kansas   City,   '14;   Turtles.
"He  who  by  the   plow   would   thrive Himself   must   either   hold   or   drive,"
"Buzzard" is sure one astute business man. That crew at Mrs. Arnett's boarding house has never succeeded in making a squirrel of Horace although he is a "Turtle." Horace has tried all kinds of college life from Fatimas to Tango Teas, but best of all he likes to take one of his many friends behind him on his motorcycle   and   strike   for   the   open   country.
Albert   Ricketts   Blackburn,   F..M.E.,   Petersburg
Mystic Circle; T 2; T H K; Glee Club; University Quartette; A. S. M. E.; A. I. E. E.; Dynamic Engineering Society; Turtles,
"There is no voice, whose  tones inspire Such  thrills of rapture through my breast."
If music hath charms to soothe tbe savage breast, "Blackie" can hypnotize a cage of monkeys with his sweet and mellifluous chords. His warbling was always a feature of the Glee Club concerts and with his brothers of the Tau Sigma, he is still occasionally seen on Saturday evenings, seeking whom he may serenade. Aside from" his musical ability and his propensity for athletic girls, he has acquired considerable knowledge of mechanical   engineering.
 John  Esten  Bolling,  B.M.E.,   r.oiiisville
A T O; T 2; Glee Club Manager (2, 3); University Quartette (2, 3); Strollers (1, 2, 3, 4); Business Manager (2), President (4); Class Orator (4); Idea Staff (2, 3, 4); Dynamic Engineerirg Society; A. S. M. E.; A.   I.  E.   E.;  T  B  K.
"Run  if you  like,  but  try  to  keep your breath;
Work like a man but don't be worked to death."
If you have a blurred vision of a young man rapidly making a hole in the atmosphere of the campus, you may know that is "Jack." Esten is in his element in college, and he is much inevidence in everything from dancing to  dynamos.
Esten would have probably made good in any department in school, since his talents and attainments are so varied.    He has been  "Jack the giant-killer" this year.
Amy   Isabelle   Breslin,    13. S.,    Louisville Louisville Club;  Philosophian  Literary  Society;  Horace Mann.
"Home-keeping  hearts  are  happiest."
From the .demure face and quiet demeanor of this young lady, one might judge her to be a country lass; but she has so strongly evinced her preference for "Townes" that it seems she will be happy nowhere else! The height of her ambition will probably be realized next fall when she can "cadet" in Louisville and teach the rising generation the hardest method of extracting the cube root. Evidently she is an omnivorous reader, judging  from  the time she spends  in  the  library.
Rexie Brooks, A.B., Murray
Sorores Amoris;  Vice  President of Horace  Mann   (2); Secretary of Pennyroyal  Club   (2);  Y.   W.   C.   A. "God gave her power to soothe  and bless And  the  calm   strength   of  gentleness." When   she   entered   college,   Rexie   must   have   adopted as  her  motto   "I  should  worry!"   for  she  is  always  in   a good   humor.
Due to her pernicious influence, her roommate has recently become infatuated with THE department, and gives more attention to sewing than to her own "major," A friendly word and a smile for every ore, a quiet poise and a level headand you have Rexie Brooks, the sort of girl K. S. U. is glad to number among its graduates.
Minott Brooke, B.M.E., Veechdale
T B II; Treasurer T B II (4); President A. S. M. E. (4); A. I. K. E.: I )ynamic Engineering Society; Class President (3); Subscription Manager Kentuckian; Class Haseball Manager  (2); Member Student Senate  (3).
"He  was  a  man,   take   him   for  all   in  all, I  shall  not look upon  his like  again."
The first public exhibition of this young man's ability was made when he led his class through the year 1913 with flying colors. Of course, his own department recognized his true wortli long before this and he was wisely selected to the much coveted membership of Tau Beta Pi. He is a quiet person but beneath the surface he has ambition, knowledge and initiative stored up in  the proper proportions to accomplish great things.
38 Marguerite   Brown,   B.S.,   Lexington
Horace   Mann   Literary   Society;   Philosophian   Literary   Society   (23) ;   Library   Club.
"The  lady  protests  too  much,   methinks."
"Marge" is noted for her originality. Her reserve, self-reliance and independence combine with her mental acumen to make her a valued member of the class. The first glimpse of her "frizzly," red-gold hair makes a fellow want to know her better. She could never be induced to set foot on a dance-floor but leaves that frivolous pastime to the rabble. Her indifference to all members of the masculine sex is aggravatingwhy she even got over the "Payne"  of her Junior year!
Teresa   Eugenia   Buchignani,   A.B.,   Lexington Catholic Club; Vice  President of Library Club   (4).
