xt7qrf5kb12t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7qrf5kb12t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-06-01  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, June  1, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, June  1, 1923 1923 1923-06-01 2012 true xt7qrf5kb12t section xt7qrf5kb12t $200,000 Alumni Campaign to Start June 18th.

The Kentucky Kernel




No. 33









Teas to Feature


From my personal knowledge
I know that many students have
given to this fund sacrifically.
If those who have so given endeavor to spread this fine spirit
of loyalty upon their return to
their homes, the campaign will
be greatly assisted, the alumni
of the University welded into a
working whole and Kentucky
will be honored.
Head Dept. Physics.

Commencement season in Lexington will be opened formally Sunday,
June 3, when ibaccalaureate sermons
will be preached in the evening for the
graduating classes of Hamilton College, the College of the Bible and
Transylvania College.
Dr. J. J. Tigert, United States Commissioner of Education, and former
professor of psychology at the University of Kentucky, will deliver the
commencement address to the graduating class of the institution on the
lawn of Paterson Hall, Wednesday
morning, June 13. Dr. Tigert's subject will be "The Value of Education."
In case of rain the commencement ex
ercises will be held in the college
The 'baccalaureate address will be
delivered by Dr. George Ragland, pas
tor of the First Baptist Church, Sun
day afternoon, June 10, at 3:30 o'clock,
Dr. F. L. McVey will preside.
Class day exercises will be held on
Monday June 10, beginning at 10
o'clock. In the afternoon from 2 to 4
o'clock a tea will be given in the stu
dios in White Hall. The second an
nual gridiron dinner given by the
Alpha Delta Sigma fraternity will be






Appointed to Select

Plays For Next

At the closing meeting of the

Strollers, held in the Stroller room .Wednesday afternoon, May 23, the officers for

the ensuing year were elected and installed. Those who were chosen to
nil the places of the heads of the dramatic organization are Dan Morse,
president; Earl Maxwell Heavrin, director; William Blantou, business
manager; Robert Mitchell, treasurer;
Henry Harper,
Betty Barbour, secretary.
At the meeting the 'business of the
organization was discussed and a financial report was made, followed by
instructions to the new officers by the
retiring director, John Burks. The
will be conducted on a different plan next year and a few minor
changes in the constitution provide for
different management of the club.
Thre president, immediately upoa
his installation appointed a committee
to read plays for a selection for the
This committee is
1924 production.
composed of Frances Smith, Dan
Morse and Earl Maxwell Heavria.
The retiring officers who have beea
in charge of the work and government
of the Strollers for this year are Earl
Maxwell .. Heavrin,
Burks, director; jonu Aiungni, uusi
Smith, stage
ness manager; Gilbert
manager; Kitty Conroy, secretary.






Captain C. C. Calhoun, Chairman
of Stadium Campaign Makes


Bonnyman Gives $1,000;
First Secured From

Captain C. C. Calhoun, general chair
man of the campaign for the new sta
dium, basketball auditorium, Patterson
Memorial and student loan fund, feels
that one of the most important fea
tures of the campaign is the historical
and trophy room which will be incorporated in the new basketball auditorium.
In addition to a complete record of
the campaign it will include names of
Kall those who subscribed to the fund
showing the amounts that they subSTUDENT
GOVERNMENT scribed, photographs of members of
all the athletic teams, photographs of
all those winning honors in football
CREATE RULES and other sports, photographs of all
prominent alumni who have attained
Statement of Honorable Con- honors either in school or after leaving.
duct in Examinations Re- -'
This will be a room to which every
alumnus of the University may return
At the meeting of the Men's Student to pass an enjoyable hour and experCouncil, May 8, a resolution was pass- ience many happy reminiscences of
ed requesting that in all ifuture written the legend of the University and feats
examinations and quizzes, each stu- accomplished during their time spent
dent shall attach to the. written an- in college.
swers presented by him on such examinations a certificate in the follow- ALEX BONNYMAN, FIRST
ing words: "I certify upon honor that
I have neither given nor received as'Please enter my subscription for
sistance on this examination."
$1,000," signed Alex Bonnyman.
A resolution to the same effect was
This telegram was received from Mr.
passed by the Women's Administrative Bonnyman,
who is an alummnus of
the University of Kentucky and is now
The following letter puts further doing business as a coal operator at
emphasis upon the important part the Knoxville, Tcnn. It shows very plainteacher and student play in honest ex ly the interest which is being taken in
the present drive to raise $200,000 for
May 29, 1923.
the new stadium, basketball building,
Patterson Memorial and student loan
My Dear Professor:
President McVey has written
This subscription was entirely unyou calling attention to the resolusolicited and Mr. Bonnyman will have
tion passed by the Men's Student
the honor of being the first alumnus
Council and the Women's AdminHis
to subscribe to the campaign.
relative to
name will be included among those
quizzes and examinations, and has
donors of gifts of $1,000 and more,
requested your hearty
whose names will be inscribed on the
marble tablet to be placed in the enThe "penalty for cheating" is, as
trance arch of the new stadium. These
you know:
doners will be known as the founders,
"All cases of cheating in the
and it is hoped that more than fifty
University work must be report(Continued on Page 4)
ed to the Discipline Committee.
The least penalty for cheating in
examinations shall be suspension
for one semester."
The students and faculty of the
University of Kentucky made a
This rule is published for the
first time in the Bulletin just retheir loyalty to the University
cently issued, and while the suband to the idea of the stadium
stance of it is of course known,
when they went over the top
the exact ruling is not.
by subscribing $36,000. If the
We are asking you, therefore, to
Alumni and former students of
bring the resolution oi the stuthe University do as well the
to the
dent councils and the rule
amount required for the stadium
attention of each student in your
enterprises will be
and other
classes (before he or she enters inmore than subscribed and addito the examination and at the
tional money can be used for enclose.
larging the stadium plan. I
By complying with this request
look forward with confidence to
you will simplify the work of the
the accomplishment of this reDiscipline Committee.
Very truly yours,
C. R. Melcher, Dean of Men,
Frances Jewell, Dean of Women.


By subscribing $11,000 more
than the quota of $25,000 assigned to University of Kentucky students to be applied to
the building of a basketball auditorium and stadium, the fine
spirit and loyalty of "our boys
and girls" was never more admirably exemplified.
If they had not taken the
lead in this laudalble enterprise,
and "run away with the bit in
their teeth," so to speak, this
great campaign would have
doubtless resulted in failure.
I have lived and worked
among them for nine years, and
I have come to the conclusion,
that mentally, morally, physically and intellectually, they are not
surpassed by any young men or
young women on the continent.
Their prompt response to this
campaign demand is another expression of real fightin' blood.
Head Dept. Journalism.







Clever Impersonations of Faculty
Members Given By Stu-

Classes Move Into Places


By Departing Members


'Midsummer Night's Dream' Presented in Natural Amphitheatre on Campus
Night's Dream" was
given on the campus of the University
Tuesday night by the Dramatic Production Class under the direction of
assisted by
Professor Hincks. The play had been
scheduled for Saturday night, but on
account of rain had to be postponed
until Tuesday night.
The performance was given on a
temporary stage constructed in a hollow near the Agriculture Building. The
formed a beautiful natural
amphitheatre where chairs were placed to seat the audience of nearly 3,000.
Lights were brought from Neville Hall
and were successfully used. The stage
was artistically decorated with flowers and shrubbery.
This was the first outdoor production ever given by the Little Theatre
and from the enthusiastic praises and
hearty applause of the audience the
entire play seemed to be the great
success that had been anticipated. It
is hoped that this will be the first of
a series of such plays and may the
custom be kept up until it becomes
college proa part of the regular
The cast was as follows:
Theseus, Duke of Athens Wm,






(Continued on page 5.)