"The light of midnight's starry heavens Within   those   radiant   eyes!"
Teresa is "Lexington Maid" and as one would judge from her name she is a Modern Language major,and a good one, too. If you don't believe it, ask "Zemmie." She is the possessor of big, dark eyes, which probably owe their brightness to the hours she spent at the observatory last fall,star-gazing. Whether she uses her talents to guide struggling students through the mazes of a library or of foreign languages, she will do her part forcefully but gently.
Mary   King   Burrier.   B.S.,   Nicholasville
Secretary of Agricultural Society (3); Treasurer of Home Economics Club (4); Student Assistant in Home Economics   (3).
"Blow,  Wind!  Come,   rack!                               '
At   least   we'll   die   with   harness   on   our   back.
In Mary, behold the personification of industry! Her energy is "boundless ard she completes every task with the precision of mechanism. If you told her that the progress of the world did not depend on the performance of her daily tasks, she would be no less surprised than Chanticleer" when he discovered that his crow did not make the sun rise. Mary is one of those Home Economics "bugs" that can be found any minute of the day or night "buzzing" around in that fascinating laboratory on the third floor of the Educational  Building.
James    Elliott    I'.yers,    B.C.E.,    Client
A 2- Varsity Track Team (2-3); Gym Team; Tau Beta Kake;   Transit  Staff;   Glee   Club;   B.   S.   C.   E.
"And just when evening turns the blue vault to grey, To  spend  two  hours,   in  dressing  for  the  day."
The frails certainly fall for "Jakie's jaunty jabber." He is the lad who put the tang in tango. If you ever attended a math class or a dance, you've seen Jakie, he's   been   attending   both   for   four   years.
We will all miss the old boy, for he has certainly made life seem brighter for many since he has been around. George    F.    Campbell,    B.M.E.,    Butler
Secretary A. 1. E. E. (4); A. S. M. E.; Dynamic Engineering society; Student Track Manager (4); Turtles.
"Mix  with  your  grave  designs  a  little  pelasure; Each   day   of  business   has  its   hour   of  leisure."
George is one of these honest-to-goodness fellows who knows more than he tells and he is not at all stingy with his talk. As one of the incomparable trio of Snodgrass, Walter and Campbell, he plays one of the lead horns. George believes that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" and be is always on the "qui vive"   for a  little  excitement.
Ella   Mae   Cheat ham,   B.S.,   Louisville
Sorores   Amoris;   Secretary   Louisville   Club   (1);   Vice President Louisville Club   (3).
"Her face is sweet,  her brow is fair With the golden light in her sunny hair."
Yes,   Ella   Mae   began   her   colle
Walter Kenneth  Clore,  B.S.Agr.,   Ludlow
K 2; A Z Fat Stock Team, Kentuckian Business Staff, Class Baseball (1-2-3); Class Basket Ball (l); Strollers, Turtles,  Agr.   Society.
"-----and you  will   smile  at  their believing,
And  they  shall   weep  at  your  deceiving."
Although an "Ag" and they call him the "Country Boy," he does not look the part. "Chink," as he is familiarly known is certainly loyal. He even went to a frat house to live this year. "Chink's" ability in agricultural matters gained recognition when he was chosen for Alpha Zeta. He deserves most credit for having acted as SKm's guardian angel. Kenneth has made good during his stay here, and he has won a host   of   friends.
Anna   Elizabeth   Colegrove,   A.B.,   Ashland
Philosophian Literary Society; Critic of Horace Mann Literary Society (4) ; Vice President of Mountain Club (4);   Y.   W.   C   A.
"Full   well   they  laughed  with   counterfeited   glee At all  her jokes,  for many a joke had  she."
Pass " 'Lizbeth's" door almost any time of day and see her tatting! Tf you don't want her to get up at 5 A. M. next morning to finish that work, please forbear asking her to play "Rook," for she cannot resist, even though she "has to hurry" and tats between plays. Of course Elizabeth took Geology for she "was always crazy about Mountains" even before she became interested in the presidencyoh, I mean Vice Presidency of the Mountain   Club.
 James Henry  Coleman, A.B.,  Garretsburg
A A 2; T. K. A.; Varsity Debating Team; President History Club; Secretary Union Literary Society (3); Secretary Democrat Club (4); Henry Clay Law Society; Y. M. C. A. Cabinet; First Lieutenant (4); Press Association.
"Ah,  me,
That I the Judge's bride might be."
"Judge" did not decide to join us until he had spent some time at Berea, but we have already forgiven him for that since he promised never to return. He began as a lawyer, but decided he had best take A. B. first, in order to grace a high and mighty bench some day as he should. "Judge" is some military man, as you may find out if you step out on the parade grounds some day.