Dr. J. J. Tigert, Former U. K.
Professor to Deliver Graduation Address


The University of Kentucky is
to be congratulated
upon the
fine spirit of
the "Greater Kentucky Movement," shown by the students
of the University in the recent
stadium drive, with the same
spirit shown in the Alumni Association at large. The general
campaign was necessarily a suc-


Egeus, father to Hermia Virgil Vance
Dwight Bicknell.
Demetrius, in love with Hermia
George Cavenaugh.
Philostrate, master of revels to Theseus J. N. Snyder.
Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, betrothed to Theseus Mildred

The Seniors celebrated the traditional "moving
day" Tuesday
chapel which day is all the name implies, a day when the Seniors move
from their accustomed places and dare
defy the dignity of their instructors
and "take off" the most imitable members of the faculty.
Five members of the faculty entered
led by John Burks who presided over
the meeting. With his red hair and
with the twitches of his eyebrows, we
thought he was, and when he trans
lated ifrom the French a few extracts
on the inferiority of woman to man,
we knew he was none other than
Professor Farquhar.
"Miss Jewell" who was Beulah Still- -'
well dressed in a familiar black" cape
and brown hat with a great armful of
papers. In her address to the Fresh
men she said, "We can't have any
more Yellow Streaks. Doctor McVey
said, "Who gave ithem permission to
have such a paper," and I said I did.
Freshmen, you must study, tout you
are so lovely and so sweet, I can't
scold you."
Miss Margie, represented by Kitty
Conroy, was taken off in a clever man- (Continued


Page Four)







Cups Presented to Prize Com-

pany; Individual Awards
The cadet officers for the next year
were announced at the annual field day
of the R. O. T. C. Unit which was
held on Stoll Field Tuesday. The officers will be Roscoe Cross, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Comman-

der, J. H. Layman, Cadet Major, and
T. G. Foster, Adjutant. The captains
of the various compaies will be L. H.
Truitt, Co. A, C. W. Fitch, Co. B, C.
M. Spillman, Co. B, and J. E. Byers,
Co. D.

The program was interestingly and
entertainingly arranged and included
presentation of individual cups and
medals, exhibitions of tent pitching
and a demonstration of machine gun
and trench mortar fire.
The university cup for the best drilled company was presented to company
A, after which the individual cups were
Hermia, daughter to Egeus, in love presented to the students making the
highest general average for the school
with Lysander Martha Reed.
year. Individual cups were presented
Helena, in love with Demetrius
Frances Price.
to the following cadets together with
The Fairies, Children from Maxwell an additional token presented by the
Kentucky Unit of the American LeStreet School:
Oberon, King of the Fairies Burl gion: J. E. Kilkens, Senior; R. Cross,
Junior; J. R. McClure, Sophomore, and
Titania, Queen of the Fairies Mar- J. Brown, Freshman.
garet Humphreys.
The individual competitive drill was


on page five.)


on page 4.)

� Page


greetings to the member of the ctaee
IMS. I whrn everyone a meet de
Hfhtftu stay mm a preeferene year
ahead." A. O. lewden,
The New Mexiea State Teachers' Col
lege, Silver Cky, New Moako.


Alumni Notes
Edher AlaaaeJ feeretary


Betwixt Us

cluding a

lease on 15,000 acres
Kentucky provided by
Cincinnati capitalist, not an alumnus,
for demonstration of agricultural en
tcrprises and other educational work.
With the great forward strides being made now by former students of
the University along business lines
'remembrance of Alma Mater may be
expected in the endowment of various chairs, provision of funds for
buildings, for student help and to encourage research.
State institutions throughout the
country are sharing with privately endowed colleges and universities in
bequests of alumni and friends. Until the last year such a thing had been
unknown to Kentucky. A new era of
service and growth is the expectancy
of officials, faculty and students of the
University as well as alumni.
in Eastern

Newton Stout Taylor has been with
the Wcstinghousc Electric & Manu
facturing Company practically ever
since he graduated and since 1920 has
been acting manager of the Switch
board section of their East Pittsburgh
plant. He is living at 927 North Ave.,
Wilkinsburg, Pa.
The record of Charles White as an ac
tive member of the Alumni Associa
tion is an unbroken one so far as our
records show, and the check for dues
has arrived invariably between May
15 and June 15 each year. He has been
with the Western Electric Company
ever since graduating and is now tele
phone engineer at the .New York plant,
463 West Street Jtaataeace addrcs
425 North Grove Street, East Orange,


a number of years after grad
uating, Chester A. Kudbkr was in the


engineering epartment of the Westing-hous- e
Electric and Manufacturing Co.
Since 1920 he has been vice president
and general sales manager of the Duro
Pump and Manufacturing Co., Dayton,
M. Huber
1901 until April 1907, he was with 'he O. He married Miss Evelyn
October 11, 1913. They live at 420
Illinois Steel Company at Gary, Jud.
He then entered the e.npicv of the Volusia Avenue.
l.nnesscc "isl, Iror and Railway
Company anJ is now ohi:f ot 'lie liu
Soon after graduating
teau of Steam Enginceiin tlicre. He
Slade entered the employ ot the Kan
married Miss B. F. Duffy in
sas Gas & Electric Company, at Wichi1909.
They live at 2651
ta, Kans. In 1914 he was made asShadyside, Ensley, Ala.
sistant to the general manager and
Dr. John W. Gilbert has practiced
since 1920 he has been the district manmedicine at Lawrenceburg, Ky., for ager with headquarters at Witchita.
several years. He is an active member He has gathered around him quite a
ot t'le Alumni Association, his record colony of U. K. engineers.
showing no lapse except during the
James E. Mastin received his B. S.
period of the World War.
in Agriculture in 1911 and his M. S. in
1913. For a while he was chemist in
charge of the food laboratory, ExperWalter Pearson Kelley, who for a iment Station, Agricultural College of
while was chemist in government ser- Mississippi. In 1916 he entered the
vice in Hawaiii, has been Professor of employ of the E. I. du Pont de NeAgricultural
Graduate mours Company, at Wilmington, Del.
School of Tropical Agriculture and Since 1919 he has been with the Ward
Citrus Experiment Station of the Un- Baking Company and is now assistant
iversity of California, since 1914. His chief chemist at the plant in New York
address is 1415 W. 12th St., River- City. His residence address is 24 W.
83rd street.
side, Calif.
Ftb-ruar- y,

"I expect to be in Kentucky

in a few

days and hope to attend the Reserve
Officers 'Convention at Lexington At
the present time I am located in
Pa., and want my Kernel sent
to me here." David E. Kahn
Fuel Corporation,
care Penn-Ten- n
1435 Eleventh Avenue.
Douglas Graham
near Pembroke, Ky.
is now livNan Hornsby,
ing at Eminence, Ky.
'Ben M. Brigman
is professor
of engineering and drawing, and ad- vis or of men in th public tfohools of
Louisville, Ky.
Lucien Beckner
who is associate chairman of Clark county la
the drive for the stadium and allied
interests, was a visitor on the campus
last week. Marie iBeckner, stu
dent in Arts and Sciences College,
University of Kentucky, is a daughter
of Mr. Beckner. Their home is at
Winchester, Ky.

ex-1- 4,


ex-2- 3,

ex-'0- 3,

ex-9- 7,


Henbert L. Nagel was for a while
draftsman with the department f civil
engineering, City of Cincinnati. In
1916 he entered the engineering depart
ment of the City of Akron and remain
ed there until the beginning of the
World War. After his discharge he
returned to Akron as design engineer,
Bureau of Water Works Improvement,
He is now in San Francisco, Calif.,
address 2320 Funston avenue. Except
for one year during the war, his rec
ord shows a clean slate, as an active
Another member of the class of '12
whose dues have been received with
clock-lik- e
regularity except for one
year during the World War, is A. Sid
ney Winston, merchant at Sturgis, Ky.