Townsel  Combs,   B.C.E.,   Smithsboro T B  K,  Mountain   Club,   Republican   Club,   B.   S.   C.   E. "Correct  to   a  gnat's   heel."
"Shorty" became a shark in math in his Senior year, and we wonder why he didn't start sooner. When he does get "on the job" you can bet that it will be done right. "Shorty" is a true friend, and ready to help at all times.     So here's hoping,  "'old boy."
We would like to know the name of the little lass back at   Smithsborohe   sure   is   faithful   to   her.
Samuel   Edwards   Cooke,   B.C.E.,   Harrodsburg
T B K; President Brooks Engineering Society; Business Manager   Transit;   Six-One   Club;   Managers'   Club.
"Welcome   ever   smiles
And   Farewell   goes   out   sighing."
"Tiny" and "Little Un"that has been an inseparable team for four years. "Tiny" doesn't care very much about frivolous pleasures; bis greatest pleasure being derived from showing Freshman Civils how much they don't know. Sammy has improved each shining hour since his stay, and every one will have pleasant recollections  of  that  old  smile.
James   Salmon   Conn ell.  B.S.,  Lexington
Agricultural   Society. "Better late than never."
While Tames has been with Little Joe's joyous jays but one year, he well knew that to graduate with that talented (?) bunch was an opportunity that even an Ag.   could  not   overlook.
He hasn't been here long enough for us to learn many dark   secrets   to   disclose.
41 Samuel   Newton   Courtney,   B.M.E.,   Owensboro
A. I. E. E.; A. S. M. E.; Dynamic Engineering Society;   Daviess  County   Club;   Class  Grumbler   (4).
"Oh,  were   I seated  as  high  as  my  ambition, I'd place this naked foot on necks of monarchs."
Owing to some misunderstanding, "Buck" became a Tau Beta Kake instead of a Pi. It may be said that the understanding was on his part. He is a social lion and when rigged out in his dress suit is a dream long to be remembered. He was elected "class grumbler'* not on account of his grumbling ability but on account of his argumentative nature. In the future, we expect to see him as-an able engineer, whether running a street car  or  managing   Edison's   works.
Albert   Gallatin    Craig,    B.S. Agr.,   Ghent
Agricultural Society; Patterson Literary Society; T.  K.  B.
"[  love  the cows and chickens."
And from all one could judge from Albert's effort to fuss the frails, that is all he does love. "Daddy" is one of the Agricultural students who is very interested in his work, and doesn't care about the bright lights. "Drop in when down at Ghentthat's where the river is."
Minnie   Tolliver   Cramer,   B.S.,   Lexington
Home Economics Club; Student Assistant in Household Chemistry and Physiological Chemistry (3) ; Staff and Crown;  Choral  Society.
"To  Woman was given  the peculiar grace To weep, to spin  and feed the Human  face.''
"Sissie's" time and thoughts have always been occupied with Johnnie and her beaux, however science seems to have entered into her life. We are just that proud of being able to protect her from T U.'s grasping ways before her B.S. was won. "Uncle Harlowe" has played an important part in Minnie's college life and we want to know why she has become less interested in music. Looking into her future, we can picture Minnie making use of her domestic science in a practical way (?) while her co-worker uses more theory than practice in his  work.
Walter    Bruce   Croan,    B..M.E-,    Shepherdsville
Class President (1) ; Lamed Pe; T B K; Dynamic Engineering Society; 1st Lieutenant Company B; Assistant Football Manager (3); Manager (4) ; Manager Class Football Team; A.  S.  M.  E.; A.  I.  E.  E.
"None but  himself can  be his  parallel."
These achievements tell nothing of W. B.'s popularity among his classmates. Ever since he led his "sledge hammer" cohorts in the attack upon the freshman stronghold in the gym building, he has been a mainstay of the class of '15. Whether upon the campus, in the classroom or on the athletic field, bis advice is sought by many and his presence gives to his fellow students the assurance and comfort that a trusted mariner might give to a stranded ship on a stormy sea.
 Grace  Anderson   Cruickshank,   B.S.,  Lexington
Secretary of Student Government Council (4); Secretary   of   Philosophian   Literary   Society   (2).
"Let other  other hands  fashion
The   marvels   of   art; To  thee   fate  has   given
A   loftier   part."
Did you ever have her ask you: "Say, you, why don't you come to Sunday school ? We just have the grandest times." If you haven't, you cannot understand what it is that brings success to everything Grace attempts. She came to our rescue just in time with her supply of recons