Clarence Walter Ham received his
B. M. E. degree at ithe University of
Kentucky in 1905 and his M. E. degree at Cornell University in 1908,
where he was an instructor in mechanEdward Lee Rogers, living at 612 ical engineering.
He was assistant
Elamere Park, Lexington, Ky., is an professor
of machine design at Coractive member of the Alumni Assonell from 1915 to 1917 and then was
granted a year's leave of absence for
work on special problems of design at
Rochester, N. Y.
Henry E. Curtis, life member of the Since 1920 he has been professor of
Alumni Association, is always active machine design at the University of
in behalf of his Aim aMater. In adIllinois, Unbana, 111. He is one of
dition to his duties as head of the Fer- the joint authors of Marks Mechanical
tilizer Division, he is cashier of the Engineers' Handbook,
and is a
Experiment Station and treasurer of
authority on technical subjects.
the Athletic Council. He is living at
Another engineering graduate of the
355 Linden Walk.
class of '05 who pursued the teaching
profession for some time, is Keith
' Frazee Adamson, who was instructor
J. Paul LaMaster was bacteriolo
Miss Margaret I. King, has been li- - m mechanical engieering at the Uni gist at Elmendorf Farm, Lexington,
brarian at the University of Kentucky versity of Pennsylvania until 1914. Af for two years after receiving his B. S.
He then became an
for several years. Her record as an ter a few months in industrial work in Agriculture.
active member of the Alumni Associa he accepted the assistant professorship assistant, dairy division, U. S. Bureau
of mechanical engineering at Case of Agriculture, remaining with this
tion is unbroken. She lives at 22
School of Applied Science, Cleveland, division until 1919. Since 1920 he has
Limestone St., Lexington, Ky.
He left there to enter service been head of the Dairy Division at
during the World War and served as Clcmson Agricultural College, Gem
Major of Infantry. He is now Major, son College, S. C.
Another active alumnus on the facAfter receiving hit B. S. in Mining
ulty of the Experiment station is Geo Ordnance Department, U. S. A., Wash- Engineering, John P. Barrow was in
ington, D. C. His address is 1316 New
Roberts, who received his B. Pd de
the employ of the Youngstown Sheet
cree in '99 and M. S. in 01. He is Hampshire Ave., N. W.
and Tube Company until he entered
head of the Department of Agronomy.
service in 1917. In 1920 he with oth'06
Residence address 340 Transy'vania
ers, purchased the Transylvania PrintH. Ray Moore entered the employ ing Company and is now manager of
Park, Lexlagtoa.
of the Western Electric Company the business. He married Miss Carsoon after graduating and is now tele- oline Stcese of Youngstown, Ohio.
engineer at their Hawthorne, They have two little daughters, Lora
Calvin Evans Hardin has been prac- phone
Chicago plant. He lives in Riverside, Steese Barrow and Caroline Steese
ticing law in Leesville, La., for many
III., p. o. box 421.
Residence address, 119
years, and so far as our records show,
Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky.
he has been nearly always on the ac'OS
tive list o fthe Association. His oTice
"ComMfcncemcnt time k mow ap14
is Room 1401 Court House.
proaching, and I wish to extend to the
Henry L. Spencer is practicing law
alumni wha cmw frasa aM Mnuri
at Jackson, Ky. He is chairman of
the earth to their Alma Mater at this Breathitt county in the present drive
rrauK u. uiier receivea nis u. m. j rammtneemsnt eaao my heartiest
E. degree in '01 and M. E. '04. From greetings, but especially do I extend
(Continued on page 7.)




Launch Greater Kentucky Movement
The formal inauguration
of the
"Greater Kentucky" movement will be
the principal event of Commencement
Week, especially Alumni Day, June 12.
Workers in the four-fol- d
which will have its public beginning
June 18, are busy with advance gifts
which will be announced at one of the
alumni meetings June 12. The Student Loan, Patterson Memorial, Basketball Building and Stadium are pop
ular appeals to alumni and citizens.
Organization has been completed in
counties of Kentucky and
in all alumni clubs outside the state.
In half these groups there are representatives of the citizens-at-larg- e
expect to take an active part.
have been received of
some very large bequests to come to
the University from alumni and citizens. In the last twelve months gifts
have passed the $300,000 mark, not in

wrm You if

$125 Means

JUST 5 Cents A DAY

you miss 15 cents a day? Of
you wouldn't. Not even if you
The truth is
were very, very low financially.
that every day you spend much more than 1 5c
cents in amusements and little luxuries.


AGREEING on that 15 cents proposition

let us point out
that 15 cents a day amounts to $125 over a two-yeperiod.

And at least $125 from you and every University of Kentucky Alumnus will enable your University to build the best
Stadium in the South, the best Basketball Auditorium m the
United States, a Memorial Statue to former President Patterson
and an increase in the Student Loan Fund which will enable
worthy students, without financial support, to complete their

Canjou think of a better investment



5 cents ?

When a subscription card is placed in yonr hands don't quickly
take up your pen and sign the pledge for $125 pause a
moment and consider that your present good fortune is in a
measure due to the training you receive from your University,
and this is an opportunity to repay in part theydebtQwhich you

There are many Alumni who are going to
give twice, three times and ten times $1 25

Give at least $1 25, and get as much more as

YOU can.

For Your Alma Mater

How Much Can You Give
A $125
A $250
A $500
A $1,000
A $5,000



is ust 15c a day over a 31 month period,
is ust 30c a day over a 31 month period,
is lust 60c a day over a 31 month period
is just $1.20 a day over a 31 month neriod
h ust $6.00 a day over a 31 month period

Remember that over and above your personal expenses it
costs the University of Kentucky more than $300 a year for
your University Education.




Miss Rogers, who were dressed as
Spanish troubadours.
There were about five hundred
guests present for the brilliant and
beautiful event
E. Torrencc, Capt. and Mrs. Marvin
W. Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Len B. Shouse.
Among the other guests of Manor
were Lieut, and Mrs. W. E. Congletoa,
By The Gm Hnn
Capt. Brent G. Nunnelly, Capt. FredMame "Ain't dat Vaseh'no guy de
erick W. Staples, Lieut. Eugene L. berries?"
Jackson, Major Thompson
Rosy "You ain't said nuttin', he's
Major Roger W. Jones, Capt. Louis de canary's whistle"
V. Crockett, Lieut. Lewis L. Manson,
Mame "Dje see his last fillum?"
Lieut. W. Carter Haley, Lieut. Allen E.
Rosy "Vbetcha. Ain't he got de
Denton, Major Wallace G. Drummond,
Lieut. Richard H. Prewitt, Major L L. lamps?"
Mame "Gawd, yes; I'd go to work
Lieut. J.
H. Webber
Capt. Hart G. Foster, fer dat boid any time."
Major J. W. Watts, Major Charles T.
Rosy "You tell 'em, Victrola, he's
Smart, Col. Ike Wilder, Major Roy D. de whale's spout."
Gabbert, Major Charles Dobbs, Lieut.
Mame "You betcha, he's de cockJ. Howard King, Lieut. R. J. Buch-el- l, roach's thumbnail 1"
Rosy "Some brute, I'll tell 'em."
Lieut. C. H. Daugherty, Lieut. J.
Mame "You tell 'em, he's de
Holmes Martin, Major Sidney 'J Anderson, Capt. Russell F. Albert, Capt.
At the Finishing School
Lewis A. Maury, Lieut. W. W. Down
ing, Capt. Edwin W. Randle, Col. Gill
Gwen "Isrfit Rodolph awfully, terMcCook, of Steubenville, Ohio; Gen. ribly
Nell "Oh, awfully, airnply awfully."
James Tandy Ellis.
Gwen "Did you see his last pioturc
Others present were Col. George
clever, charming, wasn't it?"
D. Freeman, the 14 graduates of the
He could look
Gwen "Gorgeous
R. O. T. C. at the university, Messrs.
Daniel R Hall, F. A. C. Thompson, at me forever and ever."
Nell "Me, too; isn't he simply
J. . Wilkins, William H. Dickerson,
W. G. Hillen, Joseph H. Johnson, C. wonderful?"
Nell "Me, too, isn't he simply won
S. Carter, Theodore
Creech, F. M.
Heath, D. Nance, H. M. Clay, C. derful?"
sol I think
Gwen "Delightfully
Lane, N. G. Porter, Edward Gans,
Capt. and Mrs. S. L. Dorsey, Major he's terribly
Nell "Awfully, old dear."
Morris B. Gifford, Lieut. J. Allen MilGwen "He surely is wonderfully
ton, Capt. Armin Binder, Lieut, and
Mrs. Earle M. McGuffey, Lieut, and handsome."
At The College Club
Mrs. William B. Martin, Major and
Phyllis "Isn't Rodorph a virile
Mrs. H. B. Hickman, Mrs. Willis
Stewart, Mrs James P. Headley, Jr., actor?"
Gladys "Yes, his art smacks of the
Mrs. Armin Binder, Misses Laetitia
subtlety of the Orinental."
Magoffin, Ethel Snyder, Nancy Innes,
Phyllis "Did you ever see his
Mary Snell Ruby, Christine Gearhart,
Margaret Ligon, Catherine Jameson, Shiek?"
Gladys "Yes; clever, although ov
Betty Carrol, Margaret
ersexed, as to complex."
Dorothy Monroe, Ruth Gorman, DorPhyllis "I'd love to analyze him."
othy Middleton.
Gladys Wouldn't that be a lark?"
Phyllis "He has a wonderful ap
A Beautiful Affair
Gladys "Yes; at times I think I
The students of the College of En- am his spiritual affinity."
Phyllis "He is so attractive."
gineering, University of Kentucky, enPitt Panther.
tertained Friday evening with the enK
gineers' annual carnival ball in Dicker
Hall at the University. A pavillion had
Our cub reporter
been built on the south side of the hall
Was out strolling
with a little sairway leading up thru
With his girl ithe
one of the great windows, and this adOther day, and when
ded beauty to the scene. The hall, alThings got cloudy
ways a very attractive and interesting
She said, "Oh,
place, was elaborately decorated in
Dear, is beginning
green and white streamers festooned
To come down, meaning
over walls and ceiling and various colThe rain, doncherknow,
ored balloonsjiung from the garlands.
And 'Bill says, "Would
The pavillion was also decorated and
A safety pin help any?"
lighted with many lanterns. It had
And now he's wearing
been erected out among the trees and
A frown and a black eye.
there was moonlight.
The programs were in blue and
white, prints made by the engineers, I'm a losted lady, can't you find me?
and marked with an engine on the Over by the laurelee;
front cover.
Over where the reddest roses
The hosts, who were some of the Lure the little honey-Jbeeand brilliant students of Over where the nightinsinger
most talented
were assisted in enter- Makes the woods atremblo
taining by the chaperons: President With his pretty golden songlets,
McVey, Dean and Mrs. F. Paul An- Sametimes high and sometimes low?
derson, Dean and Mrs. C. J. Norwood,
Dean Frances Jewell, Prof, and Mrs. Over where the little fishes
W. E. Freeman, Prof, and Mrs. D. V. Go aswimmina up and down;
Terrill, Prdf. and Mrs. L. S. O'Ban- Over where the squirrels are climbing,
non, Prof, and Mrs. C. S. Crouse, Prof, Sometimes gray and sometimes brown;
and Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Prof, and Can't you find me? How surprising!
Mrs. E. A. Bureau, Prof, and Mrs. R. I am not the girl you'd hug.
Keep, asearching, though I'll fool you
D. Hawkins, Prof, and Mrs. B.
Prof, and Mrs. L. E. Nollau, Prof, For I'm just a lady bug.
and Mrs. J. B. Dicker, Prof, and Mrs.
S. Horine.
Burnham, of
The Blue and White orchestra fur- Paducah, for four years a member of
nished the music, and fruit punch
athletic teams at the University of
served all during the evening.
Kentucky, is the second school athThe costumes were quite varied and lete to be named as a student coach
many of them picturesque and effec bv the athletic coaacil af the uniw
tive. There were sheiks, trubadours, sity. He will have charge of the fresh
nurses, country bumpkins, pierrots, man baseball team.
pierrettes, columbines, Indians, clowns,
policemen, representatives of flowers,
Little Ethel had never eaten corn
baby costumes, etc. Prizes of boxes of boiled on the cob, and so enjoyed very
candy were awarded. The men's prize much the ear given her at a neighbor's
was won by Mr. Robert Clar whose table.
costume represented splendidly a shieW,
When she had eaten off all the cora
and the woman's prize by Miss Mar- and desired some more she handed the
garet Baker, very lovely as a Red cob to her hostess and said politely,
Cross nurse. The prize for the coup!e "Please ma'am, put some more leaves
was won by Mrs. R. W. Hogau and oa my skick." Young People.

The member ef the Alpha Gamma
Epsikm fraternity entertained with a
banquet Monday evening in the Patm
raom of the Phoenix Hotel.
Dr. Frank T. McFarland, faculty
member of the ifraternity, acted as
toastmaster and the following toatti
were given: F. A. Orth, "Our Future;" S. S. Shouie, "What Are Our
Ideal?"; O. L. Higdon, "Keep At It."
The following members f the active
chapter were present: Messrs. N. C
Beese, Dewey Welch, .Leslie M. Buck-ne- r,
Wiley Sams, H. C. True, T. L.
Hankins, O. L. Higdon, Ridgley
R. A. Wilkey, S. S. Shouse,
E. D. Armstrong, Ben R. Shaver, C. E.
Baldree, Jr., F. B. Jones, F. A. Orth,
Emmett Bradley and Joe Bradley.
Beautiful Tea For Visitors
The vocational guidance committee
of the University of Kentucky entertained Saturday with a beautiful afternoon tea in the reception room of
White Hall in honor of the Kentucky
Business and Professional Women
here for the state convention.
The room was decorated with roses
and other flowers and the tea table
had an artistic arrangement of flowers
and tall white candles in silver

In the receiving line were Miss
Frances Jewell, Dean of Women of the
Miss Adelaide Crane,
Judge Florence Allen, of Ohio; Miss
Stella Aikin, of Georgia; Mrs. Albert
H. Morehead, Miss Anne I. Baker, of
Paducah; Miss Nancy Carter, President McVey.
Assisting in entertaining were: Mr.
Carol Sax, Misses Marietta Eichetberg-e- r,
Flora Le Sturgeon, Margaret
Horsefield, Sarah T upper, Mrs. Lester
S. O'Bannon, Miss Bessie Desha. Also
McLaughlin, Miss
Miss Margaret
Mary Didlake, Miss Theresa
and Mrs. Charles Judsoa
Smith, who were on the committee to
obtain motor cars for taking the visitors a drive to Ashland and other
places, thence to the university.
Presiding at the' tea table were:
Misses Margaret Coffin, Sarah Bland- rag, Lulie Logan, Maylbelle Connell,
Gladys Lowe and they were assisted
by a gr